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OUTSIDE THE BOX EVENTS PLANNING COMPANY #8 Mambugan St. San R !u"# Ant$% & '('))'*+'*, ut-$."t/"b 01gma$&.

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C m%an3 P4 5$&" Outside The box Events is a full-service event and venue management and consulting company located in Mambugan, Antipolo. Outside The box Events offers complete event planning & management services, programming & production, entertainment & special event coordination, high- uality activities, and event promotion. Outside The box also offers event and venue management consulting services including long-range planning, program and policy development, needs assessments, training, and general management assistance. Our services are available throughout the country to help companies, organi!ations, fairs & festivals, families, event venues, and resort properties present highly-effective events. "e pride ourselves on attention to detail and an "Extreme Theme" approach to quality event presentation.



OUTSIDE THE BOX EVENTS PLANNING COMPANY #8 Mambugan St. San R !u"# Ant$% & C nta2t6 '('))'*+'*, ut-$."t/"b 01gma$&.2 m

#ebruary $%, &'$( Ms. Andy )andigan *ead Manager +hilippine Animal "elfare )ociety

,ear Ms. )andigan, -ood ,ay. Outside the .ox Events, the trusted events planning company in the +hillipines has heard from the reliable source that your organi!ation /ill be having a symposium for animal rights. "e are very pleased to be part of your events team to organi!e the said event. "ith this proposal are the details for your upcoming symposium. 0umber of pax1 2'' .udget1 + 3'',''' Theme1 )ymposium for Animal 4ights

5 hope to meet you soon to discuss the contribution that 5 can ma6e in your symposium. 7ou can also contact us at '8'%%'(2'(& or email us at Than6s and -odbless.

7ours, Aya Agorilla

Event Manager

OUTSIDE THE BOX EVENTS PLANNING COMPANY #8 Mambugan St. San R !u"# Ant$% & C nta2t6 '('))'*+'*, ut-$."t/"b 01gma$&.2 m

M$--$ n Stat"m"nt

$. To prevent animal cruelty through education, animal sheltering and advocacy.

2. To prevent cruelty, alleviate pain, fear and suffering in animals 3.

To promote a society based on humane principles.

(. To ma6e people understand that animals need protection and care.


Aya Agorilla Event *ead ,amon Asst. Event *ead


+rgrm, registr mr6tg, inv


#ood:d rn6s

supo rt



Dos and donts

Do report all spills or damages to us. It is basic honesty and responsibility.

Do use all the equipment, furniture, stationary and restrooms appropriately like it is yours!
Do allow us to conduct viewings for other clients in case they happen to show up during your event. We promise to be as un-obstructive as possible.

Do try to end your event on time and remove all your equipment as well as encourage your participants not to loiter around. We reserve the right to charge for e tended use.


!o "moking is allowed inside the "eminar #oom or outside. If you wish

to smoke, kindly go to the first floor and smoke along the pathway. Please keep the place as clean as you found it.

Do not register your company using our address. o not violate any copyright in our premises. Make sure you have the rights to play whichever media you are playing in the Seminar Room.

The mar6eting strategy for this event /ill be poster, online advertisement and invitations.

These logos are some social net/or6ing sites that can be use as online advertisement. 5n these sites, /e can encourage other animal related organi!ations to be part of the conference for animal rights.


This event helps organi!ations to prevent animal cruelty through education, animal sheltering and advocacy. 8$t/ t/$- -"m$na4# t/" 4gan$9at$ n- a4" 2 mm$tt". t prevent cruelty, alleviate pain, fear and suffering in animals. This conference can also ma6e people understand that animals need protection, shelter and care li6e humans too.


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MATERIALS +ens +apers

TRANSPORTATION )ervice from Mandaluyong to Antipolo )ervice from Bue!on =ity to Antipolo


OTHER EXPENSES =ertificates =ontingencies



This event /ill have a theme of CEveryone is 4esponsibleD. This means that everyone is responsible for ta6ing care of all animals. This /ill also encourage other animal organi!ations to be more dedicated to their Eob:career.

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