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Lumped Elements On The Smith Chart

As discussed earlier, The Smith chart is an extremely powerful tool for the analysis and design of RF and microwave circuits. The Smith chart applications in the analysis or design of RF and microwave circuits can be subdivided into three categories: a. Circuits containing "lumped elements". b. Circuits containing primarily "distributed elements", particularly lines (TLs). c. Circuits containing "Distributed and lumped elements" in combination. In this chapter, we will treat lumped element circuits in depth and relegate distributedelement circuit analysis and their combinations with lumped elements to the next chapter. transmission


Before we proceed into different Smith chart applications, it would serve us well, at the outset, if we define, the following notations which will be used throughout this book: Impedance: Z=R+jX () (11.1) Admittance: Y=G+jB (S) (11.2) The normalized values are given by: (Z)N=Z/ZO= R/ZO+jX/ZO =r+jx (11.3) (Y)N=Y/YO=G/YO +jB/YO=g+jb (11.4) Where, r=R/ZO, (11.5)

x=X/ZO, (11.6) g=G/ZO, (11.7) b=B/ZO (11.8) (11.9) YO=1/ZO Where "ZO" is a reference impedance value selected such that all normalized values can easily be placed on the Smith chart. It should be noted that in the absence of transmission lines "ZO" is no longer the characteristic impedance of the transmission line as discussed before. The lumped elements employed in the design of RF and microwave circuits are usually lossless reactive elements (such as inductors or capacitors ) and are added either in series or in parallel in the circuit as will be seen shortly.


Consider the circuit shown in Figure 11.1 where a load (ZL) is in series with a series element (ZS). The lumped element can be reactive (lossless), resistive (lossy) or a combination of both. In this application we consider a very general lumped element consisting of both resistive and reactive components.

Figure 11.1 Circuit for series lumped element. Since the lumped element is in series with the load, we need to consider only the Z-chart markings of the ZY-Smith chart (or only a Z-chart), in order to determine Zin. We know mathematically that: Zin=ZL+ZS Thus: (Zin)N=(rL+rS)+j(xL+xS) (11.10) The purpose of this application is to show how to achieve this result graphically where the exact steps are delineated below: a. Locate (ZL)N on the Smith chart(see point "A" in Figure 11.2) b. Moving on the constant resistance circle that passes through ZL, add a reactance of jxS to arrive at point "B". c. Now moving on a constant reactance circle that passes through point "B", add a resistance of rS to arrive at point "C". d. The input impedance value is read off at point "C", using the Z-chart markings.

11.3.1 Alternate procedure

Point "C" could have equally been reached by the following steps (see Figure 11.2): a. Move on a constant reactance circle (that passes through "A" and add the resistance of rS to arrive at point B (see Figure 11.2) b. Now moving on a constant resistance circle (that passes through point B ), add the reactance of jxS to arrive at point "C".

Figure 11.2 Graphical solution.


Consider the circuit shown in Figure 11.3, where a load (YL) is in parallel with a shunt element (YP). In general, The lumped element is considered to have both resistive and reactive components.

Figure 11.3 Circuit for shunt lumped element. Since the lumped element is in parallel with the load, only the Y-chart markings of the ZY-Smith chart need be considered. The total admittance is given mathematically by: Yin=YL+YP (Yin)N=(gL+gP)+j(bL+bP)

We now present the procedure to determine (Yin)N graphically: a. Locate (YL)N on the Y-chart at point "A" in Figure 11.4.

Figure 11.4 Smith chart solution. b. Move on the constant conductance circle [that passes through (YL)N] and add a susceptance of "jbP" to arrive at point "B". c. Move on the constant susceptance circle (passing through "B") by adding a conductance of "gP" to arrive at point "C". d. The input admittance is read off at point "C" using the Y-chart markings.

