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Republic of the Philippines SUPREME COURT Manila EN BANC A.M. No.

10-7-17-SC February 8, 2011

pla$iaris# has occurre'. Stu'ents +ho plea' i$norance or appeal to lac& of #alice are not e7cuse'.30 But the Court4s 'ecision in the present case 'oes not set asi'e such nor#. The 'ecision #a&es this clear" thus< To paraphrase Bast an' Sa#uels" +hile the aca'e#ic publishin$ #o'el is base' on the ori$inalit! of the +riter4s thesis" the ;u'icial s!ste# is base' on the 'octrine of stare 'ecisis" +hich encoura$es courts to cite historical le$al 'ata" prece'ents" an' relate' stu'ies in their 'ecisions. The ;u'$e is not e7pecte' to pro'uce ori$inal scholarship in e1er! respect. The stren$th of a 'ecision lies in the soun'ness an' $eneral acceptance of the prece'ents an' lon$ hel' le$al opinions it 'ra+s fro#.= Ori$inal scholarship is hi$hl! 1alue' in the aca'e#e an' ri$htl! so. A colle$e thesis" for instance" shoul' contain 'issertations e#bo'!in$ results of ori$inal research" substantiatin$ a specific 1ie+. > This #ust be so since the +ritin$ is inten'e' to earn for the stu'ent an aca'e#ic 'e$ree" honor" or 'istinction. ?e earns no cre'it nor 'eser1es it +ho ta&es the research of others" copies their 'issertations" an' proclai#s these as his o+n. There shoul' be no 5uestion that a cheat 'eser1es neither re+ar' nor s!#path!. But the polic! a'opte' b! schools of 'isre$ar'in$ the ele#ent of #alicious intent foun' in 'ictionaries is e1i'entl! #ore in the nature of establishin$ +hat e1i'ence is sufficient to pro1e the co##ission of such 'ishonest con'uct than in re+ritin$ the #eanin$ of pla$iaris#. Since it +oul' be eas! enou$h for a stu'ent to plea' i$norance or lac& of #alice e1en as he has copie' the +or& of others" certain schools ha1e a'opte' the polic! of treatin$ the #ere presence of such copie' +or& in his paper sufficient ob;ecti1e e1i'ence of pla$iaris#. Surel!" ho+e1er" if on its face the stu'ent4s +or& sho+s as a +hole that he has but co##itte' an ob1ious #ista&e or a clerical error in one of hun're's of citations in his thesis" the school +ill not be so unreasonable as to cancel his 'iplo#a. In contrast" 'ecisions of courts are not +ritten to earn #erit" accola'e" or pri%e as an ori$inal piece of +or& or art. -eci'in$ 'isputes is a ser1ice ren'ere' b! the $o1ern#ent for the public $oo'. ,u'$es issue 'ecisions to resol1e e1er!'a! conflicts in1ol1in$ people of flesh an' bloo' +ho ache for spee'! ;ustice or ;uri'ical bein$s +hich ha1e ri$hts an' obli$ations in la+ that nee' to be protecte'. The interest of societ! in +ritten 'ecisions is not that the! are ori$inall! crafte' but that the! are fair an' correct in the conte7t of the particular 'isputes in1ol1e'. ,ustice" not ori$inalit!" for#" an' st!le" is the ob;ect of e1er! 'ecision of a court of la+.

IN THE MATTER OF THE CHARGES OF P AGIARISM, ETC., AGAINST ASSOCIATE !USTICE MARIANO C. "E CASTI O. RESOLUTION PER CURIAM: Petitioners Isabelita C. inu!a" et al." all #e#bers of the Mala!a Lolas Or$ani%ation" see& reconsi'eration of the 'ecision of the Court 'ate' October ()" )*(* that 'is#isse' their char$es of pla$iaris#" t+istin$ of cite' #aterials" an' $ross ne$lect a$ainst ,ustice Mariano -el Castillo in connection +ith the 'ecision he +rote for the Court in ..R. No. (/))0*" entitle' inu!a 1. Ro#ulo.( Mainl!" petitioners clai# that the Court has b! its 'ecision le$ali%e' or appro1e' of the co##ission of pla$iaris# in the Philippines. This clai# is absur'. The Court" li&e e1er!one else" con'e#ns pla$iaris# as the +orl' in $eneral un'erstan's an' uses the ter#. Pla$iaris#" a ter# not 'efine' b! statute" has a popular or co##on 'efinition. To pla$iari%e" sa!s 2ebster" is 3to steal an' pass off as one4s o+n3 the i'eas or +or's of another. Stealin$ i#plies #alicious ta&in$. Blac&4s La+ -ictionar!" the +orl'4s lea'in$ En$lish la+ 'ictionar! 5uote' b! the Court in its 'ecision" 'efines pla$iaris# as the 3'eliberate an' &no+in$ presentation of another person6s ori$inal i'eas or creati1e e7pressions as one4s o+n.3) The presentation of another person4s i'eas as one4s o+n #ust be 'eliberate or pre#e'itate'8a ta&in$ +ith ill intent. There is no co##onl!9use' 'ictionar! in the +orl' that e#braces in the #eanin$ of pla$iaris# errors in attribution b! #ere acci'ent or in $oo' faith. Certain e'ucational institutions of course assu#e 'ifferent nor#s in its application. :or instance" the Lo!ola Schools Co'e of Aca'e#ic Inte$rit! or'ains that 3pla$iaris# is i'entifie' not throu$h intent but throu$h the act itself. The ob;ecti1e act of falsel! attributin$ to one4s self +hat is not one4s +or&" +hether intentional or out of ne$lect" is sufficient to conclu'e that

There is a basic reason for in'i1i'ual ;u'$es of +hate1er le1el of courts" inclu'in$ the Supre#e Court" not to use ori$inal or uni5ue lan$ua$e +hen reinstatin$ the la+s in1ol1e' in the cases the! 'eci'e. Their 'ut! is to appl! the la+s as these are +ritten. But la+s inclu'e" un'er the 'octrine of stare 'ecisis" ;u'icial interpretations of such la+s as are applie' to specific situations. Un'er this 'octrine" Courts are 3to stan' b! prece'ent an' not to 'isturb settle' point.3 Once the Court has 3lai' 'o+n a principle of la+ as applicable to a certain state of facts" it +ill a'here to that principle" an' appl! it to all future cases" +here facts are substantiall! the sa#e@ re$ar'less of +hether the parties or propert! are the sa#e.3 / An' because ;u'icial prece'ents are not al+a!s clearl! 'elineate'" the! are 5uite often entan$le' in apparent inconsistencies or e1en in contra'ictions" pro#ptin$ e7perts in the la+ to buil' up re$ar'in$ such #atters a lar$e bo'! of co##entaries or annotations that" in the#sel1es" often beco#e part of le$al +ritin$s upon +hich la+!ers an' ;u'$es 'ra+ #aterials for their theories or solutions in particular cases. An'" because of the nee' to be precise an' correct" ;u'$es an' practitioners ali&e" b! practice an' tra'ition" usuall! lift passa$es fro# such prece'ents an' +ritin$s" at ti#es o#ittin$" +ithout #alicious intent" attributions to the ori$inators. Is this 'ishonestA No. -uncan 2ebb" +ritin$ for the International Bar Association puts it succinctl!. 2hen practicin$ la+!ers B+hich inclu'e ;u'$esC +rite about the la+" the! effecti1el! place their i'eas" their lan$ua$e" an' their +or& in the public 'o#ain" to be affir#e'" a'opte'" critici%e'" or re;ecte'. Bein$ in the public 'o#ain" other la+!ers can thus freel! use these +ithout fear of co##ittin$ so#e +ron$ or incurrin$ so#e liabilit!. Thus< The ten'enc! to cop! in la+ is rea'il! e7plicable. In la+ accurac! of +or's is e1er!thin$. Le$al 'isputes often centre roun' the +a! in +hich obli$ations ha1e been e7presse' in le$al 'ocu#ents an' ho+ the facts of the real +orl' fit the #eanin$ of the +or's in +hich the obli$ation is containe'. This" in con;unction +ith the ris&9a1ersion of la+!ers #eans that refu$e +ill often be sou$ht in articulations that ha1e been trie' an' teste'. In a sense therefore the co##unit! of la+!ers ha1e to$ether contribute' to this bo'! of &no+le'$e" lan$ua$e" an' e7pression +hich is co##on propert! an' #a! be utili%e'" 'e1elope' an' bettere' b! an!one.D The i#plicit ri$ht of ;u'$es to use le$al #aterials re$ar'e' as belon$in$ to the public 'o#ain is not uni5ue to the Philippines. As ,o!ce C. .eor$e" +ho# ,ustice Maria Lour'es Sereno cites in her 'issentin$ opinion" obser1e' in her ,u'icial Opinion 2ritin$ ?an'boo&< A ;u'$e +ritin$ to resol1e a 'ispute" +hether trial or appellate" is e7e#pte' fro# a char$e of pla$iaris# e1en if i'eas" +or's or phrases fro# a la+

re1ie+ article" no1el thou$hts publishe' in a le$al perio'ical or lan$ua$e fro# a part!4s brief are use' +ithout $i1in$ attribution. Thus ;u'$es are free to use +hate1er sources the! 'ee# appropriate to resol1e the #atter before the#" +ithout fear of reprisal. This e7e#ption applies to ;u'icial +ritin$s inten'e' to 'eci'e cases for t+o reasons< the ;u'$e is not +ritin$ a literar! +or& an'" #ore i#portantl!" the purpose of the +ritin$ is to resol1e a 'ispute. As a result" ;u'$es a';u'icatin$ cases are not sub;ect to a clai# of le$al pla$iaris#.E If the Court +ere to in5uire into the issue of pla$iaris# respectin$ its past 'ecisions fro# the ti#e of Chief ,ustice Ca!etano S. Arellano to the present" it is li&el! to 'isco1er that it has not on occasion ac&no+le'$e' the ori$inators of passa$es an' 1ie+s foun' in its 'ecisions. These o#issions are true for #an! of the 'ecisions that ha1e been penne' an' are bein$ penne' 'ail! b! #a$istrates fro# the Court of Appeals" the San'i$anba!an" the Court of Ta7 Appeals" the Re$ional Trial Courts nation+i'e an' +ith the#" the #unicipal trial courts an' other first le1el courts. Ne1er in the ;u'iciar!4s #ore than (** !ears of histor! has the lac& of attribution been re$ar'e' an' 'e#eane' as pla$iaris#. This is not to sa! that the #a$istrates of our courts are #ere cop!cats. The! are not. Their 'ecisions anal!%e the often conflictin$ facts of each case an' sort out the rele1ant fro# the irrele1ant. The! i'entif! an' for#ulate the issue or issues that nee' to be resol1e' an' e1aluate each of the la+s" rulin$s" principles" or authorities that the parties to the case in1o&e. The 'ecisions then 'ra+ their apt conclusions re$ar'in$ +hether or not such la+s" rulin$s" principles" or authorities appl! to the particular cases before the Court. These efforts" re'uce' in +ritin$" are the pro'uct of the ;u'$es4 creati1it!. It is here 8actuall! the substance of their 'ecisions8that their $enius" ori$inalit!" an' honest labor can be foun'" of +hich the! shoul' be prou'. In inu!a" ,ustice -el Castillo e7a#ine' an' su##ari%e' the facts as seen b! the opposin$ si'es in a +a! that no one has e1er 'one. ?e i'entifie' an' for#ulate' the core of the issues that the parties raise'. An' +hen he ha' 'one this" he 'iscusse' the state of the la+ rele1ant to their resolution. It +as here that he 're+ #aterials fro# 1arious sources" inclu'in$ the three forei$n authors cite' in the char$es a$ainst hi#. ?e co#pare' the 'i1er$ent 1ie+s these present as the! 'e1elope' in histor!. ?e then e7plaine' +h! the Court #ust re;ect so#e 1ie+s in li$ht of the peculiar facts of the case an' applie' those that suit such facts. :inall!" he 're+ fro# his 'iscussions of the facts an' the la+ the ri$ht solution to the 'ispute in the case. On the +hole" his +or& +as ori$inal. ?e ha' but 'one an honest +or&. The Court +ill not" therefore" consistent +ith establishe' practice in the Philippines an' else+here" 'are per#it the filin$ of actions to annul the

'ecisions pro#ul$ate' b! its ;u'$es or e7pose the# to char$es of pla$iaris# for honest +or& 'one. This rule shoul' appl! to practicin$ la+!ers as +ell. Counsels for the petitioners" li&e all la+!ers han'lin$ cases before courts an' a'#inistrati1e tribunals" cannot ob;ect to this. Althou$h as a rule the! recei1e co#pensation for e1er! plea'in$ or paper the! file in court or for e1er! opinion the! ren'er to clients" la+!ers also nee' to stri1e for technical accurac! in their +ritin$s. The! shoul' not be e7pose' to char$es of pla$iaris# in +hat the! +rite so lon$ as the! 'o not 'epart" as officers of the court" fro# the ob;ecti1e of assistin$ the Court in the a'#inistration of ;ustice. As -uncan 2ebb sai'< In presentin$ le$al ar$u#ent #ost la+!ers +ill ha1e recourse to either pre1ious 'ecisions of the courts" fre5uentl! liftin$ +hole sections of a ;u'$e4s +or's to len' +ei$ht to a particular point either +ith or +ithout attribution. The +or's of scholars are also so#eti#es $i1en +ei$ht" 'epen'in$ on reputation. So#e enc!clopae'ic +or&s are $i1en particular authorit!. In En$lan' this place is $i1en to ?alsbur!4s La+s of En$lan' +hich is +i'el! consi'ere' authoritati1e. A la+!er can 'o little better than to fra#e an ar$u#ent or clai# to fit +ith the articulation of the la+ in ?alsbur!4s. 2hile in #an! cases the 1er! purpose of the citation is to clai# the authorit! of the author" this is not al+a!s the case. :re5uentl! co##entar! or 'icta of lesser stan'in$ +ill be a'opte' b! le$al authors" lar$el! +ithout attribution. 7777 The con1erse point is that ori$inalit! in the la+ is 1ie+e' +ith s&epticis#. It is onl! the arro$ant fool or the trul! $ifte' +ho +ill 'epart entirel! fro# the establishe' te#plate an' refor#ulate an e7istin$ i'ea in the belief that in 'oin$ so the! +ill i#pro1e it. 2hile o1er ti#e incre#ental chan$es occur" the +holesale aban'on#ent of establishe' e7pression is $enerall! consi'ere' foolhar'!.F The Court probabl! shoul' not ha1e entertaine' at all the char$es of pla$iaris# a$ainst ,ustice -el Castillo" co#in$ fro# the losin$ part!. But it is a case of first i#pression an' petitioners" ;oine' b! so#e facult! #e#bers of the Uni1ersit! of the Philippines school of la+" ha1e unfairl! #ali$ne' hi# +ith the char$es of pla$iaris#" t+istin$ of cite' #aterials" an' $ross ne$lect for failin$ to attribute lifte' passa$es fro# three forei$n authors. These char$es as alrea'! state' are false" appl!in$ the #eanin$ of pla$iaris# as the +orl' in $eneral &no+s it.

True" ,ustice -el Castillo faile' to attribute to the forei$n authors #aterials that he lifte' fro# their +or&s an' use' in +ritin$ the 'ecision for the Court in the inu!a case. But" as the Court sai'" the e1i'ence as foun' b! its Ethics Co##ittee sho+s that the attribution to these authors appeare' in the be$innin$ 'rafts of the 'ecision. Unfortunatel!" as testifie' to b! a hi$hl! 5ualifie' an' e7perience' court9e#plo!e' researcher" she acci'entall! 'elete' the sa#e at the ti#e she +as cleanin$ up the final 'raft. The Court belie1e' her since" a#on$ other reasons" she ha' no #oti1e for o#ittin$ the attribution. The forei$n authors concerne'" li&e the 'o%ens of other sources she cite' in her research" ha' hi$h reputations in international la+. 1awphi1 Notabl!" those forei$n authors e7pressl! attribute' the contro1ersial passa$es foun' in their +or&s to earlier +ritin$s b! others. The authors concerne' +ere not the#sel1es the ori$inators. As it happene'" althou$h the ponencia of ,ustice -el Castillo acci'entall! 'elete' the attribution to the#" there re#aine' in the final 'raft of the 'ecision attributions of the sa#e passa$es to the earlier +ritin$s fro# +hich those authors borro+e' their i'eas in the first place. In short" +ith the re#ainin$ attributions after the erroneous clean9up" the passa$es as it finall! appeare' in the inu!a 'ecision still sho+e' on their face that the lifte' i'eas 'i' not belon$ to ,ustice -el Castillo but to others. ?e 'i' not pass the# off as his o+n. 2ith our rulin$" the Court nee' not '+ell lon$ on petitioners4 alle$ations that ,ustice -el Castillo ha' also co##itte' pla$iaris# in +ritin$ for the Court his 'ecision in another case" An$ La'la' 1. Co##ission on Elections. (* Petitioners are nit9pic&in$. Upon close e7a#ination an' as ,ustice -el Castillo a#pl! 'e#onstrate' in his co##ent to the #otion for reconsi'eration" he in fact #a'e attributions to passa$es in such 'ecision that he borro+e' fro# his sources althou$h the! at ti#es suffere' in for#attin$ lapses. Consi'erin$ its abo1e rulin$" the Court sees no point in further passin$ upon the #otion of the Inte$rate' Bar of the Philippines for lea1e to file an' a'#it #otion for reconsi'eration9in9inter1ention 'ate' ,anuar! >" )*(( an' -r. Peter Pa!o!o4s clai# of other instances of alle$e' pla$iaris# in the inu!a 'ecision. ACCOR-IN.LG" the Court -ENIES petitioners4 #otion for reconsi'eration for lac& of #erit. SO OR-ERE-. RENATO C. CORONA Chief ,ustice

ANTONIO T. CARPIO Associate ,ustice PRES#ITERO !. $E ASCO, !R. Associate ,ustice TERESITA !. EONAR"O-"E CASTRO Associate ,ustice "IOS"A"O M. PERA TA Associate ,ustice MARIANO C. "E CASTI Associate ,ustice O

CONCHITA CARPIO MORA ES Associate ,ustice ANTONIO E"UAR"O #. NACHURA Associate ,ustice ARTURO ". #RION Associate ,ustice UCAS P. #ERSAMIN Associate ,ustice RO#ERTO A. A#A" Associate ,ustice !OSE PORTUGA PERE% Associate ,ustice MARIA OUR"ES P. A. SERENO Associate ,ustice

-uncan 2ebb" Pla$iaris#< A Threat to La+!ers4 Inte$rit!A Publishe' b! the International Bar Association" a1ailable online at http<HH+++.ibanet.or$HArticleH-etail.asp7AArticleUi'Ibc)efDc'90)*D9 =0'/9FeED9(/c0bc)be>F>.

,o!ce C. .eor$e" ,u'icial Opinion 2ritin$ ?an'boo& B)**DC" p. D)>" cite' b! ,ustice Maria Lour'es Sereno in her 'issentin$ opinion.

Supra note D. ..R. No. (F*>E)" April E" )*(*.


The La+phil Pro;ect 9 Arellano La+ :oun'ation

"ISSENTING OPINION CARPIO, J.: I 'issent on t+o $roun's. First" this Court has no ;uris'iction to 'eci'e in an a)*+'+(&ra&+,e -a(e +hether a sittin$ ,ustice of this Court has co##itte' #iscon'uct in office as this po+er belon$s e7clusi1el! to Con$ress. Second" in +ritin$ ;u'icial 'ecisions a ;u'$e #ust co#pl! +ith the La+ on Cop!ri$ht ( as the ;u'$e has no po+er to e7e#pt hi#self fro# the #an'ator! re5uire#ents of the la+. I. Disciplining Authority of Impeachable fficers

MARTIN S. $I ARAMA, !R. Associate ,ustice !OSE CATRA MEN"O%A Associate ,ustice


April )E" )*(*. Blac&4s La+ -ictionar! BEth E'ition" )**=C.

A1ailable at http<HH+++.a'#u.e'u.phHin'e7.phpA pI()*Jt!peI)JsecI)>Jai'IF(=F.


In the Matter of the Char$es of Pla$iaris#" etc." A$ainst Associate ,ustice Mariano C. -el Castillo" A.M. No. (*9D9(D9SC" October ()" )*(*.

Un'er the Constitution" the sole 'isciplinin$ authorit! of all i#peachable officers" inclu'in$ ,ustices of this Court" is Con$ress. Section 0B(C" Article KI of the Constitution pro1i'es that" 3The ?ouse of Representati1es shall ha1e the e.-/u(+,e 0o1er to initiate all cases of i#peach#ent.3 Li&e+ise" Section 0B/C of the sa#e Article pro1i'es that" 3The Senate shall ha1e the (o/e 0o1er to tr! an' 'eci'e cases of i#peach#ent.3 These pro1isions constitute Con$ress as the e.-/u(+,e au&2or+&y &o )+(-+0/+'e a// +*0ea-2ab/e o33+-er( for an! i#peachable offense" inclu'in$ 3betra!al of public trust"3 a 3catchall phrase3) to co1er an! #iscon'uct in1ol1in$ breach of public trust b! an i#peachable officer. 2hile i#peach#ent is often 'escribe' as a political process" it also functions as the e!ui"alent of a'#inistrati1e 'isciplinar! procee'in$s a$ainst i#peachable officers. I#peachable officers are not sub;ect to a'#inistrati1e 'isciplinar! procee'in$s either b! the E7ecuti1e or ,u'icial branch" in the

2ebster4s Thir' Ne+ International -ictionar!" p. )0D=. Blac&4s La+ -ictionar! B/th E'ition" (FF*C" p. (=*/.

sa#e #anner that non9i#peachable officers are sub;ect. Thus" +*0ea-2*e'& by Co'4re(( &a5e( &2e 0/a-e o3 a)*+'+(&ra&+,e )+(-+0/+'ary 0ro-ee)+'4( a4a+'(& +*0ea-2ab/e o33+-er( as there is no other authority that can a#ministrati"ely #iscipline impeachable officers.0 Re#o1al fro# office an' 'is5ualification to hol' public office" = +hich is the penalt! for an i#peachable offense"> is also the #ost se1ere penalt! that can be i#pose' in a'#inistrati1e 'isciplinar! procee'in$s. I#peach#ent is not a cri#inal procee'in$ because con1iction in an i#peach#ent co#plaint is not a bar to cri#inal prosecution for the sa#e act. / An i#peachable offense" li&e betra!al of public trust" #a! not e1en constitute a cri#inal act. Li&e in an a'#inistrati1e procee'in$" proof be!on' reasonable 'oubt is not re5uire' for con1iction in i#peach#ent. If an i#peachable officer is char$e' of a -r+*e" as 'istin$uishe' fro# an a'#inistrati1e char$e" the proper court has ;uris'iction to tr! such i#peachable officer because the procee'in$ is cri#inal" not a'#inistrati1e. ?o+e1er" neither the con1iction nor ac5uittal of such i#peachable officer in the cri#inal case constitutes a bar to his subse5uent i#peach#ent b! Con$ress. There is no 'ouble ;eopar'! because i#peach#ent is not a cri#inal procee'in$. D Onl! Con$ress" as the e.-/u(+,e )+(-+0/+'+'4 au&2or+&y of all i#peachable officers" can 'eci'e in a non9cri#inal" non9ci1il procee'in$ E +hether a sittin$ ,ustice of this Court has co##itte' pla$iaris#. Pla$iaris# is a betra!al of public trust because" as the #a;orit! puts it" to pla$iari%e is 3Lto steal an' pass off as one4s o+n4 the i'eas of another.3F ?o+e1er" in $riting %u#icial #ecisions a ;u'$e is liable for pla$iaris# onl! if the cop!in$ 1iolates the #oral ri$hts of the author un'er the La+ on Cop!ri$ht. This Court #a! con'uct an in1esti$ation of an a'#inistrati1e co#plaint a$ainst a sittin$ ,ustice to 'eter#ine if there is basis in recommen#ing to the ?ouse of Representati1es the initiation of an i#peach#ent co#plaint a$ainst the sittin$ ,ustice. This Court #a! also con'uct an in1esti$ation of an a'#inistrati1e co#plaint a$ainst a sittin$ ,ustice to 'eter#ine if the co#plaint constitutes conte#pt of this Court. Ho1e,er, &2+( Cour& 2a( 'o 0o1er &o )e-+)e o' &2e 4u+/& or +''o-e'-e o3 a (+&&+'4 !u(&+-e +' &2e a)*+'+(&ra&+,e -o*0/a+'& be-au(e (u-2 a-& +( a u(ur0a&+o' o3 &2e e.-/u(+,e )+(-+0/+'ary 0o1er o3 Co'4re(( o,er +*0ea-2ab/e o33+-er( u')er &2e Co'(&+&u&+o'. An! 'ecision b! this Court in an a'#inistrati1e case clearin$ a sittin$ ,ustice of an i#peachable offense is 1oi' for +ant of ;uris'iction an' for 1iolation of an e7press pro1ision of the Constitution. Such a 'ecision +ill put this Court on a collision course +ith Con$ress if subse5uentl! an i#peach#ent co#plaint for pla$iaris# is file' +ith Con$ress a$ainst the sittin$ ,ustice. Inci'entall!" an i#peach#ent co#plaint has alrea'! been file' in the ?ouse of Representati1es in1ol1in$ the sa#e co#plaint sub;ect of this a'#inistrati1e case. If the ?ouse of Representati1es

'eci'es to ta&e co$ni%ance of the co#plaint an' initiates an i#peach#ent base' on the sa#e a'#inistrati1e co#plaint that this Court ha' alrea'! 'is#isse' as baseless" then this Court +oul' ha1e create' a constitutional crisis that coul' onl! +ea&en the public4s faith in the pri#ac! of the Constitution. The Supre#e Court -a''o& assu#e ;uris'iction o1er an a'#inistrati1e co#plaint a$ainst a sittin$ ,ustice of this Court b! in1o&in$ Section /" Article III of the Constitution. This pro1ision states that the 3Supre#e Court shall ha1e a'#inistrati1e super1ision o1er all courts an' the personnel thereof.3 This pro1ision refers to the a'#inistrati1e super1ision that the -epart#ent of ,ustice use' to e7ercise o1er the courts an' their personnel" as sho+n b! the folo+in$ e7chan$e 'urin$ the 'eliberations of the Constitutional Co##ission< MR. .UIN.ONA< 777. The secon' 5uestion has reference to Section F" about the a'#inistrati1e super1ision o1er all courts to be retaine' in the Supre#e Court. I +as +on'erin$ if the Co##ittee ha' ta&en into consi'eration the propose' resolution for the transfer of the a'#inistrati1e super1ision fro# the Supre#e Court to the Ministr! of ,ustice. But as far as I &no+" none of the proponents ha' been in1ite' to e7plain or 'efen' the propose' resolution. Also" I +on'er if the Co##ittee also too& into consi'eration the fact that the UP La+ Constitution Pro;ect in its olu#e I" entitle'< Annotate' Pro1ision ha'" in fact" #a'e this an alternati1e proposal" the transfer of a'#inistrati1e super1ision fro# the Supre#e Court to the Ministr! of ,ustice. Than& !ou. MR. CONCEPCION< Ma! I refer the 5uestion to Co##issioner Re$ala'oA T?E PRESI-IN. O::ICER BMr. Sar#ientoC< Co##issioner Re$ala'o is reco$ni%e'. MR. RE.ALA-O< Than& !ou" Mr. Presi'in$ Officer. 2e 'i' in1ite Minister Neptali .on%ales" +ho +as the proponent for the transfer of super1ision of the lo+er courts to the Ministr! of ,ustice. I e1en personall! calle' up an' sent a letter or a short note in1itin$ hi#" but the $oo' Minister unfortunatel! +as en#eshe' in a lot of official co##it#ents. 2e +ante' to hear hi# because the Solicitor .eneral of his office" Se'fre! Or'oMe%" appeare' before us" an' as&e' for the #aintenance of the present arran$e#ent +herein the super1ision o1er lo+er courts is +ith the Supre#e Court. But asi'e fro# that" althou$h there +ere no resource persons" +e 'i'

further stu'ies on the feasibilit! of transferrin$ the super1ision o1er the lo+er courts to the Ministr! of ,ustice. All those thin$s +ere ta&en into consi'eration #otu proprio.(* :or sure" the )+(-+0/+'ary au&2or+&y of the Supre#e Court o,er 6u)4e( is e7pressl! $o1ene' b! another pro1ision" that is" Section ((" Article III of the Constitution. Section (( pro1i'es< Section ((. 777 The Supre#e Court en banc shall ha1e the 0o1er &o )+(-+0/+'e 6u)4e( o3 /o1er -our&(" or or'er their 'is#issal b! a 1ote of a #a;orit! of the Me#bers +ho actuall! too& part in the 'eliberations on the issues in the case an' 1ote' thereon. BE#phasis supplie'C Clearl!" the 'isciplinar! authorit! of the Supre#e Court o1er ;u'$es is foun' in Section (( of Article III. ?o+e1er" this 'isciplinar! authorit! is e7pressl! li#ite' to lo+er court ;u'$es" an' 'oes not incu'e Supre#e Court ,ustices" precisel! because the Constitution e7pressl! 1ests e7clusi1el! on Con$ress the po+er to 'iscipline Supre#e Court ,ustices. B! e7clu'in$ Supre#e Court ,ustices" Section (( 1+&22o/)( fro# the Supre#e Court en banc the po+er to 'iscipline its o+n #e#bers. The Judicial Conduct and Disability Act of 1980 of the Unite' States" +hich $i1es ;u'icial councils -o*0o(e) o3 3e)era/ 6u)4e( the po+er to 'iscipline fe'eral ;u'$es short of re#o1al fro# office" 'oes 'o& appl! to ,ustices of the Unite' States Supre#e Court +ho are sub;ect to 'iscipline onl! b! the Unite' States Con$ress. More1er" a si#ilar la+ cannot be enacte' in the Philippines bacause all lo+er court ;u'$es are sub;ect to 'iscipline b! the Supre#e Court en banc un'er Section ((" Article III of the Constitution. Thus" reference to the Judicial Conduct and Disability Act of 1980 is inappropriate in this ;uris'iction. I sub#it that this Court recall the Resolution of () October )*(* sub;ect of the present #otion for reconsi'eration for lac& of ;uris'iction to 'eci'e the a'#inistrati1e co#plaint a$ainst ,ustice Mariano C. -el Castillo. II. &he Ju#ge Must 'ollo$ the (a$ on Copyright a. Copying from )or*s of the +o"ernment In +ritin$ ;u'icial 'ecisions" a ;u'$e shoul' #a&e the proper attribution in cop!in$ passa$es fro# an! 6u)+-+a/ )e-+(+o', (&a&u&e, re4u/a&+o', or o&2er 7or5( o3 &2e Go,er'*e'&. The Manual of Ju#icial )riting a'opte'(( b! this Court pro1i'es ho+ such attribution shoul' be #a'e.

?o+e1er" the failure to #a&e such attribution 'oes not 1iolate the La+ on Cop!ri$ht.() The la+ e7pressl! pro1i'es that 2or&s of the .o1ern#ent are not sub;ect to cop!ri$ht.(0 This #eans that there is neither a le$al ri$ht b! an!one to 'e#an' attribution" nor an! le$al obli$ation fro# an!one to #a&e an attribution" +hen 2or&s of the .o1ern#ent are copie'. The failure to #a&e the proper attribution of a 2or& of the .o1ern#ent is not actionable but is #erel! a case of slopp! +ritin$. Clearl!" there is no /e4a/ obli$ation" b! a ;u'$e or b! an! person" to #a&e an attribution +hen cop!in$ 2or&s of the .o1ern#ent. ?o+e1er" #is5uotin$ or t+istin$" +ith or +ithout attribution" an! ;u'icial 'ecision" statute" re$ulation or other 2or&s of the .o1ern#ent in ;u'icial +ritin$" +3 )o'e &o *+(/ea) &2e 0ar&+e( or &2e 0ub/+-" is actionable. Un'er Canon 0 of the Co'e of ,u'icial Con'uct" a ;u'$e 3 (2ou/) 0er3or* o33+-+a/ )u&+e( 2o'e(&/y.3(= Rule 0.*(N(> an' Rule 0.*)(/ of the Co'e pro1i'e that a ;u'$e #ust be faithful to the la+" #aintain professional co#petence" an' stri1e 'ili$entl! to ascertain the facts an' the applicable la+. The fore$oin$ applies to an! non9cop!ri$htable +or&" an' an! +or& in the public 'o#ain" +hether local or forei$n. b. Copying from Plea#ings of Parties In +ritin$ ;u'icial 'ecisions" the ;u'$e #a! cop! passa$es fro# the plea'in$s of the parties +ith proper attribution to the author of the plea'in$. ?o+e1er" the failure to #a&e the proper attribution is not actionable. Plea'in$s are sub#itte' to the court precisel! so that the pleas" or the ar$u#ents +ritten on the plea'in$s" are accepte' b! the ;u'$e. T2ere +( a' +*0/+e) o33er by &2e 0/ea)er &2a& &2e 6u)4e *ay *a5e a'y u(e o3 &2e 0/ea)+'4( +' re(o/,+'4 &2e -a(e. If the ;u'$e accepts the plea'er4s ar$u#ents" he #a! cop! such ar$u#ents to e7pe'ite the resolution of the case. In +ritin$ his 'ecision" the ;u'$e 'oes not clai# as his o+n the ar$u#ents he a'opts fro# the plea'in$s of the parties. Besi'es" the le$al ar$u#ents in the plea'in$s are in #ost cases #erel! reiterations of ;u'icial prece'ents" +hich are 2or&s of the .o1ern#ent. ?o+e1er" #is5uotin$ or t+istin$" +ith or +ithout attribution" an! passa$e fro# the plea'in$s of the parties" +3 )o'e &o *+(/ea) &2e 0ar&+e( or &2e 0ub/+-" is actionable. Un'er Canon 0 of the Co'e of ,u'icial Con'uct" a ;u'$e 3shoul' perfor# official 'uties honestl!.3 Rule 0.*( an' Rule 0.*) of the Co'e pro1i'e that a ;u'$e #ust be faithful to the la+" #aintain professional co#petence" an' stri1e 'ili$entl! to ascertain the facts an' the applicable la+.

c. Copying from &e,tboo*s- Journals an# other .on/+o"ernment )or*s In +ritin$ ;u'icial 'ecisions" the ;u'$e #a! cop! passa$es fro# te7tboo&s" ;ournals an' other non9$o1ern#ent +or&s +ith proper attribution. ?o+e1er" +hether the failure to #a&e the proper attribution is actionable or not 'epen's on the nature of the passa$es copie'. If the +or& copie' +ithout proper attribution is cop!ri$hte'" the failure to #a&e such attribution 1iolates Section (F0 of the Intellectual Propert! Co'e" +hich pro1i'es< Section (F0. 0cope of Moral Rights. The author of a +or& shall" in'epen'entl! of the econo#ic ri$hts in Section (DD or the $rant of an assi$n#ent or license +ith respect to such ri$ht" ha1e the ri$ht< (F0.(. To re8u+re &2a& &2e au&2or(2+0 o3 &2e 1or5( be a&&r+bu&e) &o 2+*" in particular" the ri$ht that his na#e" as far as practicable" be in'icate' in a pro#inent +a! on the copies" an' +' -o''e-&+o' 1+&2 &2e 0ub/+- u(e o3 2+( 1or5@ 7777 (F0.0 To ob6e-& &o a'y )+(&or&+o'" #utilation or other #o'ification of" or other 'ero$ator! action in relation &o 2+( 1or5 12+-2 1ou/) be 0re6u)+-+a/ &o 2+( 2o'or or re0u&a&+o'9 7 7 7 7. BE#phasis supplie'C Section (E=B&C of the Intellectual Propert! Co'e e7pressl! allo+s" as a li#itation on the cop!ri$ht or econo#ic ri$hts of the author" 3 a'y u(e *a)e o3 a 1or5 3or &2e 0ur0o(e o3 a'y 6u)+-+a/ 0ro-ee)+'4( 7 7 7.3(D Section (E=B&C clearl! authori%es a ;u'$e to cop! cop!ri$hte' +or&s for 3a'y u(e3 in ;u'icial procee'in$s" +hich #eans the ;u'$e" in +ritin$ his 'ecision" can cop! passa$es be!on' the 5uantitati1e li#itations of 33a+r-u(e3 un'er Section (E=BbC. This is the si$nificance of Section (E=B&C" allo+in$ the ;u'$e to cop! len$th! passa$es of cop!ri$hte' +or& e1en be!on' +hat is re5uire' b! fair9 use. Section (E=B&C is silent on the obli$ation of the ;u'$e to #a&e the proper attribution" unli&e Section (E=BbC on fair9use b! the public +hich e7pressl! re5uires a proper attribution. ?o+e1er" Section (F0 ne1ertheless re5uires an!one" inclu'in$ a ;u'$e +ritin$ a ;u'icial 'ecision" to #a&e the proper attribution to sho+ respect for the #oral ri$hts of the author. Thus" +hile the author has no ri$ht to 'e#an' econo#ic co#pensation fro# the ;u'$e or the $o1ern#ent for the unli#ite'

an' public use of his +or& in a ;u'icial 'ecision" the la+ re5uires that 3 &2e au&2or(2+0 o3 &2e 1or5( be a&&r+bu&e) &o 2+* . . . +' -o''e-&+o' 1+&2 &2e 0ub/+- u(e o3 2+( 1or5.3 In short" the ;u'$e is le$all! obli$ate' to #a&e the proper attribution because Section (F0 protects the #oral ri$hts of the author. The #oral ri$hts un'er Section (F0 of the Intellectual Propert! Co'e arise onl! if the +or& of an author is cop!ri$hte'. If the +or& is not cop!ri$hte'" then there are no #oral ri$hts to the +or&. If the passa$es in a te7tboo&" ;ournal article" or other non9+or& of the $o1ern#ent are #erel! 5uotations fro# 2or&s of the .o1ern#ent" li&e sentences or para$raphs ta&en fro# ;u'icial 'ecisions" then such passa$es if copie' b! a ;u'$e 'o not re5uire attribution because such passa$es" by &2e*(e/,e(" are 2or&s of the .o1ern#ent. The sa#e is true for +or&s in the public 'o#ain. ?o+e1er" the arran$e#ent or presentation of passa$es copie' fro# 2or&s of the .o1ern#ent #a! be sub;ect to cop!ri$ht"(E an' a ;u'$e cop!in$ such arran$e#ent or presentation" to$ether +ith the passa$es" #a! ha1e to #a&e the proper attribution. If the passa$es are those of the author hi#self" an' not copie' fro# 2or&s of the .o1ern#ent or fro# +or&s in the public 'o#ain" then clearl! there is a le$al obli$ation on the part of the ;u'$e to #a&e the proper attribution. :ailure b! the ;u'$e to #a&e such attribution 1iolates not onl! Section (F0 of the Intellectual Propert! Co'e" but also Canon 0 of the Co'e of ,u'icial Con'uct. The #oral ri$hts of an author are in'epen'ent of the author4s econo#ic ri$hts to his +or& in the sense that e1en if the author assi$ns his +or&" the #oral ri$hts to the +or& re#ain +ith hi#" bein$ inalienable. (F An! 1iolation of an author4s #oral ri$hts entitles hi# to the sa#e re#e'ies as a 1iolation of the econo#ic ri$hts to the +or&")* +hether such econo#ic ri$hts are still +ith hi# or ha1e been assi$ne' to another part!. Thus" +hile calle' 3#oral ri$hts"3 these ri$hts are le$all! enforceable. T+o essential ele#ents of an author4s #oral ri$hts are the ri$ht to attribution an' the ri$ht to inte$rit!. The ri$ht to attribution or paternit! )( is the ri$ht of the author to be reco$ni%e' as the ori$inator or father of his +or&" a ri$ht e7pressl! reco$ni%e' in Section (F0.( of the Intellectual Propert! Co'e. The ri$ht to inte$rit! is the ri$ht of the author to pre1ent an! 'istortion or #isrepresentation of his +or&" a ri$ht e7pressl! reco$ni%e' in Section (F0.0 of the Co'e. The Le$islature incorporate' the #oral ri$hts of an author in the Intellectual Propert! Co'e in co#pliance +ith the treat! obli$ations of the Philippines un'er the Berne Con1ention" +hich re5uires treat! states to enact le$islation protectin$ the #oral ri$hts of authors. ))

The rationale behin' #oral ri$hts is e7plaine' in a local intellectual propert! te7tboo&" citin$ A#erican ;urispru'ence< The ter# #oral ri$hts has its ori$ins in the ci1il la+ an' is a translation of the :rench le droit moral" +hich is #eant to capture those ri$hts of a spiritual" non9econo#ic an' personal nature. The ri$hts sprin$ fro# a belief that an artist in the process of creation in;ects his spirit into the +or& an' that the artist4s personalit!" as +ell as the inte$rit! of the +or&" shoul' therefore be protecte' an' preser1e'. Because the! are personal to the artist" #oral ri$hts e7ist in'epen'entl! of an artist4s cop!ri$ht in his or her +or&. 72+/e &2e rubr+- o3 *ora/ r+42&( e'-o*0a((e( *a'y ,ar+e&+e( o3 r+42&(, &1o are 0ro&e-&e) +' 'ear/y e,ery 6ur+()+-&+o' re-o4'+:+'4 &2e+r e.+(&e'-e; a&&r+bu&+o' a') +'&e4r+&y. T2e r+42& o3 a&&r+bu&+o' 4e'era//y -o'(+(&( o3 &2e r+42& o3 a' ar&+(& &o be re-o4'+:e) by 'a*e a( &2e au&2or o3 2+( 1or5 or &o 0ub/+(2 a'o'y*ou(/y or 0(eu)o'y*ou(/y, &2e r+42& &o 0re,e'& &2e au&2or<( 1or5 3ro* be+'4 a&&r+bu&e) &o (o*eo'e e/(e, a') &o 0re,e'& &2e u(e o3 &2e au&2or<( 'a*e o' 1or5( -rea&e) by o&2er(, +'-/u)+'4 )+(&or&e) e)+&+o'( o3 &2e au&2or<( or+4+'a/ 1or5. T2e r+42& o3 +'&e4r+&y a//o1( &2e au&2or &o 0re,e'& a'y )e3or*+'4 or *u&+/a&+'4 -2a'4e( &o 2+( 1or5, e,e' a3&er &+&/e o3 &2e 1or5 2a( bee' &ra'(3erre). In so#e ;uris'ictions" the inte$rit! ri$ht also protects art+or& fro# 'estruction. 2hether or not a +or& of art is protecte' fro# 'estruction represents a fun'a#entall! 'ifferent perception of the purpose of #oral ri$hts. If inte$rit! is #eant to stress the public interest in preser1in$ a nation4s culture" 'estruction is prohibite'@ if the ri$ht is #eant to e#phasi%e the author4s personalit!" 'estruction is seen as less har#ful than the continue' 'ispla! of 'efor#e' or #utilate' +or& that #isrepresents the artist an' 'estruction #a! procee'.)0 BE#phasis supplie'C 2hen a ;u'$e respects the ri$ht to attribution an' inte$rit! of an author" then the ;u'$e obser1es intellectual honest! in +ritin$ his 'ecisions. 2ritin$ 'ecisions is the #ost i#portant official 'ut! of a ;u'$e" #ore so of appellate court ;u'$es. Con1ersel!" if a ;u'$e fails to respect an author4s ri$ht to attribution an' inte$rit!" then the ;u'$e fails to obser1e intellectual honest! in the perfor#ance of his official 'uties" a 1iolation of Canon 0 of the Co'e of ,u'icial Con'uct. The 'ut! of a ;u'$e to respect the #oral ri$hts of an author is certainl! not bur'enso#e on the perfor#ance of his official 'uties. All the reference #aterials that a ;u'$e nee's in +ritin$ ;u'icial 'ecisions are either 2or&s of the .o1ern#ent or +or&s in the public 'o#ain. A 6u)4e *u(& ba(e 2+( )e-+(+o' o' &2e 3a-&( a') &2e /a1,)= a') &2e 3a-&( a') &2e /a1 are a// +' &2e 0ub/+- )o*a+'. T2ere +( 'o 'ee) 3or a 6u)4e &o re3er &o -o0yr+42&e) 1or5(. 2hen a ;u'$e 1entures to refer to cop!ri$hte' +or&s b! cop!in$ passa$es fro# such +or&s" he i##e'iatel! &no+s he is trea'in$ on protecte' +or&s" an' shoul' rea'il! respect the ri$hts of the authors of those

+or&s. The ;u'$e" +hose #ost i#portant function is to +rite ;u'icial 'ecisions" #ust be the first to respect the ri$hts of +riters +hose li1es an' passions are 'e'icate' to +ritin$ for the e'ucation of hu#an&in'. Besi'es" Section (E=B&C of the Intellectual Propert! Co'e alrea'! $enerousl! allo+s the ;u'$e unli#ite' cop!in$ of cop!ri$hte' +or&s in +ritin$ his ;u'icial 'ecisions. The Co'e" ho+e1er" 'oes not e7e#pt the ;u'$e fro# reco$ni%in$ the #oral ri$hts of the author. The basic rule of hu#an relations" as e#bo'ie' in Article (F of the Ci1il Co'e" re5uires that the ;u'$e shoul' $i1e to the author of the cop!ri$hte' +or& +hat is 'ue hi#. Thus" Article (F states< 3E1er! person #ust" in the e7ercise of his ri$hts an' +' &2e 0er3or*a'-e o3 2+( )u&+e(" act +ith ;ustice" 4+,e e,eryo'e 2+( )ue" a') ob(er,e 2o'e(&y a') 4oo) 3a+&2.3 '. Difference from the Aca#eme Aca'e#ic +ritin$" such as +ritin$ 'issertations or articles in aca'e#ic ;ournals" is $o1erne' b! stan'ar's 'ifferent fro# ;u'icial 'ecision +ritin$. The failure to #a&e the proper attribution for passa$es copie' fro# 2or&s of the .o1ern#ent is not actionable a$ainst a ;u'$e +hen +ritin$ a ;u'icial 'ecision. ?o+e1er" the sa#e failure b! a stu'ent or a facult! #e#ber #a! be 'ee#e' pla$iaris# in the aca'e#e" #eritin$ a se1ere a)*+'+(&ra&+,e penalt!. Ne1ertheless" the ,u'iciar! an' the aca'e#e shoul' ha1e the sa#e rule +hen it co#es to cop!ri$hte' +or&s. I' e,ery -a(e, &2ere +( a /e4a/ )u&y &o *a5e &2e 0ro0er a&&r+bu&+o' 12e' -o0y+'4 0a((a4e( 3ro* -o0yr+42&e) 1or5( be-au(e &2e /a1 e.0re((/y re8u+re( (u-2 a&&r+bu&+o' 1+&2ou& e.-e0&+o'. The aca'e#e re5uires that passa$es copie' fro# 2or&s of the .o1ern#ent" +or&s in the public 'o#ain" an' non9cop!ri$hte' +or&s shoul' be properl! attribute' in the sa#e +a! as cop!ri$hte' +or&s. The rationale is to separate the ori$inal +or& of the +riter fro# the +or&s of other authors in or'er to 'eter#ine the ori$inal contribution of the +riter to the 'e1elop#ent of a particular art or science. This rationale 'oes not appl! to the ,u'iciar!" +here a'herence to ;urispru'ential prece'ence is the rule. ?o+e1er" if a ;u'$e +rites an article for a la+ ;ournal" he is boun' b! the sa#e rules $o1ernin$ aca'e#ic +ritin$. )> ACCOR"ING =" I 1ote to RECA the Resolution of () October )*(* sub;ect of the present #otion for reconsi'eration as this Court4s ;uris'iction e7ten's onl! to a 'eter#ination +hether the a'#inistrati1e co#plaint a$ainst ,ustice Mariano C. -el Castillo constitutes conte#pt of this Court. ANTONIO T. CARPIO Associate ,ustice


Part I " Intellectual Propert! -ecree BRepublic Act No. E)F0C.

olu#e II" Recor's of the Constitutional Co##ission" p. )D). The follo+in$ e7chan$e too& place 'urin$ the 'eliberations of the Constitutional Co##ission< MR. RE.ALA-O< Than& !ou" Ma'a# Presi'ent. 777 :irst" this is +ith respect to Section )" on the $roun's for i#peach#ent" an' I 5uote< . . . culpable 1iolation of the Constitution" treason" briber!" other hi$h cri#es" $raft an' corruption or betra!al of public trust. ,ust for the recor'" +hat +oul' the Co##ittee en1ision as a betra!al of the public trust +hich is not other+ise co1ere' b! the other ter#s antece'ent theretoA MR. ROMULO< I thin&" if I #a! spea& for the Co##ittee an' sub;ect to further co##ents of Co##issioner 'e los Re!es" the concept is that this is a catchall phrase. Reall!" it refers to his oath of office" in the en' that the i'ea of a public trust is connecte' +ith the oath of office of the officer" an' if he 1iolates that oath of office" then he has betra!e' that trust. MR. RE.ALA-O< Than& !ou. MR. MONSO-< Ma'a# Presi'ent" #a! I as& Co##issioner 'e los Re!es to perhaps a'' to those re#ar&s. T?E PRESI-ENT< Co##issioner 'e los Re!es is reco$ni%e'. MR. -E LOS REGES< The reason I propose' this a#en'#ent is that 'urin$ the Re$ular Batasan$ Pa#bansa +hen there +as a #o1e to i#peach then Presi'ent Marcos" there +ere ar$u#ents to the effect that there is no $roun' for

i#peach#ent because there is no proof that Presi'ent Marcos co##itte' cri#inal acts +hich are punishable" or consi'ere' penal offenses. A') (o &2e &er* >be&raya/ o3 0ub/+- &ru(&,> a( e.0/a+'e) by Co**+((+o'er Ro*u/o, +( a -a&-2a// 02ra(e &o +'-/u)e a// a-&( 12+-2 are 'o& 0u'+(2ab/e by (&a&u&e( a( 0e'a/ o33e'(e( bu&, 'o'e&2e/e((, re')er &2e o33+-er u'3+& &o -o'&+'ue +' o33+-e. I& +'-/u)e( be&raya/ o3 0ub/+- +'&ere(&, +'e.-u(ab/e 'e4/+4e'-e o3 )u&y, &yra''+-a/ abu(e o3 0o1er, brea-2 o3 o33+-+a/ )u&y by *a/3ea(a'-e or *+(3ea(a'-e -ro'y+(*, 3a,or+&+(*, e&-. &o &2e 0re6u)+-e o3 0ub/+- +'&ere(& a') 12+-2 &e') &o br+'4 &2e o33+-e +'&o )+(re0u&e. That is the purpose" Ma'a# Presi'ent. Than& !ou. MR. ROMULO< If I #a! a'' another e7a#ple" because Co##issioner Re$ala'o as&e' a 1er! $oo' 5uestion. This concept +oul' inclu'e" I thin&" obstruction of ;ustice since in his oath he s+ears to 'o ;ustice to e1er! #an@ so if he 'oes an!thin$ that obstructs ;ustice" it coul' be construe' as a betra!al of the public trust. Than& !ou. BE#phasis supplie'C

The (FF0 Report of the ational Commission on Judicial Discipline ! Remo"al of the Unite' States Bhttp<HH;u'icial9'iscipline9 refor#.or$H;u'icialOco#plaintsH(FF0OReportORe#o1al.p'f" pp. (D9 (EC conclu'e' that +*0ea-2*e'& +( &2e e.-/u(+,e *o)e o3 re*o,+'4 3e)era/ 6u)4e( 3ro* o33+-e" thus< Ne1ertheless" the Co##ission conclu'es that Con$ress #a! not pro1i'e for re#o1al as a cri#inal penalt!. If re#o1al #a! la+full! follo+ on con1iction for a fe'eral ;u'$e" then it #a! 'o so for the ice Presi'ent of the Unite' States or perhaps e1en the Presi'ent. But if the constitutional $rant of a ter# of office to the ice Presi'ent an' Presi'ent pre1ails a$ainst an! pro1ision for re#o1al in the cri#inal la+" the sa#e shoul' be true of the tenure the Constitution $rants to ;u'$es. The Constitution 5uite e7plicitl! separates i#peach#ent an' re#o1al fro# the or'inar! cri#inal process. The Co##ission 'oes not belie1e that Con$ress6s po+er to punish cri#es is an e7ception to ;u'icial life tenure" or alternati1el! a +a! in +hich $oo' beha1ior #a! be in5uire' into" in the +a! that the i#peach#ent process clearl! is. 7777

The Co##ission conclu'es that a statute pro1i'in$ for the re#o1al fro# office of ;u'$es +ho ser1e on $oo' beha1ior un'er Article III by *ea'( o&2er &2a' +*0ea-2*e'& a') -o',+-&+o' 1ou/) be u'-o'(&+&u&+o'a/. BE#phasis supplie'@ citations o#itte'C

Quotin$ Blac&4s La+ -ictionar!. olu#e I" Recor's of the Constitutional Co##ission" pp. =>/9=>D. Appro1e' b! the )n *anc on (> No1e#ber )**>.



