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THE UNEXAMINED LIFE Copyright 2014 Nigel Lo I once h !

! teen ge "oy #$ %e thi# #tr nge "&t #igni'ic nt (&e#tion) *+hy re ,e here-*. He , # e ger to 'in! o&t n! he , # h&ngry 'or n#,er#. He i#n/t lone. To! y %ore th n e0er1 people re #e rching 'or the%#el0e# n! their i!entity. Intere#tingly yo&ng people re , nting to % $e !i''erence %ore th n e0er. A# %o!ern #oci l c&lt&re e0ol0e#1 yo&ng people to! y 'eel the nee! to contri"&te. They re highly %"itio&# n! they , nt to ch nge the ,orl!. The ol!er gener tion1 # they loo$ " c$ n! re'lect on their !ec !e# o' #pent li'e1 % ny o' the% re li2e th t they h 0en/t re lly *li0e!*. Thi# i# ,hen the #tern ,or!# o' 3ocr te# th t *the &ne4 %ine! li'e i# not ,orth li0ing* #ho&l! "e &#e! to reignite the 'ire in their #pirit. +h t !i! the F ther o' 5hilo#ophy %e n "y th t (&ote- +h t i# n *&ne4 %ine! li'e*It #o&n!# &no"6ection "le) n enco&r ge%ent to "e '&lly h&% n1 to &#e o&r highly !e0elope! ' c&lty o' tho&ght to r i#e o&r e4i#tence "o0e th t o' %ere "e #t#. For i' ,e !on/t thin$1 ,e re no %ore th n ni% l#1 #i%ply e ting1 #leeping1 ,or$ing n! procre ting. 78 ggini1 2009: 5eople ,ho !o e4 %ine their li0e#1 ,ho thin$ "o&t ,here they/0e "een1 ho, they got here1 n! ,here they/re going1 re %&ch h ppier people. No one h # ll the n#,er#. An! no one/# li'e i# 'ree 'ro% tro&"le n! #tri'e. 8&t tho#e ,ho h 0e #o%e #en#e o' ,here they "elong in the &ni0er#e l#o h 0e conte4t 'or &n!er#t n!ing ho, ll the ele%ent# o' their li'e 'it together... E4 %ining yo&r li'e "ring# tre%en!o&# 'ree!o%. 75 l ch&$1 2001: 3o ,h t !oe# it %e n 'or &# to h 0e tr&ly *li0e!*Intere#tingly1 they re % ny interpret tion# to th t (&e#tion. Ho,e0er1 it i# 0it l n! o' &t%o#t i%port nce th t ,e &n!er#t n! one thing n! th t i# ,e ll #ee$ to chie0e e0erl #ting h ppine##. H ppine##1 #&cce## n! li0ing A p&rpo#e'&l li'e i# p&rpo#e'&l li'e re ine4tric "ly rel te!. li'e ,ith c &#e.

li'e o' p&rpo#e1

E rl Nighting le !e'ine! #&cce## # *the progre##i0e re li2 tion o' ,orthy i!e l*. Nighting le e4pl ine! th t1 e0ery per#on ,ho i# #&cce## i# #o%eone ,ho i# con#t ntly ,or$ing to, r!# re ching their go l#. Hi# #e0er l e4 %ple# o' #&cce##'&l people re%o0e! the #tereotype thin$ing th t #&cce##'&l per#on h ! to "e rich1 po,er'&l n! ' %o&#. He # i! th t *the % n ,ho r&n# the corner g # #t tion i# #&cce## "ec &#e it , # hi# !re % to !o #o* or the te cher ,ho #pen!# hi# or her ye r# pl nting #ee!# o' $no,le!ge into chil!ren n! , tch the% gro, into &#e'&l %e%"er# o' #ociety , # #&cce## 6&#t # %&ch.

No, co%e# the (&e#tion) Ho, !o ,e rel te #&cce## to h ppine##;ne o' %y ' 0orite "oo$# o' ll ti%e i# *The Mon$ +ho 3ol! Hi# Ferr ri* "y <o"in 3h r% . M ny o' the le##on# in th t "oo$ c n "e 'o&n! in #o%e o' the ,riting# o' gre t te cher# #&ch # E rl Nighting le n! N pole n Hill. 3h r% !i! ,rite on the #igni'ic nce o' chie0e%ent in li'e. ;ne ,o&l! thin$ th t the le## one ,or$e! the %ore one ,o&l! h 0e the ch nce to e4perience h ppine##. Ho,e0er the re l #o&rce o' h ppine## c n "e #t te! in one ,or!) chie0e%ent. L #ting h ppine## co%e# 'ro% #te !ily ,or$ing to cco%pli#h yo&r go l# n! !0 ncing con'i!ently in the !irection o' yo&r li'e/# p&rpo#e. 3o the #ecret o' h ppine## i# re lly to do what you love to do and achieve in that area of interest. Ho,e0er1 there i# nother *"oo#t* th t c n "e !!e! to yo&r h ppine## t n$. I' % n h # #&cce##'&lly 'o&n! ,h t he re lly lo0e# n! i# con#t ntly !oing it1 he i# h ppy % n "&t % n ,ho c n find a way to contribute to others and serve human advancement using that very passion will truly live a purposeful life. +hen yo& re in#pire! "y #o%e gre t p&rpo#e1 #o%e e4tr or!in ry pro6ect1 ll yo&r tho&ght# "re $ their "on!#1 yo&r %in! tr n#cen!# li%it tion# n! yo& !i#co0er ne, ,orl!. Dor% nt 'orce# n! t lent# co%e li0e n! yo& 'in! yo&r#el' to "e gre ter per#on th n yo& h 0e e0er !re %e! yo&r#el' to "e. Thin$ "o&t #o%e o' the gre te#t people in h&% n hi#tory. Fro% 5 "lo 5ic ##o to A"r h % Lincoln to Ale4 n!er =r h % 8ell to Ch rle# Dic$en#. Hi#tory h # i%%ort li2e! their n %e# "ec &#e their p ##ion n! ,or$ h # contri"&te! to h&% n !0 nce%ent1 "e it 'or entert in%ent or 'or politic# or the !0 nce%ent o' %o!ern technology. Their leg cy $eep# their n %e li0e to thi# 0ery ! y. The#e people 7 n! they re co&ntle## other#: h 0e 'o&n! their p ##ion n! t&rne! it into c reer th t "le##e! the% ,ith p&rpo#e n! I "elie0e %o#t o' the% ,ere h ppy ,ith ,h t they h 0e cco%pli#he!. 3o%e gre t %en h ! to en!&re p in n! #&''ering ,hile other# # cri'ice! their li0e# "&t e ch o' the% le! p&rpo#e'&l li'e. At the 0ery en! o' their ! y#1 their lo## , # not 'or nothing. Le 0ing Leg cy

