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2.1 2.1.1

MECHANICAL -GOVERNOR INTRODUCTION The BHEL Mechanical Governor is basically designed for speed control, however devices are provided to satisfy operation of a hydro set !nder the following condition" #teady #tate #$all Transient Large Transient Bloc%ed Gate The Governor is also designed to allow power and fre&!ency control' The basic principle of operation of the Mechanical Governor is as follow" The (end!l!$, )!adrant and the distrib!ting valve control the $ove$ent of the servo$otor' Te$porary *roop devices +*ashpot etc', receiving a feedbac% fro$ hydra!lic ret!rn $otion cylinder gives a feedbac% signal for controlling the $ove$ent of the servo$otors witho!t any h!nting' Governor para$eters Te$porary *roop percent bt and *ecay ti$e constant Td are set to allow stable operation of the hydro set' The stability +speed and power o!tp!t oscillations, is infl!enced not only by the above two para$eters b!t also by the T!rbine, Governor, Grid and (ipeline -haracteristics' (er$anent speed *roop device helps in the reg!lation' .re&!ency /s' Gate servo$otor relationship can be altered by changing the (er$anent *roop setting to achieve desired reg!lation' #peed setting device is provided to allow synchronising, $an!al load control and fre&!ency control' Bloc% diagra$ of $ech' Governor is given fig' 1

1 ('T2

- " #((E* 4 " -5MM64* #74G6L bt " TEM(58682 *855( Td" T7ME -54#T64T 5. THE *6M(74G *E/7-E' T2" #E8/5M5T58 8E#(54#E T7ME b( " (E8M64E4T *855( ( " *7..E8E4T76L 5(E86T58

bTptd 1 3 Td



Desc !"#!$%
The Mechanical Governor consists of the following parts" +i, +ii, +iii, +iv, +v, +vi, +vii, +viii, +i9, +9, +9i, (end!l!$ *istrib!ting /alve Te$porary 8et!rn Motion (er$anent #peed *roop )!adrant Low #peed *evice #peed #etting *evice E$ergency -ylinder Gate Li$it *evice 7ndication #ervo$otor By pass

#tart solenoid :; #/, and E$ergency #olenoid :; E# are provided to allow re$ote start and stop' Gate Li$it and speed setting is $otorised, as s!ch re$ote operation fro$ -ontrol roo$ or load despatch is possible'


.ig < Pe%&'(') The pend!l!$ consists of two weights +1=, $o!nted on g!iding springs +11, and held by two $ains springs +10, which balance the centrif!gal force created by the rotation of the pend!l!$' The pend!l!$ casing +11, is directly connected to the synchrono!s rel!ctance $otor +Elec' *evice 4o' :; M., and is $o!nted on ball bearings' The pend!l!$ weights +1=, are shaped as ca$s and control the a$o!nt of oil escaping fro$ two no>>les +1?, on the pend!l!$ spindle +1?,' The no>>les receive the oil fro$ the front cha$ber of the pend!l!$ relay +1@,' The front cha$ber +1@, receives oil press!re thro!gh diaphrag$ +1A,, and the bac% cha$ber +<=, is connected with the oil press!re thro!gh the diaphrag$ screw +<<,, which is a da$ping diaphrag$' The relay piston +<1, is !nder the infl!ence of the press!re in the cha$ber +1@, and +<=,, the for$er being infl!enced by the opening of the no>>le +1:,' The no>>le +1:, always faces the ca$s +1=, beca!se the spindle +1?, is driven by the pend!l!$ casing +11, thro!gh %eys +<0, in the spindle' The relay piston +<1, contains a ball thr!st bearing which trans$its lateral $ove$ent of the pend!l!$ spindle +1?, to the spindle e9tension +<;, and to the &!adrant +<1,' 8otary $ove$ent of the pend!l!$ spindle +1?, is not trans$itted and wear on the &!adrant plates +<?, is avoided' The lateral $ove$ent of the pend!l!$ spindle +1?, is linear with pend!l!$ speed the pend!l!$ weights +or ca$s, being shaped to achieve this' The pend!l!$ +01, is designed to avoid friction and is therefore e9tre$ely sensitive and e9e$pt fro$

sl!ggishness' The two ball bearings +1<, B +1;, which carry the pend!l!$ casing +11, are fed with oil'

