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Wallaroo has been conrmed as Lhe venue for Lhe
32nd Cherub nauonal Champlonshlp by hosL organ!
lsauon, Lhe SouLh AusLrallan Cherub Assoclauon. 1he
regaua, Lo be held from uecember 28 2014 Lo !anuary
3 2013, wlll see ln excess of 80 compeuLors, Lwo Lhlrds
of whlch wlll Lravel from lnLersLaLe Lo compeLe.
Wallaroo was selecLed from a number of posslble ven!
ues for lLs welcomlng aLmosphere and promlnence as
a hollday desunauon.
Wallaroo ls an excellenL place Lo sall. SLrong wlnds
and calm launchlng, palred wlLh Wallaroo Salllng Club's
ma[or renovauons, wlll make lL Lhe perfecL locauon
for Lhe regaua boLh on and o Lhe waLer," sald Clen
Lmery, resldenL of SA Cherubs.
1he declslon Lo hold Lhe champlonshlp aL Wallaroo
Salllng Club shorLly follows slgnlcanL renovauons
whlch alm Lo caLer for large nauonal evenLs such as
Lhe Cherub nauonals. Connnued age 2.
In th|s |ssue:
Wallaroo Lo hosL 32nd nauonals
resldenL's welcome
SLaLes prevlew
Cherubs Lo compeLe ln youLh serles
2014 come and Lry day conrmed
MeeL your commluee
LvenL gulde
2013-14 membershlps now due
ACL | 2
Ofcial publication of the South Australian Cherub Association
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Wa||aroo to host 14-1S nanona|s, connnued:
Trough receiving grant money from the Government
Ofce of Sports and Recreation, along with the sup-
port of the District Council of the Copper Coast and
our club members, we have been able to upgrade our
facilities to cater for a sailing event such as the Cherub
Nationals, said Margaret Pope, Commodore of the
Wallaroo Sailing Club.
Wallaroo is renowned for its regular winds and rela-
tively fat waters, making it the ideal location for the
Te Wallaroo Sailing Club overlooks a sheltered 500
metre long, fat, white sandy beach from which boats
are launched. Te Sailing Club Beach, as it is known
by the locals, is normally fat water with no wave action
when launching and retrieving boats. Te frm sand al-
lows cars to tow the boats to the waters edge. Cars and
trailers are allowed to remain on the beach at all times.
In front of the club there is seating for spectators on the
cement steps going from the club house to the beach.
With a reputation for hosting a vibrant social program,
the regatta is expected to provide a signifcant boost for
local business and the Wallaroo economy.
Tis National event will bring yachting people from all
over Australia to enjoy the lifestyle the Copper Coast
area provides, its local hospitality, safe beaches and
supreme sailing conditions.
Wallaroo Sailing Club will also host the 2014 South
Australian Cherub Sprint Series in April and the 2014-
15 South Australian State Championship in the build
up to the event.
M|chae| 1ozer
7'&168&5#91 :&/"$;&
Well anoLher salllng season has snuck up on us once
agaln. 1hls year promlses Lo be blgger and beuer Lhan
ever wlLh loLs of fresh new faces, more races and a
new eeL down aL vlcLor Parbor. llrsLly l would llke Lo
oer a warm welcome Lo all of our newesL members.
?our cherub assoclauon has been worklng hard ln Lhe
o season Lo secure Lhe 2014-2013 nauonal uLles,
whlch we have declded Lo hold ln Wallaroo, on Lhe
?orke enlnsula. Crganlsauon ls well underway wlLh a
vlbranL soclal program belng planned for supporLers
and yachues allke.
1he focus of Lhe assoclauon ln Lhe followlng year ls Lo
grow Lhe class. lL has been polnLed ouL LhaL cherubs
are noL well known beyond Largs 8ay Salllng Club. 1he
assoclauon has spenL a conslderable eorL ln supporL!
lng new members lnLo Lhe class. ?ou wlll nouce a loL
more promouonal producLs and publlcauons almed aL
young sallors ln Lhe comlng monLhs, almed aL rals!
lng lnLeresL ln Lhe class. l would llke Lo Lhank Mlchael
1ozer ln parucular for hls help ln Lhls area.
1here ls a dlsuncL youLh feel abouL Lhe new comers Lo
Lhe class whlch as an assoclauon we wlll embrace. l
encourage all youLh sallors Lo compeLe ln Lhe ?achung
SouLh AusLralla ?ouLh 1rl Serles. 1hls serles wlll be aL
Largs 8ay on november 2nd and 3rd, as well as
Connnued page 3.
ACL | 3
Ofcial publication of the South Australian Cherub Association
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Australian Distributors for:
Selden Dinghy Masts
Racing Alloy Sections
Carbon Masts
Selden Fittings
Racing & Cruising Sails
Agents for North Sails
Agents for the following boats:
SS17 (Day Sailor)
Hobies (Cats, Kayaks & SUPs)
Laser, 505, Pacers, Sabres
Dinghy & Yacht Masts
Wire Balustrading
Somerton Park
27 Byre Ave 08 8294 6211
Adelaide Shores (open 7 days)
2 Barcoo Rd 08 8294 0900
Now Bigger & Better
8rlghLon and Seacll ?achL Club on uecember 14
and 13. Myself and others will be providing on water
coaching between races and it is a great opportunity
to improve your skills and show of the cherub class to
South Australias best youth sailors.
Te state championships this year will be held at Largs
Bay Sailing Club on the weekend of November 30 and
December 1. Te championship was decided to be
regatta format, on the back of last years success. Tere
will be three races each day followed by a presentation
afer the fnal race. I hope we can get as many boats as
possible to this event to showcase our great class.
Tis year a new trophy has been purchased for a sprint
series regatta to be held later in the year at Wallaroo.
Te trophy has been named afer a long time cherub
sailor, builder, and organiser, Mr Duncan Groome. Te
sprint series will be an annual regatta where up to 12
short races will be sailed in a day. Tis years regatta will
be held in the Wallaroo marina ofering great spectating
for all.
On a fnal note, SA Cherubs is launching our own web-
site ahead of the 2014-2015 nationals. Te web address
is I look forward to seeing you on the
G|en Lmery.
