2/16/14 Bulletin

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106 N. Western Ave. Girard, KS 66743 Tel.


Weekly Bulletin

Saint Michael Church, Girard www.stmichaelgirard.com

Saint Michael Parish Mission Statement:

GIRARD Sat. 5:30pm Sun. 10:00 am ARMA 4:00pm 8:00 am

We the parishioners of Saint Michael the Archangel, through leadership and strong traditions are faithful disciples of the teachings of Jesus Christ and His Catholic Church. We commit ourselves to be generous stewards of our faith, our parish, and our community. We strive to involve all members to be united in one parish family for the salvation of all. Notes from the Pastor: Fr. Jarod Lies, the director for the Dioceses Office of Faith Formation, is celebrating all our masses in Girard and Arma this weekend. I am sorry I forgot to mention last weekend all about my arrangement with him that we will have to switch places this weekend. He will be conducting a retreat at Our Lady of Lourdes this Monday, and so this will be an opportunity for him to say masses in Girard and Arma and talk about Faith Formation in the diocese. In the meanwhile, I will be the one to celebrate the masses at his parish at Saint John in Clonmel! Time is running fast and February is about to end. Soon we will be having March Madness, not for college basketball, but for God. I am encouraging all of you to take the opportunities that are available to deepen our knowledge of God and for spiritual growth and renewal. I am especially promoting the Parish Mission in Girard on March 8-10 at 6:30 in the evening. The first night will be in the hall with dinner, thanks to the Altar Society, so people who come to the 5:30 mass dont have to go home. This is open not only to Saint Michaels and Saint Josephs parishioners but also for our surrounding parishes. We have one of the best speakers in the Diocese of Wichita, Fr. John Lanzrath. You have heard some of his talks in the video on stewardship which we have shown in church. The theme will be on The Journey of Lent. This is a very timely topic as we enter into the first Sunday of Lent. Fr. Lanzrath will talk about on how can I make the Lenten Journey 2014 a spiritually fruitful experience and grow in my relationship with the Lord Jesus? This is a very interesting and practical topic and I hope and pray that this will really inspire us for spiritual renewal. The thing is YOUVE GOT TO BE THERE! So Please Come! Another opportunity is the Souper Friday with Tom Racunas, the diocesan director on Ministry With Persons With Disabilities who will talk on this same topic. This will be March 14 for Arma and March 28 in Girard. The idea is we will bring meatless soup (potluck style, meatless because its Lent) and share it. While we are eating, Tom will start talking to us about this ministry. The dinner will start right after our stations of the cross which we will start by 5:30PM for that Friday so we could be at the hall by around 6PM! Next Sunday(02/23/14) 10:00 AM
Max Adams, B. & K. Scales, J. Hey, P. & T. Amershek Joan Davied Ruth Duling Scott & Beth Wilson Family Again, Please Come! Dont miss this opportunity! Finally, a pilgrimage is a moment of grace! What a wonderful way to celebrate our church golden anniversary by visiting our very mother church, the newly renovated Cathedral. Plus, and Fr. Emil Kappauns church in Pilsen. It will be a prayerful and relax bus ride and a little stroll around the two churches for a minimal fee of $35.00! If you want to join and could not afford the fee, let me know and we will find a sponsor for you. Deadline for registration is March 10th. Please come and receive the grace of visiting our mother church and Pilsen! Our condolences to Louise Jarboe and Claire Weston. Their brother Charles Kennedy of Lenexa, KS passed away this week. Also, our condolences to Ashley Martin and the Martin family. Her grandmother, Donna Strukel passed away last week. Please include the soul of Charles and his family and our parishioners Louise and Claire and the soul of Donna and the Martins family in your prayers. Eternal rest grant unto Charles and Donna, O Lord. And let perpetual life shine upon them. Amen. God bless you all! Fr. Roger
Upcoming Events (Please mark your calendar and join us): February 22-23 - K of C Soup and Chili Feed at St Michael Hall March 5 - Ash Wednesday March 8,9, 10 - Parish Mission at Saint Michael in Girard March 9 - Saint Joseph, Arma Spaghetti Feed March 14 - Friday, 6:30 PM St. Joseph Hall, Arma March 22 - Pilgrimage Tour Cathedral and Pilsen March 28 - Friday, 6:30 PM- St. Michael Hall, Girard

CONFESSION Sat. 2:00-2:45pm 3:15-3:45pm Weekdays before Mass; anytime by appointment.

STAFF Fr. Roger Lumbre Pastor Janel Scales Bookkeeper/Bulletin Editor Faith Paoni Secretary Rectory Office Hours Tues-Fri 9AM-Noon Closed on Mondays Tel. (620) 724-8717

