Way Ahead Primary Six Booklet For Revision

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---------------------------------------WaY---------------------------------------------------------------------------------AheaD | First Term ** Primary 6 MR_mohnad@yahoo.com *** Al Mohnad *Gift* Primary 6 "Way Ahead" *** First Term 2

Al-MOHNAD Unit Unit 1 Have you ever had a key pal? unit 2 People from long ago unit 3 The terrible treacle flood unit 4 Famous, explorers, travelers and writers Unit 5 What sports do you do? Unit 6 In the news Unit 7 Where shall we go? Unit 8 Where shall we go? Unit 9 Inventors and inventions

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Unit 1 Have you ever had a key pal? Word Meaning To get something. Receive A person who visits a place or someone. Visitor Something wrapped up ready to be carried or Parcel posted. Disneyland Place where children can enjoy playing some rides and games. Aero plane A vehicle that flies with an engine and wings Deep loud noise Thunder A symbol or message in a public place which Sign gives instructions A car or train of cars we can find it in a park Roller coaster A light, sound or movement that tells people Signal something. A set of letters, numbers, or signs that are used Code
instead of ordinary words to keep a message secret.

Hieroglyphs The picture letters that the early Egyptians used in writing Telegraph System, for sending messages or signals to a distant place A friend through internet or emails Key pal A card for sending messages by post without Post card an envelope A bird that having a soft body and short legs Pigeon A state or nation Country To regain, bring back Retrieve Be in contact with or to include something Attach Containing some information such send by a Message something mobile A hundred years. Century A small horse Pony


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Stand for:

Represent (mean) something. Ex: USA stands for The United States of America.

English tenses - Diagram

The present perfect tense We use it when we talk about a time from the past until now Present Perfect We use the Present Perfect for actions in the past which have a connection to the present.

We use the Present Perfect for recently completed actions.

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We use the Present Perfect for actions beginning in the past and still continuing.

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Formation: Form of the Present Perfect have/has + past participle has: 3rd person singular (he, she, it) have: all other forms Affirmative sentences Regular verbs Irregular verbs I/we/you/they have played I/we/you/they have gone to the football. supermarket. He/she/it has played football. He/she/it has gone to the supermarket. NOTE: We use has in the 3rd person singular (he, she, it). Negative sentences Regular verbs I/we/you/they have not played football. He/she/it has not played football. Questions Regular verbs Have I/we/you/they played football? Has he/she/it played football?

Irregular verbs I/we/you/they have not gone to the supermarket. He/she/it has not gone to the supermarket.

Irregular verbs Have I/we/you/they gone to the supermarket? Has he/she/it gone to the supermarket?

Key words (Since for just already so far yet recently lately ever never this . up till now-today) (Just already) after have and has: He has just arrived Ive already arrived. (Ever) in the question : Have you ever traveled?
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(Never) in negative : I have never traveled = I havent traveled (Yet) in negative and question : I havent done my homework yet. Yet comes at the end of the sentence. Since for: * I have studied English since 2001. * I have studied English for seven years. Since Since 7 o'clock Since 2000 Since yesterday Since last night Since April Since Friday Since then Since spring Since his arrival For For For For night For For For For For For 2 hours 5 years a day - one day a night- the last 2 months five days ages , along time a season years a while

Irregular verbs (most common) simple past simple past infinitive infinitive past participle past participle go went gone be was/were been smell smelt smelt am was been he goes he went he gone is was been throw threw thrown are were been understand understood understood beat beat beaten
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forget freeze get give dream grow hang have hear hide hit hold hurt keep know lay lead leave lend let lie light lose make mean meet pay put

forgot froze got gave dreamt grew hung had heard hid hit held hurt kept knew laid led left lent let lay lit lost made meant met paid put

forgotten frozen got, gotten given dreamt grown hung had heard hidden hit held hurt kept known laid led left lent let lain lit lost made meant met paid put

become became begin began bet bet blow blew break broke bring brought build built burst burst buy bought catch caught choose chose come came cost cost cut cut deal dealt do did draw drew drink drank drive drove eat ate fall fell feed fed feel felt fight fought find found fly flew show showed shut shut

become begun bet blown broken brought built burst bought caught chosen come cost cut dealt done drawn drunk driven eaten fallen fed felt fought found flown shown shut

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read ride ring rise run say see sell send set shake steal shine Shoot take teach tear tell think learn

read sing sang sung ridden sink sank sunk rung sit sat sat risen sleep slept slept run slide slid slid said speak spoke spoken seen spend spent spent sold spring sprang sprung sent stand stood stood set stick stuck stuck shaken swear swore sworn stolen sweep swept swept shone swim swam swum shot swing swung swung taken wake woke woken taught wear wore worn torn weave wove woven told win won won thought write wrote written learnt burn burnt burnt Past simple We use it when we talk about an action happened in the past

read rode rang rose ran said saw sold sent set shook stole shone shot took taught tore told thought learnt

We use the Simple Past when we talk about something which started and finished in the past.

We use the Simple Past to describe a series of actions in the past.

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Formation: Regular irregular Verb + ed Change the verb Play Played Go Went Visit Visited See Saw Watch Watched Have Had Cook Cooked Is Was Negative (Didnt + infinitive) I He /she /it didnt go They /we /you Sentence Negative Question I I you They They We We we Play? played didnt Did You You they play He He he (did not) She She she It It it Key words (Yesterday last - ago in the past 1990, 2001, 1654 Once) I had a car last year. Countries fact file: Country Capital Nationality Canada Vancouver Canadian China Beijing Chinese Egypt Cairo Egyptian France Paris French Germany Berlin German Jordan Amman Jordanian Mexico Mexico City Mexican UK.(United Kingdom) London English / British
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Study these sentences American Indians wrote using pictures each picture equal a word. Pigeons could carry long message and they were fast. Because pigeons can't travel very far they used Pony Express. People used telegraph to send message in the past. Samuel Morse invented a code. People used telephones instead of telegraph.She has received an email from her key pal . I had a key pal in America. Have you emailed your key pal yet? I have attached a photo to this email. He lives in Amman, he is Jordanian. The funfair in America is called Disneyland. Early Egyptians wrote using pictures and letters called hieroglyphs. In America the first message was smoke signal.

