Ductile Iron Data

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Ductile iron data SECTION XII.

SPECIFICATIONS Introduction North America Other Standards Beyond Specifications References Introduction The purpose of standard specifications for Ductile Iron castings is to provide a body of information which can be used with confidence by both designer and foundry to select define and agree upon a set of specific properties which will ensure that the castings meet the intended use of the designer! The use of standard specifications simplifies the purchase of castings from multiple suppliers because it defines a standard casting whose properties meet the designer"s needs regardless of where or how the castings were produced! Specifications should be chosen carefully and used sparingly to ensure that they ade#uately define the designer"s needs without adding superfluous constraints which needlessly restrict the suppliers" options complicate the casting process and increase the cost of the casting! It is the responsibility of both the designer and the foundry to be aware of the role and the limitations of specifications and to agree upon a specification that provides the optimum ratio of performance to cost! It is up to the designer to specify a set of properties $ mechanical physical chemical or dimensional $ which best suit the casting to its purpose! Once the specification has been selected the foundry must ensure that all castings delivered meet or e%ceed the specification! The raw materials and production methods used by the foundry to provide conforming castings are not normally restricted by the designer or the specification unless the specification includes such instructions or the designer and foundry agree to append additional instructions to a specification! Such instructions should be used &udiciously because they almost invariably increase the casting cost and restrict the number of foundries which can provide competitive bids! North America The AST' has five standards covering Ductile Iron castings! AST' A ()* is the most fre#uently used covering the general engineering grades of Ductile Iron! The other standards cover austenitic and special Ductile Iron applications! The AST' has issued in +,,- a new specification defining the properties of Austempered Ductile Iron! The SA. standard /0)0 is commonly used for specifying automotive Ductile Iron castings! In an attempt to create a single comprehensive system for designating metals and alloys the AST' and SA. have &ointly developed the 1nified Numbering System 21NS3! 4hile not itself a specification the 1NS designation is gaining some degree of acceptance in North America as a useful means of simplifying and correlating the various e%isting specifications! The 1NS designations for Ductile Irons crossreferenced to the corresponding AST' A'S SA. and 'I5 specifications are shown below!
UNS numbers and correspondin American speci!ications Standard UNS AST' A),( AST' A()* AST' A08* F$%%% F$&'%% *-$0-$+6 *-$0-$+6 *($0($ +7 6-$(($ -* 6-$*-$-) Numbers"#rades F$&(%% F$$)%% F$$)%) F$$'%% F$*)%%

AST' A8+* A'S SA. /0)0 'I5$I$70+)8 D: ; T D0-+6

999999 ()+( D0(+7 2A3 D((-* ()+*

1NS AST' A0), AST' A()* SA. /0)0



<0)--- <0)--+ <0)--7 <0)--) D$7 D$7B D$7= =$)

<0)--0 =$)A

+--$8-$ -) D8--)

+7-$,-$ -7

1NS AST' A0), AST' A(8+ A'S 'I5$I$70+)8

<0)--( D$0

<0)--* D$(

<0)--8 <0)-+- <0)-7- <0)-7+ D$(B D$7'


(),( 2B3 2=3

Other Standards This section also summari>es the national standards for Ductile Iron for the other ma&or industriali>ed countries and the international ISO standard! This standard and its replacement the .uroNorm standard .N will become increasingly important with the formation of the .uropean =ommunity! There are many additional standards for Ductile Iron some national and others valid only within a specific technical or commercial organi>ation! 4hile each specification may have its own distinguishing characteristics there are also many similarities between specifications! Before using any specification the designer should obtain a complete copy of the current issue from the specifying body to familiari>e himself with both the properties specified and the conditions under which they are to be measured! Standard specifications for Ductile Iron are normally based on mechanical properties e%cept for those defining austenitic Ductile Iron which are based on composition! 'echanical property values are given in the units normal to the particular specifying body! =onversions for SI metric non$SI and non$metric units are given at the end of this section to assist in comparing specifications! DUCTI+E I,ON SPECIFICATIONS
AST- A $(. FE,,ITIC DUCTI+E I,ON P,ESSU,E/,ETAININ# CASTIN#S FO, USE AT E+E0ATED TE-PE,ATU,ES This standard specifies chemical physical and hardness re#uirements! Chemical ,e1uirements The castings shall conform to the following re#uirements for chemical composition 2Note )3? Ph2sical ,e1uirements Tensile Properties $ The Ductile Iron as represented by the test specimens shall conform to the following re#uiremenets for tensile properties? Tensile strength min psi 2'Aa3 Bield strength min psi 2'Aa3 .longation in 7 in! or (- mm min! *- --- 20+03 0- --- 278*3 +6@

