CVGS 2014-Chula Vista Genealogical Society - February 2014 Newsletter

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P.O. Box 3024 Chula Vista CA 91909-3024

Editor: Randy !a"!r #$19% 422-339&' r(s!a"!r)*ox.n!t CV+ ,!- it!: htt.://000.CV+!n!alo1y.or1 CV+ Blo1: htt.://CV+!nCa2!.-lo1s.ot.*o3

Volu3! 24' 4ssu! 2

Providing Genealogy Activities in South San Diego County

5!-ruary 2014

,E67E 6A8' 5!-ruary 2$th PRO+RA9 9EE:47+ 2ro3 12 noon to 2 ..3. At Chula Vista Ci"i* C!nt!r ;i-rary Auditoriu3 #3$< 5 tr!!t% C!asar Castro: =Cali2ornia and th! 9!xi*an-A3!ri*an ,ar 5ro3 a +!n!alo1i*al Point o2 Vi!0>
C!asar Castro is a lo*al -oy. ?! 1raduat!d 2ro3 ?illto. ?i1h *hool and an 6i!1o tat! 0ith a d!1r!! in El!*tri*al En1in!!rin1. ?! 0or@!d at th! 7a"y RA6 ;a-oratory on Point ;o3a 2or 3$ y!ars -!2or! r!tirin1. C!asar start!d 0or@in1 on his 1!n!alo1y in 200B 0h!n his sist!r' 0ho had start!d !arli!r' as@!d hi3 2or h!l.. ?o0!"!r' slo0ly h! too@ o"!r th! r!s!ar*h. ?! (oin!d th! an 6i!1o +!n!alo1y o*i!ty and th! Chula Vista +!n!alo1y o*i!ty to l!arn 3or! a-out 1!n!alo1y. All o2 his an*!stors *o3! 2ro3 Ba(a Cali2ornia. 4n r!s!ar*hin1 his Castro an*!stors' h! dis*o"!r!d that t0o o2 his 1r!at-1randaunts 3arri!d 4rish3!n in Ba(a. :his .uCCl!d hi3 ho0 did th! 4rish3!n !nd u. in Ba(a around 1B<0D :his start!d hi3 d!l"in1 into th! history o2 Ba(a and r!sult!d in his r!s!ar*h on th! 9!xi*an-A3!ri*an ,ar. ,h!n historians 0rit! a-out history' th!y ar! int!r!st!d in 0ho 3ad! d!*isions and th! r!sult o2 thos! d!*isions. 42 an ar3y is in"ol"!d' th!y 3ay 1i"! th! na3!s o2 so3! o2 th! o22i*!rs -ut not o2 th! *o33on soldi!rs. :h!y usually only 1i"! th! nu3-!r o2 soldi!rs. But 0! ar! 1!n!alo1istE 0! s!!@ th! na3!s o2 all th! soldi!rs. :hat is -!*aus! 0! ar! usually loo@in1 2or a .arti*ular .!rson#s%. :his .r!s!ntation on th! 9!xi*an-A3!ri*an ,ar is 2ro3 that .!rs.!*ti"!E 0hat 0!r! th! na3!s o2 all th! .!o.l! in"ol"!d in th! 9!xi*an-A3!ri*an ,ar in Cali2ornia.

:a-l! o2 Cont!nts
5!-ruary 2$ Pro1ra3 9!!tin1 F.............................. 1 Pr!sid!ntGs 9!ssa1! F...FF..F.F.......F............... 2 .rin1 !3inar 7!0s F............................................... 3 *holarshi. 5und Bas@!t F......................................... 4 R!s!ar*h +rou. R!"i!0 F........................................... < 9ar*h Bth ,or@sho. F................................................ $ 7!xt Co3.ut!r +rou. 9!!tin1 .................................. $ +!n!alo1y 5i!ld :ri. R!"i!0 ...................................... $ Es*ondido 5a3ily ?istory 5air F............................... $

Hanuary 29th Pro1ra3 R!"i!0 F................................ .. & ,at*h Roots:!*h R!*ord!d !ssions F........................ & ;!3on +ro"! R!s!ar*h +rou. 7!0s .........F............. B 5!-ruary 1st aturday ,or@sho. R!"i!0 F................ B 9or! R!s!ar*h :i.s 2or B!1innin1 +!n!alo1ists......... B CV+ o*i!ty 4n2or3ation ...F..FFF...........F....... 9 an 6i!1o +!n!alo1y E"!nts .F...FF.......F.F........ 9 +!n!alo1y 6ays in Chula Vista FF...F..F.....FF 10