.ig 0

D!s# !*'#!$% V+(,e (22) The pilot rod spring +;=, %eeps the &!adrant +<1, in contact with the pilot rod +;1, and the pend!l!$ spindle e9tension +<;,, the $ove$ent of the &!adrant +<1, is th!s trans$itted to the pilot rod +;1,' The pilot rod controls the discharge fro$ the pilot no>>le +;0,, which in t!rn controls the press!re of oil in the front cha$ber +;1,' The front cha$ber +;1, receives oil thro!gh the adC!stable diaphrag$ +;<,' The valve piston +00, closes the port +;;, when it is the ne!tral position' #ho!ld the piston $ove to the right, cha$ber +11;, will be connected to e9ha!st and cha$ber +11<, will be connected to press!re, th!s closing the servo$otor' The closing ti$e can be adC!sted by altering the thic%ness of the valve stro%e control ring +;?,'

.ig 1


Te)"$ + . Re#' % M$#!$% The te$porary ret!rn $otion consists of the ret!rn $otion piston +:1,, which is rigidly connected to the servo$otor piston +0=:, and operates, in the cylinder +:<,' The pipe +:0, connects the cylinder +:<, with the botto$ cha$ber +?1, of the dashpot +?=,' 6ny $ove$ent of the servo$otor is rigidly trans$itted to the piston +:1,, which drives the oil to and fro$ the botto$ cha$ber +?1, of the dashpot according to whether the servo$otor is opening or closing' 7t is i$portant to note that the dashpot will only wor% correctly after all the air has been evac!ated fro$ cylinder +:<, and pipe +:0,' The dashpot +?=, is co$posed of piston +0<, and cylinder in cha$ber +?1,, which is connected to cylinder +:<,' 6ny $ove$ent of the servo$otor is trans$itted thro!gh the piston +:1, to the oil in the cha$ber +?1, and therefore to the piston +0<,' The piston +0<, after leaving its $iddle position !nder the infl!ence of the servo$otor $ove$ent is slowly bro!ght bac% into its original $id position by the force of the spring +?0,' This $ove$ent is relatively &!ic%ly at the beginning and slows down considerably as the piston approaches the $id position d!e to the notch in the ride of the piston' The notch is shaped to give an e9ponential ti$e constant of 10 seconds' 7f a c!rve is plotted reas!ring dashpot stro%e against ti$e, the c!rve will be seen to the e9ponential to the $id position of the dashpot' This shape of c!rve is essential to the correct wor%ing of the dashpot' 7t ens!res stable governing and

after a load change a ret!rn to the sa$e steady speed of the t!rbine +i'e' ignoring the effect of the per$anent speed droop, which is &!ite seprate fro$ the te$porary droop,' The $ove$ent of the dashpot piston +0<, is trans$itted to the &!adrant +<1, by the vertical spindle, which is in contact with the f!lcr!$ lever +?1,'

.ig < Pe )+%e%# S"ee& V+ !+#!$% Ge+ Dhen operating several $achines in parallel, a s$all droop is necessary between no load and f!ll load to achieve load or reg!lation sharing' The per$anent speed variation gear provides this f!nction in the for$ of a range of adC!stable settings between =E and :E' The ret!rn $otion lever +:1, connected to the servo$otor piston rotates the shaft +01,, which carries the radial ca$ +10?,' The end +@1, of the ret!rn $otion rod bears against this ca$ so that $ove$ent of the servo$otor piston raises or lowers the rod' The ca$ +@0, on the ret!rn $otion rod is contin!o!sly in contact with the roller +?;, on the &!adrant +<1,' Dith the %n!rled wheel +@1, set at >ero, the parallel face of ca$ +@0, is in contact with the roller +?;,' This will give no speed variation' 7f the wheel +@1, is t!rned, the ca$ is rotated and presents an inclined face to the roller +?;,' The $a9i$!$ slope will be obtained with the wheel set at :E, this will prod!ce the $a9i$!$ speed variation' 7nter$ediate positions of the wheel +@1, will give corresponding speed droops' The opening sto%e of the servo$otor piston lifts the ca$ +@0, and, e9pect at the >ero setting of the hand wheel +@1,, the &!adrant will $ove hori>ontally away fro$ the ca$

