Play With The Sims Motion The Ramp: - Equal - 980N - 294 N

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Newtons Laws

Introduction: When an o !ect is dra""ed across a horizontal sur#ace$ the #orce o# #riction that must e o%ercome F depends on the normal #orce as F = and the normal #orce is "i%en & F =W . When the sur#ace ecomes an inclined plane$ the normal #orce chan"es and 'hen the normal #orce chan"es$ so does the #riction. In this la $ &ou 'ill chan"e the an"le o# an inclined plane and o ser%e ho' 'ei"ht is resol%ed into its components ()n and )//* usin" the asic tri" #unctions.
f n

Procedure: Play with the Sims Motion The Ramp +e sure to sta& in the part o# the simulation. More features 'ill e used later 'hen 'e in%esti"ate ener"&. ,tart & pla&in" 'ith the ca inet some. Ha%e #un$ reall&- No'- ack to 'ork. .o%e the ca inet up and do'n the ramp & dra""in" it 'ith &our mouse. .o%e the ramp to an an"le o# zero (horizontal* and dra' a #ree od& dia"ram o# the ca inet here:

Horizontal plane

/. 0n a horizontal plane$ the normal #orce is __e1ual_ to the 'ei"ht. 2. The ca inet has a mass o# /33k". It there#ore has a normal #orce o# __453N__ N and a #riction #orce (on the horizontal plane* o# __246 N__ = 0.30 the ramp and dra' a #ree od& dia"ram o# the ca inet in the o7 here:
Inclined plane

8. The #orce do'n the plane and normal #orce are components o# __Wei"ht__. 6. +e#ore 'e add an applied #orce on the ramp$ there is a #orce o# ___)riction_ that acts a"ainst the #orce do'n the plane( )orce parallel*.

9. When 'e appl& a #orce to "et the ca inet mo%in"$ the #riction #orce acts in the __0pposite___ direction as mo%ement o# the ca inet. :. Slowly increase an"le (3./ de"rees at a time* o# the ramp until the ca inet starts to mo%e on its o'n. What an"le is this? ___/:.5____ = ; <. =t this point$ the #orce do'n the plane is ___"reater__ than the #orce o# #riction. 5. ,ince the ramp is no' at an an"le$ the normal #orce is __less__ than the 'ei"ht. 4. =t the an"le a o%e$ the normal #orce e1uals ___485___N. (hint: 'hat tri" #unction?* /3. =t the an"le a o%e$ the #orce do'n the plane e1uals __258__N. (tri" #unction?* //. >sin" the #ormula #or #riction a o%e$ the #orce o# #riction is _____25/____N. /2. I# the plane?ca inet 'ere #rictionless$ 'hat an"le 'ould e re1uired #or the ca inet to mo%e? __3./ de"ree__ /8. Wh&? __+ecause no #riction e7ist and a small #orce produces due to such small inclination 'ill e su##icient to mo%e the od&.__ @alculate #irst$ then test each o !ect in the ta le elo' 'ith the simulation on a horizontal plane. 0 !ect Ao" @rate Biano .ass /9 k" 833 k" 229 k" Wei"ht /6< N 2463 N 2239 N Normal )orce /6< N 2463 N 2239 N /</9 N $ @oe# o# )riction 3./3 3.<3 3.63
g= 9.8m/s2

)riction )orce to 0%ercome /6.< 2395 N 552 N

Re#ri"erator /<9 k" /</9 N Conclusion Calculations:

3.93 59<.9 N GRA ! " # $oint eac% &

+ack to the ca inet ( *. = 0.30 @omplete the ta le elo'. Cou ma& check &our ans'ers in the simulation. Force Applied is the #orce re1uired ( & &ou #or instance* to make the ca inet mo%e at a constant %elocit& in either direction or keep it from accelerating (if applicable . Recall!constant "elocity # $%ero$ net force& Also note' force applied may change direction as the angle increases(
=n"le$ ; .ass Wei"ht
" = 4.5m/s2


/33. k" /33. k" /33. k" /33. k" /33. k" /33. k" /33. k" /33. k" /33. k" /33. k"

453 N 453 N 453 N 453 N 453 N 453 N 453 N 453 N 453 N 453 N

Normal )orce$ )n 453 N 49:.// N 423.54 N

6: 565.< N

)orce parallel )// )riction )orce )#

)orce =pplied$ )a

3.33 N /<3./< N
8: 889./< N 643 N 9: :24.48 N <93.<2 N 656.< N 423.54 N 4: 49:.// N

246 N
2.: 254.98 N 2<:.2: N 296.:/ N 229.2/ N :.: /55.4< N /6< N 5.: /33.99 N 9/.392 N /3.: 3 N

3.33 N 3.33 N 3.33 N 3.33 N 3.33 N 3.33 N 3.33 N 3.33 N 3.33 N 3.33 N

/3.3o 23.3o 83.3o 63.3o 93.3o :3.3o <3.3 43.3


<93.<2 N :24.48 N 643 N 889./< N /<3./< N 3.33 N



Conclusion 'uestions: /. 0n a horizontal plane$ the ___Normal__#orce e1uals the ____Wei"ht__. 2. =s the an"le o# the ramp is increased$ the normal #orce increases ) decreases ) remains the same and the #riction #orce increases ) decreases ) remains the same. 8. =s the an"le o# the ramp is increased$ the #orce parallel increases ) decreases ) remains the same& 6. The an"le at 'hich the #orce do'n the plane 'as e1ual to the #orce o# #riction (#or the ca inet* 'as ___/:.5____. 9. @onsider a %er& lo' (zero* #riction$ 9.3 k" skate oard on a ramp at an an"le o# /9o to the horizontal. What 'ould e the net (orce that 'ould cause acceleration 'hen the skate oard is allo'ed to mo%e?___/2.:5__ N :. What 'ould e the skate oardDs acceleration do'n the plane? __2.96___ m/s2 <. No' consider the same no?#riction 9.3 k" skate oard on the same /9o ramp. I# a 69k" teena"er !umps on$ 'hat 'ould e her acceleration do'n the ramp? ___29.8:__ m/s2 5. Ima"ine &ou are pushin" a /9 k" cart #ull o# 29 k" o# ottled 'ater up a /3o ramp. 4. I# the coe##icient o# #riction is 3.32$ 'hat is the #riction #orce &ou must o%ercome to push the cart up the ramp? ___<.56__ N /3. Realizin" that there is also a #orce parallel (as a component o# 'ei"ht* &ou must =E,0 o%ercome$ 'hat is the T0T=E #orce &ou must appl& to push the cart up the ramp at a constant speed? ___<.56__ N

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