Test 1 1- Choose the Correct word: 1. She is from (Amman - Cairo New York). She's Jordanian. 2. Have you (sometimes - ever - never) ridden an elephant? - No, I haven't. 3. He hasn't been to the cinema (for - ago - since) last year. 4. Sara went (shop - shopping - shopped) yesterday. 5. They did all the housework. They were very (help - helpful helpless). 6. We can see roller coasters in the (sea - funfair - street). 7. The earth (moves - move - has moved) round the sun. 8. I (don't see - haven't seen - am not seeing) him for three years. 9. She (feed - ate - fed) the baby yesterday.
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10. Have you (get - got - getting) a photo album? 11. Ahmed (travels - has traveled - travelled) to America last year. 12. He has been to France ( for - since - yet) he was born . 13. In America, the first messages were (letters smoke signals telegraphs). 14. He hasn't finished his homework (just yet ever). 15. Samuel Morse invented the (telephone telescope telegraph). 16. The child has (fell fallen felt ) off the bed. 17. He (has gone went goes ) to Cairo a week ago. 18. I have (ever never yet ) been to India. 19. Asmaa (has just done - just has done - done ) her homework. 20. I received a (post office-post station-post card) from my penfriend. 21. The early Egyptians used (hieroglyphs- smoke signals-pigeon posts) in writing. 22. Morse code uses dots and(dashes-slashes-smashes)for letters. 23. Now people use faxes and (telegraphs-computers-pigeons). 24. Computer is a very (use-used-useful) invention. 25. Disneyland is the biggest (funfair-circus-mountain) in the world. 26. Father always sends me a (postcard-post office-postman)when he travels abroad. 27. The Egyptian museum receives a lot of (pen friend-visitorsguides)every day. 28. Adel has (just - since - for) arrived. 29. They have not played (for - just - since) yesterday. 30. I have lived there (since - for - just) a year. 31. (Have - Has - Is) you already finished the story? 32. We have stayed there (for - since - just) 1400. 33. I (have met haven't met- didn't meet )my home work yet 34. Noah has (ever- just - since) drunk coffee. 35. Shoes and bags are made (of- off- in) leather. 36. He (had stayed - have stayed - has stayed ) in hospital since he was ill. 37. Have you (already- never- ever) seen a beautiful garden like this? 38. I have been learned English (for- since- ago)10 years.
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39. He graduated from the faculty of engineering (since- in on)2005. 40. The last time I (meet- met have met)Omar was two years ago. 41. We have been living in Tanta (for- since- ago)we returned from Saudi Arabia. 42. Have you ever (been visited- been visited)to the pyramids? 43. He has worked as a taxi driver (for- since- ago)5years. 44. Jana hasn't seen her mother (for- since- ago)last Friday morning. 45. I have finished the story (ago - since - for) yesterday. 46. They studied the lesson a week (last - ago - since). 47. (Ago - Last - Since) week, I went to the airport. 48. He has lived in Benha (since - for - ago) a year. 49. We have not come to Saudi Arabia (for - ago - since) 1988. 50. He has not gone to Egypt (already - yet - since). 51. (Do - Did - Does) he come here last year? 52. (Were - Are - Is) you there yesterday? 2- Rewrite the following sentences: 1 The pupil has already written the letter. ( yet) .. 2- Yasser has lived in Dokki since 1997. ( for ) 3- She did her homework a week ago. (since) 4-The children have just blown out the candles. (already) 5- Tommy fell and ( hurt) his leg. ( correct ) 6 - Have you ever ridden an elephant? (yet) 7- They have learnt English for three years. (not) 8- I'd like to be a doctor. ( What ) 9 - He sometimes goes to school by bus. (not ) 10 - Let's go out today. ( How about ? )
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11 - Someone arrived early today. ( not ) 12 I last played football when I was ten. ( since ) .. 13- He has gone to London since 1995. (for) . 14- I haven't met him for two months. (since) . 15- The last time I visited my village was two years ago. (since) .. 3- Complete the following sentences 1) The place where you enjoy a lot of rides. 2) Something that is covered in paper so that it can be sent by post. ................ 3) Signs that are used instead of ordinary words to keep a message secret 4) A man who looks after cattle and rides a horse....................... 5) She has received an email from her . 6) I had a . in America. 7) Have you your key pal yet? 8) I have .. a photo to this email. 9) He lives in Amman, he is .. 10) The funfair in America is called . 11) Early Egyptians wrote using pictures and letters called .. 12) In America the first message was ... 13) American Indians wrote using pictures each picture equal ... 14) ..could carry long message and they were fast. 15) Because pigeons can't travel very far they used ... 16) People used . to send message in the past. 17) Samuel Morse invented .. and .. 18) People used .. instead of telegraph
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19) Now people used and .to send messages 20) How . Do you watch TV in English? 21) A .. is an internet friend. 22) People have always sent in different ways. They used birds or fire. 4- Complete the missing parts in the following conversation: Tamer : Have you got a pen-friend? Shady : Tamer : .? Shady : He comes from Australia. Tamer : What.. Shady : He speaks English. Tamer : ? Shady : No, I have never met him, but I always receive letters and postcards from him. Tamer : How.? Shady : I Write to him twice a month. 5- Read the following, then answer the questions: My name is Farid. I was born in Cairo and I live in Aswan. I am in a prep school. I will go to secondary school when I succeed this year. I'm very much interested in my study. I am pleased because I always get high marks in English. This will help me when I join the university because many interesting subjects are taught in English. Mr. Murad is our teacher of English. He is still young, but he is a very clever teacher. All the pupils in the class like him very much. He helps us to understand our lessons well and to speak all the time in English in the class. I hope to join the faculty of Engineering after finishing secondary school, but I don't like to have a job in a government office. I like to be free and have work of my own like my father and my cousin Ali. When my cousin Ali finished his studies at the university ten years ago, he started a small business. He opened a small supermarket in our street. Then, after two years, he opened another larger one. Three years ago, he opened the third one. All the family are proud of Ali and his success.
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A) Answer the following questions: 1-Why doesn't Farid want to have a job in a government office 2- Which faculty does Farid want to join? 3- What makes Farid like his teacher of English very much? B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d : 4- Ali is Farid's......................... a) teacher b) brother c) father d) cousin