Section 0BDC" Article KI of the Constitution pro1i'es< 3,u'$#ent in cases of i#peach#ent shall not e7ten' further than re#o1al fro# office an' 'is5ualification to hol' an! office un'er the Republic of the Philippines" but the part! con1icte' shall ne1ertheless be liable an' sub;ect to prosecution" trial" an' punish#ent accor'in$ to la+.3


Part I of RA No. E)F0" other+ise &no+n as the 3Intellectual Propert! Co'e of the Philippines.3

There are those +ho" +ith $oo' reason" belie1e that re#o1al fro# office is the #a7i#u# penalt! in i#peach#ent an' thus there can be lesser penalties li&e censure. See ,oseph Isenber$h" #mpeachment and $residential #mmunity from Judicial $rocess" (E Gale La+ J Polic! Re1ie+ >0 B(FFFC.

Section (D/ of RA No. E)F0 pro1i'es< 3+or,s of the -o"ernment. No cop!ri$ht shall subsist in an! +or& of the .o1ern#ent of the Philippines. 777.3

Canon 0 of the Co'e of ,u'icial Con'uct pro1i'es< 3A ;u'$e shoul' perfor# official 'uties honestl!" an' +ith i#partialit! an' 'ili$ence.3

See note =.

Rule 0.*( of the Co'e of ,u'icial Con'uct pro1i'es< 3A ;u'$e shall be faithful to the la+ an' #aintain professional co#petence.3

Professor Laurence ?. Tribe +rites< 3The in'epen'ence of the process of i#peach#ent an' cri#inal prosecution is hi$hli$hte' b! the case of ,u'$e Alcee ?astin$s" +ho +as ac5uitte' of briber! b! a fe'eral ;ur! in (FE0" but +as subse5uentl! i#peache' b! the ?ouse an' con1icte' b! the Senate for the sa#e offense P an' for testif!in$ falsel! about it un'er oath at his fe'eral cri#inal trial. Si#ilarl!" ,u'$e 2alter Ni7on +as i#peache' b! the ?ouse an' con1icte' b! the Senate in (FEF for falsel! testif!in$ un'er oath before a fe'eral $ran' ;ur! in1esti$atin$ ,u'$e Ni7on4s i#proper 'iscussions +ith a state prosecutor in a case in1ol1in$ a business ac5uaintance4s son" 'espite an earlier ac5uittal in a fe'eral prosecution for briber! arisin$ out of those 1er! e1ents. An'" althou$h this precise se5uence is not a''resse' b! Article I" Section 0" clause D" it shoul' also be possible for an official to be ac5uitte' b! the Senate in an i#peach#ent trial but subse5uentl! con1icte' of the sa#e un'erl!in$ acts in a fe'eral court. The Senate4s ac5uittal" after all" coul' +ell represent a 'eter#ination #erel! that the char$e' offenses +ere not i#peachable" or that the nation +oul' be har#e' #ore than protecte' b! pronouncin$ the official $uilt!.3 American Constitutional %aw" olu#e ( B0r' e'itionC" pp. (>F9(/*.

Rule 0.*) of the Co'e of ,u'icial Con'uct pro1i'es< 3In e1er! case" a ;u'$e shall en'ea1our 'ili$entl! to ascertain the facts an' the applicable la+" uns+a!e' b! partisan interests" public opinion or fear of criticis#.3

Section (E= B&C of RA No. E)F0 pro1i'es< 3%imitations on Copyri'ht. (E=.(. Not+ithstan'in$ the pro1isions of Chapter Ron cop!ri$ht an' econo#ic ri$htsN" the follo+in$ acts shall not constitute infrin$e#ent of cop!ri$ht< BaC 7 7 7 7 7777 B&C An! use #a'e of a +or& for the purpose of an! ;u'icial procee'in$s or for the $i1in$ of professional a'1ice b! a le$al practitioner.3

Section(D0.( BbC" Intellectual Propert! Co'e.

An author +hose #oral ri$hts un'er the La+ on Cop!ri$ht are infrin$e' b! a ;u'$e in his ;u'icial 'ecision #a! file a ci1il case in court a$ainst such ;u'$e. See 'iscussion on &he Jud'e (ust Follow the %aw on Copyri'ht" infra.


Section (FE.( of the Intellectual Propert! Co'e pro1i'es that the 3R#oralN ri$hts of an author 7 7 7 shall not be assi$nable or sub;ect to license.3


Section ((F" Intellectual Propert! Co'e.

'isciplinar! action be entere' i##e'iatel! b! the Michi$an Supre#e Court. BE#phasis supplie'C


Ro$er E. Schechter an' ,ohn R. Tho#as" #ntellectual $roperty B)**0C" p. (F. The La+phil Pro;ect 9 Arellano La+ :oun'ation

icente B. A#a'or" Copyri'ht under the #ntellectual $roperty Code B(FFEC" p. >D*. "ISSENTING OPINION

I'. p. >/F" citin$ John Carter. John Swin' and John /eronis "0 1elmsley2Spear. #nc0 and Associates" U.S. Court of Appeals for )n' Circuit" ( -ece#ber (FF>.

SERENO, J.: ,u'$es nee' not strain the#sel1es to #eet inapplicable stan'ar's of research an' attribution of sources in their ;u'icial opinions" nor see& to achie1e the scholarl! ri$i'it! or thorou$hness obser1e' in aca'e#ic +or&. The! nee' to ans+er to onl! t+o stan'ar's P 'ili$ence an' honest!. B! honest! here is #eant that $oo' faith atte#pt to attribute to the author his ori$inal +or's an' anal!sis. E1en if a ;u'$e has to rel! in lar$e part on the 'rafts of his le$al researchers" the +or& of a 'ili$ent an' honest ;u'$e +ill ne1er 'ispla! the se1ere pla$iaris# e1i'ent in the /inuya -ecision publishe' un'er the na#e of ,ustice Mariano C. 'el Castillo. A ;u'$e +ill onl! fin' hi#self in the sa#e pre'ica#ent as ,ustice 'el Castillo if t+o situations coinci'e< B(C the ;u'$e +ittin$l! or un+ittin$l! entrusts a le$al researcher +ith the tas& of 'raftin$ his ;u'icial opinion" an' the le$al researcher 'eci'es to co##it se1ere pla$iaris#@ an' B)C the ;u'$e< BaC 'oes not rea' an' stu'! the 'raft 'ecision hi#self@ BbC e1en if he 'oes rea' an' stu'! the sa#e" the 3re' fla$s3 that are self9e1i'ent in the 'raft 'ecision co#pletel! escape hi#@ or BcC 'espite ha1in$ seen the re' fla$s" he i$nores the#. 2e use the +or's 3se1ere pla$iaris#3 here 'eliberatel! because not onl! +ere three B0C +or&s of the four B=C co#plainin$ authors ( pla$iari%e' in /inuya" te7t fro# the follo+in$ cop!ri$hte' +or&s +as copie' +ithout attribution as +ell< essa!s contribute' b! Robert McCor5uo'ale an' Phoebe O&o+a to the boo& #nternational %aw" e'ite' b! Malcol# E1ans@ an article +ritten b! Mariana Sala%ar Alborno%" entitle' Le$al Nature an' Le$al Conse5uences of -iplo#atic Protection< Conte#porar! Challen$es@ an article +ritten b! Eli%abeth Prochas&a" entitle' Testin$ the Li#its of -iplo#atic Protection< Sha'r 1. The Pri#e Minister of Cana'a@ a report b! Larr! Ni&sch" entitle' ,apanese Militar!4s Co#fort 2o#en@ an' an article b! ,a#es La'ino" entitle' Ianfu< No Co#fort Get for Sorean Co#fort 2o#en an' the I#pact of ?ouse Resolution ()(. In a''ition" incorporate' into /inuya +ere e7cerpts fro# a 'ecision of an international tribunal +ithout an! si$nal $i1en to the rea'er that the +or's +ere not those of ,ustice 'el Castillo of the Philippine Supre#e Court but the +or's of another tribunal.

Article E of the Ci1il Co'e pro1i'es< 3,u'icial 'ecisions appl!in$ or interpretin$ the la+s or the Constitution shall for# part of the le$al s!ste# of the Philippines.3

#n the (atter of 1on0 &homas )0 *rennan. Jr0. Jud'e. 33th District. (ason. (ichi'an. 455 (ich0 1604. 447 0+06d 716 89 o"ember 1989: 0 In this case" ,u'$e Brennan" ,r. sub#itte' an article to a la+ re1ie+ for publication. The article faile' to ac&no+le'$e se1eral passa$es copie' fro# la+ ;ournal articles of t+o other authors. The Michi$an ,u'icial Tenure Co##ission reco##en'e' to the Supre#e Court of Michi$an that ,u'$e Brennan" ,r. be publicl! censure' for #iscon'uct. Interestin$l!" ,u'$e Brennan" ,r. Ba state ;u'$eC a'#itte' his #iscon'uct an' #a'e the follo+in$ #anifestation< Respon'ent Tho#as E. Brennan" ,r." of the >>th -istrict Court" In$ha# Count!" Michi$an" ac&no+le'$es notice an' receipt of the ,u'icial Tenure Co##ission6s -ecision an' Reco##en'ation for Or'er of -iscipline 'ate' Septe#ber ()" (FEF" an' stipulates to the ,u'icial Tenure Co##ission6s fin'in$s as recite' in para$raphs one B(C throu$h si7 B/C thereof@ Re(0o')e'& 3ur&2er a33+r*a&+,e/y a-5'o1/e)4e( &2e +*0ro0r+e&y o3 2+( -o')u-& a( (e& 3or&2 +' &2e "e-+(+o' a') Re-o**e')a&+o' 3or Or)er o3 "+(-+0/+'e, a') 0ur(ua'& &o MCR ?.221@CA, -o'(e'&( &o &2e Co**+((+o'B( re-o**e')a&+o' &2a& 2e be 0ub/+-/y -e'(ure). Respon'ent further concurs in the re5uest of the ,u'icial Tenure Co##ission that an or'er e#bo'!in$ the fore$oin$

2hile there are 1ie+s that a ;u'$e cannot be $uilt! of pla$iaris# for failure to reco$ni%e forei$n 'ecisions as source #aterials in one4s ;u'icial +ritin$ P as +hen ,ustice Antonio C. Carpio opines that a ;u'$e cannot be $uilt! on this score alone P it is be!on' 'ebate that there is a 'ut! of care to attribute to these forei$n an' international ;u'icial 'ecisions properl!" an' that one shoul' ne1er present these #aterials as if the! are one4s o+n. An esti#ate of the e7tent of the pla$iaris# in the inu!a -ecision has been #a'e b! #! office. The best appro7i#ation a1ailable to us" usin$ the 3+or' count3 feature of Microsoft 2or'" re1eals that >).FT of the +or's use' in the /inuya -ecision4s 'iscussion on international la+" +hich be$ins in pa$e )= an' continues to the en' B)"E/F out of >"=(F +or'sC" are copie' +ithout attribution fro# other +or&s. The /inuya -ecision" therefore" because of the se1erit! of the pla$iaris# atten'in$ it" is the +orst possible conte7t for the Ma;orit! to 'ra+" in its -ecision 'ate' () October )*(* an' in its Resolution 'en!in$ the Motion for Reconsi'eration" the follo+in$ conclusions< (. that pla$iaris# re5uires the ele#ent of 3#alicious intent3@ ). that P calibratin$ its rulin$ in response to the outcr! of the aca'e#ic co##unit! after the Ma;orit! -ecision +as issue' P the rules a$ainst pla$iaris# applicable to the aca'e#ic co##unit! 'o not appl! to ;u'icial 'ecisions@ 0. that the stan'ar' of attribution applicable to ;u'icial 'ecisions is effecti1el!" no stan'ar' at all P a ;u'$e cannot be $uilt! of pla$iaris# as un'erstoo' b! the aca'e#ic +orl'" an' neither is he liable for cop!in$ +ithout attribution" e1en fro# cop!ri$hte' #aterials@ =. that this lac& of liabilit! e7ten's as +ell to benefit la+!ers in the sub#ission of their plea'in$s before courts@ an' >. that on the +hole" the /inuya -ecision is the pro'uct of har'" honest" ori$inal +or&. In the course of the resolution of the Motion for Reconsi'eration" I ha1e foun' #!self counter9accuse' of ha1in$ copie' the +or&s of others +ithout attribution. I ha1e 'ebun&e' each of these clai#s an' la! the# bare in this -issent. I ha1e e1en pro1en that it +as one of #! co9authore' +or&s that +as copie' +ithout attribution bein$ $i1en to #e an' to #! co9authors. The theor! propoun'e' a$ainst #e is that I cannot conclu'e that the /inuya -ecision is partl! a pro'uct of pla$iaris# unless I a# +illin$ to call #!self a pla$iarist as +ell. I e#phasi%e" ho+e1er" #! ori$inal thesis P that a 'ili$ent

an' honest ;u'$e or researcher +ill ne1er fin' hi#self to ha1e pla$iari%e'" e1en un+ittin$l!" to the sa#e e7tent that pla$iaris# occurre' in the /inuya -ecision. ?erein lies the safet! of a researcher P a habit of tr!in$ to $i1e reco$nition +here reco$nition is 'ue. Shoul' an! of #! +or&s" +herein I faile' to #a&e proper attribution" surface" I +ill 'o +hat I ha1e reco##en'e' that the author of the /inuya -ecision 'o< ac&no+le'$e the +ron$" apolo$i%e to the +ron$e'" an' correct the +or&. See pa$es >E to D> herein for a 'iscussion on the counter9accusations le1ele' a$ainst #e. Irrespecti1e of the outco#e of #! anal!sis" let it be state' that this -issent 'oes not #a&e an! pronounce#ent re$ar'in$ the ;uris'iction of this Court o1er the co#plaint for pla$iaris# a$ainst ,ustice 'el Castillo. M! estee#e' collea$ue ,ustice Carpio is con1ince' that Con$ress is the sole 'isciplinin$ authorit! of all i#peachable officers" inclu'in$ ,ustices of the Supre#e Court. ?e characteri%es pla$iaris# as a betra!al of public trust" an' thus" 3i#peach#ent b! Con$ress ta&es the place of a'#inistrati1e 'isciplinar! procee'in$s a$ainst i#peachable officers as there is no other po+er that can a'#inistrati1el! 'iscipline i#peachable officers.3) I. &he 'lo$ of the Analysis in &his Dissent A. Parameters To alla! an! concern fro# #e#bers of the ;u'iciar!" I ha1e been 1er! careful to un'erscore the li#itations of #! anal!sis of the /inuya -ecision. M! -issent of () October )*(* is 1er! clear< In a certain sense" there shoul' ha1e been less incenti1e to pla$iari%e la+ re1ie+ articles because the currenc! of ;u'$es is stare 'ecisis. One +on'ers ho+ the issue shoul' ha1e been treate' ha' +hat +as pla$iari%e' been a court rulin$" but that is not at issue here. T2e a'a/y(+( +' &2+( o0+'+o' +( &2ere3ore -o'3+'e) &o &2e 0e-u/+ar (+&ua&+o' o3 a 6u)4e 12o +((ue( a )e-+(+o' &2a& 0/a4+ar+:e( /a1 re,+e1 ar&+-/e(, 'o& &o 2+( -o0y+'4 o3 0re-e)e'&( or 0ar&( o3 &2e 0/ea)+'4( o3 &2e 0ar&+e( &o a -a(e. 0 To be cate$orical" a ;u'$e or le$al researcher cannot be $uilt! for usin$ 'octrines that ha1e been incorporate' into the #ainstrea# an' are stan'ar' ter#s of tra'e. Neither is a ;u'$e re5uire' to use 5uotation #ar&s or bloc&5uotes e1er! ti#e there is a reference to alle$ations in the plea'in$s of parties" or +hen he is 'iscussin$ le$al ar$u#ents usin$ alrea'! accepte' le$al 'octrines. It is +hen he 1entures into usin$ the ori$inal +or's of others" especiall! those of le$al scholars" that he #ust be particularl! careful. ?e cannot +rite to pass off the +or's of others" especiall! those of others4 pioneerin$ +or&s" as his o+n. To 'o so is 'ishonest. It has also been su$$este' that ,ustice 'el Castillo cannot be $uilt! of pla$iaris# as he ne1er

rea' the +or& of Mariana Sala%ar Alborno%. That ar$u#ent is neither here nor there. At the 1er! least" the +or's he copie' +ere those of another in an i#portant ori$inal anal!sis of the state of international la+ on rape. 1. 0tructure of the &echnical Analysis in &his Dissent The structure an' ri$i'it! of the Technical Anal!sis in this -issent is necessar! to fulfill t+o purposes< B(C to enable the rea'er to e7a#ine +hether I ha1e scientific an' ob;ecti1e basis to conclu'e that se1ere pla$iaris# characteri%es the /inuya -ecision@ an' B)C to e7a#ine +hether I a# +illin$ to sub;ect #! +or& to the sa#e stan'ar's to +hich I ha1e sub;ecte' the /inuya -ecision. One interestin$ note. M! professional recor' ha' been 1ette' b! the ,u'icial an' Bar Council prior to #! appoint#ent to this Court. M! pre1ious +or&s P those of an aca'e#ic an' those of a plea'er P are presentl! bein$" an'" I e7pect +ill continue to be" thorou$hl! scrutini%e'. 2hile those pre1ious +or&s for# part of the basis of #! appoint#ent" inas#uch as the! are proof of #! co#petence an' e7pertise" the! cannot ser1e as a basis to 'eter#ine +hether I a# no+ perfor#in$ #! 'uties as a ;u'$e satisfactoril!. One can 1ie+ the scrutin! as an un+arrante' collateral attac& on #! recor'. This 'i' not happen until #! -issent of () October )*(*. The first part of the Technical Anal!sis consists of ne+ tables of co#parison presentin$ #ore instances of pla$iaris# as the! occur in the /inuya -ecision. T+o of these tables 'eal +ith copie' +or&s that pre1iousl! appeare' in #! earlier -issent< A Fiduciary &heory of Jus Co'ens. b! E1an ,. Cri''le an' E1an :o79-ecent" an' *rea,in' the Silence; Rape as an #nternational Crime b! Mar& Ellis@ ho+e1er" the entries for these tables present instances of pla$iaris# not 'iscusse' or presente' in #! -issent of () October )*(*. :ollo+in$ the tables are lists of 1iolations of rules a$ainst pla$iaris#" each list ite# correspon'in$ to one table entr!. :ollo+in$ the presentation of the tables" the process +hereb! pla$iaris# coul' ha1e been co##itte' in /inuya is e7a#ine'. The se1ere e7tent of pla$iaris#" +hich is alrea'! e1i'ent in the tables" is 'iscusse' further" follo+e' b! an anal!sis of the s!ste#atic co##ission of pla$iaris# in /inuya. This anal!sis consists of the 'etaile' 'issection of specific parts of the /inuya 'ecision< the te7t of the bo'! in pa$es 0(90)" an' the first para$raph of footnote />. The research process purporte'l! use' b! the le$al researcher of /inuya is then bro&en 'o+n into separate steps that illustrate the 'ecision points at +hich an honest an' 'ili$ent researcher +oul' ha1e ensure' that proper attribution to sources be $i1en. This is then follo+e' b! a closer e7a#ination of the 'eletion of e7istin$ citations an' the features of Microsoft 2or' rele1ant to the 'eletion of footnotes.

II. &echnical Analysis of Plagiarism in $+'uya A. More Plagiarism Belo+ are 'e1 &ab/e( o3 -o*0ar+(o' P e7clu'in$ #aterials in tables alrea'! 'iscusse' in #! earlier -issent to the #a;orit! -ecision in AM (*9D9 (D9SC P of e7cerpts fro# the -ecision in inu!a 1is9a91is te7t fro# one B(C boo& on international la+" fi1e B>C forei$n la+ ;ournal articles" an' a cop!ri$hte' report of the Unite' States Con$ressional Research Ser1ice. 2hile the 'e$ree of seriousness of the offense of unattribute' cop!in$ 1aries +ith the &in' of #aterial copie'" the e7tent of the cop!in$ con1e!s the le1el of honest! or 'ishonest! of the +or& 'one +ith respect to the inu!a -ecision. The e7tent of cop!in$ enu#erate' in these tables also ren'ers incre'ible the clai# of #echanical failure" as +ell as the alle$e' lac& of intent on the part of the researcher to not $i1e proper attribution. The #aterials for co#parison +ere first i'entifie' in the Motion for Reconsi'eration an' in the letter of -r. Peter B. Pa!o!o" a :ilipino le$al scholar resi'in$ in the Netherlan's" a''resse' to the Chief ,ustice 'ate' )E October )*(*. These e7cerpts +ere in'epen'entl! 1erifie'" an' co#pare' +ith the correspon'in$ portions fro# the ori$inal +or&s. In the course of in'epen'ent 1erification" +e ca#e across three #ore unattribute' copie' +or&s. TA# ES OF COMPARISON To ai' an ob;ecti1e anal!sis of the e7tent an' #anner of the pla$iaris# co##itte' in the /inuya -ecision" belo+ are tables of co#parison that +ill co#pare three +ritten +or&s< B(C the pla$iari%e' +or&@ B)C the /inuya -ecision@ an' B0C the purporte' 3ori$inal3 source anal!%e' or cite' b! the concerne' authors an' b! the /inuya -ecision. The left colu#n pertains to the literar! +or&s alle$e'l! pla$iari%e' b! the le$al researcher in the inu!a -ecision. The #i''le colu#n refers to the pertinent passa$e in the inu!a -ecision that #a&es unattribute' use of the copie' +or&. Accor'in$ to the Ma;orit! Resolution" these citations #a'e to ori$inal sources Be.$. to the international la+ cases bein$ reference' to support a certain pointC in the /inuya -ecision are sufficient to refute the char$es of non9attribution. To a''ress this clai#" I ha1e chosen to a'' a thir' colu#n to present the te7t of the source referre' to in the nearest Blocation9+ise an'Hor conte7t9+iseC citation or attribution #a'e in the inu!a -ecision. This +ill allo+ us to 'eter#ine +hether the anal!sis" reference an'Hor collation of ori$inal sources +ere those of the alle$e'l! pla$iari%e' authors or are /inuya ori$inals. In a''ition" this three9colu#n presentation +ill also allo+ us to e7a#ine the clai# bein$ #a'e b! ,ustice 'el Castillo that at least t+o of the authors

+hose +or&s are alle$e'l! pla$iari%e' in the /inuya -ecision the#sel1es 1iolate' aca'e#ic scholarship rules a$ainst pla$iaris#. TABLE A< Co#parison of E1an ,. Cri''le J E1an :o79-ecent4s article in the Gale ,ournal of International La+" entitle' A :i'uciar! Theor! of ,us Co$ens B)**FC an' the Supre#e Court4s )E April )*(* -ecision in inu!a 1. E7ecuti1e Secretar!. The Alle$e'l! Pla$iari%e' 2or& E1an ,. Cri''le J E1an :o79-ecent" A :i'uciar! Theor! of ,us Co$ens" 0= Gale ,. Int6l L. 00( B)**FC. (. ...;u'$es on the Per#anent Court of International ,ustice affir#e' the e7istence of pere#ptor! nor#s in international la+ b! referencin$ treaties contra bonos #ores Bcontrar! to public polic!C in a series of in'i1i'ual concurrin$ an' 'issentin$ opinions.R(*N

International Source Bein$ inu!a 1. E7ecuti1e Anal!%e' b! Secretar!" ..R. No. (/))0*" Cri''le an' )E April )*(*. :o79-ecent ...It is an essential principle of an! court" +hether national or international" that the ;u'$es #a! onl! reco$ni%e le$al rules +hich the! hol' to be 1ali'. There is nothin$ to sho+ that it +as inten'e' to 'isre$ar' that le$al principle +hen this Court +as institute'" or that it +as to be obli$e' to foun' its 'ecisions on the i'eas of

The -ecision

...,u'$es on the Per#anent Court of International ,ustice affir#e' the e7istence of pere#ptor! nor#s in international la+ b! referencin$ treaties contra bonos #ores Bcontrar! to public polic!C in a series of in'i1i'ual concurrin$ an' 'issentin$ opinions. B:or e7a#ple" in the (F0= Oscar Chinn Case" ,u'$e SchUc&in$6s influential R(*N :or e7a#ple" in the 'issent state' that neither (F0= Oscar Chinn Case" an international court nor an ,u'$e SchUc&in$6s arbitral tribunal shoul' appl! influential 'issent state' that neither an international a treat! pro1ision in court nor an arbitral tribunal contra'iction to bonos #ores. Oscar Chinn Case" shoul' appl! a treat! pro1ision in contra'iction to (F0= P.C.I.,. Bser. AHBC No. bonos #ores. Oscar Chinn /0" at (=F9>* B-ec. ()C BSchUc&in$" ,." 'issentin$C. Case" (F0= P.C.I.,. Bser. AHBC No. /0" at (=F9>* Bp. 0(" footnote D( of B-ec. ()C BSchUc&in$" ,." inu!aC 'issentin$C. Bp. 00> of Cri''le an' :o79 -ecentC

the partiesP +hich #a! be entirel! +ron$Pas to the la+ to be applie' in a $i1en caseV. The Court +oul' ne1er" for instance" appl! a con1ention the ter#s of +hich +ere contrar! to public #oralit!. But" in #! 1ie+" a tribunal fin's itself in the sa#e position if a con1ention a''uce' b! the parties is in realit! null an' 1oi'" o+in$ to a fla+ in its ori$in. The attitu'e of the tribunal shoul'" in #! opinion" be $o1erne' in such a case b! consi'eration s of international public polic!" e1en +hen ;uris'iction is conferre' on the Court b!

1irtue of a Special A$ree#ent. Source< The Oscar Chinn Case BU.S. 1. Bel$.C" (F0= P.C.I.,. Bser. AHBC No. /0" at (=F9>* B-ec. ()C Bseparate opinion of ,u'$e SchUc&in$C. ). 2hile the IC, recentl! en'orse' the ;us co$ens concept for the first ti#e in its )**/ ,u'$#ent on Preli#inar! Ob;ections in Ar#e' Acti1ities on the Territor! of the Con$o BCon$o 1. R+an'aC" it 'ecline' to clarif! ;us co$ens6s le$al status or to specif! an! criteria for i'entif!in$ pere#ptor! nor#s.R/DN 2hile the IC, recentl! en'orse' the ;us co$ens concept for the first ti#e in its )**/ ,u'$#ent on Preli#inar! Ob;ections in Ar#e' Acti1ities on the territor! of the Con$o BCon$o 1. R+an'aC" it 'ecline' to clarif! ;us co$ens4s le$al status or to specif! an! criteria for i'entif!in$ pere#ptor! nor#s. BAr#e' Acti1ities on the Territor! of the Con$o" R/DN Ar#e' Acti1ities on the ,uris'iction of the Court an' A'#issibilit! of the Territor! of the Con$o" Application B-e#. Rep. ,uris'iction of the Court Con$o 1. R+an'aC an' A'#issibilit! of the B,u'$#ent of :ebruar! 0" Application B-e#. Rep. )**/C" at 0(90)" a1ailable at Con$o 1. R+an'aC B,u'$#ent of :eb. 0" )**/C" http<HH+++.ic;9 ci;.or$H'oc&etHfilesH()/H(*=0 at 0(90)" a1ailable at >.p'f. http<HH+++.ic;9 ci;.or$H'oc&etHfilesH()/H(*=0 Bp. 0)" footnote DD of >.p'f Blast 1isite' Mar. 0(" inu!aC )**FC. R/=N....The Court obser1es" ho+e1er" as it has alrea'! ha' occasion to e#phasi%e" that 3the er'a omnes character of a nor# an' the rule of consent to ;uris'iction are t+o 'ifferent thin$s3..." an' that the #ere fact that ri$hts an' obli$ations er'a omnes #a! be at issue in a 'ispute +oul'

Bp. 0=/" footnote /D of Cri''le an' :o79-ecentC

not $i1e the Court ;uris'iction to entertain that 'ispute. The sa#e applies to the relationship bet+een pere#ptor! nor#s of $eneral international la+ 8<us co'ens: an' the establish#ent of the Court4s ;uris'iction< the fact that a 'ispute relates to co#pliance +ith a nor# ha1in$ such a character" +hich is assure'l! the case +ith re$ar' to the prohibition of $enoci'e" cannot of itself pro1i'e a basis for the ;uris'iction of the Court to entertain that 'ispute. Un'er the Court4s Statute that ;uris'iction is

al+a!s base' on the consent of the parties. Source< Ar#e' Acti1ities on the Territor! of the Con$o B-e#. Rep. Con$o 1. R+an'aC" )**/ I.C.,. /" 0(90) B:eb. 0C. 0. Si#ilarl!" the European Court of ?u#an Ri$hts has a''resse' ;us co$ens onl! once" in Al9A'sani 1. Unite' Sin$'o#" +hen it fa#ousl! re;ecte' the ar$u#ent that ;us co$ens 1iolations +oul' 'epri1e a state of so1erei$n i##unit!.RD>N RD>N Shelton" supra note 0" at 0*F B'iscussin$ Al9 A'sani 1. Unite' Sin$'o#" )**(9KI Eur. Ct. ?.R. DF" W /(C. Bp. 0=D of Cri''le an' :o79 -ecentC RDDN Si#ilarl!" the European Court of ?u#an Ri$hts has a''resse' ;us co$ens onl! once" in Al9A'sani 1. Unite' Sin$'o#" +hen it fa#ousl! re;ecte' the ar$u#ent that ;us co$ens 1iolations +oul' 'epri1e a state of so1erei$n i##unit!. Al9A'sani 1. Unite' Sin$'o#" )**(9KI Eur. Ct. ?.R. DF" W /(C Bp. 0)" footnote DD of inu!aC R/(N 2hile the Court accepts" on the basis of these authorities" that the prohibition of torture has achie1e' the status of a pere#ptor! nor# in international la+" it obser1es that the present case concernsV the i##unit! of a State in a ci1il suit for 'a#a$es in respect of acts of torture +ithin the

territor! of that State. Not+ithstan'i n$ the special character of the prohibition of torture in international la+" the Court is unable to 'iscern in the international instru#ents" ;u'icial authorities or other #aterials before it an! fir# basis for conclu'in$ that" as a #atter of international la+" a State no lon$er en;o!s i##unit! fro# ci1il suit in the courts of another State +here acts of torture are alle$e'V. Source< Al9A'sani 1 Unite' Sin$'o#" App. No. 0>D/0HFD" 0= Eur. ?.R. Rep. ((" par.

/( B)**)CB)( No1. )**(C. TABLE B< Co#parison of Mar& Ellis4s article entitle' Brea&in$ the Silence< Rape as an International Cri#e B)**/9)**DC an' the Supre#e Court4s )E April )*(* -ecision in inu!a 1. E7ecuti1e Secretar!. The Alle$e'l! Copie' 2or&

Bp. )0/ of EllisC

The -ecision International Source Bein$ Anal!%e' b! Ellis

Mar& Ellis4s article inu!a 1. E7ecuti1e entitle' Brea&in$ the Secretar!" ..R. No. Silence< Rape as an (/))0*" )E April International Cri#e )*(*. 0E Case 2. Res. ,. Int4l. L. ))>B)**/9 )**DC. (. A #a;or step in this le$al 'e1elop#ent ca#e in (F=F" +hen rape an' se7ual assault +ere inclu'e' in the .ene1a Con1entions.... Rape is inclu'e' in the follo+in$ acts co##itte' a$ainst persons protecte' b! the (F=F .ene1a Con1entions< 3+ilful &illin$" torture or inhu#an treat#ent" inclu'in$ biolo$ical e7peri#ents@ +ilfull! causin$ $reat sufferin$ or serious in;ur! to bo'! or health.3 R/>N :ourth .ene1a Con1ention" supra note )0" art. (=D. R/>N VA #a;or step in this le$al 'e1elop#ent ca#e in (F=F" +hen rape an' se7ual assault +ere inclu'e' in the .ene1a Con1entions. Rape is inclu'e' in the follo+in$ acts co##itte' a$ainst persons protecte' b! the (F=F .ene1a Con1entions< 3+illful &illin$" torture or inhu#an treat#ent" inclu'in$ biolo$ical e7peri#ents@ +illfull! causin$ $reat sufferin$ or serious in;ur! to bo'! or health.3V BSee .ene1a Con1ention for the A#elioration of the Con'ition of the 2oun'e' an'

RArticle >*H>(H(=DN .ra1e breaches to +hich the prece'in$ Article relates shall be those in1ol1in$ an! of the follo+in$ acts" if co##itte' a$ainst personsV protecte' b! the Con1ention< +illful &illin$" torture or inhu#an treat#ent" inclu'in$ biolo$ical e7peri#ents" +ilfull! causin$ $reat sufferin$ or serious in;ur! to bo'! or healthV. Source< .ene1a Con1ention BIC for the A#elioration of the

Sic& in Ar#e' :orces in the :iel'" art. 0B(CBcC" D> U.N.T.S. 0(@ .ene1a Con1ention for the A#elioration of the Con'ition of 2oun'e'" Sic& an' Ship+rec&e' Me#bers of Ar#e' :orces at Sea" art. 0B(CBcC" D> U.N.T.S. E>@ .ene1a Con1ention Relati1e to the Treat#ent of Prisoners of 2ar" art. 0B(CBcC" D> U.N.T.S. FD0@ :ourth .ene1a Con1ention" supra note )0" art. 0B(CBcC. Bp. )E" footnote /> of inu!aC

Con'ition of the 2oun'e' an' Sic& in Ar#e' :orces in the :iel'" D> U.N.T.S. 0(@ .ene1a Con1ention BIIC for the A#elioration of the Con'ition of 2oun'e'" Sic& an' Ship+rec&e' Me#bers of Ar#e' :orces at Sea" D> U.N.T.S. E>@ .ene1a Con1ention BIIIC Relati1e to the Treat#ent of Prisoners of 2ar" D> U.N.T.S. FD0@ .ene1a Con1ention BI C Relati1e to the Protection of Ci1ilian Persons in Ti#e of 2ar" D> U.N.T.S. )ED. Article 0 V BaC 1iolence to life an' person" in particular #ur'er of all &in's" #utilation" cruel treat#ent an' torture@ BbC ta&in$ of hosta$es@ BcC outra$es upon personal 'i$nit!" in particular hu#iliatin$ an' 'e$ra'in$

). Rape as a 1iolation of the la+s or custo#s of +ar $enerall! consists of 1iolations of Article 0 of the (F=F .ene1a Con1entions" +hich" in part" prohibits 31iolence to life an' person" in particular #utilation" cruel treat#ent an' torture@ outra$es upon personal 'i$nit!" in particular hu#iliatin$ an' 'e$ra'in$ treat#ent.3R//N // See .ene1a

R/>N VRape as a 1iolation of the la+s or custo#s of +ar $enerall! consists of 1iolations of Article 0 of the (F=F .ene1a Con1entions" +hich" in part" prohibits 31iolence to life an' person" in particular #utilation" cruel treat#ent an' torture@ outra$es upon personal 'i$nit!" in particular hu#iliatin$ an' 'e$ra'in$ treat#ent.3 BSee .ene1a Con1ention for the A#elioration

Con1ention for the A#elioration of the Con'ition of the 2oun'e' an' Sic& in Ar#e' :orces in the :iel'" art. 0B(C BcC" D> U.N.T.S. 0(@ .ene1a Con1ention for the A#elioration of the Con'ition of 2oun'e'" Sic& an' Ship+rec&e' Me#bers of Ar#e' :orces at Sea" art. 0B(CBcC" D> U.N.T.S. E>@ .ene1a Con1ention Relati1e to the Treat#ent of Prisoners of 2ar" art. 0B(CBcC" D> U.N.T.S. FD0@ :ourth .ene1a Con1ention" supra note )0" art. 0B(C BcC.... Bp. )0/ of EllisC

of the Con'ition of the 2oun'e' an' Sic& in Ar#e' :orces in the :iel'" art. 0B(CBcC" D> U.N.T.S. 0(@ .ene1a Con1ention for the A#elioration of the Con'ition of 2oun'e'" Sic& an' Ship+rec&e' Me#bers of Ar#e' :orces at Sea" art. 0B(CBcC" D> U.N.T.S. E>@ .ene1a Con1ention Relati1e to the Treat#ent of Prisoners of 2ar" art. 0B(CBcC" D> U.N.T.S. FD0@ :ourth .ene1a Con1ention" supra note )0" art. 0B(CBcC. Bp. )E" footnote /> of inu!aC

treat#ent@ V Source< .ene1a Con1ention BIC for the A#elioration of the Con'ition of the 2oun'e' an' Sic& in Ar#e' :orces in the :iel'" D> U.N.T.S. 0(@ .ene1a Con1ention BIIC for the A#elioration of the Con'ition of 2oun'e'" Sic& an' Ship+rec&e' Me#bers of Ar#e' :orces at Sea" D> U.N.T.S. E>@ .ene1a Con1ention BIIIC Relati1e to the Treat#ent of Prisoners of 2ar" D> U.N.T.S. FD0@ .ene1a Con1ention BI C Relati1e to the Protection of Ci1ilian Persons in Ti#e of 2ar" D> U.N.T.S. )ED. Article )D 2o#en shall be especiall! protecte' a$ainst an! attac& on their honour" in particular a$ainst rape" enforce' prostitution" or an! for# of in'ecent

prostitution" or an! for# of in'ecent assault.3R/DN R/DN :ourth .ene1a Con1ention" supra note )0" art. )D. Bpp. )0/ of EllisC

prostitution" or an! for# of in'ecent assault.3 Bp. )E" footnote /> of inu!aC

assault. Source< .ene1a Con1ention BI C Relati1e to the Protection of Ci1ilian Persons in Ti#e of 2ar" D> U.N.T.S. )ED. Article D/.9Protection of +o#en (. 2o#en shall be the ob;ect of special respect an' shall be protecte' in particular a$ainst rape" force' prostitution an' an! other for# of in'ecent assault. Source< Protocol A''itional to the .ene1a Con1entions of () Au$ust (F=F" an' relatin$ to the Protection of icti#s of International Ar#e' Conflicts BProtocol IC" (()> U.N.T.S. 0.

=. Protocol I of the .ene1a Con1entions continues to e7pan' the protecte' ri$hts b! pro1i'in$ that 3+o#en shall be the ob;ect of special respect an' shall be protecte' in particular a$ainst rape" force' prostitution an' an! for# of in'ecent assault.3R/EN

0. Article )D of the :ourth .ene1a Con1ention" 'irecte' at protectin$ ci1ilians 'urin$ ti#e of +ar" states that 3+o#en shall be especiall! protecte' a$ainst an! attac& on their honour" in particular a$ainst rape" enforce'

R/>N VArticle )D of the :ourth .ene1a Con1ention" 'irecte' at protectin$ ci1ilians 'urin$ ti#e of +ar" states that 3+o#en shall be especiall! protecte' a$ainst an! attac& on their honour" in particular a$ainst rape" enforce'

R/>N VProtocol I of the .ene1a Con1entions continues to e7pan' the protecte' ri$hts b! pro1i'in$ that 3+o#en shall be the ob;ect of special respect an' shall be protecte' in particular a$ainst rape" force' prostitution an' an! for# of in'ecent assault.3 BProtocol A''itional to the .ene1a R/EN Protocol Con1entions of A''itional to the Au$ust ()" (F=F" .ene1a an' Relatin$ to the Con1entions of () Protection of icti#s Au$ust (F=F" an' of International Relatin$ to the Protection of icti#s Ar#e' Conflicts BProtocol IC" Article of International D/B(C" (()> Ar#e' Conflicts U.N.T.S. =C. BProtocol IC" Article D/B(C" (()> Bp. )E" footnote /> U.N.T.S. =. of inu!aC Bpp. )0/9)0D of EllisC

TABLE C< Co#parison of Robert McCor5uo'ale4s +or&" entitle' The In'i1i'ual an' the International Le$al S!ste#"= an' Phoebe O&o+a4s +or&" entitle' Issues of A'#issibilit! an' the La+ on International Responsibilit!" > both of +hich +ere publishe' in Malcol# E1ans4s boo& BInternational La+C" an' the Supre#e Court4s -ecision in inu!a 1. E7ecuti1e Secretar!" ..R. No. (/))0*" )E April )*(*. T2e A//e4e)/y Co0+e) 7or5 Essa!s publishe' in Malcol# E1ans" International La+ Be'." )**/C. (. Tra'itionall!" the onl! #eans a1ailable for in'i1i'uals to brin$ a clai# +ithin the international le$al s!ste# has been +hen the in'i1i'ual is able to persua'e a $o1ern#ent to brin$ a clai# on the in'i1i'ual4s behalf. E1en then" it is not the in'i1i'ual4s international ri$hts that are bein$ asserte' but the State4s o+n ri$htsV.

T2e "e-+(+o' inu!a 1. E7ecuti1e Secretar!" ..R. No. (/))0*" )E April )*(*. Vtra'itionall!" the onl! #eans a1ailable for in'i1i'uals to brin$ a clai# +ithin the international le$al s!ste# has been +hen the in'i1i'ual is able to persua'e a $o1ern#ent to brin$ a clai# on the in'i1i'ual4s behalf.R>>N

I'&er'a&+o'a/ Sour-e #e+'4 A'a/y:e) a') U(e) by M-Cor8uo)a/e C O5o1a Note<

Pa$e )0( of the Appeal fro# a ,u'$#ent of the ?un$aro9 C%echoslo1a& Mi7e' Arbitral Tribunal case P the citation nearest in E1en then" it is not the location an' in in'i1i'ual4s ri$hts that conte7t to the are bein$ asserte'" but passa$e P 'oes rather" the state4s o+n not contain a ri$hts. 'iscussion on 3persua'Rin$N a R>>N VAppeal fro# a $o1ern#ent to Bp. 0(>9(/ of E1ans4s ,u'$#ent of the brin$ a clai# on International La+ boo&" ?un$aroHC%eochoslo1a& the in'i1i'ual4s essa! +ritten b! Mi7e' Arbitral Tribunal" behalf.3 (cCor=uodaleC ,u'$#ent" (F00" PCI," Ser. AHB No. /(" p. )*E The reference to at )0(. Appeal fro# a Bp. )=" Bo'! of inu!aC ,u'$#ent of the ?un$aro9 C%echoslo1a& Mi7e' Arbitral Tribunal case occurs in

(cCor=uodale as footnote (=" four sentences before the passa$e copie' b! inu!a" an' is #a'e follo+in$ the 5uote" Lit is scarcel! necessar! to point out that the capacit! to possess ci1il ri$hts 'oes not necessaril! i#pl! the capacit! to e7ercise those ri$hts oneself4. In (cCor=uodale" the citation follo+in$ the 'iscussion on ho+ 3it is not the in'i1i'ual4s international ri$hts that are bein$ asserte' but the State4s o+n ri$hts3 is +ritten thus in footnote (/< R(/N $ane"e>eys2 Saldutis,is Railway. Jud'ment. $C#J. Ser A?*. o 79" p =. Cf %a-rand 8-ermany " @nited States of America:. (erits. Jud'ment. #CJ Reports 6001" p

=//" para =). ). The conceptual un'erstan'in$ that in'i1i'uals ha1e ri$hts an' responsibilities in the international le$al s!ste# 'oes not auto#aticall! #ean that the! ha1e the abilit! to brin$ international clai#s to assert their ri$hts or are able to clai# an i##unit! to pre1ent their responsibilities bein$ enforce' B?ohfel'" abo1eC. Thus the PCI, 'eclare' that Lit is scarcel! necessar! to point out that the capacit! to possess ci1il ri$hts 'oes not necessaril! i#pl! the capacit! to e7ercise those ri$hts oneself4.R(=N R>>N The conceptual un'erstan'in$ that in'i1i'uals ha1e ri$hts an' responsibilities in the international arena 'oes not auto#aticall! #ean that the! ha1e the abilit! to brin$ international clai#s to assert their ri$hts. Thus" the Per#anent Court of International ,ustice 'eclare' that 3it is scarcel! necessar! to point out that the capacit! to possess ci1il ri$hts 'oes not necessaril! i#pl! the capacit! to e7ercise those ri$hts oneself.3 Appeal fro# a ,u'$#ent of the ?un$aroHC%eochoslo1a& Mi7e' Arbitral Tribunal" ,u'$#ent" (F00" PCI," Ser. AHB No. /(" p. )*E at )0(. A$ain" it is scarcel! necessar! to point out that the capacit! to possess ci1il ri$hts 'oes not necessaril! i#pl! the capacit! to e7ercise those ri$hts oneself. No ar$u#ent a$ainst the Uni1ersit!6s personalit! in la+ can therefore be 'e'uce' fro# the fact that it 'i' not en;o! the free 'isposal of the propert! in 5uestion.... Source< Appeal fro# a ,u'$#ent of the ?un$aro9 C%echoslo1a& Mi7e' Arbitral Tribunal BPeter PX%#Xn! Uni1ersit! 1. C%echoslo1a&iaC" (F00 P.C.I.,. )*E" Bser. AHBC No. /(" at )0( B-ec. (>C. ote; In O&o+a4s essa!" this

support the thesis that $eneral international la+ as it stan's 'oes not #an'ate an enforceable le$al 'ut! of 'iplo#atic protection.R(DN R(DN Aaunda and others " $resident of the Republic of South Africa and others" Case CCCT)0H*=. In the 1ess Decision B1erf.E" >>" 0=F" F* ILR 0E/" the .er#an :e'eral Constitutional Court uphel' the e7istence of a fe'eral constitutional ri$ht to 'iplo#atic protection but 'enie' that it +as re5uire' b! custo#ar! international la+. See also Abbasi " Sec of Forei'n and Commonwealth Affairs and Sec of 1ome Bffice R)**)N E2CA Ci1 (>FE" / No1e#ber )**). Bp. =E= of E1ans4s #nternational %aw boo&" essa! +ritten b! B,owaC =. This position +as been challen$e' in the US in a case arisin$ fro# the clearl! internationall! unla+ful 'etention b! the US of prisoners in .uantana#o Ba! fro# the ti#e of the

stan's 'oes not #an'ate an enforceable le$al 'ut! of 'iplo#atic protection. Bp. )/" footnote /0 of /inuyaC

state#ent follo+s a para$raph in +hich she 'iscusses Aaunda in the conte7t of 'iscretionar! 'iplo#atic protection. Thus" for the pertinent passa$es of Aaunda please see entr! > of this table.