Volu3! 24' 7u3-!r 2

Chula Vista +!n!alo1i*al o*i!ty 7!0sl!tt!r

5!-ruary 2014

Pa1! 2

Pr!sid!ntGs 9!ssa1! I -y Vir1inia :aylor

:h! y!ar is no0 1/12th 1on!. Ar! your 7!0 8!arJs R!solutions still on tra*@D Or ha"! th!y 2ad!d a0ay into a distant dr!a3D 42 so 3ay-! no0 is th! ti3! to 3a@! so3! n!0 r!solutions that 0ill -! 3or! attaina-l!. On! r!solution 3i1ht -! to -!*o3! 3or! a*ti"! in your 1!n!alo1i*al so*i!ty. :h! so*i!ty is not run -y your -oard. ,! ar! h!r! to 1uid! you and to h!l. 2ul2ill your r!s!ar*h n!!ds. :his *annot -! a**o3.lish!d 0ithout your in.ut. Our Pro1ra3 Chair and Edu*ation Chair ar! tryin1 "!ry hard to .r!s!nt .ro1ra3s and 0or@sho.s that you 0ant and that 0ill 2urth!r your 1!n!alo1i*al r!s!ar*h. 5irst' you n!!d to l!t th!3 @no0 0hat you 0ant .r!s!nt!d. ,hat stat!s ar! you 3ost int!r!st!d in r!s!ar*hin1D ,h!r! o"!rs!as ar! you loo@in1 2or an*!storsD !*ond' you n!!d to att!nd th! .ro1ra3s that ar! .r!s!nt!d 2or you. 6onJt (ust att!nd th! on!s that you thin@ .!rtain to your r!s!ar*h. ,hat!s to on! stat! 0ill also to oth!r stat!s. 4 ha"! n!"!r att!nd!d a .r!s!ntation or 0or@sho. 0h!r! 4 did not .i*@ u. so3! n!0 in2or3ation that 4 *an us!. :hird' 4Jd li@! 2or all o2 you to -!*o3! 3or! in"ol"!d in th! runnin1 o2 th! so*i!ty. 4 @no0 so3! o2 you ar! not .hysi*ally a-l! to att!nd 3!!tin1 -ut you *ould 3a@! .hon! *alls 2ro3 ho3!. 9any o2 you 0or@ 2ull ti3! -ut th!r! ar! a*ti"iti!s on aturday 0h!r! 0! *ould us! your h!l.. :al@ to any -oard 3!3-!r a-out 0h!r! you 0ould -! int!r!st!d in h!l.in1. ,ith th! s!3inar *o3in1 u. "!ry soon 0! 0ill n!!d so3! !xtra h!l. so .l!as! st!. 2or0ard and as@ 0h!r! you *an -! o2 assistan*!. Our 3ain n!!d ri1ht no0 is a ?os.itality Co-Chair. 6orothy Al"ord has had to st!. do0n in ord!r to 1i"! 3or! ti3! to th! ;i-rary Co33itt!!. 42 you ar! int!r!st!d .l!as! 1i"! Ho Ann Bonn!r #$19-421-3$2B (a-onn!r13)13ail.*o3% or 3ys!l2 #$19-42<-&922 irishdoll)*ox.n!t% a *all. ,! 0ill -! 1lad to 1i"! you th! d!tails a-out th! (o-. Pl!as! 1o to th! so*i!ty 0!- sit! #*"1!n!alo1y.or1% and r!1ist!r 2or th! .rin1 !3inar. R!1istration is no0 o.!n and 0! do ha"! li3it!d s.a*! a"aila-l! so donJt 0ait and ta@! a *han*! on -!in1 disa..oint!d that 0! do not ha"! roo3 2or you.

tay u.-to-dat! on CV+ A*ti"iti!s

Visit th! CV+ ,!-sit!: htt.://000.CV+!n!alo1y.or1 Visit th! Chula Vista +!n!alo1y Ca2! -lo1: htt.://CV+!nCa2!.-lo1s.ot.*o3 :h! Board 9!!tin1 and Pro1ra3 9!!tin1 3inut!s ar! no0 .ost!d on th! CV+ 0!-sit! . Ch!*@ th!3 out at htt.://000.CV+!n!alo1y.or1 on th! R!sour*!s ta-

Volu3! 24' 7u3-!r 2

Chula Vista +!n!alo1i*al o*i!ty 7!0sl!tt!r

5!-ruary 2014

Pa1! 3

.rin1 !3inar is on 9ar*h 29th 2014 #9 A9 to 4 P9% I R!1ist!r 7o0K

4tGs not as 2ar a0ay as you thin@K Our .rin1 !3inar is o.!n 2or r!s!r"ations and 0! ha"! an int!r!stin1 L3!nuG .lann!d 2or you. Pl!as! 3ar@ aturday' 9ar*h 29 on your *al!ndar and .lan to att!nd and l!arn all sorts o2 0ays to"! your 1!n!alo1y r!s!ar*h' ha"! so3! 2un A76 !n(oy a *at!r!d lun*h. ,!Gll ha"! dra0in1s 2or 1r!at .riC!s' "!ndors and !x.!rt s.!a@!rs. Po.ular and @no0l!d1!a-l! H!an ?i--!n 0ill o22!r 2our .r!s!ntations' 0ith additional tal@s -y h!r hus-and But*h ?i--!n. H!anGs 2irst tal@ 0ill -! =:his is 7O: 8our +rand3aJs +!n!alo1y: 9a@in1 th! :ransition 2ro3 Pa.!r to El!*troni* R!*ord-M!!.in1.> Ar! you a -it inti3idat!d -y th! thou1ht o2 or1aniCin1 and storin1 all your r!s!ar*h on th! *o3.ut!r or Lin th! *loudGD Ar! you still stu*@ 0ith -ox!s and -ox!s o2 .a.!rD H!an 0ill 1i"! you ti.s to *on"in*! you that 3od!rn t!*hnolo1y is' ind!!d' your 2ri!nd. h!Gll dis*uss th! ad"anta1!s and disad"anta1!s o2 *o3.ut!r o"!r .a.!r and 0ill *o"!r 0hat to you n!!d to @no0 to transition a0ay 2ro3 total .a.!r r!*ord @!!.in1. But*h ?i--!n 0ill dis*uss ho0 to us! 3art Phon! t!*hnolo1y 2or thos! int!r!st!d in .orta-l! 1!n!alo1y. ?! 0ill also .r!s!nt his .o.ular Living Legacy Project and -! 0ill -! a"aila-l! throu1hout th! day to shar! 3or! in2or3ation. #*ontinu!d on .a1! 4%