Total carbon min @ Silicon ma% @ Ahosphorus ma% @


Hardness: $ The hardness of the heat$treated Ductile Iron as represented by the test specimens and castings shall be within the following limits? CB )---$Dgf load +0) to +68

AST- A*$( AUSTENITIC DUCTI+E I,ON CASTIN#S Chemical ,e1uirements T2pe Element D/&




D/$A Composition4 5





Total carbon ma% )!-Silicon 'anganese +!(-$)!--!8-$+!7(

)!-+!(-$)!--!8-$+!7( -!-6


7!*+!--$7!6+!-- ma%B -!-6

7!*+!--$7!6+!-- ma%B -!-6

7!*(!--$*!-+!-- ma%B -!-6

7!0+!--$7!6+!-- ma%B -!-6

7!0+!--$7!6+!-- ma%B -!-6

7!)0!,-$(!(+!-- ma% -!-6

Ahosphorus ma% -!-6 NicDel =hromium


+6!--$77!-- +6!--$77!-- 7+!--$70!-- 76!--$)7!-- 76!--$)7!-- 76!--$)7!-- )0!--$)*!-- )0!--$)*!-- )0!--$)8!-+!8($7!8( 7!8($0!--!(-$ma%B 7!(-$)!(+!--$+!(0!(-$(!(o

-!+- ma%



Additions of -!8 to +!-@ of molybdenum will increase the mechanical properties above 6-- < 207( =3! Not intentionally added!

-echanical ,e1uirements T2pe Element Tensile strength min Dsi 2'Aa3 Bield strength 2-!7 percent offset3 min Dsi 2'Aa3 .longation 7 in! or (-mm min @ Brinell hardness 2)-- Dg3 D/& D/&3 D/&C D/$ D/$A Properties (6 20--3 (6 20--3 (6 20--3 (( 2)8,3 (( 2)8,3 *- 20+03 (( 2)8,3 (( 2)8,3 *( 200,3 )- 27-83 )- 27-83 76 2+,)3 )- 27-83 )- 27-83 6!8!7-!*!+-!$$ $$ )- 27-83 )- 27-+3 )- 27-83 7-!*!+D/* D/. D/.3 D/.S

+),$7-7 +06$7++ +7+$+8+ +),$7-7 +)+$+,) 7-7$78) +)+$+6( +),$+,) +)+$+,)

AST- A *67 DUCTI+E I,ON CASTIN#S FO, PAPE, -I++ D,8E, ,O++S Chemical ,e1uirements The castings shall conform to the following chemical re#uirements? Total carbon min @ Silicon ma% @ Ahoshorus ma% @ Sulfur ma% @ The castings shall have a carbon e#uivalent of )!6 to 0!( inclusive! )!)!-!-6 -!-( Tensile ,e1uirements Test Coupon Section Thic9ness Tensile strength min Dsi Bield strength min Dsi .longation in 7 in! min @ ) in. 6*)!$ in. 6*+!-

AST- A .$7 DUCTI+E I,ON CASTIN#S Tensile ,e1uirements #rade 7%"*%")' Tensile strength min psi *- --#rade 7."*.")& *( --#rade '%".."%7 6- --#rade )%%"6%"%$ +-- --#rade )&%"(%"%& +7- ---