+@0, d!e to its slopping face' This will tend to $ove the distrib!tion valve +00, in the closing direction' 2.1.2./ 0'+& +%# There are three basic $ove$ents of the &!adrant +<1,, which affect the distrib!tion valve +00,' 1' /iewed fro$ the side" a rotation cloc%wise and anticloc%wise $ove$ent, trans$itting the $ove$ent of the pend!l!$ spindle +<;, and rod +;1,' 0' /iewed fro$ the front" a rotational cloc%wise and anticloc%wise $ove$ent ca!sed by the $ove$ent of the dashpot piston +0<, against the &!adrant lever +?1,' This is converted in to a translatory $ove$ent of the rod +;1, by the slope on the p!sh plates +<?, and +<@, on the &!adrant +<1,' The spring +?<, holds the &!adrant lever +?1, on the top and of the dashpot piston rod, th!s eli$inating all bac% F lash in the gear' 1' /iewed fro$ the side" a translatory $ove$ent bac%ward and forwards ca!sed by the $ove$ent of ca$ @0' L$2 s"ee& De,!ce By t!rning the %n!rled wheel +@1, to the position setting to red!ce speed by ;E the ca$ +@0, is t!rned so that a parallel face is in contact with the roller +?;,' This parallel face is of a longer radi!s than that at a setting for =E droop and ca!ses ;E drop in speed in respect of all other setting on the governor' The device is of great convenience when the fre&!ency of the syste$ on which the generator $!st be co!pled is too low to co$e' Dithin the range of the speed control gear' 6fter synchronising, the %n!rled wheel +@1, $!st be ret!rned to the position giving the desired per$anent speed variation +this ca!ses the governor to open the t!rbine,' S"ee& Se##!%4 De,!ce The speed of the t!rbine can be controlled either by hand with the hand wheel +A=, or by re$ote control of the electric $otor +A1,' The electric $otor +A1, of the +Elec' *evice 4o :; M#, drives the gear wheel +A1,' The hand wheel +A=, drives the gear wheel +A1, by si$ilar bevel gears' Gear wheel +A1, drives the rod +A<,, which is placed in the centre of the distrib!tion valve +00,' T!rning the hand wheel +A=, will, therefore, screw the rod +A<, in or o!t of the distrib!tion valve piston +00, ca!sing the no>>le +;0, to ta%e different positions relative to the valve steering edges and in conse&!ence, the speed setting of the governor is altered' The grad!ated scale +A;, near the handwheel +A=, gives the speed setting, which can be varied fro$ 3;E to F ;E of the nor$al speed' E)e 4e%c. C.(!%&e (23) (ress!re oil is s!pplied to the e$ergency cylinder +0?, thro!gh the diaphrag$ +1=;,, and d!ring nor$al r!nning the press!re in the cylinder %eeps the spring co$pressed' 7f the speed of the generator drops or if the governor drive fails, the pend!l!$ spindle +1?, will $ove to the right and at appro9i$ately ?;E of nor$al speed, the ann!lar slot +1<1, in the pend!l!$ e9tension spindle +<;, is in line with the port +1=0,, which is connected to the starting valve +:;#/,' This valve is open to e9ha!st at all ti$es other than when act!ally starting and therefore !nder nor$al r!nning conditions oil will escape fro$ the

