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House Rules Shadows of the Last War Campaign

Action Points Per Eberron Campaign Setting), action points can be used to: 1. Add a d6 (or higher, based on various feats) to a d ! ro"". . #et an additiona" use per da$ of a c"ass abi"it$ "i%e rage, &i"d shape, "a$ on hands, smite evi", turn undead, etc. ( action points re'uired) (. )o a 1 minute infusion as 1 standard action *. Stabi"i+e Action points can a"so be used to: ,. A &i+ard, c"eric, or druid (or other -preparation- spe"" caster) can use an action point per "eve"s of the spe"" to spontaneous"$ cast an$ spe"" to &hich he has access. .he e/treme stress of the situation a""o&s the character to dra& upon vague memories and reco""ections of previous castings or intuitive %no&"edge to a""o& the character to cast that spe"". (0ote 1: .his supercedes and actua""$ over"aps, 1saving spe""s2 so saving spe""s is no "onger needed. 0ote : 3ateria", somatic, and verba" components are sti"" re'uired.) E/amp"es: 4aced &ith an inscription in an unfami"iar "anguage, 3agora uses 1 action point to cast Comprehend 5anguages (a 1 st "eve" spe""), even though he didn6t memori+e it. Confronted b$ a deep chasm, 7rim uses action points to cast 4"$ ((rd "eve" spe""), even though he didn6t memori+e it. 6. A sorceror, bard, psion, or ps$chic &arrior can use an action point per "eve"s of the spe"" (or per * po&er points, i.e. 8 of points divided b$ rounded up) to cast or manifest a spe"" or po&er that is not on his norma" "ist of spe""s or po&ers %no&n. 9o&ever, the character &i"" have to have a supp"ementa" "ist of spe""s or po&ers from &hich this can be dra&n. 7asica""$, this is a "ist of spe""s and:or po&ers that the$ have been &or%ing on, have some affinit$ for, but haven;t 'uite mastered $et e/cept in the most e/treme situations &here adrena"ine is f"o&ing hard and fast. .he character &i"" have to designate 1 spe"" or po&er per "eve" that he can use spontaneous"$. .his &i"" be referred to as the 1on dec%2 "ist. <f he subse'uent"$ adds that spe"" or po&er to his %no&n "ist, he can add another spe"" or po&er to the -on dec%- "ist. E/amp"es: Scared &it"ess b$ a =aspit, &ho dressed up "i%e the ghost of Chupo, 5umbie uses an action point to cast s"eep on himse"f, even though s"eep isn6t on his spe"" "ist. >n the verge of dro&ning, batt"ing a sahuagin that had drug him off the dec% of the ship into the rough, sa"t$ &aters of the deep, the %a"ashtar .ava%had uses action points to manifest 3etamorphosis, the po&er on his 1on

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House Rules Shadows of the Last War Campaign

dec%2 "ist for *th "eve", turning himse"f into a Sea Cat, tearing into the sahaugin &ith his teeth and c"a&s. ?. An$ character can use an action point to emu"ate a feat. Each character &i"" designate 1 feat as his 1on dec%2 feat. 9e can use an action point to use this feat. 9e must meet a"" of the pre@re'uisites for the feat. <f he se"ects that feat as an actua" feat, he can designate a ne& feat as his 1on dec%2 feat. Metamagic Feats A. >n"$ one sudden feat can be app"ied to a spe"" at a time. B. >n"$ one metamagic item:scro"" infusion can be app"ied to an item:scro"" at a time. Spells, Feats, and Prestige Classes 1!. Spe""s from Spe"" Compendium or other sources must be approved b$ the )3 first. 4eats from an$ boo% other than the P9 must be approved b$ the )3 first. Prestige c"asses period must be approved b$ the )3 first. Cou must provide me &ith a photocop$ of the source if < don6t have the boo%. >r, a verbatim &rite up of it. Sorcerer 11. 1 . 1(. 1*. Sorcerers get a d6 for hit dice instead of a d*. Sorcerers get * s%i"" points ever$ "eve" instead of . Sorcerers gain =ogue &eapon and armor proficiencies. Sorcerers gain a bonus feat (&i+ard "ist) ever$ , "eve"s. !ing

eath and

1,. Characters die at @1! D (C>0 7>0ES) hit points. E/amp"e: Fim, &ith a constitution of 1? &ou"d have died at @1( hit points. Character Creation
16. Abi"ities: =o"" *d6, dropping "o& die, si/ times, and arrange as desired. <f tota"

abi"it$ bonuses are "ess than G6, then re@ro"". A"" dice ro""s must be &itnessed b$ me or done using the <ron$ #ames )ice Server: http:::&&&.iron$.com:mai"ro"".htm". Emai" resu"ts to me at sharndmH$ 1?. 4"a&s: <f a p"a$er &rites up a character bac%ground, the character ma$ ta%e up to f"a&s (&ith subse'uent bonus feats) during character creation. .he f"a&s and

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House Rules Shadows of the Last War Campaign

bonus feats must be approved b$ the )3, and the$ must someho& be character bac%ground re"ated. .here are no guarantees as to &hether a f"a& &i"" be accepted, but appropriate sources are Enearthed Arcana and )ragon 3aga+ine. 0ote, < do not have Enearthed Araca, so $ou have to provide me a photocop$ or verbatim &rite up of the source. 1A. S%i""s: <f a p"a$er &rites up a character bac%ground, the character ma$ p"ace 6 bonus s%i"" points in %no&"edge, craft, or profession s%i""s that are character bac%ground re"ated. Character Ad"ancement 1B. 5eve"ing Ep: Ihen a character gains enough e/perience to go up a "eve", he does not gain a "eve" unti" after one A@hour period of rest. !. 9it Points: 3inimum ro"" is J the ma/imum on the die. 4or e/amp"e, a Ii+ard re@ ro""s 16s. A rogue re@ro""s 16s and 6s. A c"eric re@ro""s 16s, 6s and (6s, etc. A"" ro""s must be &itnessed b$ me or done through the <ron$ #ames server.

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