Tensile strength min 'Aa Bield strength min psi Bield strength min 'Aa .longation in 7 in! or (mm min @

0+0 0- --78* +6

006 0( --)++7

((7 (( --)8, *!-

*6, 8- --06) )!-

678 ,- --*7+ 7!-

Tensile ,e1uirements !or Special Applications #rade 7%"*&")% Tensile strength min psi Tensile strength min 'Aa Bield strength min psi Bield strength min 'Aa .longation in 7 in! or (- mm min @ *- --0+( 07 --7,+#rade 6%".%"%. 8- --06( (- --)0( ( #rade '%"7%"%$ 6- --((( *- --0+( )

AST- A .6) AUSTENITIC DUCTI+E I,ON CASTIN#S FO, P,ESSU,E/ CONTAININ# PA,TS SUITA3+E FO, +O:/TE-PE,ATU,E SE,0ICE This standard specifies that all castings shall be heat treated by annealing between +*-- and +6--o< for + hour per inch of casting section and furnace cooling! Chemical ,e1uirements Element Total carbon Silicon 'anganese NicDel =hromium Ahosphorus

-echanical Propert2 ,e1uirementsA Class ) Tensile Strength min Dsi Bield Strength -!7@ 2offset3 min Dsi .longation min @ Brinell Cardness )--- Dg =harpy E$notch ft$lbf min average ) tests min individual test

Composition4 5 7!7$7!8

Class & *7( 7( +++$+8+ 7+(

*( ))+7+$+8+ +( +7

+!($7!()!8($0!( 7+!-$70!-!7- ma% -!-6 ma%

<or castings with sections under +F0 in! it may be desirable to ad&ust the carbon upwards to a ma%imum of 7!,-@!

Ceat$treated condition

AST- A '(6 A'(6 -

AUSTE-PE,ED DUCTI+E I,ON -in. Tensile Str. -in. 8ield Str. -Pa =si 6((+(+-(8-+-Elon ation Percent ++8 8 6+-*Impact Ener 2; >oules Ft/lb 8( <ardness 3<N;; 7*,$)7+ 7*,$)7+ )-7$)*) )-7$)*)

#rade +7(F6-F+6(-F((-F++(-F+--F8 +-(-F8--F8


=si +7(


+8(F+7(F0 +7--F6(-F0 7--F+((F+ +0--F++--F+ 7)-F+6(F$ +*--F+)--F$ 9 +*-+0-+7--

+8( 6(7-++-7)+)--


0 0 *-


)0+$000 )0+$000


+ + )(


)66$088 )66$088


999 999 999


000$((( 000$(((

Ealues obtained using unnotched =harpy bars tested at 87 deg! < 27- deg! =3! The values in the table are the average of the three highest of four tested samples! 99 Cardness is not a mandatory specification and is shown for information only! 999 .longation and impact specifications are not re#uired! =omplete specifications may be obtained from? American Society for Testing 'aterials! +,+* Race Street Ahiladelphia AA +,+-)! Society of Automotive .ngineers Inc! 06( 5e%ington Ave! New BorD NB +--+8! American Society of 'echanical .ngineers )0( .ast 08th Street! New BorD NB +--+8!

NOTE? SA. specification for Ductile Iron casting and austempered Ductile Iron casting are currently being revised so they were not available as of the time of this printing!

SAE >*$* FE3&%%*

AUTO-OTI0E DUCTI+E I,ON CASTIN#S 8ield stren th4 Proo! stress4 ,po.& min. N"mm& 78( )+)0( )60(069si