Volu3! 24' 7u3-!r 2

Chula Vista +!n!alo1i*al o*i!ty 7!0sl!tt!r

5!-ruary 2014 Pa1! 4

.rin1 !3inar is on 9ar*h 29th 2014 #9 A9 to 4 P9% #*on*lud!d%

:h! s!*ond 3ornin1 s!ssion 0ill -! H!anGs .r!s!ntation o2 Elisa-!th: :h! tory o2 a +!r3an 433i1rant. H!anGs no"!liCation o2 h!r 1r!at 1r!at 1rand3oth!rGs li2! is 2ull o2 dra3a' lo"! and history. ?!r narrati"! is a *o3.!llin1 .i*tur! o2 A3!ri*an history and 0ill d!al 0ith to.i*s su*h as th! Ci"il ,ar' la0' and i33i1ration. :h! -oo@ 0ill also -! 2or sal! at th! s!3inar. A2t!r lun*h' H!an 0ill .r!s!nt ;!ssons ;!arn!d 2ro3 +!n!alo1y Roadsho0. R!3!3-!r ho0 th! :V sho0 3ad! 1!n!alo1i*al r!s!ar*h loo@ so !asyD H!an shar!s 0ith us ho0 d!"!lo.in1 stori!s 2or a t!l!"ision sho0 3!ans ha"in1 a 3ini3u3 o2 ti3! to 1ath!r to1!th!r a 0!alth o2 2a3ily history' and ho0 0! *an us! thos! 3!thods to 3a@! an int!r!stin1 narrati"! o2 our 2a3ily. ?o0 do!s on! r!*ord l!ad to th! n!xt' and 0hat alt!rnat! r!sour*!s ar! a"aila-l! 0h!n on! is una-l! to tra"!l to oth!r lo*ationsD H!anGs 2inal .r!s!ntation 0ill -! N. Clos! and P!rsonal' a dis*ussion o2 su11!stions 2or doin1 r!s!ar*h 0h!r! our an*!stors li"!d and di!d. :his 0ill in*lud! tra"!l ti.s' hints 2or *!3!t!ry "isits' *onta*tin1 li-rari!s and so*i!ti!s in ad"an*!' .lannin1 int!r"i!0s o2 li"in1 r!lati"!s' and .ost-"isit =d!-ri!2in1> and or1aniCation. 42 th!r! is ti3!' att!nd!!s 0ill -! !n*oura1!d to shar! th!ir .!rsonal !x.!ri!n*!s. 4t 0ill -! an in2or3ati"! and !nt!rtainin1 day' so r!1ist!r no0 on our 0!-sit! #htt.://*"1!n!alo1y.or1/%. 8ou 3ay .ay -y *h!*@ or *r!dit *ard - O4< 2or CV+ 3!3-!rs' O<0 2or non-3!3-!rs I -ut th!r! is a O< dis*ount i2 you r!1ist!r -y 9ar*h B. o si1n u. no0' -!2or! you 2or1!tK And r!3!3-!r' this is our -i1 2undrais!r 2or hi1h s*hool s*holarshi.s. ,! 0ill ha"! a dra0in1 2or a d!lux! @it*h!n a**!ssori!s -as@!t too #ha"! you -ou1ht your ti*@!ts y!tD%. Co3! (oin us 2or our Recipe for Genealogy s!3inarK

*holarshi. 5und Bas@!t' -y hirl!y B!*@!r

:h! Chula Vista +!n!alo1i*al o*i!ty 0ill -! ra22lin1 a -as@!t o2 @it*h!n *!ra3i*s 2or our *holarshi. 5und at th! .rin1 !3inar on aturday' 9ar*h 29th. :h! -as@!t holds *!ra3i* 1oodi!s su*h as 3!asurin1 *u.s' a 3ixin1 -o0l' stirrin1 ut!nsils' and a *oo@i! tray 0ith a su1ar *oo@i! r!*i.! on it. 4n addition' th! lar1! -as@!t and a d!*oratin1 @it ar! in*lud!d. ,! 0ill -! s!llin1 ti*@!ts at th! .ro1ra3 and 0or@sho. 3!!tin1s and *ontinu! until th! .rin1 !3inar. ?o.!2ully' this 0ill 1i"! our s*holarshi. 2und a r!al -oost. 8ou do not n!!d to -! a 3!3-!r to .ur*has! a ti*@!t or -! .r!s!nt at th! s!3inar 0h!n th! nu3-!rs ar! *all!d. :h! Board is r!Pu!stin1 that all 3!3-!rs .arti*! in s!llin1 th! ti*@!ts' th!y *an -! .i*@!d u. at th! so*i!ty 3!!tin1s and 0! ho.! !a*h 3!3-!r 0ill att!3.t to s!ll 12 ti*@!ts.

7a3!ta1s' -y ,anda Bro*@

,anda Bro*@ not!s that i2 anyon! n!!ds a n!0 or r!.la*!3!nt na3!ta1' .l!as! !-3ail h!r at 0anda)*y-!r.n!t.