R(=N Appeal fro# a ,u'$#ent of the ?un$aroHC%echoslo1a& Bp. )=" footnote >> of inu!aC Mi7e' Arbitral Tribunal" ,u'$#ent" (F00" PCI," Ser AHB" No /(" p )*E at p )0( Bp. 0(> of E1ans4s International La+ boo&" essa! +ritten b! (cCor=uodaleC 0. The 'ecisions of national courts on these constitutional pro1isions ne1ertheless

E1en 'ecisions of national courts support the thesis that $eneral international la+ as it

R/0N Vhas been challen$e' in the US in a case arisin$ fro# the unla+ful 'etention b! the US of prisoners in .uantana#o Ba! fro# the ti#e of the Af$hanistan conflict in

(. :ero% Ali Abbasi" the first clai#ant" is a British national.... The! see&" b! ;u'icial re1ie+" to co#pel the :orei$n Office to

Af$hanistan conflict in )**(. In Abassi 1 Secretar! of State for :orei$n an' Co##on+ealth AffairsR(FN the applicant Ba British nationalC sou$ht ;u'icial re1ie+ of the a'e5uac! of the 'iplo#atic actions of the British $o1ern#ent +ith the US $o1ern#entV.

)**(. In Abbasi 1 Secretar! of State for :orei$n an' Co##on+ealth Affairs BR)**)N E2CA Ci1 (0(/" (F Septe#ber )**)C the applicant Ba British nationalC sou$ht ;u'icial re1ie+ of the a'e5uac! of the 'iplo#atic actions of the British $o1ern#ent +ith the US $o1ern#entV.

#a&e representations on his behalf to the Unite' States .o1ern#ent or to ta&e other appropriate action or at least to $i1e an e7planation as to +h! this has not been 'one. ... (*D. ...On no 1ie+ +oul' it be appropriate to or'er the Secretar! of State to #a&e an! specific representations to the Unite' States" e1en in the face of +hat appears to be a clear breach of a fun'a#ental hu#an ri$ht" as it is ob1ious that this +oul' ha1e an i#pact on the con'uct of forei$n polic!V. Source< Abbasi 1. Secretar! of State for :orei$n an' Co##on+ealth Affairs" =) I.L.M.

0>E" 0>F90E0 B)**0CBNo1. /C BU.S.C. >. The South African Constitutional Court in Saun'a an' others 1 Presi'ent of the Republic of South Africa an' othersR(/N reco$ni%e' the constitutional basis of the ri$ht of 'iplo#atic protection as enshrine' in the South African constitution" but +ent on to hol' that the nature an' e7tent of his obli$ation +as an aspect of forei$n polic! +ithin the 'iscretion of the e7ecuti1e. R/0N VThe South African Constitutional Court in Aaunda and others "0 $resident of the Republic of South Africa and others BCase CCCT)0H*=C reco$ni%e' the constitutional basis of the ri$ht of 'iplo#atic protection as enshrine' in the South African Constitution" but +ent on to hol' that the nature an' e7tent of this obli$ation +as an aspect of forei$n polic! +ithin the 'iscretion of the e7ecuti1e. R/>N The foun'in$ 1alues of our Constitution inclu'e hu#an 'i$nit!" e5ualit! an' the a'1ance#ent of hu#an ri$hts an' free'o#sV. V R/FN There #a! thus be a 'ut! on $o1ern#ent" consistent +ith its obli$ations un'er international la+" to ta&e action to protect one of its citi%ens a$ainst a $ross abuse of international hu#an ri$hts nor#s.... V RD0N A court cannot tell the $o1ern#ent ho+ to #a&e 'iplo#atic inter1entions for the protection of its nationalsV. V RDDN A 'ecision

Bp. 0(/ of E1ans4s Bp. )/" footnote /0 of International La+ boo&" inu!aC essa! +ritten b! (cCor=uodaleC

R(/N Aaunda and others Bp. )D" footnote /0 of inu!aC "0 $resident of the Republic of South Africa and others" Case CCCT)0H*=. Bp. =E= of E1ans4s International La+ boo&" essa! +ritten b! O&o+aC

as to +hether" an' if so" +hat protection shoul' be $i1en" is an aspect of forei$n polic! +hich is essentiall! the function of the e7ecuti1e. The ti#in$ of representations if the! are to be #a'e" the lan$ua$e in +hich the! shoul' be couche'" an' the sanctions Bif an!C +hich shoul' follo+ if such representations are re;ecte' are #atters +ith +hich courts are ill e5uippe' to 'ealV. Source< Saun'a 1. Presi'ent of the Republic of South Africa" == I.L.M. (D0" pars. />9DD B)**>C BC. Ct. S. Afr.C. TABLE -< Co#parison of Mariana Sala%ar Alborno%4s article" Le$al Nature an' Le$al Conse5uences of -iplo#atic Protection< Conte#porar! Challen$es" an' the Supre#e Court4s -ecision in inu!a et. al. 1. E7ecuti1e Secretar!" ..R. No. (/))0*" )E April )*(*.

T2e A//e4e)/y Co0+e) 7or5 Mariana Sala%ar Alborno%" Le$al Nature an' Le$al Conse5uences of -iplo#atic Protection< Conte#porar! Challen$es" / Anuario Me7icano 'e -erecho Internacional 0DD B)**/C (. No+here is this position #ore clearl! reflecte' than in the 'ictu# of the Per#anent Court of International ,ustice BPCI,C in the (F)= Ma1ro##atis Palestine Concessions Case< B! ta&in$ up the case of one of its sub;ects an' b! resortin$ to 'iplo#atic action or international ;u'icial procee'in$s on his behalf" a State is in realit! assertin$ its o+n ri$ht to ensure" in the person of its sub;ects" respect for the rules of international la+. The 5uestion" therefore" +hether the present 'ispute ori$inates in an

T2e "e-+(+o' inu!a 1. E7ecuti1e Secretar!" ..R. No. (/))0*" )E April )*(*.

The Purporte' 3Ori$inal3 Source Cite' b! the Concerne' Authors an' in the inu!a -ecision

No+here is this position #ore clearl! reflecte' than in the 'ictu# of the Per#anent Court of International ,ustice BPCI,C in the (F)= Ma1ro##atis Palestine Concessions Case< B! ta&in$ up the case of one of its sub;ects an' b! resortin$ to 'iplo#atic action or international ;u'icial procee'in$s on his behalf" a State is in realit! assertin$ its o+n ri$ht to ensure" in the person of its sub;ects" respect for the rules of international la+. The 5uestion" therefore" +hether the present 'ispute ori$inates in an

B! ta&in$ up the case of one of its sub;ects an' b! resortin$ to 'iplo#atic action or international ;u'icial procee'in$s on his behalf" a State is in realit! assertin$ its o+n ri$ht to ensure" in the person of its sub;ects" respect for the rules of international la+. The 5uestion" therefore" +hether the present 'ispute ori$inates in an in;ur! to a pri1ate interest" +hich in point of fact" is the case in #an! international 'isputes" is irrele1ant fro# this stan'point. Once a State has ta&en up a case on behalf of

in;ur! to a pri1ate interest" +hich in point of fact" is the case in #an! international 'isputes" is irrele1ant fro# this stan'point. Once a State has ta&en up a case on behalf of one of its sub;ects before an international tribunal" in the e!es of the latter the State is sole clai#ant.RE>N RE>N Ma1ro##atis Palestine Concessions case" supra note F" p. (). The e#phasis is ours. This tra'itional 1ie+ +as repeate' b! the PCI, in the Pane1e%!s9 Sal'utis&is Rail+a! Case" the Case Concernin$ the Pa!#ent of arious Serbian Loans issue' in :rance" ,u'$#ent of ,ul! ()" (F)F" PCI, Reports" Series A No. )*@ an' in the Case Concernin$ the :actor! at Chor%o+" ,u'$#ent of Septe#ber (0" (F)E" Merits" PCI, Reports" Series A No. (D. The IC, has a'opte' it in the

in;ur! to a pri1ate interest" +hich in point of fact" is the case in #an! international 'isputes" is irrele1ant fro# this stan'point. Once a State has ta&en up a case on behalf of one of its sub;ects before an international tribunal" in the e!es of the latter the State is sole clai#ant.R>/N R>/N PCI," Ser. A" No. )" p. ((" at (/. This tra'itional 1ie+ +as repeate' b! the PCI, in the Pane1e%!s9 Sal'utis&is Rail+a! Case" the Case Concernin$ the Pa!#ent of arious Serbian Loans issue' in :rance" ,u'$#ent of ,ul! ()" (F)F" PCI, Reports" Series A No. )*@ an' in the Case Concernin$ the :actor! at Chor%o+" ,u'$#ent of Septe#ber (0" (F)E" Merits" PCI, Reports" Series A No. (D. The IC, has a'opte' it in the Reparation for in;uries suffere' in the ser1ice of the

one of its sub;ects before an international tribunal" in the e!es of the latter the State is sole clai#ant. The fact that .reat Britain an' .reece are the opposin$ Parties to the 'ispute arisin$ out of the Ma1ro##atis concessions is sufficient to #a&e it a 'ispute bet+een t+o States +ithin the #eanin$ of Article )/ of the Palestine Man'ate. Source< Ma1ro##atis Palestine Concessions B.reece 1. .r. Brit.C" (F)= P.C.I.,. Bser. AC No. )" at () BAu$. 0*C.

Reparation for in;uries suffere' in the ser1ice of the Unite' Nations A'1isor! Opinion< IC, Reports (F=F" p. (D=@ the Notteboh# Case Bsecon' phaseC ,u'$#ent of April /th" (F>>< IC, Reports (F>>" p. = at p. )=@ the Interhan'el Case B,u'$#ent of March )(st" (F>F< IC, Reports (F>F" p. / at p. )DC an' the Barcelona Traction Li$ht an' Po+er Co#pan!" Li#ite' case" supra note /" at p. 0) par. 00. It has also been reco$ni%e' b! other international tribunals< see" for e7a#ple" A'#inistrati1e -ecision No. of the Clai#s Co##ission. Bp. 0FD of Alborno%C ). Un'er this 1ie+" the consi'erations un'erl!in$ the 'ecision to e7ercise or not 'iplo#atic protection #a! 1ar! 'epen'in$ on each case an' #a! rel! entirel! on polic! consi'erations

Unite' Nations A'1isor! Opinion< IC, Reports (F=F" p. (D=@ the Notteboh# Case Bsecon' phaseC ,u'$#ent of April /th" (F>>< IC, Reports (F>>" p. = at p. )=@ the Interhan'el Case B,u'$#ent of March )(st" (F>F< IC, Reports (F>F" p. / at p. )DC an' the Barcelona Traction Li$ht an' Po+er Co#pan!" Li#ite' case" BBel$. . SpainC" (FD* I.C.,. 0" 0) B:eb. >C. Bp. )= Bo'! of inu!aC

R>DN See Borchar'" E." -iplo#atic Protection of Citi%ens Abroa' at I B(F(>C. Un'er this 1ie+" the consi'erations un'erl!in$ the 'ecision to e7ercise or not 'iplo#atic

VThe citi%en abroa' has no le$al ri$ht to re5uire the 'iplo#atic protection of his national $o1ern#ent. Resort to this re#e'! of 'iplo#atic protection is solel! a

re$ar'less of the interests of the 'irectl!9in;ure' in'i1i'ual" an' the State is not re5uire' to pro1i'e ;ustification for its 'ecision.RF*N RF*N See in this sense" Borchar' E." -iplo#atic Protection of Citi%ens Abroa'" Ne+ Gor&" The Ban&s La+ Publishin$ Co." (F(>" at I. Also< .. Berlia" op. cit. Bnote E/C" pp. /0 ! /=. Bp. 0FE of Alborno%C

protection #a! 1ar! 'epen'in$ on each case an' #a! rel! entirel! on polic! consi'erations re$ar'less of the interests of the 'irectl!9in;ure' in'i1i'ual" an' the State is not re5uire' to pro1i'e ;ustification for its 'ecision.

ri$ht of the $o1ern#ent" the ;ustification an' e7pe'ienc! of its e#plo!#ent bein$ a #atter for the $o1ern#ent4s unrestricte' 'iscretion. This protection is sub;ect in its $rant to such rules of #unicipal a'#inistrati1e la+ as the state #a! Bp. )>" footnote >D of a'opt" an' in its inu!aC e7ercise internationall! to certain rules +hich custo# has reco$ni%e'. Source< E'+in M. Borchar'" The -iplo#atic Protection of Citi%ens Abroa' or the La+ of International Clai#s" 1i B(F(=C.

in the State3" a state#ent +hich 3$i1es reco$nition to the attelian notion that an in;ur! to a national is an in'irect in;ur! to the State3@RF/N BiiC the! affir# its 'iscretionar! nature b! clarif!in$ that 'iplo#atic protection is a 3so1erei$n prero$ati1e3 of the State@RFDN an' stressin$ that the state 3has the ri$ht to e7ercise 'iplo#atic protection on behalf of a national. It is un'er no 'ut! or obli$ation to 'o so.3RFEN RF/N ILC :irst Rea'in$ -raft Articles on -iplo#atic Protection" supra note (0" par. /*" Co##entar! to -raft Article )" par. B(C@ see also" Co##entar! to -raft Article (" par. B0C" an' te7t of -raft Article ). RFDN Report of the International La+ Co##ission on the +or& of its >*th session" supra note (0" par. DD.

b! clarif!in$ that 'iplo#atic protection is a 3so1erei$n prero$ati1e3 of the State@R/*N an' BiiiC stress that the state 3has the ri$ht to e7ercise 'iplo#atic protection on behalf of a national. It is un'er no 'ut! or obli$ation to 'o so.3R/(N R>FN ILC :irst Rea'in$ -raft Articles on -iplo#atic Protection" U.N. -oc. AHCN.=H=E=" ILC Report" AH>0H(* B:C" par. /*" Co##entar! to -raft Article )" par. B(C@ see also" Co##entar! to -raft Article (" par. B0C" an' te7t of -raft Article ). R/*N Report of the International La+ Co##ission on the +or& of its >*th session" supra note /*" par. DD. R/(N ILC :irst Rea'in$ -raft Articles on -iplo#atic Protection" supra note /*" co##entar! to -raft

V Article ) stresses that the ri$ht of 'iplo#atic protection belon$s to or 1ests in the State. It $i1es reco$nition to the attelian notion that an in;ur! to a national is an in'irect in;ur! to the State.R)>NV ... A State has the ri$ht to e7ercise 'iplo#atic protection on behalf of a national. It is un'er no 'ut! or obli$ation to 'o so. The internal la+ of a State #a! obli$e a State to e7ten' 'iplo#atic protection to a national"R)FN but international la+ i#poses no such obli$ation.... Source< Te7t of the -raft Articles on -iplo#atic Protection A'opte' b! the Co##ission on :irst Rea'in$" Rep. of the Int6l.

0. The ILC4s :irst Rea'in$ -raft Articles on 'iplo#atic protection ha1e full! attache' to the tra'itional 1ie+ on the le$al nature of such institution. In this sense" BiC the! e7pressl! state that 3the ri$ht of 'iplo#atic protection belon$s to or 1ests

The International La+ Co##ission4s BILC4sC -raft Articles on -iplo#atic Protection full! support this tra'itional 1ie+. The! BiC state that 3the ri$ht of 'iplo#atic protection belon$s to or 1ests in the State"3R>FN BiiC affir# its 'iscretionar! nature

/*. The te7ts of the 'raft articles on 'iplo#atic protection +ith co##entaries thereto a'opte' on first rea'in$ b! the Co##ission at its fift!9si7th session" are repro'uce' belo+.

RFEN ILC :irst Rea'in$ -raft Articles on -iplo#atic Protection" supra note )" co##entar! to -raft Article )" par. B)C. Bp. =** of Alborno%C =. VSpecial Rapporteur -u$ar' propose' that the ILC a'opt in its -raft Articles a pro1ision un'er +hich States +oul' be internationall! obli$e' to e7ercise 'iplo#atic protection in fa1our of their nationals in;ure' abroa' b! $ra1e breaches to their ;us co$ens nor#s" if the national so re5ueste' an' if heHshe +as not affor'e' 'irect access to an international tribunal. R((/

Article )" par. B)C. Bp. )>9)/ Bo'! of inu!aC

La+ Co##6n" >/th Sess." 0 Ma!9= ,une an' > ,ul!9/ Au$ust )**=" U.N. -oc. AH>FH(* at ))9 )E" par. /*@ .AOR" >Fth Sess." Supp. (* B)**=C.

(. Unless the in;ure' person is able to brin$ a clai# for such in;ur! before a co#petent international court or tribunal" the State of hisHher nationalit! has a le$al 'ut! to e7ercise 'iplo#atic protection on behalf of the in;ure' R((/N The propose' person upon article rea' as Article R=N (. Unless re5uest" if the in;ur! follo+s< 3Article R=N (. the in;ure' person is results fro# a $ra1e Unless the in;ure' able to brin$ a clai# breach of a ;us person is able to for such in;ur! co$ens nor# brin$ a clai# for before a co#petent attributable to such in;ur! before a international court or another State. co#petent tribunal" the State of international court or hisHher nationalit! ). The State of tribunal" the State of has a le$al 'ut! to

R/)N VSpecial Rapporteur -u$ar' propose' that the ILC a'opt in its -raft Articles a pro1ision un'er +hich States +oul' be internationall! obli$e' to e7ercise 'iplo#atic protection in fa1or of their nationals in;ure' abroa' b! $ra1e breaches to ;us co$ens nor#s" if the national so re5ueste' an' if heHshe +as not affor'e' 'irect access to an international tribunal. The propose' article rea's as follo+s<

D=. The 'iscretionar! po+er of the State to inter1ene on behalf of its national is consi'ere' in the co##entar! on article =. Article =

hisHher nationalit! has a le$al 'ut! to e7ercise 'iplo#atic protection on behalf of the in;ure' person upon re5uest" if the in;ur! results fro# a $ra1e breach of a ;us co$ens nor# attributable to another State. ). The state of nationalit! is relie1e' of this obli$ation if< BaC The e7ercise of 'iplo#atic protection +oul' seriousl! en'an$er the o1erri'in$ interests of the State an'Hor its people @ BbC Another State e7ercises 'iplo#atic protection on behalf of the in;ure' person@ BcC The in;ure' person 'oes not ha1e the effecti1e an' 'o#inant nationalit! of the State. States are obli$e' to pro1i'e in their #unicipal la+ for the enforce#ent of this ri$ht before a co#petent 'o#estic court or other in'epen'ent national authorit!.3 -u$ar'" ,. :irst report on 'iplo#atic protection" supra note (0" par. D=.

e7ercise 'iplo#atic protection on behalf of the in;ure' person upon re5uest" if the in;ur! results fro# a $ra1e breach of a ;us co$ens nor# attributable to another State. ). The state of nationalit! is relie1e' of this obli$ation if< BaC The e7ercise of 'iplo#atic protection +oul' seriousl! en'an$er the o1erri'in$ interests of the State an'Hor its people @ BbC Another State e7ercises 'iplo#atic protection on behalf of the in;ure' person@ BcC The in;ure' person 'oes not ha1e the effecti1e an' 'o#inant nationalit! of the State. States are obli$e' to pro1i'e in their #unicipal la+ for the enforce#ent of this ri$ht before a co#petent 'o#estic court or other in'epen'ent national authorit!.3 Special Rapporteur ,ohn -u$ar'" appointe' in (FFF" :irst Report on -iplo#atic Protection" par. D= BUN -oc AHCN.=H>*/

nationalit! is relie1e' of this obli$ation if< BaC The e7ercise of 'iplo#atic protection +oul' seriousl! en'an$er the o1erri'in$ interests of the State an'Hor its people@ BbC Another State e7ercises 'iplo#atic protection on behalf of the in;ure' person@ BcC The in;ure' person 'oes not ha1e the effecti1e an' 'o#inant nationalit! of the State. 0. States are obli$e' to pro1i'e in their #unicipal la+ for the enforce#ent of this ri$ht before a co#petent 'o#estic court or other in'epen'ent national authorit!. Source< Special Rapporteur on -iplo#atic Protection" :irst Rep. on -iplo#atic Protection" Int4l. La+

Bp. =*= of Alborno%C BMarch D" )***C an' Corr. ( B,une D" )***C an' A''. ( BApril )*" )***C. Bp. )/" footnote /) of inu!aC >. Vthe proposal +as not accepte' b! the ILC" as 3the 5uestion +as still not ripe for treat#ent3 because 3the State practice an' their opinio ;uris still ha'n4t e1ol1e' in such 'irection.3R()*N

Co##4n" UN -oc. AHCN.=H>*/" at )D" par. D= BD March )***C Bb! ,ohn R. -u$ar'C.

Note< p. (0( of the Report 'oes not refer to the topic of 'iplo#atic protection. Rather" the hea'in$ of the pa$e rea's 3Other -ecisions an' Conclusions of the Co##ission.3 Source< Rep. of the Int4l. La+ Co##4n" >)n' Sess." ( Ma! 9 F ,une an' (* ,ul! 9 (E Au$ust )***" U.N. -oc. AH>>H(* at DE9DF" par. =>/@ .AOR" >>th Sess." Supp. (* B)***C. /. States ha1e" in'ee'" incorporate' in their #unicipal la+ a 'ut! to e7ercise 'iplo#atic protection in fa1or of their nationalsV. arious other States ha1e also inclu'e' such a 3'ut! to e7ercise 'iplo#atic protection3 un'er their 'o#estic la+s" R(0* Nbut their enforceabilit! is also" to sa! the least" 5uestionable Bin #an! cases there are not e1en courts R/)N Vso#e States ha1e" in'ee'" incorporate' in their #unicipal la+ a 'ut! to e7ercise 'iplo#atic protection in fa1or of their nationals. B-u$ar' i'entifies this 3obli$ation to e7ist in the Constitutions of Albania" Belarus" Bosnia an' ?er%e$o1ina" Bul$aria" Ca#bo'ia" China" Croatia" Estonia" .eor$ia" .u!ana" ?un$ar!" Ital!" Sa%a&hstan" E*. VConstitutional pro1isions in a nu#ber of StatesV reco$ni%e the ri$ht of the in'i1i'ual to recei1e 'iplo#atic protection for in;uries suffere' abroa'. These inclu'e< Albania" Belarus" Bosnia an' ?er%e$o1ina" Bul$aria" Ca#bo'ia" China" Croatia" Estonia" .eor$ia" .u!ana" ?un$ar!" Ital!" Sa%a&hstan" Lao

=>/. The Special Rapporteur reco$ni%e' that he ha' intro'uce' article = 'e le$e feren'a. As alrea'! in'icate'" the proposal en;o!e' the support of certain +riters" as +ell as of so#e R()*N Official #e#bers of the Recor's of the Si7th Co##ittee an' of ILA@ it e1en .eneral Asse#bl!< .eneral Asse#bl!< for#e' part of so#e >>th session" >>th session" constitutions. It +as Supple#ent No. (*" Supple#ent No. (*" thus an e7ercise in -oc. AH>>H(* B)***C" -oc. AH>>H(* B)***C" the pro$ressi1e Report of the ILC on Report of the ILC on the +or& of its >)n' the +or& of its >)n' 'e1elop#ent of international session" p. (0(. session" p. (0(. Bp. =*> of Alborno%C Bp.)/" footnote /) of inu!aC la+. But the $eneral 1ie+ +as that the issue +as not !et ripe for the attention of the Co##ission an' that there +as a nee' for #ore State practice an'" particularl!" #ore opinio ;uris before it coul' be consi'ere'.

R/)N Vthe proposal +as not accepte' b! the ILC" as 3the 5uestion +as still not ripe for treat#ent3 because 3the State practice an' their opinio ;uris still ha'n4t e1ol1e' in such 'irection.3 Official Recor's of the

co#petent to re1ie+ the 'ecisionC.

Lao People4s -e#ocratic Republic" Lat1ia" Lithuania" Polan'" R(0*N -u$ar' Portu$al" Republic of i'entifies this 3obli$ation to e7ist in Sorea" Ro#ania" Russian :e'eration" the Constitutions of Spain" the for#er Albania" Belarus" Gu$osla1 Republic Bosnia an' of Mace'onia" ?er%e$o1ina" Bul$aria" Ca#bo'ia" Tur&e!" U&raine" iet Na# an' China" Croatia" Gu$osla1ia" albeit Estonia" .eor$ia" +ith 'ifferent .u!ana" ?un$ar!" reaches. ,. -u$ar'" Ital!" Sa%a&hstan" :irst Report on Lao People4s 'iplo#atic -e#ocratic protection" supra Republic" Lat1ia" note (0" par. E*.C Lithuania" Polan'" Portu$al" Republic of Bp. )/" footnote /) of Sorea" Ro#ania" inu!aC Russian :e'eration" Spain" the for#er Gu$osla1 Republic of Mace'onia" Tur&e!" U&raine" iet Na# an' Gu$osla1ia" albeit +ith 'ifferent reaches. ,. -u$ar'" :irst Report on 'iplo#atic protection" supra note (0" par. E*. Bp. =*/ of Alborno%C D. Vbut their enforceabilit! is also" to sa! the least" 5uestionable Bin #an! cases there are not e1en courts co#petent to re1ie+ the 'ecisionC. R/)N ..." but their enforceabilit! is also" to sa! the least" 5uestionable Bin #an! cases there are not e1en courts co#petent to re1ie+ the 'ecisionC.

People4s -e#ocratic Republic" Lat1ia" Lithuania" Polan'" Portu$al" Republic of Sorea" Ro#ania" Russian :e'eration" Spain" the for#er Gu$osla1 Republic of Mace'onia" Tur&e!" U&raine" iet Na# an' Gu$osla1iaV. Source< Special Rapporteur on -iplo#atic Protection" :irst Rep. on -iplo#atic Protection" Int4l. La+ Co##4n" UN -oc. AHCN.=H>*/" at 0*" par. E* BD March )***C Bb! ,ohn R. -u$ar'C.

Moreo1er" their e7istence in no +a! i#plies that international la+ i#poses such an obli$ation"R(0(N si#pl! su$$estin$ 3that certain States consi'er 'iplo#atic protection for their nationals abroa' to be 'esirable.3R(0)

R(0(N ILC :irst Rea'in$ -raft Articles on -iplo#atic Protection" supra note )" Co##entar! to -raft Article )" par Bp. )/" footnote /) of B)C. This +as inu!aC reco$ni%e' e7pressl! in the Barcelona Traction case" supra note /. R(0)N -u$ar'" ,. :irst report on 'iplo#atic protection" supra note (0" par. E(V. Bp. =*/9=*D of Alborno%C

Moreo1er" their e7istence in no +a! i#plies that international la+ i#poses such an obli$ation" si#pl! su$$estin$ 3that certain States consi'er 'iplo#atic protection for their nationals abroa' to be 'esirable3 BILC :irst Rea'in$ -raft Articles on -iplo#atic Protection" supra note )" Co##entar! to -raft Article )" par B)CC.

State #a! obli$e a State to e7ten' 'iplo#atic protection to a national"R)FN but international la+ i#poses no such obli$ation. The position +as clearl! state' b! the International Court of ,ustice in the Barcelona Traction case< V A proposal that a li#ite' 'ut! of protection be i#pose' on the State of nationalit! +as re;ecte' b! the Co##ission as $oin$ be!on' the per#issible li#its of pro$ressi1e 'e1elop#ent of the la+.R0(N Source< Co##entar! to the Te7t of the -raft Articles on -iplo#atic Protection A'opte' b! the Co##ission on :irst Rea'in$" Rep. of the Int6l. La+ Co##4n" >/th Sess." 0 Ma!9= ,une an' > ,ul!9/ Au$ust )**=" U.N.

B)C A State has the ri$ht to e7ercise 'iplo#atic protection on behalf of a national. It is un'er no 'ut! or obli$ation to 'o so. The internal la+ of a

-oc. AH>FH(* at )E" par. /*@ .AOR" >Fth Sess." Supp. (* B)**=C. TABLE E< Co#parison of Eli%abeth Prochas&a4s article" Testin$ the Li#its of -iplo#atic Protection< Sha'r 1. The Pri#e Minister of Cana'a" / an' the Supre#e Court4s -ecision in inu!a 1. E7ecuti1e Secretar!" ..R. No. (/))0*" )E April )*(*. T2e A//e4e)/y Co0+e) 7or5 Eli%abeth Prochas&a" Testin$ the Li#its of -iplo#atic Protection< Sha'r 1. The Pri#e Minister of Cana'a B)**FC. Instea'" -raft Article (F" entitle' LReco##en'e' Practice"4 su$$ests that states shoul' be encoura$e' to e7ercise 'iplo#atic protection Lespeciall! +hen si$nificant in;ur! occurre' to the national. -rafte' in soft lan$ua$e" the Article 'oes not purport to create an! bin'in$ obli$ations on the state. Bp. 0FD of Prochas&aC

bin'in$ obli$ations on the state. B:ootnote /) of inu!aC TABLE :< Co#parison of Larr! Ni&sch4s Report" ,apanese Militar!4s Co#fort 2o#en" (* April )**/"D an' the Supre#e Court4s -ecision in inu!a et. al. 1. E7ecuti1e Secretar!" ..R. No. (/))0*" )E April )*(*. T2e A//e4e)/y Co0+e) 7or5

T2e "e-+(+o' inu!a 1. E7ecuti1e Secretar!" ..R. No. (/))0*" )E April )*(*. International Source Bein$ Anal!%e' B! Prochas&a

T2e "e-+(+o' inu!a 1. E7ecuti1e Secretar!" ..R. No. (/))0*" )E April )*(*. The A2: announce' three pro$ra#s for for#er co#fort +o#en +ho applie' for assistance< B(C an atone#ent fun' pa!in$ Z) #illion Bappro7i#atel! Y)*"***C to each +o#an@ B)C #e'ical an' +elfare support pro$ra#s" pa!in$ Z).>90 #illion BY)>"***9 Y0*"***C for each +o#an@ an' B0C a letter

Larr! Ni&sch" ,apanese Militar!4s Co#fort 2o#en" (* April )**/. (. The Asian 2o#en4s :un' announce' three pro$ra#s for for#er co#fort +o#en +ho applie' for assistance< B(C an atone#ent fun' that pai' t+o #illion !en Bappro7i#atel! Y)*"***C to each for#er co#fort +o#an@ B)C #e'ical an' +elfare support pro$ra#s for for#er co#fort +o#en"

Source Bein$ Use' B! Ni&sch

R/)N VOfficial Recor's of the .eneral Asse#bl!< >>th session" Supple#ent No. (*" -oc. AH>>H(* B)***C" Report of the ILC on the +or& of its >)n' session" p. (0(. Instea'" -raft Article (F" entitle' LReco##en'e' Practice"6 su$$ests that states shoul' be encoura$e' to e7ercise 'iplo#atic protection Lespeciall! +hen si$nificant in;ur! occurre' to the national. -rafte' in soft lan$ua$e" the Article 'oes not purport to create an!

Note< The Report of the International La+ Co##ission on the 2or& of its :ift!9 Secon' Session" an' the Special Rapporteur4s :irst on -iplo#atic Protection" +hich are the nearest in location an' in conte7t to the passa$e" 'oes not contain a 'iscussion on -raft Article (F. See pp. D)9E> an' )D90= respecti1el!.

The pro;ects of atone#ent in1ol1e' pro1i'in$ for#er co#fort +o#en +ith ) #illion !en per person as atone#ent #one! 'onate' b! ,apanese citi%ens" 'eli1erin$ a letter of apolo$! fro# the ,apanese Pri#e Minister" an' offerin$ $oo's an' ser1ices un'er #e'ical an' +elfare support pro;ects finance' b! the ,apanese $o1ern#ent. Note< The passa$e in inu!a 'oes not contain a footnote. The follo+in$ source is the nearest citation that #a! reasonabl! be ta&en as +ithin the conte7t of the 'iscussion in inu!a. http<HH+eb.archi1e.or$H+ebH)**/* 0*()(0)((Hhttp<HH+++.a+f.or.;pHe

pa!in$ ).>90 #illion !en BY)>"***9 Y0*"***C for each for#er co#fort +o#an@ an' B0C a letter of apolo$! fro# the ,apanese Pri#e Minister to each recipient +o#an.REN R:NEN. :ro# the Asian 2o#en4s :un' +ebsite" March (/" )**/. Bpara$raph (( of Ni&schC ). ...As of March )**/" the Asian 2o#en4s :un' pro1i'e' D** #illion !en Bappro7i#atel! YD #illionC for these pro$ra#s in South Sorea" Tai+an" an' the Philippines@ 0E* #illion !en Bappro7i#atel! Y0.E #illionC in In'onesia@ an' )=) #illion !en Bappro7i#atel!

of apolo$! fro# the ,apanese Pri#e Minister to each +o#an. Bp. (D" Bo'! of inu!aC


Y).= #illionC in the Netherlan's. RFN Bpara$raph () of i,schC 0. On ,anuar! (>" (FFD the Asian 2o#en4s :un' an' the Philippine $o1ern#ent si$ne' a Me#oran'u# of un'erstan'in$ for #e'ical an' +elfare support pro$ra#s for for#er co#fort +o#en. O1er the ne7t fi1e !ears" these +ere i#ple#ente' b! the Philippine $o1ern#ent4s -epart#ent of Social 2elfare an' -e1elop#ent. Bpara$raph (F of Ni&schC

Y).= #illionC in the Netherlan's.

'iscussion in inu!a.

Bp. (D" Bo'! of http<HH+eb.archi1e.or$H+ebH)**/* 0*()(0)((Hhttp<HH+++.a+f.or.;pHe /inuyaC n$lishHpro; On ,anuar! (>" (FFD the A2: an' the Philippine $o1ern#ent si$ne' a Me#oran'u# of Un'erstan'in$ for #e'ical an' +elfare support pro$ra#s for for#er co#fort +o#en. O1er the ne7t fi1e !ears" these +ere i#ple#ente' b! the -epart#ent of Social 2elfare an' -e1elop#ent. Bp. (D" Bo'! of inu!aC The $o1ern#ent of the Philippines an' the Asian 2o#en4s :un' si$ne' a Me#oran'u# of Un'erstan'in$ on ,anuar! (>" (FFDV. The Philippine $o1ern#ent4s -epart#ent of Social 2elfare an' -e1elop#ent i#ple#ente' the pro;ects o1er a perio' of fi1e !earsV. Note< The passa$e in inu!a 'oes not contain a footnote. The follo+in$ source is the nearest citation that #a! reasonabl! be ta&en as +ithin the conte7t of the 'iscussion in inu!a. http<HH+eb.archi1e.or$H+ebH)**/* 0*()(0)((Hhttp<HH+++.a+f.or.;pHe n$lishHpro;

...As of March )**/" the A2: pro1i'e' ZD** #illion !en Bappro7i#atel! YD #illionC for these pro$ra#s in South Sorea" Tai+an" an' the Philippines@ Z0E* #illion !en Bappro7i#atel! Y0.E #illionC in In'onesia@ an' Z)=) #illion !en Bappro7i#atel!

In or'er to fulfill its #oral responsibilit! in all sincerit!" the ,apanese $o1ern#ent 'eci'e' to 'isburse about D** #illion !en o1er a fi1e9!ear perio' for #e'ical an' +elfare support pro;ects ai'in$ for#er co#fort +o#en in the Philippines" the Republic of Sorea an' Tai+an. ... Note< The passa$e in inu!a 'oes not contain a footnote. The follo+in$ source is the nearest citation that #a! reasonabl! be ta&en as +ithin the conte7t of the

TABLE .< Co#parison of ,a#es La'ino4s article" Ianfu< No Co#fort Get for Sorean Co#fort 2o#en an' the I#pact of ?ouse Resolution ()( an' the Supre#e Court4s -ecision in inu!a 1. E7ecuti1e Secretar!" ..R. No. (/))0*" )E April )*(*.

T2e A//e4e)/y Co0+e) 7or5

T2e "e-+(+o'

,a#es La'ino" Ianfu< inu!a 1. E7ecuti1e No Co#fort Get for Secretar!" ..R. No. Sorean Co#fort (/))0*" )E April )*(*. 2o#en an' the I#pact of ?ouse Resolution ()(" (> Car'o%o ,.L. J .en'er 000 B)**FC. ( In (FF)" the Sorean . Council for the 2o#en -rafte' for Militar! Se7ual Sla1er! b! ,apan B3SC2S3C" sub#itte' a petition to the Unite' Nations ?u#an Ri$hts Co##ission B3UN?RC3C" as&in$ for their assistance in in1esti$atin$ cri#es co##itte' b! ,apan a$ainst Sorean +o#en an' pressurin$ ,apan to pa! reparations to the +o#en +ho ha' file' la+suits.RF/N The UN?RC for#all! place' the issue on its a$en'a an' appointe' Ra'hi&a Coo#aras+a#! as the issue4s special in1esti$ator.RFDN Issue' in (FF/" the UN?RC4s report reaffir#e' ,apan4s $uilt in forcin$ Sorean +o#en to act as se7 sla1es for the i#perial ar#!.RFEN In (FF)" the Sorean Council for the 2o#en -rafte' for Militar! Se7ual Sla1er! b! ,apan BSC2SC" sub#itte' a petition to the UN ?u#an Ri$hts Co##ission BUN?RCC" as&in$ for assistance in in1esti$atin$ cri#es co##itte' b! ,apan a$ainst Sorean +o#en an' see&in$ reparations for for#er co#fort +o#en.R)FN The UN?RC place' the issue on its a$en'a an' appointe' Ra'hi&a Coo#aras+a#! as the issue6s special in1esti$ator. In (FF/" Coo#aras+a#! issue' a Report reaffir#in$ ,apan6s responsibilit! in forcin$ Sorean +o#en to act as se7 sla1es for the i#perial ar#!" an' #a'e the follo+in$ recommen#ations<

Source Bein$ Anal!%e' an'Hor Use' b! La'ino

The Sorean 3Co#fort 2o#en3< Mo1e#ent for Re'ress" 0/ Asian Sur1e! ())/"N" at ()0=90>. RFDN I'. at ())/. RFEN I'.

Uni1ersit! B(FFD9 )**(C" http<HHonline.sfsu.e'uH[ sohHco#f" at ()0=90>. Bp. F9(*" Bo'! of /inuyaC

.ene1aV. Source< Chun$hee Sarah Soh" The Sorean 3Co#fort 2o#en3< Mo1e#ent for Re'ress" 0/ Asian Sur1e! ())/" ()0=90> B(FF/C.

...In her report to the U.N. ?u#an Ri$hts Co##ission" Ra'hi&a Coo#aras+a#!" the U.N. special in1esti$ator into 1iolence a$ainst +o#en" conclu'e' that ,apan #ust a'#it its le$al responsibilit!.... ... ...Lee ?!o9chae" as a co9chair of the SC2S sub#itte' a petition to the U.N. ?u#an Ri$hts Co##ission" 'ate' March =" (FF)" re5uestin$ that the Co##ission in1esti$ate ,apanese atrocities co##itte' a$ainst Sorean +o#en 'urin$ 2orl' 2ar T+o" an' help pressure the ,apanese $o1ern#ent to pa! reparations to in'i1i'ual +o#en +ho ha1e file' suit. The UN?RC respon'e' b! placin$ the issue on the official a$en'a for its Au$ust (FF) #eetin$ in

Bp. 0== of La'inoC ) The 2o#en6s . International 2ar Cri#es Tribunal B2I2CTC +as a 3people6s tribunal3 establishe' b! a nu#ber of Asian +o#en" hu#an ri$hts or$ani%ations" an' supporte' b! an international coalition of non9$o1ern#ental or$ani%ations B3N.Os3C.R(*(N :irst propose' in (FFE" the 2I2CT con1ene' in To&!o in )*** to 'iscuss the issue of co#fort +o#en.R(*)N Specificall!" the 2I2CT ai#e' to 3a';u'icate ,apan6s #ilitar! se7ual 1iolence" in particular the ensla1e#ent of co#fort +o#en" to brin$ those responsible for it to ;ustice" an' to en' the on$oin$ c!cle of i#punit! for +arti#e se7ual 1iolence a$ainst The 2o#en6s International 2ar Cri#es Tribunal B2I2CTC +as a 3people6s tribunal3 establishe' b! a nu#ber of Asian +o#en an' hu#an ri$hts or$ani%ations" supporte' b! an international coalition of non9$o1ern#ental or$ani%ations.R0(N :irst propose' in (FFE" the 2I2CT con1ene' in To&!o in )*** in or'er to 3a';u'icate ,apan6s #ilitar! se7ual 1iolence" in particular the ensla1e#ent of co#fort +o#en" to brin$ those responsible for it to ;ustice" an' to en' the on$oin$ c!cle of i#punit! for +arti#e se7ual 1iolence a$ainst +o#en.3 R0(N Chin&in" 2o#en4s International Tribunal on ,apanese Se7ual :ro# -ece#ber E to ()" )***" a peoples6 tribunal" the 2o#en6s International 2ar Cri#es Tribunal )***" sat in To&!o" ,apan. It +as establishe' to consi'er the cri#inal liabilit! of lea'in$ hi$h9 ran&in$ ,apanese #ilitar! an' political officials an' the separate responsibilit! of the state of ,apan for rape an' se7ual sla1er! as cri#es a$ainst hu#anit! arisin$ out of ,apanese #ilitar! acti1it! in the Asia Pacific re$ion in the (F0*s an' (F=*s. ... VThe tribunal arose out of the +or& of 1arious +o#en6s non$o1ern#ental or$ani%ations BN.OsC across AsiaV.

R)FN Soh" The Co#fort RF/N Soh" supra note D 2o#en Pro;ect" San RChun$hee Sarah Soh" :rancisco State

+o#en.3 Sla1er!" F> A#. ,. Int4l. Source< R(*(N Christine M. L. 00> B)**(C. Chin&in" 2o#en4s Chin&in" 2o#en4s International Tribunal Bp. ()" Bo'! of inu!aC International Tribunal on ,apanese Se7ual on ,apanese Se7ual Sla1er!" F> A#. ,. Int4l. Sla1er!" F> A#. ,. Int4l. L. 00> B)**(C L. 00> B)**(C. R(*)N iolence A$ainst 2o#en in 2ar9 Net+or& ,apan" 2hat is the 2o#en4s TribunalA http.HH+++(.;ca.apc.or $H1a++9net 9;apanHEn$lishH+o#ens tribunal)** * Blast 1isite' Oct. (/" )**EC. Bp. 0=> of La'inoC 0 A lar$e a#ount of . e1i'ence +as presente' to the tribunal for e7a#ination. Si7t!9four for#er co#fort +o#en fro# Sorea an' other surroun'in$ territories in the Asia9Pacific re$ion testifie' before the court.R(*=N Testi#on! +as also presente' b! historical scholars" international la+ scholars" an' t+o for#er ,apanese sol'iers.R(*>N A''itional e1i'ence +as sub#itte' b! the prosecution tea#s of ten 'ifferent countries" R0)N A lar$e a#ount of e1i'ence +as presente' to the tribunal for e7a#ination. Si7t!9four for#er co#fort +o#en fro# Sorea an' other surroun'in$ territories in the Asia9Pacific re$ion testifie' before the court. Testi#on! +as also presente' b! historical scholars" international la+ scholars" an' t+o for#er ,apanese sol'iers. A''itional e1i'ence +as sub#itte' b! the prosecution tea#s of ten 'ifferent countries" VProsecution tea#s fro# ten countries presente' in'ict#ents. R/N North an' South Sorea" China" ,apan" the Philippines" In'onesia" Tai+an" Mala!sia" East Ti#or" an' the Netherlan'sV. T+o lea' prosecutors BPatricia iseur SellersRDN an' Ustinia -ol$opolRENC ;oine' the separate9countr! prosecutors an' presente' a co##on in'ict#ent. Source<

inclu'in$< North an' South Sorea" China" ,apan" the Philippines" In'onesia" Tai+an" Mala!sia" East Ti#or" an' the Netherlan's. R(*/N

inclu'in$< North an' South Sorea" China" ,apan" the Philippines" In'onesia" Tai+an" Mala!sia" East Ti#or" an' the Netherlan's. I'. RChin&inN at 00/.

Chin&in" 2o#en4s International Tribunal on ,apanese Se7ual Sla1er!" F> A#. ,. Int4l. L. 00>" 00/ B)**(C.

Bp. ()" footnote 0) of R(*=N I'. R iolence inu!aC A$ainst 2o#en in 2ar9Net+or& ,apan" 2hat is the 2o#en6s TribunalA" http<HH+++(.;ca.apc.or $H1a++9net 9;apanHen$lishH+o#ens tribunal)** * Blast 1isite' Oct. (/" )**EC.N R(*>N I'. R(*/N Chin&in" supra note (*(" at 00/. Bp. 0=> of La'inoC After e7a#inin$ the e1i'ence for #ore than a !ear" the tribunal issue' its final 1er'ict on -ece#ber =" )**(" fin'in$ the for#er E#peror ?irohito an' the State of ,apan $uilt! of cri#es a$ainst hu#anit! for the rape an' se7ual sla1er! of +o#en.R(*DN V Althou$h the tribunal After e7a#inin$ the e1i'ence for #ore than a !ear" the 3tribunal3 issue' its 1er'ict on -ece#ber =" )**(" fin'in$ the for#er E#peror ?irohito an' the State of ,apan $uilt! of cri#es a$ainst hu#anit! for the rape an' se7ual sla1er! of +o#en.R0)N It bears stressin$" ho+e1er" that althou$h the tribunal inclu'e' prosecutors" The preli#inar! ;u'$#ent in'icate' that the ;u'$es ha' foun' E#peror ?irohito $uilt! of the char$es on the basis of co##an' responsibilit!" that he &ne+ or shoul' ha1e &no+n of the offensesV. The ;u'$es also in'icate' that the! ha' 'eter#ine' ,apan to be responsible un'er international la+ applicable at the ti#e of the e1ents for 1iolation

inclu'e' prosecutors" +itnesses" an' ;u'$es" its ;u'$#ent +as not le$all! bin'in$ since the tribunal itself +as or$ani%e' b! pri1ate citi%ensV. R(*DN iolence A$ainst 2o#en in 2ar9 Net+or& ,apan" supra note (*). Bp. 0=> of La'inoC

+itnesses" an' ;u'$es" its ;u'$#ent +as not le$all! bin'in$ since the tribunal itself +as or$ani%e' b! pri1ate citi%ens. R0)N VI'. RChin&inN at 00/.

of its treat! obli$ations an' principles of custo#ar! international la+ relatin$ to sla1er!" traffic&in$" force' labor" an' rape" a#ountin$ to cri#es a$ainst hu#anit!V. 2hat +as the 1alue of this e7erciseA Lac&in$ le$al authorit!" +as the tribunal no #ore than a #oc& trial of little concern to serious international la+!ersA

four 'istinct 'e#an's< R((*N Press Release" Con$ress#an Mi&e ?on'a" Rep. ?on'a Calls on ,apan to Apolo$i%e for 2orl' 2ar II E7ploitation of 3Co#fort 2o#en3 B,an. 0(" )**DC" a1ailable at http<$o1Hli stH pressHca(>Ohon'aH #l. Bp. 0=/ of La'inoC R00N Press Release" Con$ress#an Mi&e ?on'a" Rep. ?on'a Calls on ,apan to Apolo$i%e for 2orl' 2ar II E7ploitation of 3Co#fort 2o#en3 B,anuar! 0(" )**DC. V

The resolution is cosponsore' b!< Representati1es E'+ar' R. Ro!ce BCA P =*C" Christopher ?. S#ith BN, 9 =C" -iane E. 2atson BCA 9 00C" Bp. ()" Bo'! of inu!aC -a1i' 2u BCR 9 (C" Phil ?are BIL 9 (DC" an' -ele$ate Ma'aleine Bor'allo B.UC. Source< Press Release of Con$ress#an Mi&e ?on'a" Rep. ?on'a Calls on ,apan to Apolo$i%e for 2orl' 2ar II E7ploitation of 3Co#fort 2o#en"3 0( ,an. )**D" a1ailable at http<$o1Hli stH pressHca(>Ohon'aH #l

Bp. ()" Bo'! of inu!aC Source< Chin&in" 2o#en4s International Tribunal on ,apanese Se7ual Sla1er!" F> A#. ,. Int4l. L. 00> B)**(C. On ,anuar! 0(" )**D" US Representati1e Michael ?on'a of California" alon$ +ith si7 co9sponsor representati1es" intro'uce' ?ouse Resolution ()( +hich calle' for ,apanese action in li$ht of the on$oin$ stru$$le for closure b! for#er co#fort +o#en. The Resolution +as for#all! passe' on ,ul! 0*" )**D"R00N an' #a'e four 'istinct 'e#an's< To'a!" Representati1e Michael M. ?on'a BCA P (>C intro'uce' a bipartisan resolution before the U.S. ?ouse of Representati1es callin$ on the $o1ern#ent of ,apan to for#all! an' una#bi$uousl! apolo$i%e for an' ac&no+le'$e the tra$e'! that co#fort +o#en en'ure' at the han's of its I#perial Ar#! 'urin$ 2orl' 2ar IIV.