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5- Farid lives in............................. a) Aswan b) Cairo c) Giza d) Luxor 6- Ali opened the third supermarket .......................years ago. a) seven b) ten c) three d) two 6- Write a paragraph of six sentences on: "How useful having a key pal" Guiding points: know people use English gain information about other countries .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ..............

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7- The link reader Gulliver's Travel in Lilliput Complete the following sentences 1-Some survivors wrote about .. 2- ..captured Gulliver. 3- Pirates captured Gulliver and sent him to . 4- Traveling by sea was dangerous because. 5-Traveling at the age of Jonathan swift was by .. 6-Gulliver was captured by . Answer the following questions 1-Who was Jonathan Swift? 2- Who were pirates? 3- How did people travel at the age of Jonathan Swift? 4- Why did the people travel by ships only? 5- Why were journeys by sea dangerous? 6-What did some survivors do? 7- Who was Gulliver captured by? 8-Where was Gulliver taken as a prisoner? 8-Supply the missing letters: 1- Have you ever had an email from your k-y p-l? 2- I r-cei-ed a p-r-l from my friend in Jordan. 9-Copy the following sentence in your best handwriting. A friend in need is a friend indeed. Advanced questions Rewrite The following sentences 1-Nancy didn't see Jana for they were in the KG. . (Find the mistakes and correct them) 2-I last saw him when I was in Alex. (since) 3- It's the first time to ride a horse. (never) 4-I went to Alexandria and came back. (have) .. 5- It's a long time since we he wrote to me. (for)
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.. Unit 2 People from long ago Word Meaning Turning the soil up and down Ploughing A piece of farm equipment used for Plough turning over the soil before putting seeds into it Pomegranates A red round fruit that has a hard skin and many thick seeds inside In place of Instead (of) The activities of buying and selling goods Trade or services. Can't speak Dumb A young sheep- The flesh of a young Lamb sheep used as meat. Tomb Plait A place beneath the ground, for the burial A length of hair formed by twisting three separate lengths over each other. A child's vehicle that has two wheels with Scooter a low footboard between them The short, thick, inner digit of the human thumb hand, next to the forefinger. To become irregular or rough or to be Ruffle angry To give out a bright light Gleam To walk proudly. Strut A utensil for use in eating, stirring spoon A job or trade. Craft Someone whose job to copy documents Scribe before printing was invented Pocket money A small weekly sum of money given to children by parents as an allowance

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Spin Swing Farewell To and fro Shave Flax Linen Vast Grove Shady Bright Ancient Kilt Oxen Tractor Crayons Slippers trainers bank

To make or produce by or as if by drawing out and twisting. To cause to move to and fro Goodbye A continuous or regular movement backward and forward To make a part of your body smooth by cutting off the hair A plant with small blue flowers and the oil in its seeds. It is used for making linen Strong cloth made from flax and used for making sheets. Very great area or extent or very great in number, quantity, amount, etc Small group of trees Full of shade; shaded or an area has no sun Reflecting light or brilliant Belonging to or connected with the past. Any short, skirt as that worn by men in the Scottish. " The plural of ox (a large animal kept for meat or pulling things.) A powerful motor-driven vehicle with large, heavy treads, used for pulling farm machinery, other vehicles, etc. A pointed stick or pencil of colored clay, )( chalk, etc., used for drawing or coloring Soft comfortable shoe that you wear in your house Light shoes used in doing sports A large area of a sea floor

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Onions Leeks Wooden Beneath Stream Paddle Sandals Deaf

A small white vegetable with many layers and a brown skin A long thin vegetable that tastes similar to an onion and is white at one end with green leaves at the other. Made of wood Below; under To flow Short, flat sticks to move a small boat, held by both hands and moved more or less Light shoes that are partly open and worn in warm weather. Unable to hear.

Present simple We use it in habits or facts We use the Simple Present when we talk about something which happens repeatedly.

We use the Simple Present to describe a series of actions in the present.

Formation Verb + s verb (without s)

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(Singular) (Plural) He She It drinks tea. I They We You walk to school.

Negative Doesnt + verb Dont + verb (Singular) (Plural) He I She does not They do not It drink We walk to tea. You school. With singular add ( s- es ies ) Add (s) to ordinary verb. eat eats Add (es) to verbs that end in ( ch ss sh o x) watch watches Add (ies) to verbs that end in ( y) after a consonant. Fly flies Play Plays Carry Carries Key words (Never always usually sometimes rarely every often generally seldom On Mondays- in winter) I usually eat carrots. She never drinks milk. Sentence I They We You Negative I dont They play We You Question Do you we Play? they


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He She It


He She It

doesnt play


he she it


Present continuous Present continuous we use it when we talk about an action happening now. We use the Present continuous when we talk about something which is happening at the moment of speaking.

