Philippine Mosses As Effective Antioxidants Against Caffeine, Monosodium Glutamate and Burnt Fat (Carcinogens)

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Philippine Mosses as Effective Antioxidants against Caffeine, Monosodium Glutamate and Burnt Fat (Carcinogens)

An Investigatory Project Proposal Presented to Mr. Arnel D. Valle St. Marys Academy of Carmen Cagayan de Oro City

In Partial F lfillment of t!e "e# irements for Science and $ec!nology %

&y "eymart Deligero Stevemar' Clerigo Mae Ann &eltran (laine )ican *orraine *arosa &ianca (+ ,a -etro *im+o Vince .eri

.ovem+er /01 23/0

I. PROBLEM Can Mosses, especially species existing in the Philippines, be used as Antioxidants of the body? If true, then which species can serve most for this purpose? II. TITLE Philippine Mosses as Effective Antioxidants against Caffeine, Monosodium lutamate and !urnt "at #Carcinogens$ III. RATIONALE %e arrived to this problem by &eeping in mind the fact that people from every place especially here in the Philippines in today's generation are rampantly exposed to different chemicals that, if ta&en at a rate li&e this in our present times could trigger different ailments, diseases, cell mutations, or even cause death( %e chose to investigate in this problem because first of all, being second year high school students, we are introduced to different life forms( %e chose to investigate on mosses because we discovered that mosses are one of the first plant species here on earth and also one of the most numerous in number of species according to recent researches( %e thought that being the oldest and most numerous life forms here on the planet, these mosses can actually have a very much special use than )ust becoming food supply for animals( *his use, we thought, was to become an Antioxidant against life+threatening substances( %e also chose the species here on our country because we thought that it would be an advantage to our country so that we would not spend money on exporting other moss species from other countries where in fact, we have a great number of moss species in our country( *his will also give "ilipinos an easier access to the resulting products of this investigation( *he use of mosses will not be a problem to the country since they are numerous and very accessible in a way that they can be found in different areas of the country( IV. MATERIALS , Moss species warm water , tsp( Magic /ugar , tsp( Monosodium lutamate #M/ $ , tsp( !urnt Por& fat powder 0 medicine droppers -. test tubes 0 test tube rac&s 1 !ea&ers Mortar and Pestle

V. PROCEDURE A( Preparation of moss species 2( Individually pound each moss species using the mortar and pestle( Extract the li3uid from every species( -( "ill 0 test tubes with of the extracted li3uid from one species( 4abel with number 2( 1( 5epeat the second step for the other species( 6se another set of test tubes and label with different number for every specie( 0( 4abel the test tubes of each species with letters A, !, C, and 7( group the test tubes according to letter( Each group should only have one test tube of each species( Put every group of test tubes in different tests tube rac&s( !( Effectivity test as antioxidants 2( 6sing the dropper, put of water in each test tubes in group A( /et aside( It will serve as the control group( -( Mix five teaspoons of Magic /ugar with ,.ml of warm water( 1( 6sing another dropper put of the mixture into each test tube in group !( 0( 5epeat steps - and 1 for the M/ and burnt fat( Put M/ to group C while burnt fat to group 7( ,( /tore the four test tubes rac&s in a place with the temperature of 18 to 19 degrees Celsius #similar to the normal internal body temperature of a human being$( 4eave for 0: hours( 8( ;bserve they test tubes after the given time( 5ecord your observations on a graph similar to this< C=A> E/ I> APPE5A>CE %A5M MA IC M/ !65>* %A*E5 /6 A5 /;46*I;> "A* /;46*I;>

M;// /PECIE 2 1 0 ,

9( 5epeat the experiment for 1 trials to confirm the observations( VI. IMPLICATION

In case this problem will be solved, it will be a big help to the school because the people in the school will en)oy the accessibility of this information and for that, some students might also develop a better investigation from the solution of this problem( Moreover, the community will become free of the financial burdens that available antioxidants, as of this time, are giving them( Also, the government and larger communities will also be free of the economical problems that it receives from exporting different products from other countries( *hus, this investigation could solve the financial, economical, and health problems that we, "ilipinos are currently receiving( VII. TIME TABLE ?anuary -..@+ "ebruary -..@ #2st wee&$ Collection of Moss /pecies from 7epartment of /cience and *echnology #7;/*$ !uying of Magic /ugar, M/ , and Por& fat Preparation A rilling of Por& "at #fat powder extraction$ "ebruary -..@ #-nd wee&$ "ebruary -..@ #1rd wee&$ "ebruary -..@ #0th wee&$ March -..@ #2st wee&$ "irst *rial /econd *rial *hird *rial AnalyBing observations 7rawing Conclusion

"ebruary -..@ #2st wee&$

CIII( !67 E*

2( =ow much does each material cost? Mortar and Pestle *est *ubes *est tube rac&s !ea&ers Medicine 7roppers Moss /pecies Magic /ugar Monosodium lutamate #M/ $A Cetsin Por& "at *;*A4 cAo /MA Chemistry 4ab

cAo 7;/* Php 2,(.. Php 2,(.. Php 1.(.. Php 8.(..

-( =ow much will each member of the group contribute? Php 8.(.. : members D Php 9(,. CII( P5;P;>E>*/ 5;6P II 4eader< 5eymart 7eligero Members< /tevemar& Clerigo Mae Ann !eltran Elaine ican 4orraine 4arosa !ianca EbuEa ?etro 4imbo Cince >eri

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