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Step 1 Connect USB Pen Drive (1GB or more) Step 2 Download and Run USB Disk Storage Format ( !"B) Step Download grubinst_gui #ru$! (1&'"B) and Run a% (dmini%trator Step ! )n%ert t*e BootCD (1+. or newer) in t*e CD Drive and Cop, ever,t*in# -rom CD to USB Fla%* Drive Step . Cop, #rldr and menu.l%t -rom #ru$! (or -rom /BCD -older) to t*e u%$ drive Step 0 1e%t 2our USB Drive (read $ottom o- t*e pa#e -or trou$le%*oot)

Make sure you set your computer to boot from USB Flash Drive

1o 3nter t*e B)4S pre%% t*e 5Del5 $utton on ,our 6e,$oard. (lternative% are 5F157 5F257 5)n%ert57 and 5F1+5 PC8% B)4S mi#*t even re9uire a di--erent 6e, to $e pre%%ed. Commonl, a PC will %*ow a me%%a#e li6e 5Pre% to enter Setup5 to indicate t*at ,ou need to pre%% t*e 5Del5 6e,. Some (<) B)4S re9uire ,ou to ena$le t*e o 5USB "e,$oard =e#ac, %upport5> For (<) B)4S? Go to 5Feature Setup5. 53na$le5 t*e%e option%? 5USB Function Support57 5USB Function For D4S5 and 5ThumbDrive -or D4S5. Go to 5(dvanced Setup5. Set t*e 51%t Boot Device5 to 5USB R<D@FDD5. Re$oot t*e PC and it now %*ould $oot -rom t*e U%$ Stic6.

Go to 5USB <a%% Stora#e Device Con-i#uration5. Select 53mulation 1,pe5 and %et it to 5/arddi%65. Go to t*e 5Boot <enu5 and %et t*e 51%t $oot device5 to 5USB-Stick5. 3Ait t* %avin# t*e c*an#e%. ,ou can tr, 53mulation 1,pe5 to 5Floppy5 or 5Forced FDD5. Go to 5(dvanced B)4S Feature%5. Go to t*e 51%t Boot device5 and %et it to 5USB@F)P5.

For P/43B)CD(E(RD B)4S?

4lder ver%ion o- t*i% pa#e can $e -ound *ere -or ver%ion% G.+ @ '.0

)- ,ou cannot in%tall #ru$!do% (or ,ou #et 5cannot run $ac6#round pro#ram5 me%%a#e) t*en u%e %,%linuA to $ #ru$!do%

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/ome Contact U% Freeware 1ool% Re#i%tr, 1wea6% <o$ile Stu- Eallpaper% Rin#tone% Son# 1one% 1*eme% Do% File% Flower% D I Di#ital (rt Batural Ba$ie% I "id% 4t*er <iA (nimal% I Bird% Game% Funn, Jo6e% Hideo Clip% (nimation% Funn, S<S Jo6e% Picture% 1*eme% -or S0+ 2nd 1*eme% -or S0+ rd Download%



)ndian Stu- Ba$, Bame% Boll,wood Picture% <o$ile 1*eme% Boll,wood S0+ 2nd Reli#iou% S0+ 2nd Reli#iou% S0+ rd Sonu Bi#am <p Boll,wood <p Boll,wood <)D)

<o$ile Rin#tone%

S<S Jo6e% GuKarati (udio Jo6e% /DD Data Recover, Secure ,our Data Sp,ware Remove Create Do% BootCD /iren8% BootCD Boot -rom USB Di%6 =i-e in t*e U" 1e%t Bio% Boot Setup Contact U%


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