St. Michaels Construction Update Mark Peak, Father Roger, and Tony Stonerock met with Bob Simpson of Last Week July 2013 to date Simpson Construction of Wichita, Friday, February 7th, to discuss the church Contributions $2,672.25 $84,272.10 construction project. This firm was recommended by, Monsignor Hemberger, Children's Offering $10.12 $539.87 the diocesan administrator. The discussion revolved around a design-build Expenses $64,343.95 arrangement or an architect-bid-construction project. Mr. Simpson shared Over/ (Under) $20,468.02 that their work is primarily construction-management contracts. This process provides the benefit of having an independent architect with the efficiency of design build. Mark and Tony presented this discussion with the parish counSaint Michaels Upcoming Events cil, Tuesday, February 11th. The parish council approved at the meeting for Finance Council Parish Council Mark, Tony, and Dale to continue to pursue Simpson Construction and have Tony Stonerock-Chair Dale Coomes-Chair them supply greater details of costs, plans and timelines. TBA Feb. 11th at 6:30pm After much discussion the parish council took action to engage in a construction management contract with Simpson Construction Company for the Rosary Altar Society Knights of Columbus addition and renovation project of the church and that an architect be selected Next meeting, TBA 1st Tuesday of Month, 7pm and contracted for the development of construction plans and bid documents, At 6:30pm in the Hall. St. Michael Parish Hall both subject to the cost estimate by Simpson meeting the budget for the project and a review and approval of contract documents to be made by a comHelping Hands Daughters of Isabella Need help or want to volunteer, Call Marilyn Bradshaw, mittee of the building committee chair, the finance council chair and the parCall Carrie Smith, 724-6684 724-7133 ish council chair.
That Man in You Friday mornings at 6am Soup & Chili Feed The Knights of Columbus will be hosting their soup and chili feed on Saturday, Feb. 22 after the 5:30pm mass and on Sunday, Feb. 23 after the 10:00am mass in the St. Michaels Parish Hall. Free will donation, with donations going towards March for Life & Birth Right. Altar Society ladies are asked to bring pies for desert. Daughters of Isabella The February meeting has been cancelled. Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, March 11th at 7:30pm in the parish hall in St. Paul. CYM Bowling Party St. Michaels CYM will be hosting a bowling party at Pittsburg Holiday Lanes on Feb. 23rd from 2:00-4:00. We have invited several area CYM groups to come and bowl with us. St. Michaels high school youth will meet in the hall parking lot at 1:30 on the 23rd. We will need some adult drivers to get the youth to the bowling alley. If you are interested in driving and are virtus trained, please give Carrie Smith a call at 2380728. Diocesan Catholic Youth Conference The annual Diocesan Catholic Youth Conference will be March 22-23 at the Double Tree Hilton Wichita Airport. The keynote speaker is Chris Stefanick. He is a great speaker and is putting out some amazing videos. We are really excited that we have 10 youth signed up to go this year. Thanks to everyone in our parish for helping us with our fundraisers so that we are able to send our youth to great Catholic events and retreats like this. This is a great way for our youth to meet other Catholic students in our diocese and to renew and strengthen their Catholic faith.

Next Saturday (02/22/14) Altar Servers: E. M. E. Lectors: Gift Bearers 5:30 PM D. Davenport & L. Martin Sharon Giacometti Linda Moore Loren & Patti Martin

Mass Schedules & Intentions for February 15th-23rd:

Feb 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Saturday 4:00 PM 5:30 PM Sunday 8:00 AM 10:00 AM Monday 7:00 AM Tuesday 5:30 PM Wednesday 6:30 PM Thursday 8:00 AM 8:30AM-3PM Friday 7:00 AM 8AM-6PM Saturday 4:00 PM 5:30 PM Sunday 8:00 AM 10:00 AM Henry Yartz Intentions of Donna Buckle Pro Populo Pro Populo NO MASS Peggy Davied Alice Wagner Barb Doue Eucharistic Adoration Intentions of Sandy Strahan Eucharistic Adoration Henry Yartz Intentions of Rosemary OToole Dan Black Dave Gall Arma Girard Arma Girard Girard Arma Girard Arma Arma Girard Girard Arma Girard Arma Girard

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Presidential Trivia for Presidents Day Because this Monday the nation observes Presidents Day, I focused this weeks articles on our Presidents and the great symbol of our nation --the flag. On Monday, we pay tribute to the 44 men who served our country in its highest elective office. Some served with high distinction such as Abraham Lincoln, while others are hardly remembered due to their run of the mill discharge of the office--Franklin Pierce and Warren Harding come to mind. Years ago, February honoured Lincoln on his birthday (Feb. 12) and Washington (Feb. 22) giving us two national holidays. The government combined our two early presidents and gave recognition to ALL of them on the 3rd Monday of February (also provided for a 3 day weekend) each year. Ive taught government many years and have had the opportunity to look at presidential actions and behaviour up close. Thinking youd be interested in them as we neared Presidents Day, here are a few tidbits not always found in the textbook! It was Harry Truman who said, If you want a friend in Washington, get a dog! Ronald Reagan was our oldest president at inauguration at 69 1/2 years old. John F. Kennedy was our youngest elected president at age 42 in 1961. Actually, the youngest was Theodore Roosevelt who succeeded William McKinley, who was assassinated in 1901, also 42. George Washingtons yearly salary was $25,000, while Barack Obamas in $400,000 set by Congress in 2001. After Dwight Eisenhower was inaugurated in 1953, Harry and Bess Truman drove home to Missouri by themselves in their car; no Secret Service followed them. Virginia holds the record for the most presidents born in that State, eight to be exact. Ohio is second with seven. Eisenhower was not born in Kansas (Texas) and the Bushes didnt come from Texas--George H.W. Bush was born in Massachusetts and George W. first saw the light of day in Connecticut. Franklin Roosevelt named the Maryland presidential retreat for his grandson, David. (Camp David) Herbert Hoover had the idea for the first presidential library, built at his home in West Branch, Iowa. All presidents who followed him have built similar ones to house their papers. Woodrow Wilson was the 1st to hold a press conference and Gerald Ford survived two assassination attempts. These are but a few of the curious facts about our chief executives. Some say it doesnt matter who the president is, but it does matter if you are concerned about moral issues. Keep in mind that presidents appoint the members to the Supreme Court and it is that body that makes final decisions on such topics as gay marriage, flag burning, and abortion. So, if you want to preserve the Christian morality, learn all you can about the presidential candidates before selecting one to support. Pray for the President on Monday!
Article by Marcel Normand

St. Michael, defend us in all our battles!

Hickory Bend, LLC

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