e$ergency cylinder +0?, to e9ha!st' 8eleasing press!re fro$ the e$ergency cylinder allows the spring +1=1, to act on the lin% +1=<, and hence the lever +1=1, so that the lin%age stri%es the &!adrant +<1, p!shing the top half forward to the left and the lower half to the right' This ca!ses the distrib!tion valve +00, to $ove to the right, which closes the servo$otor' G+#e L!)!# De,!ces The operation of the gate li$it is as follows" By $eans of the gate li$it control switch, the li$it is adC!sted !ntil the re&!ired setting is indicated on the dial in the control roo$ or the GlocalH dial on the t!rbine panel' The g!ide vanes can open !nder nor$al control !ntil this opening is reached, the gate li$it then e9ercises an over riding control and prevents the gates opening f!rther' The gate li$it device consists of three $ain parts' i' ii' iii' The geared $otor !nit +101, +Elec' *evice 4o' :; ML,' The gate li$it lever +100, The gate li$it operator +101, 7n addition the ret!rn $otion ca$ +10?, on the act!ator ret!rn $otion shaft is !tilised' There are also li$it switches +11= and 111, operated by lever +10:, to prevent $is!se of the e&!ip$ent' The b!ild!p of the parts is as follows" the ret!rn shaft +11, is rotated thro!gh a total angle of <=I for f!ll servo$otor stro%e and this shaft carries the ret!rn $otion ca$ +10?, which is rigidly located on it by $eans of tapper pin' The gate li$it lever +100, is $o!nted on the boss at the bac% of the ret!rn $otion co$ and is free to rotate in a plane parallel to that of the ret!rn $otion ca$ +10?,' This lever +100, is lin%ed to the cran% of the gearbo9 +101, and its rotary position is adC!sted by e$ergising the gate li$it $otor' The gate li$it operator +101, is carried by the boss of the lever +100, on which it is free to pivot bac%wards and forwards' 5il press!re behind the print valve +10@, $aintains a of a contin!al thr!st on the bac% of the operator +101, and this is ta%en by rollers $o!nted on the front of the operator which can roll across the bac% of the ret!rn $otion ca$ +10?,' 6s the gate position approaches the gate li$it on an opening stro%e, these rollers travel !p the face of the ca$ wedge on the bac% of the ret!rn $otion ca$ and tilt the operator +101, to the right, towards the distrib!tion valve' /alve +10@, trans$its this $ove$ent to the right !ntil no>>le +;0, is being starved of oil' The valve +10@, is then controlling the position of valve +00,, which is in t!rn $oved to the right !ntil e&!ilibri!$ is achieved and the servo$otor cannot open f!rther !ntil the gate li$it is increased' 7t sho!ld be noted that, sho!ld be pilot rod +;1, $ove to the right, the valve +00, will also $oves to the right and the servo$otor will close the g!ide vanes' I%&!c+#!$% The gate position as indicated by the ret!rn $otion ca$ is trans$itted electrically trans$itter +10;, to the dial indicator on the control panel' #i$ilarly the gate li$it setting as represented by the gate li$it lever and operator is trans$itted by +10<, These trans$itters and receivers are of the *E#244 potentio$eter type'


Se ,$)$#$ B.-P+ss This by pass is s!pplied with all do!ble acting act!ators so that if the servo$otor which the act!ator s!pplies has a hand gear for positioning the g!ide vanes, then oil can be circ!lated fro$ one side of the servo$otor to the other' The by pass valve +11A, M!st always be %ept closed e9cept for hand operation of servo$otor, when the governor oil valve sho!ld be closed' O"e +#!$% *rop in load F The operation of the governor act!ator can best be e9plained by ta%ing an e9a$ple of the operation of reg!lation, for instance, as it occ!rs on a s!dden drop in load' Dhen this ta%es place, the speed of the set and th!s the speed of the pend!l!$ increases' The weight +1=, inside two pend!l!$ casing are s!bCected to an increased centrif!gal force, which e9pands the springHs +10, to a greater e9tent than before' The ca$s on the pend!l!$ weights will have a tendency to leave the no>>le +1:, giving an increased area to discharge oil fro$ these no>>les, releasing, therefore the press!re in the cha$ber +1@,' The spindle +1?, will $ove to the left !nder the action of the press!re in cha$ber +<=, !ntil the no>>les +1:, are again in the i$$ediate neighborhood of the ca$s' The pend!l!$ spindle e9tension p!shes the &!adrant +<1,, which pivots ro!nd its a9is perpendic!lar to the pend!l!$ a9is of rotation' The &!adrant p!shes the pilot rod +;1,, which closes the no>>le +;0, b!ilding !p press!re in the cha$ber +;1,' This ca!ses the distrib!tion valve +00, to $ove to the right, ca!sing the servo$otor to close' Dhilst the servo$otor piston $oves in the closing direction it ta%es the piston +:1, and oil fro$ the cha$ber +?1, will be drawn in cylinder +:<,' The dashpot piston +0<, will drop, followed by the &!adrant acting in s!ch a way as to ret!rn the pilot rot +;1, and, therefore, the valve +00, in its ne!tral position' This co$pensating $ove$ent is te$porary only as the dashpot piston +0<, will slowly co$e bac% in its $iddle position, !nder the infl!ence of the spring +?0,' #i$!ltaneo!sly, the gear for per$anent speed variation operates' The rod +0;, is $oved and the ca$ +@0, according to the setting of the %n!rled wheel +@1, allows the roller +?;, to $ove to the left, which gives a per$anent increase of steady speed at lighter loads' 7f the %n!rled wheel +@1, is set at >ero, the roller +?;, will roll on the parallel side of the ca$ +@0, and no change in steady speed will after appear re$oval of the load' The variation of steady speed between f!ll load and no load can be adC!sted s!ch as to divide the load as desired between parallel r!nning sets'

