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Ext JS Course Outline

DAY 1: CSS * CSS Selectors * Floats and CSS positioning * CSS styling and shortcuts * CSS specificity JavaScript * Basics Overview (variables, conditionals, operators, loops) * Arrays and Objects * Functions * Closures * setTimeout and setInterval * this and object binding * Dynamic function calls * Asynchronous JavaScript and callbacks * Error handling Manipulating the DOM * DOM API * innerHTML

* Document fragments JSON Introduction to JSON JSON Construct JSON Object Example Demo: JSON Object JSON Array Example Demo: JSON Array JSON Value Example Demo: JSON Values JSON String Construct Demo: JSON String Construct JSON Number Construct Demo: JSON Number Construct

DAY 2: Fundamental Classes * Ext.Element

* Ext.CompositeElement * Ext.DomHelper * Ext.DomQuery Event Handling * Events in Ext & DOM Events * Observable classes * Custom Events * Event Handlers & Delegated Event Handling Component Model * Overview * Component Manager * Deferred Rendering * Component vs. Element * Component configuration Containers and Layout Management * Containers * Layout Managers Ajax * Creating a Request * Using Success & Failure callbacks

* Ext.Updater Package * Connection * Readers * Proxies * Records * Stores Custom Components *Extend Ext JS Components to create Custom Components Build Live Ext JS Apps Fast with Ext Designer * Rapidly create rich Ext JS interfaces with Ext Designer * Create and Configure Components * Create/Configure Data Stores * Generate Code and JSON * Implement Business Logic and Behavior

Day 3: Templates & DataView * Template & XTemplate

* Storing Templates in Markup * Member formatting functions * Using Templates with a DataView Persisting UI State * Stateful Components * Provider vs. Manager * Setting a Provider * Application Specific State Management Utility Functions * Ext.apply and Ext.applyIf * Function's defer and createDelegate * Ext.util.Format Creating & Extending Classes * Creating a Class & Extending a Class * Extending a Component Internationalization * Enabling Locale Support * Supported Locales * Globalizing your Components Drag & Drop

Implement Custom Drag and Drop Hands-on Experience w/ Common Components * Viewport * TabPanel * GridPanel * TreePanel * FormPanel Building a Theme * Create custom themes * Create and use sprites * Override CSS to generate custom skins Application Architecture * Design or Refactor Applications * Application Best Practices Building Ext And Your Project * Setup, Maintain and Deploy the JavaScript & CSS * Generate Compressed JavaScript & CSS

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