Formation: I am He She is it They We are you I am eating. He is watching TV. Negative Add (not) after (am is are) I am + not Sitting He is She it I am not cleaning the floor. are not dancing. He is not writing. We are not eating.

+ verb (eat)

+ ing ( eating)

They are playing. We are playing.

We You They


+ not eating


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Question What . doing? Or Put (is are) before the subject you Are we playing tennis? they What are you doing?

he Is she playing tennis? it

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Example I am eating. He She is eating. It You They are eating. we Key words Now -look! - Listen! - At the moment at present - smell! - watch! - Hush! Look he is playing. Listen they are singing. Smell she is cooking. She is eating now. Watch they are running. Note I am eating. Are you eating? Or What are you doing? Used to USE : Habit in the Past

Present continuous Negative Question I am not eating. Are you eating? He he She is not eating. Is she eating? It it You you We are not eating. Are they eating? They we

Used to (past) Used to + verb I used to play football. I didnt use to play football. Did you use to play football? Study these sentences Egyptian Children didn't have pocket money. Egyptian Children played with spinning tops. Most children in Egypt had a long plait and shaved head.
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Most Egyptians were farmers. The old capital of Egypt was Memphis. Cairo is the capital of Egypt now. In the middle people could eat with their fingers. In the middle people used oxen and a wooden plough in ploughing. People grow wheat for bread. In ancient Egypt people taught their children a trade or craft. People grow flax for linen. Scribes learned to write Test 2 1- Choose the Correct word: 1. Listen! Someone ( call - calls - is calling ) for her. 2. The river ( sides - banks - lines ) are very wide . 3. Tom can't hear or speak. He is deaf and (dump - climb - dumb). 4. Ancient Egyptians wore ( shoes - sandals - sneakers ). 5. Egyptian farmers grew wheat for ( linen - wool - bread ). 6. (Scribes - Pomegranates - Farmers) can write. 7. In Scotland some men still wear ( trousers - kilts - jeans ). 8. Hush! The baby ( sleeps - slept - is sleeping ). 9. Linen is made from ( cotton - wool - flax ). 10. Your hair looks terrible. You should ( comb - tomb - thumb ) it. 11. The bus ( comes - is coming - came ) down the road now. 12. The sky ( get - gets - is getting ) dark at the moment . 13. They ( go - goes - are going ) to the zoo once a week. 14. The Nile ( blows - grows - flows ) through Cairo the capital of Egypt. 15. He succeeded ( at - on - in ) finding a new job . 16. What is he ( wear - wearing - worn ) ? 17. Have you ( never - ever - just) visited the Cairo Tower ? 18. He ( will be - was - is ) born in 1991. 19. She wanted to know ( what - who - how ) to use computer.
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20. A dead body is buried in a ( tomb - thumb - dumb ). 21. They used to grow (wheat leeks flax) for making linen 22. Ancient Egyptian Scribes learned to (write shave plough). 23. Some children learned a (craft raft draft), such as carpentry. 24. (Leeks Lettuce Pomegranates) aren't vegetables. 25. Tutankhamun was buried in his (temple tomb palace) in the valley of kings. 26. The Nile (is rising rises has risen) in Uganda. 27. I find it difficult to make a (blade plait plate). 28. In summer, we prefer to wear (sandals boots shoes) when we go outside. 29. Look out! A car (has come comes is coming). 2- Rewrite The following sentences: 1- They are studying Arabic. ( is ) ...................... 2- He sometimes plays football. ( How ) ...................... 3- The porter is carrying my luggage. ( Who ) ...................... 4- Yasmeen watches TV every day. ( not ) ...................... 5- They are painting their house. ( being ) ...................... 6- Perhaps he will visit us tonight. ( may ) ...................... 7- They go to the club daily. ( How ) ...................... 8- The ladies have lost their handbags in the station. ( The lady ) ...................... 9- He is still painting the room. ( yet ) ...................... 10- I haven't seen my pen friend for a year. ( ago )
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...................... 11- He polishes his shoes. ( What ) ............................................................................. 12-She is using her computer at the moment. (once a day) 13- Nurses take care of patients in hospitals. (What) 14- She has a car. (not ) 15- He does his homework every day. (now ) 16- Carpenters use saws to cut wood. (at the moment) .................................................................................................. 3- Complete the following sentences 1. A small glass surface where we can see ourselves ................... 2. A place where a dead person is buried ........................ 3. Silent, unable to speak ............................. 4. A plant that farmers grow and it is used to make flour ............ 5. Three or more pieces of hair twisted together so that they form one long piece.. 6. Buying and selling. .. 7. In the middle people could eat with their .. 8. In the middle people used and a wooden plough in ploughing. 9. People grow for bread. 10. In ancient Egypt people taught their children a or .. 11. People grow . for linen. 12. learned to write. 13. Egyptian Children didn't have . 14. Egyptian Children played with ..
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15. Most children in Egypt had a long . and head. 16. Most Egyptians were ... 17. The old capital of Egypt was .. 18. The capital of Egypt now is . 19. In some places people still eat with their.. 20. Ancient Egyptians didn't go to ..