Volu3! 24' 7u3-!r 2

Chula Vista +!n!alo1i*al o*i!ty 7!0 sl!tt!r

5!-ruary 2014

Pa1! <

R!s!ar*h +rou. R!"i!0 I 1< Hanuary 2014

:h! 1< Hanuary 3!!tin1 o2 th! CV+ R!s!ar*h +rou. had 1< 2a3ily history !nthusiasts' and it 0as a 2ull t0o hours o2 sharin1 0ith !a*h oth!r. 4n th! 2irst hour' Randy shar!d u.*o3in1 CV+ !"!nts #!s.!*ially th! Es*ondido 5a3ily ?istory 5air and th! 5a3ily !ar*h ;i-rary r!s!ar*h tri.%. ?! also r!"i!0!d th! to. n!0s stori!s o2 2013' .ro"id!d a .!!@ at ;!1a*y 5a3ily :r!! B so2t0ar!' and a loo@ at 5li.-oard. ?! as@!d Q0hy 0ould you 0ant to do a trans*ri.tion o2 a r!*ordDQ and sho0!d his .ro-at! and d!!d trans*ri.tions on his -lo1. ;astly' h! sho0!d th! 6ut*h R!2or3!d Chur*h r!*ords on An*!stry.*o3' and th! 7or0ay .arish r!1ist!rs onlin! at Ar@i""!r@!t. Randy also not!d that h! 1ot an iPhon! <s 2or Christ3as' and 0ond!r!d 0hat 3!!tin1 att!nd!!s r!*!i"!d 2or Christ3as. 4n th! s!*ond hour' 0! shar!d around th! ta-l!. ?i1hli1hts in*lud!d: R 6!lor!s has -!!n .uttin1 u. a 0!-sit! usin1 :h! 7!xt +!n!ration o2 +!n!alo1y o2t0ar! #:7+%. R ?aC!l "isit!d th! 5a3ily !ar*h ;i-rary in 9ission Vall!y r!*!ntly 2or r!s!ar*h. R Vir1iniaJs 2nd 1r!at-1rand3oth!r li"!d to -! 100 y!ars old. :h!r! 0as a 1r!!n l!a2 ?int 2or h!r on th! An*!stry 9!3-!r :r!!' and sh! 2ound that it .ro"id!d in2or3ation a-out th! 1rand3oth!rJs s!*ond 3arria1!. h! also had a 3rd *ousin 3at*h on h!r 23and9! 67A t!st 0ho 0as ado.t!d' and is as@in1 2or h!l.. R ?!l!nJs s!*ond 1r!at-1rand3oth!rJs o-ituary 0as 2ound in 2a3ily .a.!rs 0ith th! last na3! s.!ll!d di22!r!ntly' and it .ro"id!d th! 3aid!n na3! o2 th! 1rand3oth!r as +ar3on. :h!n sh! 2ound onlin! a .i*tur! o2 this 1rand3oth!r' and a nu3-!r o2 r!lati"!sJ 2a3ily 1ra"!s in M!ntu*@y. R +!rry did all o2 h!r r!s!ar*h -!2or! *o3.ut!rs' so sh! is !nt!rin1 h!r in2or3ation into Roots9a1i* and n!!ds so3! h!l.. h! 0!nt to 9i*hi1an to s!! 2a3ily 2or Christ3as. R Conni!Js *o3.ut!r *rash!d -!2or! Christ3as' and sh! has it -a*@ a2t!r r!.air. h! 0ants to 0rit! a -oo@ a-out h!r an*!stry' si3ilar to th! -oo@ h!r hus-andJs dau1ht!r 0rot! o"!r th! .ast t!n y!ars and 1a"! to d!s*!ndants. R Han! and h!r sist!r 0!nt to 8os!3it! on a -us tri. -!2or! Christ3as. h! -ou1h a 0ith ,indo0s B' and n!!ds h!l. d!alin1 0ith it. R yl"ia had a -i1 2a3ily "isit at :han@s1i"in1 at h!r hous!. h! -ou1ht a n!0 0ith ,indo0s B' and also n!!ds h!l. 0ith it. :h! 1rou. su11!st!d 1oin1 to th! CV+ Co3.ut!r +rou. and ha"! +ary h!l. h!r. R hirl!y 1a"! h!rs!l2 a $-3onth An*!stry.*o3 N su-s*ri.tion to h!rs!l2 2or O49 2or Christ3as. h! has -!!n *h!*@in1 h!r 1r!!n l!a2 ?ints. h! also 2ound so3! o2 h!r !-!rt/ i"!r r!*ords in th! 6ut*h R!2or3!d Chur*h r!*ords. R a3 has -!!n r!"i!0in1 .!rsons in his tr!!. ?! adds in2or3ation to his An*!stry 9!3-!r :r!! on his 9a*' and th! tr!! syn*s to 5a3ily :r!! 9a@!r on his d!s@to. *o3.ut!r. R 6ian! is a 1!n!alo1y do*!nt at th! an 6i!1o C!ntral ;i-rary' and lo"!s usin1 th! 2r!! a**!ss to An*!stry.*o3 th!r!. h! has *onn!*t!d to a *los! *ousin on a 67A t!st' and .ass!d around h!r 2an *harts 2ro3 th! 5a3ily !ar*h 5a3ily :r!! sit!. R 9ary ;ou not!d th! 6AR r!*ord s!ar*h' th! 6AR Bi-l! Pro(!*t' and th! 67A o22!r -y th! 6AR. h! lo"!s th! 5a3ily !ar*h di1itiC!d r!*ords. R Hohn tra"!l!d to th! Bay ar!a o"!r Christ3as to "isit 2a3ily and si1ht-s!!. ?!Js .r!.arin1 2or his n!xt .r!s!ntation. R Mar!n 8 r!*!i"!d h!r dau1ht!rJs old s3art .hon!' and a 6AR American Spirit 3a1aCin! su-s*ri.tion' 2or Christ3as' and loo@!d at 42$ di22!r!nt a..s. h! 0!nt to th! 6C; 0ith h!r Colorado *ousin to do r!s!ar*h. ?!r 2ath!rJs n!.h!0 r!*!ntly 3o"!d to an 6i!1o' and -rou1ht 2< to 30 .hoto al-u3s and is tryin1 to 0rit! 2a3ily stori!s. ?!Js sharin1 th! al-u3s 0ith Mar!n. :h! n!xt CV+ R!s!ar*h +rou. is at 12 noon on ,!dn!sday' 12 5!-ruary 2014' in th! Auditoriu3 o2 th! Chula Vista Ci"i* C!nt!r Bran*h ;i-rary #3$< 5 tr!!t in Chula Vista%.

