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Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of

Master of Computer Application [Software Engineering

Under the Guidance of" Ms$ Anura%&a c&ug


Submitted by" SOM!E" AR#A

#$$! %#%$#& '()*S+,+-. /rd Sem+

University School of Information Technology GGS Indraprastha University, Delhi

T)12, 34 (35T,5TS
PA(E 'O$

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TIT2, 34 0637,(T88888888888888888888+889 )(:53;2,DG,',5T88888888888888888888+++/ (,6TI4I()T,8888888888888888888888888% S,24 (,6TI4I()T,8888888888888888888888+$ I5T63DU(TI35888888888888888888888+88+++ T332S<02)T436', =)6D;)6, )5D S34T;)6, 6,>UI6,',5T S0,(I4I()TI358888888+++88888888++? Technology 3verview of with A1 and 'S )ccess )5)2BSIS *D4Ds, ,6 Diagrams, etc+ )s per the proCect requirements8888888888888888888888888!/ US, ()S, DI)G6)'888888888888888888888++9 US, ()S,S8888888888888888888888888++9@ ) (3'02,T, ST6U(TU6, 34 T=, 063G6)'888888++88++%! 5umber of modules and their description+ + + Data structures for all modules+ 0rocess 2ogic of each module 6eport generation+

!9+4UTU6, ,5=)5(,',5T88888888888888888888+?9 !/+ Glossary88888888888888888888888888++

)*SI'( MS ACCESS +,,Framewor. t&roug& "/01

This is a great opportunity to acDnowledge and to thanDs all those persons without whose support and help this proCect would have been impossible+ ;e would liDe to add a few heartfelt words for the people who were part of this proCect in numerous ways+ I would liDe to thanDs to my proCect guide E's+ )nuradha (hugF, for his indefatigable guidance, valuable suggestion, moral support, constant encouragement and contribution of time for the successful completion of proCect worD+ I am very grateful to him, for providing all the facilities needed during the proCect development+ )t the outset, I sincerely thanD all faculty members of my institution for his eGtra effort to maDe our session on line inspire of all ideas+ I thanD my (ounselors for his indispensable support and encouragement thought the proCect+ I would liDe to thanD all those who helped me directly or indirectly+ 2ast but not the least, I would liDe to acDnowledge the ongoing support of my parents and my family members, whose patience and encouragement during these long days and night have been paramount in maDing this proCect a reality+

ThanD you Stu%ent 'ame2 Som%e3 Ar4a

This is to certify that proCect entitled 5Crime FileF done by ESomdev )ryaF , roll no+ #$$! %#%$#& is an authentic worD carried out by her at U5IA,6SITB S(=332 34

I5436')TI35 T,(=5323GB under my guidance+ The matter embodied in this proCect has not been submitted earlier for award of any degree or diploma to the best of my Dnowledge and belief+

Signature of the Guide Ms$ Anura%&a C&ug



This is to certify that proCect entitled Crime File is done by me is an authentic worD carried out for the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Computer Application under the guidance of 5Ms$ Anura%&a C&ug F+ The matter embodied in this proCect worD has not been submitted earlier for award of any degree or diploma to the best of my Dnowledge and belief+

Signature of the Student

Intro%uction of Crime file

The proCect is aimed to develop a crime file for maintain a computeriHed records of all the fir against crime +The system is desDtop application that can be access throughout the police department+ This system can be used as an application for the crime file of the police department to manage the records of different activity of related to first information report +In such desDtop (rime file system we will manage all such activities *liDe registration of the complaint updating information, search of perticularviewing of the respective reports of crimes- that will save time, manpower+ This system will provide better prospective for the enhancement of organiHation regarding to quality and transparency+

O67ecti3es of Crime File

The obCectives of this system can broadly be listed as follows" !+ 'aDe the 0olice functioning citiHen friendly and more transparent by automating the functioning of 0olice Departments+ 9+ Improve delivery of citiHen.centric services through effective usage of I(T+ /+ 0rovide the Investigating 3fficers of the (ivil 0olice with tools, technology and information to facilitate investigation of crime and detection of criminals+ %+ Improve 0olice functioning in various other areas such as 2aw and 3rder, Traffic 'anagement etc+ $+ 4acilitate Interaction and sharing of Information among 0olice Departments, Districts, State<UT headquarters and other 0olice )gencies+ + )ssist senior 0olice 3fficers in better management of 0olice 4orce @+ :eep tracD of the progress of (ases, including in (ourts ?+ 6educe manual and redundant 6ecords Deeping


4635T.,5D 1)(:.,5D

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'icrosoft Aisual 1asic 'icrosoft )ccess


;I5D3; @


063(,SS36 6)'


(ore 9duo " " " /G1 /9# G1 $9I9%I

ST36)G, ()0)(ITB D6IA,6S !?I (D<DAD writer


30,6)TI5G SBST,' 6D1'S

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;I5D3; @ 'icrosoft )ccess


Tec&nolog4 O3er3iew of m4 Pro7ect

Microsoft Access +,,Microsoft Access is a relational %ata6ase management s4stem )R!/MS1 that is pacDaged with the 'icrosoft suite of office products to run under the 'icrosoft ;indows operating system+ 'icrosoft )ccess is a Aisual 1asic *A1- based application that allows Structured >uery 2anguage *S>2- statements to be included in associated macros and A1 scripts+ 'icrosoft )ccess includes a 7et database engine, combined with a graphical interface, to provide ease of use in building front.end database applications+ 'icrosoft )ccess is a structured environment, used by novice programmers, with little or no eGperience, to handle relatively small database functions+ It is also a useful tool, for advanced developers, to provide rapid application development+ Though 'S )ccess has been successfully front.ended against databases, including itself, 'icrosoft )ccess does not scale well for large databases or multiple.access, networD environments+ The underlying 7et Database is a file.sharing database that performs all processing at the client level+ )s such, 'icrosoft )ccess is not designed for high volume multi.user environments that allow multiple clients to read, write and perform other operations on shared files at the same time+


"isual /asic 0$,

"isual /asic *"/- is the third.generation event.driven programming language and integrated development environment *ID,from 'icrosoft for its (3' programming model+ 1ecause of its graphical development features and 1)SI( heritage, A1 is considered to be relatively easy to learn and use+J!K Aisual 1asic was derived from 1)SI( and enables the rapid application development *6)D- of graphical user interface *GUI- applications, access to databases using Data )ccess 3bCects, 6emote Data 3bCects, or )ctiveI Data 3bCects, and creation of )ctiveI controls and obCects+ Scripting languages such as A1) and A1Script are syntactically similar to Aisual 1asic, but perform differently+ ) programmer can put together an application using the components provided with Aisual 1asic itself+ 0rograms written in Aisual 1asic can also use the ;indows )0I, but doing so requires eGternal function declarations+

2iDe the 1)SI( programming language, Aisual 1asic was designed to be easily learned and used by beginner programmers+ The language not only allows programmers to create simple GUI applications, but can also develop compleG applications+ 0rogramming in A1 is a combination of visually arranging components or controls on a form, specifying attributes and actions of those components, and writing additional lines of code for more functionality+ Since default attributes and actions are defined for the components, a simple program can be created without the programmer having to write many lines of code+ 0erformance problems were eGperienced by earlier versions, but with faster computers and native code compilation this has become less of an issue+ )lthough programs can be compiled into native code eGecutables from version $ onwards, they still require the presence of runtime libraries of approGimately ! '1 in siHe+ This runtime is included by default in ;indows 9### and later, but for earlier versions of ;indows liDe &$<&?<5T it must be distributed together with the eGecutable+ 4orms are created using drag.and.drop techniques+ ) tool is used to place controls *e+g+, teGt boGes, buttons, etc+- on the form *window-+ (ontrols have attributes and event handlers associated with them+ Default values are provided when the control is created, but may be changed by the programmer+ 'any attribute values can be modified during run time based on user actions or changes in the environment, providing a dynamic application+ 4or eGample, code can be inserted into the form resiHe event handler to reposition a control so that it remains centered on the form,