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4- Complete the missing parts in the following conversation: Ali meets a Chinese tourist. Ali: Welcome to Egypt. Can you speak English? Tourist: Yes, I can. Ali: Where do you come from? Tourist: ________ (1) _____________ Ali: ___________ (2) _____________? Tourist: I will stay here for two weeks. Ali: What places are you going to visit? Tourist: ________ (3) ____________? Ali: Have a nice time in Egypt. 5- Write a letter of six sentences to your key pal David, who lives in England telling him how you'll spend your mid-year holiday. Your name is Morad and you live at 12 El-Nasr street, Beni-Swef. - Greet your friend. - Tell him about people from long ago. - Tell him what places. - Say goodbye. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .......................................................................................... 6- The link reader Gulliver's Travel in Lilliput Read the following quotation and then answer the questions: "I'm the third son in my family." 1- Who was the speaker? 2- How many brothers did he have?
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3- What was he interested in? Complete the following sentences 1. Gulliver had brothers. 2. Mr. Bates taught Gulliver 3. Gulliver was interested in .. 4. Gulliver stayed in Holland for . 5. Gulliver worked as a .. on a ship. 6. Gulliver sailed the Mediterranean Sea for .. 7. After Mr. Bates's death,.. 8. Gulliver went to the sea again because 9. Gulliver decided to leave his wife and children because .. 10. the ship was called .. 11. In Gulliver's free time, he . 12. Gulliver was on the ship for .so he traveled to South America, Asia and India Answer the following questions: 1. How many brothers did Gulliver have? 2. How many sons did Gulliver's parents have? 3. How did Mr. Bates help Gulliver? 4. What was Mr. Bates job? 5. What did Gulliver want to learn? 6. How long did Gulliver stay in Holland? 7. What was Gulliver interested in? 8. Show that Gulliver was interested in navigation? 9. What did Gulliver do in his free time? 10. What job was Gulliver given on the ship? 11. How long did Gulliver sail the Mediterranean Sea? 12. What happened after Mr. Bates's death? 13. Why did Gulliver go back to the sea? 14. Why did Gulliver decide to leave his wife and return to the sea again?
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15. What was the ship called?

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7- Supply the missing letters: 1- Parents taught their children a t- -de or a c- -ft. 2-The boy with the p-a-t is a farmer and he is pl-u-hing. 8-Copy the following sentence in your best handwriting. Give the devil his due. Advanced questions Rewrite The following sentences 1- Look! the children are knowing how to use the net easy (Find the mistakes and correct them) 2- Don,t give Ali any cheese, he ( hate , hates , is hating ) it . (Choose) 3- Tanya (speak- speaking is speaking speaks) German very well (Choose)

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Word Terrible Massive Huge Treacle

Unit 3 The terrible treacle flood Meaning Very bad Very big Very big

A thick sticky dark liquid made from sugar. A tall pole in a public place with a Lamp- post street lamp on the top To break, break open, or fly apart with Burst sudden violence A terrible, sad, or unfortunate event Tragedy that happened To burst with a loud noise Explode A soft material used to protect Pad something or to make it more comfortable. To push firmly Press A closed container in which we can Tin keep or store something. Not worried or angry Calmly Touching or treating people or things in Gently a careful way The centre of the town Downtown Happen. Occur To make a loud, noise, as of something Crash into dashed to pieces. To harm or hurt. Injure To run or spread smoothly like a river. Flow An amount being carried Load Congratulation Used for praising someone or telling someone that you are Pleased about
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Terrific Pad Excited Robber

Robbery Awful Nightmare Tiny Explosion Sticky Enormous Audience

what he / she has done Very good / enjoyable / excellent Soft material used to protect something or to make it more comfortable. Arousing great interest A person who robs or a person who takes something from (someone) illegally, as by force or threat of violence Act of robbing Very bad, terrible or shocking A very bad or frightening dream. Very small An act or instance of exploding; Or the noise itself: Made of or containing material which can stick to anything else. Very big

A group of people who have come to a place to see or hear a film, performance, speech etc. A great overflow of water that spreads flood over land that is usually dry Words which go together: Some words go together in pairs. One word in the pair always comes first: - Up and down - Backwards and forwards - High and low - To and fro - Round and round - In and out - Neat and tidy - Hot and cold Reacting to good & bad news: Good news: Bad News: - Great! Congratulations! - That's terrible! - That's terrific! - Oh no! How awful!
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- How wonderful! hear that.

- Oh dear. I'm sorry to

Past continuous We use it when we talk about an action happened in the past and continued for short time We use it when we talk about an action was happening in the past but another action interrupt it We use the Past Progressive together with the Simple Past . The Past Progressive is used for the action in the past which was in progress when a new action (Simple Past) happened.

Two actions which were in progress in the past do not influence each other.

Formation: You They We + were + verb + ing

He She It I

+ was +verb +ing

They were singing. We were eating. Negative Add (not) after (wasw ere)

I was singing.

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*I was not cleaning the floor. *He was not writing. *We were not eating *They were not dancing. I We He was + Sitting You were + eating She not They not it Question What . doing? What were you doing? Or Put (was were) before the subject you he Were we playing Was she tennis? playing tennis? they it Past continuous Example Negative Question I I he He He Was she She was eating. She was not eating? It eating. it It You You you They were eating. They were not Were they we eating. eating? We we Keywords (When while as - just as) When + past simple + past continuous When Ali came I was playing tennis. Past continuous+ when + past simple I was playing tennis when Ali came. While+ past continuous+ past simple While I was playing tennis Ali came. (as just as) past simple +while + past continuous
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Ali came while I was playing tennis.