Volu3! 24' 7u3-!r 2

Chula Vista +!n!alo1i*al o*i!ty 7!0sl!tt!r

5!-ruary 2014

Pa1! $

9ar*h Bth ,or@sho. at Bonita- unnysid! ;i-rary

:h! 9ar*h Bth CV+ ,or@sho. at Bonita- unnysid! ;i-rary #3&< Bonita Road% is 2ro3 12:30 ..3. to 3 ..3. in th! Co33unity Roo3. usi P!nti*o 0ill l!ad a dis*ussion o2 =M!ntu*@y and Carolina R!s!ar*h.>

7!xt Co3.ut!r +rou. 9!!tin1 on ,!dn!sday' 19 5!-ruary 2014

:h! Co3.ut!r +rou. 0ill 3!!t 2ro3 12 noon to 2 ..3. on ,!dn!sday' 5!-ruary 19th in th! ;i-rary Co3.ut!r ;a- 2or 4nt!rn!t 0or@' l!d -y hirl!y B!*@!r. :his 3!!tin1 2!atur!s hands-on us! o2 th! li-raryJs ,indo0s *o3.ut!rs' or your o0n #-ut th! li-rary 0i-2i do!snJt 0or@ 0!ll in that roo3%. 5or 3or! in2or3ation' .l!as! *onta*t hirl!y #*lanroots)*ox.n!t%.

+!n!alo1y 5i!ld :ri. R!"i!0 I -y Hohn 5in*h

On ,!dn!sday' 22 Hanuary' !l!"!n o*i!ty 3!3-!rs and t0o 1u!sts 3!t at th! an 6i!1o 5a3ily !ar*h ;i-rary on Ca3ino 6!l Rio outh 2or a 3ornin1 o2 r!s!ar*h and an !x.loration o2 th! 3any r!sour*!s a"aila-l! th!r! 2or 1!n!alo1ists. 9ost att!nd!!s *ar .ool!d 2ro3 th! .ar@in1 stru*tur! at 3rd and 5 str!!ts' -ut so3! *hos! to dri"!' ind!.!nd!ntly' and 0!r! 0aitin1 our arri"al. ta22 and "olunt!!rs at th! 5a3ily !ar*h ;i-rary 3!t us and .ro"id!d assistan*!' 0h!r! n!!d!d' in our indi"idual r!s!ar*h .ursuits. o3! o2 us turn!d our att!ntion to th! lar1! r!.ository holdin1s' loo@in1 2or our an*!stors in su*h di"!rs! .la*!s as 4sl! o2 ,i1ht' Vir1inia to Pla*!r County' Cali2ornia' 0hil! so3! loo@!d 2or +!r3an E3i1ration r!*ords and "ital statisti*s o2 Ontario' Canada. o3! 0!r! su**!ss2ul in lo*atin1 th!ir o-(!*ti"!' -ut non! 0!r! disa..oint!d in th! "ast array o2 a"aila-l! 3at!rial to si2t throu1h. Oth!r att!nd!!s too@ ad"anta1! o2 th! 3any on-lin! r!sour*!s a"aila-l! and s.!nt ti3! at d!si1nat!d *o3.ut!r stations 2o*us!d on di1ital r!*ord tr!asur!s. ,! *on*lud!d our s*h!dul!d 2i!ld tri. shortly a2t!r noon and' th!n' s!"!ral o2 us 1ath!r!d at 9ari! Call!nd!rGs R!staurant 2or lun*h and a ti3! to dis*uss and shar! in our r!s!ar*h and as a ti3! to so*ialiC! 0ith !a*h oth!r. 5or our n!xt 5i!ld :ri. !"!nt' 0! ar! .lannin1 to 3!!t at th! n!0 an 6i!1o Pu-li* li-rary on ,!dn!sday' 23 B!*aus! .ar@in1 2!!s in th! ar!a ar! hi1h' 0! .lan to ta@! th! troll!y. ,at*h 2or noti*!s 2or this 2i!ld tri. 0ith ti3!s and additional in2or3ation. ,! *an arran1! 2or a 1uid!d tour o2 th! !ntir! li-rary and /or th! 1!n!alo1y s!*tion on th! ninth 2loor. Conta*t Hohn 5in*h or Mar!n 8ar1!r 2or d!tails.

5REE Es*ondido 5a3ily ?istory 5air I aturday' 1 9ar*h

:h! 5REE all-day Es*ondido 5a3ily ?istory 5air is on aturday' 1 9ar*h' 2ro3 B:30 a.3. to < ..3. at th! Es*ondido ;6 5a3ily !ar*h C!nt!r at 22<< 5!li*ita Road in Es*ondido. Att!nd!!s n!!d to r!1ist!r onlin! at htt.://000.!s*ondido2h*.*o3/2a3ily-history-2air/. :h!r! ar! 2i"! di22!r!nt s!ssions 0ith a total o2 3< .r!s!ntations a"aila-l!. :h!y ar! also o22!rin1 a -ox lun*h 2or O9.&< to -!n!2it a lo*al Boy *out troo.. CV+ 0ill -! on! o2 th! !xhi-itors in th! Exhi-it ?all' alon1 0ith s!"!ral oth!r 1!n!alo1i*al and lin!a1! so*i!ti!s. CV+ 0ill ha"! a *ar.ool to th! Es*ondido 5a3ily ?istory 5air. ,! 0ill .ro"id! 3or! d!tails "ia !3ail and th! .hon! tr!! *los!r to th! !"!nt. 42 you .lan to 1o' .l!as! r!1ist!r 2or th! 5airK

