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Austin, Darcy, Eli,

Quintin, & Isaiah Bonds’

Urban Update
New York City Relief Our Angel Of Harlem Summer 2009

(NYCR) exists to con-

The Relief Bus contin- God. I will never be with scripture to back
nect the poor, op-
ues to be a place of the same!” He was it up.”
pressed, and addicted change in people’s speaking of a man he
with a pathway toward lives. While serving encountered on the Matthew is one of
help and hope. Through in Harlem, one of our streets who was living many that comes ex-
outreach partnerships, volunteers was deeply in a shelter and hap- pecting to help those
we seek to be a bridge touched by who he pened upon the bus. on the street, but in
between the needs on says was an angel. Mario had just gotten turn is effected. Many
the street and resources out of prison after 37 times our volunteers
Matthew, who came to years for murder. It tell us how working at
in the community to
serve with his church wasn’t until 5 years the Relief Bus has
meet those needs. These
from Indianapolis, ago while still in changed their life. We
things we do…that oth- said, “Brother Mario prison that Mario have had over 2000
ers may LIVE. was the most amazing gave his life to the volunteers come out
man I've ever met! My Lord. and serve just this
New Addresses: last 2 weeks have year.
been completely dif- Mario spoke life into
The Bonds ferent. Brother Mario Matthew at every
changed the way I ap- turn. “It seemed for
750 Emerson Ave.
proach my day, the every problem I had
Elizabeth, NJ 07208 way I look at people, he had the answer,
...focus on
the way I live for reading the
scriptures to
765-243-3389 the church, en-
couraging the
The Relief Bus believers, and
teaching them.
295 Walnut St.
1 Tim. 4:13
Elizabeth, NJ 07201


The Relief Bus de- pends on volunteers
to help us minister to those in need. If you
are interested in vol-
If you would like to
unteering with the
receive our newsletter
Relief Bus , please
via e-mail, please send
Mario and volunteer, Matthew, discussing life’s contact us. We’d love
along your address,
Thank You! issues with a biblical perspective. to have you!
Family Bonds
Another change to report on… we have moved to an-
other house in Elizabeth. (Our new address is on the
front page.) We have been so blessed to be able to
move to a home with more space, and a fenced in yard
for the boys to play. We are renting from some great
friends and Eli’s new school is within walking distance,

Eli, 6, is still enjoying his summer as school doesn’t

start until after Labor Day, when he will begin 1st
We’re on the web!
Find us on Facebook,
Quintin, 3, is also enjoying the summer. He loves
to be outdoors and plays with great passion.,
Isaiah, 7 mo., is growing fast and is the apple of
his brothers’ eyes. He is sitting up, getting ready to
crawl and is entertained easily by his brothers.

Prayer is an essential part of what we do.

There are many people who come
ment, “Oh, there’s Steve, let’s go Prayer Requests
get prayer. He always prays for
each week just to receive prayer. me.” 1. One of our 2 buses has come
I overheard a woman last week to its end. We are in the proc-
say to her friends with excite- As God answers our prayers, we ess of finding a new one. Pray
learn to trust in him. He is our that God will lead us to the
Heavenly Father who wants to right Bus and that He will
give us what we need. Matt. 6:11 provide the funds needed to
says, “How much more will your buy and convert the Bus.
heavenly Father give good gifts to
those who ask him.” 2. Eli’s preparation for 1st grade.
“I come every week just to receive 3. Staff changes and the need for
prayer,” said Janet from the more full-time volunteers.
Bronx. We have started to use
prayer stations as a way to let 4. Friends on the street, that are
people know that we can ask God entangled with injustice.
to intervene in their situation. Pray for wisdom in knowing
Last week on Friday between both how to combat the enemy.
of the Bus locations 10 people Pray for people’s hope. Pray
prayed a prayer of salvation, most for more resources to meet the
Volunteer, Lee, praying with a man from for the first time. needs.
Harlem at the prayer booth.

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