eGpands to fill up the form, etc+ 1y inserting code into the event handler for a Deypress in a teGt boG, the program can automatically translate the case of the teGt being entered, or even prevent certain characters from being inserted+ Aisual 1asic can create eGecutables *,I, files-, )ctiveI controls, or D22 files, but is primarily used to develop ;indows applications and to interface database systems+ Dialog boGes with less functionality can be used to provide pop.up capabilities+ (ontrols provide the basic functionality of the application, while programmers can insert additional logic within the appropriate event handlers+ 4or eGample, a drop.down combination boG will automatically display its list and allow the user to select any element+ )n event handler is called when an item is selected, which can then eGecute additional code created by the programmer to perform some action based on which element was selected, such as populating a related list+ )lternatively, a Aisual 1asic component can have no user interface, and instead provide )ctiveI obCects to other programs via (omponent 3bCect 'odel *(3'-+ This allows for server.side processing or an module+ The language is garbage collected using reference counting, has a large library of utility obCects, and has basic obCect oriented support+ Since the more common components are included in the default proCect template, the programmer seldom needs to specify additional libraries+ UnliDe many other programming languages, Aisual 1asic is generally not case sensitive, although it will transform Deywords into a standard case configuration and force the case of variable names to conform to the case of the entry within the symbol table+ String comparisons are case sensitive by default, but can be made case insensitive if so desired+ The Aisual 1asic compiler is shared with other Aisual Studio languages *(, (LL-, but restrictions in the ID, do not allow the creation of some targets *;indows model D22s- and threading models+

Aisual 1asic has the following traits which differ from (.derived languages" 'ultiple assignment available in ( language is not possible+ ) M 1 M ( does not imply that the values of ),

1 and ( are equal+ The 1oolean result of NIs 1 M (ON is stored in )+ The result stored in ) would therefore be either false or true+ 1oolean constant True has numeric value P!+ This is because the 1oolean data type is stored as a ! .bit

signed integer+ In this construct P! evaluates to ! binary !s *the 1oolean value True-, and # as ! #s *the 1oolean value 4alse-+ This is apparent when performing a 5ot operation on a ! bit signed integer value # which will return the integer value P!, in other words True M 5ot 4alse+ This inherent functionality becomes especially useful when performing logical operations on the individual bits of an integer such as )nd, 3r, Ior and 5ot+J%K This definition of True is also consistent with 1)SI( since the early !&@#s 'icrosoft 1)SI( implementation and is also related to the characteristics of (0U instructions at the time+


2ogical and bitwise operators are unified+ This is unliDe some (.derived languages *such as 0erl-, which

have separate logical and bitwise operators+ This again is a traditional feature of 1)SI(+ Aariable array base+ )rrays are declared by specifying the upper and lower bounds in a way similar

to 0ascal and 4ortran+ It is also possible to use the 3ption 1ase statement to set the default lower bound+ Use of the 3ption 1ase statement can lead to confusion when reading Aisual 1asic code and is best avoided by always eGplicitly specifying the lower bound of the array+ This lower bound is not limited to # or !, because it can also be set by declaration+ In this way, both the lower and upper bounds are programmable+ In more subscript. limited languages, the lower bound of the array is not variable+ This uncommon trait does eGist in Aisual 1asic +5,T but not in A1Script+

30TI35 1)S, was introduced by )5SI, with the standard for )5SI 'inimal 1)SI( in the late
!&@#s+ 6elatively strong integration with the ;indows operating system and the (omponent 3bCect

'odel+ The native types for strings and arrays are the dedicated (3' types, 1ST6 and S)4,)66)B+ 1anDerQs rounding as the default behavior when converting real numbers to integers with the 6ound function+J$K O

6ound*9+$, #- gives 9, O 6ound*/+$, #- gives %+

Integers are automatically promoted to reals in eGpressions involving the normal division operator

*<- so that division of one integer by another produces the intuitively correct result+ There is a specific integer divide operator *R- which does truncate+ 1y default, if a variable has not been declared or if no type declaration character is specified, the

variable is of type Aariant+ =owever this can be changed with Data type statements such asDefInt, Def1ool, DefAar, Def3bC, DefStr+ There are !9 Data type statements in total offered by Aisual 1asic +#+ The default type may be overridden for a specific declaration by using a special suffiG character on the variable name *S for Double, T for Single, U for 2ong, V for Integer, W for String, and X for (urrency- or using the Dey phrase )s *type-+ A1 can also be set in a mode that only eGplicitly declared variables can be used with the command 3ption ,Gplicit+



!+ Intro%uction !+! Purpose 2 (rime 4ile System is a system used to report crimes+ This proCect is mainly useful for police Departments+ This system will help to manage all the activities in a police Department using computers+ (urrently all the worDs are done manually, by computeriHing all the activities inside a police Department can be managed easily and effectively+ The police Departments in the country are, today, virtually unconnected islands+ ThanDs to telephones and wireless, and especially thanDs to mobile telephones, there is voice connectivity between the police Department and senior police officers, but that is about all+ There is no system of data storage, data sharing and accessing data+ There is no system under which one police Department can talD to another directly+ There is no record of crimes or criminals that can be accessed by a Department =ouse 3fficer, eGcept the manual records relating to that police Department+ The goals of the system are to facilitate collection, storage, retrieval, analysis,


transfer and sharing of data and information at the police Department and between the police Department and the State =eadquarters and the (entral 0olice 3rganiHations+



!+ The system Y(6I', 4I2,Z will be a 6eporting application that will be used for automating the manual process of register different case in police Department +This system will manage the details of all the crime who register themselves in police Department+ The system provides an interface to store the crime details of criminals or prisoners and allows the user to search and view records+ The system should have a login+ System should support for Data ,ntry module for 5ominal 6oll, (ase register for each prisoner entering in the prison

The system will greatly simplify the overall procedure of crime files+ =$> O67ecti3es2

The proposed system includes the following features" 2ogin for user and admin (omplaint registration Aiew complaint status (riminal register management 4I6 'anagement


(ase =istory Details management 'anaging 0ostmortem details 0risoners register management 'anage list about most wanted criminals

!+% A66re3iations2

=$? References2 I,,, S6S 4ormat+

=$0 Tec&nologies Development Tool" Aisual studio # Database" 'icrosoft )((,SS

9+ O3erall !escription )t its core, the system should offer the following basic functionalities" + !+ The system requests that the administrator to enter his<her name, password+ 9+ The administrator enters his<her name, password+ /+ The system validates the entered name, password, logs the actor into the system+ %+ The administrator maintains the record of information of varios fir,crimes and related obCects+

If in the basic flow, the actor enters an invalid name, password , the system displays an error message+ The actor can return to the beginning of the basic flow


Pro%uct perspecti3e2

(6I', 4I2, is a system which aims at maDing the store records of crimes easier+ This system provides an easy way to admin to Deep tracD of record of all the crimes and saves him loads of manual worD+ This system maDes updation of records easier by both user and admin and provides updated information about the current crimes status in happening+




4ront ,nd (lient )pplication *with data entry< update< cancel< view and reporting facilityS4stem interface2

1acDend Database


There will be a screen to display varios information related to 4I6+ ) login screen for entering username, password will be provided+


There will be a screen for taDing and modifying the information of the related to 4I6+
;indows based 4riendly 5avigation


:eyboard 'ouse

Screen resolution of at least !#9%G@ ?. required for proper and complete viewing of screens+


)ny ;indows based operating system *'icrosoft ;indows I0 or higher-+ 'S )ccess as the D1'S.for database+




)t least % '1 6)' and 9 G1 space on hard disD will be required for running the application


Aiewing )ddition* by administrator onlyUpdation* by administrator onlyDeletion * by administrator only


The terminals at client site will have to support the hardware and software interfaces specified in above sections+


Pro%uct Function2
)ccepting crimes information correctly+ Storing the correct records in the database+ Displaying correct information on selecting view option+ Displaying current status of fir of the all crimes+ )ccepting the updated information from user and administrator+ Storing the updated record in database to maDe it consistent+ Deletion privilege to administrator only +