Tensile stren th4 ,m) min. N"mm&


,elati@e :all Thic9ness

Charp2 Impact Ener 2 T2pical Impact 0alues >oules !t./lb. ,*0)7-

Elon ation 5 +6 +7 * 0 ) 7

<ardness Structure <3: A-paB +0)$+82+0-7$+**83 <errite

D0-2D0-+63 D0(2D0(+73 D(-2D((-*3 D((2D((-03 D8-2D8--)3 D6--


(6 *( 8) 6+-7 ++*

00( ((( *( 8-

GH7-mm GH7-mm GH7-mm GH7-mm GH7-mm

+76(0 078

+(*$7+8 2+()-$ <errite$Aearlite 7+763 +68$77, 2+6)0$ <errite$Aearlite 770*3 7+8$7*, 27+76$ Aearlite$<errite 7*)63 70+$)-7 27)*)$ Aearlite 7,*+3 7(($)++ 27(-+$ Aearlite or Tempered 'artensite )-(-3 Range specified by agreement Tempered 'artensite


A wide variety of properties are possible! 'inimum properties are specified by agreement between manufacturer and purchaser!

9 These irons are primarily specified on hardness and structure! The mechanical properties are given for information only! 99:uenched and tempered gradeI hardness to be agreed between supplier and purchaser!

>APAN >IS # ..%$/)((.

AUSTE-PE,ED SP<E,OIDA+ #,AP<ITE I,ON CASTIN#S 'echanical properties of separately cast test sample

S2mbol o! rade

Tensile stren th

8ield stren th

Elon ation 5

<ardness <3

N"mm& <=AD ,--$0 <=AD ,--$6 <=AD +---$( <=AD +7--$7 <=AD +0--$+ ,-- min! ,-- min! +--- min! +7-- min! +0-- min!

N"mm& *-- min! *-- min! 8-- min! ,-- min! ++-- min! 0 min! 6 min! ( min! 7 min! + min! $ $ $ )0+ min! 0-+ min!

>APAN >IS # ..%&/)((.

SP<E,OIDA+ #,AP<ITE I,ON CASTIN#S -echanical properties o! separatel2 cast test sample

S2mbol o! rade

Tensile 8ield Elon ation stren th stren th 5 N"mm& N"mm&

Charp2 absorption ener 2

AIn!ormation re!erenceB

-ean Test @alue o! Indi@idual <ardness -atriC Temp. $ @alue > <3 structure o C pieces > <=D )(-$77 <=D )(-$775 <=D 0--$+6 <=D 0--$+65 <=D 0--$+( <=D 0(-$+<=D (--$8 <=D *--$) <=D 8--$7 <=D 6--$7 0(- min! 76- min! (-- min! )7- min! *-- min! )8- min! 8-- min! 07- min! 6-- min! 06- min! +( min! +- min! 8 min! ) min! 7 min! 0-- min! 7(- min! +6 min! )(- min! 77- min! 77 min! 7) JK ( $0- JK 7 7) JK ( $7- JK 7 $ +8 min! +7 min! +0 min! +7 min! $ +0 min! , min! ++ min! , min! $ +0- to 7++(- to 7)+8- to 78+6- to )-<errite L pearlite Aearlite L ferrite Aearlite +)- to +6+(- ma%! <errite

Aearlite or 7-- to ))- tempered structure

-echanical properties o! cast/on test sample

Chie! thic9ness o! iron castin mm

S2mbol o! rade

Tensile 8ield Elon ation stren th stren th Charp2 absorption ener 2 5 N"mm& N"mm& Test Temp. o C

AIn!ormation re!erenceB

-ean Indi@idual <ardness -atriC @alue @alue > <3 structure o! $ pieces

> <=D 0--$+6A Over ),- min! 7(- min! )- up to and incl! *Over *- up to and incl! 7-<=D 0--$+6A5 )8- min! 70- min! +( min! 7) JK +0 min! ( ++ min! +7- to +6<errite

+7 min!

+7 min!

, min!

Over ),- min! 7(- min! )- up to and incl! *Over *- up to and incl! 7-)8- min! 70- min!

+( min!

$7- JK 7

+7 in!

+- min!

8 min!

<=D 0--$+(A

Over ),- min! 7(- min! )- up to and incl! *Over *- up to and incl! 7-)8- min! 70- min!

+( min!

+7 min!

<=D (--$8A

Over 0(- min! )-- min! )- up to and incl! *Over *- up to and incl! 7-07- min! 7,- min!