= On ,anuar! 0(" )**D" . Unite' States Representati1e Michael ?on'a of California" alon$ +ith si7 co9sponsor representati1es" intro'uce' ?ouse Resolution ()(. The resolution calle' for ,apanese action in li$ht of the on$oin$ stru$$le for closure b! for#er co#fort +o#en. The ?ouse of Representati1es for#all! passe' the resolution on ,ul! 0*" )**D.R((*N The resolution also #a&es

> VThe resolution also . #a&es four 'istinct 'e#an's< RINt is the sense of the ?ouse of Representati1es that the .o1ern#ent of ,apan B(C shoul' for#all! ac&no+le'$e" apolo$i%e" an' accept historical responsibilit! in a clear an' une5ui1ocal #anner

The Resolution +as for#all! passe' on ,ul! 0*" )**D"R00N an' #a'e four 'istinct 'e#an's< RINt is the sense of the ?ouse of Representati1es that the .o1ern#ent of ,apan B(C shoul' for#all! ac&no+le'$e" apolo$i%e" an' accept historical responsibilit!

Resol1e'" That it is the sense of the ?ouse of Representati1es that the .o1ern#ent of ,apan8 B(C shoul' for#all! ac&no+le'$e" apolo$i%e" an' accept historical responsibilit! in a clear an' une5ui1ocal #anner for its I#perial Ar#e' :orce4s coercion of

Bp. 0=/ of La'inoC for its I#perial Ar#e' :orces6 coercion of !oun$ +o#en into se7ual sla1er!" &no+n to the +orl' as 3co#fort +o#en3" 'urin$ its colonial an' +arti#e occupation of Asia an' the Pacific Islan's fro# the (F0*s throu$h the 'uration of 2orl' 2ar II@ B)C +oul' help to resol1e recurrin$ 5uestions about the sincerit! an' status of prior state#ents if the Pri#e Minister of ,apan +ere to #a&e such an apolo$! as a public state#ent in his official capacit!@ B0C shoul' clearl! an' publicl! refute an! clai#s that the se7ual ensla1e#ent an' traffic&in$ of the 3co#fort +o#en3 for the ,apanese I#perial Ar#! ne1er occurre'@ an' B=C shoul' e'ucate current an' future $enerations about this horrible cri#e +hile follo+in$ the reco##en'ations of the international co##unit! +ith respect to the 3co#fort +o#en.3R((( (((N ?.R. Res. ()(" ((*th Con$. B)**DC Benacte'C. in a clear an' une5ui1ocal #anner for its I#perial Ar#e' :orces6 coercion of !oun$ +o#en into se7ual sla1er!" &no+n to the +orl' as 3co#fort +o#en3" 'urin$ its colonial an' +arti#e occupation of Asia an' the Pacific Islan's fro# the (F0*s throu$h the 'uration of 2orl' 2ar II@ B)C +oul' help to resol1e recurrin$ 5uestions about the sincerit! an' status of prior state#ents if the Pri#e Minister of ,apan +ere to #a&e such an apolo$! as a public state#ent in his official capacit!@ B0C shoul' clearl! an' publicl! refute an! clai#s that the se7ual ensla1e#ent an' traffic&in$ of the 3co#fort +o#en3 for the ,apanese I#perial Ar#! ne1er occurre'@ an' B=C shoul' e'ucate current an' future $enerations about this horrible cri#e +hile follo+in$ the reco##en'ations of the international co##unit! +ith respect to the 3co#fort +o#en.3R0= 0=N ?.R. Res. ()(" !oun$ +o#en into se7ual sla1er!" &no+n to the +orl' as 3co#fort +o#en3" 'urin$ its colonial an' +arti#e occupation of Asia an' the Pacific Islan's fro# the (F0*s throu$h the 'uration of 2orl' 2ar II@ B)C shoul' ha1e this official apolo$! $i1en as a public state#ent presente' b! the Pri#e Minister of ,apan in his official capacit!@ B0C shoul' clearl! an' publicl! refute an! clai#s that the se7ual ensla1e#ent an' traffic&in$ of the 3co#fort +o#en3 for the ,apanese I#perial Ar#e' :orces ne1er occurre'@ an' B=C shoul' e'ucate current an' future $enerations about this horrible cri#e +hile follo+in$ the reco##en'ations of the international co##unit! +ith respect to the 3co#fort +o#en3. Source cite'< ?.R. Res. ()(" ((*th Con$. B)**DC Benacte'C" a1ailable at

http<HH+++.$po.$o1Hf's! sHp&$H BILLS9 ((*hres()(ihHp'fHBILL S9 ((*hres()(ih.p'f Bp. ()" Bo'! of inu!aC BU.S.C ((*th Con$. B)**DC Benacte'C. In -ece#ber )**D" the European Parlia#ent" the $o1ernin$ bo'! of the European Union" 'rafte' a resolution si#ilar to ?ouse Resolution ()(.R0>N Entitle'" 3Justice for Comfort +omen"3 the resolution 'e#an'e'< B(C a for#al ac&no+le'$#ent of responsibilit! b! the ,apanese $o1ern#ent@ B)C a re#o1al of the le$al obstacles pre1entin$ co#pensation@ an' B0C unabri'$e' e'ucation of the past. The resolution also stresse' the ur$enc! +ith +hich ,apan shoul' act on these issues" statin$< 3the ri$ht of in'i1i'uals to clai# reparations a$ainst the $o1ern#ent shoul' be e7pressl! reco$ni%e' in national la+" an' cases for reparations for the sur1i1ors of se7ual sla1er!" as a cri#e un'er international la+" shoul' be prioriti%e'" ta&in$ into account the A resolution on the 6co#fort +o#en6 Bse7 sla1esC use' b! ,apan in 2orl' 2ar II calls for a chan$e of official attitu'es in #o'ern9'a! ,apan" a ri$ht for sur1i1ors or fa#ilies to appl! for co#pensation an' #easures to e'ucate people about these historical e1ents. V Call for for#al ac&no+le'$#ent of responsibilit! b! $o1ern#ent V Le$al obstacles to co#pensation #ust be re#o1e' V E'ucation about the past V Source cite'< European Parlia#ent" ?u#an ri$hts< Cha'"

/ In -ece#ber )**D" the . European Parlia#ent" the $o1ernin$ bo'! of the European Union" 'rafte' a resolution si#ilar to ?ouse Resolution ()(.R(0*N V Entitle'" 3Justice for Comfort +omen"3 the resolution 'e#an'e'< B(C a for#al ac&no+le'$#ent of responsibilit! b! the ,apanese $o1ern#ent@ B)C a re#o1al of the le$al obstacles pre1entin$ co#pensation@ an' B0C unabri'$e' e'ucation of the past.R(0)N The resolution also stresses the ur$enc! +ith +hich ,apan shoul' act on these issues" statin$< 3the ri$ht of in'i1i'uals to clai# reparations a$ainst the $o1ern#ent shoul' be e7pressl! reco$ni%e' in national la+" an' cases for reparations for the sur1i1ors of se7ual sla1er!" as a cri#e un'er international la+" shoul' be prioriti%e'" ta&in$ into account the a$e of the


2o#en6s Ri$hts in Sau'i Arabia" ,apan6s 2arti#e Se7 Sla1es" R(0*N European R0>N European B(D -ec. )**DC Parlia#ent" ?u#an Parlia#ent" ?u#an ri$hts< Cha'" 2o#en6s ri$hts< Cha'" 2o#en6s a1ailable at Ri$hts in Sau'i Arabia" Ri$hts in Sau'i Arabia" http<HH+++.europarl.eur opa.euH ,apan6s 2arti#e Se7 ,apan6s 2arti#e Se7 Sla1es" -ec. (D" )**D" Sla1es" -ec. (D" )**D" si'esH$et-oc.'oA http<HH+++.europarl.eur http<HH+++.europarl.eur lan$ua$eI ENJt!peIIM9 opa.euH opa.euH PRESSJreferenceI si'esH$et-oc.'oA si'esH$et-oc.'oA )**D()(*BRI(=/0FJse lan$ua$eIENJ lan$ua$eIENJ con'RefI ITEM9**E9EN t!peIIM9 t!peIIM9 PRESSJreferenceI PRESSJreferenceI )**D()(*BRI(=/0FJs )**D()(*BRI(=/0FJs econ'RefI ITEM9**E9 econ'RefI ITEM9**E9 EN. EN. R(0)N I'. R(00N I'. Bp. (0" Bo'! of inu!aC

a$e of the sur1i1ors.3

resolution si#pl! calls for the ,apanese $o1ern#ent to uphol' the (FF0 'eclaration of re#orse #a'e b! Chief Cabinet Secretar! Gohei Sono. R(0>N R(0=N The Co#fort 2o#en99A ?istor! of Trau#a" http<HHtai+an.!a#.or$.t +H +o#en+ebHconfO+o# enH in' Blast 1isite' Mar. )/" )**FC. R(0=N I'. Bp. 0/* of La'inoC

resolution calls for the ,apanese $o1ern#ent to uphol' the (FF0 'eclaration of re#orse #a'e b! Chief Cabinet Secretar! Gohei Sono. R0/N The Co#fort 2o#en99A ?istor! of Trau#a" http<HH tai+an.!a#.or$.t+H +o#en+ebHconfO+o# enH in' Bp. (0" Bo'! of inu!aC

Bp. 0/* of La'inoC D The Cana'ian an' . -utch parlia#ents ha1e each follo+e' suit in 'raftin$ resolutions a$ainst ,apan. Cana'a6s resolution 'e#an's the ,apanese $o1ern#ent to issue a for#al apolo$!" to a'#it that its I#perial Militar! coerce' or force' hun're's of thousan's of +o#en into se7ual sla1er!" an' to restore references in ,apanese te7tboo&s to its +ar cri#es.R(0=N The -utch parlia#ent6s The Cana'ian an' -utch parlia#ents ha1e each follo+e' suit in 'raftin$ resolutions a$ainst ,apan. Cana'a6s resolution 'e#an's the ,apanese $o1ern#ent to issue a for#al apolo$!" to a'#it that its I#perial Militar! coerce' or force' hun're's of thousan's of +o#en into se7ual sla1er!" an' to restore references in ,apanese te7tboo&s to its +ar cri#es.R0/N The -utch parlia#ent6s Note< On the issue of co#fort +o#en" the +ebsite onl! refers to the attitu'e an' reaction of the follo+in$ $o1ern#ents< Tai+an" South Sorea" North Sorea" Philippines" China" In'onesia" Mala!sia" an' ,apan. Source cite'< http<HHtai+an.!a#.or$.t+ H+o#en+e bHconfO+o#enHin'e7Oe. ht#l iolations of Rules A$ainst Pla$iaris# in the inu!a -ecision Belo+ are 1iolations of e7istin$ rules a$ainst pla$iaris# as can be foun' in the /inuya -ecision" in a''ition to 1iolations earlier enu#erate' in #! -issent< A.1 A passa$e fro# the article of Cri''le an' :o79-ecent +as copie' 1erbati#" inclu'in$ the footnote. There are no 5uotation #ar&s to in'icate that this i#portant conclusion fro# the article an' the e7a#ple to illustrate it" +hich +ere 'iscusse' in the correspon'in$ footnote" are not the ponente4s o+n. No attribution to Cri''le an' :o79-ecent +as #a'e. A.2 Si#ilar to A.(" Cri''le an' :o79-ecent4s conclusion +as copie' +or' for +or'" inclu'in$ the correspon'in$ footnote" +hich +as enclose' b! parentheses an' place' i##e'iatel! after the sentence to +hich it correspon's. No attribution to Cri''le an' :o79-ecent +as #a'e. A.D Si#ilar to A.( an' A.)" this sentence fro# the article +as copie' 1erbati#" inclu'in$ its correspon'in$ footnote. No attribution to Cri''le an' :o79-ecent +as #a'e.

#.1 Sa1e for a fe+ +or's +hich +ere intentionall! rearran$e'" the entire para$raph +as lifte' 1erbati# fro# Ellis4s 'iscussion on rape as an international cri#e. T+o citations of cases fro# Ellis +ere o#itte'. No attribution to Ellis +as #a'e. #.2 Ellis4s i'entification of Article 0 of the (F=F .ene1a Con1entions as a $eneral authorit! on rape as a 1iolation of the la+s of +ar" an' his su##ation thereof" +as lifte' +or' for +or'. ?is footnote +as also copie'" inclu'in$ the intrate7t reference 3supra note )0"3 enclose' in parentheses an' inserte' after the correspon'in$ te7t. No attribution to Ellis +as #a'e. #.D Ellis4s su##ar! an' anal!sis of Article )D of the :ourth .ene1a Con1ention +as lifte' +or' for +or'. No attribution to Ellis +as #a'e. #.E Ellis4s conclusion re$ar'in$ Protocol I of the .ene1a Con1ention +as appropriate'" +ithout an! attribution to Ellis. Ellis4s footnote +as a$ain copie'. No attribution to Ellis +as #a'e. C.1 McCor5uo'ale4s anal!sis of in'i1i'ual clai#s +ithin the international le$al s!ste# +as copie' +or' for +or' an' inserte' after the intro'uctor! clause 3In the international sphere3 in /inuya. The footnote McCor5uo'ale appen'e' to his anal!sis of in'i1i'ual clai#s Bi0e0 the sentences copie' in C.(.C is not present. No attribution to McCor5uo'ale +as #a'e. C.2 This ite# refers to the footnote attache' to the copie' sentence in C.(. It is co#pose' of t+o instances of cop!in$ stitche' to$ether< t+o sentences of McCor5uo'ale" ta&en fro# the para$raph 'irectl! prece'in$ his anal!sis of in'i1i'ual clai#s in the international le$al s!ste#" an' the footnote correspon'in$ to the PCI, -ecision 5uote' in the secon' of the sai' t+o sentences. No attribution to McCor5uo'ale +as #a'e. C.D The conclusion O&o+a reache' +as copie' in footnote /0 of /inuya" but O&o+a4s reference to the cases she cite' in her anal!sis +as o#itte' an' the conte7t of her conclusion Bon the current stan'in$ of $eneral international la+ +ith re$ar' an enforceable le$al 'ut! of 'iplo#atic protectionC +as re#o1e'. No attribution to O&o+a +as #a'e. C.E McCor5uo'ale4s 'iscussion of the case Abassi 1. Secretar! of State +as copie' +ithout an! citation of his essa! or the international la+ boo& in +hich it +as publishe'. No attribution to McCor5uo'ale +as #a'e. C.F The or'er of sentences +ere re1erse'" but the conclusion in O&o+a4s essa! +as copie'" an' as +ell as her 'iscussion of the case Saun'a 1. Presi'ent of the Republic of South Africa. No attribution to O&o+a +as #a'e.

".1 Alborno%4s su##ar! an' anal!sis +as copie' +or' for +or' in the bo'! of the -ecision on pa$e )=. No in'ication +as $i1en that this +as not the ponente4s ori$inal anal!sis" an' no attribution to Alborno% +as #a'e. ".2 The eluci'ation of Alborno% re$ar'in$ +hat she calls the tra'itional 1ie+ on the 'iscretion of states in the e7ercise of 'iplo#atic protection +as copie' into footnote >D of the /inuya -ecision. Alborno%4s citation of Borchar' +as use' as a reference in the sa#e footnote" but Alborno% +as b!passe' co#pletel!. ".D Alborno%4s su##ation of the ILC4s :irst Rea'in$ -raft Articles on 'iplo#atic protection +as copie' +ith so#e #o'ifications< the secon' half of the first sentence fro# Alborno% +as re#o1e' an' instea' replace' +ith 3full! support this tra'itional 1ie+3 in an apparent effort to lin& this su##ar! to the pre1ious instance of cop!in$ Btable entr! -.).C. Minor e'its +ere #a'e to Alborno%4s su##ar! to strea#line the flo+ of the secon' copie' sentence. No attribution to Alborno% +as #a'e. ".E Alborno%4s su##ation of -u$ar'4s proposal +as lifte' +or' for +or' an' use' in footnote /) of /inuya. The footnote Alborno% attache' to this su##ation" a 5uotation of Alborno%4s cite' source" +as inserte' 'irectl! after the copie' su##ation. No attribution to Alborno% +as #a'e. ".F The conclusion reache' b! Alborno% re$ar'in$ the re;ection of -u$ar'4s proposal +as copie' e7actl!" e1en +ith re$ar' to the portions of the Official Recor's of the .eneral Asse#bl! that Alborno% 5uote'. No attribution to Alborno% +as #a'e. ".G The #a;or part of a sentence fro# Alborno% +as copie' an' attache' to the transition phrase 3In a''ition3 to continue the pastiche of copie' sentences in footnote /) of /inuya. The footnote of Alborno% re$ar'in$ -u$ar' +as inserte' i##e'iatel! after an' enclose' in parentheses. Note that the inline te7t citation" 3supra note (0" par. E*3 in Alborno%4s footnote (0* +as copie' as +ell. No attribution to Alborno% +as #a'e. ".7 Continuin$ fro# the instance of cop!in$ in -./." the secon' half of a sentence in Alborno% +as use' as +hat is apparentl! an inco#plete sentence Bbe$innin$ +ith< 3" but their enforceabilit!...3C in footnote /) of /inuya. The ne7t sentence +as also copie'" an' its correspon'in$ footnote enclose' in parentheses an' inserte' i##e'iatel! after it. 2hile the -ecision cites one of the sa#e sources Alborno% cite' B #%C First Readin' Draft Articles on Diplomatic $rotectionC" no attribution is #a'e to Alborno% for the e7cerpt" or to -u$ar'" +ho# Alborno% cite' for the 5uote' portion.

E.1 An e7cerpt fro# the thir' para$raph of Prochas&a is repro'uce' 1erbati# in footnote /) of pa$e )/ of the -ecision. There +ere no 5uotation #ar&s or attribution to Prochas&a to in'icate that such +as not the ponente4s anal!sis" but Prochas&a4s. F.1 A sentence fro# para$raph (( of Ni&sch +as repro'uce' 1erbati# +ithout 5uotation #ar&s in pa$e (D of the bo'! of the -ecision. No attribution to Ni&sch +as #a'e. F.2 An e7cerpt fro# para$raph () of Ni&sch +as repro'uce' 1erbati# +ithout 5uotation #ar&s in pa$e (D of the bo'! of the -ecision. No attribution to Ni&sch +as #a'e. F.D An e7cerpt fro# para$raph (F of Ni&sch +as repro'uce' 1erbati# +ithout 5uotation #ar&s in pa$e (D of the bo'! of the -ecision. No attribution to Ni&sch +as #a'e. G.1 An e7cerpt fro# pa$e 0== of La'ino +as repro'uce' +ithout 5uotation #ar&s in pa$es F to (* of the bo'! of the -ecision. The phrase 3+o#en +ho ha' file'3 +as chan$e' to 3co#fort +o#en.3 G.2 An e7cerpt fro# pa$e 0=> of La'ino +as repro'uce' +ithout 5uotation #ar&s in pa$e () of the bo'! of the -ecision. The t+o sentences in the footnote fro# La'ino +ere co#bine'" but the +or's +ere repro'uce' 1erbati#. G.D An e7cerpt fro# pa$e 0=> of La'ino is repro'uce' 1erbati# in pa$e () of the bo'! of the -ecision. Part of La'ino4s 'iscussion +as repro'uce' 1erbati# in footnote 0) of the inu!a -ecision" +ith no attribution to La'ino. G.E The first part of the para$raph in pa$e 0=> of La'ino +as repro'uce' 1erbati#. ?o+e1er" the latter part of La'ino4s e7planation" Bstatin$ that +hile the ;u'$#ent a$ainst ,apan +as not le$all! bin'in$" it still 3cast ,apan in the sha'o+ of #oral reproach3C +as o#itte'. There +as no attribution to La'ino. G.F An e7cerpt fro# pa$e 0=/ of La'ino" alon$ +ith t+o footnotes" +as repro'uce' 1erbati# in pa$e () of the -ecision. No attribution to La'ino +as #a'e. G.G La'ino4s 'iscussion in pa$e 0>* an' the correspon'in$ footnotes +ere repro'uce' 1erbati# in pa$e (0 of the -ecision. No attribution to La'ino +as #a'e. B. The Process of the Co##ission of Pla$iaris# in the inu!a Decision

A careful rea'in$ of the inu!a -ecision re1eals that it is unli&e other 'ecisions issue' b! this Court" e7cept perhaps for the case of An$ La'la' L.BT Part! 1. Co##ission on Elections" +hich ,ustice 'el Castillo li&e+ise penne'. The footnotes in inu!a rea' li&e those foun' in theses of international la+ scholars" +here one 'iscursi1e footnote can be so e7tensi1e as to occup! three9fourths of a pa$e Bsee footnotes /)" /0" an' />C. An honest researcher for a Philippine ;u'$e" after painsta&in$l! 'e1elopin$ a perspecti1e on an international le$al issue b! rea'in$ the +or&s of scholars +ho ha1e 'ocu#ente' the 'ebate" +oul' 'eliberatel! refer to the +or&s of such scholars" an' not transfor# their +or&s into his o+n. ,ustice 'el Castillo4s researcher not onl! conten's that acci'ental 'eletion is the sole reason for the #issin$ footnotes" but also that their office subse5uentl! +ent o1er the -ecision 3sentence b! sentence3 an' conclu'e' that no pla$iaris# +as co##itte' at all. ?o+e1er" the rearran$e#ent of the sentences lifte' fro# the ori$inal +or&" the #i#ic&in$ of the ori$inal +or&4s use of footnotes" the subse5uent bac& an' forth cop!in$ an' pastin$ of such footnotes P these acts belie #ere ne$li$ence. The follo+in$ anal!sis sho+s ob;ecti1e pla$iaris# 1ie+e' throu$h three lenses< e,tent" 'eliberateness" an' effect. The #assi1eness an' fre5uenc! +ith +hich instances of unattribute' cop!in$ occur in inu!a hi$hli$ht the e7tent of the pla$iaris#. Cle1er transpositions of e7cerpts to #a&e the# flo+ accor'in$ to the researcher4s transition phrases are clearl! 'e1ices of a practice' pla$iarist" +hich betra! the 'eliberateness of e1er! sin$le act. The pla$iaris# in /inuya +ill also be scrutini%e' on the basis of its effect" especiall! in li$ht of its co##ission in a ;u'icial 'ecision. The rationale for such a the#atic presentation +ill then be 'iscusse' in a succee'in$ section" +hich 'eals +ith e1aluatin$ pla$iaris#. (. The e7tent of unattribute' cop!in$ belies ina'1ertence. In the tables outline' abo1e" as +ell as in the anal!sis in #! -issent 'ate' () October )*(*" it can be seen that the researcher of ,ustice 'el Castillo faile' to #a&e the necessar! attribution t+ent!9three B)0C ti#es in the bo'! of the /inuya -ecision@ the +or&s +hose te7ts +ere use' +ithout attribution inclu'e se1eral cop!ri$hte' ;ournal articles" essa!s fro# a boo& on international la+" an' one con$ressional report of the Unite' States. There +ere thirt!9si7 B0/C #issin$ citations in the footnotes" inclu'in$ t+el1e B()C citations #issin$ fro# footnote /> alone. This a''s up to a total of fift!9nine B>FC #issin$ citations. The sheer nu#ber of #issin$ citations is relate' to the len$th an' 1olu#e of the footnotes an' 'iscussions" so#e of +hich ,ustice 'el Castillo hi#self a'#itte' to be unnecessar!.

The 5uantit! of te7t copie' +ithout attribution is #ost concentrate' in pa$es () to (0" +hich 'eal +ith actions ta&en in the pursuit of ;ustice for the co#fort +o#en" an' in pa$es )= to 0)" +hich appear un'er the section hea'in$ &he Philippines is not un#er any international obligation to espouse petitioners2 claims. In the latter section" the 'iscussion an' anal!sis appearin$ on pa$es )= Binsofar as the section after the start of the international la+ 'iscussion is concerne'C" )E an' 0( in particular +oul' be si$nificantl! i#paire' +ere the unattribute' portions of te7ts to be re#o1e'< there +oul' be no +or's left in the instance of pa$e )=@ the entiret! of the 'iscursi1e footnote on pa$e )E +oul' be re'uce' to one sentence an' its atten'ant citations@ three sentence fra$#ents" an' no footnotes" +oul' re#ain on pa$e 0(. In pa$es )= to 0)" out of a total of thirteen B(0C 'iscursi1e footnotes" ele1en B((C of these are co#prise' +holl! of #aterial copie' +ithout attribution" an' !et another one P footnote /F P contains te7t that +as copie' +ithout attribution as +ell. The +riter of the /inuya -ecision 'ispla!e' #eticulous attention to 'etail in repro'ucin$ the citations to international ;u'icial 'ecisions" publications" an' other such references in these footnotes P citations that ori$inall! appeare' in the copie' +or&s P but co#pletel! b!passe' the copie' +or&s the#sel1es" thereb! appropriatin$ the anal!sis" processin$" an' s!nthesi%in$ of infor#ation" as +ell as the +or's" of the +riters +hose +or&s +ere copie'. On its face" the sheer 1olu#e of portions copie'" a''e' to the fre5uenc! +ith +hich citations to the pla$iari%e' +or&s +ere o#itte' +hile care +as ta&en to retain citations to the sources cite' b! the pla$iari%e' +or&s" re1eal that the pla$iaris# co##itte' cannot lo$icall! be an!thin$ other than 'eliberate. ). S!ste#atic co##ission of pla$iaris# 'e#onstrates 'eliberateness. In pa$es t+el1e B()C to thirteen B(0C of inu!a" sentences fro# the bo'! of La'ino4s article +ere intersperse' +ith La'ino4s footnotes" +ithout a sin$le attribution to La'ino Bplease refer to Table .C. Sentences fro# La'ino4s article +ere copie' into footnote 0) of inu!a" +hile the i##e'iatel! succee'in$ sentence +as a$ain copie' to for# part of the bo'! of inu!a. The cuttin$ of sentences fro# La'ino4s +or& an' the patchin$ to$ether of these pieces to for# a #ish#ash of sentences ne$ate the 'efense of ina'1ertence" an' $i1e the rea'er the i#pression that the freshl! crafte' ar$u#ent +as an ori$inal creation. The +or& of Cri''le an' :o79-ecent +as sub;ecte' to a si#ilar process. This process is 'issecte' in the follo+in$ list of instances or'ere' accor'in$ to ho+ the! appear in pa$es 0( to 0) of the bo'! of the -ecision<

a. Detaile# analysis of 3patch$or* plagiarism2 in the bo#y of 4inuya- pp. 56/57: (. Pa4e D1, 0ar. 2; Earl! strains of the <us co'ens 'octrine ha1e e7iste' since the (D**s"RD(N but pere#ptor! nor#s be$an to attract $reater scholarl! attention +ith the publication of Alfre' 1on er'ross6s influential (F0D article" :orbi''en Treaties in International La+.RD)N RD)N er'ross ar$ue' that certain 'iscrete rules of international custo# ha' co#e to be reco$ni%e' as ha1in$ a co#pulsor! character not+ithstan'in$ contrar! state a$ree#ents. At first" er'ross6s 1ision of international <us co'ens encountere' s&epticis# +ithin the le$al aca'e#!. These 1oices of resistance soon foun' the#sel1es in the #inorit!" ho+e1er" as the <us co'ens concept $aine' enhance' reco$nition an' cre'ibilit! follo+in$ the Secon' 2orl' 2ar. BSee Lauri ?anni&ainen" Pere#ptor! Nor#s BJus co'ensC in International La+< ?istorical -e1elop#ent" Criteria" Present Status (>* B(FEEC Bsur1e!in$ le$al scholarship 'urin$ the perio' (F=>9/F an' reportin$ that 3about ei$ht! per cent Rof scholarsN hel' the opinion that there are pere#ptor! nor#s e7istin$ in international la+3C. This sentence" to$ether +ith footnote D) in inu!a" is part of one continuous 'iscussion b! Cri''le an' :o7 -ecent" an' copie' 1erbati#. The t+o authors ri$htfull! attribute' the historical 'ata to Lauri ?anni&ainen" but the conclusion on establishe' ;us co$ens principles is +holl! their o+n. ). Pa4e D1, 0ar. 2; The reco$nition of <us co'ens $aine' e1en #ore force in the (F>*s an' (F/*s +ith the ILC4s preparation of the ienna Con1ention on the La+ of Treaties B CLTC.RD0N Thou$h there +as a consensus that certain international nor#s ha' attaine' the status of <us co'ensVRD=N The first sentence an' its subse5uent clause are lifte' 1erbati# fro# the article. :ootnotes D0 an' D= are Cri''le an' :o79-ecent4s anal!sis of ho+ international 3#ini#u# re5uire#ents3 for# e1i'ence of ;us co$ens. The para$raph +as bro&en 'o+n" then rearran$e' in inu!a. 0. Pa4e D1, 0ar. 2; Thou$h there +as a consensus that certain international nor#s ha' attaine' the status of <us co'ens"RD=N the ILC +as unable to reach a consensus on the proper criteria for i'entif!in$ pere#ptor! nor#s. Asi'e fro# cop!in$ the first clause in the sentence" +hich for#s part of the pre#ise" the conclusion of Cri''le an' :o79-ecent +as li&e+ise copie'. =. Pa4e D2, 0ar. 1; After an e7ten'e' 'ebate o1er these an' other theories of <us co'ens" the ILC conclu'e' ruefull! in (F/0 that 3there is not as !et an!

$enerall! accepte' criterion b! +hich to i'entif! a $eneral rule of international la+ as ha1in$ the character of <us co'ens.3RD>N After cop!in$ the sentence an' footnote in No. = abo1e" three sentences +ere o#itte' fro# the article" then this sentence in No. > +as also copie'. In the bo'! of the +or&" the t+o sentences i##e'iatel! follo+in$ this state#ent pertainin$ to the conclusion of the International La+ Co##ission +ere a$ain o#itte'. >. Pa4e D2, 0ar. 1; In a co##entar! acco#pan!in$ the 'raft con1ention" the ILC in'icate' that 3the pru'ent course see#s to be to 7 7 7 lea1e the full content of this rule to be +or&e' out in State practice an' in the ;urispru'ence of international tribunals.3RD/N This sentence +as con;oine' +ith the sentence abo1e@ footnotes D> an' D/ +ere also copie'. The net effect is that this para$raph +as splice' to$ether" sentence b! sentence" fro# Cri''le an' :o79-ecent4s +or&. A si#ilar #etho' of splicin$ +as use' e7tensi1el! in the footnotes of the -ecision as +ell. It is #ost e1i'ent in footnote />" the lon$est 'iscursi1e footnote in inu!a. This portion copie' hea1il! fro# the article of -r. Mar& Ellis entitle' 3Brea&in$ the Silence< Rape as an International Cri#e.3 To illustrate" the first para$raph of footnote /> is bro&en 'o+n an' scrutini%e' b! sentence" follo+in$ the ori$inal se5uence in the -ecision. b. Detaile# analysis of 3patch$or* plagiarism2 in paragraph 6- footnote 89 of 4inuya: (. Se'&e'-e( 1 a') 2; The concept of rape as an international cri#e is relati1el! ne+. This is not to sa! that rape has ne1er been historicall! prohibite'" particularl! in +ar. These are the openin$ sentences fro# the secon' para$raph on pa$e ))D of the ;ournal article. Ellis cites the treat! bet+een the Unite' States an' Prussia as his o+n e7a#ple" in a footnote. In inu!a" this particular citation is copie'" enclose' in parentheses" an' beca#e the si7th an' se1enth sentences of footnote />. ). Se'&e'-e D; But #o'ern9'a! sensiti1it! to the cri#e of rape 'i' not e#er$e until after 2orl' 2ar II. This is the si7th sentence in the sa#e para$raph in Ellis4 article as 'iscusse' abo1e. It is transpose' 1erbati#" an' beca#e the secon' sentence in inu!a.

0. Se'&e'-e( E a') F; In the Nure#ber$ Charter" the +or' rape +as not #entione'. The article on cri#es a$ainst hu#anit! e7plicitl! set forth prohibite' acts" but rape +as not #entione' b! na#e. The clauses 3After 2orl' 2ar II" +hen the Allies establishe' the Nure#ber$ CharterV3 +as 'elete'. This particular sentence is Ellis4 o+n conclusion re$ar'in$ the 3A$ree#ent for the Prosecution an' Punish#ent of the Ma;or 2ar Cri#inals of the European A7is"3 but there +as no attribution to Ellis" onl! a citation of the a$ree#ent" alon$ +ith Ellis4s other footnotes" at the en' of the para$raph. =. Se'&e'-e( G a') 7; B:or e7a#ple" the Treat! of A#it! an' Co##erce bet+een Prussia an' the Unite' States pro1i'es that in ti#e of +ar all +o#en an' chil'ren 3shall not be #oleste' in their persons.3 The Treat! of A#it! an' Co##erce" Bet+een his Ma;est! the Sin$ of Prussia an' the Unite' States of A#erica" art. )0" Sept. (*" (DE>" U.S.9Pruss." E Treaties J Other Int6l A$ree#ents Of The U.S. DE" E>. This is the citation ori$inall! correspon'in$ to the first an' secon' sentences on pa$e ))D of Ellis4s article. This portion +as copie' in inu!a" this ti#e place' at the en' of the para$raph an' enclose' in parentheses. >. Se'&e'-e 8; The (E/0 Lieber Instructions classifie' rape as a cri#e of 3troop 'iscipline.3 Ori$inall! the secon' sentence in Ellis4s para$raph" this +as transpose' to the ei$hth. Its correspon'in$ footnote in Ellis +as lifte' 1erbati#" enclose' in parentheses" then inserte' into the para$raph in inu!a" as the ninth sentence< 3BMitchell" The Prohibition of Rape in International ?u#anitarian La+ as a Nor# of ,us co$ens< Clarif!in$ the -octrine " (> -u&e ,. Co#p. Int4l. L. )(F" ))=C.3 /. Se'&e'-e 10; It specifie' rape as a capital cri#e punishable b! the 'eath penalt!. Ori$inall! the fourth sentence in Ellis4 article" this +as transpose'" an' its correspon'in$ footnote +as copie'< 3BI'. at )0/C.3 D. Se'&e'-e 11; The (F*D ?a$ue Con1ention protecte' +o#en b! re5uirin$ the protection of their 3honour.3 The sentence +as copie'" an' its correspon'in$ footnote +as lifte' 1erbati#" enclose' in parentheses" an' place' at the en' of the para$raph. Ellis4s attribution to the Gale La+ +ebsite +here the pertinent la+ #a! be foun' +as o#itte'" lea1in$ onl! the follo+in$< B3:a#il! honour an' ri$hts" the li1es

of persons" an' pri1ate propert!" as +ell as reli$ious con1ictions an' practice" #ust be respecte'.3 Con1ention BI C Respectin$ the La+s J Custo#s of 2ar on Lan'" art. =/" Oct. (E" (F*D. .eneral Asse#bl! resolution F> BIC of -ece#ber ((" (F=/ entitle'" 3Affir#ation of the Principles of International La+ reco$ni%e' b! the Charter of the NUrnber$ Tribunal3@ .eneral Asse#bl! 'ocu#ent AH/=HA''.( of (F=/3. E. Se'&e'-e 1D; See A$ree#ent for the Prosecution an' Punish#ent of the Ma;or 2ar Cri#inals of the European A7is" Au$. E" (F=>" >F Stat. (>==" E) U.N.T.S. )DF. This is ori$inall! Ellis4s citation" use' to support his obser1ation that there +as no e7press #ention of 3rape3 in the Nure#ber$ Charter. It +as enclose' in parentheses an' rele$ate' to the en' of the para$raph in inu!a. F. Se'&e'-e 1E; Article /BcC of the Charter establishe' cri#es a$ainst hu#anit! as the follo+in$< CRIMES A.AINST ?UMANITG< na#el!" #ur'er" e7ter#ination" ensla1e#ent" 'eportation" an' other inhu#ane acts co##itte' a$ainst an! ci1ilian population" before or 'urin$ the +ar" or persecutions on political" racial or reli$ious $roun's in e7ecution of or in connection +ith an! cri#e +ithin the ,uris'iction of the Tribunal" +hether or not in 1iolation of the 'o#estic la+ of the countr! +here perpetrate'. This +as lifte' fro# pa$e ))D of Ellis4s +or&. Pa$es ))D to ))E of the sai' +or&" pertainin$ to the 'iscussion on rape +ere substantiall! copie'. Insertions +ere #a'e for Ellis4s o+n footnotes. The conscious thou$ht re5uire' for the act of cuttin$ an' pastin$ the ori$inal author4s footnotes onto the precise spot +here the copie' sentences en'e' contra'icts the account of ina'1ertence. There is consistent correspon'ence bet+een the sentences copie' to the footnote copie'. In the e7a#ple abo1e" the act of encapsulatin$ Ellis4 footnotes in parentheses sho+ further that in /inuya there +as a conscious appropriation of Ellis4s sources in a usa$e that is substantiall! si#ilar to +hat appears in his article. This alle$e'l! ina'1ertent cop!in$ of Ellis4s footnotes occurre' no less than t+el1e B()C ti#es in footnote /> alone. 5. Research steps purporte#ly follo$e# in the #rafting of $+'uya cast #oubt on ina#"ertence. The follo+in$ is a recreation of the step9b!9step research proce'ure follo+e' b! #an! offices in the research an' craftin$ of ;u'icial 'ecisions. It is base' on the account $i1en b! the researcher of the /inuya -ecision of her o+n

e7periences +hile +or&in$ on the case. This 'etaile' brea&'o+n is #a'e in or'er to sho+ the e7act nu#ber of actions +hich #ust be #a'e in or'er to input a citation" if in'ee' it +as intentionall! inputte'. A recreation of the steps necessar! to 'elete a citation is also #a'e to sho+ that the a$$re$ate nu#ber of actions nee'e' to erase each an' e1er! citation #issin$ in /inuya is so hi$h that the un'erl!in$ cause coul' not ha1e been #ere ina'1ertence. Step (< a. :irst" usin$ an internet9base' search en$ine" +hich coul' be a free search ser1ice li&e .oo$le4s" or a pai' ser1ice li&e 2estla+4s" the researcher +oul' ha1e t!pe' in &e! phrases li&e 3er$a o#nes"3 3se7ual sla1er!"3 or other such ter#s rele1ant to the sub;ect #atter. b. :or so#e researchers" this is ;ust a preli#inar! step" as the! +oul' then pic& an' choose +hich articles to rea' an' +hich to 'iscar'. The researcher in inu!a" ho+e1er" clai#e' that she purposel! rea' all the #aterials a1ailable throu$h this search. E Step )< a. The search en$ine +oul' ha1e $enerate' a list of 'ocu#ents containin$ the search ter#s an' topics rele1ant to the sub;ect #atter. The search en$ine +oul' also ha1e lin&e' the ite#s on this list to the correspon'in$ online locations +here these 'ocu#ents #a! be accesse'. b. In inu!a" the researcher use' the 2estla+ le$al research ser1ice B+hich is #a'e a1ailable to offices of all the ,usticesC" an' peruse' the $enerate' list.F A possible ite# on this list +oul' be the article entitle' 3Brea&in$ the Silence< Rape as an International Cri#e"3 b! one of the co#plainin$ authors" -r. Mar& Ellis. Step 0< The researcher +oul' rea' articles fro# the $enerate' list an' i'entif! the portions she planne' to incorporate into the 'raft. :or this e7a#ple" she +oul' ha1e scrolle' throu$h the +or& of Mar& Ellis an' foun' the selection she +ante'. The le1el of scrutin! in1este' into each of the chosen articles +oul' 1ar!@ so#e researchers #a&e cursor! rea'in$s an' incorporate as #an! portions fro# 'ifferent +or&s an' authors as the! can. Step =<

a. The researcher can either sa1e the articles in their entiret!" or sa1e the selections in one 'ocu#ent. The researcher in /inuya clai#e' that she 'i' the latter an' use' the Microsoft 2or' pro$ra# for this purpose. b. If the researcher chose to sa1e onl! pertinent selections" then i'eall! the attributions +oul' ha1e to be #a'e at his point. No+" this step is critical. I &no+ of no soft+are in the +orl'" especiall! not Microsoft 2or'" that +ill $enerate the citation to the +or& of Ellis on its o+n" +ithout the appropriate action of the user. An honest researcher +oul' i##e'iatel! cop! an' paste the citation references of Ellis into the copie' portions" or t!pe a reference or label in" e1en if it +ere onl! a short for# placehol'er of the proper citation. If she 'i' neither" she #a! be slopp!" inco#petent or 'o+nri$ht 'ishonest. -urin$ the 'eliberations of the Ethics Co##ittee" the researcher e7plaine' this crucial step< 3So I +oul' cut an' paste rele1ant portions" at least portions +hich I fin' rele1ant into +hat turns out to be a lar$e #anuscript +hich I can then +hittle an' e'it an' e'it further.3(* A'herin$ to this account" there +oul' be an a''itional step in the process< Step > If an e7istin$ 'raft or 3#anuscript3 has alrea'! been create'" the ne7t step +oul' be to incorporate the selections fro# the articles into the 'raft. This is a secon' opportunit! to ensure that the proper attributions are #a'e. If the researcher is 'ili$ent" she +oul' alrea'! ha1e trie' to follo+ the correct for# as prescribe' b! the Manual of ,u'icial 2ritin$.(( If a 3#anuscript3 or outline has alrea'! been for#ulate'" then incorporatin$ the selections +oul' re5uire her to be conscious that these i'eas an' ar$u#ents are not her o+n. The process i'eall! alerts an! researcher that e7traneous sources are bein$ a''e'. It allo+s her to #a&e the follo+in$ consi'erations< -oes this portion sufficientl! 'iscuss the historical conte7t of a particular conclusionA -o I nee' this literature as support for #! ar$u#entsA A# I inclu'in$ it to support #! ar$u#ents" or #erel! to #i#ic the author4sA Corollaril!" the researcher +oul' initiall! assess if such ar$u#ent #a'e b! the author is a'e5uatel! supporte' as +ell. She +oul' chec& the author4s footnotes. In /inuya" the cop!in$ of the footnotes +as so e7tensi1e" such that it practicall! use' the uncite' +or&s as blueprint for the -ecision4s footnotes. =. The fre5uenc! of instances of #issin$ citations an' actions re5uire' for 'eletion betra! 'eliberateness.

To purposefull! input citations +oul' re5uire #an! &e! stro&es an' #o1e#ents of the co#puter4s 3#ouse.3 If the attributions ha' in'ee' been #a'e alrea'!" then the 'eletions of such attributions +oul' not si#pl! happen +ithout a specific se5uence of &e! stro&es an' #ouse #o1e#ents. The researcher testifie' that the necessar! attributions +ere #a'e in the earlier 'rafts" but that in the process of cuttin$ an' pastin$ the 1arious para$raphs" the! +ere acci'entall! 'roppe'. She #a&es it soun' as if so#ethin$ li&e a lon$ reference citation can ;ust easil! fall b! the +a!si'e. Not so. The reference re5uire' un'er the (anual of Judicial +ritin' for the +or& of Ellis rea's li&e this< 3Mar& Ellis" Brea&in$ the Silence< Rape as an International Cri#e" 0E Case 2. Res. ,. Int6l L. ))> B)**/9)**DC.3 The researcher in inu!a e7plaine' that footnotes +ere 'elete' alon$ +ith hea'in$s of certain portions" an' +ith the 'eletion of the note reference #ar& in the bo'! of the te7t" the citations in the 'ocu#ent4s footers 'isappeare' also. :or this scenario to happen +ith the sa#e fre5uenc! as the nu#ber of #issin$ citations" the follo+in$ steps #ust ha1e been follo+e'< (. F+r(& *o,e*e'&; Usin$ han' an' e!e coor'ination" consciousl! #o1e cursor to the location of tar$et footnote an'Hor hea'in$" usin$ either the #ouse or arro+ &e!s. ). Se-o') *o,e*e'&; Select the 3note reference #ar&3 b! hi$hli$htin$ the tar$et footnote nu#ber. Note that unli&e in nor#al characters or te7ts +herein a sin$le press of the 3'elete3 or 3bac&space3 button +oul' suffice" a footnote nu#ber #ust be hi$hli$hte' before it can be 'elete'. This #eans that either the particular footnote an'Hor hea'in$ #ust ha1e been 3'ouble9clic&e'3 or it #ust ha1e been specificall! hi$hli$hte' b! a precise hori%ontal #otion of the cursor +hile pressin$ on a #ouse button P both of +hich re5uire t+o #o1e#ents Beither t+o 3clic&s3" or a 3clic&3 an' a 3s+ipe3C. 0. T2+r) #o1e#ent< Press 3'elete3 or 3bac&space3 &e!. Note that in the case +herein the note reference #ar& +as not hi$hli$hte' b! a #ouse #o1e#ent" the 3'elete3 or 3bac&space3 &e! #ust ha1e been presse' twice" as pressin$ it onl! once +ill #erel! hi$hli$ht the note reference #ar& +ithout 'eletin$ the sa#e. ?ence" e1en acco##o'atin$ the e7planation $i1en b! the researcher" at least four #o1e#ents #ust ha1e been acco#plishe' to 'elete one footnote or reference. Multipl! this +ith the nu#ber of references that +ere 3'roppe'3

or 3#issin$"3 an' !ou ha1e a situation +herein the researcher acco#plishe' no less than t+o hun're' thirt!9si7 B)0/C 'eliberate steps to be able to 'rop the fift!9nine B>FC citations that are #issin$ in inu!a. If b! so#e chance the cursor happene' to be at the precise location of the citations" an' the citations +ere subse5uentl! 'elete' b! an acci'ental clic& of the #ouse" this +oul' still ha1e necessitate' a total of one hun're' se1ent! se1en B(DDC clic&s. It is un'erstan'able if a researcher acci'entall! 'elete' one" t+o or e1en fi1e footnotes. That a total of >F footnotes +ere erase' b! #ere acci'ent is inconcei1able. To #a&e a conser1ati1e esti#ate" +e can 'e'uct the nu#ber of ti#es that a footnote nu#ber in the bo'! of the -ecision coul' si#pl! ha1e been 'elete' ina'1ertentl!. Our anal!sis in'icates that this coul' ha1e happene' a thir' of the ti#e" or an esti#ate of t+ent! ti#es" +hen short footnotes containin$ 3supra3 or 3i'.3 coul' ha1e been easil! for$otten or o#itte'. This +oul' still ha1e !iel'e' si7t! 'eliberate steps or #o1e#ents" an' +oul' alert the researcher either that< (C too #uch of the bo'! co#prises i'eas +hich are not his o+n" or )C too #an! of the sources in his 3#ain #anuscript3 +ere $ettin$ lost. Subse5uentl!" if #ore than half of the attributions in the International La+ 'iscussion +ent #issin$" the si#ple recourse +oul' ha1e been either to re1ie+ his or her first 'raft" or si#pl! 'elete his len$th! 'iscursi1e footnotes precisel! because he cannot re#e#ber +hich articles he #i$ht ha1e lifte' the# fro#. n Microsoft )or# features that alert the user to #iscrepancies in footnote #eletions The researcher too& pains to 'eliberatel! cut an' paste the ori$inal sources of the author" thereb! #a&in$ it appear that she +as the one +ho collate' an' processe' this #aterial. 2hat she shoul' ha1e 'one +as si#pl! to cite the author fro# +ho# she too& the anal!sis an' su##ari%ation of the sai' sources in the first place. The latter +oul' ha1e been the si#ple" strai$htfor+ar'" not to #ention honest path. Instea'" the effect is that the /inuya -ecision also appropriate' the author4s anal!sis. Actuall!" it +oul' ha1e been easier to cite the author4s copie' +or& consi'erin$ the a1ailabilit! of short citation for#s co##onl! use' as reference tools in le$al articles such as 3supra3 or 3i'.3 Microsoft 2or' #a! not ha1e an auto#atic alar# each ti#e a footnote or citation is 'elete'" but it 'oes contain built9in features to help raise 3re' fla$s3 to si$nal that a particular passa$e +as copie'" or is attache' to a particular citation P if in'ee' such citation e7ists. :or e7a#ple" the researcher in inu!a" in 'escribin$ her o+n process of 'raftin$ the -ecision" state' that portions containin$ footnotes fro# the first inu!a 'raft +ere lifte' an' transfor#e' into the contents of a separate footnote. In short" 'urin$ re1isions of the 'raft" substantial footnote' portions +hich use' to be in the

bo'! +ere rele$ate' to footnotes. This 'oes not result" ho+e1er" in the auto#atic erasure of the ori$inal footnotes +ithin the ne+ footnote. A si#ple recreation of this process re1eals that this 3footnote +ithin a footnote3 retains a nu#ber s!#bol in superscript" albeit one altere' 'ue to the re'un'anc! in the functionalit! of 3footnotes +ithin footnotes.3 An! reasonabl! pru'ent researcher +oul' thus be alerte' to the fact that so#ethin$ +as a#iss +ith the citations in that particular selection because the footnote +oul' ha1e abnor#al nu#eric superscripts. This $larin$ abnor#alit! in itself is a +arnin$. Another notable feature is that +hen a cursor" as seen on the screen in an open 'ocu#ent" is place' o1er a footnote reference #ar&" Microsoft 2or' auto#aticall! supplies that footnote4s citation in a popup te7t bo7. The popup bo7 ho1ers o1er the nu#erical superscript" un#ista&abl! in'icatin$ the source.() In a''ition" no sin$le action can cause a footnote to be 'elete'@ once the cursor is besi'e it" either the 3'elete3 or 3bac&space3 &e! #ust be presse' twice" or it #ust be 'eliberatel! hi$hli$hte' an' then erase' +ith a stro&e of either the 3'elete3 or the 3bac&space3 &e!. This functionalit! of footnote 'eletion in Microsoft 2or' thus 'ecreases the li&elihoo' of footnotes bein$ 'elete' +ithout the &no+le'$e or intention of the researcher. As to the clai# of the researcher that the footnotes in the hea'in$s +ere acci'entall! 'elete'" there +as a failure on the part of the Ethics Co##ittee to thorou$hl! in1esti$ate the #atter +hen the! relie' on a presentation of +hat" accor'in$ to the researcher" happene' 'urin$ her research for an' 'raftin$ of the /inuya -ecision. Instea' of as&in$ her to re9create the 1arious situations of 3ina'1ertent 'roppin$"3 the Ethics Co##ittee satisfie' itself +ith a 3before3 an' 3after3 Microsoft Po+erPoint presentation +hich coul' not" b! an! stretch of the i#a$ination" ha1e recreate' the +hole process of researchin$ an' 'raftin$ that happene' in /inuya unless e1er! step +ere to be fro%en throu$h screenshots usin$ the 3Print Screen3 co##an' in tan'e# +ith a co##on i#a$e #ana$e#ent pro$ra#. To si#pl! present the 3before3 an' 3after3 scenario throu$h Po+erPoint has no bearin$ on the realit! of +hat happene'. ?a' the Ethics Co##ittee re5uire' that the presentation #a'e before the# be throu$h recreation of the 'raftin$ process usin$ Microsoft 2or' alone" +ithout 3pri#in$ the au'ience3 throu$h a 3before3 an' 3after3 Po+erPoint presentation" the! +oul' ha1e seen the footnotes the#sel1es beha1in$ stran$el!" alertin$ the researcher that so#ethin$ +as seriousl! +ron$. The Co##ittee +oul' then ha1e foun' incre'ible the clai# that the acci'ental 'eletion of a footnote #ar& attache' to a hea'in$ P an' the subse5uent transposition of te7t un'er that hea'in$ to another footnote P coul' ha1e occurre' +ithout the researcher bein$ re#in'e' that the teCt itself came from another source. Proof of 'eliberate action is foun' in the /inuya -ecision itself P the care +ith +hich the researcher inclu'e' citations of the sources to +hich the authors of the copie' +or&s referre'" +hile con1enientl! ne$lectin$ attribution to the copie' +or&s the#sel1es.