2.1.2.-.1 2.1.-.2


7ncrease of load F Dhen the load increases the speed of the set drops and so does the speed of the pend!l!$' The flyballs +1=, develop less centrif!gal forceJ the springs +10, p!ll the weights, and therefore the ca$s on the no>>les +1:,' This closes the no>>le openings and press!re in cha$ber +1@, b!ilds !p i$$ediately' The piston +<1, is p!shed


to the right' 7ts $ove$ent is trans$itted by the spindle e9tensions to the &!adrant +<1, and the spring +;=, obliges the pilot rod +;1, to follow the $ove$ent of the &!adrant' The discharge of the no>>le +;0, is increased, the press!re falls in cha$ber +;1, and the valve +00, is driven to the left by the !nbalanced forces of the press!re' The press!re cha$ber +;@, is $ade to co$$!nicate with the opening side +;:, of the servo$otor' 6s the servo$otor opens, piston +:1, displaces the oil in +?1,, the piston +0<, $oves !pwards and thro!gh the lever +?1, rotates the &!adrant +<1,' 6s the &!adrant rotates, its ca$s present different points of contact with the pend!l!$ spindle and the pilot rod +;1, and brings the valve +00, to the right bac% in its ne!tral position' Then the dashpot piston +0<, will slowly $ove bac% in its $iddle position while the gear +0;, will introd!ce a per$anent speed according to its setting' 7f the generator is to be !sed in a syste$, then the operation of the act!ator is described as follows' The act!ator will control the servo$otor !ntil the speed of the t!rbine, and hence the generator is nor$al and at no load +speed Fno load,' The speed is then tri$$ed by operating the speed control gear !ntil the generator fre&!ency $atches the syste$ fre&!ency' +The voltage is also tri$$ed so that generator volts $atch the syste$ volts,' Dhen the generator is in phase with the syste$ fre&!ency, the circ!it brea%er is closed and the generator will r!n at synchrono!s speed, th!s the pend!l!$ will r!n at this speed and the pend!l!$ e9tension +<;, will re$ain in one position as long as syste$ fre&!ency re$ain constant' To load the t!rbine the speed control gear is raised' Dhich by withdrawing no>>le +;0, ca!ses valve +00, to $ove to the left and open the servo$otor' The opening rate of the servo$otor is controlled by the dashpot +?=, b!t the final position, which the servo$otor reaches, is deter$ined by the per$anent speed variation setting +@1,' 7f for e9a$ple this is set at 1E, a 1E increase of speed control gear setting will ca!se the servo$otor to open to the f!ll load position'



MAINTENANCE8 G$,e %$ Ac#'+#$

.7G ;

The Governor 6ct!ators are f!lly tested before leaving the wor%s and all adC!st$ents are $ade to ens!re correct wor%ing' Dith reco$$ended grade of oil, the governor sho!ld well with f!rther adC!st$ents site' The instr!ctions for setting as given below will be fo!nd !sef!l to obtain a better !nderstanding of the vario!s parts and per$it i$prove$ent on perfor$ance if s!ch are desired once the $achine has been p!t into service' a, b, The correct grade of oil $!st be !sed, shell T!rbo :@ or e&!ivalent' 7rreg!larities in governing $ay be prod!ced by i$p!rities in the oil' The parts effected sho!ld be re$oved, Dashed in paraffin and p!t bac% in their correct positions, after caref!lly re$oving possible b!rrs or scratches' 7$p!rities in the oil are liable to !pset the wor%ing of the diaphrag$s +1A,, +<<,, +;<, and +1=;, etc'