8 min!

+)- to 7)-

<errite L pearlite

( min!

<=D *--$)A

Over *-- min! )*- min! )- up to and incl! *Over *- up to and incl! 7-((- min! )0- min!

7 min!

+*- to 78- Aearlite L ferrite

+ min!

EU,OPEAN STANDA,D EN ).7$ ? )((6


-echanical properties measured on test pieces machined !rom separatel2 cast samples -aterial desi nation Tensile stren th ,m N"mm& min. %.&5 proo! stress ,p%.& N"mm& min. 77Elon ation A 5 min. 77

S2mbol .N$M/S$)(-$77$ 5T+3

Number .N$/S+-+( )(-

.N$M/S$)(-$77$ 5T73 .N$M/S$)(-$77$ 5T .N$M/S$0--$+6$ 5T+3 .N$M/S$0--$+6$ 5T73 .N$M/S$0--$+6$ 5T .N$M/S$0(-$+( .N$M/S$0(-$+.N$M/S$(--$8 .N$M/S$*--$) .N$M/S$8--$7 .N$M/S$6--$7 .N$M/S$,--$7
+3 73




















+6 +( +8 ) 7 7 7

5T for low temperature! RT for room temperature!

NOT. +! The values for these maerials apply to castings cast in sand moulds of comparable thermal diffusivity! Sub&ect to amendments to be agreed upon in the order they can apply to castings obtained by alternative methods! NOT. 7! 4hatever the method used for obtaining the castings the grades are based on the mechanical properties measured on test pieces taDen from samples separately cast in a sand mould or a mould of comparable thermal diffusivity! NOT. )! +NFmm7 is e#uivalent to + 'Aa! NOT. 0! the material designation is in accordance with .N +(*-!

-inimum impact resistance @alues measured on 0/notch test pieces machines !rom separatel2 cast samples
-aterial desi nation -inimum impact resistance @alues Ain >B At room temp. A&$ DE .B oC S2mbol Number -ean @alue !rom $ tests $ +8 At A/&% DE &B oC At A/*% DE &B oC

Indi@idual -ean Indi@idual -ean Indi@idual @alue @alue !rom @alue @alue !rom @alue $ tests $ tests

.N$M/S$ )(-$77$ 5t+3 .N$M/S$ )(-$77$

.N$ /S+-+( .N$ /S+-+0

$ +0

$ $

$ $

+7 $

, $

Rt73 .N$M/S$ 0--$+6$ 5t+3 .N$M/S$ 0--$+6$ 5t73

+3 73

.N$ /S+-7( .N$ /S+-70




5t for low temperature! Rt for room temperature!

NOT. +! the values for these maerials apply to castings cast in sand moulds of comparable thermal diffusivity! Sub&ect to amendments to be agreed upon in the order they can apply to castings obtained by alternative methods! NOT. 7! 4hatever the method used for obtaining the castings the grades are based on the mechanical properties measured on test pieces taDen from samples separately cast in a sand mould or a mould of comparable thermal diffusivity! NOT. )! the material designation is in accordance with .N +(*-!

EU,OPEAN STANDA,D EN ).7$ ? )((6 AcontinuedB -echanical properties measured on test pieces machined !rom separatel2 cast samples -aterial desi nation ,ele@ant Fall thic9ness t mm t<30 30<t<60 60<t<200 t<30 30<t<60 60<t<200 t<30 30<t<60 60<t<200 t<30 30<t<60 60<t<200 t<30 30<t<60 60<t<200 t<30 30<t<60 60<t<200 t<30 30<t<60 60<t<200 t<30 30<t<60 60<t<200 t<30 30<t<60 60<t<200 tensile stren th ,m N"mm& min! )()))7)()))7)()))70-),)80-),)80-),)80-),)8%.&5 proo! stress ,p%.& N"mm& min! 777+7-777+7-777+7-707)777(7(707(7(707(7(70Elon ation A 5 min! 77 +6 +( 77 +6 +( 77 +6 +( +6 +( +7 +6 +( +7 +6 +( +7 +( +0 ++