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Study these sentences Treacle is black sticky Enormous means very big. liquid and sweet. Massive and huge means very big. A lorry crashed into a lamp post. Tragedy means something 70 people were killed in an sad. accident. I dreamed with a Terrible means very bad. nightmare last night. Test 3 1- Choose the Correct word: 1- While I ( read - was reading - am reading ) a story, I fell asleep. 2- A ( mass - massive - mast ) wave struck the boat and turned it upside down. 3- Mark is a good student, His work is always neat and (forward - tidy - up ) 4- She likes honey because it is ( hot - sour - sweet ) . 5- Cut some Lemon ( to - in - at) half. 6- When I ( arrive - arrived - arriving ) at school, the bell was ringing. 7- He ( read - was reading - reads ) a book when the light went out. 8- A thief ( steals - stole - was sleeping ) the woman's bag while she ( gets - got -was getting ) on the bus . 9- While he ( shaves - shaved - was shaving ) he cut his chin. 10 - He ( has been drinking - is drinking - was drinking ) coffee now . 11- The boys played ( noise - noisy - noisily ). 12- My father ( come - came - comes ) while I was writing. 13- We ( were waiting - wait - waited ) for the bus when it (started was starting - start ) to rain 14- We were ( played - playing - play ) in the garden . 15- The traffic can be a real ( dream - nightmare - fantasy ) after 4:30. 16- Forty people were killed in the ( explosive - explosion - explode ) . 17- They couldn't get over the ( tragic - tragedy - tragedian ) of their daughter's death. 18- The weather was ( terrible - miserable - desirable ) last week.
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19- The kids ( burst - bury - burn ) all the balloons with pins. 20- She still has (nightclubs - nightshifts - nightmares ) about her accident. 21- A: We have just won the race. B: (Congratulations How awful Its terrible)! 22- Some people were killed in the (explanation explosion exploration). 23- A piece of rock (falls fell was falling) on his head while he was walking under the bridge. 24- Jana was (interrupted - injected - injured) badly in the accident. 25- He was reading a book while his children (played were playing play) games. 26- A car crashed (into in at) a tree and exploded. 27- I (walked walk was walking) through the park when I heard a loud bang. 28- In volleyball, players wear knee (pads hats belts) to protect their knees. 29- A: I have lost all my money. B: (How terrific Its terrible How wonderful)! 30- The (crowd audience visitors) clapped greatly for the play. 2- Rewrite The following sentences : 1- Just as I was walking, I met Hossam. ( when ) . 2- He was studying when the light went out. ( as ) . 3- A car hit him while he was crossing the road. ( when ) . 4- They visited us last month. ( ago ) . 5- He was sleeping when I arrived. (while) 6- He was driving home. He remembered that his briefcase was lost. (When) 7- I watched TV. The door knocked (while)
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. 8- The lady has a nice baby. ( plural ) . 9- An aero plane travels faster than a train. ( A train ) . 10- My father arrived home as I was writing a letter. ( when ) . 11 - He stayed in Aswan for a week. ( How long ...?) . 12 - I'd like to be a TV reporter. ( What .?) . 13- The teacher was coughing when he entered the classroom. (While) 14- We laughed as he was making funny faces. (when) 15- There was nothing in the box. (empty) 16- While I was carrying the box, I hurt my back. (when) 17 - I have got two brothers. ( How many .?) 3- Complete the following sentences 1) A thick , sweet, sticky liquid ..................... 2) A very frightening dream ................... 3) A loud bang that is made when something bursts or blows up .............. 4) Enormous means ... 5) Massive and huge means . 6) Tragedy means something . 7) I dreamed with a last night. 8) .. is black sticky liquid and sweet. 9) A lorry crashed into a . 10) 70 people were killed in an ..
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11) Terrible means very . 12) A nightmare is a bad 13) There are no . in this road, it is very dark. 14) Treacle is a sticky dark liquid. 4- Complete the missing parts in the following conversation between two students, who were talking about computer lessons. Ali : I havent seen you for a long time..(1)? Hany : ...(2) Ali : Where have you been taking these lessons? Hany : In Delta Academy of computer science, in Mansoura. Ali :(3)? Hany : No, it doesnt cost much. The student union helps. Ali :(4)? Hany : I only filled in a form, accompanied by a recent photograph and 20 pounds. Ali : Its very nice. Ill try it myself. 5-Read the following comprehension then answer the questions: Tom's father got a new job in another town. They moved near the new office. Tom joined a new school where he had no friends. When the school organized a camping trip, Tom was asked by his father to go; he could make new friends. The camp site was up in a mountain. The first day, the boys played and were merry. At night they sat round the camp fire and talked and sang. The next day, the weather suddenly changed. The wind blew and it began to rain heavily. The boys were wet and cold. About midday, the rain stopped. Mr Miller, their teacher, and the boys began to run along the path to get warm. Soon, it started to rain again. Suddenly, Tom slipped and fell down. He hit his head and he was badly injured. Mr Miller told Tom not to move and asked the boys to stay with him. He ran down the mountain. After three hours an ambulance came and carried Tom to hospital. A) Answer the following questions: 1- What are the five most important things that you would take on camping trip?
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2- What do you think of Mr. Miller? 3- Give words from the passage that mean : - Happy - Hurt .. B) Choose the correct answer: 1- Tom had no friends because.. a) the boys in his class were bad. b) he didn't like friends. c) he moved to a new place. 2-. They ran after the rain had finished because a)the wanted to practise some sports . b) they didn't want to be cold. c)they wanted to pass the time. 3- The boys didn't carry Tom because. a) they were unable to carry him. b) his injury was serious. c) he wanted to stay on the ground. 6-Write a paragraph of six sentences on: "How to encourage reading" Guiding points: - Setting up libraries. - Providing them with different books. - Competitions. - Reports and Interviews. 7- The link reader Gulliver's Travel in Lilliput Read the following quotation and then answer the questions: "The ship hit and began to break up. I climbed into a rowing boat.." 1- What did the ship hit? 2- Why couldn't they row the boat?
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Complete the following sentences 1- Gulliver wasn't able to control the ship when 2- . Sailors died in the storm. 3- Although Gulliver and sailors climbed into a rowing boat,. 4- the ship broke because Answer the following questions: 1. What happened to the Antelope? 2. Who survived to the beach? 3. What happened to Gulliver when the Antelope broke up? 8-Supply the missing letters: 1. A large lorry crashed into a la-p p-st. It was a tr- g-dy. 2. A huge wave of tr-a-le in-u-ed twenty one people. 9-Copy the following sentence in your best handwriting. Don't wash your dirty linen in public. Advanced questions Rewrite The following sentences 1- I was walk in the street when I was meeting Ahmed (Find the mistakes and correct them)

