Sex Tips From A Woman

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How to make a woman orgasm... and scream for more... every time!

In a Four Part Series by Jeanette Harper Part One Introduction Sex is a wonderfu t!ing " I !aven#t met a person yet w!o wou d dispute t!is. $verybody oves sex% w!et!er t!ey ike ta king about it open y or not. One of t!e reasons you#re reading t!is is because you en&oy sex and you wou d ike to en&oy it more and !ave your partner en&oy it more. For a you ma es reading t!is% wou dn#t you ike to be known around town as t!e greatest fuck of a time' Or !usbands and men in steady re ations!ip " wou dn#t you ike your woman to be ama(ed at your new found sexua know edge and !ave !er beg you for more sex' Sex can be t!e greatest p easure a person can ever experience " or a ma&or disappointment. Surveys !ave s!own t!at )*+ of women fake orgasm every time% ,*+ faked it most of t!e time and about -.*+ said t!ey occasiona y faked it. .!ic! eaves about /.*+ w!o said t!ey never faked it. I know most of you men out t!ere wi find t!is !ard to be ieve% but it#s true. I#m a woman% I know. .omen% by faking orgasms% are missing out on one of t!e most p easurab e experiences imagineab e " but so are t!eir partners. 0ou wi rea i(e t!e difference once you !ave read t!is P ayga exc usive artic e. 1ot! t!e ma e and fema es sexua p easure increases to unbe ievab e new !eig!ts once you know !ow to bring a woman to an orgasm every time. 0our woman wi want you as never before " s!e wi never want or need anot!er man. 2nd gir s% if you want to !ave better sex% t!en teac! your man w!at I am about to te you. 3ost men I !ave met were anxious to earn !ow to satisfy women during sex. $ac! man I interviewed I asked #.!at do you t!ink makes a woman orgasm most during intercourse'# 3ost responses were a ong t!e ines of4 #Just putting my penis inside !er gets !er excited# " It may get your partner excited but it is not enoug! " no w!ere near enoug!. #S!e &ust oves me ramming !er !ard# " 5!is is so far from t!e trut! it is ridicu ous! #Fucking !er fast# " .rong! It is genera y easy for men to become sexua y aroused because !is sexua organs are on t!e outside of t!e body and are easi y stimu ated. 3en t!at are unfit menta y or p!ysica y can sometimes take onger to arouse% as do men t!at are bored wit! t!eir partners. 6o you know t!e main reason men get bored wit! t!eir partners sexua y' 7ou d it be t!at t!e woman !erse f is bored because s!e is not getting sexua p easure and t!erefore doesn#t seem interested in sex as muc!. Sex wou d get boring if t!e p easure is a one sided% don#t you t!ink guys' Imagine !aving sex every few days and never reac!ing an orgasm. 6oesn#t sound ike muc! fun does it' Some men can get a woman worked into a sexua fren(y during forep ay% but t!en w!en it comes to intercourse .. t!e momentum doesn#t continue and in most cases% bot! t!e man and woman don#t know w!at is wrong. 5!en t!e woman fina y pretends to !ave an orgasm because s!e wants t!e w!o e event to be over to end t!e boredom and8or pain. If a man doesn#t know !ow to !and e intercourse proper y t!e woman wi become bored and unsatisfied in t!e re ations!ip% and ook for ot!er options. 3ost women wi te t!eir men everyt!ing is great " &ust to keep t!em fee ing ike a man. 5!e men usua y are unsuspecting t!at t!ere is a prob em. 1ut guys% it#s not your fau t " you#re a man9 !ow cou d you possib y know w!at it fee s ike' On y a woman rea y knows !ow to satisfy a woman. On y a woman knows t!e p!ysica sensations of a woman#s body. 3ost women don#t ike ta king about it wit! t!eir partners because it may make t!em fee ess man y. 3ost iterature is written about roug!% ramming and !ard sex% so w!y wou d anyone t!ink sex s!ou d be different " most women t!ink t!is is t!e way to !ave sex too. 1ut I#m going to !e p you and your partner en&oy sex to its maximum over t!e next few editions of P ayga . 5ease your Partner First .omen ike affection. 5!ey ike to !ave t!eir bodies gent y caressed. Imagine yourse f ying tota y naked and ,//+ re axed wit! !ands s ow y and gent y touc!ing your body. 5ry running your fingertips gent y% so gent e you are bare y touc!ing your body a ong t!e inside