Symbol .N$M/S$)(-$ 771$5t+3 .N$M/S$)(-$ 771$Rt73 .N$M/S$)(-$ 771 .N$M/S$0--$ +61$5T+3 .N$M/S$0--$ +61$RT73 .N$M/S$0--$ +61 .N$M/S$0--$ +(1 .N$M/S$0(-$ +-1 .N$M/S$(--$ 81

Number .N$/S+-+,








0()++G To be agreed between the manufacturer and the purchaser! (-0(07)7)-7,8 8 (


.N$M/S$*--$ )1 .N$M/S$8--$ 71 .N$M/S$6--$ 71 .N$M/S$,--$ 71

+3 73





) 7 + 7 7 +



6-067 G To be agreed between the manufacturer and the purchaser! ,-067 G To be agreed between the manufacturer and the purchaser!


5T for low temperature! RT for room temperature!

NOT. +! The properties of a cast$on test piece cannot e%actly the properties of the casting itself but can be a better appro%imation than those obtained on a separtely cast sample! <urther values are given in anne% D for guidance! NOT. 7! NFmm7 is e#uivalent to + 'Aa! NOT. )! The material designation is in accordance with .N +(*-!

EU,OPEAN STANDA,D EN ).7$ ? )((6 AcontinuedB

-aterial desi nation 3rinell hardness ran e <3 Number .N$/S7-+.N$/S7-7.N$/S7-).N$/S7-0.N$/S7-(.N$/S7-*.N$/S7-8+3

Other properties A!or in!ormation onl2B ,m N"mm& ,p%.& N"mm& 777(7()+)7)80706*--

S2mbol .N$M/S$CB+).N$M/S$CB+(.N$M/S$CB+(( .N$M/S$CB+6( .N$M/S$CB7-.N$M/S$CB7).N$M/S$CB7*( .N$M/S$CB)-.N$M/S$CB))+3

5ess than +*+)- to +8( +)( to +6+*- to 7++8- to 7)+,- to 7877( to )(70( to ))( 78- to )*-






.N$M/S$CB)-- 2.N$/S7-6-3 and .N$M/S7-,-3 are not recommended for thicD section castings! NOT. +! + NFmm7 is e#uivalent to + 'Aa!

-inimum impact resistance @alues measured on 0/notched test pieces machined !rom cast/on samples
-aterial ,ele@ant -inimum impact resistance @alues Ain >B

desi nation

Fall thic9ness t

At room temperature A&$H.B oC -ean @alue !rom $ tests Indi@idual @alue

At A/&%H&B oC -ean @alue !rom $ tests Indi@idual @alue

At A/*%H&B oC -ean @alue !rom $ tests Indi@idual @alue

S2mbol Number .N$ M/S$ )(-$ 771$5T+3 .N$ M/S$ )(-$ 771$ RT73 .N$ M/S$ 0--$ +61$5T+3 .N$ M/S$ 0--$ +61$ RT73
+3 73

mm $ tG**-GtG7-$ $ $ +7 +, 8

.N$ /S+-+,

.N$ /S+-7,


+8 +(

+0 +7

.N$ /S+-0,

$ )-GtG**-GtG7--

+7 +-

, 8

.N$ /S+-(, )-GtG**-GtG7--

+0 +7

++ ,

5T for low temperature! RT for room temperature!

NOT. +! The values for the materials normally apply to castings with thicDnesses between )- mm and 7-- mm and with a mass greater than 7--- Dg or when the relevant wall thicDness may vary between )- mm and 7-- mm! NOT. 7! The properties of a cast$on test piece cannot reflect e%actly the properties of the casting itself but can be a better appro%imation than those obtained on a separately cast sample! <urther values are given in anne% D for guidance! NOT. )! + NFmm7 is e#uivalent to + 'Aa! NOT. 0! The material designation is in accordance with .N +(*-!