*ser C&aracteristics2
3perator should be computer literate+

9+% (eneral Constraints2

)ny ;indows 3perating system+ Interface is in ,nglish+


Site A%aption ReBuirements Terminals at the client side site will have to support the hardware and software interfaces specified in above sections+


Assumptions 2
User is a related of certain branch of police Department fir information is correct+ user can fill the registration form+


Specific ReBuirements
Functional ReBuirement no =2

Introduction " 6egister for the (riminal or prisoner


" criminals personal details viH (riminal 5o+, (riminal 5ame, )ge, 3ccupation,

(rimeType,address, 'ost;anted+

0risoner details" 0risoner5o+, (harge Sheet 5o+, 5icD5ame, (rimeType, 4amily'em

Identity 'arD, =eight, ;eight, (olor

0rocessing " validation checDs are performed on the input data by the user<administrator liDe "

mandatory fields should not be Dept blanD prisoner family member should be checD )ll the entries in database should be correct


Functional ReBuirement no +2

Introduction " 4I6

Input " 4ir no, (3'02)I5T 53+, 4ir Date, 4ir Time , Information Type, 0lace of crime, )ct for crime, District of 4I6, )ddress of victim, 0assport 5o, 5ame of 0olice, 6eceived Time, Information 6eceived

0rocessing " )fter inputting data validation checDs on various fields is performed + on submission of the information the record is searched in the stored database o basis of the information submitted+

3utput " If the information submitted by the user is valid and found in the database then the corresponding record is displayed +

Functional ReBuirement 'o >2

Introduction " add or Updation of user or administrator Input " Username,password 0rocessing " )fter entering the required information the various validation checDs are

performed on submission of the information the updations are made to the database+

administrator must enter the correct user name and password


" The updated information is reflected in the stored database

Functional ReBuirement @

Introduction " Aiewing Input " none+


0rocessing " on clicDing the view button the system search for the specified database stored+ 3utput " if the specified database is stored then the whole database is display in the tabular form+ The data displayed is the updated and current information of the user personal and academic details + It also displays the status of the prisoner and criminals+

@$ Performance reBuirements
?$ !esign Constraints
Standard compliance such as I,,, for the development of S6S report+ Software ,ngineering by :+:+ )ggarwal and Bogesh Singh+

0$ Attri6utes
0$= Relia6ilit4 an% Reco3er42
It is imperative that database should be always up when put into the product+ During period of intense activities liDe submission and verification and updation of data, bacD up should be taDen+ It will help to minimiHe downtime in case of failure+ )ny abnormal operations shall result in the shutting down of the system+

0$+ Securit42
The database should be protected physically by having server located in an enclosed and guarded facility+ Airus scanning software should be installed to protect from viruses+ The server should be installed under firewall so that server only internal users can access it+ The system shall be compatible with )I'S security standards+ There should be terms and conditions and a checD on the content added by the users+ Duplicate record must be discarded by the administrator+ 0$> Maintenance2 5ew additional features can be added if required and also the system components i+e+ memory, disD, drives shall be easily serviceable without much alteration in the code+


;or. Flow of Crime File



The data flow diagram enables the software engineer to develop models of the information domain and functional domain at the same time+ )s the D4D is defined into greater level of details, the analyst performs as implicit functional decomposition of the system, thereby accomplishing the fourth operational analysis principle for functions+ )t the same time, the D4D refinement results in a corresponding refinement of data as it moves through the processes that embody the application

LE"EL , !F!


ConteCt Le3el !F! for Crime File

LE"EL = !F!


LE"EL + !F!

LE"EL > !F!


LE"EL @ !F!


Entit4DRelations&ip !iagram



*se Case !iagram

2ogin<2ogoff )dd<delete user )dd complaint status Search criminal<prisoner )dministrat or 6egistration criminal<0rionser<0ostmortem< 'ostwanted Login/logoff Search (riminal<0risoners Aiew (omplaint Status Aiew 6eports 4I6<postmortem<mostwanted Aiew 6egistration for 4I6<(hargeSheet (ase =istory 6egistration criminal<0risoner<0ostmortem<




*se cases

=$ Login =$= /rief %escription This use case allows the actor to login in system +

=$+ Actors There is only one actor *user ,administrator- which interacts and participates with this use case+ =$> Flow of e3ents =$>$= /asic flow This use case starts when the actor wishes to 2ogin himself for the use os system+ The system requests that the user must enter his all valid username and password+ 3nce the user provides the requested information, one of the sub.flows is eGecuted+ If the user selected Esubmit F, the 2ogin information sub flow is eGecuted+

=$>$=$= Su6mit crimefile information The system requests the user to enter the information which includes" Personal Information a- User 5ame


b- password

3nce the user provides the requested information, system first validates the information provided+

If the information is valid then the particular information about the user is recorded in the database

=$>$+ Alternati3e flow =$>$+$= In3ali% information If the user entered the invalid information then the system will generate an error message to again fill the information properly+ =$>$+$+ /lan. information If the user left blanD the teGt boGes that are mandatory to be filled by him then the system will generate error message+ =$>$+$> On cancel If the user chooses the cancel then the use case ends and the basic flow begins+ =$@ Special ReBuirements 5one =$? PreDCon%ition The user must be computer operator in police Department + =$0 PostDCon%ition If the use case was successful, the user information is login in the system+ 3therwise , the system state is unchanged+ =$- ECtension points



Registration process for criminals

+$= /rief %escription
This use case allows the actor to register criminal in database+

+$+ Actors
There is only two actor *user, administrator- which interacts and participates with this use case+

+$> Flow of e3ents +$>$= /asic flow

This use case starts when the actor wishes to 6egister criminals for the record in database++ The system requests that the user must enter all valid personal and academic information of criminals+

3nce the user provides the requested information, the following sub.flow is eGecuted+ If the user selected Esubmit F, the submit information sub flow is eGecuted+ +$>$=$= Su6mit crimefile information !+ The system requests the use to enter the 6egistration information which includes" (riminal5o (rim5ame 5icD5ame


)ge 3ccupation (rimeType )ddress 'ost;anted first validates the

9+ 3nce the user provides the requested information, system information provided+

/+ If the information is valid then the particular information about the criminal is recorded in the database+

+$>$+ Alternati3e flow

+$>$+$= In3ali% information If the user entered the invalid information then the system will generate an error message to again fill the information properly+ +$>$+$+ /lan. information If the user left blanD the teGt boGes that are mandatory to be filled by him then the system will generate error message+ +$>$+$> On cancel If the user chooses the cancel then the use case ends and the basic flow begins+ +$@ Special ReBuirements 5one +$? PreDCon%ition The user must be computer operator in police Department +


+$0 PostDCon%ition If the use case was successful, the criminal information is added in the crimefile database+ 3therwise , the system state is unchanged+ +$- ECtension points 5one >$ Registration process for prisoner >$= /rief %escription This use case allows the actor to register prisoner in database +

>$+ Actors There are two actor *user, administrator- which interacts and participates with this use case+ >$> Flow of e3ents >$>$= /asic flow This use case starts when the actor 6egister prisoners of the prison+ 3nce the user provides the requested information, one of the sub.flows is eGecuted+ If the user selected Esubmit F, the submit crimefile information sub flow is eGecuted+

>$>$=$= Su6mit crimefile information The system requests the user to includes" 0risoner5o (hargeSheet5o 5icD5ame /

enter the 6egistration information which

(rimeType 4amily'em Ident'arD =eight ;eight (olor

3nce the user provides the requested information, system first validates the information provided+

If the information is valid then the particular information about the prisoner is recorded in the database

>$>$+ Alternati3e flow >$>$+$= In3ali% information none+ >$>$+$+ /lan. information If the user left blanD the teGt boGes that are mandatory to be filled by him then the system will generate error message+ >$>$+$> On cancel If the user chooses the cancel then the use case ends and the basic flow begins+ >$@ Special ReBuirements 5one >$? PreDCon%ition The user must be computer operator in police Department +