Volu3! 24' 7u3-!r 2

Chula Vista +!n!alo1i*al o*i!ty 7!0sl!tt!r

5!-ruary 2014 Pa1! &

Hanuary 29th Pro1ra3 R!"i!0 - =5ollo0in1 th! Path> -y usi P!nti*o

:h! Hanuary 29th CV+ .ro1ra3 3!!tin1 2!atur!d CV+ 3!3-!r usi P!nti*oJs .r!s!ntation on Q5ollo0in1 th! Path.Q :h!r! 0!r! a-out 40 att!nd!!s 2or this .ro1ra3. usi said that th!r! ar! Mno0n Paths #do*u3!nt!d -y r!*ords you ha"!%' Nn@no0n Paths #th!r! 3ay -! r!*ords you donJt ha"!%' and ?idd!n Paths #*lu!s in r!*ords 2or oth!r 2a3ili!s and lo*ations%. h! also not!d that 4ndian :rails o2t!n l!ad th! 0ay' sin*! 3any *urr!nt hi1h0ays ar! alon1 thos! old trails. Early 2a3ili!s 2ollo0!d th! trails as th!y 3i1rat!d south' and 0!st o"!r th! d!*ad!s. ;!arn th! trails and study th! tri-!s. A r!s!ar*h!r n!!ds to 3a@! r!s!ar*h .lans and s!t 1oals' in*ludin1: R B! or1aniC!d -y usin1 and @!!.in1 u.dat!d .!di1r!! *harts' 2a3ily 1rou. sh!!ts' r!s!ar*h lo1s' to-do lists' !t*. R ;!arn and und!rstand th! .ro.!r r!s!ar*h Q0aysQ - 3!thods' analysis' !t*. Ns! -oo@s' 0!-sit!s' tutorials' !t*. to l!arn 3!thodolo1y and a"aila-l! r!sour*!s. R!ad !"!ry s!nt!n*! in a r!*ord to 3a@! sur! that you *a.tur! !"!rythin1 th! r!*ord o22!rs. R +o -a*@ and study 0hat your .ar!nts'!nts and oth!r r!lati"!s told you. Ar! th!r! *lu!s th!r!D Ar! th!r! un2inish!d Pu!stions l!2t -y th!3D 5ind d!s*!ndants o2 si-lin1s o2 an*!stors to s!! i2 th!y ha"! 2a3ily in2or3ation. R Coll!*t !"id!n*! to su..ort or r!2ut! 2a3ily stori!s. 5ind r!*ords and in2or3ation a-out your .!rsons -y s!ar*hin1 in th! a"aila-l! r!sour*!s' -oth onlin! and in li-rari!s or ar*hi"!s. R As@ th! Pu!stions: ,hat na3!s did th!y us!D ,h!r! did th!y *o3! 2ro3D ,h!n did th!y *o3!D ,hy did th!y *o3!D ,h!r! did th!y 1oD ,hat ha..!n!d to th!3 durin1 th!ir li"!sD R Ns! a ti3!lin! - not! th! dat!' na3!s' and lo*ation o2 !"!nts that ha..!n!d in your an*!storJs 2a3ily and li2! Consid!r asso*iations' lo*al and r!1ional histori*al !"!nts' disast!rs' !t*. R 4s 0hat you @no0 *orr!*tD 4t 3ay loo@ ri1ht' it 3ay 2it' -ut is it ri1htD 8ou n!!d to r!"i!0 your in2or3ation 2or a .!rson or 2a3ily o**asionally. R +!n!alo1y r!s!ar*h has *han1!d - itJs not th! sa3! no0 as it 0as 10 y!ars a1o' or <0 y!ars a1o. 9any r!*ords ar! no0 a"aila-l! in onlin! data-as!s and 0!-sit!s. ?o0!"!r' not !"!ryon! has *o3.ut!rs' s3art .hon!s or ta-l!ts. 6onJt 1o too 2ast or you 3ay los! tra*@ o2 0hat you ha"! 2ound. usi not!d 3any di22!r!nt r!*ord ty.!s that 3ay h!l. you 2ollo0 your an*!storJs .ath' in*ludin1: R 5a3ily r!*ords' su*h as Bi-l!s' .a.!rs' s*ra.-oo@s' *li..in1s' "ital r!*ords' .hotos' -oo@s' !t*. R :h! 0or@ o2 oth!r r!s!ar*h!rs in -oo@s' .!riodi*als' 0!-sit!s' and 2il!s in r!.ositori!s and ar*hi"!s. R ?istori*al r!*ords' su*h as *!nsus' "ital' *hur*h' 3ilitary' i33i1ration' n!0s.a.!rs' *!3!t!ri!s' .ro-at!' land' !t*. that *an -! o-tain!d onlin!' in *ounty o22i*!s and *ourthous!s' and in lo*al' r!1ional or national ar*hi"!s or li-rari!s. usi us!d h!r an*!stor ?!nry ?u223an as an !xa3.l! o2 2ollo0in1 th! .ath. ?! r!*!i"!d land in Vir1inia in 1&<2 2ro3 his -roth!r +!or1!' 3o"!d to P!nnsyl"ania at so3! ti3!' had 2our *hildr!n in +r!!n! County' P!nnsyl"ania -!t0!!n 1B00 and 1B10' and di!d -!2or! his 0ill 0as .ro"!d in 1B12 th!r!.

,at*h Roots:!*h 2014 R!*ord!d !ssion Vid!os at htt.s://rootst!*h.or1/a-out/"id!os/