of your own arm down to your !and. It tick es a bit but it fee s nice% even if it fee s ike you need to scratc! it a itt e. .!en making ove wit! your partner you need to give t!eir body a desire. :ent y run your fingertips a over !er body bare y touc!ing t!e skin. 6o t!is for ;"< minutes wit!out touc!ing t!e breasts or c itoris t!en s ow y work your way up to !er breasts but 6O=5 touc! !er nipp es. 7irc e !er breasts wit! t!e pa ms of your !ands and fingertips. 0ou can occasiona y kiss gent y around !er breasts but 6O=#5 touc! !er nipp es yet " touc! be ow and above t!em but not on t!em. 5!is wi start to drive !er cra(y " you !ave created a desire for you to touc! !er nipp es. 0ou are not giving !er somet!ing s!e wants. 2fter a few minutes of teasing !er very very soft y touc! !er nipp es. 5!en continue to circ e t!e nipp es gent y wit! your fingers t!en gent y ick once or twice next to eac! nipp e but not on it. 0ou are in tota contro " s!e is being driven insane by now. 0ou !ave created an excitement and desire wit!in !er sexua being. =ow w!en you fee s!e is ready " s!e wi et you know it is time to move on to t!e next step .. 5!e beginning of Intercourse% in P2>5 ?% next mont!. =ote to Part ,4 It is important not to weaken and begin to grope and paw at !er breasts and body and do not touc! !er c itoris in t!is teasing p!ase " it wi on y turn !er off. 5!e purpose is to create a want. 6on#t weaken " stay in contro % t!is is on y t!e warm"up for great ove making. Part 5wo >eady for 2ction! =ow% you#re bot! ready to go .. you#re !ard and ready% and s!e#s giving you t!at ook t!at says s!e wants it. 0ou &ust want to p unge straig!t in " and s!e#s c!eering you on. 6O=#5 6O I5! 0ou !aven#t gone to a t!is effort to b ow it a now% pardon t!e pun. =ow " you#ve got to rea y start torturing !er.. 5ouc! your penis to t!e ips of !er c itoris .. gent y. Soft y rub your penis over !er c it% etting !er know it#s t!ere% ready to enter .. if you want it to. 0ou are now comp ete y in c!arge% and in tota contro of t!e situation. 0ou#re going to tease !er unti s!e screams for you to put it in! =ow% s!e#s asking you to put it in .. but you don#t. @eep teasing. S!e asks more urgent y .. you sti don#t. 0ou are in contro % and s!e#s oving it " not knowing w!en you#re going to enter! @eep teasing% gent y rubbing% even if s!e does scream for you to put it in. On y w!en s!e begins bui ding towards orgasm to you move it furt!er in .. &ust !a f an inc! or so% very s ow y% in and out. 2fter a itt e w!i e Astaying in contro !B move it s ow y in a fu inc! .. gradua y% keep increasing t!e amount you put it in% unti it#s a most t!e w!o e engt!. >emember% if you enter t!e entire engt! " ram it in " you wi make contact wit! !er c it% and t!is we don#t want9 t!e ob&ect is to tease !er% make !er want you to t!rust a t!e way. 5!e onger you tease !er% and yourse f% t!e more intense your orgasms wi be. 5!e Point of Surrender =ow% s!e#s Cuivering wit! desire. Speed up a itt e " not to ramming speed t!oug! " and it# pus! !er over t!e edge. S!e may scream% s!e may ca at your name A!opefu y!B or s!e may &ust w!imper soft y " but you# know you#ve given !er an orgasm. 1ut keep going! @eep moving in and out% faster now9 s!e# orgasm again " more Cuick y now% wit! no need for teasing. 0ou can sped up even more if you wis! Aand canB " but don#t resort to #ramming# !er !ard. S!e may !ave severa more orgasms .. or on y one more. 5wo to five is t!e norm% and t!is may be t!e first one s!e#s !ad in a ong time! If you#ve been ab e to keep going past t!e first one% t!at#s great .. but even if you cum now% it wi be one of t!e deepest and most incredib e orgasms you yourse f !ave ever !ad. >efine your tec!niCue9 try to make yourse f !o d off onger and onger. It wi enric! t!e sexua experience for bot! you and your partner. =ote to Part ?4 If you#re bot! adventurous " and rea y wi ing to torture eac! ot!er% wait unti t!e point of orgasm and stop " dead. .it!draw% and ie down beside !er.. t!en resume again ater t!at or t!e next day. 5!e anticipation wi peak% unti t!e next time you# bot! be ready wit!

!ard y any teasing!

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