>$0 PostDCon%ition If the use case was successful, the user information is added in the crime file database+ 3therwise , the system state is unchanged+ >$- ECtension points 5one @$ Registration process for postmortem @$= /rief %escription This use case allows the actor to register postmortem in database +

@$+ Actors There are two actor *user, administrator- which interacts and participates with this use case+ @$> Flow of e3ents @$>$= /asic flow This use case starts when the actor 6egister postmortem+ + 3nce the user provides the requested information, one of the sub.flows is eGecuted+ If the user selected Esubmit F, the submit postmortem information sub flow is eGecuted+ @$>$=$= Su6mit crimefile information The system requests the user to includes" enter the 6egistration information which


0'ortem5o 4ir5o 6esult SeG DthDate (aseDesc =ouse5ame Doct5ame 0oliceDepartment

3nce the user provides the requested information, system first validates the information provided+

If the information is valid then the particular information about the prisoner is recorded in the database

@$>$+ Alternati3e flow @$>$+$= In3ali% information none+ @$>$+$+ /lan. information If the user left blanD the teGt boGes that are mandatory to be filled by him then the system will generate error message+ @$>$+$> On cancel If the user chooses the cancel then the use case ends and the basic flow begins+ @$@ Special ReBuirements 5one /&

@$? PreDCon%ition The user must be computer operator in police Department + @$0 PostDCon%ition If the use case was successful, the user information is added in the crimefile database+ 3therwise , the system state is unchanged+ @$- ECtension points 5one

?$ Registration process for most wante% criminal ?$= /rief %escription This use case allows the actor to register most wanted criminal in database +

?$+ Actors There are two actor *user, administrator- which interacts and participates with this use case+ ?$> Flow of e3ents ?$>$= /asic flow This use case starts when the actor 6egister postmortem+ + 3nce the user provides the requested information, one of the sub.flows is eGecuted+ If the user selected Esubmit F, the submit crimefile information sub flow is eGecuted+ ?$>$=$= Su6mit crimefile information %#

The system requests the user to includes" 'stID 'st5ame 'st5icD5ame )ge SeG Desc

enter the 6egistration information which

3nce the user provides the requested information, system first validates the information provided+

If the information is valid then the particular information about the most wanted criminal is recorded in the database

?$>$+ Alternati3e flow =$>$+$= In3ali% information none+ ?$>$+$+ /lan. information If the user left blanD the teGt boGes that are mandatory to be filled by him then the system will generate error message+ ?$>$+$> On cancel If the user chooses the cancel then the use case ends and the basic flow begins+ ?$@ Special ReBuirements 5one ?$? PreDCon%ition


The user must be computer operator in police Department + ?$0 PostDCon%ition If the use case was successful, the user information is added in the crimefile database+ 3therwise , the system state is unchanged+ ?$- ECtension points

0$ Registration process for F$I$R$ 0$= /rief %escription This use case allows the actor to register fir in database +

0$+ Actors There are two actor *user,administrator- which interacts and participates with this use case+ 0$> Flow of e3ents 0$>$= /asic flow This use case starts when the actor 6egister 4+I+6++ + 3nce the user provides the requested information, one of the sub.flows is eGecuted+ If the user selected Esubmit F, the submit crimefile information sub flow is eGecuted+

0$>$=$= Su6mit crimefile information The system requests the user to includes"

enter the 6egistration information which


4irno (omplnt5o 4irDate 4irTime InfoType 0lace 4or2oc )ct District )ddress 0assport5o 0olice5ame 6ecvdTime 6ecvdInfo

3nce the user provides the requested information, system first validates the information provided+

If the information is valid then the particular information about the 4I6 is recorded in the database

0$>$+ Alternati3e flow 0$>$+$= In3ali% information none+ 0$>$+$+ /lan. information


If the user left blanD the teGt boGes that are mandatory to be filled by him then the system will generate error message+ 0$>$+$> On cancel If the user chooses the cancel then the use case ends and the basic flow begins+ 0$@ Special ReBuirements 5one 0$? PreDCon%ition The user must be computer operator in police Department + 0$0 PostDCon%ition If the use case was successful, the user information is added in the (6I', 4I2, database+ 3therwise , the system state is unchanged+ 0$- ECtension points 5one one

-$ Searc& for Criminal -$= /rief %escription

This use case allows the actor to search for his criminals status+

-$+ Actors
There is two actor *user, administrator- which interacts and participates with this use case+

-$> Flow of e3ents


-$>$= /asic flow

This use case starts when the actor wishes to search for the criminals+ The system requests the user to enter the required information in order to search for criminal+ !+ 3n submitting the required information the following sub flow is eGecuted+ -$>$=$= Searc& placement information !+ The system requests the user to enter the following information for searching which includes" (riminal name

9+ 3nce the user provides the requested information, system information provided+

first validates the

/+ If the information is valid then the placement status of the particular user is displayed+

-$>$+ Alternati3e flow

-$>$+$= In3ali% information If the user entered the invalid information then the system will generate an error message to again fill the information properly+ -$>$+$+ /lan. information If the user left blanD the teGt boGes that are mandatory to be filled by him then the system will generate error message+ -$>$+$> 'o information foun% If the information entered by the user is not found in database then the system will not display the name of the organiHation+


-$>$+$> On cancel If the user chooses the cancel then the use case ends and the basic flow begins+ -$@ Special reBuirements 5one -$? PreDcon%ition The user must be computer operator in police Department + -$0 PostDcon%ition If the use case was successful, the criminal status of the particular user is displayed+ 3therwise, the system state is unchanged+ -$- ECtension points 5one

4or creation of database 'icrosoft )ccess a popular relational database management system is used+ The database is connected visual basic which have inbuilt functions to connect to database, enter information to database and eGtract data+ The proCect database has following tables+ 2ogin admin login

2ogin user login

(riminal registration

0risoner registration %@


'ost wanted



(harge sheet

(omplaint status


(omplaint registration





Login form

Co%ing2Login form 0rivate Sub cmd)dmin2og[(licD*Set rs M con+,Gecute*NSelect \ from )dmin2ogin where UsernameMQN L tGtUname+TeGt L NQ and 0asswordMQN L tGt0ass+TeGt L NQNIf *5ot rs+,34- Then 'sg1oG N2ogin SuccessN, vbInformation, N(rime 4ile SystemN frm'DI+mnu2ogoff+,nabled M True frm'DI+mnu)dmin)ddU+,nabled M True frm'DI+mnu)dminDelU+,nabled M True frm'DI+mnu)ctiv+,nabled M True frm'DI+mnu2ogin+,nabled M 4alse frm'DI+mnu)dmin)dd(omSt+,nabled M True frm'DI+mnu)ctiv6eg+,nabled M True frm'DI+mnu)ctiv(omp+,nabled M True frm'DI+mnu)ctiv6pt+,nabled M True frm'DI+mnusearch+,nabled M True Unload 'e ,lse 'sg1oG N4ailureN, vb(ritical, N(rime 4ile SystemN ,nd If Qrs+(lose Unload 'e ,nd Sub 0rivate Sub cmd(ancel[(licD*Unload 'e $9

,nd Sub 0rivate Sub cmdUser2og[(licD*Set rs M con+,Gecute*NSelect \ from User2ogin where UsernameMQN L tGtUname+TeGt L NQ and 0asswordMQN L tGt0ass+TeGt L NQNIf *5ot rs+,34- Then 'sg1oG N2ogin SuccessN, vbInformation, N(rime 4ile SystemN frm'DI+mnu2ogoff+,nabled M True frm'DI+mnu2ogin+,nabled M 4alse frm'DI+mnu)ctiv+,nabled M True frm'DI+mnu)ctiv6eg+,nabled M True frm'DI+mnu)ctiv(omp+,nabled M True frm'DI+mnu)ctiv6pt+,nabled M True frm'DI+mnusearch+,nabled M True Unload 'e ,lse 'sg1oG N4ailureN, vb(ritical, N(rime 4ile SystemN ,nd If Qrs+(lose ,nd Sub 0rivate Sub 4orm[2oad*connectdb ,nd Sub 0rivate Sub 4orm[Unload*(ancel )s Integercon+(lose ,nd Sub