Volu3! 24' 7u3-!r 2

Chula Vista +!n!alo1i*al o*i!ty 7!0sl!tt!r

5!-ruary 2014 Pa1! B

;!3on +ro"! R!s!ar*h +rou. 7!0s I -y usi P!nti*o

:h! ;!3on +ro"! R!s!ar*h +rou. 3!!ts t0i*! a 3onth at th! ;!3on +ro"! Bran*h ;i-rary #not! 7E, lo*ation at 3001 *hool ;an! in ;!3on +ro"!% 2ro3 $ ..3. to &:<0 ..3. Conta*t usi P!nti*o #$19-$90-11BB' usiCP)*ox.n!t% 2or 3or! d!tails. All ar! in"it!d to att!nd. B!1inn!rs ar! 0!l*o3!K N.*o3in1 .ro1ra3s in*lud!: ,!dn!sday' 5!-ruary 19' $ to B ..3. =:i3!lin!s to Assist 8ou> 0ith usi P!nti*o. ,!dn!sday' 9ar*h <' $ to B ..3.: =Round :a-l!/Bri*@ ,all harin1> l!d -y usi P!nti*o ,!dn!sday' 9ar*h 19' $ to B ..3.: Pro1ra3 :B6

aturday ,or@sho. R!"i!0' -y usi P!nti*o

At th! 1 5!-ruary aturday ,or@sho.' 0! 0or@!d on :!nn!ss!! 0ith a s3all dos! o2 +!or1ia and M!ntu*@y. 4t 0as in R!1ion 4' l!a"in1 us to still 0or@ on 3any oth!r stat!s. :h! list o2 tandard 5!d!ral R!1ions is h!r!: ;ist o2 r!1ions o2 th! Nnit!d tat!s' from ,i@i.!dia' th! 2r!! !n*y*lo.!dia. 4t 0as a 2irst ti3! !x.!ri!n*!' and 0ay too 3any stat!s' to *o"!r in that short a .!riod o2 ti3!. o 0! 0ill -r!a@ it do0n 2urth!r to 1i"! -!tt!r *o"!ra1! 2or !a*h ar!a. ,! 0ill *o"!r 3or! o2 M!ntu*@y n!xt 3onth' also -rin1in1 in 7orth Carolina 0hi*h 0as th! *r!ator o2 :!nn!ss!!. M!ntu*@y 0as *r!at!d 2ro3 Vir1inia. :h! tat! o2 5ran@lin 0as lo*at!d in .r!s!nt-day :!nn!ss!! .rior to itJs dissolution. o3! stat!s 0!r! *r!at!d 2ro3 oth!r stat!s. o3! ori1inal *ounti!s 0!r! lar1! and 0!r! -ro@!n u. to *r!at! oth!r *ounti!s. 9any 0!r! *r!at!d to 1i"! land to th! R!" ,ar V!t!rans 0ho 2ou1ht so -ra"!ly to 1i"! us a 2r!! *ountry 2ro3 th! British. 4 truly n!!d th! na3!s o2 stat!s that all o2 th! 3!3-!rs ar! r!s!ar*hin1. ,! had 3any 0or@in1 in :!nn!ss!! that had not @no0n th!y 0!r! !"!n 0or@in1 th! sa3! *ounty 2or r!s!ar*h. harin1 and 0or@in1 to1!th!r r!ally h!l.s r!s!ar*h.

9or! R!s!ar*h :i.s 2or B!1innin1 +!n!alo1ists' -y Randy !a"!r

3% Ns! th! 5REE 5a3ily !ar*h R!s!ar*h ,i@i #htt.s://2a3ilys!ar*h.or1/l!arn/0i@i/!n/9ainSPa1!% to 2ind in2or3ation a-out th! r!*o33!nd!d 3!thods' r!s!ar*h tools' or th! r!sour*!s #-oth in .a.!r or di1ital 2or3at% 2or !a*h *ountry' stat! or *ounty' or a-out s.!*i2i* r!*ord *oll!*tions a"aila-l! on 5a3ily !ar*h. 5or instan*!' th! Nnit!d tat!s 0i@i .a1! is at htt.s://2a3ilys!ar*h.or1/l!arn/0i@i/!n/Nnit!dS tat!s. 5ro3 th!r!' you *an *li*@ on a stat! to s!! 0hat r!sour*!s ar! a"aila-l! 2or th! stat!E th!n *li*@ on a County to s!! 0hat r!sour*!s ar! a"aila-l! 2or that *ounty. 4% Ns! th! 5REE An*!stry.*o3 5a3ily ?istory ,i@i #htt.://*!stry.*o3/0i@i/% to s!! !xt!nsi"! in2or3ation a-out: he Source! A Guide"oo# of American Genealogy$ hird %dition& -y andra ?ar1r!a"!s ;u!-@in1 #!ditor%' An*!stry.*o3' 200$. :his -oo@ dis*uss!s 3any A3!ri*an r!*ord ty.!s us!d in 1!n!alo1y r!s!ar*h. Ancestry's Red (oo#! American State$ County ) o*n Sources$ hird Revised %dition$ -y Ali*! 6. Ei*hholC #!ditor%' An*!stry.*o3' 2004. :his -oo@ .ro"id!s in2or3ation a-out a"aila-l! stat! and *ounty r!sour*!s.

Volu3! 24' 7u3-!r 2

Chula Vista +!n!alo1i*al o*i!ty 7!0sl!tt!r

5!-ruary 2014

Pa1! 9

,!l*o3! 7!0 9!3-!rs

Curr!nt 9!3-!rshi. #as o2 2/<%: &1

an 6i!1o +!n!alo1y E"!nts

aturday' 5!-ruary Bth' 10 a.3. :o 12:30 ..3. SA+ D,%G- G%+%AL-G,CAL S-C,% . /A0,L. 1, -R. S%0,+AR .!a@!r: id ha.ira on =E"!ryon! ?as a tory to :!ll> and 6ona Rit*hi! on =,or@2lo0 2or +!n!alo1i*al R!s!ar*h> at t. Andr!0Js ;uth!ran Chur*h B3<0 ;a@! 9urray Bl"d.' an 6i!1o 4n2o: 6!l Rit*hhart #drit*hh1)san.rr.*o3% :u!sday' 5!-ruary 11th' 10 a.3. +-R 1 SA+ D,%G- C-2+ . G%+& S-C,% . CO++ .!a@!r: 6!l Rit*hhart =Br!a@in1 :hrou1h 9y OJ9all!y Bri*@ ,all> *onta*t: Pa3 Boyl! #-oyl!.a3)13ail.*o3% aturday' 5!-ruary 1<th' 9 a.3. C-0P2 %R G%+%AL-G,CAL S-C,% . -/ SA+ D,%G.!a@!r: Bar-ara R!ni*@ on =El!"!n ;ay!rs o2 !ar*h!s on 5a3ily !ar*h> and =:hin@ 8ou Mno0 ?o0 :o !ar*h ;i-rary Catalo1sD :hin@ A1ainK> *onta*t H. Paul ?a0thorn! #(.aulha0thorn!)13ail.*o3% o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o :u!sday' 5!-ruary 2<th' 10 a.3. +-R 1 SA+ D,%G- C-2+ . G%+& S-C,% . .!a@!r: 6r. H!22 Charl!s =9a@in1 :!*hnolo1y 6!3o*rati*: 4n"!ntions' +ad1!ts and 9a*hin!s o2 th! +r!at!st +!n!ration> *onta*t: Pa3 Boyl! #-oyl!.a3)13ail.*o3%