Carve your name on hearts, not tombstones. A legacy is etched into the minds of others and the stories they share about you. > 3h nnon L Al!er. I h 0e o'ten #h re! ,ith other# %y "elie' th t % n?# #&cce## i# %e #&re! "y the leg cy he le 0e# "ehin! ,hen he !ie#. +e ll , nt to "e re%e%"ere! n! to 'eel th t ,e h 0e contri"&te! to #o%ething in thi# ,orl!. For #o%e 7%y#el' incl&!e!:1 it c n "e !ri0ing 'orce o' %oti0 tion to cco%pli#h gre t thing# n! le 0e e4tr or!in ry contri"&tion# to gre t thing#.

My ' ther &#e! to repe te!ly re%in! %e o' thi# ' %o&# le##on) Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a lifetime. Nel#on M n!el # i! th t @education is the greatest weapon we can use to change the worldA. Icon# #&ch # M n!el 1 Lincoln n! M rtin L&ther Bing Cr. le't leg cie# thro&gh the politic l ren "y "eing !ri0ing 'orce to ch nge in o&r ,orl!. A# re#&lt their contri"&tion# h 0e tr n#'or%e! n tion#1 c&lt&re n! people. +e c n choo#e to le 0e leg cy in 0 rio&# , y#. To! y1 % ny contri"&te to the "etter%ent o' #ociety thro&gh ch rity n! phil nthropy. Th t i# n e4cellent , y to le 0e leg cy n! pro" "ly the "e#t. To gi0e nother per#on nother ch nce to li0e "etter li'e ,ill llo, the% to % $e their % r$ in #ociety n! le 0e 'ootprint o' their o,n in thi# ,orl!. Chil!ren ro&n! the ,orl! re getting ne, ch nce n! opport&nity t li'e # they get #pon#ore! "y !onor# thro&gh non>pro'it org ni2 tion# #&ch # +orl! Di#ion1 Co%p ##ion n! % ny other#. It i# re lly &p to yo& to !eter%ine the leg cy yo& ,i#h to le 0e "ehin!. Eo&r leg cy i# p&tting yo&r #t %p on the '&t&re. It?# , y to % $e #o%e %e ning o' yo&r e4i#tence) Yes, world of the future, I was here. ere!s my contribution, here!s why I hope my life mattered. 7A#tor1 201F: A# < y 8r !"&ry # i! in F hrenheit 491) @"veryone must leave something behind when he dies, my grandfather said. A child or a boo# or a painting or a house or a wall built or a pair of shoes made. $r a garden planted. %omething your hand touched some way so your soul has somewhere to go when you die, and when people loo# at that tree or that flower you planted, you&re there.

In #&%% ry1

per#on ,ho inten!# to li0e p&rpo#e'&l li'e %&#t)

'. (ind what ma#es them happy and devote some time if not their life to doing that very thing. ). *se their passion to contribute to the society. +. Constantly reali,e goals. -. .eave a legacy worthy of remembrance.

8y !oing the thing# "o0e1 the in!i0i!& l ,o&l! h 0e chie0e!1 li0e! h ppily n! li0e! p&rpo#e'&lly. It h # "een # i! th t the %o#t po,er'&l ,e pon in the ,orl! i# the h&% n #o&l on 'ireG the ine4ting&i#h "le 'ire to li0e1 'ight n! ,inH I' % n i# l&c$y to re ch n! e4perience thi# #&rge in %oti0 tion1 he ,ill !e% n! %ore o' hi%#el' th n ,h t other# e4pect 'ro% hi%. He ,ill e4cee! the e4pect tion# o' h&% n #ociety n! thi# i# ,hen n e4tr or!in ry in!i0i!& l i# "orn. Here I clo#e ,ith 'e, ,or!# 'ro% +in#ton Ch&rchill... *%ure I am that this day we are masters of our fate, that the tas# which is set before us is not above our strengths and that its pangs and toils are not beyond our endurance. As long as we have faith in our cause and an uncon/uerable will to win, victory will not be denied to u#*.

Nigel Lo 1I C n& ry 2014

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