Main form

Co%ing2 Main form 0rivate Sub 'DI4orm[2oad*mnu2ogoff+,nabled M 4alse mnu)dmin)ddU+,nabled M 4alse mnu)dminDelU+,nabled M 4alse mnu)ctiv+,nabled M 4alse mnu)dmin)dd(omSt+,nabled M 4alse mnu)ctiv6eg+,nabled M 4alse mnu)ctiv(omp+,nabled M 4alse mnu)ctiv6pt+,nabled M 4alse mnusearch+,nabled M 4alse


Data,nvironment!+(onnection!+(onnectionString M N0roviderM'icrosoft+7et+32,D1+%+#]Data SourceMN U )pp+0ath U NRcrimefile+mdb]0ersist Security InfoM4alseN ,nd Sub 0rivate Sub mnu)ctiv(hrgSht[(licD*2oad frm(hargeSheet frm(hargeSheet+Show ,nd Sub 0rivate Sub mnu)ctiv(omp6eg[(licD*2oad frm(omplt6eg frm(omplt6eg+Show ,nd Sub 0rivate Sub mnu)ctiv(ompStat[(licD*2oad frm(ompStatus frm(ompStatus+Show ,nd Sub 0rivate Sub mnu)ctiv(s=ist[(licD*2oad frm=istSheet frm=istSheet+Show ,nd Sub 0rivate Sub mnu)ctiv4ir[(licD*2oad frm4I6 frm4I6+Show ,nd Sub 0rivate Sub mnu)ctiv6eg(rim[(licD*2oad frm(riminal6egister frm(riminal6egister+Show ,nd Sub 0rivate Sub mnu)ctiv6eg0ost[(licD*2oad frm0ostmortem frm0ostmortem+Show ,nd Sub 0rivate Sub mnu)ctiv6eg0ris[(licD*2oad frm0risoner6eg frm0risoner6eg+Show ,nd Sub 0rivate Sub mnu)ctiv6pt(rim[(licD*2oad Data6eport(rime6pt Data6eport(rime6pt+Show ,nd Sub 0rivate Sub mnu)ctiv6pt'st[(licD*2oad Data6eport'ost;anted Data6eport'ost;anted+Show ,nd Sub 0rivate Sub mnu)ct6eg'st[(licD*2oad frm'ost;anted frm'ost;anted+Show


,nd Sub 0rivate Sub mnu)dmin)dd(omSt[(licD*2oad frm)dd(ompltStatus frm)dd(ompltStatus+Show ,nd Sub 0rivate Sub mnu)dmin)ddU[(licD*2oad frm)ddUser frm)ddUser+Show ,nd Sub 0rivate Sub mnu)dminDelU[(licD*2oad frmDeleteUser frmDeleteUser+Show ,nd Sub 0rivate Sub mnucriminal[(licD*2oad search(riminal search(riminal+Show ,nd Sub 0rivate Sub mnueGit[(licD*Unload 'e ,nd Sub 0rivate Sub mnu2ogin[(licD*2oad frm2ogin frm2ogin+Show ,nd Sub 0rivate Sub mnu2ogoff[(licD*mnu2ogoff+,nabled M 4alse mnu)dmin)ddU+,nabled M 4alse mnu)dminDelU+,nabled M 4alse mnu)ctiv+,nabled M 4alse mnu2ogin+,nabled M True mnu)dmin)dd(omSt+,nabled M 4alse mnu)ctiv6eg+,nabled M 4alse mnu)ctiv(omp+,nabled M 4alse mnu)ctiv6pt+,nabled M 4alse mnusearch+,nabled M 4alse ,nd Sub 0rivate Sub mnuprisioner[(licD*2oad Search0risoner Search0risoner+Show ,nd Sub 0rivate Sub mnu6pt4I6[(licD*2oad frm4I6rpt frm4I6rpt+Show ,nd Sub 0rivate Sub mnu6pt'ortem[(licD*2oad frm0'ortem6pt

frm0'ortem6pt+Show ,nd Sub

A%% 'ew user

Co%ing2 A%% 'ew user 0rivate Sub 4orm[2oad*connectdb ,nd Sub 0rivate Sub cmd)dd[(licD*Set rs M con+,Gecute*Nselect \ from User2ogin where UsernameMQN L tGtUsername+TeGt L NQ and 0asswordMQN L tGt0assword+TeGt L NQNIf *5ot rs+,34- Then 'sg1oG NSorryTT User already eGists+ Try another usernameN, vb(ritical, N(rime 4ile SystemN tGt0assword+TeGt M NN tGtUsername+TeGt M NN tGtUsername+Set4ocus ,lse $@

con+,Gecute *Ninsert into User2ogin values*QN L tGtUsername+TeGt L NQ,QN L tGt0assword+TeGt L NQ-N'sg1oG NUser added sucessfullyN, vbInformation, N(rime 4ile SystemN tGt0assword+TeGt M NN tGtUsername+TeGt M NN tGtUsername+Set4ocus ,nd If ,nd Sub 0rivate Sub cmd(ancel[(licD*Unload 'e ,nd Sub !elete user

Co%ing2 !elete user 0rivate Sub cmd(ancel[(licD*Unload 'e ,nd Sub 0rivate Sub cmdDelete[(licD*con+,Gecute *Ndelete from User2ogin where UsernameMQN L cmbUsername+TeGt L NQN'sg1oG NUser deleted sucessfullyTTN, vbInformation, N(4SN cmbUsername+TeGt M NN ,nd Sub 0rivate Sub 4orm[2oad*connectdb Set rs M con+,Gecute*Nselect \ from User2oginN$?

;hile *5ot rs+,34cmbUsername+)ddItem rs*#rs+'ove5eGt ;end ,nd Sub

A%% complaint status

Co%ing2 A%% complaint status 0rivate Sub cmd(ancel[(licD*Unload 'e ,nd Sub 0rivate Sub cmdAiewStat[(licD*Set rs M con+,Gecute*Nselect \ from (omplntStatus where (omplnt5oMN L cmb(omplnt5o+TeGt L NNIf *5ot rs+,34- Then


tGtDetails+TeGt M rs*!,nd If ,nd Sub 0rivate Sub 4orm[2oad*connectdb Set rs M con+,Gecute*Nselect distinct*(omplnt5o- from (omplntStatusN;hile *5ot rs+,34cmb(omplnt5o+)ddItem rs*#rs+'ove5eGt ;end rs+(lose ,nd Sub Criminal registration

Co%ing2 Criminal registration 0rivate Sub cmd(ancel[(licD*Unload 'e #

,nd Sub 0rivate Sub cmdSave[(licD*If *optyes+Aalue M True- Then G M NBesN ,lse G M N5oN ,nd If If *tGt)ddress+TeGt M NN 3r tGt)ge+TeGt M NN 3r tGt(rimeType+TeGt M NN 3r tGt5ame+TeGt M NN 3r tGt5icD5ame+TeGt M NN 3r tGt3ccupation+TeGt M NN- Then 'sg1oG N'issing 4ieldsTT,0lease fill up allN, vbInformation, N(rime 4ile SystemN ,lseIf *5ot Is5umeric*tGt)ge+TeGt-- Then 'sg1oG N)ge should be numericN ,lse con+,Gecute *Ninsert into (riminal6eg values*N L tGt(riminal5o+TeGt L [ N,QN L tGt5ame+TeGt L NQ,QN L tGt5icD5ame+TeGt L NQ,N L tGt)ge+TeGt L [ N,QN L tGt3ccupation+TeGt L NQ,QN L tGt(rimeType+TeGt L NQ,QN L tGt)ddress+TeGt L [ NQ,QN L G L NQ-N'sg1oG N6ecord )dded successfullyN, vbInformation, N(rime 4ile SystemN tGt(riminal5o+TeGt M tGt(riminal5o+TeGt L ! tGt)ddress+TeGt M NN tGt)ge+TeGt M NN tGt(rimeType+TeGt M NN tGt5ame+TeGt M NN tGt5icD5ame+TeGt M NN tGt3ccupation+TeGt M NN tGt5ame+Set4ocus ,nd If ,nd Sub 0rivate Sub 4orm[2oad*connectdb Set rs M con+,Gecute*Nselect maG*(riminal5o- from (riminal6egNIf *5ot rs+,34- Then cnt M rs*#If *cnt M #- Then cnt M ! ,lse cnt M cnt L ! ,nd If tGt(riminal5o+TeGt M cnt ,nd If ,nd Sub