State Champ|onsh|p rev|ew
lf you compeLed ln lasL year's SLaLe Champlonshlp, held
over Lhe AusLralla uay weekend, chances are you are
probably sull dreamlng of Lhe brllllanL close raclng we
experlenced ln one of SA's blggesL sLaLe champlonshlps
ln recenL years. ?our nlghLs of weL dreams as you reml!
nlsce of Lhose glory days are numbered for anoLher year
as we begln Lo look Loward Lhe 2013 SLaLe Champlon!
shlp, hosLed by Largs 8ay Salllng club on Lhe weekend of
november 30/uecember 1.
1he formaL of 3 races back-Lo-back on boLh days ls sure
Lo LesL every compeuLor as Lhey push boaL and body
Lo Lhelr llmlLs. As we come o Lhe back of our blggesL
sLaLe champlonshlp ln recenL memory, Lhe eeL ls ex!
pecLed Lo grow agaln Lhls year, parucularly ln Lhe youLh
dlvlslon. l hope Lhey wlll have oven mlus aL Lhe Lro!
phy presenLauon because Lhe compeuuon for youLh
champlon ls golng Lo be hoL! lf lasL year's youLh husLle
beLween evenLual youLh wlnners, ockeL lull of kryp!
LonlLe, and 8oogle nlghLs and 8eam Me up ls anyLhlng
Lo go by, Lhls year wlll be a real banger. Add lnLo Lhls
year's mlx 3 new youLh boaLs and now you've goL Lhe
lngredlenLs Lo make one mlghLy ne salllng compeu!
WlLh some apparenLly very LalenLed sallors [ump!
lng shlp Lo Cherubs, relgnlng champlon Clen Lmery
ls seL Lo have hls work cuL ouL ln hls new boaL, Cun!
nlng LlngulsL. ?ou mlghL have Lo nd someLhlng else
oLher Lhan your Lrophy Lo cuddle ln bed for Lhe nexL
12 monLhs, maLe. Aer purchaslng Lhe nauon's fasLesL
boaL and showlng lLs poLenual ln Lhe open day race,
1om Crease and Colln Llddle (8lack Cavlar) are exlng
-%,.*'( 0123 !!!"#$%&'()*"+',
ACL | 4
Ofcial publication of the South Australian Cherub Association
Lhelr muscles and provlng Lhemselves as one of Lhe
favourlLes for overall champlon. 8uL wlLh so many new
sallors and crew changes, lL's becomlng lmposslble Lo
predlcL any sorL of ouLcome. l guess only ume wlll Lell.
8aclng ls scheduled Lo sLarL aL 2pm on Lhe SaLurday
and 11am on Sunday, wlLh boLh days havlng 3 races
8eglsLrauon wlll be beLween 10-11am on november
30 wlLh enLry aL $60.
M| chae| 1ozer
uefendlng sLaLe champ Clen Lmery's new boaL.
Cherubs to compete |n achnng
SA outh 1r|-Ser|es
Cherubs are expecLed Lo become Lhe blggesL youLh
class ln SA oLher Lhan CpumlsLs Lo compeLe ln ?achL!
lng SA's ?ouLh 1rl Serles when lL debuLs ln Lhe serles
Lhls year.
1he serles, held over Lhree weekends (Lhe rsL has
already happened), sees SA's besL youLh sallors baule
lL ouL ln Lhelr respecuve developmenL classes.
A recenL lnux of youLh Lo Lhe class has allowed Cher!
ubs enLry Lo Lhe hoLly conLesLed serles. WlLh approxl!
maLely 8 boaLs expecLed Lo enLer, Cherubs are llkely Lo
ouLnumber a ma[orlLy of youLh classes, ouLnumbered
only by Lhe CpumlsL.
1hough only boaLs wlLh boLh sallors under 21 can com!
peLe for prlzes, crew age ls un-resLrlcLed. 1hls means
we are able Lo puL more compeuLors and boaLs on Lhe
waLer ln whaL could be a plvoLal opporLunlLy Lo furLher
lncrease eeL numbers and brand awareness. 1hls
means LhaL we can geL more numbers on Lhe waLer. AL
a ume when youLhs are sLarung Lo look aL alLernauve
paLhways, Lhere ls no beuer ume Lo presenL Cherubs
as Lhe promlnenL and compeuuve class lL ls.
lorgeL abouL class promouon, Lhough, because Lhe
1rl Serles wlll prove Lo be one of Lhe mosL compeuuve
regauas on Lhe Cherub calendar for Lhls season. WlLh
Lhe L8SC leg of Lhe serles belng salled [usL prlor Lo Lhe
SLaLe Champlonshlp (november 2&3), lL ls sure Lo be!
come a cruclal warm-up evenL. 1here wlll also be free
on waLer coachlng! 1he nal leg of Lhe serles ls sched!
uled Lhe 14Lh and 13Lh of uecember.
LnLry ls onllne vla LnLrles for Lhe
Largs leg closes on CcLober 30 wlLh an earlyblrd fee of
$60 ($70 aer CcLober 23).
M|chae| 1ozer.
-%,.*'( 0123 !!!"#$%&'()*"+',
Ofcial publication of the South Australian Cherub Association
A young sallor Lrles Cherub Salllng aL Lhe 2013 Come and 1ry uay.
Come and 1ry Day conhrmed for
Aer a successful 2013 come and Lry day lL has been
conrmed LhaL Lhe evenL wlll be hosLed agaln Lhls
season. 1he evenL, almed aL glvlng sallors of many ages
and LalenLs Lhe opporLunlLy Lo experlence Cherub sall!
lng, wlll be held on lebruary 9, 2014.
lL ls hoped LhaL lncreased class acuvlLy and promouon
wlll enuce youLhs Lo Lry Cherub salllng as we begln
preparauons for Lhe 2014-13 nauonal Champlonshlp.
1he day wlll be cosL-free for sallors and lnclude a free
88C lunch Lo maxlmlse Lhelr en[oymenL.
8oaL owners and crews are encouraged Lo auend Lhe
day Lo ensure we are fully equlpped Lo Lake prospecuve
sallors ouL.
lease lnvlLe anyone who mlghL be lnLeresLed ln Cherub
salllng Lo come along and see for Lhemselves why we
are Lhe mosL exclung class ln SA!
8Sv Lo[ for caLerlng purposes.
M|chae| 1ozer.
ACL | !
Ofcial publication of the South Australian Cherub Association
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1he assoclauon commluee has seen some changes Lhls
year as we begln plannlng Lhe 14-13 nauonals. Cver
wlnLer we have secured Lhe nauonals and venue, or!
ganlsed Lhe SLaLe Champlonshlp, ?ouLh 1rl-Serles enLry
and Wallaroo SprlnL Serles and have been plannlng
and lmplemenung promouonal acuvlues lncludlng Lhls
newsleuer and our new webslLe. lf you have any con!
cerns Lhese people can ralse Lhem on your behalf.
G|en Lmery
Iack kamsey
Ash|e|gh Lmery
Steve kn|ghts
M|chae| 1ozer
ubllclLy, promouon and sponsorshlp omcer
A|ex 8ath
Commluee member and webmasLer
D|||on kob|nson
Commluee member
Meet your assoc|anon comm|uee
-%,.*'( 0123 !!!"#$%&'()*"+',
ACL | "
Ofcial publication of the South Australian Cherub Association
SA Cherubs wou|d ||ke to thank Daronmont 1echno|og|es, Codan, 2h|k, 1reasury W|ne Lstates, Wa||aroo Mar|na
Apartments, Coopers A|ehouse Wa||aroo and 8|nks Mar|ne for the|r support.

