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Customers Perception Towards Satisfaction And Quality Of Services Provided By Various DTHs In Coimbatore City

Todays customers face a growing range of choices in the products and services they can buy. They base their choices on their perception of quality, value, and service. Each consumer has a specific behavior. But buying habits are sometimes difficult to understand. Therefore companies always want to gain some insight about consumer behavior and habits in order to better control this behavior. Businesses monitor customer satisfaction in order to determine how to increase their customer base, customer loyalty, revenue, profits, market share and survival. Although greater profit is the primary driver, exemplary businesses focus on the customer and his/her experience with the organization. They work to make their customers happy and see customer satisfaction as the key to survival and profit. Customer satisfaction in turn hinges on the quality and effects of their experiences and the goods or services they receive Customer satisfaction depends on the products performance relative to a buyers expectation, the customer is dissatisfied. If preference matches expectations, the customer is satisfied. If preference is exceeds expectation, the customer is highly satisfied or delighted outstanding marketing insurance companies go out of their way to keep their customer satisfied. Satisfied customers make repeat purchases insurance products and tell other about their good experiences with the product. The key is to match customer expectations with company performance. Smart companys aim to delight customers by promising only what they can deliver, then delivering more than the promise. Consumers usually face a broad array of products and services that might satisfy a given need. How do they choose among these many marketing makers offers? Consumers make choices based on their perception of the value and satisfaction that various products and quality of services deliver.

In the modern business world, everyone businessman tries to have more customers in the loyalty list.

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In the modern business world, Customers are the key players and they have to be satisfied to retain the business. In the recent years, the taste and preferences of the customers become different due to the existence of more competitors. The biggest changes occurred in consumer products, new and innovative technology has used to satisfy the consumers. The rapid growth of Satellite television in India has propelled an exodus from cabled homes, the need to measure viewership in this space is more than ever. The study is taken up with the various DTH services which have considerable share in the market. Consumers and buyers play a vital role in the market. Some of the problems faced by the DTH users are less quality of dish and are, not providing more enough channels, less clarity, high subscription amount and unable to see the local channels and so on


To study the level of awareness among the people about the DTH and its services To evaluate the factors influencing the user to choose DTH To study the perception of DTH users about their experience with DTH services. To analyse their satisfaction towards Quality of services provided by the DTH service provider. To highlight the best service providers among the DTH service providers To analyse DTH service providers various customer attraction plan to hold Coimbatore market.


In these early years, only the most die-hard TV fans would go through all the hassle and expense of putting in their own dish. Satellite TV was a lot harder to get than cable TV. India currently has six major satellite television service providers and a total over 20 million subscriber households in 2010. Dish TV, Tata Sky, Sun Direct DTH, Reliance BIG TV, Airtel Digital TV and the public sector DD Direct Plus. As of 2010, India has the most competitive Direct-broadcast satellite market with 7 operators. The available opportunity today is huge considering the fact that India has an existing population of 225 million TV households out of which 130 million are Cable serviced households and 20 Million are

Page |4 Satellite television serviced households. Subscribers in the country currently have to pay for installation each time they switch their Satellite television service providers. The major satellite TV companies are luring in more consumers every day with movies, sporting events and news from around the world and the promise of movie-quality picture and sound. India is set to overtake the USA as the worlds largest Direct-broadcast satellite market by 2012. Due to heavy population of peoples usage of cable TV networks, the Indian DTH service providers are struggling to attract new customers into business. A decade ago, dissatisfied cable TV users were eager to find new service providers. But in current years, there are plenty of DTH service providers, who are all with new package schemes and new technology. Always there is a standard expectation from the customer still questioned. That is nothing but satisfaction and quality services from the service providers. This study enables clear view of DTH endusers perception on satisfaction and quality of services.


This study mainly concentrates in identifying the right DTH service provider who is providing quality of services at cheaper. This will help the television users to get more details about the DTH service providers. This study reveals the customer perception and attitude towards DTH services which will be very helpful to the companies to observe the taste and expectation of the customers. The companies can plan or make strategies based on this study. This study helps the company to know about their products pros and cons. And they can improve their quality and can rectify the defects that are commented by the users. This study will help the company to diagnose their problems.


RESEARCH DESIGN A research design is an arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of data in a manner that aim combine with relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure. The researcher has adopted an Explorative and descriptive approach for studying the attitude of the respondents. A simple descriptive research design is used when data are collected to describe persons (Age, Gender, Marital Status .. etc) , organizations,

Page |5 settings, or phenomena. The findings are then described in a systematic order. For initial stage of problem identification, the researcher has used the explorative research to identify and to know the fact on his research problem. Not all research is satisfied with qualitative research, the researcher thought to give the essence of qualitative results in quantity. For Quantitative research, the researcher has used descriptive approach in the aim of attaining high reliability by using random sampling for picking samples. Here it is essential to choose sample respondents from Coimbatore, who are all mainly involved with production. From the DTH users of Coimbatore, the researcher chose 300 respondents as sample in order to reduce the complexity of getting data due to lack of adequate time. SAMPLE DESIGN Sample design refers to the technique or the procedure the research would adopt in selecting item for the sample. Probabilistic sampling design has been used to conduct the research. SAMPLING UNIT Sampling unit is the basic unit containing the elements of a target population. The sampling unit of the study is only the production users of DTH from Coimbatore North, South, East & West. SAMPLE SIZE The study contains a sample size of 300 DTH users SAMPLING TECHNIQUES Random sampling is adopted as sampling technique. It is also known as probability sampling where each and every item in the population has an equal chance of inclusion in the sample and each one of possible samples in case finite universes, has the same probability of being selected. This random sampling method has been used for the ease of survey and analysis. Cluster sampling method also used to collect the data.

Page |6 DATA COLLECTION The collection of data is an aspect of survey research that must be approached in an ethical manner. The data was collected from the both primary and secondary sources. Questions were composed in a rigorous manner which ensured that the questions adequately assessed the information that the researcher liked to obtain PRIMARY DATA The primary data are those data, which are collected freshly for the first time, and they are original in character. The researcher had collected primary data , which had

obtained by a study specifically designed to fulfill data needs of the problem at hand such data are original as character. They are also follows. SECONDRY DATA The secondary data as those which have been collected by some one else and which have already been passed through the statistical process. the researcher uses different sources to collect the datas such as company publications, business journals, magazines, project reports, websites, etc. Tools Used For Data Analysis Simple percentage analysis Chi- square Test method Factor Analysis Two Way Anova T-Test Regression Analysis Friedmans Rank Test Weighted Average Method

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