The vario!s diaphrag$s !sed on the governor ite$s +1A,, +<<,, +;<, and +1=;, are not all of the sa$e type' Dith the e9ception of the diaphrag$ +;<, all of the above $entioned are, in their correct position, screwed right ho$e' The diaphrag$ +;<, however, which ad$its oil the pilot cha$ber of the distrib!ting valve, is not to be screwed right ho$e' 7f for cleaning or any other reason diaphrag$ +;<, is re$oved, it is i$portant to p!t it bac% in the sa$e position again, i'e' in the position corresponding to its nor$al wor%ing' *iaphrag$ +;<, is adC!stable' To find its correct position the following proced!re sho!ld be adapted" 6d$it oil press!res to the act!ator, co$press the spring +;=, and p!sh the pilot rod +;1, in and o!t' -hec% by the indicator that the distrib!ting valve e9actly follows rapid $ove$ents of the pilot rod +;=,' The diaphrag$ +;<, sho!ld be screwed in or o!t !ntil s!ch a position is attained that the distrib!ting valve +00, precisely follows the $ove$ents of the pilot rod +;1,'


6dC!st$ents on the governor can be $ade with the act!ator front cover re$oved' The gear for per$anent speed variation +0;,, which is $o!nted on this cover, is re$oved with itJ the governor can wor% nor$ally !nder s!ch conditions, the only difference being that there is no per$anent variation in steady speed between no load and f!ll load' Dhen starting for the first ti$e, it is necessary to eli$inate air in the dashpot by $a%ing a few partial stro%es of servo$otor, as air in the dashpot will ca!se h!nting' H!nting $ay also be d!e to i$p!rities in the oil, ca!sing obstr!ctions, or it $ay be d!e to want of adC!st$ent of the overlap of the distrib!ting valve +00,' The overlap is to be red!ced, if necessary, by filing notches on the valve piston +00,' This operation is, however, to be $ade with e9tre$e care, as too $!ch red!ction of the overlap in the valve will lead to e9aggerated sensitivity of the governor, which will then beco$e too lively' The pend!l!$ spindle +1?, p!lsates at the rate of its nat!ral fre&!ency, and the a$plit!de of these p!lsations controlled by diaphrag$ +<<, $!st be s!fficient to ca!se the distrib!ting valve +00, to oscillate constantly to and fro and so control the oil to the servo$otor as to $a%e the p!lsations C!st felt on the deflector $echanis$' Too large p!lsation will ca!se wear' Too s$all or no p!lsation deadens the governor gearJ th!s delay ta%es place in response to the slightest speed change, and a slow h!nt is created' Dhen the p!lsations are only C!st felt at the deflector $echanis$ then the best conditions prevail for &!ic%ness of response, in spite of possible slight bac%lash and friction in the connecting $echanis$ between the governor and the deflector $echanis$' This condition is achieved by C!dicio!s control of diaphrag$ +<<, and adC!st$ent of overlap on the distrib!ting valve +00,, The standard overlap of the valve is ='?;= witho!t notches' The a$plit!de of the p!lsations of valve +00, sho!ld be abo!t the sa$e si>e as the overlap'