Prisoner registration

Co%ing2 Prisoner registration 0rivate Sub (ommand![(licD*If *tGt(hgr5o+TeGt M NN 3r tGt(olor+TeGt M NN 3r tGt(rmType+TeGt M NN 3r tGt4am'em+TeGt M NN 3r tGt=t+TeGt M NN 3r tGtIden'arD+TeGt M NN 3r tGt5iD5ame+TeGt M NN 3r tGt0ris5o+TeGt M NN 3r tGt;t+TeGt M NN- Then 'sg1oG N'issing 4ieldsTT, 0lease fill up allN, vbInformation, N(rime 4ile SystemN ,lse

If **5ot Is5umeric*tGt(hgr5o+TeGt-- 3r *5ot Is5umeric*tGt=t+TeGt-- 3r *5ot Is5umeric*tGt;t+TeGt--- Then 'sg1oG NSome of the values entered are not matching, 0lease checD numbers are entered correctlyN, vb(ritical, N(rime 4ile SystemN ,lse Set rs M con+,Gecute*Nselect \ from 0risoners6eg where (hargeSheet5oMN L tGt(hgr5o+TeGt L NNIf *5ot rs+,34- Then 'sg1oG N(harge Sheet 5umber )lready ,Gist, 0lease try another numberN, vb(ritical, N(rime 4ile SystemN tGt(hgr5o+TeGt M NN tGt(hgr5o+Set4ocus ,lse con+,Gecute *Ninsert into 0risoners6eg values*N L tGt0ris5o+TeGt L N,N L tGt(hgr5o+TeGt L N,QN L tGt5iD5ame+TeGt L [ NQ,QN L tGt(rmType+TeGt L NQ,QN L tGt4am'em+TeGt L NQ,QN L tGtIden'arD+TeGt L NQ,N L tGt=t+TeGt L [ N,N L tGt;t+TeGt L N,QN L tGt(olor+TeGt L NQ-Ncon+,Gecute *Ninsert into prisonersTemp values*N L tGt0ris5o+TeGt L N,Q5oQ-N'sg1oG N6ecord )dded SucessfullyN, vbInformation, N(4SN tGt0ris5o+TeGt M tGt0ris5o+TeGt L ! tGt(hgr5o+TeGt M NN tGt(olor+TeGt M NN tGt(rmType+TeGt M NN tGt4am'em+TeGt M NN tGt=t+TeGt M NN tGtIden'arD+TeGt M NN tGt5iD5ame+TeGt M NN tGt;t+TeGt M NN tGt(hgr5o+Set4ocus ,nd If ,nd If ,nd If ,nd Sub 0rivate Sub (ommand9[(licD*Unload 'e ,nd Sub

Post mortem

Co%ing2 Post mortem 0rivate Sub cmdSave[(licD*If *tGtDate+TeGt M NN 3r tGtDesc+TeGt M NN 3r tGtDoct5ame+TeGt M NN 3r cmb4irr5o+TeGt M NN 3r tGt=ouse5ame+TeGt M NN 3r tGt0oliceSt+TeGt M NN 3r tGt0ost5o+TeGt M NN 3r tGt6slt+TeGt M NNThen 'sg1oG N'issing 4ieldsTT 0lease 4ill Up allN, vbInformation, N(rime 4ile SystemN

,lse Set rs M con+,Gecute*Nselect \ from 0ostmortem where 4ir5oMN L cmb4irr5o+TeGt L NNIf *5ot rs+,34- Then 'sg1oG NDuplication is not allowded, 0lease try another 4I6 numberN, vb(ritical, N(rime 4ile SystemN cmb4irr5o+Set4ocus ,lse con+,Gecute *Ninsert into postmortem values*N L tGt0ost5o+TeGt L N,N L cmb4irr5o+TeGt L N,QN L tGt6slt+TeGt L [ NQ,QN L cmbSeG+TeGt L NQ,QN L tGtDate+TeGt L NQ,QN L tGtDesc+TeGt L [ NQ,QN L tGt=ouse5ame+TeGt L NQ,QN L tGtDoct5ame+TeGt L NQ,QN L tGt0oliceSt+TeGt L NQ-N'sg1oG N6ecord )dded SucessfullyN, vbInformation, N(rime 4ile SystemN tGt0ost5o+TeGt M tGt0ost5o L ! tGtDate+TeGt M NN tGtDesc+TeGt M NN tGtDoct5ame+TeGt M NN tGt=ouse5ame+TeGt M NN tGt0oliceSt+TeGt M NN tGt6slt+TeGt M NN ,nd If ,nd If ,nd Sub 0rivate Sub 4orm[2oad*connectdb cmbSeG+TeGt M N'aleN Set rs M con+,Gecute*Nselect maG*0'ortem5o- from 0ostmortemNIf *5ot rs+,34- Then cnt M rs*#If *cnt M #- Then cnt M ! ,lse cnt M cnt L ! ,nd If tGt0ost5o+TeGt M cnt ,nd If rs+(lose Set rs M con+,Gecute*Nselect 4irno from 4I6N;hile *5ot rs+,34cmb4irr5o+)ddItem rs*#rs+'ove5eGt ;end rs+(lose ,nd Sub


CO!I'(2 Dim G )s Integer 0rivate Sub cmdSh6pt[(licD*G M cmb'no+TeGt If *Data,nvironment!+rs(ommand/+State M !- Then

Data,nvironment!+rs(ommand/+(lose ,lse Data,nvironment!+(ommand/ *G2oad Data6eportmortem Data6eportmortem+Show ,nd If ,nd Sub 0rivate Sub (ommand![(licD*Unload 'e ,nd Sub 0rivate Sub 4orm[2oad*connectdb Set rs M con+,Gecute*Nselect 0'ortem5o from 0ostmortemN;hile *5ot rs+,34cmb'no+)ddItem rs*#rs+'ove5eGt ;end ,nd Sub

Most wante%

Co%ing2 Mostwante% Dim G )s Integer 0rivate Sub cmd(ancel[(licD*Unload 'e ,nd Sub 0rivate Sub cmdSave[(licD*If *tGt)ge+TeGt M NN 3r tGtDesc+TeGt M NN 3r tGt5ame+TeGt M NN 3r tGt5icD5ame+TeGt M NNThen 'sg1oG N'issing fieldsTT, 0lease fill up allN, vbInformation, N(rime 4ile SystemN ,lse ?