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Unit 4 Famous, explorers, travelers and writers Word Meaning Word A person who travels to places to find out Explorer what is there. The road or path you fellow to move from Route one place to another Accept as true. Ex. No one believed him! Believe Expedition A journey for a particular purpose Horizontally level. Or even; smooth; Flat unbroken A person who writes a book , play , etc. Author Protect with a cloth, lid, etc. The whole Cover surface Black insect with hard wings. beetle For ever Last The small hard part of the plant from Seeds which a new plant of the same kind can grow A South American cowboy Gaucho Complain Say that one is suffering from Large group of States or countries under a Empire single authority A structure rising above the hull and upper Mast portions of a ship or boat to hold sails Any of various types of sailing used by dhow Arabs, generally on two or three masts. Hammock A hanging bed among the trees made of ropes, To find out about something Discover Naturalist Someone who studies animals and plants
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Wonderful Very good ; giving great pleasure Where something comes from. Source A large sea animal, similar to a dolphin, Porpoise - that comes to the surface to breathe air. Hard substance of the tusks of an elephant Ivory A long journey by sea Voyage Not familiar and not usual Strange To have or use something at the same time Share as someone else Cabin boy A boy who works on the ship as a servant The hottest place of the world Tropics Seasickness What someone feels during a journey by the sea. Sea animal with a soft body and eight long Octopus arms Smart / very clever / very good. Brilliant A man whose job is to look after the cattle Cowboy A reptile with a soft body and a thick shell Turtle that lives in the sea The person in control of a ship Captain Past perfect We use it when we talk about an action happened from a long time We use it when we talk about two actions, one of them happened first. Past Perfect - Diagram We use the Past Perfect for an action which was completed before a special point of time in the past.

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We often use the Past Perfect together with the Simple Past. The action which was completed before the other action began is put into Past Perfect.

Formation: Negative: I He She It + + They had p.p We You I had gone They had written I He She It + + + p.p They had not We You I had not gone They had not written Past perfect Negative Question I he He she She had not eaten. Had it eaten? It you You they They we We

Example I He She had eaten. It You They we Key words (after before until) After+ past perfect + past simple After I had played I watched TV. Past simple + after + past perfect I watched TV after I had played. Before+ Past simple + past perfect

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I had played before I watched TV Past perfect + before + past simple Before I watched TV I had played. Past perfect (negative)+ until+ past simple No one had played until Ali came.

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Past simple (negative)+ until+ past perfect I didnt watch TV until I had played. Key Words: - (after as soon as- before by the time - until = till) Past simple (after/ as soon as) past perfect Past perfect (by the time/ before) Past simple Past simple (negative) (until = till) past perfect Study these sentences The Silk Road was an important land route to China. Marco Polo was a great traveler. Marco Polo went to China. Christopher Columbus believed the earth was round. Spanish King and Queen paid from expedition. Columbus was a great discover. Columbus discovered North America. John Speke was a British soldier. John Speke discovered Lake Victoria. Lake Victoria is the source of the Nile. Ibn Batuta was a great traveler. James Hudson was a naturalist. The naturalist means studying plants and animals. The cabin boy is the last one who leaves the ship. Tropics are the hottest parts of the world. Hudson was a sailor too "bad". The boy who looks after cows called cowboy. Gaucho is a cowboy. Rainforest is very hot and it has lots of rain. Sindbad was a sailor.

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Test 4 1- Choose the Correct word: 1. Marco Polo was a great Italian (writer - inventor - traveller). 2. The (cabin boy - captain - explorer) of the ship was the last to leave before it sank. 3. My uncle studies plants and animals. He's a (discoverer - naturalist - traveller). 4. He went on an (exploration - expedition - experience) to the North Pole. 5. John Speke discovered ( America - Chine - Lake Victoria ) in 1858 6. Ibn Batuta was a great (traveller - scientist - naturalist). 7. We are going on a ( journey - picnic - walk) to a strange country. 8. Ivory comes from ( tortoises - elephants - lions ). 9. We use a hammock as a ( chair - bed - cupboard ). 10. The thieves ( have hidden - hid - had hidden ) before the police arrested them . 11. He went home after he ( had finished - finished - finish ) his work. 12. I had ( find - found - finding ) the old pen in my drawer . 13. Rainforests are (cold - hot - light ). 14. Explorers ( invented - discovered - gained ) new land . 15. Before Omar ( arrive - arrived - had arrived ), Salma had eaten his sandwiches. 16. The police arrived after the thief( escaped - had escaped escapes). 17. Before the police ( come - coming -came)the thief had escaped. 18. After we ( were met had met -meeting)our old friends, we returned home. 19. There are lots of ( silk - coral -ivory)reefs in the Red Sea. 20. By the time I ( arrive arrives -arriving)home, my father had had his dinner. 21. He (travel travelled had travelled) in Africa before he went to China.
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22. After he (paid pays had paid) for the ships, he set sail. 23. I always feel (seasick homesick comfortable) when the waves are high. 24. He is a famous (inventor writer discoverer). He writes many articles. 25. The (explorer naturalist discoverer) studies animals and plants. 26. (Scout boys Cabin boys Cowboys) look after the cattle. 27. One hundred years is a (decade century millennium).
28. An exciting, unusual, and sometimes dangerous experience is