Dith an frce gear b!t so$e bac%lash, notches will give a s$oother transition of steering and the p!lsations of the servo$otor $!st be s!fficient to over r!n the bac%lash' Dith s$all bac%lash and little friction, the p!lsation and the overlap can be red!ced, the tapering notches giving the s$ooth control' This gives the best operation' Therefore bac%lash and friction $!st always be %ept as s$all as possible in the control gear connecting the governor to the t!rbine, as well as in the ret!rn $otion gear' 7n case of h!nting ens!re that diaphrag$s +;<, is correctly set +see K above,' H!nting can be red!ced by increasing the angle of inclination of the !pper and lower p!sh plates +<?, and +<@, b!t this sho!ld not be restored to before all other ca!ses have been eli$inated, beca!se in creased co$ipensation will lead to poorer perfor$ance on throwing on and off load' f, 7t is not essential to avoid any entry of air into the ret!rn $otion cylinder' (resence of air will lead to h!nting and can be ascertained by pressing by hand on the &!adrant lever +?1,' The dashpot $!st show not tendency to recede !nder press!re of the hand when applied for a fraction of a second' 6ny co$pressibility of the field !nderneath the dashpot piston is a sign of presence of air and $!st be eli$inated' 7f after closing stro%e the $ove$ent !pwards of the dashpot bac% to $id position is too &!ic%, it is then li%ely that air is finding access to ret!rn $otion cylinder or pipe' 7f this $ove$ent proceeds at the nor$al rate +i'e' si$ilar to the downward $ove$ent, b!t the dashpot recedes when pressed by hand, the air located within the ret!rn $otion cylinder or pipe sho!ld be e9pelled by the ne9t reg!lating $ove$ent' 7f this is not the case it $!st be chec%ed that there is no poc%et where air can collect and re$ain' Dhen erecting the $achine, it is best to fill the ret!rn notion cylinder and connecting pipe with clean oil fro$ a cane by disconnecting the pipe' 6ll Loints fro$ ret!rn $otion cylinder +:<, to dashpot +?1, $!st be caref!lly asse$bled, as perfect air tightness is essential' g, 1' 0' 7n case of speed rise e9ceeding g!aranteed fig!res after throwing of load, it $!st be ascertained"

That the closing ti$e of the servo$otor is as short as designed' That the pend!l!$ spindle does not lag behind the rising speed as wo!ld be the case with too $!ch da$ping screw +<<,' This can be red!ced if necessary down to 10MM length, or even 1=MM' 1' That the ret!rn $otion co$pensation is not e9cessive' The co$pensation will be red!ced by red!cing the slopes of the p!sh plates on &!adrant +<1,' 7t will not be possible to red!ce the co$pensation indefinitely as a point will be reached where h!nting will appear'



Mec:+%!c+( 4$,e %$ &!+4 +) $; c$%# $( %')*e s +01,' (end!l!$ +00,' *istrib!ting valve +01,' 8et!rn $otion shaft +0<,' *ashpot (iston +0;,' (er$anent #peed /ariation Gear +0:,' #peed -ontrol Gear +0?,' E$ergency -ylinder +0@,' Loading #prings +0A,' (end!l!$ Deights +1=,' G!iding springs +11,' Main (end!l!$ #prings +10,' (end!l!$ casting +11,' Ball Bearing, drive #ide +1<,' Ball Bearing, #pindle #ide +1;,' 4o>>les +1:,' (end!l!$ #pindle +1?,' .ront -ha$ber of 8elay +1@,' *iaphrag$ to 1@+1A,' Bac% -ha$ber of 8elay +<=,' 8elay (iston +<1,' #liding Neys +<0,' )!adrant +<1,' *iaphrag$ to <=' +<<,' (end!l!$ #pindle E9tension with ball thr!st bearing' +<;,' E9ha!st fro$ (end!l!$ -ha$ber +<:,' Opper )!adrant (!sh (late +<?,' Lower )!adrant (!sh (late +<@,' (ilot 8od #pring +<A,' (ilot 8odd +;=,' (ilot 4o>>le +;1,' 8elay -ha$ber +;0,' *iaphrag$ to ;1' +;1,' 5pening in valve sleeve +;<,' /alve stro%e control ring for control of closing ti$e' +;;,' (ress!re -onnection' +;:, Holes in;? for control of opening ti$e' +;?, Holes in 00P+;@,' 8et!rn Motion Lever +;A,' 8et!rn Motion (ipe +:=,' 8et!rn Motion (iston +:1,' 8et!rn Motion -ylinder +:0,' -onnection to #ervo$otor (iston +:1,' *istrib!ting /alve #leeve' +:<,' *ashpot Lower #pring' +:;,' *ashpotv:?'*ashpot cha$ber +:?, *ashpot Opper #pring +:@,' )!adrant Lever +:A,' )!adrant #pring +?=,' )!adrant .!lcr!$ 8olier' +?1,' *ashpot 8eservoir +?0,' )!adrant #tro%e 7ndicator +?1,' Ball end of (er$anent #peed /ariation 8od +?<,' (er$anent #peed /ariation -a$ +?;,' Handwheel for setting 0;' +?:,' 5il Hole in @1+??,' Loc%ing #crew for @1+?@,' #pring for 0;+?A,' Hand wheel for -hange of speed gears 0:+@=,' Motor for change of speed +also :; M#,+@1,' #lipping -l!tch +@0,' Gear wheel +@1,' *istrib!ting /alve -entral 8od +@<,' #cale for speed setting +@;, Ter$inal Bo9 +@:, #lipping -l!tch #pring +@?,' E$ergency -ylinder #pring +@@,' (ort for E$ergency -ylinder 0? +@A,' Lever at lower end of 1=:+A=,' Lin% between 1=1 and E$ergency cylinder piston +A1,' *iaphrag$ to 0?+A0,' Hand starting lever, shown in position to r!n +A1, #h!tting down coc%, shown in position to r!n +A<,' Tacho$eter drives +A;, *ial Tacho$eter +A:,' T!rbine 5pening 7ndicator +A?,' (ort to closing side of servo$otor +A@,' (ort to opening side of servo$otor +AA,' 6ct!ator serial no' (late +1==,' (ress!re 7nlet' +1=1,'*rain Hole+1=0,'#ervo$otor By pass+1=1,'General M Motor !nit for setting Gate li$it+also :;ML,+1=<,'Gate Li$it Lever+1=;,'Gate Li$it 5perator+1=:,'Gate Li$it (osition Trans$itter+also 11L,+1=?,'Gate (osition Trans$itter+also 11 (,+1=@,'Li$it #witch Lever+1=A,'8et!rn Motion -a$1+11=,'Gate Li$it (ilot val!e+111,'(ilot opening for Gate li$it in *istrib!ting