11.4.1 Alternate Procedure

As discussed earlier, the input admittance equally could have been determined by: a. Moving on a constant susceptance circle and adding gP to arrive at point "B " as shown in Figure 11.4. b. Now add jbP on a constant conductance circle to arrive at point "C".


This is a special case where the series or the shunt elements are lossless (i.e. purely reactive). In this case there are 4 possible combinations (see Fig. 11.5) as follows: 1. Series L 2. Series C 3. Shunt L 4. Shunt C

Figure 11.5 Four cases: a) series L, b) series C, c) shunt L, and d) shunt C. To find the input impedance, we first calculate the normalized series reactance (jx=jX/ZO) or normalized shunt susceptance value (jb=jB/YO) of the lumped element before entering the Smith chart. Next, we locate (ZL)N on the chart as point "A" (see Figure 11.6). Now starting from point "A", the following steps are applied: 1. To add a series L: on a constant resistance circle, move up by jxS=jL/ZO. 2. To add a Series C: on a constant resistance circle, move down by jxS=-j/CZO. 3. To add a shunt L: on a constant conductance circle, move up by jbP=-j/LYO. 4. To add a shunt C: on a constant conductance circle, move down by jbP=jC/YO. These are all shown in Fig. 11.6.

Figure 11.6 A graphical representation of 4 reactive-element configurations on the Smith chart.

11.5.1 Rule of Thumb

Upon close observation of these four cases, it appears that for the majority of load values, adding series (or shunt) inductor would move point "A" upward on the constant resistance (or conductance) circle while adding a series (or shunt) capacitance would move point A downward.

However, it should be noted that the above is a good rule of thumb to follow when dealing with purely reactive elements, but should never be generalized outside the scope of this discussion. This rule of thumb is limited but workable and will never actually replace the reasoning and the understanding that goes into making it. _____________________________________________________ Example 11.1 Calculate the total input admittance of a combination of a load ZL=50+j50 with a shunt inductor of L=8 nH at fO=1 GHz as shown in Fig. 11.7. Assume a 50 system. Solution: ZO=50 YO=0.02 S a. We first find the susceptance of the shunt inductor: jBP=-j/(OL)=-j0.02 S jbP=jBP/YO=-j1

Figure 11.7 Circuit for example 11.1. b. Locate (ZL)N=ZL/ZO=1+j1 on the smith chart at point "A" in Figure 11.8.

Figure 11.8 Smith chart solution for example 11.1. c. Since this is an inductor, we need to move upwards from point "A" on a constant conductance circle by -j1 to arrive at point "B". d. The normalized input admittance is read off at point "B" as: (Yin)N=0.5-j1.5 Yin=YO(Yin)N=0.01-j0.03 S

Or, Zin=1/Yin=10+j30 __________________________________________________



In this application, we will consider the case where there are several series and shunt elements in combination with the load (as shown in Figure 11.9).

Figure 11.9 Combination of series and shunt reactive elements. The standard method, discussed in section 11.5, can be used repeatedly to arrive at the total input impedance as described in the following steps: a. Since the first element adjacent to the load is connected in series, we start with (ZL)N and locate it on the Z-chart (see point "A" in Figure 11.10), On the constant resistance circle passing through (ZL)N, a reactance of jxS1= jXS1/ZO is added to arrive at point "B". Now switching to the Y-chart, we move on the constant conductance circle and add a susceptance of jbP=jBP1/YO to arrive at point "C". Since the next element is in series, we switch back to the Z-chart and move on a constant resistance circle by adding a reactance of jxS2=jXS2/ZO to arrive at point "D". The final element is in parallel, so we switch to the Y chart and add a susceptance of jbP2=jBp2/YO to arrive at "E". The total impedance is now read off on the Z-chart at point "E" as shown in Figure 11.10.

b. c. d.

e. f.

Figure 11.10 The Smith chart solution. _____________________________________________________ Example 11.2 Find the input impedance at f=100 MHz for the circuit shown in Figure 11.11.

