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Scott Settembre CSE663 HW#2 B&L Chapter 3 Exercise 2 Consider the follo in!

! facts abo"t the Elm Street Brid!e Cl"b# Joe, Sally, Bill, and Ellen are the only members of the club. Joe is married to Sally. Bill is Ellens brother. The spouse of every married person in the club is also in the club. $rom these facts% most people o"ld be able to determine that Ellen is not married& a' (epresent these facts as sentences in $)L% and sho semanticall* that b* themsel+es the* do not entail that Ellen is not married& Brid!eCl"b,ember-.oe' Brid!eCl"b,ember-Sall*' Brid!eCl"b,ember-Bill' Brid!eCl"b,ember-Ellen' ,arried-.oe%Sall*' Siblin!-Bill%Ellen' x*/-,arried-x%*' Brid!eCl"b,ember-x'' Brid!eCl"b,ember-*'0 We ish to find o"t if there x/,arried-Ellen%x'0 & 1n order to do so% e o"ld need to determine if e+er* interpretation that satisfies the sentences listed abo+e also satisfies the 2"estion& So if 34 5B% then satisfies all the r"les abo+e& 34 x*/-,arried-x%*' Brid!eCl"b,ember-x'' Brid!eCl"b,ember-*'0 )r 34 x*/6-,arried-x%*' Brid!eCl"b,ember-x'' Brid!eCl"b,ember-*'0

34 x*/6,arried-x%*' 6Brid!eCl"b,ember-x' Brid!eCl"b,ember-*'0 8r*in! x 4 Bill and * 4 Ellen and find that since 34 Brid!eCl"b,ember-Bill' 34 Brid!eCl"b,ember-Ellen' We can see that since Brid!eCl"b,ember-*' is 8r"e% then 6,arried-Bill%Ellen' ma* or ma* not be tr"e since it does not matter if 6,arried-Bill%Ellen' is 8r"e or not in order to 9eep 34 5B &

b' Write in $)L some additional facts that most people o"ld be expected to 9no % and sho that the a"!mented set of sentences no entails that Ellen is not married& 8here is bac9!ro"nd 9no led!e that o"ld need to be 9no n abo"t some predicates in order for this representation to entail that Ellen is not married& /1 ha+e implemented this in S:e;S<L in order to aid me in disco+erin! these additional r"les& See attached code and demo r"n&0 7& 1f a person is married to someone% then that someone is married to the ori!inal person& 2& 1f a person is a siblin! of someone% then that someone is a siblin! of the ori!inal person& 3& =o" cannot marr* *o"r siblin! -brother or sister'& >& =o" can onl* be married to one person& ?& =o" cannot marr* *o"rself& x*/,arried-x%*' ,arried-*%x'0 x*/Siblin!-x%*' Siblin!-*%x'0 x*/Siblin!-x%*' 6,arried-x%*'0 x*@/6,arried-x%*' 6,arried-x%@'0 x/6,arried-x%x'0 So no % if 34 5B% then satisfies all the r"les abo+e -from both part a and b'& 34 x*/6,arried-x%*' 6Brid!eCl"b,ember-x' Brid!eCl"b,ember-*'0 Case 7& LetAs tr* x4Bill 34 x/,arried-Ellen%x'0 34 ,arried-Ellen%Bill' 34 Siblin!-Bill%Ellen' 34 x*/Siblin!-x%*' 6,arried-x%*'0 3

)r 34 x*/6Siblin!-x%*' 6,arried-x%*'0 So% since 34 Siblin!-Bill%Ellen' 8herefore% 34 6,arried-Bill%Ellen'& Case 2& LetAs tr* x4.oe 34 x/,arried-Ellen%x'0 34 ,arried-Ellen% .oe' 34 ,arried-.oe%Sall*' 34 x*/,arried-x%*' ,arried-*%x'0 34 x*/,arried-Ellen%.oe' ,arried-.oe%Ellen'0 34 x*@/6,arried-x%*' 6,arried-x%@'0 34 x*@/6,arried-.oe% Sall*' 6,arried-.oe%Ellen'0 So% since 34 ,arried-.oe%Sall*' 8herefore% 34 6,arried-.oe%Ellen' Case 3& LetAs tr* x4Sall* 34 x/,arried-Ellen%x'0 34 ,arried-Ellen%Sall*' 34 ,arried-.oe%Sall*' 34 x*/,arried-x%*' ,arried-*%x'0 34 x*/,arried-.oe%Sall*' ,arried-Sall*%.oe'0 34 x*@/6,arried-x%*' 6,arried-x%@'0 34 x*@/6,arried-Sall*%.oe' 6,arried-Sall*%Ellen'0 So% since 34 ,arried-.oe%Sall*' 8herefore% 34 6,arried-Sall*%Ellen' Case >& $inall*% letAs tr* x4Ellen 34 x/6,arried-x%x'0&


8herefore% 34 6,arried-Ellen% Ellen'

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