/alve 00'+110,'Li$it switch to stop 101 at =E Gate (osition +also :; L 1, +111,'Li$it switch to stop 101 at 1==E Gate (osition +also :; L 1,+11<,'6ct!ator Ter$inals+11;,'Li$it switch to stop A1 at low setting+11:,'Li$it switch to stop A1 at high setting+11?,'(ipe connection to e$ergency cylinder 0?+11@,'Li$it switch to stop 101 at and above ;E E9ha!st Groove in <;' 2.1.-./ G$,e %$ c:+ +c#e !s#!c I (D+#+) i' #peed *ead Band ii' 8ange of adC!st$ent of per$anent speed *roop iii' #table operation g!aranteed for a $ini$!$ per$anent speed *roop of iv' G!aranteed range of speed level setting for which Governor will control the T!rbine Effectively' v' 8ange of adC!st$ent of gate closing ti$e vi' vii' viii' 8ange of adC!st$ent of gate opening ti$e' Type of Governor #peed 8esponsive Ele$ent +(end!l!$ Motor,' Motor Type #peed .re&!ency /oltage Mini$!$ t!rbine speed at which Governor operation will start' 5il (ress!re 8ange *esired $ini$!$ oil (ress!re Ma9i$!$ safe oil press!re for Governor' Te$porary speed *roop 8ange' Te$porary speed *roop decay ti$e constant #ervo$otor 8esponse Ti$e 5il Type ='0; = :E 0E A; to 1=; E of nor$al speed +or so$e other val!e, Gate (osition +also :;L 1,+11A,'(ipe connection to e$ergency cylinder for #olenoid #tart /al!e'+10=,'E$ergency cylinder

#ingle desired setting available' do Mechanical #ynchrono!s 8el!ctance' ?;= rp$ ;= H> 10= / no$inal 6ppro9' ?;E of 4or$al speed 0= 0; NgQc$0 1: NgQc$0 1= NgQc$0 10 to @=E 10 #ec'+#tandard setting , ca$ be changed to s!it' ='0 secs' 75- T!rbine oil 1? Mobil *TE heavy Medi!$ or e&!ivalent

i9' 9' 9i' 9ii' 9iii' 9iv' 9v' 9vi'


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