Set rs M con+,Gecute*Nselect count*\- from 'ost;antedNIf *5ot rs+,34- Then G M rs*#If *G M #- Then GM! ,lse GMGL! ,nd If tGthd+TeGt M G ,nd If If *5ot Is5umeric*tGt)ge+TeGt-- Then 'sg1oG N)ge should be numberN, vbInformation, N(rime 4ile SyatemN tGt)ge+TeGt M NN tGt)ge+Set4ocus ,lse con+,Gecute *Ninsert into 'ost;anted values*N L tGthd+TeGt L N,QN L tGt5ame+TeGt L [ NQ,QN L tGt5icD5ame+TeGt L NQ,N L tGt)ge+TeGt L N,QN L cmbSeG+TeGt L NQ,QN L tGtDesc+TeGt L NQ-N'sg1oG N6ecord )dded SuccessfullyN, vbInformation, N(rime 4ile systemN tGt5ame+TeGt M NN tGt)ge+TeGt M NN tGtDesc+TeGt M NN tGt5icD5ame+TeGt M NN tGt5ame+Set4ocus ,nd If ,nd If ,nd Sub 0rivate Sub 4orm[2oad*connectdb ,nd Sub





Co%ing2 FIR 0rivate Sub cmd(ancel[(licD*Unload 'e ,nd Sub 0rivate Sub cmdSave[(licD*If *tGtDate+TeGt M NN 3r tGtDistrict+TeGt M NN 3r tGt4ir5o+TeGt M NN 3r tGtInfo)dd+TeGt M NN 3r tGtInfo6cd+TeGt M NN 3r [


tGt0ass5o+TeGt M NN 3r tGt0lace3cc+TeGt M NN 3r tGt0olice+TeGt M NN 3r tGt6cdTime+TeGt M NN 3r tGtTime+TeGt M NN 3r [ tGtTypInfo+TeGt M NN 3r cmb(omplantno+TeGt M NN- Then 'sg1oG N'issing 4ieldsTTN, vbInformation, N(rime 4ile SystemN ,lse Set rs M con+,Gecute*Nselect \ from 4I6 where 4ir5oMN L tGt4ir5o+TeGt L N or (omplnt5oMN L cmb(omplantno+TeGt L NNIf *5ot rs+,34- Then 'sg1oG NSorryTT 4I6 3r (omplaint 5umber already eGists+ Try another numberN, vb(ritical, N(4SN tGt4ir5o+TeGt M NN tGt4ir5o+Set4ocus ,lse Dim t!, t9, t/ )s String t! M tGtTime+TeGt L cmbT!+TeGt Qt9 M tGtTime9+TeGt L cmbT9+TeGt t/ M tGt6cdTime+TeGt L cmbT/+TeGt If **5ot Is5umeric*tGt0ass5o+TeGt-- 3r *5ot Is5umeric*tGt4ir5o+TeGt--- Then 'sg1oG N0lease checD the number fieldsN, vbInformation, N(rime 4ile SystemN QtGt0ass5o+TeGt M NN QtGt0ass5o+Set4ocus ,lse con+,Gecute *Ninsert into 4I6 values*N L tGt4ir5o+TeGt L N,N L cmb(omplantno+TeGt L [ N,QN L tGtDate+TeGt L NQ,QN L t! L NQ,QN L tGtTypInfo+TeGt L [ NQ,QN L tGt0lace3cc+TeGt L NQ,QN L cmb4or2oc+TeGt L NQ,QN L cmb)ct+TeGt L [ NQ,QN L tGtDistrict+TeGt L NQ,QN L tGtInfo)dd+TeGt L NQ,N L tGt0ass5o+TeGt L N,QN L tGt0olice+TeGt L [ NQ,QN L t/ L NQ,QN L tGtInfo6cd+TeGt L NQ-Ncon+,Gecute *NU0D)T, (omplntTemp set StatusMQBesQ where (omplnt5oMN L cmb(omplantno+TeGt L NN'sg1oG N6ecord )ddedN, vbInformation, N(rime 4ile systemN tGtDate+TeGt M NN tGtDistrict+TeGt M NN tGt4ir5o+TeGt M NN tGtInfo)dd+TeGt M NN tGtInfo6cd+TeGt M NN tGt0ass5o+TeGt M NN tGt0lace3cc+TeGt M NN tGt0olice+TeGt M NN tGt6cdTime+TeGt M NN tGtTime+TeGt M NN tGtTypInfo+TeGt M NN tGt4ir5o+Set4ocus ,nd If ,nd If ,nd If


,nd Sub 0rivate Sub 4orm[2oad*cmbT!+TeGt M N)'N cmbT/+TeGt M N)'N cmb)ct+TeGt M N'urderN cmb4or2oc+TeGt M N4oreignN connectdb Set rs M con+,Gecute*NSelect (omplnt5o from (omplntTemp where StatusMQ5oQN;hile *5ot rs+,34cmb(omplantno+)ddItem rs*#rs+'ove5eGt ;end ,nd Sub



CO!I'(2 Dim G )s Integer 0rivate Sub cmdSh6pt[(licD*G M cmb'no+TeGt If *Data,nvironment!+rs(ommand%+State M !- Then Data,nvironment!+rs(ommand%+(lose


,lse Data,nvironment!+(ommand% *G2oad Data6eport4I6 Data6eport4I6+Show ,nd If ,nd Sub 0rivate Sub (ommand![(licD*Unload 'e ,nd Sub 0rivate Sub 4orm[2oad*connectdb Set rs M con+,Gecute*Nselect 4irno from 4I6N;hile *5ot rs+,34cmb'no+)ddItem rs*#rs+'ove5eGt ;end ,nd Sub C&arge s&eet


Co%ing2c&argeS&eet Dim cnt )s Integer Dim G )s (ontrol 0rivate Sub cmd1acD[(licD*4rame%+Aisible M 4alse 4rame/+Aisible M True ,nd Sub 0rivate Sub cmd1acD9[(licD*4rame9+Aisible M 4alse 4rame!+Aisible M True ,nd Sub 0rivate Sub cmd1acD/[(licD*4rame/+Aisible M 4alse 4rame9+Aisible M True

,nd Sub 0rivate Sub cmd4inish[(licD*If *tGt;itn)dd+TeGt M NN 3r tGt;itn5ame+TeGt M NN 3r tGt;itn3cc+TeGt M NN- Then 'sg1oG N'issing 4ieldsTT, 0lease fill up allN, vbInformation, N(rime 4ile systemN ,lse Set rs M con+,Gecute*Nselect \ from (hargeSheet where 4ir5oMN L cmb4ir5o+TeGt L NNIf *5ot rs+,34- Then 'sg1oG NDupplication is not allowed, 0lease try another fir numberN, vb(ritical, N(rime 4ile systemN 4rame%+Aisible M 4alse 4rame!+Aisible M True cmb4ir5o+Set4ocus ,lse con+,Gecute *Ninsert into (hargeSheet values*N L tGt(hrg5o+TeGt L N,QN L tGt0stat5ame+TeGt L NQ,QN L tGtDate+TeGt L [ NQ,N L cmb4ir5o+TeGt L N,QN L tGtDist+TeGt L NQ,QN L tGtInfo5ame+TeGt L [ NQ,QN L tGtInfo)dd+TeGt L NQ,QN L tGtInfo3cc+TeGt L NQ,QN L tGtInfo0art+TeGt L [ NQ,QN L tGt)ccu5ame+TeGt L NQ,QN L tGt)ccu)dd+TeGt L NQ,QN L cmb)ccuSeG+TeGt L [ NQ,N L tGt)ccu)ge+TeGt L N,QN L tGt)ccu3cc+TeGt L NQ,QN L cmb)ccuStat+TeGt L [ NQ,QN L tGt)ccu)ct+TeGt L NQ,QN L tGt;itn5ame+TeGt L NQ,QN L tGt;itn)dd+TeGt L [ NQ,QN L tGt;itn3cc+TeGt L NQ-N'sg1oG N6ecord )dded SuccessfullyTTN, vbInformation, N(rime 4ile systemN 4rame%+Aisible M 4alse 4rame!+Aisible M True tGt(hrg5o+TeGt M tGt(hrg5o+TeGt L ! Q 4or ,ach G In 'e+(ontrols Q If *G M TeGt1oG- Then Q G+TeGt M NN Q ,nd If Q5eGt ,nd If ,nd If ,nd Sub 0rivate Sub cmd5eGt![(licD*If *tGt(hrg5o+TeGt M NN 3r tGt0stat5ame+TeGt M NN 3r tGtDate+TeGt M NN 3r cmb4ir5o+TeGt M NN 3r tGtDist+TeGt M NN- Then 'sg1oG N'issing 4ieldsTT, 0lease fill up allN, vbInformation, N(rime 4ile systemN ,lse 4rame!+Aisible M 4alse 4rame9+Aisible M True ,nd If ,nd Sub 0rivate Sub cmd5eGt9[(licD*-