It is therefore i#possible to conclu'e that such $ross pla$iaris#" consistin$ of failure to attribute to nine BFC cop!ri$hte' +or&s" coul' ha1e been the result of an!thin$ other than failure to obser1e the re5uire#ents of the stan'ar' of con'uct 'e#an'e' of a le$al researcher. There is also no basis to conclu'e that there +as no failure on the part of ,ustice 'el Castillo to #eet the stan'ar' of super1ision o1er his la+ cler& re5uire' of incu#bent ;u'$es. III. On E1aluatin$ Pla$iaris# A. Posner2s 0tan#ar#s for E"aluating the Characteri:ation of Inci#ents of Plagiarism To be $enerous to #! collea$ues in this part of #! anal!sis" I ha1e referre' to one of the scholars +ho hol' the #ost liberal 1ie+s on pla$iaris#" ,u'$e Richar' A. Posner. The three $ui'eposts b! +hich I structure' #! technical anal!sis of the instances of pla$iaris# in the /inuya -ecision co#e fro# his brea&'o+n of certain &e! issues in his +or&" &he %ittle *oo, of $la'iarism. In his 3coo&4s tour3 of the &e! issues surroun'in$ pla$iaris#" +herein he is #ore liberal than #ost aca'e#ics in spea&in$ of the sanctions the act #a! #erit P he is a$ainst the cri#inali%ation of pla$iaris#" for instance" an' belie1es it an act #ore suite' to infor#al sanctions(0 P ,u'$e Posner characteri%es pla$iaris# thus< Pla$iaris# is a species of intellectual frau'. It consists of unauthori%e' cop!in$ that the copier clai#s B+hether e7plicitl! or i#plicitl!" an' +hether 'eliberatel! or carelessl!C is ori$inal +ith hi# an' the clai# causes the copier6s au'ience to beha1e other+ise than it +oul' if it &ne+ the truth. This chan$e in beha1ior" as +hen it ta&es the for# of rea'ers6 bu!in$ the copier6s boo& un'er the #isapprehension that it is ori$inal" can har# both the person +ho is copie' an' the co#petitors of the copier. But there can be pla$iaris# +ithout publication" as in the case of stu'ent pla$iaris#. The frau' is 'irecte' in the first instance at the teacher Bassu#in$ that the stu'ent bou$ht rather than stole the paper that he copie'C. But its principal 1icti#s are the pla$iarist6s stu'ent co#petitors" +ho are analo$ous to authors +ho co#pete +ith a pla$iarist.(= Posner then $oes on to neatl! su# up" in the for# of three 3&e!s"3 #a;or consi'erations that nee' to be ta&en into account +hen e1aluatin$ an occurrence of pla$iaris#. ?is boo&4s last para$raph rea's< In the course of #! coo&4s tour of the principal issues that ha1e to be a''resse' in or'er to for# a thou$htful response to pla$iaris# in #o'ern A#erica" I ha1e challen$e' its 'efinition as 3literar! theft3 an' in its place e#phasi%e' re/+a'-e, )e&e-&ab+/+&y, a') &2e e.&e'& o3 &2e *ar5e& 3or

e.0re((+,e 1or5( a( 5ey( &o )e3+'+'4 0/a4+ar+(* a') -a/+bra&+'4 &2e )+33ere'& &y0e( o3 0/a4+ar+(* by &2e+r 4ra,+&y. I ha1e e#phasi%e' the 1ariet! of pla$iaris#s" ar$ue' for the a'e5uac! of the e7istin$" infor#al sanctions" pointe' out that the 3fair use3 'octrine of cop!ri$ht la+ shoul' not protect a pla$iarist" note' the analo$! bet+een pla$iaris# an' tra'e#ar& infrin$e#ent Ba clue to the ent+ine#ent of the #o'ern concept of pla$iaris# +ith #ar&et 1aluesCPan' +arne' +oul'9be pla$iarists that the continuin$ a'1ance of 'i$iti%ation #a! soon trip the# up. BE#phasis supplie'.C It is in this spirit that the three 5uestions P of eCtent. an analo$ue of reliance" as e7tensi1e pla$iaris# correlates to the reliance of the te7t on the copie' +or&@ deliberatenessD an' effect. an analo$ue of +hat Posner calle' 3e7tent of the #ar&et for e7pressi1e +or&s3" use' here in the conte7t of the effect of pla$iaris# in the /inuya -ecision P +ere put to the te7t bein$ scrutini%e'. The first t+o 5uestions ha1e been 'iscusse' in prece'in$ sections. To e7a#ine the effect" one #ust first #a&e the 'istinction bet+een the effect of cop!in$ a cop!ri$hte' +or& +ithout attribution" an' bet+een the effect of cop!in$ +ithout attribution a +or& in the public 'o#ain. Usin$ these three $ui'eposts" +e can the# co#e to a conclusion +hether the pla$iaris# is relati1el! har#less an' li$ht or so#ethin$ se1ere an' har#ful. In the case of the /inuya -ecision" +e ha1e co#e to conclu'e that the pla$iaris# is se1ere@ an' because ;u'icial 'ecisions are 1aluable to the Philippine le$al s!ste#" that the pla$iaris# har#s this institution as +ell. 6. &he #istinction bet$een the effect of appropriating copyrighte# $or*s an# $or*s in the public #omain The infrin$e#ent of cop!ri$ht necessitates a fra#e+or& for characteri%in$ the e7pression of i'eas as propert!. It thus turns on a 5uestion of +hether there e7ists resultant har# in a for# +hich is econo#icall! 5uantifiable. Pla$iaris#" on the other han'" co1ers a #uch +i'er ran$e of acts. In 'efinin$ cop!ri$ht infrin$e#ent" Laurie Stearns points out ho+ it is an offense in'epen'ent fro# pla$iaris#" so that an action for 1iolation of cop!ri$ht P +hich #a! ta&e on either a cri#inal an' a ci1il aspect" or e1en both P 'oes not sufficientl! re#e'! the broa'er in;ur! inherent in pla$iaris#. Pla$iaris# is not necessaril! cop!ri$ht infrin$e#ent" nor is cop!ri$ht infrin$e#ent necessaril! pla$iaris#VIn so#e +a!s the concept of pla$iaris# is broa'er than infrin$e#ent" in that it can inclu'e the cop!in$ of i'eas" or of e7pression not protecte' b! cop!ri$ht" that +oul' not constitute infrin$e#ent" an' it can inclu'e the cop!in$ of s#all a#ounts of #aterial that cop!ri$ht la+ +oul' 'isre$ar'.(> Pla$iaris#" +ith its lac& of attribution" se1ers the connection bet+een the ori$inal author6s na#e an' the +or&. A pla$iarist" b! falsel! clai#in$

authorship of so#eone else6s #aterial" 'irectl! assaults the author6s interest in recei1in$ cre'it. In contrast" attribution is lar$el! irrele1ant to a clai# of cop!ri$ht infrin$e#entVinfrin$e#ent can occur e1en +hen a +or& is properl! attribute' if the cop!in$ is not authori%e'Pfor e7a#ple" a pirate' e'ition of a boo& pro'uce' b! so#eone +ho 'oes not o+n the publication ri$hts. (/ The reco$nition of pla$iaris# as an offense that can stan' in'epen'entl! of cop!ri$ht infrin$e#ent allo+s a reco$nition that acts of pla$iaris# are sub;ect to reproof irrespecti1e of +hether the +or& is cop!ri$hte' or not. In an! case" the scenario presente' before the Court is an a'#inistrati1e #atter an' 'eals +ith pla$iaris#" not infrin$e#ent of cop!ri$ht. 7. n %u#icial plagiarism an# the sanctions therefor

co##itte'" an' the 1enues in an' throu$h +hich the! can occur@ an' recent cases of ;u'icial pla$iaris#. I' 'o 1+(e )oe( Geor4e +*0/y &2a& &2e 6u)+-+a/ 3u'-&+o' -o'3er( u0o' 6u)4e( &2e +*0/+-+& r+42& &o u(e &2e 1r+&+'4 o3 o&2er( 1+&2ou& a&&r+bu&+o'. Ne+&2er )oe( Geor4e -o'3/a&e &2e 0o((+b/e /a-5 o3 (a'-&+o'( 3or 0/a4+ar+(* 1+&2 &2e +((ue o3 12e&2er a )e&er*+'a&+o' o3 6u)+-+a/ 0/a4+ar+(* -a' be *a)e. Rather" .eor$e is careful to #a&e the 'istinction bet+een the issue of +hether ;u'icial pla$iaris# +as co##itte' an' the issue of +hether a sanction can be i#pose' for an act of ;u'icial pla$iaris#. In .eor$e4s ter#inolo$!" the latter issue #a! also be fra#e' as a 5uestion of +hether ;u'icial pla$iaris# is 3sub;ect to a clai# of le$al Rthat is" actionableN pla$iaris#3" an' it has no bearin$ +hatsoe1er on the for#er issue. 1a""phi1 Thus" .eor$e +rites< The intentional representation of another person4s +or's" thou$hts" or i'eas as one4s o+n +ithout $i1in$ attribution is pla$iaris#. 3,u'icial pla$iaris#3 is the cop!in$ of +or's or i'eas first +ritten 'o+n b! another ;u'$e" a'1ocate" le$al +riter or co##entator +ithout $i1in$ cre'it to the ori$inator of that +or&. It can inclu'e such thin$s as a ;u'$e4s cop!in$ of another4s ;u'$es opinion" the a'option 1erbati# of an a'1ocate4s fin'in$s of fact an' conclusions of la+" the +holesale a'option of an a'1ocate4s brief" or the cop!in$ of a portion of a la+ re1ie+ article an' representin$ it as the ;u'$e4s o+n thou$hts. The lac& of attribution #a&es this acti1it! 3;u'icial pla$iaris#"3 but +ithout le$al sanctions.(D In'ee'" #! pre1ious -issent state' that inas#uch as sanctions for ;u'icial pla$iaris# are concerne'" 3there is no strictl! pre1ailin$ consensus re$ar'in$ the nee' or obli$ation to i#pose sanctions on ;u'$es +ho ha1e co##itte' ;u'icial pla$iaris#.3 Get the absence of a 'efinite ans+er to the 5uestion of liabilit! 'oes not $rant ;u'$es carte blanche to use the +or& of others +ithout attribution" +ill!9nill!" in their ;u'icial opinions. As .eor$e puts it" 3the ;u'$e is ethicall! boun' to $i1e proper cre'it to la+ re1ie+ articles" no1el thou$hts publishe' in le$al perio'icals" ne+l! han'e' 'o+n 'ecisions" or e1en a persuasi1e case fro# another ;uris'iction.3(E Plainl!" .eor$e is of the opinion that thou$h a ;u'$e #a! not be hel' liable for an act of ;u'icial pla$iaris#" he shoul' still attribute. A note about 3intentional representation.3 A careful rea'in$ of .eor$e4s +ritin$ on ;u'icial pla$iaris# +ill #a&e it clear that she 'oes not consi'er 3ina'1ertent3 or 3unintentional3 pla$iaris# not pla$iaris#@ in'ee'" she #a&es the 'istinction bet+een 3intentional3 an' 3unintentional3 pla$iaris# se1eral ti#es" treatin$ both as t!pes of pla$iaris#<

The #a;orit! Resolution 5uotes fro# the Judicial Bpinion +ritin' 1andboo, +ritten b! ,o!ce .eor$e P +hich I cite' in #! earlier -issent P thusl!< The i#plicit ri$ht of ;u'$es to use le$al #aterials re$ar'e' as belon$in$ to the public 'o#ain is not uni5ue to the Philippines. As ,o!ce C. .eor$e" +ho# ,ustice Maria Lour'es Sereno cites in her 'issentin$ opinion" obser1e' in her ,u'icial Opinion 2ritin$ ?an'boo&< A 6u)4e 1r+&+'4 &o re(o/,e a )+(0u&e, 12e&2er &r+a/ or a00e//a&e, +( e.e*0&e) 3ro* a -2ar4e o3 0/a4+ar+(* e,e' +3 +)ea(, 1or)( or 02ra(e( 3ro* a /a1 re,+e1 ar&+-/e, 'o,e/ &2ou42&( 0ub/+(2e) +' a /e4a/ 0er+o)+-a/ or /a'4ua4e 3ro* a 0ar&y<( br+e3 are u(e) 1+&2ou& 4+,+'4 a&&r+bu&+o'. T2u( 6u)4e( are 3ree &o u(e 12a&e,er (our-e( &2ey )ee* a00ro0r+a&e &o re(o/,e &2e *a&&er be3ore &2e*, 1+&2ou& 3ear or re0r+(a/. T2+( e.e*0&+o' a00/+e( &o 6u)+-+a/ 1r+&+'4( +'&e')e) &o )e-+)e -a(e( 3or &1o rea(o'(; &2e 6u)4e +( 'o& 1r+&+'4 a /+&erary 1or5 a'), *ore +*0or&a'&/y, &2e 0ur0o(e o3 &2e 1r+&+'4 +( &o re(o/,e a )+(0u&e. A( a re(u/&, 6u)4e( a)6u)+-a&+'4 -a(e( are 'o& (ub6e-& &o a -/a+* o3 /e4a/ 0/a4+ar+(*. The use of this e7cerpt to ;ustif! the +holesale liftin$ of others4 +or's +ithout attribution as an 3i#plicit ri$ht3 is a serious #isinterpretation of the 'iscussion fro# +hich the e7cerpt +as ta&en. .eor$e +rote the abo1e95uote' passa$e in the conte7t of a nuance' anal!sis of possible sanctions for ;u'icial pla$iaris#" not in the conte7t of the eCistence of pla$iaris# in ;u'icial opinions. BI ha' can'i'l! 'isclose' the e7istence of this liberal 1ie+ e1en in #! () October )*(* -issent.C The sections prece'in$ the te7t fro# +hich this passa$e +as ta&en are" in fact" 'iscussions of the follo+in$< ethical issues in1ol1in$ pla$iaris# in ;u'icial +ritin$" +ith re$ar' to both the act of cop!in$ the +or& of another an' the i#plications of pla$iaris# on the act of a';u'ication@ t!pes of ;u'icial pla$iaris#" the #eans b! +hich the! #a! be

Usin$ another4s lan$ua$e 1erbati# +ithout usin$ 5uotation #ar&s or a bloc& 5uote is intentional" as oppose' to unintentional" pla$iaris#. (F ... The lac& of proper attribution #a! be unintentional an' 'ue to slopp! note ta&in$" either b! the la+ cler& or the ;u'$e.)* ... ,u'icial pla$iaris# #a! also arise fro# the use of la+ cler&s perfor#in$ research an' +ritin$ of 'raft 'ecisions an' +ho #a! not accuratel! reflect the source. The pla$iari%e' #aterial #a! be inclu'e' +ithin the 'raft resultin$ fro# the la+ cler&4s poor research s&ills.)( ... The co##ission of uninten'e' ;u'icial pla$iaris# is unethical" but it is not sanctionable.)) The intentional representation of +hich .eor$e spea&s" then" #a! be consi'ere' as the intent to represent a +or& as one4s o+n P alrea'! e#bo'ie' in clai#in$ a +or& b!" for instance" affi7in$ one4s na#e or b!line to it P in +hich case the ina'1ertence" or lac& thereof" b! +hich an act of pla$iaris# +as co##itte' is irrele1ant to a fin'in$ of pla$iaris#. 2hile .eor$e is perhaps not as e7actin$ in her 1aluation of the penalties for pla$iaris# as others #a! be" she still e#phasi%es that her 1ie+ on the e7e#ption of ;u'icial pla$iaris# fro# sanctions P a#on$ +hich she e1i'entl! counts social sti$#a" censure" an' ostracis# P 'oes not ne$ate the ;u'$e4s ethical obli$ation to attribute. She +rites< In conclusion" this author belie1es that a ;u'icial +riter cannot co##it le$al pla$iaris# because the purpose of his +ritin$ is not to create a literar! +or& but to 'ispose of a 'ispute bet+een parties. E1en so" a ;u'$e is ethicall! boun' to $i1e proper cre'it to la+ re1ie+ articles" no1el thou$hts publishe' in le$al perio'icals" ne+l! han'e' 'o+n 'ecisions" or e1en a persuasi1e case fro# another ;uris'iction. 2hile the ;u'$e #a! un+ittin$l! use the lan$ua$e of a source +ithout attribution" it is not proper e1en thou$h he #a! be relie1e' of the sti$#a of pla$iaris#.)0 As I +rote in #! pre1ious -issent<

In so fulfillin$ her obli$ations" it #a! beco#e i#perati1e for the ;u'$e to use 3the le$al reasonin$ an' lan$ua$e Rof others e.$. a super1isin$ court or a la+ re1ie+ articleN for resolution of the 'ispute.3 Althou$h these obli$ations of the ;u'icial +riter #ust be ac&no+le'$e'" care shoul' be ta&en to consi'er that sai' obli$ations 'o not ne$ate the nee' for attribution so as to a1oi' the co##ission of ;u'icial pla$iaris#. Nor 'o sai' obli$ations 'i#inish the fact that ;u'icial pla$iaris# 3'etracts 'irectl! fro# the le$iti#ac! of the ;u'$e6s rulin$ an' in'irectl! fro# the ;u'iciar!6s le$iti#ac!3 or that it falls far short of the hi$h ethical stan'ar's to +hich ;u'$es #ust a'here. )= It #ust not be for$otten" ho+e1er" that .eor$e4s 1ie+ ten's to+ar' the 1er! liberal. There are other +ritin$s" an' actual instances of the i#position of sanctions" that re1eal a #ore e7actin$ 1ie+ of the penalties #erite' b! ;u'icial pla$iaris#.)> 1. n the Countercharges Ma#e by Justice Aba#

In his Concurrin$ Opinion in A.M. No. (*9D9(D9SC" ,ustice Aba' alle$e' that I #!self ha1e 3lifte' fro# +or&s of others +ithout proper attribution"3 ha1in$ +ritten 3the# as an aca'e#ician boun' b! the hi$h stan'ar's3 that I espouse. Re$ar'in$ this alle$ation" let us recall #! -issent pro#ul$ate' on () October )*(*. I state'< Pla$iaris# thus 'oes not consist solel! of usin$ the +or& of others in one4s o+n +or&" but of the for#er in con;unction +ith the failure to attribute sai' +or& to its ri$htful o+ner an' thereb!" as in the case of +ritten +or&" #isrepresentin$ the +or& of another as one4s o+n. As the +or& is another4s an' use' +ithout attribution" the pla$iarist 'eri1es the benefit of use for# the pla$iari%e' +or& +ithout e7pen'in$ the re5uisite effort for the sa#e P at a cost Bas in the concept of 3opportunit! cost3C to its author +ho coul' other+ise ha1e $aine' cre'it for the +or& an' +hate1er co#pensation for its use is 'ee#e' appropriate an' necessar!. )/ Allo+ #e to anal!%e the alle$ations of ,ustice Robert C. Aba' point b! point usin$ the sa#e stan'ar' I propoun'e' in #! () October )*(* -issent. 10 &he alle'ed non2attribution to the Asian De"elopment *an,Es Country -o"ernance Assessment Report for the $hilippines 86003:0 TABLE ?< Co#parison of ,ustice Aba'4s alle$ations" the )**( an' )**D 1ersions of the article co9authore' +ith -rs. -e -ios an' Capuno" an' the A-B Countr! .o1ernance Assess#ent of )**>.

Re0ro)u-&+o' o3 !. Aba)<( A//e4a&+o'(

E.-er0& 3ro* &2e Ar&+-/e CoAu&2ore) 1+&2 "r(. "e "+o( a') Ca0u'o; Justice and the Cost of Doin' *usiness; &he $hilippines" report sub#itte' to the 2orl' Ban&" )**(. Costs" on the other han'" refer to both the #onetar! an' non#onetar! opportunities that business people fore$o as a result of #a&in$ use of the ;u'icial s!ste# itself. -irect costs refer not onl! to the fees pai' the courts but also to out9of9poc&et costs arisin$ fro# liti$ation itself Be.$." la+!ers4 fees an' 'ocu#entationC. In'irect costs also ine1itabl! arise" of +hich the #ost i#portant are those arisin$ fro# 'ela!s in the resolution of cases" an' the failure to co#e up +ith ti#el! 'ecisions. E.-er0& 3ro* &2e Ar&+-/e CoAu&2ore) 1+&2 "r(. "e "+o( a') Ca0u'o;

E.-er0& 3ro* &2e A"# Cou'&ry Go,er'a'-e A((e((*e'&; P2+/+00+'e( Asian De"elopment *an, Country -o"ernance Assessment; $hilippines" )**>. Cost refers to both #onetar! an' non#onetar! opportunities that a liti$ant has to fore$o in pursuin$ a case. -irect cost refers not onl! to fees pai' to the courts but also to out9of9poc&et costs arisin$ fro# liti$ation itself Be.$." la+!er4s fees an' co#pensation" transcript fees for steno$raphic notes" etc.C. In'irect costs refer to lost opportunities arisin$ fro# 'ela!s in the resolution of cases an' the ti#e spent b! a liti$ant atten'in$ an' follo+in$ up a case.

Justice and the Cost of Doin' *usiness; &he $hilippines" UP School of Econo#ics -iscussion Paper *D((" October )**D. Costs" on the other han'" refer to both the #onetar! an' non#onetar! opportunities that business people fore$o as a result of #a&in$ use of the ;u'icial s!ste# itself. -irect costs refer not onl! to the fees pai' the courts but also to out9of9poc&et costs arisin$ fro# liti$ation itself Be.$." la+!ers4 fees an' 'ocu#entationC. In'irect costs also ine1itabl! arise" of +hich the #ost i#portant are those arisin$ fro# 'ela!s in the resolution of cases" an' the failure to co#e up +ith ti#el! 'ecisions. ,ustice Aba' accuses -r. E##anuel S. -e -ios" -r. ,oseph ,. Capuno" an' #e of cop!in$" +ithout attribution" three sentences fro# the Asian -e1elop#ent Ban&4s )**> Outloo& Report for the Philippines" an' incorporatin$ the# into our )**D paper entitle' 3,ustice an' the Cost of -oin$ Business.3 )D I than& ,ustice Aba' for alertin$ #e to this particular A-B publication@ other+ise I +oul' not ha1e notice' A-B4s failure to attribute the sa#e to *y -o-au&2ore) 1or5 0ro)u-e) +' 2001. 2ere it not for his char$es" I +oul'

(. Cost refers to both #onetar! an' non#onetar! opportunities that a liti$ant has to fore$o in pursuin$ a case. -irect cost refers not onl! to fees pai' to the courts but also to out9of9poc&et costs arisin$ fro# liti$ation itself Be.$." la+!ers4 fees an' co#pensation" transcript fees for steno$raphic notes" etc.C. In'irect costs refer to lost opportunities arisin$ fro# 'ela!s in the resolution of cases an' the ti#e spent b! a liti$ant atten'in$ an' follo+in$ up a case. FAsian De"elopment *an, Country -o"ernance Assessment 8$hilippines: 6003. pa'e 105G

not ha1e learne' of such ina'1ertent error fro# the A-B. I ha1e thus calle' the attention of #! co9authors" -rs. -e -ios an' Capuno" to this #atter. Belo+ is a repro'uction of the contents of #! letter to -rs. -e -ios an' Capuno< ?on. Maria Lour'es P.A. Sereno Associate ,ustice Supre#e Court of the Philippines :ebruar! =" )*((

A proper rea'in$ of the A-B publication +ill i##e'iatel! con1e! the fact that the A-B consi'ers one of #! +ritin$s as a resource on the topic of Philippine ;u'icial refor#. M! na#e is 5uote' four B=C ti#es in the te7t. A rea'in$ of the references liste' one of #! )**( papers" +hich I +rote sin$l! as the source. Note the follo+in$ references to #! +ritin$< ... It is incu#bent upon the courts to har#oni%e these la+s" an' often the! +oul' fin' the absence of constitutional stan'ar's to $ui'e the# B Sere'o )**(C. at pa$e FE ...

-r. E##anuel C. -e -ios -r. ,oseph -. Capuno School of Econo#ics Uni1ersit! of the Philippines -ear -rs. -e -ios an' Capuno .reetin$s\ I ha1e been recentl! alerte' to a possible pla$iaris# that +e are suspecte' to ha1e co##itte' +ith respect to the )**> Asian -e1elop#ent Ban& Outloo& Report" specificall! three sentences in pa$e (*0 that rea's< ... Cost refers to both #onetar! an' non#onetar! opportunities that a liti$ant has to fore$o in pursuin$ a case. -irect cost refers not onl! to fees pai' to the courts but also to out9of9poc&et costs arisin$ fro# liti$ation itself Be.$. la+!er4s fees an' co#pensation" transcript fees for steno$raphic notes" etc.C In'irect costs refer to lost opportunities arisin$ fro# 'ela!s in the resolution of cases an' the ti#e spent b! a liti$ant atten'in$ an' follo+in$ up a case. On e7a#ination" I 'isco1ere' that it is the A-B that faile' to attribute those sentences to the report +e sub#itte' in Au$ust )**( to the 2orl' Ban& entitle' 3,ustice an' the Cost of -oin$ Business< The Philippines"3 specificall! foun' in the thir' para$raph of our )**( report. Ma! I su$$est that perhaps !ou coul' alert our frien's at the A-B re$ar'in$ the o1ersi$ht. It +oul' be nice if our s#all stu'!" an' the 2orl' Ban& support that #a'e it possible" +ere appropriatel! reco$ni%e' in this A-B publication. 2ar#est re$ar's al+a!s. Sincerel!" Maria Lour'es P.A. Sereno

... Critics pointe' out that the Supre#e Court shoul' not ha1e #a'e factual 'eclarations on +hether a propert! belon$s to the national patri#on! in the absence of an operati1e la+ b! +hich a factual 'eter#ination can be #a'e BSere'o )**(C. at pa$e FF ... As Sere'o pointe' out" if this tension bet+een the three branches is not resol1e' satisfactoril!" it +ill create a cli#ate of unpre'ictabilit! as a result of the follo+in$< at pa$e FF ... BiiiC a court that +ill continuall! ha1e to 'efen' the e7ercise of its o+n po+ers a$ainst the criticis# of the principal sta&ehol'ers in the process of econo#ic polic! for#ulation< the e7ecuti1e an' le$islati1e branches an' the constituencies consulte' on the particular econo#ic issues at han' B Sere'o )**(C. ?a' ,ustice Aba' or his researcher ta&en the ti#e to $o throu$h the A-B #aterial" it +oul' ha1e been i##e'iatel! apparent to either of the# that A-B +as #erel! collatin$ the thou$hts of se1eral authors on the sub;ect of Philippine ;u'icial refor#" an' that I +as one of those consi'ere' as a resource person. ?e +oul' not then ha1e presu#e' that I copie' those sentences@ rather" it #i$ht ha1e struc& hi# that #ore li&el! than not" it +as the A-B echoin$ the thou$hts of one or so#e of the authors in the reference list +hen it use' those 5uote' sentences" an' that the pool of authors bein$ echoe' b! A-B inclu'es #e. The reference list of the A-B report +ith the rele1ant reference is 5uote' herein< RE:ERENCES ...

Sere'o" Ma. Lour'es. )**(. The Po+er of ,u'icial Re1ie+ an' Econo#ic Policies< Achie1in$ Constitutional Ob;ecti1es. P?IL,A9A.ILE9USAI- Pro;ect on La+ an' Econo#ics.3 at pa$e (>E. 2hat is #ore unfortunate is that I +as i##e'iatel! accuse' of ha1in$ copie' #! sentences fro# A-B +hen a si#ple turn of the pa$e after the co1er pa$e of our )**D paper +oul' re1eal that the )**D paper is but a re-0o(&+'4 of our )**( +or&. The notice on pa$e ) of the paper that is foun' in the asteris&e' footnote of the title rea's< This paper +as or+4+'a//y (ub*+&&e) +' Au4u(& 2001 a( 0ro6e-& re0or& &o &2e 7or/) #a'5. -urin$ an' since the ti#e this report +as +ritten" the Supre#e Court +as en$a$e' in 1arious pro;ects in ;u'icial refor#. The authors are $rateful to ,. E'$ar'o Ca#pos an' Robert Sher+oo' for sti#ulatin$ i'eas an' encoura$e#ent but ta&e responsibilit! for re#ainin$ errors an' o#issions. The Asian Institute of ,ournalis# an' Co##unication pro1i'e' e7cellent support to the stu'! in the actual a'#inistration of the sur1e! 5uestionnaire an' con'uct of focus $roup 'iscussions. This char$e is #a'e e1en #ore a$$ra1atin$ b! the fact that the Supre#e Court itself" throu$h the Pro;ect Mana$e#ent Office" has a cop! of #! )**( paper. In ,ul! )**0" a 3Pro;ect Appraisal -ocu#ent on a Propose' Loan in the A#ount of USY)(.F Million to the Republic of the Philippines for a ,u'icial Refor# Support Pro;ect3 +as officiall! file' b! the 2orl' Ban& as Report No. )>>*=.)E The applicant Supre#e Court4s representati1e is na#e' as Chief ,ustice ?ilario -a1i'e. The pro;ect lea'er is na#e' as E1el!n -u#'u#. The Report lists the technical papers that for# the basis for the refor# pro$ra#. A#on$ the papers liste' is our )**( paper. 2hat is +orse" fro# the point of 1ie+ of research protocols" is that a si#ple internet search +oul' ha1e re1eale' that this )**( co9authore' paper of #ine has been internationall! referre' to at least four B=C ti#es P in three B0C En$lish lan$ua$e publications an' one B(C ,apanese9 or Chinese9lan$ua$e publication@ t+o of these are prior to the !ear )**> +hen the rele1ant A-B Outloo& Report ca#e out. The authors of the En$lish9lan$ua$e +or&s are all scholars on ;u'icial refor#" an' the! cite our +or& as one of the pioneerin$ ones in ter#s of #easurin$ the relationship bet+een '!sfunctions in the ;u'icial s!ste# an' the cost to 'oin$ business of such '!sfunctions. It +oul' ha1e then struc& an! researcher that in all probabilit!" the alle$e' pla$iari%e' sentences ori$inate' fro# #! co9authors an' #e. The references to #! )**( paper appear in the follo+in$ international publications<

aC Sher+oo'" Robert. ,u'icial Perfor#ance< Its Econo#ic I#pact in Se1en Countries@ at pa$e )*. Bhttp< T)*RealitiesH,u'icialT)*Perfor#ance.p'fC bC Messic&" Richar'. ,u'icial Refor# an' Econo#ic .ro+th< 2hat a -eca'e of E7perience Teaches@ at pa$es ) an' (/. B)**=C. http<HH+++.cato.or$He1entsHrussianconf)**=HpapersH#essic&).p'f cC ?erro" Al1aro an' ?en'erson" Seith. Inter9A#erican -e1elop#ent Ban&. The Cost of Resol1in$ S#all9Business Conflicts in Sustainable -e1elop#ent -epart#ent Best Practices Series@ at pa$e =/. B)**=C http<HH+++.ifes.or$H[H#e'iaH:ilesHPublicationsH2hite T)*PaperReportH)**0H)>EHSMEOPeruOReportOfinalOEN.p'f 'C 2orl' -e1elop#ent Report )**> B,apanese lan$ua$eC@ at pa$e )0> B)**>C B3url3 in ,apanese charactersC 60 &he purported non2attribution of the H@nderstandin' on the Rules and $rocedures -o"ernin' the Settlement of Disputes. AnneC 6 to the -eneral A'reement on &ariffs and &rade 19940H)F I +ill spare the rea'er the te'iu# of rea'in$ t+ent! pa$es of treat! rules an' +or&in$ proce'ures" an' thus o#it the three9colu#n table I ha1e use' in other sections of this -issent. The rules an' proce'ures #a! be accesse' online at the follo+in$ locations< (. Marra&esh -eclaration of (> April (FF= ]http<HH+++.+to.or$Hen$lishH'ocsOeHle$alOeH#arra&eshO'eclOe.p'f^ BLast accesse' on (/ :ebruar! )*((C ). Un'erstan'in$ on Rules an' Proce'ures .o1ernin$ the Settle#ent of -isputes ]http<HH+++.+to.or$Hen$lishH'ocsOeHle$alOeH)E9'su.p'f^ BLast accesse' on (/ :ebruar! )*((C 0. 2or&in$ Proce'ures for Appellate Re1ie+ ]http<HH+++.+to.or$Hen$lishHtratopOeH'*^ BLast accesse' on (/ :ebruar! )*((C ,ustice Aba' hi#self pro1i'es e1i'ence of the attribution I #a'e +hen he sa!s<

,ustice Sereno sai' that Lthis section is 'ra+n fro# Article KK an' KKII of the .ATT (FF=" U')er(&a')+'4 o' "+(0u&e Se&&/e*e'& an' 2or&in$ Proce'ures. I thin& the proble# lies in the fact that neither ,ustice Aba' nor his researcher is a+are that the phrase 3Un'erstan'in$ on -ispute Settle#ent3 is the short title for the 3Un'erstan'in$ on the Rules an' Proce'ures .o1ernin$ the Settle#ent of -isputes3" +hich is for#all! &no+n also as Anne7 ) of the Mara&&esh A$ree#ent Establishin$ the 2orl' Tra'e Or$ani%ation Bshort for# of treat! na#e< 2TO Treat!C. A 5uic& 1isit to the 2TO +ebsite +ill sho+ that the 2TO itself uses an! of the ter#s 3-SU"3 3-ispute Settle#ent Un'erstan'in$3 or 3Un'erstan'in$ on -ispute Settle#ent3 BU-SC as short for#s for the sai' Anne7. The 2TO +ebpa$e 0* sho+s that 3Un'erstan'in$ on -ispute Settle#ent3 is the first short +a! the! call the lon$ set of rules co1ere' b! Anne7 ) of the 2TO Treat!. More i#portantl!" the 2TO 'ocu#ents that +ere cite' here are public international 'ocu#ents an' rules $o1ernin$ the relations of states. In pa$e / of #! article" 3To+ar' the :or#ulation of a Philippine Position in Resol1in$ Tra'e an' In1est#ent -ispute in APEC"3 I e7plain the #o'es of resol1in$ tra'e an' in1est#ent 'isputes b! APEC countries" an' one of these #o'es is the 2TO 'ispute settle#ent #echanis# $o1erne' b! the 2TO rules the#sel1es. This is therefore a #eanin$less char$e. Assu#in$ that ,ustice Aba' &no+s that the abo1e treat! titles are interchan$eable" then his char$e is a&in to co#plainin$ of #! suppose' failure for ha1in$ si#pl! +ritten thus< 3The follo+in$ are the re5uire#ents for filin$ a co#plaint un'er the Rules of Court3 an' then for ha1in$ i##e'iatel! 'iscusse' the re5uire#ents un'er the Rules of Court +ithout 5uotation #ar&s in reference to each specific rule an' section. If this is the case" then it appears that in ,ustice Aba'4s 1ie+ I shoul' ha1e +ritten< 3the follo+in$ are the re5uire#ents pro1i'e' for un'er the (FFD Rules of Ci1il Proce'ure BBar Matter No. E*0C for filin$ a co#plaint3 an' then use' 5uotation #ar&s e1er! ti#e reference to the la+ is #a'e. Nothin$ can be #ore a+&+ar' than re5uirin$ such a te'ious +a! of e7plainin$ the Rules of Court re5uire#ents. I ha1e #a'e no such co#parable char$e of 1iolation a$ainst ,ustice 'el Castillo in the -issent to the #ain -ecision an' I a# not #a&in$ an! such clai# of 1iolation in #! -issent to the Resolution 'en!in$ the Motion for Reconsi'eration" because that +oul' be a #eanin$less point. Re$ar'in$ the phrase alle$e'l! co#in$ fro# Professor Oppenhei# on $oo' offices an' #e'iation" this is a trite" co##on" stan'ar' state#ent P +ith nothin$ ori$inal at all about it P that can be foun' in an! international 'ispute

settle#ent reference boo&" inclu'in$ those that 'iscuss 2TO 'ispute settle#ent s!ste#s. The phrase is a necessar!" cut9an'9'rie' state#ent on the use of $oo' offices an' #e'iation" +hich ta&e place alon$si'e the for#al 'ispute settle#ent s!ste# in #a;or international 'ispute settle#ent s!ste#s. The s!ste# is pro1i'e' for e7pressl! in Article >.> an' >./ of the -SU. A 5uic& 1ie+ of the 2TO +ebsite #a&es this point 1er! apparent. 0( 50 &he supposed non2attribution of a phrase from *a,er "0 Carr0 TABLE I< Co#parison of ,ustice Aba'4s alle$ations" the le$al #e#oran'u# in Pro1ince of North Cotabato 1. Peace Panel" an' the 'ecision of the U.S. Supre#e Court in Ba&er 1. Carr" cite' in the le$al #e#oran'u#. E.-er0& 3ro* &2e e4a/ Me*ora')u* Pre0are) by !. Sere'o; Petitioners9 Inter1enors4 Me#oran'u#" Pro1ince of North Cotabato 1. Peace Panel 0.= The po+er to 'eter#ine +hether or not a $o1ern#ental act is a political 5uestion" is solel! 1este' in this Court" an' not +ith the Respon'ents. This ?onorable Court ha' fir#l! rule' that Article III" Section ( of the Constitution" as re;ecte' the pru'ential approach ta&en b! courts as 'escribe' in Ba&er 1. Carr. In'ee'" it is a 'ut!" not 'iscretion" of the Supre#e

Re0ro)u-&+o' o3 !. Aba)<( A//e4a&+o'(

E.-er0& 3ro* &2e Sour-e C+&e) by !. Sere'o; Ba&er 1. Carr" 0/F U.S. (E/ B(F/)C.

Pro#inent on the surface of an! case hel' to in1ol1e a political 5uestion is foun' a te7tuall! 'e#onstrable constitutional co##it#ent of the issue to a coor'inate political 'epart#ent@ or a lac& of ;u'iciall! 'isco1erable an' #ana$eable stan'ar's for resol1in$ it@ or the i#possibilit! of 'eci'in$ +ithout an initial polic! 'eter#ination of a &in' clearl! for non9

Pro#inent on the surface of an! case hel' to in1ol1e a political 5uestion is foun' a te7tuall! 'e#onstrable constitutional co##it#ent of the issue to a coor'inate political 'epart#ent@ or a lac& of ;u'iciall! 'isco1erable an' #ana$eable stan'ar's for resol1in$ it@ or the i#possibilit! of 'eci'in$ +ithout an initial polic! 'eter#ination of a

;u'icial 'iscretion 7 7 Court" to ta&e 7 co$ni%ance of a case an' e7ercise RBa&er 1. Carr" (/F the po+er of ;u'icial U.S. (E/N re1ie+ +hene1er a $ra1e abuse of 'iscretion has been pri#a facie establishe'" as in this instance. 0.> In this case" Respon'ents cannot hi'e un'er the political 5uestion 'octrine" for t+o co#pellin$ reasons. 0./ :irst" there is no resolute te7tual co##it#ent in the Constitution that accor's the Presi'ent the po+er to ne$otiate +ith the MIL:V. V 0.(0 Secon'" there is no lac& of a ;u'iciall! 'isco1erable an' #ana$eable stan'ar' for resol1in$ the 5uestion" nor i#possibilit! of 'eci'in$ the 5uestion +ithout an initial polic! 'eter#ination of a &in' clearl! for non9 ;u'icial 'iscretion.

&in' clearl! for non9 ;u'icial 'iscretionV. Source cite'< Ba&er 1. Carr

On the contrar!" the ne$otiatin$ histor! +ith Musli# secessionist $roups easil! contra'ict an! pretense that this Court cannot set 'o+n the stan'ar's for +hat the $o1ern#ent cannot 'o in this case. Bpp. =D9>* of the Me#oran'u#C A si#ple up+ar' $lance nine para$raphs abo1e the phrase that ,ustice Aba' 5uote' fro# #! post9hearin$ Me#oran'u# in the .RP9MIL: MOA9A- case +oul' sho+ that *a,er "0 Carr +as aptl! cite'. :or 5uic& reference" I ha1e repro'uce' the pertinent parts of #! le$al #e#oran'u# in the #i''le colu#n of the abo1e table. *a,er "0 Carr +as 'iscusse' in the conte7t of #! ar$u#ent that (arcos "0 (an'lapus has a'opte' a #ore liberal approach to the political 5uestion ;uris'ictional 'efense" an' has re;ecte' the pru'ential approach ta&en in *a,er "0 Carr. The offen'in$ para$raph that ,ustice Aba' 5uote' +as #eant to 'e#onstrate to the Court then hearin$ the .RP9MIL: MOA9A- case that e1en if +e appl! *a,er "0 Carr" the Petition has 'e#onstrate' satisfaction of its re5uire#ent< the presence of a ;u'iciall!9'isco1erable stan'ar' for resol1in$ the le$al 5uestion before the Court. ,ustice Aba'4s char$e bears no si#ilarit! to the 1iolations of the rules a$ainst pla$iaris# that I enu#erate' in pa$es (/ to (F of #! -issent 'ate' () October )*(*. I ha1e #a'e no si#ilar co#plaint a$ainst the +or& in /inuya. 40 &he alle'ed pla'iarism of the internet2based +orld &rade Br'ani>ation factsheet0 TABLE ,< Co#parison of ,ustice Aba'4s alle$ations" the article" entitle' Uncertainties Be!on' the ?ori%on< The Meta#orphosis of the 2TO In1est#ent :ra#e+or& in the Philippine Settin$" an' the 2TO :actsheet cite' in the article. Repro'uction of E7cerpt fro# the 2or& of E7cerpt fro# the

,. Aba'4s Alle$ations

,. Sereno< Sereno" Uncertainties Be!on' the ?ori%on< The Meta#orphosis of the 2TO In1est#ent :ra#e+or& in the Philippine Settin$" >) U.S.T. L. Re1. )>F B)**D9 )**EC This reticence" to lin& in1est#ent re$ulation +ith the le$al 'isciplines in the 2TO" co#pare' to the ea$erness +ith +hich other issues are lin&e' to tra'e rules" +as e1i'ent e1en in the precursor to the Mara&&esh A$ree#ent.R)N R)N Mara&&esh A$ree#ent establishe' the 2orl' Tra'e Or$ani%ation an' replace' .ATT as an international or$ani%ation. It +as si$ne' b! #inisters fro# #ost of the ()0 participatin$ $o1ern#ents at a #eetin$ in Marra&esh" Morocco on April (>" (FF=V. The 2orl' Tra'e Or$ani%ation B2TOC +as establishe' on ,anuar! (" (FF>. It is a #ultilateral institution char$e' +ith a'#inisterin$ rules for tra'e a#on$ #e#ber countries. The 2TO functions as the principal international bo'! concerne' +ith #ultilateral ne$otiations

Source Cite' b! ,. Sereno< http<'a.$ o1H #l Source cite'< The 2orl' Tra'e Or$ani%ation B2TOC" establishe' on ,anuar! (" (FF>" is a #ultilateral institution char$e' +ith a'#inisterin$ rules for tra'e a#on$ #e#ber countries. Currentl!" there are (=> official #e#ber countries. The Unite' States an' other countries participatin$ in the Uru$ua! Roun' of Multilateral Tra'e Ne$otiations B(FE/9 (FF=C calle' for the for#ation of the 2TO to e#bo'! the ne+ tra'e 'isciplines a'opte' 'urin$ those ne$otiations. The 2TO functions as the principal international bo'! concerne' +ith #ultilateral ne$otiations on the re'uction of tra'e barriers an' other #easures that 'istort

The 2orl' Tra'e Or$ani%ation B2TOC" establishe' on ,anuar! (" (FF>" is a #ultilateral institution char$e' +ith a'#inisterin$ rules for tra'e a#on$ #e#ber countries. Currentl!" there are (=> official #e#ber countries. The Unite' States an' other countries participatin$ in the Uru$ua! Roun' of Multilateral Tra'e Ne$otiations B(FE/9 (FF=C calle' for the for#ation of the 2TO to e#bo'! the ne+ tra'e 'isciplines a'opte' 'urin$ those ne$otiations. The 2TO functions as the principal international bo'! concerne' +ith #ultilateral ne$otiations on the re'uction of tra'e barriers an' other #easures that 'istort co#petition. The 2TO also ser1es as a

platfor# for countries to raise their concerns re$ar'in$ the tra'e policies of their tra'in$ partners. The basic ai# of the 2TO is to liberali%e +orl' tra'e an' place it on a secure basis" thereb! contributin$ to econo#ic $ro+th an' 'e1elop#ent. R2TO :ACTS?EET http<'a.$ o1H #l" last accesse' :ebruar! (0" )**E.N

on the re'uction of tra'e barriers an' other #easures that 'istort co#petition. The 2TO also ser1es as a platfor# for countries to raise their concerns re$ar'in$ the tra'e policies of their tra'in$ partners. The basic ai# of the 2TO is to liberali%e +orl' tra'e an' place it on a secure basis" thereb! contributin$ to econo#ic $ro+th an' 'e1elop#ent. http<'a.$o1Hin foH Blast accesse' :ebruar! (0" )**EC. BE#phasis supplie'.C Bp. )/*9)/(" footnote ) of ,. Sereno4s +or&C

co#petition. The 2TO also ser1es as a platfor# for countries to raise their concerns re$ar'in$ the tra'e policies of their tra'in$ partners. The basic ai# of the 2TO is to liberali%e +orl' tra'e an' place it on a secure basis" thereb! contributin$ to econo#ic $ro+th an' 'e1elop#ent. Source cite'< http<'a.$ o1H #l

,ustice Aba' has li&e+ise pointe' out that I #a'e it appear that the 'escription of the 2TO in #! article entitle' 3Uncertainties Be!on' the ?ori%on< The Meta#orphosis of the 2TO In1est#ent :ra#e+or& in the Philippine Settin$3 +as #! o+n ori$inal anal!sis. A$ain" a cursor! rea'in$ of the article +ill sho+ that the para$raph in 5uestion +as actuall! the secon' footnote in pa$e ) of the article. The footnote +as #a'e as a bac&$roun' reference to the Marra&esh A$ree#ent" +hich" as I e7plaine' earlier in the article" establishe' the 2TO. The footnote thus further pro1i'e' bac&$roun' infor#ation on the 2TO. Contrar!" ho+e1er" to ,ustice Aba'4s alle$ation" I clearl! attribute' the source of the infor#ation at the en' of the footnote b! pro1i'in$ the +ebsite source of this infor#ation an' the 'ate I accesse' the infor#ation. Thus" shoul' one 'eci'e to follo+ the +ebsite that I cite'" one +oul' i##e'iatel! see the infor#ation containe' in the article +as lifte' fro# this 'irect source. 9. &he purporte# non/attribution to Ju#ge Richar# A. Posner2s seminal $or* in his boo* E-o'o*+- A'a/y(+( o3 a1.