Figure 11.11 Circuit for example 11.2. Solution: First, we choose the normalizing factor arbitrarily to be: ZO=50 , And, YO=0.02 S. Then we normalize all impedance and admittance values: jxS1=(jX1)N=jL1/ZO=j0.36 jbP1=(jB1)N=jC1/YO=j0.27 jxS2=(jX2)N=jL2/ZO=j1.0 jbP2=(jB2)N=jC2/YO=j0.38 jxS3=(jX3)N=jL3/ZO=j0.48 (ZL)N=300/50=6 a) Locate (ZL)N on the smith chart(point "A" in Figure 11.12).

Figure 11.12 Smith chart solution for example 11.12. b) Since the first element (L3) adjacent to the load is a series inductor, we move upward from point "A" on a constant resistance circle by a reactance of j0.36 to arrive at point "B". c) Now switch to constant conductance circle, add the next shunt element by moving downward by j0.27 to arrive at point "C". d) For the next series inductor, switch to the constant resistance circle and move upward by j1.0 to arrive at point "D". e) Next, for the shunt capacitor, switch to a constant conductance circle and move downward by j0.38 to arrive at point "E". f) Finally, for the series inductor, switch to the constant conductance circle and move upward by j0.48 to arrive at point "F". g) Now we read off the value of the normalized input impedance at point "F" as: (Zin)N=Zin/ZO=0.4-j1.0 Zin=20-j50

Chapter 11- Symbol List

A symbol will not be repeated again, once it has been identified and defined in an earlier chapter, with its definition remaining unchanged. b - Normalized susceptance, b=B/Z0 bL - Normalized susceptance at the load bP - Normalized susceptance at the parallel element g - Normalized conductance, g=G/Z0 gL - Load Normalized conductance gP - Shunt Normalized conductance Imax - Maximum current on a transmission line. Imin - Minimum current on a transmission line. lmax location of Zmax on the transmission line lmin location of Zmin on the transmission line r - Normalized resistance, r=R/Z0 x- Normalized reactance, x=X/Z0 Vmax - Maximum voltage on a transmission line.

Vmin - Minimum voltage on a transmission line Y0 - Characteristic admittance Z0 - Characteristic impedance ZD - Device impedance Zin - Input impedance (Zin)N - Normalized input impedance Zmax - Maximum impedance, corresponding to the location of the peak of the voltage and the valley of the current in a standing wave pattern on a transmission line. Zmin - Minimum impedance, corresponding to the location of the valley of voltage and the peak of the current in a standing wave pattern on a transmission line. D -Device reflection coefficient

11.1) Using a Smith chart, determine Zin for the circuit shown in Figure P11.2. Assume fo=1 GHz.

Figure P11.1 11.2) Determine the input impedance of the lumped-element P11.2 (all values are in ). network shown in Figure

Figure P11.2

11.3) A 100 TL is to be matched to a load ZL=25-j25 using lumped elements at f= 5 GHz. a) Determine the simplest matching network that will block DC to the load. b) Design a more sophisticated matching network having five lumped elements. Determine the element values. 11.4) A 50 lossless TL is terminated in a 85 resistor in series with an unknown capacitor. At 20 MHz the VSWR is measured to be 2.50, find the unknown capacitor value. 11.5) Find the input impedance of a load that consists of a 200 resistor that is connected in series with a j50 inductor. The load is connected to a shunt capacitor having j75 reactance. This is followed by a series inductor (j100 j75 ) and a shunt capacitor with j50 reactance. 11.6) What is the impedance (ZD) of a device having D=5150 ? Assume ZO=50 . If this device is connected first to a series element having ZS=150+j75 , and then to a parallel element Zp=100-j50 , find the input impedance of the whole circuit using a Smith chart. 11.7) A 75 lossless TL is terminated in a 150 resistor in series with an unknown inductor. At 50 MHz the VSWR is measured to be 4, find the unknown inductor value.

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