MarynJs Carin1 Corn!r

Cards 0!r! s!nt to:

9!!tin1 ?ost Volunt!!rs

5!-ruary 2$: hirl!y B!*@!r and Vir1inia :aylor 9ar*h 2$: Volunt!!rs n!!d!dK Conta*t Ho Ann Bonn!r to si1n u.K

:!l!.hon! :r!! Volunt!!rs

Pa1! 1 I 6orothy Al"ord I $19-4$9-34B3 Pa1! 2 I Ha*Pui! +ood3an I $19-4B2-03<0 Pa1! 3 I Pa3 Bu*han I .-u*han)*ox.n!t Pa1! 4 I 6ian! +odin!C I $19-429-BBB0


o*i!ty O22i*!rs

Pr!sid!nt: Vir1inia :aylor 5irst Vi*!-Pr!sid!nt' Pro1ra3s Ral.h 9unoC !*ond Vi*!-Pr!sid!nt' 9!3-!rshi. Bar-ara 4-ai-arria1a :r!asur!r a3 !at !*r!tary Mar!n 8ar1!r

Co33itt!! Chairs
Co3.ut!r +rou. Edu*ation ?istorian ?os.itality ;i-rarian 7!0sl!tt!r Editor R!s!ar*h +rou./Uu!ri!s !3inars ,ays and 9!ans ,!-3ast!r hirl!y B!*@!r usi P!nti*o usan Ti33!r Ho Ann Bonn!r ,anda Bro*@ Randy !a"!r Randy !a"!r usi P!nti*o B!th!l ,illia3s +ary Bro*@

2014 R!1ional and 7ational E"!nts

Hun! $-B' 2014 S-2 1%R+ CAL,/-R+,A G%+%AL-G,CAL S,C . G%+%AL-G. 3A0(-R%% Bur-an@' Cali2. #htt.://000.1!n!alo1y(a3-or!!.or1% o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o !! all u.*o3in1 an 6i!1o 1!n!alo1y .ro1ra3s onlin! at htt.://000.*1ssd.or1/!"!nts..h.

Volu3! 24' 7u3-!r 2

Chula Vista +!n!alo1i*al o*i!ty 7!0sl!tt!r

5!-ruary 2014 Pa1! 10


,!dn!sday' 5!-. <' 12 noon I CV+ Board 9!!tin1' at CVCCB ;i-rary Auditoriu3 ,!dn!sday' 5!-.12' 12 noon I R!s!ar*h +rou. 9!!tin1' at CVCCB ;i-rary Auditoriu3 ,!dn!sday' 5!-. 19' 10:30 a.3. I Co3.ut!r +rou. 9!!tin1' at CVCCB ;i-rary Co3.ut!r ;a,!dn!sday' 5!-. 2$' 12 noon I Pro1ra3 9!!tin1: C!asar Castro on =Cali2ornia and th! 9!xi*an ,ar 2ro3 a +!n!alo1i*al Point o2 Vi!0> at CVCCB ;i-rary Auditoriu3 aturday' 9ar. 1' B a.3. to < ..3. I Es*ondido 5a3ily ?istory 5air #5REE' r!1ist!r at htt.://000.!s*ondido2h*.*o3/2a3ily-history-2air/% at 22<< 5!li*ita Rd.' Es*ondido 9202&. aturday' 9ar. B' 12:30 ..3. to 3 ..3. I CV+ ,or@sho.: usi P!nti*o on =M!ntu*@y and Carolina R!s!ar*h> ,!dn!sday' 9ar. <' 12 noon I CV+ Board 9!!tin1' at CVCCB ;i-rary Auditoriu3 ,!dn!sday' 9ar. 12' 12 noon I R!s!ar*h +rou. 9!!tin1' at :B6 ,!dn!sday' 9ar. 19' 12 noon I Co3.ut!r +rou. 9!!tin1' at CVCCB ;i-rary Co3.ut!r ;a,!dn!sday' 9ar. 2$' 12 noon I Pro1ra3 9!!tin1: Carol Baird on =Post*ard Coll!*tions and +!n!alo1y> at CVCCB ;i-rary Auditoriu3 o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o All CV+ Pro1ra3 9!!tin1s ar! h!ld' unl!ss oth!r0is! not!d' at th! Chula Vista Ci"i* C!nt!r Bran*h #CVCCB% ;i-rary' 3$< 5 tr!!t' Chula Vista Conta*t Ral.h 9unoC #3unoC19<1)*ox.n!t% 2or .ro1ra3 d!tails. Visit our ,!- it! I htt.://000.CV+!n!alo1y.or1 Visit th! Chula Vista +!n!alo1y Ca2V -lo1 I htt.://CV+!nCa2!.-lo1s.ot.*o3

Chula Vista +!n!alo1i*al o*i!ty P.O. Box 3024 Chula Vista CA 91909-3024 A66RE ERV4CE REUNE :E6



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