TABLE S< Co#parison of ,ustice Aba'4s alle$ations" the article entitle' La+!ers4 Beha1ior an' ,u'icial -ecision9Ma&in$" an' ,u'$e Richar' A. Posner4s boo& Econo#ic Anal!sis of La+" cite' in the article. E.-er0& 3ro* &2e Sour-e C+&e) by !. Sere'o; Richar' A. Posner" Econo#ic Anal!sis of La+" B)n' e'. (FDDC.

Re0ro)u-&+o' o3 !. Aba)<( A//e4a&+o'(

E.-er0& 3ro* &2e 7or5 o3 !. Sere'o; Sereno" La+!ers4 Beha1ior an' ,u'icial -ecision9 Ma&in$" D*B=C Phil. L. ,. =D/ B(FF/C. ...2e coul' 'eal +ith this proble# later. 2hat I +oul' propose to e1aluate at this point is the precon'itions that ,u'$e Richar' Posner theori%es as 'ictatin$ the li&elihoo' of liti$atin$...

RSNettle#ent ne$otiations +ill fail an' liti$ation ensue" onl! if the #ini#u# price that the plaintiff is +illin$ to accept in co#pro#ise of his clai# is $reater than the #a7i#u# price the 'efen'ant is +illin$ to pa! in satisfaction of the clai#. RPosner" p. =0=N

As +ith an! contract" a necessar! Ban' usuall!8+h! not al+a!sA8sufficientC con'itions for ne$otiations to succee' is that there be a price at +hich both parties +oul' feel that a$ree#ent +oul' increase their V +elfare. ?ence settle#ent Posner4s #o'el is ne$otiations shoul' but a si#ple fail" an' liti$ation #athe#atical ensue" onl! if the illustration or 1ali'ation of +hat +e #ini#u# price that the plaintiff is +illin$ as la!#en ha1e to accept in al+a!s belie1e' to co#pro#ise of his be true" althou$h ho+ to pro1e it to be clai# is $reater than the #a7i#u# price true has al+a!s re#aine' a proble# that the 'efen'ant is +illin$ to pa! in to us. 2e ha1e satisfaction of that al+a!s &no+n that clai#@ V. the 'ecision on +hether to settle or not is 'ictate' b! the Source cite'< si%e of the sta&es in the e!es of the Richar' A. Posner"

parties" the costs of liti$ation an' the probabilit! +hich each si'e $i1es to his +innin$ or losin$. But until no+" +e ha1e onl! been intuiti1el! 'ealin$ +ith a for#ula for arri1in$ at an esti#ation of the 3settle#ent ran$e3 or its e7istence in an! $i1en contro1ers!. Si#pl!" the settle#ent ran$e is that ran$e of prices in +hich both parties +oul' be +illin$ to Econo#ic Anal!sis settle because it of La+" =0> B)n' e'. +oul' increase their (FDDC. +elfare. Settle#ent ne$otiations +ill fail" an' liti$ation +ill ensue" if the #ini#u# price that plaintiff is +illin$ to accept in co#pro#ise of his clai# is $reater than the #a7i#u# price that the 'efen'ant is +illin$ to pa! in satisfaction of that clai#. Bpp. =E(9=E0 of La+!ers4 Beha1ior an' ,u'icial -ecision9Ma&in$C Presu#abl! ;u'$es" li&e the rest of us" see& to #a7i#i%e a 2hat the ,u'$e Ma7i#i%es `(F.D 2?AT -O ,U-.ES

utilit! function that inclu'es both #onetar! an' non#onetar! ele#ents.

MAKIMIaEA VThis section atte#pts to s&etch a theor! of ;u'icial incenti1es that +ill reconcile these assu#ptions. Presu#abl! ;u'$es" li&e the rest of us" see& to #a7i#i%e a utilit! function that inclu'es both #onetar! an' non#onetar! ele#ents Bthe latter inclu'in$ leisure" presti$e" an' po+erC. As note' earlier" ho+e1er" the rules of the ;u'icial process ha1e been carefull! 'esi$ne' both to pre1ent the ;u'$e fro# recei1in$ a #onetar! pa!off fro# 'eci'in$ a particular case one +a! or the other an' to #ini#i%e the influence of politicall! effecti1e interest $roups on his 'ecisions. To be sure" the effecti1eness of these insulatin$ rules is so#eti#es 5uestione'. It is often ar$ue'" for e7a#ple" that the ;u'$e +ho o+ns lan' +ill 'eci'e in fa1or of lan'o+ners" increase the prospects of pro#otion to hi$her office" ;u'icial or other+ise. RPosner" p. =(/N R,Nu'$es see& to i#pose their preferences" tastes" 1alues" etc. on societ!. RPosner" =(/N If he belon$s to the lan'o+nin$ class" he +ill $enerall! fa1or lan'o+ners" an' if he +al&s to +or&" he +ill $enerall! fa1or pe'estrians. The thir' is that the ;u'$e #a7i#i%es the prospects of his pro#otion to a hi$her office b! slantin$ his 'ecisions in fa1or of po+erful interest $roups. The last is that ;u'$es #a7i#i%e their influence on societ! b! i#posin$ their 1alues" tastes an' preferences thereon. the ;u'$e +ho +al&s to +or& in fa1or of pe'estrians" the ;u'$e +ho use' to be a corporate la+!er in fa1or of corporations.... A so#e+hat #ore plausible case can be #a'e that ;u'$es #i$ht slant their 'ecisions in fa1or of po+erful interest $roups in or'er to increase the prospects of pro#otion to hi$her office" ;u'icial or other+ise....

In un'erstan'in$ ;u'icial beha1ior" +e ha1e to assu#e" that ;u'$es" li&e all econo#ic actors RPosner" p. =(>N #a7i#i%e a utilit! function. This function in all RTNhe rules of the ;u'icial process ha1e probabilit! inclu'es #aterial as +ell as been carefull! 'esi$ne' both to the non9#aterial factors. In A#erican pre1ent the ;u'$e literature" the! ha1e fro# recei1in$ a co#e up +ith #onetar! pa!off se1eral theories on fro# 'eci'in$ a +hat ;u'$es particular case one +a! or the other an' #a7i#i%e. to #ini#i%e the influence of The first is that the politicall! effecti1e A#erican ;u'icial interest $roup in his s!ste# ha1e rules 'ecisions. 'esi$ne' to #ini#i%e the possibilities of a RPosner" =(>N ;u'$e #a7i#i%in$ his It is often ar$ue'" for financial interest b! recei1in$ a bribe e7a#ple" that the ;u'$e +ho o+ns lan' fro# a liti$ant of +ill 'eci'e in fa1or of fro# acce'in$ to a politicall! po+erful lan'o+ners" the interest $roup b! ;u'$e +ho +al&s to +or& +ill be in fa1our #a&in$ the rules +or& in such a of pe'estrians. #anner as to create 'isincenti1es for the RPosner" =(>N ;u'$e rulin$ in such a #anner. A so#e+hat #ore plausible case can The secon'" be #a'e that ;u'$es procee'in$ fro# the #i$ht slant their first is that the ;u'$e 'ecisions in fa1our #a7i#i%es the of po+erful interest interest of the $roup $roups in or'er to to +hich he belon$s.

It +oul' see#" therefore" that the e7planation for ;u'icial beha1ior #ust lie else+here -epen'in$ on one4s than in pecuniar! or political factors. i#pressions an' That #ost ;u'$es e7periences Bsince there is no e#pirical are leisure #a7i#i%ers is an 'ata on +hich a assu#ption that +ill #ore scientific not sur1i1e e1en conclusion can be reache' on +hich of casual obser1ation of ;u'icial beha1ior. the abo1e four theories are correctC" A #ore attracti1e possibilit!" !et still +e can see the relation of this utilit!9 one thorou$hl! #a7i#i%in$ beha1ior consistent +ith the or'inar! on both our assu#ptions of probabilit! esti#ate econo#ic anal!sis" function an' is that ;u'$es see& Posner4s to i#pose their

precon'ition ine5ualit! for liti$ation. Althou$h #ore research is re5uire' in this area" if +e belie1e Posner4s function to be trueV.

state#ent" in +or's instea' of nu#bers" of a fun'a#ental #athe#atical con'ition as it appears in Posner4s #o'el an' in #an! si#ilar #o'els. To allo+ in'ustr! professionals to ha1e their sa! on the #atter" I ha1e +ritten a letter to -r. Arsenio M. Balisacan" the -ean of the Uni1ersit! of the Philippines School of Econo#ics" re5uestin$ that #! paper" %awyersE *eha"ior and Judicial Decision2(a,in'" be e7a#ine' b! e7perts in the fiel' to 'eter#ine +hether the alle$ations of pla$iaris# le1ele' a$ainst #e ha1e basis. I a# repro'ucin$ the contents of the letter belo+. ?on. Maria Lour'es P.A. Sereno Associate ,ustice Supre#e Court of the Philippines :ebruar! ((" )*(( -r. Arsenio M. Balisacan -ean School of Econo#ics Uni1ersit! of the Philippines -ear -r. Balisacan< .reetin$s\ I hope this letter fin's !ou in the best of health. I +rite because I ha1e a re5uest to #a&e of !our hi$hl!9respecte' institution. I ha1e been recentl! accuse' of pla$iari%in$ the +or& of ,u'$e Richar' Posner in one of the articles on la+ an' econo#ics that I ha1e +ritten an' that +as publishe' in the Philippine La+ ,ournal entitle' 3La+!ers4 Beha1ior an' ,u'icial -ecision9Ma&in$3" D* Phil L. ,. =D>9=F) B,une (FF/C. The +or& of Posner that I a# accuse' of ha1in$ pla$iari%e' is the secon' e'ition of the boo& entitle' 3Econo#ic Anal!sis of La+3" publishe' in (FDD b! Little" Bro+n an' Co#pan!. Ma! I as& !ou for help in this respect P I +ish to sub#it #! +or& to the e1aluation of !our estee#e' professors in the UP School of Econo#ics. M! +or& as an aca'e#ic has been attac&e' an' I +oul' +ish 1er! #uch for a state#ent fro# a panel of !our choosin$ to $i1e its +or' on #! +or&. I a# attachin$ a table sho+in$ +hich part of Posner4s +or& I a# alle$e' to ha1e pla$iari%e' in #! Philippine La+ ,ournal article. Than& !ou 1er! #uch. I +ill be #uch obli$e' for this &in' fa1or.

preferences" tastes" 1alues etc. on societ!.... Source<

BE#phasis supplie'.C Richar' A. Posner" Econo#ic Anal!sis of La+" =(>9(/ B)n' Bpp. =EF of La+!ers4 e'. (FDDC. Beha1ior an' ,u'icial -ecision9 Ma&in$C Ma! I in1ite the rea'er to rea' #! entire article entitle' 3La+!ers4 Beha1ior an' ,u'icial -ecision9Ma&in$"3 accessible online at ]http<HHla+.up'.e'u.phHpl;Hi#a$esHfilesHPL,T)*1olu#eT)*D*HPL, T)*1olu#eT)*D*T)*nu#berT)*=T)*9*)9T)*Ma.T)*Lour'esT)*A. T)*SerenoT)*9T)*La+!ersT)*Beha1ior.p'f^" so that the alle$e' cop!in$ of +or's can be ta&en in the proper conte7t. It #ust first be e#phasi%e' that the +hole article +as lar$el! a presentation an' 'iscussion of ,u'$e Posner4s econo#ic #o'els of liti$ation an' settle#ent" appl!in$ +hat he ha' +ritten to the conte7t of the Philippines. An e7a#ination of the article +ill sho+ that Posner4s +or& +as referre' to no less than fourteen B(=C ti#es throu$hout the article" e7clu'in$ the use of pronouns that also refer to Posner" such as 3he3 an' 3hi#.3 A 'ili$ent rea'in$ of the full te7t of the article +ill re1eal that I ha1e intentionall! an' hea1il! use' Posner4s opinions" anal!ses" #o'els" an' conclusions +hile cre'itin$ hi# +ith the sa#e. :urther#ore" the passa$es cite' in the table of counter9char$es use +hat one #a! call the 3ter#s of the tra'e3 in the fiel' of la+ an' econo#ics" or in'ee' in the fiel' of econo#ics itself. The #a7i#i%ation of an in'i1i'ual4s utilit! is one of the core principles on +hich the stu'! of an in'i1i'ual4s choices an' actions are base'. The con'ition for the successHfailure of settle#ent bar$ainin$ is practicall! a 'efinition" as it is also a fun'a#ental principle in the stu'! of bar$ainin$ an' ne$otiation that the #ini#u# price of one of the parties #ust not e7cee' the #a7i#u# price the other part! is +illin$ to pa!@ that particular passa$e" in'ee'" #a! be re$ar'e' as a re9

er! trul! !ours" Maria Lour'es P.A. Sereno The proble# +ith the #a;orit! approach is that it refuses to face the scale of the pla$iaris# in the inu!a -ecision. If onl! that +ere the startin$ point for the anal!sis of the #a;orit!" then so#e of #! collea$ues +oul' not ha1e for#e' the i#pression that I +as casti$atin$ or #orali%in$ the #a;orit!. No court can li$htl! re$ar' a ponencia" as in /inuya" +here aroun' >0T of the +or's use' for an i#portant section +ere pla$iari%e' fro# sources of ori$inal scholarship. ,u'$es an' their le$al researchers are not bein$ as&e' to be aca'e#ics@ onl! to be 'ili$ent an' honest. I4. &he Role of the Ju#iciary in 0ociety On #ore than one occasion" this Court has referre' to one of its functions as the s!#bolic or e'ucati1e function" the co#petence to for#ulate $ui'in$ principles that #a! enli$hten the bench an' the bar" an' the public in $eneral.0) It cannot no+ bac&pe'al fro# the hi$h stan'ar's inherent in the ;u'icial role" or fro# the stan'ar's it has set for itself. The nee' to ce#ent ethical stan'ar's for ;u'$es an' ;ustices is intert+ine' +ith the 'e#ocratic process. As Lebo1its e7plaine'< The ;u'iciar!6s po+er co#es fro# its +or's aloneP;u'$es co##an' no ar#! an' control no purse. In a 'e#ocrac!" ;u'$es ha1e le$iti#ac! onl! +hen their +or's 'eser1e respect" an' their +or's 'eser1e respect onl! +hen those +ho utter the# are ethical. Opinion +ritin$ is public +ritin$ of the hi$hest or'er@ people are affecte' not onl! b! ;u'icial opinions but also b! ho+ the! are +ritten. Therefore" ;u'$es an' the opinions the! +ritePopinions scrutini%e' b! liti$ants" attorne!s" other ;u'$es" an' the publicPare hel'" an' #ust be hel'" to hi$h ethical stan'ar's. Ethics #ust constrain e1er! aspect of the ;u'icial opinion. 00 ,ustice .eor$e Rose S#ith once pointe' to the 'e#ocratic process as a reason to +rite opinions< 3Abo1e all else to e7pose the court6s 'ecision to public scrutin!" to nail it up on the +all for all to see. In no other +a! can it be &no+n +hether the la+ nee's re1ision" +hether the court is 'oin$ its ;ob" +hether a particular ;u'$e is co#petent.3 ,ustice S#ith reco$ni%e' that ;u'$es are not untouchable bein$s. ,u'$es ser1e their au'ience. 2ith this ser1ice co#es the nee' for ;u'$es to be truste'. 2ritin$ opinions #a&es obtainin$ trust easier@ it allo+s an often opa5ue ;u'icial institution to beco#e transparent.0= ,u'$es cannot e1a'e the pro1isions in the Co'e of ,u'icial Con'uct. 0>

A ;u'$e shoul' participate in establishin$" #aintainin$ an' enforcin$ hi$h stan'ar's of con'uct" an' shall personall! obser1e those stan'ar's so that the inte$rit! an' in'epen'ence of the ;u'iciar! +ill be preser1e'. The 'rafters of the (odel Code +ere a+are that to be effecti1e" the ;u'iciar! #ust #aintain le$iti#ac! Pan' to #aintain le$iti#ac!" ;u'$es #ust li1e up to the (odel Code6s #oral stan'ar's +hen +ritin$ opinions. If the public is able to +itness or infer fro# ;u'$es6 +ritin$ that ;u'$es resol1e 'isputes #orall!" the public +ill li&e+ise be confi'ent of ;u'$es6 abilit! to resol1e 'isputes fairl! an' ;ustl!.0/ BCitations o#itte'C Canon ( of the Co'e of ,u'icial Con'uct states that a ;u'$e shoul' uphol' the inte$rit! an' in'epen'ence of the ;u'iciar!. Rule (.*( in particular states that a ;u'$e shoul' be the e#bo'i#ent of co#petence" inte$rit!" an' in'epen'ence. Canon 0 then focuses on the 'ut! of honest! in the perfor#ance of official 'uties" as +ell as on the super1ision of court personnel< Rule 0.*F. A ;u'$e shoul' or$ani%e an' super1ise the court personnel to ensure the pro#pt an' efficient 'ispatch of business" an' re5uire at all ti#es the obser1ance of hi$h stan'ar's of public ser1ice an' fi'elit!. Rule 0.(*. A ;u'$e shoul' ta&e or initiate appropriate 'isciplinar! #easures a$ainst la+!ers or court personnel for unprofessional con'uct of +hich the ;u'$e #a! ha1e beco#e a+are. Para$raph (D of the Co'e of ,u'icial Ethics0D focuses on the +ritin$ of ;u'icial opinions< In 'isposin$ of contro1ersial cases" ;u'$es shoul' in'icate the reasons for their action in opinions sho+in$ that the! ha1e not 'isre$ar'e' or o1erloo&e' serious ar$u#ents of counsel. The! shoul' sho+ their full un'erstan'in$ of the case" a1oi' the suspicion of arbitrar! conclusion" 0ro*o&e -o'3+)e'-e +' &2e+r +'&e//e-&ua/ +'&e4r+&y an' contribute useful prece'ents to the $ro+th of the la+. BE#phasis supplie'C Para$raph 0(" 3a su##ar! of ;u'icial obli$ations"3 contains a #ore $eneral state#ent re$ar'in$ the beha1ioral nor#s re5uire' of ;u'$es an' ;ustices ali&e" statin$< A ;u'$e4s con'uct shoul' be abo1e reproach an' in the 'ischar$e of his ;u'icial 'uties" he shoul' be conscientious" stu'ious" thorou$h" courteous" patient" punctual" ;ust" i#partial" fearless of public cla#or" an' re$ar'less of pri1ate influence shoul' a'#inister ;ustice accor'in$ to la+ an' shoul' 'eal +ith the patrona$e of the position as a public trust@ an' he shoul' not allo+

outsi'e #atters or his pri1ate interests to interfere +ith the pro#pt an' proper perfor#ance of his office. That ;u'$es an' ;ustices ali&e are sub;ect to hi$her stan'ar's b! 1irtue of their office has been repeate'l! pronounce' b! the Supre#e Court< Concerne' +ith safe$uar'in$ the inte$rit! of the ;u'iciar!" this Court has co#e 'o+n har' an' +iel'e' the ro' of 'iscipline a$ainst #e#bers of the ;u'iciar! +ho ha1e fallen short of the e7actin$ stan'ar's of ;u'icial con'uct. This is because a ;u'$e is the 1isible representation of the la+ an' of ;ustice. ?e #ust co#port hi#self in a #anner that his con'uct #ust be free of a +hiff of i#propriet!" not onl! +ith respect to the perfor#ance of his official 'uties but also as to his beha1ior outsi'e his sala an' as a pri1ate in'i1i'ual. ?is character #ust be able to +ithstan' the #ost searchin$ public scrutin! because the ethical principles an' sense of propriet! of a ;u'$e are essential to the preser1ation of the people4s faith in the ;u'icial s!ste#. 0E Thus" bein$ the sub;ect of constant public scrutin!" a ;u'$e shoul' freel! an' +illin$l! accept restrictions on con'uct that #i$ht be 1ie+e' as bur'enso#e b! the or'inar! citi%en.0F A ;u'$e shoul' personif! inte$rit! an' e7e#plif! honest public ser1ice. The personal beha1ior of a ;u'$e" both in the perfor#ance of his official 'uties an' in pri1ate life shoul' be abo1e suspicion.=* Concerne' +ith safe$uar'in$ the inte$rit! of the ;u'iciar!" this Court has co#e 'o+n har' on errin$ ;u'$es an' i#pose' the conco#itant punish#ent.=( As hel' b! the Court in &eban 1ardware and Auto Supply Co0 "0 &apucar <=) The personal an' official actuations of e1er! #e#ber of the Bench #ust be be!on' reproach an' abo1e suspicion. The faith an' confi'ence of the public in the a'#inistration of ;ustice cannot be #aintaine' if a ,u'$e +ho 'ispenses it is not e5uippe' +ith the car'inal ;u'icial 1irtue of #oral inte$rit!" an' if he obtusel! continues to co##it an affront to public 'ecenc!. In fact" #oral inte$rit! is #ore than a 1irtue@ it is a necessit! in the ,u'iciar!. The inherent 1alue of ;u'icial 'ecisions $oes be!on' the resolution of 'ispute bet+een t+o parties. :ro# the perspecti1e of the ;u'$e" he has fulfille' his #ini#u# bur'en +hen he has 'ispose' of the case. Get fro# the perspecti1e of the public" it is onl! throu$h publici%e' 'ecisions that the public e7periences the nearest appro7i#ation of a 'e#ocratic e7perience fro# the thir' branch of .o1ern#ent. -ecisions an' opinions of a court are of course #atters of public concern or interest for these are the authori%e' e7positions an' interpretations of the la+s" bin'in$ upon all citi%ens" of +hich e1er! citi%en is char$e' +ith

&no+le'$e. ,ustice thus re5uires that all shoul' ha1e free access to the opinions of ;u'$es an' ;ustices" an' it +oul' be a$ainst soun' public polic! to pre1ent" suppress or &eep the earliest &no+le'$e of these fro# the public.=0 The clearest #anifestation of a'herence to these stan'ar's is throu$h a ,ustice4s +ritten opinions. In the 'e#ocratic fra#e+or&" it is the onl! +a! b! +hich the public can chec& the perfor#ance of such public officer4s obli$ations. Pla$iaris# in ;u'icial opinions 'etracts 'irectl! fro# the le$iti#ac! of the ;u'$e6s rulin$ an' in'irectl! fro# the ;u'iciar!6s le$iti#ac!. == It is ob;ectionable not onl! because of its inherent capacit! to har#" but the o1erarchin$ 'a#a$e it +rea&s on the 'i$nit! of the Court as a +hole. &he Court2s E#ucati"e 'unction The Court4s first -ecision in this case hin$e' on the 'ifference bet+een the aca'e#ic publishin$ #o'el on the one han'" an' the ;u'icial s!ste# on the other. It procee'e' to conclu'e that courts are encoura$e' to cite 3historical le$al 'ata" prece'ents" an' relate' stu'ies3 in their 'ecisions" so that 3the ;u'$e is not e7pecte' to pro'uce ori$inal scholarship in e1er! respect.3 This ar$u#ent presents a narro+er 1ie+ of the role of the courts than +hat this countr!4s histor! consistentl! re1eals< the ;u'iciar! pla!s a #ore creati1e role than ;ust tra'itional scholarship. No #atter ho+ hesitantl! it assu#es this 'ut! an' bur'en" the courts ha1e beco#e #oral $ui'eposts in the e!es of the public. Easil! the #ost 'auntin$ tas& +hich confronts a ne+l! appointe' ;u'$e is ho+ to +rite 'ecisions. It is trul! a for#i'able challen$e consi'erin$ the i#pact of a court4s ;u'$#ent re1erberates throu$hout the co##unit! in +hich it is ren'ere'" affectin$ issues of life" libert!" an' propert! in +a!s that are #ore per1asi1e an' penetratin$ than +hat usuall! appears on the surface P or un'er it.=> The i#pact of ;u'icial 'ecisions has e1en been co'ifie' in para$raph ) of the Canon of ,u'icial Ethics< 3E1er! ;u'$e shoul' at all ti#es be alert in his rulin$s an' in the con'uct of the business of his court" so far as he can" to #a&e it useful to liti$ants an' to the co##unit!.3 The error in the contention of the #a;orit! that ;u'icial +ritin$ 'oes not put a pre#iu# on ori$inalit! is e1i'ent. In the +or's of -aniel :arber" stare decisis has beco#e an oft9repeate' catchphrase to ;ustif! an unfoun'e' pre'isposition to repeatin$ #a7i#s an' 'octrines 'e1oi' of rene+e' e1aluation.

In re1ie+in$ the Court6s +or&" +e sa+ a fi7ation on 1erbal for#ulas@ li&e+ise" race scholarship fre5uentl! see#s to suffer fro# a si#ilar fi7ation on st!li%e' rhetoric. Get ?ol#es6 a'a$e 'efines the proble# a bit too narro+l!P su$$estin$ that +e #ostl! nee' less abstraction an' #ore concreteness. This 'eficienc! actuall! is part of the proble#@ +e coul' surel! benefit fro# #ore e#pirical research an' sensiti1it! to concrete factual situations. Get" the proble# $oes be!on' that.=/ The consistent resort to stare decisis fails to ta&e into account that in the e7ercise of the Court4s self9proclai#e' s!#bolic function" its first accountabilit! is to its au'ience< the public. Its 'ut! of $ui'in$ the bench an' the bar co#es a close secon'. Consi'er first the ;u'$e. A &e! +ea&ness of current Supre#e Court opinions see#s to be that ;u'$es ha1e so#eti#es lost trac& of +ho# the! are a''ressin$ or +hat the! are tr!in$ to acco#plish. Of course" the! ha1e no literal clients" but the! see& to a'1ance a set of 1alues an' perspecti1es that #i$ht ser1e as the basis for i'entif!in$ #etaphorical clientsVThe purpose" then" is to help the s!ste# +or& as +ell as possible accor'in$ to its o+n nor#s an' $oalsV Often" the purpose is to $ui'e other courts to a'1ance the client6s interests in their o+n 'ecisions. In this respect" the i#portant part of the opinion is that portion spea&in$ to future casesPthou$h as +e ha1e seen" ;u'$es so#eti#es fail to focus their ener$ies there. A''itionall!" the opinion" if it is to elicit #ore than the #ost $ru'$in$ obe'ience" #ust appeal to the 1alues an' $oals of those ;u'$es as +ell as to the author6s.=D The Court see#in$l! 1ie+s the issuance of opinions to be an en' in itself" as if the te7t of the opinion ha' so#e autono#ous 1alue unrelate' to its abilit! to co##unicate to an au'ience. At a 'eeper le1el" the intellectual fla+ in the statutor!9interpretation opinions is si#ilar. The Court often treats statutes as free9stan'in$ te7ts" +ith little attention to their historical an' social conte7ts or +hat their 'rafters +ere tr!in$ to achie1e. =E Thus" the 1alue of ethical ;u'icial +ritin$ 1is9b91is the role that courts are calle' upon to pla! cannot be un'eresti#ate'. 2orr!in$ about the ethical status of ;u'icial opinions see#s pointless at first. Co#plaints about 'ecisions an' the opinions that e7plain the# ha1e been aroun' as lon$ as ;u'$es ha1e been ;u'$in$. As technolo$! has lo+ere' the cost of research" an' of cuttin$ an' pastin$ earlier +or&" opinions often see# to be for#al e7ercises that 'o not su$$est 'eep ;u'icial en$a$e#ent. Other opinions 'o sho+ the han' of a 'eepl! en$a$e' ;u'$e" thou$h these can be +orse than the cut9an'9paste' &in'. 2hat then is to be $aine' b! tr!in$ to

#a&e an ethical issue of ;u'icial +ritin$A V Professor Lle+ell!n sai' it is in part because the ;u'icial office acts as 3a sub'uer of self an' self9+ill" as an en$ine to pro#ote openness to listen an' to un'erstan'" to 5uic&en e1enhan'e'ness" patience" sustaine' effort to see an' ;u'$e for All9of9Us.3 =F The lessons tau$ht our countr! b! its sin$ular e7perience in histor! has $i1en rise to a #ore 'efine' place for our courts. 2ith the constitutional #an'ate that the Supre#e Court alone can e7ercise ;u'icial re1ie+" or pro#ul$ate rules an' $ui'elines for the bench an' the bar" or act as the arbiter bet+een the t+o branches of $o1ern#ent" it is all the #ore e1i'ent that stan'ar's for ;u'icial beha1ior #ust be for#ulate'. After all" 3the #ost si$nificant aspect of the court6s +or& #a! lie in ;ust this #etho' an' process of 'ecision< b! a1oi'in$ absolutes" b! testin$ $eneral #a7i#s a$ainst concrete particulars" b! 'eci'in$ onl! in the conte7t of specific contro1ersies" b! fin'in$ acco##o'ations bet+een polar principles" b! hol'in$ itself open to the reconsi'eration of 'o$#a" the court at its best" pro1i'es a s!#bol of reconciliation.3>* Accor'in$ to Paul :reun'" the $reat fun'a#ental $uarantees of our Constitution are in fact" #oral stan'ar's +rappe' in le$al co##an's. It is onl! fittin$ that the Court" in ta&in$ on the role of a public conscience" accept the fact that the people e7pect nothin$ less fro# it than the best of faith an' effort in a'herin$ to hi$h ethical stan'ar's. I affir# #! response to the 'ispositi1e portion of the #a;orit! -ecision in this case as state' in #! -issent of () October )*(*" +ith the #o'ification that #ore +or& of #ore authors #ust be appropriatel! ac&no+le'$e'" apolo$ies #ust be e7ten'e'" an' a #ore e7tensi1el! correcte' Corri$en'u# #ust be issue'. A$ain" I #a&e no pronounce#ent on liabilit!" not onl! because the process +as erroneousl! cut short b! the #a;orit! +hen it refuse' to procee' to the ne7t step of 'eter#inin$ the 'ut! of 'ili$ence that a ;u'$e has in super1isin$ the +or& of his le$al research" an' +hether" in this instance" ,ustice 'el Castillo 'ischar$e' such 'ut!" but also because of the 1ie+ e7presse' b! ,ustice Carpio that this Court ha' best lea1e the #atter of clearin$ ,ustice 'el Castillo to Con$ress" the bo'! 'esi$nate' b! the Constitution for such #atters. It see#s no+ that the process of 'eter#inin$ the 'e$ree of care re5uire' in this case #a! ne1er be un'erta&en b! this Court. One thin$ is certain" ho+e1er< +e cannot allo+ a hea1il! pla$iari%e' -ecision to re#ain in our caseboo&s P it #ust be correcte'. The issues are 1er! clear to the $eneral public. A +ron$ #ust be ri$hte'" an' this Court #ust #o1e for+ar' in the ri$ht 'irection. MARIA OUR"ES P. A. SERENO Associate ,ustice

TSN at )E" ?earin$ of )/ Au$ust )*(*" -eliberations of the Co##ittee on Ethics an' Ethical Stan'ar's. Foo&'o&e(
F (

Mar& Ellis" *rea,in' the Silence; Rape as an #nternational Cri#e" 0E Case 2. Res. ,. Int4l L. ))> B)**/9)**DC@ Christian ,. Ta#s" Enforcin$ Er$a O#nes Obli$ations in International La+ B)**>C@ E1an ,. Cri''le an' E1an :o79-ecent" A Fiduciary &heory of Jus Co'ens" 0= Gale ,. Int4l L. 00( B)**FC

,ustice Antonio T. Carpio" -issentin$ Opinion" In the Matter of the Char$es of Pla$iaris#" etc. a$ainst Associate ,ustice Mariano C. 'el Castillo" A.M. No. (*9D9(D9SC.

,ustice Maria Lour'es P. A. Sereno" -issentin$ Opinion" In the Matter of the Char$es of Pla$iaris#" etc. a$ainst Associate ,ustice Mariano C. 'el Castillo" AM (*9D9(D9SC" pro#ul$ate' () October )*(*" at 0(.

3So +hat happens" Gour ?onors" is basicall!" one 'oes an initial re1ie+" sorr!" I 'o an initial re1ie+ on thisVall of these $oes for the #ost articles" La+ ,ournal articles. So one 'oes initial re1ie+ on these articles an' if there is an article that i##e'iatel! stri&es one as rele1ant or as i#portant or as useful in the course of +ritin$ a 'ecision" !ou can clic& on it" the blue portion" !ou can clic& on this an' the article +ill actuall! appear. An' then !ou can rea' the +hole article" !ou can s&i# throu$h the article" if a$ain it see#s rele1ant" it4s possible to e9#ail the article to !ourself" +hich #a&es it easier becauseVso at least I ha1e" for instance" all of the articles a1ailable li&e in #! ho#e.3 TSN at )E" ?earin$ of )/ Au$ust )*(*" -eliberations of the Co##ittee on Ethics an' Ethical Stan'ar's.

TSN at )F" ?earin$ of )/ Au$ust )*(*" -eliberations of the Co##ittee on Ethics an' Ethical Stan'ar's.

Robert McCor5uo'ale" The In'i1i'ual an' the International Le$al S!ste#" in International La+" 0*D900) BMalcol# E1ans e'." )**/C.

Appro1e' b! the court en banc on (> No1e#ber )**>.


Phoebe O&o+a" Issues of A'#issibilit! an' the La+ on International Responsibilit!" in International La+ BMalcol# E1ans e'." )**/C.

A case in +hich the popup te7t bo7 +oul' not appear is that in +hich a bloc& of te7t containin$ the note reference #ar& is selecte'@ the popup te7t bo7 +ill onl! appear if the cursor is ho1ere' near the note reference #ar&.

Publishe' in the blo$ of the European ,ournal of International La+" accesse' at http<HH+++.e;iltal&.or$Htestin$9the9li#its9of9'iplo#atic9 protection9&ha'r91ersus9the9pri#e9#inister9of9cana'a. Last 1isite' )= ,anuar! )*((" (<=D p.#.

Richar' A. Posner" The Little Boo& of Pla$iaris#" 0E B)**DC. I'. at (*/.



:ro# the Con$ressional Report Ser1ices Me#oran'u#" b! Larr! Ni&sch" Specialist in Asian Affairs" :orei$n Affairs" -efense an' Tra'e -i1ision" accessible at http<HH+++.a+f.or.;pHp'fHh**D/.p'f. This 'ocu#ent is co1ere' b! a cop!ri$ht notice fro# the Unite' States Con$ressional Research Ser1ice poste' at the +ebsite of the Asian 2o#en4s :un'< http<HH+++.a+f.or.;pHe=Hun9*>.ht#l_etc. Last accesse' )= ,anuar! )*((" )<0> p.#.

Laurie Stearns" Cop! 2ron$< Pla$iaris#" Propert!" an' the La+" E* Cal. L. Re1. >(0" >(E B(FF)C.

I'. at >)).


,o!ce C. .eor$e" ,u'icial Pla$iaris#" ,u'icial Opinion 2ritin$ ?an'boo&" accesse' at ]http<HHboo&s.$oo$ i'ID;Ba=!;#$KUCJlp$IPR(JhlIenJp$IPR(_1Ionepa$eJ5JfIfalse ^ on :ebruar! E" )*((" at D(>.

3So in the process" #! practice" +hich #a! not be share' b! other researchers" #! o+n practice as to 'oin$ research for 'ecisions is to basicall! re1ie+ all the #aterial that is a1ailable insofar as I can. So I re1ie+ e1er!thin$" I ta&e notes" I 'o #! o+n research an' then after one has re1ie+e' as #uch as I a# able to" then one starts +ritin$.3

I'. at D)/. I'. at D(>.



I'. at D(E. I'.

Tariffs an' Tra'e (FF=. Please see para$raphs ( to = of sai' .ATT (FF= for a list of all its co#ponent parts.



I'. at D)/. I'. Supra note 0 at )F.

Un'erstan'in$ on -ispute Settle#ent" a1ailable at http< i5eboo&sH2TO-CH2eb1ersionH pro1Hei$ Baccesse' on :ebruar! >" )*((C.




See< In re 2i''ison" >0F N.2.)' /D( BS.-. (FF>C at E/> Bas cite' in ,ai#e S. -ursht" ,u'icial Pla$iaris#< It Ma! Be :air Use but Is It EthicalA" (E Car'o%o L. Re1. ()>0C@ Rebecca Moore ?o+ar'" Pla$iaris#s" Authorships" an' the Aca'e#ic -eath Penalt!" >D Colle$e En$lish D BNo1." (FF>C" at DEE9E*/" as cite' in the ,STOR" http<HH+++.;stor.or$.HstableH0DE=*0@ Slin$e 1. Ithaca Colle$e" /0= N.G.S.)' (*** BSup. Ct. (FF>C" Napolitano 1. Trustees of Princeton Uni1." =>0 A.)' )DF" )E= BN.,. Super. Ct. Ch. -i1. (FEDC" an' In re Brennan" ==D N.2.)' D()" D(09(= BMich. (F=FC" as cite' in .eral' Lebo1its" Alif!a . Curtin J Lisa Solo#on" Ethical ,u'icial Opinion 2ritin$" )( The .eor$eto+n ,ournal of Le$al Ethics )/=" note (F*@ Apote7 Inc. 1. ,anssen9Ortho Inc. )**F" as cite' in E#ir Al! Cro+ne9 Moha##e'" )) No. = Intell. Prop. J Tech. L. ,. (>" ( P as cite' in pa$e )E an' footnotes )=" )>" )D to )F of #! () October )*(* -issent.

2orl' Tra'e Or$ani%ation" -ispute Settle#ent S!ste# Trainin$ Mo'ule< Chapter E P -ispute Settle#ent 2ithout Recourse to Panels an' the Appellate Bo'!" a1ailable at http<HH+++.+to.or$Hen$lishHtratopOeH'ispuOeH'ispOsettle#entOcbtOeHc Es(p) Baccesse' on :ebruar! >" )*((C.

Salon$a 1. Cru% PaMo" ..R. No. >F>)>" (E :ebruar! (FE>" (0= SCRA =0E.

.eral' Lebo1its" Alif!a . Curtin" J Lisa Solo#on" Ethical ,u'icial Opinion 2ritin$" )( .eo. ,. Le$al Ethics )/= B)**EC.

I'. at )/F. Pro#ul$ate' > Septe#ber (FEF" too& effect )* October (FEF. Supra note 00 at )=*9)=(. A'#inistrati1e Or'er No. (/).




I'. at )/.


-iscussion Paper No. *D*((" October )**D" UP School of Econo#ics.


In Re Letter of ,u'$e Au$ustus C. -ia%" A.M. No. *D9D9(D9SC" (F Septe#ber )**D.


2orl' Ban&" Pro;ect Appraisal -ocu#ent on a Propose' Loan in the A#ount of USY)(.F Million to the Republic of the Philippines for a ,u'icial Refor# Support Pro;ect BReport No< )>>*=C B)**0C" a1ailable at http<HH+++9 +'s.+orl'ban&.or$He7ternalH'efaultH2-SContentSer1erH2-SPHIBH)* *0H*DH0(H ****()**FO)**0*D0((*()==HRen'ere'HP-:H)>>*=*P?*PA-.p'f Baccesse' on :ebruar! >" )*((C.

A.M. No. RT,9F*9==D" (FF SCRA D>" () ,ul! (FF(" E09E=. ,unio 1. Ri1era" A.M. No. MT,9F(9>/>. Au$ust 0*" (FF0.



Castillo "0 Calano'. Jr0" A.M. No. RT,9F*9==D" (/ -ece#ber (FF=" )0F SCRA )/E

Teban ?ar'+are an' Auto Suppl! Co. 1. Tapucar" A.M. No. (D)*" 0( ,anuar! (FE(" (*) SCRA =F)" >*=.

A #inor correction is in or'er. The 3Un'erstan'in$ on the Rules an' Proce'ures .o1ernin$ the Settle#ent of -isputes3 is Anne7 ) to the Mara&&esh A$ree#ent Establishin$ the 2orl' Tra'e Or$ani%ation. There is no Anne7 ) to the .eneral A$ree#ent on

)C $arte *rown. (// In'. >F0" DE N.E. >>0 B(F*/C. Supra note 00 at )E).



:ore+or' of ,ustice A#eurfina A. Melencio ?errera" 3:un'a#entals of -ecision 2ritin$ for ,u'$es"3 B)**FC.

-aniel :arber" Missin$ the Pla! of Intelli$ence" / 2#. J Mar! L. Re1. (=D" B(FF=C.

I'. at (D*. I'. at footnote =*.

In (FEE" the Court 'is#isse' the co#plaint for 'isbar#ent a$ainst ,ustice Marcelo :ernan for lac& of #erit. Asi'e fro# fin'in$ the accusations totall! baseless" the Court" b! per curiam Resolution") also state' that to $rant a co#plaint for 'isbar#ent of a #e#ber of the Court 'urin$ the #e#ber4s incu#benc! +oul' in effect be to circu#1ent an' hence to run afoul of the constitutional #an'ate that #e#bers of the Court #a! be re#o1e' fro# office onl! b! i#peach#ent. In the subse5uent case of In Re Raul M. .on%ales" 0 this principle of constitutional la+ +as succinctl! for#ulate' in the follo+in$ ter#s +hich la! 'o+n a bar to the institution of certain actions a$ainst an i#peachable officer 'urin$ his or her incu#benc!. 7 7 7 A public officer +ho un'er the Constitution is re5uire' to be a Me#ber of the Philippine Bar as a 5ualification for the office hel' b! hi# an' +ho #a! be re#o1e' fro# office onl! b! i#peach#ent" cannot be char$e' +ith 'isbar#ent 'urin$ the incu#benc! of such public officer. :urther" such public officer" 'urin$ his incu#benc!" cannot be char$e' cri#inall! before the Sandi'anbayan or an! other court +ith an! offense +hich carries +ith it the penalt! of re#o1al fro# office" or a'y 0e'a/&y (er,+-e o3 12+-2 1ou/) a*ou'& &o re*o,a/ 3ro* o33+-e.= Be#phasis an' un'erscorin$ supplie'@ italics in the ori$inalC The Court clarifie'" ho+e1er" that it is not sa!in$ that its #e#bers are entitle' to i##unit! fro# liabilit! for possible cri#inal acts or for alle$e' 1iolations of the canons of ;u'icial ethics or co'es of ;u'icial con'uct. It stresse' that there is a fun'a#ental proce'ural re5uire#ent that #ust be obser1e' before such liabilit! #a! be 'eter#ine' an' enforce'. 7 7 7 A Me#ber of the Supre#e Court #ust first be re#o1e' fro# office 1ia the constitutional route of i#peach#ent un'er Sections ) an' 0 of Article KI of the (FED Constitution. Shoul' the tenure of the Supre#e Court ,ustice be thus ter#inate' b! i#peach#ent" he #a! then be hel' to ans+er either cri#inall! or a'#inistrati1el! Bb! 'isbar#ent procee'in$sC for an! +ron$ or #isbeha1iour that #a! be pro1en a$ainst hi# in appropriate procee'in$s.> Bun'erscorin$ supplie'C The Court 'eclare' the sa#e principle in Jar=ue "0 Desierto/ b! Resolution of -ece#ber >" (FF>. The rule that an i#peachable officer cannot be cri#inall! prosecute' for the sa#e offenses +hich constitute $roun's for i#peach#ent presupposes his continuance in office. ?ence" the #o#ent he is no lon$er in office because of his re#o1al" resi$nation" or per#anent 'isabilit!" there can be no bar to his cri#inal prosecution in the courts.



-a1i' Mc.o+an" ,u'icial 2ritin$ an' the Ethics of the ,u'icial Office" (= .eo. ,. Le$al Ethics >*F" >*F. B)**(C.

Paul A. :reun'" 3The Supre#e Court3 in Tal&s on A#erican La+ E(9F= Bre1. e'." (FD)C.

The La+phil Pro;ect 9 Arellano La+ :oun'ation

SEPARATE "ISSENTING OPINION CARPIO MORA ES, J.; I ;oin ,ustice Antonio T. Carpio4s thesis in his -issentin$ Opinion on the co##ission of pla$iaris# or 1iolation of intellectual propert! ri$hts in the inu!a 'ecision. I ;oin hi# too on his other thesis that this Court has no ;uris'iction to 'eci'e an a'#inistrati1e case +here a sittin$ ,ustice of this Court has co##itte' #iscon'uct in office" +ith 5ualification. I sub#it that the Court #a! +iel' its a'#inistrati1e po+er a$ainst its incu#bent #e#bers on $roun's other than culpable 1iolation of the Constitution" treason" briber!" $raft an' corruption" other hi$h cri#es" or betra!al of public trust" AN" 0ro,+)e) the offense or #isbeha1ior 'oes not carr! +ith it a penalt!" the ser1ice of +hich +oul' a#ount to re#o1al fro# office either on a per#anent or te#porar! basis such as suspension. The Presi'ent" the ice Presi'ent" the #e#bers of the Supre#e Court" the Me#bers of the Constitutional Co##issions" an' the O#bu's#an #a! be re#o1e' fro# office" on i#peach#ent for" an' con1iction of" culpable 1iolation of the Constitution" treason" briber!" $raft an' corruption" other hi$h cri#es" or betra!al of public trust. All other public officers an' e#plo!ees #a! be re#o1e' fro# office as pro1i'e' b! la+" but not b! i#peach#ent. ( Bun'erscorin$ supplie'C

Nor 'oes retire#ent bar an a'#inistrati1e in1esti$ation fro# procee'in$ a$ainst the pri1ate respon'ent" $i1en that" as pointe' out b! the petitioner" the for#er4s retire#ent benefits ha1e been place' on hol' in 1ie+ of the pro1isions of Sections () an' (0 of the Anti9.raft an' Corrupt Practices Act. D Bun'erscorin$ supplie'C The i##e'iatel!95uote' pronounce#ent i#plies that the administrati"e in1esti$ation #ust be initiate' 'urin$ the incu#benc! of the respon'ent. That the Supre#e Court has o1erall a'#inistrati1e po+er o1er its #e#bers an' o1er all #e#bers of the ;u'iciar! has been reco$ni%e'. E Moreo1er" the Internal Rules of the Supre#e Court B)*(*CF e7pressl! inclu'e'" for the first ti#e" 3cases in1ol1in$ the 'iscipline of a Me#ber of the Court3 (* as a#on$ those en banc #atters an' cases. Eluci'atin$ on the proce'ure" Section (0" Rule ) of the Court4s Internal Rules pro1i'es< SEC. (0. )thics Committee. P In a''ition to the abo1e" a per#anent Co**+&&ee o' E&2+-( a') E&2+-a/ S&a')ar)( shall be establishe' an' chaire' b! the Chief ,ustice" +ith follo+in$ #e#bership< aC a +or&in$ ice9Chair appointe' b! the Chief ,ustice@ bC three B0C #e#bers chosen a#on$ the#sel1es b! the en banc b! secret 1ote@ an' cC a retire' Supre#e Court ,ustice chosen b! the Chief ,ustice as a non91otin$ obser1er9consultant. The ice9Chair" the Me#bers an' the Retire' Supre#e Court ,ustice shall ser1e for a ter# of one B(C !ear" +ith the election in the case of electe' Me#bers to be hel' at the call of the Chief ,ustice. The Co##ittee shall ha1e the tas& of 0re/+*+'ar+/y +',e(&+4a&+'4 a// -o*0/a+'&( in1ol1in$ $raft an' corruption an' 1iolations of ethical stan'ar's" inclu'in$ anon!#ous co#plaints" file' a$ainst Me#bers of the Court" an' of (ub*+&&+'4 3+')+'4( a') re-o**e')a&+o'( to the en banc. All procee'in$s shall be co#pletel! confi'ential. The Co##ittee shall also #onitor an' report to the Court the pro$ress of the in1esti$ation of si#ilar co#plaints a$ainst Supre#e Court officials an' e#plo!ees" an' han'le the annual up'ate of the Court4s ethical rules an' stan'ar's for sub#ission to the en banc. Be#phasis an' un'erscorin$ supplie'C The Court ac&no+le'$e' its po+er to ta&e co$ni%ance of co#plaints a$ainst its incu#bent Me#bers. It is circu#scribe'" ho+e1er" b! the abo1e#entione' principle of constitutional la+(( in ter#s of $roun's an' penalties.