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Please complete all details below to ensure our records are kept up to date.

Name: ______________________________________ DOB: _____/_____/_____
Yachting Australia Number: __________________________
E-mail address: _____________________________________________________
Postal Address: _______________________________
_______________________________ P/C: __________
Phone: (home) _________________________
(mobile) ________________________

Boat Name: _______________________________ Number: ___________________
Club: __________________________________________________________
nsurance Company: ______________________________ Policy Number: ______________

acknowledge and understand that the Cherub Class Owners Association of SA, their members, officers, officials
and sponsors and all others involved in the management of the Cherub Class Owners Association of SA shall not
be liable for the loss of life or property, personal injury and/or damage to property caused by or arising out of
participation in Cherub Class Owners Association of SA run events.

Signed: _____________________________________________________ Date:______________________


As the parent/guardian of the above, hereby consent to his/her to become a member of the Cherub Class Owners
Association of South Australia and participation in events on the terms and conditions as outlined.

Signed: _____________________________________________________ Date: ______________________

Category Cost ty 1ota|
Membership Renewal (including boat registration) $25

Please circle: CASH CHEQUE


Return this form to
Ashleigh Emery CCOASA Secretary ! 1/2a King Street Croydon 5008
Cheques to be written to CCOASA


Received & Signed by: __________________________________ Date: ______/______/______

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