EU,OPEAN STANDA,D EN ).7* ? )((6


-echanical properties measured on test pieces machined !rom separatel2 cast samples.
-aterial desi nation S2mbol .N$M/S$6--$6 Number .N$/S++-Tensile stren th ,m N"mm& min. 6-%.&5 proo! stress ,p%.& N"mm& min. (-Elon ation A 5 min. 6

.N$M/S$+---$( .N$M/S$+7--$7 .N$M/S$+0--$+




( 7 +

NOT. +! The values for the materials apply to castings cast in sand moulds of comparable thermal diffusivity! Sub&ect to amendments to be agreed upon in the order they can apply to castings obtained by alternative methods! NOT. 7! 4hatever the method used for obtaining the castings the grades are based on the mechanical properties measured on test pieces taDen from samples separately cast in a sand mould or a mould of comparable thermal diffusivity! NOT. )! + NFmm7 is e#uivalent to + 'Aa! NOT. 0! The material designation is in accordance with .N +(*-!

<ardness ran e
-aterial desi nation S2mbol .N$M/S$6--$6 .N$M/S$+---$( .N$M/S$+7--$7 .N$M/S$+0--$+ Number .N$/S++-.N$/S+++.N$/S++7.N$/S++)3rinell hardness ran e <3 7*- to )7)-- to )*)0- to 00)6- to 06-

NOT.? The material designation is in accordance with .N +(*-!

SOUT< AF,ICA SA3S ($7"($6


Tensile stren th ,m min.

Proo! stress ,p%.& min.

Elon ation <ardness A min. 5 +8 +7 8 0 ) <3 G+6G7-DI+8- $ 70DI7+- $ 7(DI7)- $ )-DI7*- $ ))DIStructure <errite <errite <errite ; pearlite Aearlite Aearlite Aearlite or temper structure

#rade N"mm& 9 !"m& ton"in& N"mm& 9 !"m& ton"in& SM)6 SM07 SM(SM*SM8)8( 0+0,(,*6( )6!07!(-!*-!8-!70!7 7!( )+!8 )6!+ 00!0 70( 78( )0( ),007(!76!+ )(!7 ),!6 00!, +*!+8!8 77!) 7(!7 76!(








DI <or information only!

SOUT< AF,ICA SA3S )7.7 ? )((.



-inimum tensile stren th ,m -Pa 6(+-(+7-+0-+*--

-inimum proo! stress ,p%.& -Pa ((8-6(++-+)--

-inimum elon ation 5

Impact stren th Aener 2 lossB > +-6*)( $

<ardness )B

ADI 6(ADI +-(ADI +7-ADI +0-ADI +*-+3

+8 0 + $

7*, $ )7+ )-7 $ )*) )0+ $ 000 )66 $ 088 000 $ (((

<or information only!



Tensile stren th ,m min. Proo! stress ,p%.& min. N"mm& 7-( 7-( +,( 7-( 7-( 7-( 9 !"m& 7+!7+!7-!7+!7+!7+!ton"in& +)!) +)!) +7!( +)!) +)!) +)!) Elon ation <ardness A min. maC. 5 6 * 7+8 7( <3 7-7(( +87)7-+8-


N"mm& )8( )8( )8( )8( )8( 0+-

9 !"m& )6!)6!)6!)6!)6!07!-

ton"in& 70!7 70!7 70!7 70!7 70!7 7*!(


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3e2ond Speci!ications Standards and specifications ensure uniformity and assist both the designer and the foundry in defining the most important properties of the castings! Cowever most of the specifications identify either minimum properties or ranges of properties inferring that all castings whose properties either e%ceed the minimum or lie anywhere within the range are e#ually acceptable! This inference is incorrect and high #uality castings whose properties either consistently e%ceed re#uirements or fall well within specified ranges offer the designer a competitive edge! Through commitments to SA= and continual #uality improvement many foundries have developed the capability to produce castings whose higher #uality can be demonstrated statistically! Designers should taDe advantage of these capabilities to obtain assured #uality which is superior to that re#uired by specifications!

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