In at least t+o recent instances" the Court ha' con'ucte' a'#inistrati1e procee'in$s a$ainst its incu#bent Me#bers. In the contro1ers! surroun'in$ the (FFF Bar E7a#inations" the Court" b! Resolution of March ))" )*** in Bar Matter No. FDF" -e'(ure) then incu#bent ,ustice :i'el Purisi#a for his failure to 'isclose on ti#e his relationship to an e7a#inee an' for breach of 'ut! an' confi'ence" an' 'eclare' 3or3e+&e) >*T of the fees 'ue hi# as chairperson of the (FFF Bar E7a#inations Co##ittee. The i#positions 'i' not" ho+e1er" 'ouse the cla#or for stiffer penalties on ,ustice Purisi#a in case he +ere foun' liable after a full" thorou$h an' for#al in1esti$ation b! an in'epen'ent an' i#partial co##ittee" +hich so#e 5uarters ur$e' the Court to for#. Mean+hile" ,ustice Purisi#a retire' fro# the Court on October )E" )***. B! Resolution of No1e#ber )E" )***" the Court rule' that 3RhNis retire#ent #a&es it untenable for this Court to further i#pose a'#inistrati1e sanctions on hi# as he is no lon$er a #e#ber of the Court3 an' referre' the bar #atter to the Special Stu'! .roup on Bar E7a#ination Refor#s for report an' reco##en'ation. The i#plication that the Court coul' ha1e i#pose' further a'#inistrati1e sanctions on ,ustice Purisi#a ha' he not retire' is a reco$nition that the Court #a! 'iscipline one of its sittin$ #e#bers. :urther" the Court 'i' not e7plain +h! the 3further3 i#position of a'#inistrati1e sanctions +as untenable e7cept for the fact that ,ustice Purisi#a +as no lon$er a #e#ber of the Court. Coul' it be that the earlier i#pose' penalties Bi0e0" censure an' partial forfeiture of feesC +ere alrea'! consi'ere' sufficientA Coul' it be that the proper a'#inistrati1e case Barisin$ fro# the earlier bar #atterC +as not institute' before ,ustice Purisi#a retire'A Or coul' it be that ,ustice Purisi#a4s retire#ent benefits +ere alrea'! release' to hi#" lea1in$ the Court +ith nothin$ #ore to $o after to or i#pose Be7cept" perhaps" 'is5ualification to hol' an! $o1ern#ent officeCA I thus sub#it that &2e 3a+/ure &o +'+&+a&e a' a)*+'+(&ra&+,e 0ro-ee)+'4 0r+or &o !u(&+-e Pur+(+*a<( re&+re*e'& *a)e +& u'&e'ab/e 3or &2e Cour& &o 3ur&2er +*0o(e a)*+'+(&ra&+,e (a'-&+o'( o' 2+*. 2hat +as confir#e' b! the $urisima case" nonetheless" for purposes of pertinent 'iscussion" is that the Court has ;uris'iction to ta&e co$ni%ance of a co#plaint a$ainst an incu#bent ,ustice. Then there +as the case #n re; @ndated %etter of (r0 %ouis *irao'o() +here ,ustice Ruben Re!es +as" inter alia" 3hel' liable for GRA$E MISCON"UCT for lea&in$ a confi'ential internal 'ocu#ent of the Court3 for +hich he +as 3FINE" PF00,000.00" to be char$e' a$ainst his retire#ent benefits" an'

'is5ualifie' to hol' an! office or e#plo!#ent in an! branch or instru#entalit! of the $o1ern#ent inclu'in$ $o1ern#ent9o+ne' or controlle' corporations.3 (0 The 5uestion in *irao'o +as not so #uch on the Court4s ;uris'iction o1er the case but on the effect of ,ustice Re!es4 subse5uent retire#ent 'urin$ the pen'enc! of the case. Unli&e the present case" ho+e1er" i#peach#ent procee'in$s a$ainst ,ustices Purisi#a an' Re!es 'i' not see the li$ht of 'a! as the! e1entuall! retire'" +hich #an'ator! retire#ent either foreclose' the initiation of further a'#inistrati1e procee'in$s or 'irecte' the i#posable sanctions to the retire#ent benefits. In 1ie+ of the i#peach#ent co#plaint file' +ith the ?ouse of Representati1es in1ol1in$ the sa#e sub;ect #atter of the case" +hich 'enotes that a co9e5ual branch of $o1ern#ent foun' the sa#e act or o#ission $rie1ous as to present a $roun' for i#peach#ent an' opte' to e7ercise its constitutional function" I sub#it that the Court cannot procee' +ith the a'#inistrati1e co#plaint a$ainst ,ustice -el Castillo for it +ill either BiC ta&e co$ni%ance of an i#peachable offense +hich it has no ;uris'iction to 'eter#ine" or BiiC 'o+npla! the 5uestione' con'uct an' pree#pt the i#peach#ent procee'in$s. I thus ;oin the call of ,ustice Carpio to recall the Court4s October (>" )*(* Resolution" but onl! insofar as ,ustice -el Castillo is concerne'. All relate' a'#inistrati1e concerns an' issues in1ol1in$ non9i#peachable officers therein shoul' still be consi'ere' effectual. In *irao'o" the unauthori%e' release of the unpro#ul$ate' ponencia of ,ustice Re!es in the consoli'ate' %im,aichon' cases spa+ne' an in1esti$ation to 'eter#ine +ho +ere responsible for the lea&a$e of the confi'ential internal 'ocu#ent of the Court. The in1esti$ation le' to the 'isciplinin$ of not ;ust ,ustice Re!es but also t+o #e#bers of his staff" +ho +ere named +ithout hesitation b! the Court" "i>0" Att!. Rosen'o B. E1an$elista an' Ar#an'o -el Rosario" an' +ho +ere hel' liable for SIMP E NEG ECT OF "UT= an' or'ere' to pa! FINE in the a#ount of P10,000.00 an' PF,000.00" respecti1el!.(= 2h!" in the present case" the le$al researcher +ho is hi'in$ behin' her cre'entials appears to be hel' a sacre' co+" I cannot fatho#. ?ers is a ne+ Bor betterC specie of initiale' personification Be.$." 37773C un'er the li&es of Cabal=uinto(> +hich shoul' appl! onl! to cases in1ol1in$ 1iolence a$ainst +o#en an' chil'ren.(/ The un;ustifie' non9'isclosure of her i'entit! is unfair to Att!. E1an$elista +ho" asi'e fro# ha1in$ his o+n cre'entials to protect" ha' to be #entione'

as a #atter of course in the co##ittee report a'opte' b! the Court in #n re; @ndated %etter of (r0 %ouis *irao'o" after si#ilarl! cooperatin$ +ith an' e7plainin$ his si'e before the in1esti$atin$ co##ittee. Att!. E1an$elista +as e1entuall! foun' b! the Court to be +antin$ in care an' 'ili$ence in securin$ the inte$rit! an' confi'entialit! of a 'ocu#ent. In the present case" the Court4s October (>" )*(* per curiam -ecision cleare' the na#e of the unna#e' le$al researcher. 2hile +hat +as at sta&e in *irao'o +as the 3ph!sical inte$rit!3 of a ponencia" +hat is at sta&e in the present case is the 3intellectual inte$rit!3 of a ponencia. The Court is co##ittin$ a 'isser1ice to its ;u'icial function if it 1alues the ph!sical for# of a 'ecision #ore than +hat a 'ecision substantiall! contains. Moreo1er" the liabilit! of ,ustice Re!es 'i' not sa1e the 'a! for Att!. E1an$elista +ho" as the ;u'icial staff hea'" +as tas&e' to secure an' protect the copies of the %im,aichon' -ecision. Si#ilarl! in the present case" in'epen'entl! of ,ustice -el Castillo4s 3shortco#in$s"3 the le$al researcher" +ho +as the lone 'rafter" proofrea'er an' citechec&er" +as tas&e' li&e an! other Court Attorne! to secure an' ensure the substance an' le$al reasonin$ of the /inuya -ecision. Li&e ,ustice Re!es" ,ustice -el Castillo can onl! 'o so #uch in clai#in$ responsibilit! an' full control of his office processes an' shiel'in$ the staff un'er the #antle of his i#peachable +in$s. Notabl!" Rule (*.) of Canon (* of the Co'e of Professional Responsibilit! states that la+!ers shall 3not &no+in$l! #is5uote or #isrepresent the contents of a paper" the lan$ua$e or the ar$u#ent of opposin$ counsel" or the te7t of a 'ecision or authorit!" or &no+in$l! cite as la+ a pro1ision alrea'! ren'ere' inoperati1e b! repeal or a#en'#ent" or assert as a fact that +hich has not been pro1e'.3 2hile the pro1ision presupposes &no+le'$e or +illful intent" it 'oes not #ean that ne$li$ent acts or o#issions of the sa#e nature b! la+!ers ser1in$ the $o1ern#ent $o scot9free. Si#ple ne$lect of 'ut! is 'efine' as the failure to $i1e proper attention to a tas& e7pecte' of an e#plo!ee resultin$ fro# either carelessness or in'ifference.(D I sub#it that the le$al researcher +as re#iss in her 'uties of re9stu'!in$ the sources or authorities in1o&e' in the /inuya -ecision an' chec&in$ the therein citations or" at the 1er! least" those +hose authors4 ri$hts to attribution an' inte$rit! are protecte' un'er Intellectual Propert! La+. 2hile it is incu#bent upon her to 'e1ise +a!s an' #eans of le$al research" her a'#itte' #etho' or process as sho+n in the /inuya case reflects a 'isre$ar' of a 'ut! resultin$ fro# carelessness or in'ifference. She faile' to e7ercise

the re5uire' 'e$ree of care to a tas& e7pecte' of a la+!er9e#plo!ee of the Supre#e Court. 2hile the Court reco$ni%es that there +ere in'ee' lapses in the e'itorial +or& in the 'raftin$ of the /inuya -ecision" it easil! attribute' the# to 3acci'ental 'eletions.3 It con1enientl! assi$ne' such hu#an errors to the real# of acci'ents" +ithout e7plainin$ +hether it coul' not ha1e been foreseen or a1oi'e'. I" therefore" posit that the le$al researcher" +ho #ust hitherto be na#e'" is liable for Si#ple Ne$lect of -ut! an' #ust be or'ere' to pa! a :ine in the a#ount of" follo+in$ Birao$o" P(*"***.**" +ith +arnin$ of #ore se1ere sanctions for future si#ilar con'uct. 2hether liabilit! attaches to +hat the October (>" )*(* per curiam -ecision fin's to be 'eletion or o#ission of citation 3un5uestionabl! 'ue to ina'1ertence or pure o1ersi$ht"3 the fact re#ains" nonetheless" that there is a nee' for a te7tual correction of the /inuya -ecision. This Court shoul' cause the issuance of a correcte' 1ersion in the for# of" +hat ,ustice Ma. Lour'es P. A. Sereno su$$ests as" a 3corri$en'u#.3 The #atter of #a&in$ corrections in ;u'icial issuances is neither no1el nor so#ethin$ beneath the Court. As earl! as :ebruar! ))" )***" the Court alrea'! accepte' the realit! of hu#an error. In A.M. No. **9)9*>9SC" 3In the Matter of Correction of T!po$raphical Errors in -ecisions an' Si$ne' Resolutions"3 the Court pro1i'e' a si#ple proce'ure in #a&in$ proper corrections< Ina'1ertent t!po$raphical errors in 'ecisions an' si$ne' resolutions of the Court #a! occur e1er! no+ an' then. As these 'ecisions an' si$ne' resolutions are publishe' an' preser1e' for posterit! in the Philippine Reports" the Supre#e Court Reports Annotate'" an' other publications as +ell as in the Supre#e Court +ebsite" the nee' for #a&in$ the# free of t!po$raphical errors cannot be o1ere#phasi%e'. Care shoul'" therefore" be ta&en in proofrea'in$ the# before the! are sub#itte' for pro#ul$ation an'Hor publication. Ne1ertheless" shoul' t!po$raphical errors be 'isco1ere' after the pro#ul$ation an'Hor publication of 'ecisions an' resolutions" the follo+in$ proce'ure shoul' be obser1e' to the en' that unauthori%e' corrections" alterations" or intercalations in +hat are public an' official 'ocu#ents are not #a'e. (. In case of 'ecisions an' si$ne' resolutions +ith the authorR4sN na#es in'icate'" the Reporter an' the Chief of the Mana$e#ent

Infor#ation S!ste#s Office of the Supre#e Court shoul' secure the authorit! of the author concerne' to #a&e the necessar! correction of t!po$raphical errors. In case of per curiam 'ecisions an' unsi$ne' resolutions" authorit! to #a&e corrections shoul' be secure' fro# the Chief ,ustice. ). The correction of t!po$raphical errors shall be #a'e b! crossin$ out the incorrect +or' an' insertin$ b! han' the appropriate correction i##e'iatel! abo1e the cancelle' +or'. Such correction shall be authenticate' b! the author b! si$nin$ his initials i##e'iatel! belo+ the correction. In per curiam 'ecisions an' unsi$ne' resolutions" an' in cases +here the author is no lon$er a #e#ber of the Court" the authentication shall be #a'e b! the Chief ,ustice. 0. The Reporter an' the Chief of the Mana$e#ent Infor#ation S!ste#s Office shall sub#it to the Court" throu$h the Cler& of Court" a 5uarterl! report of 'ecisions an' resolutions in +hich corrections ha1e been #a'e. The Cler& of Court #ust thereafter inclu'e the report in the a$en'a of the Court en banc. This resolution ta&es effect i##e'iatel!. -espite the a1o+als of 3slip in attribution"3 3ba' footnotin$"3 an' 3e'itorial error3 in the Court4s October (>" )*(* per curiam -ecision" to 'ate no effort has been #a'e to correct the /inuya -ecision in confor#it! +ith A.M. No. **9)9*>9SC" +hich onl! i#plies that the lapses are not t!po$raphical in nature. The corrections of the /inuya -ecision cannot si#pl! be #a'e b! crossin$ out the incorrect +or' an' insertin$ b! han' the appropriate correction i##e'iatel! abo1e the cancelle' +or'" +ith authentication b! the ponente or +riter. CONCHITA CARPIO MORA ES Associate ,ustice


Constitution" Art. KI" Sec. ).

Cuenco "0 Fernan" A'#. Case No. 0(0>" :ebruar! (D" (FEE" (>E SCRA )F@ 1i'e also the Resolution of April (>" (FEE B(/* SCRA DDEC +here the co#plainant +as se1erel! repri#an'e' an' +arne'.

A.M. No. EE9=9>=00" April (>" (FEE" (/* SCRA DD(. I'. at DD=. I'. at DD/9DDD. A.C. No. =>*F" -ece#ber >" (FF>" )>* SCRA 7i.


SC B"ide Office of the Court A'#inistrator 1. Morante" A.M. No. P9*)9 (>>>" April (/" )**=" =)E SCRA (" 0>90/@ J0 Ain' and Sons Company. #nc0. "0 1ontanosas. Jr0" A.M. No. RT,9*09(E*)" :ebruar! )E" )**/ ResolutionC an' the respon'ent has alrea'! been re5uire' to co##ent on the co#plaint B1ec, "0 Santos" A.M. No. RT,9*(9 (/>D" )0 :ebruar! )**=" =)0 SCRA 0)F" 0=(C.

A.M. No. *F9)9(F9SC" :ebruar! )=" )**F" >E* SCRA (*/. I'. at (/=. I'. The Court e7plaine'< (iability of Atty. Rosen#o 1. E"angelista The Co##ittee fin's that Att!. E1an$elista" ,ustice Re!es4 ,u'icial Staff ?ea'" +as re#iss in his 'uties" +hich inclu'es the super1ision of the operations of the office" particularl! +ith respect to the pro#ul$ation of 'ecisions. 2hile it is incu#bent upon hi# to 'e1ise +a!s an' #eans to secure the inte$rit! of confi'ential 'ocu#ents" his actuations reflecte' abo1e e1ince' 3a 'isre$ar' of a 'ut! resultin$ fro# carelessness or in'ifference.3 Att!. E1an$elista +as a'#itte'l! un#in'ful of the responsible safe&eepin$ of 'raft ponencias in an unloc&e' 'ra+er of a #e#ber of the staff. ?e faile' to #a&e sure that the unuse' portion of confi'ential 'ocu#ents li&e the secon' si$nator! pa$e of the ponencia in .ilbert for# ha' been properl! 'ispose' of or shre''e'. ?e +as not on top of thin$s that concerne' the pro#ul$ation of ponencias" for he faile' to ascertain the status an' proce'ural i#plication of an 3on hol'3 or'er after ha1in$ been apprise' thereof b! his subor'inate" -el Rosario" on ,ul! (D" )**E. -espite his a+areness that the Li#&aichon$ case +oul' e1entuall! be calle' a$ain" he a'#itte' that he +as not pri1! to the preparation of the cop! of the ponencia for the subse5uent session on ,ul! )F" )**E. 2ith these fin'in$s" the Court fin's hi# /+ab/e 3or SIMP E NEG ECT OF "UT=. (iability of Arman#o Del Rosario

Bffice of the Bmbudsman "0 Court of Appeals " ..R. No. (=/=E/" March =" )**>" =>) SCRA D(=" D0=9D0>.


In 'iscussin$ the +or' 3incapacitate'"3 Bernas sai' that the po+er to 'eter#ine incapacit! is part of the o1erall a'#inistrati1e po+er +hich the Supre#e Court has o1er its #e#bers an' o1er all #e#bers of the ;u'iciar! RBernas" The (FED Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines< A Co##entar! B)**0C" p. FEEN.


A.M. No. (*9=9)*9SC BMa! =" )*(*C. I'." Rule )" Sec. 0" par. BhC.



This fra#e+or& of constitutional la+ li&e+ise e7plains +h! incu#bent ,ustices of the Supre#e Court" b! 1irtue of their bein$ i#peachable officers" are 'o& +'-/u)e) fro# the operation of A.M. No. *)9F9*)9SC on the 3Auto#atic Con1ersion of So#e A'#inistrati1e Cases A$ainst ,ustices of the Court of Appeals an' the San'i$anba!an" ,u'$es of Re$ular an' Special Courts" an' Court Officials 2ho Are La+!ers as -isciplinar! Procee'in$s A$ainst The# Both as Officials an' as Me#bers of the Philippine Bar3 BSepte#ber (D" )**)C. The rule pro1i'es that +hen the sai' a'#inistrati1e case is base' on $roun's +hich are li&e+ise $roun's for a 'isciplinar! action of #e#bers of the Bar" the a'#inistrati1e case shall also be consi'ere' a 'isciplinar! action a$ainst the respon'ent ;ustice" ;u'$e or court official concerne' as a #e#ber of the Bar Ras applie' in A"ancena "0 %iwana'" A.M. No. MT,9*(9(0E0" March >" )**0" 0FE SCRA >=( an' ,ul! (D" )**0" =*/ SCRA 0** +here the ;u'$e +as 'is#isse' fro# ser1ice an' 'isbarre' fro# the practice of la+. See also Juan de la Cru> 8Concerned Citi>en of %e'a>pi City: "0 Carretas" A.M. No. RT,9*D9)*=0" Septe#ber >" )**D" >0) SCRA )(E@ CaMa'a 1. Suerte" A.M. No. RT,9*=9(EE=" :ebruar! ))" )**E" >=/ SCRA =(=N. Its application to a particular a'#inistrati1e action is not 'epen'ent on the 'ate of co##ission of the offense but on the 'ate of filin$ of the case. There is no auto#atic con1ersion +hen the a'#inistrati1e case +as file' before October (" )**) or prior to the 'ate of effecti1it! of A.M. No. *)9F9*)9

The co##ittee li&e+ise fin's -el Rosario a'#inistrati1el! liable for failin$ to e7ercise the re5uire' 'e$ree of care in the custo'! of the .ilbert cop!. -el Rosario a'#itte'l! &ept the .ilbert cop! in an unloc&e' 'ra+er fro# ,ul! (/" )**E to -ece#ber (*" )**E +hen he shoul' ha1e &no+n that" b! the nature of the 'ocu#ent in his custo'!" he shoul' ha1e &ept it #ore securel!. ?is carelessness ren'ers hi# a'#inistrati1el! /+ab/e 3or SIMP E NEG ECT OF "UT=" 'efine' as the failure to $i1e proper attention to a tas& e7pecte' of an e#plo!ee resultin$ fro# either carelessness or in'ifference. Ti#e an' a$ain" the Court has e#phasi%e' the hea1! bur'en an' responsibilit! +hich court officials an' e#plo!ees are #an'ate' to carr!. The! are constantl! re#in'e' that an! i#pression of i#propriet!" #is'ee' or ne$li$ence in the perfor#ance of official functions #ust be a1oi'e'. The Court +ill ne1er countenance an! con'uct" act or o#ission on the part of all those in1ol1e' in the a'#inistration of ;ustice +hich +oul' 1iolate the nor# of public accountabilit! an' 'i#inish the people4s faith in the ;u'iciar!. Un'er Section )0" Rule KI of the O#nibus Ci1il Ser1ice Rules an' Re$ulations" Bsi#pleC ne$lect of 'ut! is punishable b! suspension of one #onth an' one 'a! to si7 #onths for the first offense. Un'er Sec. (F" Rule KI of the sa#e Rules" the penalt! of fine Binstea' of suspensionC #a! also be i#pose' in the alternati1e. :ollo+in$ the Court6s rulin$ in se1eral cases in1ol1in$ Bsi#pleC ne$lect of 'ut!" +e fin' the penalt! of fine on Att!. E1an$elista an' -el Rosario in the a#ount of P(*"*** an' P>"***" respecti1el!" ;ust an' reasonable. B#d0 at (/(9(/0@ e#phasis" italics an' un'erscorin$ in the ori$inalC.


#n Re; @ndated %etter of (r0 %ouis *irao'o" supra at (/)" citin$ Ri"era "0 *uena" A.M. No. P9*D9)0F=" :ebruar! (F" )**E" >=/ SCRA ))).

The La+phil Pro;ect 9 Arellano La+ :oun'ation

SEPARATE CONCURRING OPINION #RION, J.: Bac&$roun' :acts The present a'#inistrati1e 'isciplinar! case a$ainst Supre#e Court Associate ,ustice Mariano C. 'el Castillo ste##e' fro# the 'ecision he penne' for the Court in ..R. No. (/))0*" entitle' #sabelita C0 inu!a" et al. 1. E7ecuti1e Secretar!. The inu!a -ecision +as pro#ul$ate' on April )E" )*(* +ith (0 ;ustices of this Court concurrin$ +ith the rulin$ to 'is#iss the case. On ,ul! (F" )*(*" Att!s. ?arr! Ro5ue an' Ro##el Ba$ares" counsels for petitioners inu!a" et al." file' a Supple#ental Motion for Reconsi'eration raisin$" a#on$ others" the pla$iaris# alle$e'l! co##itte' b! ,ustice 'el Castillo for usin$ the +or&s of three forei$n le$al authors in his ponencia. The! alle$e' that the use +as +ithout proper attribution an' that ,ustice 'el Castillo t+iste' the forei$n authors4 +or&s to support the -ecision. The! consi'ere' it 3hi$hl! i#proper for 7 7 7 the Court 7 7 7 to +holl! lift" +ithout proper attribution" fro# at least three sources P an article publishe' in )**F in the Gale La+ ,ournal of International La+"( a boo& publishe' b! the Ca#bri'$e Uni1ersit! Press in )**>") an' an article publishe' in the Case 2estern Reser1e ,ournal of International La+0 P an' to #a&e it appear that these sources support the assaile' ,u'$#ent4s ar$u#ents for 'is#issin$ RtheirN petitionR"N +hen in truth" the pla$iari%e' sources e1en #a&e a stron$ case for the Petition4s clai#sR.N3= In repl! to the accusation" ,ustice 'el Castillo +rote an' circulate' a letter 'ate' ,ul! ))" )*(* to the #e#bers of this Court. On ,ul! )D" )*(*" the Court 'eci'e' to refer the letter to the Ethics an' Ethical Stan'ar's Co##ittee Bthe 3Ethics Co##ittee3 or 3co##ittee3C +hich 'oc&ete' it as an a'#inistrati1e #atter. The co##ittee re5uire' Att!s. Ro5ue an' Ba$ares to co##ent on ,ustice 'el Castillo4s letter" after +hich it hear' the parties. After the parties4 #e#oran'a" the co##ittee sub#itte' its fin'in$s an' reco##en'ations to the Court.

$eople "0 Cabal=uinto" ..R. No. (/D/F0" Septe#ber (F" )**/" >*) SCRA =(F.

/ide Republic Act No. D/(* BSpecial Protection of Chil'ren a$ainst Chil' Abuse" E7ploitation an' -iscri#ination ActC@ Republic Act No. F)/) BAnti9 iolence A$ainst 2o#en an' Their Chil'ren Act of )**=C@ A.M. No. *=9(*9((9SC of No1e#ber (=" )**= BRule on iolence a$ainst 2o#en an' their Chil'renC@ an' A.M. No. FF9D9*/9SC" #n Re #nternet +eb pa'e of the Supreme Court. Resolution of :ebruar! (=" )**/.

The Court4s -ecision on the Pla$iaris# Char$e a$ainst ,ustice 'el Castillo In a -ecision 'ate' October ()" )*(*" the Court resol1e' to 'is#iss the pla$iaris# char$es a$ainst ,ustice 'el Castillo. It reco$ni%e' that in'ee' certain passa$es of the forei$n le$al article +ere lifte' an' use' in the inu!a -ecision an' that 3no attributions +ere #a'e to the 7 7 7 authors in RitsN footnotes.3> ?o+e1er" the Court conclu'e' that the failure to attribute 'i' not a#ount to pla$iaris# because no #alicious intent atten'e' the failure@ the attributions Bpresent in ,ustice 'el Castillo4s ori$inal 'raftsC +ere si#pl! acci'entall! 'elete' in the course of the 'raftin$ process. Malicious intent +as 'ee#e' an essential ele#ent" as 3pla$iaris# is essentiall! a for# of frau' +here intent to 'ecei1e is inherent.3 Citin$ Blac&4s La+ -ictionar!4s 'efinition of pla$iaris# P the 'eliberate an' &no+in$ presentation of another person4s ori$inal i'eas or creati1e e7pressions as one4s o+n P the Court 'eclare' that 3pla$iaris# presupposes intent an' a 'eliberate" conscious effort to steal another4s +or& an' pass it off as one4s o+n.3 In fact" the Court foun' that b! citin$ the forei$n author4s ori$inal sources" ,ustice 'el Castillo ne1er create' the i#pression that he +as the ori$inal author of the passa$es clai#e' to ha1e been lifte' fro# the forei$n la+ articles< The Court also a'opts the Co##ittee4s fin'in$ that the o#ission of attributions to Cri''le9-escent an' Ellis 'i' not brin$ about an i#pression that ,ustice -el Castillo hi#self create' the passa$es that he lifte' fro# their publishe' articles. That he #erel! $ot those passa$es fro# others re#ains self9e1i'ent" 'espite the acci'ental 'eletion. The fact is that he still i#pute' the passa$es to the sources fro# +hich Cri''le9-escent an' Ellis borro+e' the# in the first place. As to the char$e that ,ustice 'el Castillo t+iste' the #eanin$ of the +or&s of the forei$n authors" the Court rule' that it +as i#possible for hi# to ha1e 'one so because< first" since the attributions to Cri''le9-escent an' Ellis +ere acci'entall! 'elete'" it is i#possible for an! person rea'in$ the 'ecision to connect the sa#e to the +or&s of those authors as to conclu'e that in +ritin$ the 'ecision ,ustice -el Castillo 3t+iste'3 their inten'e' #essa$es. An'" secon'" the lifte' passa$es pro1i'e' #ere bac&$roun' facts that establishe' the state of international la+ at 1arious sta$es of its 'e1elop#ent. These are neutral 'ata that coul' support conflictin$ theories re$ar'in$ +hether or not the ;u'iciar! has the po+er to'a! to or'er the E7ecuti1e -epart#ent to sue another countr! or +hether the 'ut! to prosecute 1iolators of international cri#es has attaine' the status of ;us co$ens. The Court" thus" 'eclare' that 3onl! errors Rof ;u'$esN tainte' +ith frau'" corruption" or #alice are sub;ect of 'isciplinar! action3 an' these +ere not

present in ,ustice 'el Castillo4s case@ the failure +as not atten'e' b! an! #alicious intent not to attribute the lifte' passa$es to the forei$n authors. ,ustice Maria Lour'es P. A. Sereno 'issente' fro# the Court4s October ()" )*(* -ecision base' #ainl! on her 'isa$ree#ent +ith the #a;orit!4s 'eclaration that #alicious intent is re5uire' for a char$e of pla$iaris# to prosper. On No1e#ber (>" )*(*" Att!s. Ro5ue an' Ba$ares file' a #otion for reconsi'eration of the Court4s October ()" )*(* -ecision. This #otion +as the sub;ect of the ReportHResolution sub#itte' to the Court for consi'eration. Inci'entall!" the sa#e counsels file' an i#peach#ent co#plaint for betra!al of public trust a$ainst ,ustice 'el Castillo +ith the ?ouse of Representati1es on -ece#ber (=" )*(*. The Court4s Action on the Motion for Reconsi'eration The Court referre' the #otion for reconsi'eration to the Ethics Co##ittee an' its Report reco##en'e' the 'is#issal of the #otion for reconsi'eration. The Report 'ifferentiate' aca'e#ic +ritin$ fro# ;u'icial +ritin$" 'eclarin$ that ori$inalit! of i'eas is not re5uire' of a ;u'$e +ritin$ 'ecisions an' resol1in$ conflicts because he is boun' b! the 'octrine of stare 'ecisis P the le$al principle of 'eter#inin$ points in liti$ation accor'in$ to prece'ents. The Report li&e+ise 'eclare' that the forei$n authors" +hose +or&s +ere clai#e' to ha1e been pla$iari%e'" +ere not the#sel1es the ori$inators of the i'eas cite' in the inu!a -ecision. 2hile the inu!a -ecision 'i' not #ention their na#es" it 'i' attribute the passa$es to the ori$inal authors fro# +ho# these forei$n authors borro+e' the i'eas. There +as" thus" no intent on the part of ,ustice 'el Castillo to appropriate the i'eas or to clai# that these i'eas ori$inate' fro# hi#@ in short" he 'i' not pass the# off as his o+n. ,ustice Antonio T. Carpio 'issente' fro# the Report" base' on t+o $roun's< a. the Court has no ;uris'iction o1er the a'#inistrati1e case as it in1ol1es a sittin$ Supre#e Court ,ustice" for alle$e' #iscon'uct co##itte' in office@ an' b. the ;u'$e" +hen +ritin$ ;u'icial 'ecisions" #ust co#pl! +ith the la+ on cop!ri$ht an' respect the #oral ri$ht of the author to ha1e the +or& copie' attribute' to hi#. M! Position

I full! support the conclusions of the Ethics Co##ittee. I li&e+ise ta&e e7ception to ,ustice Carpio4s -issentin$ Opinion" specificall! on his position that the Court has no ;uris'iction to 'iscipline its Me#bers as the onl! #eans to 'iscipline the# is throu$h i#peach#ent procee'in$s that the Con$ress has the sole prero$ati1e to un'erta&e. I#peach#ent" he 'eclares" functions as the e5ui1alent of a'#inistrati1e 'isciplinar! procee'in$s. Since the Con$ress is $i1en the e7clusi1e po+er to initiate"/ tr!" an' 'eci'eD all cases of i#peach#ent" ,ustice Carpio posits that the Con$ress ser1es as the e7clusi1e 'isciplinin$ authorit! o1er all i#peachable officers. ?e +arns that for the Supre#e Court to hear the present a'#inistrati1e 'isciplinar! case +oul' be to usurp this e7clusi1e po+er of Con$ress. ,uris'iction of the Supre#e Court to -iscipline its Me#bers A $i1en in the 'iscipline of Me#bers of the Supre#e Court is that the! can onl! be 3re#o1e' fro# office3 throu$h i#peach#ent" as pro1i'e' un'er Article KI of the Constitution" on the specifie' $roun's of culpable 1iolation of the Constitution" treason" briber!" $raft an' corruption" other hi$h cri#es" or betra!al of the public trust. The purpose of i#peach#ent an' the constitutional interest sou$ht is to protect the people an' the State fro# official 'elin5uencies an' other #alfeasances.E The Constitution" ho+e1er" is not a sin$le9purpose 'ocu#ent that focuses on one interest alone to the e7clusion of relate' interests@ i#peach#ent +as ne1er inten'e' b! the Constitution to be the totalit! of the a'#inistrati1e actions or re#e'ies that the public or the Court #a! ta&e a$ainst an errin$ ,ustice of the Court. Other relate' constitutional interests e7ist touchin$ on other facets of the ,u'iciar! an' public accountabilit!. The! are" b! the#sel1es" e5uall! co#pellin$ an' 'e#an'in$ of reco$nition. A#on$ the co#pellin$ interests that the Constitution %ealousl! $uar's is ;u'icial in'epen'ence because it is basic to the #eanin$ an' purposes of the ,u'iciar!. This interest per#eates the pro1isions of Article III of the Constitution.F Another interest to consi'er is the nee' for ;u'icial inte$rit! P a ter# not e7pressl! #entione' in the Article on the ,u'iciar! BArticle IIIC" but is a basic concept foun' in Article KI Bon Accountabilit! of Public OfficersC of the Constitution. It is i#portant as this constitutional interest un'erlies the in'epen'ent an' responsible ,u'iciar! that Article III establishes an' protects. To be e7act" it co#ple#ents ;u'icial in'epen'ence as inte$rit! an' in'epen'ence affect an' support one another@ onl! a ,u'iciar! +ith inte$rit! can be a trul! in'epen'ent ,u'iciar!. ,u'icial inte$rit!" too" 'irectl! relates to public trust an' accountabilit! that the Constitution see&s in the stron$est ter#s. The sa#e Article KI contains the i#peach#ent pro1isions that pro1i'e for the re#o1al of ,ustices of the Supre#e Court. Notabl!" a co##on threa'

that runs throu$h all the $roun's for i#peach#ent is the lac& of inte$rit! of the official i#peache' on these $roun's. Still another una1oi'able consi'eration on i#peach#ent an' its li#ite' $roun's is that it cannot" b! itself" suffice to protect the people an' foster the public accountabilit! that the Constitution spea&s of. 2hile it is a po+erful +eapon in the arsenal of public accountabilit! an' inte$rit!" it is not a co#plete +eapon that can a''ress an' full! achie1e its protecti1e purposes. As 'iscusse' #ore full! belo+" not all co#plaints an' $rie1ances can be subsu#e' un'er the 'efine' constitutional $roun's for i#peach#ent. Me#bers of the Court can co##it other offenses not co1ere' b! the i#peachable offenses" for +hich other offenses the! shoul' e5uall! be hel' accountable. These other offenses #ust of course be a'#inistrati1el! a''resse' else+here if the! cannot be si#ilarl! a''resse' throu$h i#peach#ent@ the people +ill not accept an interpretation that these are offenses that fell throu$h the constitutional crac&s an' can no lon$er be a'#inistrati1el! a''resse'. These consi'erations" ta&en to$ether" 'ictate a$ainst the position of ,ustice Carpio that the Con$ress alone" throu$h i#peach#ent an' to the e7clusion of this Court" can procee' a$ainst the Me#bers of the Court. Protection of ,u'icial Inte$rit! :or the purpose of preser1in$ ;u'icial inte$rit!" the Supre#e Court has as #uch Ban' in fact" shoul' ha1e #oreC interest as the public or as an! other branch of the $o1ern#ent in o1erseein$ the con'uct of #e#bers of the ,u'iciar!" inclu'in$ its o+n Me#bers. This is precisel! the reason for the ,u'iciar!4s Co'e of ,u'icial Con'uct an' the la+!ers4 Co'e of Professional Responsibilit!. ,u'icial inte$rit! is not onl! a necessar! ele#ent in the or'erl! an' efficient a'#inistration of ;ustice@ it is al#ost literall! the lifebloo' of the ,u'iciar!. A ,u'iciar!" 'issociate' fro# inte$rit! an' the public trust that inte$rit! brin$s" loses its ri$htful place in the constitutional 'e#ocratic sche#e that puts a pre#iu# on a reliable an' respecte' thir' branch of $o1ern#ent that +oul' balance the po+ers of the other t+o branches. To ensure the #aintenance an' enhance#ent of ;u'icial inte$rit!" the Constitution has $i1en the ,u'iciar!" #ainl! throu$h the Supre#e Court" a 1ariet! of po+ers. These po+ers necessaril! be$in +ith the po+er to a'#it an' to 'iscipline #e#bers of the bar(* +ho are officers of the courts an' +ho ha1e the broa'est frontline interaction +ith the courts an' +ith the public. Courts in $eneral ha1e the po+er to cite for conte#pt (( that procee's" not onl! fro# the nee' to #aintain or'erl! proce'ures" but also fro# the nee' to protect ;u'icial inte$rit! in the course of the courts4 e7ercise of ;u'icial po+er. The Supre#e Court has the po+er to 'iscipline an' re#o1e ;u'$es of lo+er

courts.() In this role" the Court hears a'#inistrati1e 'isciplinar! cases a$ainst lo+er court ;u'$es for purposes of re'ress a$ainst errin$ ;u'$es an'" #ore i#portantl!" to 3Rpreser1eN the inte$rit! of the ;u'icial s!ste# an' public confi'ence in the s!ste# an' 7 7 7 Rto safe$uar'N the bench an' the public fro# those +ho are unfit.3(0 As concrete le$al basis" the Supre#e Court is e7pressl! $rante' the $eneral po+er of a'#inistrati1e super1ision o1er all courts an' the personnel thereof.(= B! its plain ter#s" the po+er e7ten's not onl! to the authorit! to super1ise an' 'iscipline lo+er court ;u'$es but to e7ercise the sa#e po+ers o1er the Me#bers of the Court itself. This is the una1oi'able #eanin$ of this $rant of authorit! if its #ain rationale P i.e." to preser1e ;u'icial inte$rit! P is to be $i1en full effect. The Supre#e Court #ust ensure that the inte$rit! of the +hole ,u'iciar!" its o+n Me#bers inclu'e'" is #aintaine' as an! taint on an! part of the ,u'iciar! necessaril! taints the +hole. To state the ob1ious" a taint in or #iscon'uct b! an! Me#ber of the Supre#e Court P e1en if onl! +hispere' about for lac& of concrete e1i'ence an' patriotic +histleblo+ers P carries $reater a'1erse i#pact than a si#ilar e1ent else+here in the ,u'iciar!. In'epen'ent of the $rant of super1isor! authorit! an' at a #ore basic le1el" the Supre#e Court cannot be e7pecte' to pla! its role in the constitutional 'e#ocratic sche#e solel! on the basis of the Constitution4s e7press $rant of po+ers. I#plie' in these $rants are the inherent po+ers that e1er! entit! en'o+e' +ith life Be1en artificial lifeC an' bur'ene' +ith responsibilities can an' #ust e7ercise if it is to sur1i1e. The Court cannot but ha1e the ri$ht to 'efen' itself to ensure that its inte$rit! an' that of the ,u'iciar! it o1ersees are &ept intact. This is particularl! true +hen its inte$rit! is attac&e' or place' at ris& b! its 1er! o+n Me#bers P a situation that is not un&no+n in the histor! of the Court. To be sure" ;u'icial inte$rit! cannot be achie1e' if the Court can police the ran&s of the lo+er court ;u'$es but not its o+n ran&s. :ro# this perspecti1e 1ie+" it is unthin&able that the Supre#e Court can onl! +atch helplessl! P for the reason that the po+er to act is $rante' onl! to Con$ress un'er the ter#s of the Constitution P as its o+n Me#bers prostitute its inte$rit! as an institution. I#peach#ent .roun's are Li#ite' That an i#peach#ent parta&es of the nature of an a'#inistrati1e 'isciplinar! procee'in$ confine' to the 'efine' an' li#ite' $roun's of 3culpable 1iolation of the Constitution" treason" briber!" $raft an' corruption" other hi$h cri#es" an' betra!al of public trust3(> cannot be 'ispute'. ?o+e1er" it cannot li&e+ise be 'ispute' that these $roun's" as 'efine'" refer onl! to those serious 3offenses that stri&e at the 1er! heart of the life of the nation.3 (/ Thus" for 3betra!al of public trust3 to be a $roun' for i#peach#ent" the 3#anner of co##ission #ust be of the sa#e se1erit! as Ltreason4 an' Lbriber!.43 (D 2ith

respect to #e#bers of the ?i$h Court" i#peach#ent is consi'ere' 3as a response to serious #isuse of ;u'icial po+er3(E no less e5ui1alent to treason or briber!. -irectl! i#plie' fro# these establishe' i#peach#ent principles is that 3re#o1al fro# office Bthe i#posable penalt! upon i#peach#ent an' con1ictionC is not the price e7acte' for e1er! inci'ent of ;u'icial #iscon'uct.3(F Other+ise state'" that i#peach#ent a'#inistrati1el! a''resses onl! serious offenses co##itte' b! i#peachable officers cannot i#pl! that the Constitution con'ones #is'e#eanors an' #iscon'uct that are not of e5ual $ra1it!. :or" si'e b! si'e +ith the constitutional pro1ision on i#peach#ent is the constitutional polic! that 3public office is a public trust3 an' that 3public officers an' e#plo!ees #ust" at all ti#es" be accountable to the people.3 )* E1en i#peachable officials" 'espite the nature an' le1el of their positions" #ust be a'#inistrati1el! accountable for #iscon'uct an' #is'e#eanors that are of lesser $ra1it! than the 'efine' i#peachable offenses. Onl! this approach an' reconcile' rea'in$ +ith the pro1ision on i#peach#ent can $i1e full effect to the constitutional polic! of accountabilit!. If this +ere not the case" then the public +oul' be left +ith no effecti1e a'#inistrati1e recourse a$ainst Supre#e Court ,ustices co##ittin$ less than $ra1e #iscon'uct. One A#erican +riter" Brent -. 2ar'" +rites on this point that< It +oul' be a serious +ea&ness in our s!ste# to place s!ste#atic ;u'icial #iscon'uct be!on' the reach of an! re#e'! sa1e i#peach#ent. There are li#its be!on' +hich no person P e1en a fe'eral ;u'$e P shoul' be allo+e' to $o +ith i#punit!. The courts the#sel1es ha1e the po+er an' the 'ut! to curtail the effect of repeate' contrar! an' erratic actions of a ;u'$e that occur too fre5uentl! to per#it effecti1e appellate super1ision in the run of cases. 7777 RTheN Constitution 'oes 7 7 7 shiel' R;u'$esN fro# correcti1e action b! other ;u'$es 'esi$ne' to ensure that the la+ is effecti1el! a'#inistere'. The appellate courts ha1e the po+er to pre1ent action so ob1iousl! i#proper as to place it be!on' establishe' rules of la+. )( A'1erse Effects of E7pansi1e ie+ of I#peach#ent .roun's If i#peach#ent +ere to be the onl! a'#inistrati1e procee'in$ to hol' ,ustices of this Court accountable" then the $roun's for i#peach#ent #a! ar$uabl! carr! a 'efinition be!on' the tra'itionall! $ra1e or serious character these offenses ha1e al+a!s carrie'. An e7pan'e' 'efinition" ho+e1er" is no 'ifferent fro# the re#e'! of burnin$ a house to &ill a rat. 2hile such

'efinition in the lon$ run #a! &ill #ore rats or assure'l! 'o a+a! +ith a particularl! obno7ious rat" it +ill at the sa#e ti#e threaten an' a'1ersel! affect a #ore 1aluable constitutional interest P the in'epen'ence of the ,u'iciar! that allo+s #a$istrates to conscientiousl! un'erta&e their 'uties" $ui'e' onl! b! the 'ictates of the Constitution an' the rule of la+. It nee's no elaborate 'e#onstration to sho+ that the threat of i#peach#ent for e1er! percei1e' #iscon'uct or #is'e#eanor +oul' open ,ustices of the Court to harrass#ent. A nau$ht! effect P if a'#inistrati1e re'ress can onl! be secure' fro# Con$ress to the e7clusion of this Court un'er an e7pan'e' 'efinition of i#peach#ent $roun's P is to encoura$e e1er! liti$ant +ith a percei1e' $rie1ance a$ainst a ,ustice of this Court to run to his con$ress#an for the filin$ of an i#peach#ent co#plaint. Un'oubte'l!" this &in' of scenario +ill be a continuin$ threat to ;u'$es an' ;ustices" +ith conse5uential a'1erse effects on the ,u'iciar!" on inter9branch relationship" an' on the respect the public #a! $i1e the ,u'iciar!" the Le$islature" an' e1en of the $o1ern#ent itself. 2orse" this &in' of scenario #a! ulti#atel! tri1iali%e the i#peach#ent process an' is thus best a1oi'e'. An e7pansi1e interpretation of the $roun's for i#peach#ent #ust also affect Con$ress +hich acts on i#peach#ent co#plaints but +hose #ain tas& un'er our structure of $o1ern#ent is to le$islate" not to police the Supre#e Court an' other i#peachable officers. To sa! the least" a 'elu$e of i#peach#ent co#plaints #a! pro1e to be i#practical for Con$ress because i#peach#ent is both an ar'uous an' a ti#e consu##in$ process that +ill surel! 'i1ert con$ressional ti#e an' other resources fro# the principal function of la+#a&in$. The US Practice In the Unite' States BUSC fe'eral courts" 3the i#peach#ent process has not been the onl! chec& on fe'eral ;u'$es R+ho are re#o1able throu$h i#peach#entN +ho #a! ha1e abuse' their in'epen'ence" or the onl! assurance of their accountabilit!.3 )) The US National Co##ission on ,u'icial -iscipline an' Re#o1al has posite' that there #ust be 3a po+er in the ;u'iciar! to 'eal +ith certain &in's of #iscon'uct Ras this +ill furtherN both the s#ooth functionin$ of the ;u'icial branch an' the broa' $oal ;u'icial in'epen'ence.3 Alon$ this line" the US Con$ress create' a s!ste# enforcin$ an internal ;u'icial self9'iscipline throu$h the ;u'icial councils un'er their ,u'icial Councils Refor# an' ,u'icial Con'uct an' -isabilit! Act of (FE* Bthe US (FE* ActC. The ;u'icial council Bco#pose' of the fe'eral ;u'$es +ithin a specific ;u'icial circuitC is consi'ere' as a 3for#al an' cre'ible supple#ent to

the i#peach#ent process for resol1in$ co#plaint of #iscon'uct or 'isabilit! a$ainst fe'eral ;u'$es.3)0 The ;u'icial council of a fe'eral circuit" throu$h the chief ;u'$e" is authori%e' to recei1e an' to act on co#plaints about the con'uct of ;u'$es +ho are re#o1able onl! throu$h i#peach#ent. If there is #erit to a co#plaint" the ;u'icial council can 3ta&e appropriate action" +hich #a! inclu'e censure" repri#an'" te#porar! suspension" an' transfer of cases" but not re#o1al fro# office. If the ;u'icial council belie1es that it has unco1ere' $roun's for i#peach#ent" the council is e#po+ere' to report its fin'in$s to the ,u'icial Conference of the Unite' States" +hich after an in1esti$ation" #a! report its fin'in$s to the ?ouse of Representati1es.3 )= Ar$uabl!" the e7istence of a ;u'icial council as an a''itional or supple#ental chec& on US fe'eral ;u'$es is statutor! an' no e5ui1alent statute has been enacte' in our ;uris'iction specificall! establishin$ in our Supre#e Court a s!ste# of internal ;u'icial self9'iscipline. This ar$u#ent" ho+e1er" loses si$ht of the constitutional authorit! of our Supre#e Court to $o1ern the con'uct of its #e#bers un'er its po+er of $eneral a'#inistrati1e super1ision o1er all courts P a po+er that the Philippine Constitution e7pressl! $rants to our Supre#e Court to the e7clusion of re#e'ies outsi'e of the ,u'iciar! e7cept onl! for i#peach#ent. Interestin$l!" e1en in the US" the 1ie+ has been ta&en that the enact#ent of a statute conferrin$ 'isciplinar! po+er to the Court o1er its o+n #e#bers #a! be unnecessar! as the Supre#e Court itself #a! assu#e this po+er. This is i#plie' fro# the follo+in$ reco##en'ation of the US National Co##ission on ,u'icial -iscipline an' Re#o1al +hich states< RINt #a! be in the RUS Supre#eN Court4s best interest" as contributin$ to the public4s perception of accountabilit!" to 'e1ise an' a'opt so#e t!pe of for#al proce'ure for the receipt an' 'isposition of con'uct an' 'isabilit! co#plaints. The Co##ission reco##en's that the Supre#e Court #a! +ish to consi'er the a'option of policies an' proce'ures for the filin$ an' 'isposition fo co#plaints alle$in$ #iscon'uct a$ainst ,ustices of the Supre#e Court. )> Note shoul' be ta&en in these re$ar's that the Philippine Supre#e Court has alrea'! put in place 1arious Co'es $o1ernin$ ethical rules for the bar an' for the ,u'iciar!. The Co'e of ,u'icial Con'uct applies to all #e#bers of the ,u'iciar!" inclu'in$ the Me#bers of the Supre#e Court. The Co'e of Professional Responsibilit! applies to all la+!ers" thus" necessaril! to Me#bers of the Court for +ho# #e#bership in the bar is an essential 5ualification. The Court as +ell has co'ifie' the Internal Rules of the Supre#e Court. A Rule on 2histleblo+in$ is presentl! un'er consi'eration b! the Court en banc. 2hat is crucial in the establish#ent of the ;u'icial council s!ste# in the US is the i#plication that no inherent inco#patibilit! e7ists bet+een the e7istence

of Con$ress4 po+er to i#peach an' the Supre#e Court4s po+er to 'iscipline its o+n #e#bers@ the t+o po+ers can co9e7ist an'" in fact" e1en supple#ent each other. The constitutionalit! of reco$ni%in$ 'isciplinar! po+er in the courts o1er their o+n i#peachable #e#bers Bas pro1i'e' in the US (FE* ActC" 1is9b91is the Con$ress4 po+er to re#o1e the sa#e officials b! i#peach#ent" has been a''resse' before the US Court of Appeals in the case of McBr!'e 1. Co##ission to Re1ie+ Circuit Council Con'uct an' -isabilit! Or'ers of the ,u'icial Conference of the US )/< ,u'$e McBr!'e fra#es his separation of po+ers clai# as +hether the Constitution 3allocates the po+er to 'iscipline fe'eral ;u'$es an'" if so" to +hich branches of $o1ern#ent.3 :in'in$ that it allocates the po+er to Con$ress in the for# of i#peach#ent" he conclu'es that it e7clu'es all other for#s of 'iscipline. But ,u'$e McBr!'e6s atte#pt to fu'$e the 'istinction bet+een i#peach#ent an' 'iscipline 'oesn6t +or&. The Constitution li#its ;u'$#ents for i#peach#ent to re#o1al fro# office an' 'is5ualification to hol' office. It #a&es no #ention of 'iscipline $enerall!. The Supre#e Court recentl! obser1e' that it accepte' the proposition that 3R+Nhen a statute li#its a thin$ to be 'one in a particular #o'e" it inclu'es a ne$ati1e of an! other #o'e.3 But application of the #a7i# 'epen's on the 3thin$ to be 'one.3 ?ere the thin$ to be 'one b! i#peach#ent is re#o1al an' 'is5ualification" not 3'iscipline3 of an! sort. Thus" +hen the con'uct of a #e#ber of the Supre#e Court is i#proper but is not of such $ra1it! to be consi'ere' as an i#peachable offense" the Court P to protect its inte$rit! P #a! a''ress the #iscon'uct throu$h an a'#inistrati1e 'isciplinar! case a$ainst the errin$ #e#ber. Conclusion< Court can hear the case a$ainst ,ustice 'el Castillo as an A'#inistrati1e Matter 2hat the i#peach#ent pro1isions of the Constitution $uarantee is si#pl! the ri$ht to be re#o1e' fro# office onl! throu$h the process of i#peach#ent an' not b! an! other #eans@ it 'oes not preclu'e the i#position of 'isciplinar! sanctions short of re#o1al on the i#peachable official. I#peach#ent is the sole #eans of re#o1al" but it is certainl! not the sole #eans of 'isciplinin$ Me#bers of the Supre#e Court or" for that #atter" public officials re#o1able b! i#peach#ent. Accor'in$l!" I belie1e that the Court has the authorit! to hear the present a'#inistrati1e 'isciplinar! case a$ainst Associate ,ustice Mariano 'el Castillo@ in case of a fin'in$ of #iscon'uct" it can i#pose penalties that are not the functional e5ui1alent of re#o1al or 'is#issal fro# ser1ice. If" in the e7ercise of its prero$ati1e as interpreter of the Constitution" it 'eter#ines that an act co#plaine' of falls +ithin the 'efine' $roun's for i#peach#ent" then

the Court shoul' sa! so an' forth+ith for+ar' its reco##en'ations to Con$ress as the bo'! constitutionall! #an'ate' to act in i#peach#ent cases. Court4s Interpretation of Pla$iaris# 9 li#ite' to its Concept as an Ethical 1iolation of Me#bers of the ,u'iciar!. The 'issatisfaction +ith the Court4s October ()" )*(* -ecision Bresol1in$ the pla$iaris# char$e a$ainst ,ustice 'el Castillo or the 3pla$iaris# -ecision3C pri#aril! lies +ith the Court4s 'eclaration that #alicious intent is a necessar! ele#ent in co##ittin$ pla$iaris#. In the pla$iaris# -ecision" the Court sai'< RPNla$iaris# presupposes intent an' a 'eliberate" conscious effort to steal another4s +or& an' pass it off as one4s o+n. 2h! +e 'ee#e' #alicious intent as a necessar! ele#ent for ;u'icial pla$iaris# can be e7plaine' b! our repeate' pronounce#ent that< not e1er! error or #ista&e co##itte' b! ;u'$es in the perfor#ance of their official 'uties ren'ers the# a'#inistrati1el! liable. In the absence of frau'" 'ishonest! or 'eliberate intent to 'o an in;ustice" acts 'one in their official capacit!" e1en thou$h erroneous" 'o not al+a!s constitute #iscon'uct. Onl! errors that are tainte' +ith frau'" corruption or #alice #a! be the sub;ect of 'isciplinar! action. :or a'#inistrati1e liabilit! to attach" respon'ent #ust be sho+n to ha1e been #o1e' b! ba' faith" 'ishonest!" hatre' or so#e other #oti1e. In'ee'" ;u'$es #a! not be hel' a'#inistrati1el! liable for an! of their official acts" no #atter ho+ erroneous" as lon$ as the! acte' in $oo' faith.)D The ter# pla$iaris# 'oes not ha1e a precise statutor! 'efinition as it is not a #atter co1ere' b! present Philippine statutes. )E 2hat the Intellectual Propert! Co'e BRepublic Act E)E0C)F 'efines an' punishes is 3cop!ri$ht infrin$e#ent.3 ?o+e1er" these ter#s are not le$all! interchan$eable. Laurie Stearns" cop!ri$ht la+!er an' author of the article 3Cop! 2ron$< Pla$iaris#" Process" Propert!" an' the La+3 aptl! obser1es the 'istinctions bet+een the t+o in this +ise< Pla$iaris# is not necessaril! cop!ri$ht infrin$e#ent" nor is cop!ri$ht infrin$e#ent necessaril! pla$iaris#. The t+o concepts 'i1er$e +ith respect to three #ain aspects of the offense< cop!in$" attribution an' intent. In so#e +a!s the concept of pla$iaris# broa'er than infrin$e#ent" in that it can inclu'e the cop!in$ of i'eas or of e7pression not protecte' b! cop!ri$ht" that +oul' not constitute infrin$e#ent an' it can inclu'e cop!in$ of s#all a#ounts of #aterial that +oul' be 'isre$ar'e' un'er cop!ri$ht la+. In other