If *tGtInfo)dd+TeGt M NN 3r tGtInfo5ame+TeGt M NN 3r tGtInfo3cc+TeGt M NN 3r tGtInfo0art+TeGt M NN- Then 'sg1oG N'issing 4ieldsTT, 0lease fill up allN, vbInformation, N(rime 4ile systemN ,lse 4rame9+Aisible M 4alse 4rame/+Aisible M True ,nd If ,nd Sub 0rivate Sub cmd5eGt/[(licD*If *tGt)ccu)ct+TeGt M NN 3r tGt)ccu)dd+TeGt M NN 3r tGt)ccu)ge+TeGt M NN 3r tGt)ccu5ame+TeGt M NN 3r tGt)ccu3cc+TeGt M NN- Then 'sg1oG N'issing 4ieldsTT, 0lease fill up allN, vbInformation, N(rime 4ile systemN ,lse 4rame/+Aisible M 4alse 4rame%+Aisible M True ,nd If ,nd Sub 0rivate Sub 4orm[2oad*4rame!+Aisible M True 4rame9+Aisible M 4alse 4rame/+Aisible M 4alse 4rame%+Aisible M 4alse connectdb Set rs M con+,Gecute*Nselect maG*(hrgSht5o- from (hargeSheetNIf *5ot rs+,34- Then cnt M rs*#If *cnt M #- Then cnt M ! ,lse cnt M cnt L ! ,nd If tGt(hrg5o+TeGt M cnt ,nd If rs+(lose Set rs M con+,Gecute*Nselect 4irno from 4I6N;hile *5ot rs+,34cmb4ir5o+)ddItem rs*#rs+'ove5eGt ;end rs+(lose ,nd Sub

Complaint status


Co%ing2 Complaint status 0rivate Sub cmd(ancel[(licD*Unload 'e ,nd Sub 0rivate Sub cmdAiewStat[(licD*Set rs M con+,Gecute*Nselect \ from (omplntStatus where (omplnt5oMN L cmb(omplnt5o+TeGt L NNIf *5ot rs+,34- Then tGtDetails+TeGt M rs*!,nd If ,nd Sub 0rivate Sub 4orm[2oad*connectdb Set rs M con+,Gecute*Nselect distinct*(omplnt5o- from (omplntStatusN;hile *5ot rs+,34cmb(omplnt5o+)ddItem rs*#rs+'ove5eGt ;end rs+(lose ,nd Sub


Searc& criminal


Co%ing2 Complaint status Dim con )s )D3D1+(onnection Dim rec )s )D3D1+6ecordset 0rivate Sub (ommand![(licD*Dim strcon )s String Dim strcom )s String strcon M N0roviderM'icrosoft+)(,+32,D1+!9+#]Data SourceMD"R(rime4ileR(rime4ileR(rime4ileR(rime 4ile SystemRcrimefile+mdb]0ersist Security InfoM4alseN Set con M 5ew )D3D1+(onnection con+3pen strcon Set rec M 5ew )D3D1+6ecordset strcom M Nselect \ from (riminal6eg where (rim5ameMQN U TeGt!+TeGt U NQN rec+3pen strcom, con, ad(mdTeGt If rec+,34 Then 'sg1oG Nrecord not presentN ,lse" 'sg1oG Nrecord is presentN TeGt9+TeGt M rec+4ields*#TeGt/+TeGt M rec+4ields*!TeGt%+TeGt M rec+4ields*9TeGt$+TeGt M rec+4ields*/TeGt +TeGt M rec+4ields*%TeGt@+TeGt M rec+4ields*$TeGt?+TeGt M rec+4ields* TeGt&+TeGt M rec+4ields*@,nd If ,nd Sub 0rivate Sub eGit[(licD*Unload 'e ,nd Sub


Searc& prisoner

Co%ing2 Searc& prisoner Dim con )s )D3D1+(onnection Dim rec )s )D3D1+6ecordset 0rivate Sub (ommand![(licD*Dim strcon )s String Dim strcom )s String strcon M N0roviderM'icrosoft+)(,+32,D1+!9+#]Data SourceMD"R(rime4ileR(rime4ileR(rime4ileR(rime 4ile SystemRcrimefile+mdb]0ersist Security InfoM4alseN ?9

Set con M 5ew )D3D1+(onnection con+3pen strcon Set rec M 5ew )D3D1+6ecordset strcom M Nselect \ from 0risoners6eg where 0risoner5oMN U (ombo!+TeGt If (ombo!+TeGt M NN Then 'sg1oG Nrecord not presentN ,lse rec+3pen strcom, con, ad(mdTeGt If rec+,34 Then 'sg1oG Nrecord not presentN ,lse 'sg1oG Nrecord is presentN TeGt!+TeGt M rec+4ields*#TeGt9+TeGt M rec+4ields*!TeGt/+TeGt M rec+4ields*9TeGt%+TeGt M rec+4ields*/TeGt$+TeGt M rec+4ields*%TeGt +TeGt M rec+4ields*$TeGt@+TeGt M rec+4ields* TeGt?+TeGt M rec+4ields*@TeGt&+TeGt M rec+4ields*?,nd If ,nd If ,nd Sub 0rivate Sub eGit[(licD*Unload 'e ,nd Sub


The modules involved in this proCect are" LO(I' 2ogin for user and admin (omplaint registration Aiew complaint status (riminal register management 4I6 'anagement (ase =istory Details management 'anaging 0ostmortem details 0risoners register management 'anage list about most wanted criminals

This includes )dministrator and User login+ There will be a username and password to login into the system to use all the facilities+

This module helps to register the details about the crime+ This is done by entering some details, such as incident details, Aictim details, crime details etc

This module allows us to view the status of the complaint that you have registered earlier+



=ere we can have the facility to view the details of the criminals+ by entering details such as criminal number, age, occupation, type of crime etc+


administrator can add new criminalZs details and save it in a database+ This can be done

This module allows viewing the 4irst Information 6eport of all the crimes that tooD place at recent years+ The administrator can enter 4I6 information and save it in a database+

=ere we can view the details of the case, date of occurrence, the type of crime and place of occurrence etc8

This module helps to view the postmortem details of a person+ The details such as date of death cause of death, name of the doctor etc+
A$ PRISO'ER RE(ISTER MA'(EME'T This module helps the administrator as well as the user to store, view and manage the details of the past and present prisoners+ E$ MA'A(E T:E LIST OF MOST ;A'TE! CRIMI'ALS


This is an additional feature added to this Software, which helps us to maDe a quicD search about the most wanted criminals+ This helps to always Deep tracD of and identify a person quicDly, who is a most wanted criminal+

Test cases used in this proCect are" Test case =2

Purpose2 The main purpose of this test case to inform the administrator if he did not write the correct username or password+ Pre con%ition an% inputs2 The precondition for this test case is if the administrator write the correct username and password, then only user will be able to access the application+ Results2 if username and password is not correct, then an error mess will be displayed for incorrect password< username+

Test case +2

Purpose2 The main purpose of this test case to inform the administrator if any eGception occurs while updating information on the application+ The format should be correct while entering the details for the criminal or prisoner name or fir information+ Precon%ition an% inputs2 The precondition of this test case is there are validations given in the form which indicates the correct format of the data +The user has to fill the all required field ++

Results2 lf data format entered is not correct or any field is blanD, then no account will be generated+


;e can update this system as online application The main advantage of online application is that, a person can report the Users can view the progress of their complaint online+ 1y the future technology user can view the case details and progress of 4ace recognition technology can apply+ User or witness of the crime can

crime any time from anywhere+

the complaints on their mobile phones give the physical information of the thief+



CRIME FILE MA'A(EME'T S#STEM initiates the obCective of providing the user with customiHed and powerful complaint registration and process management system side software+ The software is built with all options such as complaint

registration, prisonerZs registration, and postmortem report generation etc8)ll the requirements specified during the analysis and design phase are fully met, thus resulting in the formation of good software+ The interface provided is very user friendly and fleGible for all times+


!+ http"<<office+microsoft+com<<< access.9##@.=)#!##9%!?$+aspG 9+ http"<<ncrb+nic+in<cctns+htm /+ http"<<en+wiDipedia+org<wiDi<A1 ) (omplete Aisual 1asic Training (ourse" =ow to 0rogramme" 0acDage



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