+a!s the concept of infrin$e#ent is broa'er" in that it can inclu'e both properl! attribute' cop!in$ an' unintentional cop!in$ that +oul' be e7cuse' fro# bein$ calle' pla$iaris#. The 'i1er$ence bet+een pla$iaris#4s popular 'efinition an' cop!ri$ht4s statutor! fra#e+or& su$$ests an essential contra'iction bet+een +hat is at sta&e in pla$iaris# P the creati1e process P an' +hat is at sta&e in cop!ri$ht infrin$e#ent P the creati1e result.0* Separatel! fro# these 'istinctions" the #atter before the Court is ,ustice 'el Castillo4s alle$e' pla$iaris# or failure to #a&e attributions as an ethical 1iolation" not a cop!ri$ht 1iolation un'er the Intellectual Propert! Co'e. .i1en these 'istinctions" I see no reason to 5uibble o1er the 'efinition of pla$iaris# P a ter# that" in the absence of an! statutor! li#itation" the Court can 'efine an' interpret for purposes of its a'#inistrati1e authorit! o1er all courts an' the personnel thereof. :ro# the point of 1ie+ of ethical rules" +hat are i#portant are the intent in un'erta&in$ an act an' the concepts of inte$rit!" propriet!" honest! an' i#partialit! for purposes of 'ispensin$ ;ustice b! an in'epen'ent ,u'iciar!. It is in this sense" an' in li$ht of the nature of the present case as an a'#inistrati1e 'isciplinar! char$e a$ainst a Me#ber of this Court" that the pronounce#ent of this Court on pla$iaris# an' on the #erits of the ethical char$e shoul' be un'erstoo'. In this li$ht" I fin' it #isplace' for ,ustice Sereno to 'escribe the Court4s -ecision as<

2hen the Supre#e Court acts on co#plaints a$ainst ;u'$es un'er its super1ision an' control" it acts as an a'#inistrator i#posin$ 'iscipline an' not as a court passin$ upon ;usticiable contro1ersies. 0) It is precisel! for this reason that 'isciplinar! cases are 'oc&ete' as 3A'#inistrati1e Matters3 or 3A.M.300 ?ence" an! interpretation b! the Court of 3pla$iaris#3 is li#ite' to this conte7t an' cannot be hel' to bin' the aca'e#e in un'erta&in$ its e'ucational functions" particularl! its o+n po+er to 'efine pla$iaris# in the e'ucational conte7t. It li&e+ise cannot bin' Con$ress in its role as the sole authorit! to 'eter#ine +hat constitutes an i#peachable offense" sub;ect to +hat I state' abo1e on the establishe' scope of i#peachable offenses an' the po+er of the Court to act in $ra1e abuse of 'iscretion situations un'er the Constitution. Specificall!" a fin'in$ b! this Court that pla$iaris# +as or +as not co##itte' cannot preclu'e Con$ress fro# 'eter#inin$ +hether the failure or o#ission to #a&e an attribution" intentionall! or unintentionall!" a#ounts to a 3betra!al of public trust.3 :or these reasons" I support the conclusion of the Ethics an' Ethical Stan'ar's Co##ittee that ,ustice Mariano C. 'el Castillo4s attribution lapses 'i' not in1ol1e an! ethical 1iolation. I 1ote for the appro1al of the Co##ittee4s Report an' for the 'enial of the petitioners4 Motion for Reconsi'eration. ARTURO ". #RION Associate ,ustice

Foo&'o&e( Rcreatin$N uni#a$inable proble#s for Philippine aca'e#ia" +hich +ill fro# no+ on ha1e to fin' a 'isciplinar! response to pla$iaris# co##itte' b! stu'ents an' researchers on the ;ustification of the #a;orit! -ecision. It has also un'er#ine' the protection of cop!ri$hte' +or& b! #a&in$ a1ailable to pla$iarists 3lac& of #alicious intent3 as a 'efense to a char$e of 1iolation of cop! or econo#ic ri$hts of the cop!ri$ht o+ner co##itte' throu$h lac& of attribution. 7777
= (

A :i'uciar! Theor! of ,us Co$ens b! E1an ,. Cri''le an' E1an :o79-ecent.


Enforcin$ Er$a O#nes Obli$ations in International La+ b! Christian ,. Ta#s.


Brea&in$ the Silence< On Rape as an International Cri#e b! Mar& Ellis. Petitioners /inuya" et al.4s Supple#ental Motion for Reconsi'eration 'ate' ,ul! (E" )*(*" p. ).

Because the #a;orit! -ecision has e7cuse' the lac& of attribution to the co#plainin$ authors in the inu!a 'ecision to e'itorial errors an' lac& of #alicious intent to appropriate c an' that therefore there +as no pla$iaris# c lac& of intent to infrin$e cop!ri$ht in the case of lac& of attribution #a! no+ also beco#e a 'efense" ren'erin$ the abo1e le$al pro1ision #eanin$less. 0(

Specificall!" the Court referre' to the article A :i'uciar! Theor! of ,us Co$ens +ritten b! Cri''le9-ecent an' :o7.

CONSTITUTION" Article KI" Section 0B(C. The ?ouse of Representati1es shall ha1e the e7clusi1e po+er to initiate all cases of i#peach#ent.




#d0" Section 0B/C. The Senate shall ha1e the sole po+er to tr! an' 'eci'e all cases of i#peach#ent.

Robert 2. Sasten#eier" Report of the National Co##ission on ,u'icial -iscipline an' Re#o1al BMarch (FF=C" (>) :.R.-. )/>" at ];u'icial9'iscipline9refor#.or$H;u'icial9co#plaintsH(FF09Report9 Re#o1al.p'f^" last 1isite' on :ebruar! F" )*((.

See -e Leon" $hilippine Constitutional %aw" ol. II" )**= E'." p. E0(.

C!nthia .ra!" supra note (0" citin$ In re Lo+er!" FFF S.2.)' /0F" //( BSpecial Court of Re1ie+ Appointe' b! Te7as Supre#e Court" (FFEC.

See" a#on$ others" securit! of tenure at Section (@ fiscal autono#! un'er Section )@ 'efine' ;uris'iction that Con$ress cannot touch +ithout concurrence fro# the Supre#e Court@ a'#inistrati1e super1ision o1er all courts un'er Section /@ a ,u'icial an' Bar Council that ren'ers recourse to the Co##ission on Appoint#ents unnecessar!@ an' the $uarantee of strict focus on ;u'icial 'uties un'er Section ().

CONSTITUTION" Article KI" Section (.


Brent -. 2ar'" Can the :e'eral Courts Seep Or'er in Their O+n ?ouseA Appellate Super1ision throu$h Man'a#us an' Or'ers of ,u'icial Councils" )00 Brin$ha# Goun$ Uni1ersit! La+ Re1ie+ )00" )0D an' )>0 B(FE*C" at ]heinonline.or$H?OLHLan'in$Pa$eA collectionI;ournalsJhan'leI hein.;ournalsHb!ulr(FE*J'i1I(DDI-IJpa$eI^" last 1isite' on :ebruar! F" )*((.

CONSTITUTION" Article III" Section >B>C@ RULES O: COURT" Rules (0E an' (0F9B.

RULES O: COURT" Rule D(. Robert 2. Sasten#eier" supra note (E. Ibi'.


CONSTITUTION" Article III" Section ((@ RULES O: COURT" Rule (=*.



C!nthia .ra!" A Stu'! of State ,u'icial -iscipline Sanctions" A#erican ,u'icature Societ! B)**)C" at ]+++.a;s.or$HethicsHp'fsHSanctions.p'f^" last 1isite' :ebruar! F" )*((. The article also cites other reasons< i#pressin$ upon the ;u'$e the se1erit! an' si$nificance of the #iscon'uct@ 'eterrin$ si#ilar con'uct b! the ;u'$e an' others@ reassurin$ the public that ;u'icial #iscon'uct is not tolerate' or con'one'@ an' fosterin$ public confi'ence in the self9policin$ s!ste#.


Michael ,. .erhar't" The Constitutional Li#its to I#peach#ent an' Its Alternati1es" /E Te7as La+ Re1ie+ (" D09D= BNo1e#ber (FEFC.

Robert 2. Sasten#eier" supra note (E. )/= :.0' >) B)**(C.



See ,oa5uin .. Bernas" S.,." The (FED Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines< A Co##entar! B)**F e'.C" p. (*()" an' ?ector S. -e Leon" Philippine Constitutional La+< Principles an' Cases" olu#e ) B)**= e'.C" p. >F>.

Cru% 1. Iturral'e" A.M. RT, No. *09(DD>" April 0*" )**0" =*) SCRA />.

CONSTITUTION" Article KI" Section ). See Bernas" supra" note (=" p. (((0.

.eor$e" ,o!ce ,. 3,u'icial Opinion 2ritin$ ?an'boo&.3 >th e'ition. 2illia# S. ?ein J Co." Inc." )**D" pa$e D(>" 'efines pla$iaris# as 3the intentional representation of another person4s +or's" thou$hts or i'eas as one4s o+n +ithout $i1in$ attribution.3




Stearns" Laurie. 3Cop! 2ron$< Pla$iaris#" Process" Propert! an' the La+.3 $erspecti"es on $la'iarism and #ntellectual $roperty in a $ostmodern +orld. E'. Lise Buranen an' Alice M. Ro!. Alban!" Ne+ Gor& State Uni1ersit! of Ne+ Gor& Press. (FFF. >9/.

constitute i#peachable offenses. This is a conse5uence of the Court4s Constitutional po+er of 3a'#inistrati1e super1ision o1er all courts an' the personnel thereof.30 2hen the Court 'eci'e' earlier the pla$iaris# char$e file' a$ainst ,ustice Mariano -el Castillo b! the petitioners in inu!a" it +as un'er a belief that 3pla$iaris#"3 +hich is not e1en a statutor! offense" is an a'#inistrati1e infraction. The petitioners in that case 'i' not the#sel1es ob;ect to the procee'in$s con'ucte' b! the Court4s Ethics Co##ittee. Subse5uentl!" a co#plaint for i#peach#ent +as file' a$ainst ,ustice -el Castillo before the ?ouse of Representati1es base' on the sa#e char$e of pla$iaris#. The Court cannot 'o an!thin$ about that but it is not the Court" 'en!in$ the #otion for reconsi'eration file' in the present case" +hich +ill pro1o&e a constitutional crisis@ if e1er" it is the ?ouse of Representati1es that +ill 'o so" seein$ that the Court has alrea'! acte' on such a char$e un'er an honest belief that pla$iaris# is an a'#inistrati1e rather than an i#peachable offense. 2hether pla$iaris# is an a'#inistrati1e or an i#peachable offense nee' not be 'eci'e' b! the Court in this case since no actual 'ispute has arisen bet+een Con$ress an' the Court re$ar'in$ it. As for the alle$e' 1iolation of the cop!ri$ht la+ in this case" it shoul' be sufficient to point out that no such char$e has been lo'$e' a$ainst ,ustice -el Castillo. 2hat is #ore" the Court has no ori$inal ;uris'iction o1er cop!ri$ht la+ 1iolations. I reser1e in the appropriate case #! 1ie+ on +hether or not liftin$ fro# cop!ri$hte' articles" +ithout attribution" solel! for the purpose of ren'erin$ a 'ecision" constitutes 1iolation of the cop!ri$ht la+. ,ustice Sereno casti$ates the #a;orit! in the Court for lo+erin$ the stan'ar's for ;u'icial scholarship" ne$atin$ the e'ucati1e an' #oral 'irectional 1alue in the +ritin$ an' publishin$ of 'ecisions" ben'in$ o1er bac&+ar's to 'en! the ob;ecti1e e7istence of $ross pla$iaris#" an' con'onin$ 'ishonest! in the e7ercise of a function central to the role of the courts. But our courts are in the business" not of 3;u'icial scholarship"3 but of 'eci'in$ fairl! an' honestl! the 'isputes before the#" usin$ prece'ents an' le$al literature that" accor'in$ to A#erican scholars" belon$ to the public 'o#ain. If this is not honest +or& for a ;u'$e" I 'o not &no+ +hat is. An' ,ustice Sereno has no ri$ht to preach at the e7pense of the #a;orit! about 3e'ucati1e an' #oral 'irectional 1alue3 in +ritin$ publishe' articles. :or one thin$" her stan'ar's are ob1iousl! for +or& 'one in the aca'e#e" not for the ;u'$e plo''in$ at his 'es& to perfor# $o1ern#ent +or&. :or another" I note that on occasions she has breache' those 1er! stan'ar's" liftin$ fro# +or&s of others +ithout proper attribution.

-issentin$ Opinion of ,ustice Sereno in the Pla$iaris# 'ecision.


Icasiano 1. San'i$anba!an" ..R. No. F>/=)" Ma! )E" (FF)" )*F SCRA 0DD.

See< Rule =" Internal Rules of the Supre#e Court" in relation +ith Section =" Rule / on -oc&et Nu#ber an' Entr! in Lo$boo&. A'#inistrati1e cases are not liste' as ..R. B.eneral Re$isterC cases as the! are not acte' upon in the e7ercise of the Court4s ;u'icial function.

The La+phil Pro;ect 9 Arellano La+ :oun'ation

SEPARATE CONCURRING OPINION A#A", J.: I full! concur in the #a;orit! opinion an' +oul' li&e to react to the separate 'issentin$ opinions of ,ustices Antonio T. Carpio an' Maria Lour'es P.A. Sereno. ,ustice Carpio has a$ain $race' the Court4s rulin$s in this case +ith his t!picall! incisi1e 'issentin$ opinion. Still" I cannot a$ree +ith his 1ie+s. ?e asserts that the sole 'isciplinin$ authorit! of all i#peachable officers" inclu'in$ the ,ustices of this Court" lies in Con$ress. This is 5uite true but onl! +ith respect to i#peachable offenses that consist in 3culpable 1iolation of the Constitution" treason" briber!" $raft an' corruption" other hi$h cri#es" or betra!al of public trust"3( all offenses that +arrant the re#o1al of such officers an' 'is5ualification for hol'in$ an! office in the $o1ern#ent. ) The Supre#e Court has no intention of e7ercisin$ the po+er of i#peach#ent that belon$s to Con$ress alone. Certainl!" ho+e1er" the Supre#e Court has the a'#inistrati1e authorit! to in1esti$ate an' 'iscipline its #e#bers for official infractions that 'o not

Ta&e ,ustice Sereno4s article" To+ar' the :or#ulation of a Philippine Position in Resol1in$ Tra'e an' In1est#ent -isputes in APEC.3 = Un'er the section subtitle' 3The 2TO -ispute Settle#ent Mechanis#"3 she sai' in the footnote that 3RtNhis section is 'ra+n fro# Article KK an' KKIII of the .ATT (FF=" Un'erstan'in$ on -ispute Settle#ent" an' 2or&in$ Proce'ures.3 To #e" this #eans that in +ritin$ the section" she 're+ i'eas fro# these four .ATT issuances. I a# repro'ucin$ belo+ the be$innin$ portions of ,ustice Sereno4s +or& that are rele1ant to this 'iscussion. I un'erline +hat she copie' 1erbati# fro# Anne7 ) of the .eneral A$ree#ent on Tariffs an' Tra'e B.ATTC (FF=" entitle' 3Un'erstan'in$ on Rules an' Proce'ures .o1ernin$ the Settle#ent of -isputes"3 or 3Un'erstan'in$ on -ispute Settle#ent3 for short. The 2TO -ispute Settle#ent Mechanis# -ispute settle#ent un'er the 2TO #echanis# is the pro#pt settle#ent of situations in +hich a #e#ber consi'ers that an! benefit accruin$ to it 'irectl! or in'irectl! un'er the 2TO A$ree#ent is bein$ i#paire' b! #easures ta&en b! another #e#ber. A 'ispute settle#ent #echanis# ai#s to secure a positi1e solution to a 'ispute. Thus" a solution #utuall! acceptable to the parties to a 'ispute is preferre'. ?o+e1er" in the absence of a #utuall! a$ree' solution" the first ob;ecti1e is usuall! to secure the +ith'ra+al of #easures concerne'. A #easure is an! internal act" +hether a la+" an a'#inistrati1e action" or a ;u'icial 'ecision of a #e#ber. The -SB is the 2TO or$an that is #an'ate' to a'#inister the rules an' proce'ures that $o1ern the settle#ent of 'isputes. It is #a'e up of the representati1es of all the #e#bers of the 2TO. Each #e#ber is entitle' to one 1ote. The -SB has the follo+in$ po+ers an' functions< BaC to establish panels" BbC to a'opt or re;ect panel an' Appellate Bo'! reports" BcC to #aintain sur1eillance of the i#ple#entation of rulin$s an' reco##en'ations" an' B'C to authori%e the suspension of concessions an' other obli$ations. It is un'erstoo' that re5uests for conciliation an' the use of the 'ispute settle#ent proce'ures shoul' not be 1ie+e' as contentious acts. Me#bers en$a$e in this proce'ure to resol1e 'isputes. Rcopie'N If a #easure a'opte' b! a countr! BAC +ithin its territor! i#pin$es on" for e7a#ple" the e7ports of another countr! BBC" the first step in 'ispute settle#ent is the filin$ of a re5uest for consultation b! the co#plainant. In this case" B is the co#plainant.

If B re5uests consultation +ith A" then A #ust consi'er the co#plaint of B. A #ust repl! to the re5uest +ithin (* 'a!s after its receipt an' enter into consultations +ith B in $oo' faith +ithin a perio' of 0* 'a!s fro# the 'ate of the re5uest" +ith a 1ie+ to reachin$ a #utuall! satisfactor! solution. If A 'oes not respon' +ithin (* 'a!s" 'oes not enter into consultations +ithin a perio' of 0* 'a!s fro# the filin$ of the re5uest" an' if the consultation fails to settle a 'ispute +ithin /* 'a!s after the re5uest for consultation" then B #a! procee' to re5uest the establish#ent of a panel. .oo' offices" conciliation" an' #e'iation #a! be re5ueste' at an! ti#e b! an! part! to a 'ispute. The! #a! be$in an' be ter#inate' at an! ti#e. Once the! are ter#inate'" the co#plainin$ part! can then re5uest the establish#ent of a panel. If the co#plainin$ part! so re5uests" a panel #a! be establishe' b! the -SB. The function of the panel is to assist the -SB in 'ischar$in$ its responsibilities. Accor'in$l!" a panel shoul' #a&e an ob;ecti1e assess#ent of the #atter before it" inclu'in$ the facts of the case an' the applicabilit! an' confor#it! of the #easure +ith the rele1ant a$ree#ents. It shoul' also #a&e other fin'in$s that +ill assist the -SB in #a&in$ the reco##en'ations or in $i1in$ the rulin$s pro1i'e' for in the co1ere' a$ree#ents" besi'es consultin$ re$ularl! +ith the parties to the 'ispute an' $i1in$ the# a'e5uate opportunit! to 'e1elop a #utuall! satisfactor! solution. RCopie'N The re5uest for the establish#ent of a panel shoul' be #a'e in +ritin$" in'icate +hether consultations +ere hel'" i'entif! the specific #easures at issue" an' pro1i'e a brief su##ar! of the le$al basis of the co#plaint. RCopie'N 7777 Notabl!" ,ustice Sereno be$an her abo1e 'iscussion +ith i'eas presu#abl! fro# her four sources" +hich she put to$ether an' fashione' into her o+n sentences an' para$raphs. The i'eas +ere fro# .ATT but the presentation +as ori$inal Sereno. -o+n the line" ho+e1er" +ithout intro'uction or prea#ble" she copie' 1erbati# into her +or& portions fro# Un'erstan'in$ on -ispute Settle#ent" +ithout citin$ this specific source. More" she 'i' not use 5uotation #ar&s to i'entif! the copie' portions. She thus #a'e or'inar! rea'ers li&e #e belie1e that she also crafte' those portions. To borro+ a +or' fro# the ci1il co'e" she 3co9#in$le'3 the +or& of others +ith hers" erasin$ the i'entit! of the lifte' +or&. ,ustice Sereno4s e7planation is that" since she +as 'ra+in$ fro# the rules e#bo'ie' in .ATT4s Un'erstan'in$ on -ispute Settle#ent" she 'i' not ha1e to #a&e attributions to those rules at each turn of her +ritin$. She #a! be

correct if she in fact properl! cite' those rules the first ti#e she copie' fro# it an'" further" in'icate' a clear intent to 'o further cop!in$ 'o+n the line. But she 'i' not. Properl!" she coul' ha1e +ritten< 7777 The -SB has the follo+in$ po+ers an' functions< BaC to establish panels" BbC to a'opt or re;ect panel an' Appellate Bo'! reports" BcC to #aintain sur1eillance of the i#ple#entation of rulin$s an' reco##en'ations" an' B'C to authori%e the suspension of concessions an' other obli$ations. .ATT4s Un'erstan'in$ on -ispute Settle#ent has a lot to sa! about the sub;ect an' so#e are #entione' here. :or one it sa!s" 3It is un'erstoo' that re5uests for conciliation an' the use of the 'ispute settle#ent proce'ures shoul' not be V as contentious acts. Me#bers en$a$e in V proce'ure to resol1e 'isputes.3 7777 :urther" she 'i' not i'entif! the portions she copie' 1erbati# in or'er to set the# apart fro# her o+n +ritin$. Un'er the rule that she foists on ,ustice -el Castillo" 5uotation #ar&s #ust be use' +hene1er 1erbati# 5uotes are #a'e.> This re5uire#ent is all the #ore i#portant since" unli&e 'o#estic rules" the rules of .ATT are unfa#iliar terrain to #ost rea'ers. Thus" at the ne7t turn" she coul' ha1e at least enclose' in 5uotation #ar&s the other portions she copie' 1erbati# fro# her source li&e this< If the co#plainin$ part! so re5uests" a panel #a! be establishe' b! the -SB. 3The function of the panel is to assist the -SB in 'ischar$in$ its responsibilities. Accor'in$l!" a panel shoul' #a&e an ob;ecti1e assess#ent of the #atter before it" inclu'in$ the facts of the case an' the applicabilit! an' confor#it! of the #easure +ith the rele1ant a$ree#ents. It shoul' also #a&e other fin'in$s that +ill assist the -SB in #a&in$ the reco##en'ations or in $i1in$ the rulin$s pro1i'e' for in the co1ere' a$ree#ents V consul V re$ularl! +ith the parties to the 'ispute an' $i1in$ the# a'e5uate opportunit! to 'e1elop a #utuall! satisfactor! solution.3 3The re5uest for the establish#ent of a panel shoul' be #a'e in +ritin$" in'icate +hether consultations +ere hel'" i'entif! the specific #easures at issue" an' pro1i'e a brief su##ar! of the le$al basis of the co#plaint.3 2hat is #ore" learne' la+!ers +oul' al+a!s set apart the la+s or rules that the! cite or in1o&e in their +or& since these are e7pressions of a hi$her $ra'e than their co##ents or opinions. A la+!er4s opinion can persua'e but a rule or a la+ is bin'in$. I ha1e !et to see a Supre#e Court 'ecision that

copies 1erbati# a specific rule or la+" +hich it in1o&es to support such 'ecision" +ithout 'istinctl! callin$ it +hat it is or citin$ its source. Belo+ is the rest of the 1erbati# cop!in$ that she #a'e fro# Un'erstan'in$ on -ispute Settle#ent in the section she +rote +ithout attribution or 5uotation #ar&s. Ori$inal +or& 9 .ATT Anne7 )" Un'erstan'in$ on -ispute Settle#ent :ollo+in$ the e7piration of the set perio' of ti#e for receipt of co##ents fro# the parties to the 'ispute" the panel shall issue an interi# report to the parties" inclu'in$ both the 'escripti1e sections an' the panel4s fin'in$s an' conclusions. 2ithin a perio' of ti#e set b! the panel" a part! #a! sub#it a +ritten re5uest for the panel to re1ie+ precise aspects of the interi# report prior to circulation of the final report to the Me#bers. At the re5uest of a part!" the panel shall hol' a further #eetin$ +ith the parties on the issues i'entifie' in the +ritten co##ents. If no co##ents are recei1e' fro# an! part! +ithin the co##ent perio'" the interi# report shall be consi'ere' the final panel report an' circulate' pro#ptl! to the Me#bers. RArticle (>.)" .ATT Anne7 )N 2hen a panel or the AB conclu'es that a #easure is inconsistent +ith a co1ere' a$ree#ent" it shall reco##en' that the #e#ber concerne' brin$ the #easure into confor#it! +ith that a$ree#ent. In a''ition to its reco##en'ations" the panel or 2here a panel or the Appellate Bo'! conclu'es that a #easure is inconsistent +ith a co1ere' a$ree#ent" it shall reco##en' that the Me#ber concerne' brin$ the #easure into confor#it! +ith that a$ree#ent. In a''ition to its reco##en'ations" the panel or

Sereno" ,. After receipt of co##ents fro# the parties" the panel shall issue an interi# report to the#" inclu'in$ both the 'escripti1e sections an' the panel4s fin'in$s an' conclusions. The parties #a! sub#it +ritten re5uests for the panel to re1ie+ precise aspects of the interi# report for +hich the panel shall #eet +ith the parties. If no co##ents are recei1e' fro# an! part! +ithin the co##ent perio'" the interi# report shall be consi'ere' the final panel report an' circulate' pro#ptl! to the #e#bers. Bpa$e DC

AB #a! su$$est +a!s b! +hich the #e#ber concerne' coul' i#ple#ent the reco##en'ations. Bpa$e EC

Appellate Bo'! #a! su$$est +a!s in +hich the Me#ber concerne' coul' i#ple#ent the reco##en'ations. RArticle (F.(" .ATT Anne7 )N

their a'option. RArticle )(./" .ATT Anne7 )N .oin$ to another ite# in the sa#e article" ,ustice Sereno copies si$nificant lines fro# Oppenhei#4s Treatise +ithout #a&in$ an attribution to that +or&. Ori$inal +or& P Oppenhei#4s Treatise The 'ifference bet+een R$oo' offices an' #e'iationN is that" +hereas $oo' offices consist in 1arious &in's of action ten'in$ to call ne$otiations bet+een the conflictin$ States into e7istence" #e'iation consists in a 'irect con'uct of ne$otiations bet+een the 'ifferin$ parties on the basis of proposals #a'e b! the #e'iator.

The -SB shall a'opt the report +ithin /* 'a!s of the issuance of a panel report to the #e#bers" unless one of the parties to the 'ispute for#all! notifies the -SB of its 'ecision to appeal" or the -SB 'eci'es b! consensus not to a'opt the report. If the panel report is on appeal" the panel report shall not be consi'ere' for a'option b! the -SB until the co#pletion of the appeal. Bpa$e D9EC

2ithin /* 'a!s after the 'ate of circulation of a panel report to the Me#bers" the report shall be a'opte' at a -SB #eetin$ unless a part! to the 'ispute for#all! notifies the -SB of its 'ecision to appeal or the -SB 'eci'es b! consensus not to a'opt the report. If a part! has notifie' its 'ecision to appeal" the report b! the panel shall not be consi'ere' for a'option b! the -SB until after co#pletion of the appeal. RArticle (/.=" .ATT Anne7 )N

Sereno" ,. In #e'iation" the thir' part! facilitates the ne$otiations bet+een the parties concerne'. It in1ol1es 'irect con'uct of ne$otiations bet+een the parties at issue on the basis of proposals #a'e b! the #e'iator.

It #a! uphol'" #o'if!" or re1erse The Appellate Bo'! #a! uphol'" the le$al fin'in$s an' conclusions #o'if! or re1erse the le$al of the panel. B pa$e EC fin'in$s an' conclusions of the panel. RArticle (D.(0" .ATT Anne7 )N Note that the AB re1ie+s onl! issues of la+ co1ere' in the panel report an' le$al interpretation 'e1elope' b! the panel. Bpa$e EC An appeal shall be li#ite' to issues of la+ co1ere' in the panel report an' le$al interpretations 'e1elope' b! the panel. RArticle (D./" .ATT Anne7 )N The -SB shall &eep un'er sur1eillance the i#ple#entation of a'opte' reco##en'ation or rulin$s. An! #e#ber #a! raise the issue of i#ple#entation of the reco##en'ations or rulin$s at the -SB an!ti#e follo+in$ their a'option. Bpa$e EC The -SB shall &eep un'er sur1eillance the i#ple#entation of a'opte' reco##en'ations or rulin$s. The issue of i#ple#entation of the reco##en'ations or rulin$s #a! be raise' at the -SB b! an! Me#ber at an! ti#e follo+in$

On the other han'" $oo' offices are a frien'l! offer b! a thir' part!" +hich tries to in'uce 'isputants to ne$otiate a#on$ the#sel1es. Such efforts #a! ROppenhei#" International La+" A consist of 1arious &in's of actions Treatise 1olu#e ) pa$e (( ten'in$ to call ne$otiations B(F)*CN bet+een conflictin$ states into e7istence. Bpa$e ((C ,ustice Sereno e7plains that 3trite" co##on" stan'ar' state#entRsN3 li&e the ones she copie' fro# Oppenhei# has 3nothin$ ori$inal at all about Rthe#N3 an' nee' no citation or 5uotation #ar&s. This is true. In'ee'" the Court ac&no+le'$e' in its October ()" )*(* 'ecision that no pla$iaris# coul' be co##itte' respectin$ 3co##on 'efinitions an' ter#s" abri'$e' histor! of certain principles of la+" an' si#ilar fre5uentl! repeate' phrases that" in the +orl' of le$al literature" alrea'! belon$ to the public real#.3 But I cite the abo1e because ,ustice Sereno +oul' not $rant to ,ustice -el Castillo the libert! to use co##on 'efinitions an' ter#s in his ponencia +ithout the correct attribution. In the ori$inal 'raft of this concurrin$ opinion that I circulate' a#on$ the #e#bers of the Court" I #entione' an article publishe' in )**D that ,ustice Sereno +rote +ith t+o others entitle' ,ustice an' the Cost of -oin$ Business./ I foun' that a portion of this article appeare' to ha1e been

repro'uce' +ithout attribution fro# a )**> publication" the Asian -e1elop#ent Ban& Countr! .o1ernance Assess#ent BPhilippinesC )**>. D ,ustice Sereno has since e7plaine' to #! satisfaction that such portion ca#e fro# the three co9authors4 earlier )**( report sub#itte' to the 2orl' Ban& B2BC. I a# 'roppin$ it as a case of o#ission of attribution. Parentheticall!" ho+e1er" in the aca'e#ic #o'el" 3'ual an' o1erlappin$ sub#issions3 is a thesis +riter4s sin. It si#pl! #eans that the sa#e aca'e#ic +or& is sub#itte' to $ain cre'it for #ore than one aca'e#ic course. E In the publishin$ +orl'" +hile not prohibite' across the boar'" la+ ;ournals an' re1ie+s fro+n upon authors +ho sub#it #anuscripts +hich ha1e been pre1iousl! publishe' else+here" since the purpose of publication is the circulation an' 'istribution of ori$inal scholarship an' the practice +oul' per#it the author to be cre'ite' t+ice for the sa#e +or&. Notabl!" fro# the papers she furnishe' the #e#bers of the Court" it +oul' see# that the 2B -anish Trust :un' co##issione' an' pai' for the )**( stu'! that ,ustice Sereno an' her co9authors un'ertoo&. In'ee'" the co1er pa$e of the 2B paper she also pro1i'e' sho+s that it +as part of the 3-ocu#ent of the 2orl' Ban&.3 I +oul' assu#e" ho+e1er" that ,ustice Sereno obtaine' 2B authori%ation for the subse5uent publication of the report in )**D. Ne7t" in her #e#oran'u# for petitioners9inter1enors :ran&lin M. -rilon an' A'el A. Ta#ano in Pro1ince of North Cotabato" et al. 1. .o1ern#ent of the Republic of the Philippines Peace an' Panel on Ancestral -o#ain" et al." F ,ustice Sereno lifte' a fa#ous phrase fro# the Unite' States4 case of Ba&er 1. Carr" (/F U.S. (E*" +ithout #a&in$ attribution to her source. ,. Sereno Secon'" there is no lac& of a ;u'iciall! 'isco1erable an' #ana$eable stan'ar' for resol1in$ the 5uestion" nor i#possibilit! of 'eci'in$ the 5uestion +ithout an initial polic! 'eter#ination of a &in' clearl! for non9;u'icial 'iscretion. Ori$inal 2or& P Ba&er 1. Carr Pro#inent on the surface of an! case hel' to in1ol1e a political 5uestion is foun' a te7tuall! 'e#onstrable constitutional co##it#ent of the issue to a coor'inate political 'epart#ent@ or a lac& of ;u'iciall! 'isco1erable an' #ana$eable stan'ar's for resol1in$ it@ or the i#possibilit! of 'eci'in$ +ithout an initial polic! 'eter#ination of a &in' clearl! for non9;u'icial 'iscretion 7 7 7 RBa&er 1. Carr" (/F U.S. (E/N

,ustice Sereno e7plains that" since she earlier cite' Ba&er 1. Carr in her #e#oran'u#" it +oul' be utterl! pointless to re5uire her to repeat her citation as often as e7cerpts fro# the case appear 'o+n the line. It is not 5uite pointless because one +ho copies fro# the +or& of another has an obli$ation" she insists in her 'issent" to #a&e an attribution to his source. Other+ise" a +riter can si#pl! sa! at the start of his article that he is cop!in$ fro# a list of na#e' cases an' it +oul' be up to the rea'er to $uess +here the copie' portions are locate' in that article. An e7planation li&e this fro# an aca'e#ician is 'isheartenin$. In another article" Uncertainties Be!on' The ?ori%on< The Meta#orphosis of the 2TO In1est#ent :ra#e+or& In The Philippine Settin$" (* ,ustice Sereno also copie' fro# the 2orl' Tra'e Or$ani%ation fact sheet on line Bprepare' b! the Unite' States -epart#ent of A$ricultureC +ithout usin$ 5uotation #ar&s" an' #a'e the #aterial appear to be her o+n ori$inal anal!sis. Thus< ,. Sereno The 2orl' Tra'e Or$ani%ation B2TOC +as establishe' on ,anuar! (" (FF>. It is a #ultilateral institution char$e' +ith a'#inisterin$ rules for tra'e a#on$ #e#ber countries. The 2TO functions as the principal international bo'! concerne' +ith #ultilateral ne$otiations on the re'uction of tra'e barriers an' other #easures that 'istort co#petition. The 2TO also ser1es as a platfor# for countries to raise their concerns re$ar'in$ the tra'e policies of their tra'in$ partners. The basic ai# of the 2TO is to liberali%e +orl' tra'e an' place it on a secure basis" thereb! contributin$ to econo#ic $ro+th an' 'e1elop#ent. Ori$inal 2or& P 2TO :actsheet The 2orl' Tra'e Or$ani%ation B2TOC" establishe' on ,anuar! (" (FF>" is a #ultilateral institution char$e' +ith a'#inisterin$ rules for tra'e a#on$ #e#ber countries. 7 7 7 The 2TO functions as the principal international bo'! concerne' +ith #ultilateral ne$otiations on the re'uction of tra'e barriers an' other #easures that 'istort co#petition. The 2TO also ser1es as a platfor# for countries to raise their concerns re$ar'in$ the tra'e policies of their tra'in$ partners. The basic ai# of the 2TO is to liberali%e +orl' tra'e an' place it on a secure basis" thereb! contributin$ to econo#ic $ro+th an' 'e1elop#ent. R2TO :ACTS?EET http<'a. $ Blast accesse' :ebruar! (0" )**ECN

?ere a$ain" ,ustice Sereno i$nores her unben'able rule that one co##its pla$iaris# b! his 3RfNailure to use 5uotation #ar&s to in'icate that the entire para$raph in the bo'! of the 'ecisionV+as not the ponente4s ori$inal para$raph" but +as lifte' 1erbati# fro# Ranother4sN +or&.3 In his boo& entitle' Econo#ic Anal!sis of La+ B)n' e'ition" (FDDC" ,u'$e Richar' A. Posner +rote< 777 ?ence" settle#ent ne$otiations +ill fail" an' liti$ation ensue" onl! if the #ini#u# price that the plaintiff is +illin$ to accept in co#pro#ise of his clai# is $reater than the #a7i#u# price the 'efen'ant is +illin$ to pa! in satisfaction of that clai#. BAt p. =0>C ,ustice Sereno copie' the abo1e 1erbati# in her article entitle' La+!ers4 Beha1ior an' ,u'icial -ecision9Ma&in$(( publishe' in the Philippine La+ ,ournal" +ithout 5uotation #ar&s or attribution to ,u'$e Posner. Thus" she +rote< 777 RSNettle#ent ne$otiations +ill fail an' liti$ation +ill ensue if the #ini#u# price that plaintiff is +illin$ to accept in co#pro#ise of his clai# is $reater than the #a7i#u# price that the 'efen'ant is +illin$ to pa! in satisfaction of that clai#. BAt pa$e =E0C In other sections of the sa#e article that ,ustice Sereno +rote" she either copie' 1erbati# fro# ,u'$e Posner or #i#ic&e' his i'eas +ithout attributin$ these to hi#. Thus< ,u'$e Posner +rote 99 A so#e+hat #ore plausible case can be #a'e that ;u'$es #i$ht slant their 'ecisions in fa1our of po+erful interest $roups in or'er to increase the prospects of pro#otion to hi$her office" ;u'icial or other+ise. 777 BAt p. =(/C ,ustice Sereno #i#ic&e' 99 The thir' is that the ;u'$e #a7i#i%es the prospects of his pro#otion to a hi$her office b! slantin$ his 'ecisions in fa1or of po+erful interest $roups. Bpa$e =EFC ,u'$e Posner +rote 99 Presu#abl! ;u'$es" li&e the rest of us" see& to #a7i#i%e a utilit! function that inclu'es both #onetar! an' non9#onetar! ele#ents 777. BAt p. =(>C

,ustice Sereno #i#ic&e' 99 In un'erstan'in$ ;u'icial beha1iour +e ha1e to assu#e that ;u'$es li&e all econo#ic actors #a7i#i%e a utilit! function. This function in all probabilit! inclu'es #aterial as +ell as non9#aterial factors. 777 BAt pa$e =EFC ,u'$e Posner +rote 99 RTNhe rules of the ;u'icial process ha1e been carefull! 'esi$ne' both to pre1ent the ;u'$e fro# recei1in$ a #onetar! pa!off fro# 'eci'in$ a particular case one +a! or the other an' to #ini#i%e the influence of politicall! effecti1e interest $roups in his 'ecisions. RAt p. =(>N ,ustice Sereno #i#ic&e' 99 The first is that the A#erican ;u'icial s!ste# ha1e rules 'esi$ne' to #ini#i%e the possibilities of a ;u'$e #a7i#i%in$ his financial interest b! recei1in$ a bribe fro# a liti$ant or fro# acce'in$ to a politicall! po+erful interest $roup b! #a&in$ the rules +or& in such a #anner as to create 'isincenti1es for the ;u'$e rulin$ in such a #anner Bpa$e =EFC ,u'$e Posner +rote 99 It is often ar$ue'" for e7a#ple" that the ;u'$e +ho o+ns lan' +ill 'eci'e in fa1or of lan'o+ners" the ;u'$e +ho +al&s to +or& +ill be in fa1our of pe'estrians. Posner" =(>N ,ustice Sereno #i#ic&e' 99 The secon' procee'in$ fro# the first is that the ;u'$e #a7i#i%es the interest of the $roup to +hich he belon$s. If he belon$s to the lan'o+nin$ class he +ill $enerall! fa1or lan'o+ners an' if he +al&s to +or&" he +ill $enerall! fa1or pe'estrians. Bpa$e =EFC ,u'$e Posner +rote 99 R,Nu'$es see& to i#pose their preferences" tastes" 1alues" etc. on societ!. RPosner" =(/N ,ustice Sereno #i#ic&e'99 The last is that ;u'$es #a7i#i%e their influence on societ! b! i#posin$ their 1alues" tastes an' preferences thereon. Bpa$e =EFC

Usin$ the se1ere stan'ar's she sets for ,ustice -el Castillo in inu!a" i.e." 3ob;ecti1e e7istence of pla$iaris#"3 I a# afrai' that an! e7planation of $oo' faith or lac& of #alicious intent on ,ustice Sereno4s part in cop!in$ +ithout proper attribution fro# the +or& of ,u'$e Posner +oul' not be acceptable. Still I can conce'e that ,ustice Sereno #a! not ha1e inten'e' to pla$iari%e the +or& of others e1en if she copie' 1erbati# fro# the# +ithout proper attribution or 5uotation #ar&s. ?er abo1e articles +ere" ta&en as +hole" essentiall! hers. I re$ret" ho+e1er" that since she +rote the# as an aca'e#ician boun' b! the hi$h stan'ar's that she an' the Uni1ersit! of the Philippines +here she tau$ht espouse" she #a! ha1e faile'" borro+in$ her o+n phrase" to set the correct 3e'ucati1e an' #oral 'irectional 1alue3 for the !oun$. ,ustice -el Castillo" +ho 'i' not +rite as an aca'e#ician but as a ;u'$e" is at least entitle' to the liberties $rante' ;u'$es in +ritin$ 'ecisions. I 1ote to -ENG the #otion for reconsi'eration file' in this case. RO#ERTO A. A#A" Associate ,ustice

Ma Lour'es A. Sereno" E##anuel S. -e -ios" an' ,oseph ,. Capuno" ,ustice an' the Cost of -oin$ Business< The Philippines B)**DC publishe' b! the Philippine Institute for -e1elop#ent Stu'ies. online at http<HH+++.econ.up'.u'e.phHrespubH'pHp'fH-P)**D9((.p'f or http<HHpublications.pi's.$o1.phH'etails.pht#lApi'I=(E*

At p. (*0. The ?ar1ar' Pla$iaris# Polic! states< It is the e7pectation of e1er! course that all +or& sub#itte' to it +ill ha1e been 'one solel! for that course. If the sa#e or si#ilar +or& is to be sub#itte' to an! other course" the prior +ritten per#ission of the instructor #ust be obtaine'. If the sa#e or si#ilar +or& is to be sub#itte' to #ore than one course 'urin$ the sa#e ter#" the prior +ritten per#ission of all instructors in1ol1e' #ust be obtaine'. A stu'ent sub#its the sa#e or si#ilar +or& to #ore than one course +ithout such prior per#ission is sub;ect to 'isciplinar! action" an' or'inaril! +ill be re5uire' to +ith'ra+ fro# the Colle$e. Ba1ailable online at http<HHisites.har1ar'.e'uHicbHicb.'oA &e!+or'I&D*E=DJpa$ei'$e0>>0))C


Section )" Article KI" (FED Constitution of the Philippines. Section 0 BDC" i'. Section /" Article III" (FED Constitution of the Philippines.

..R. Nos. (E0>F(" (E0D>)" (E0EF0" (E0F>(" Septe#ber (E" )**E.


Sereno" Uncertainties Be!on' The ?ori%on< The Meta#orphosis Of The 2TO In1est#ent :ra#e+or& In The Philippine Settin$" >) UST LA2 RE IE2 )>F B)**D9)**EC. A1ailable online at http<HH'fH1ol.LIIHUncertaintiesO Be!on'OtheO?ori%on.p'f

Sereno" To+ar' the :or#ulation of a Philippine Position in Resol1in$ Tra'e an' In1est#ent -isputes in APEC" Philippine APEC Stu'! Center Net+or& BPASCNC -iscussion Paper No. )**(9(> B)**(C. Ra1ailable online at http<HHpascn.pi's.$o1.phH-iscListH'*(Hs*(9 (>.p'fN

Sereno" La+!er4s Beha1ior an' ,u'icial -ecision9Ma&in$" D* Phil. L. ,. =D)9=F) B1ol =" ,une (FF/C Ra1ailable online at http<HHla+.up'.e'u.phHpl;H i#a$esHfilesHPL,T)*1olu#eT )*D*HPL, T)* 1olu#eT)*D*T)*nu#ber T)*=T)*9*)9T)*Ma.T)*Lour'es T)*A. T)*SerenoT)*9T)*La+!ersT)* Beha1ior.p'fN

?ar1e! +rites that 3R+Nor's !ou use 1erbati# fro# a source #ust be put in 5uotation #ar&s" e1en if !ou use onl! t+o or three +or's@ it4s not enou$h si#pl! to cite.3 ?ar1e!" 2ritin$ +ith Sources< A .ui'e for ?ar1ar' Stu'ents (* B)**EC.

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