(a trip a journey an adventure ). 29. He didn't leave until I (gave give had given) him money. 30. A large sea animal, similar to a dolphin, that comes to the surface to breathe air is (a beetle a porpoise an octopus ). 31. Carpenters ( make - do - grow ) furniture . 32. He (will be-was-is ) born in 1991. 33. John Speke discovered ( America - Chine - Lake Victoria ) in 1858. 34. The ( Journey - Picnic - Walk) took him four years to go to China . 35. yesterday 1 ( have to - has to - had to ) go to bed early because I was tired. 2- Rewrite The following sentences : 1- First, He saw me. Then he did nothing. ( until ) 2- After I had heard the news, I hurried to see him .( as soon as ) 3 - First I had a meal. Then I took the medicine. ( After ) . 4 - We played tennis. Then we had some drinks. ( Before ) . 5 - Before the police arrived, the thief had run away.( after )
6 - Osama finished his homework, then he went to bed.( As soon as )
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. 7 - They had visited us in the holiday. ( not) 8 - Yes, My uncle had lived in that place. ( Had ) 9- He brought six apples for me. ( How ) 10 - How about going to the cinema? ( Let's ) 11 - He repairs cameras. ( What ) 12 - She wrote a postcard then she went to the post office. ( before ) 13 He went to school. ( Where ) 14- He finished his work then he left the office. (until) 15- The car was checked then they drove to Alex. (after) 16 - I go to school every day. I learn English there. ( where ) 17 - They have been married for six years. (ago) 18-They cooked food then they went to the zoo. (after) 19- They have lived in Cairo for 10 years. (since) 20- We went shopping then we went home. (until) 3- Complete the following sentences: 1. The Silk Road was an important land route to . 2. Marco Polo was a great ... 3. Marco Polo went to ...
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4. Christopher Columbus believed the earth was .. 5. Spanish King and Queen paid from .. 6. Columbus was a great .. 7. Columbus discovered . 8. John Speke was a British ... 9. . discovered Lake Victoria. 10. . is the source of the Nile. 11. Ibn Batuta was a great .. 12. James Hudson was a . 13. The naturalist means studying .. 14. The . is the last one who leaves the ship. 15. are the hottest parts of the world. 16. . was a sailor too "bad". 17. The boy who looks after cows called ... 18. Gaucho is a .. 19. is very hot and it has lots of rain. 20. Sindbad was a . 21. In the past, people thought that the earth was .. 22. was an Arab traveler. 23. A long piece of cloth that you hang between two posts and use as a bed ............. . 24. One hundred years ........................ 25. The place where a river starts ................................ 26. A person who studies plants and animals...................... 27. A large forest in a tropical part of the world where there is a lot of rain. 4- Complete the missing parts in the following conversation between a teacher and a student who read a book in the library . Teacher: What did you do during the break? Student: (1) . Teacher: What was it about? Student: (2). . Teacher: Can you tell me some of those explorers and travelers?
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Student: (3).. . Teacher: Well done. You should encourage your friends to join you next time. Student: (4). .

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5-Read the following comprehension then answer the questions: Nowadays Egypt enjoys a very good position among the countries of the world as it was before. Thanks to our famous modern Egyptians, Egypt has gained an outstanding place in the fields of geology, modern science, medicine and other fields. For example, Dr Farouk El-Baz is the Director of Remote Sensing at Boston University. He worked on Apollo 2 project. He taught the astronauts which rocks to collect and how to collect soil from the surface of the moon. Another example of famous Egyptians great men is Dr Ahmed Zewail. He won the Noble award in 1998. He discovered the smallest unit of time which is called the Femto Second. He also uses very fast lasers to find out more about chemicals. His work helps scientists to produce new and better drugs for curing disease. A third example is Dr Magdi Jacob who is considered the most famous surgeon for heart operations. He has performed the most difficult heart operations successfully. Those people and many others show the world how Egypt is the mother of all sciences and discoveries that can lead the world to light and progress. A) Answer the following questions: 1- What did Dr El- Baz teach astronauts? 2- What do you think made those great Egyptians so famous? 3- Which one of them do you take as a model? and why? B) Choose the correct answer: 1- Because of our famous scientist, Egypt has got a place. a- remarkable b-visible c- good 2- Dr Zewail has discovered the a- second b- Femto second c- small second 3- Fast lasers can find out more about a- chemist b- drugs c diseases

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6-Write a letter to your friend Adel inviting him to spend a month in Egypt.Your name is Gamal and you live in 33 El Galaa St. Cairo .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. 7- The link reader Gulliver's Travel in Lilliput Read the following quotation and then answer the questions: "When I woke, it was daytime. I tried to stand up but I couldn't.." 1. Why couldn't Gulliver move when he awoke? 2. What did the Lilliputians build near Gulliver's head? 3. Why were these people amazed? Complete the following sentences 1. When Gulliver awoke he couldn't move because. 2. When Gulliver awoke he found himself. 3. The Lilliputians were about. 4. The tiny people were frightened when 5. Gulliver felt great pain because. 6. Lilliputians built near Gulliver's head.
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7. Although the king oh Lilliput spoke to Gulliver, 8. Lilliputians only understand that Gulliver .. 9. The Lilliputians were amazed because.. 10. Although Gulliver freed his arm, 11. When Gulliver ate food, he.. 12. Lilliputians weren't frightened anymore because Answer the following questions: 1. Why couldn't Gulliver move when he awoke? 2. What happened to Gulliver when he awoke? 3. How high is the Lilliputian? 4. What was the Lilliputian carrying? 5. Why were the Lilliputians so amazed? 6. Why were the Lilliputians so frightened from Gulliver at first? 7. What did the Lilliputians do near Gulliver's head? 8. What did the Lilliputians use to climb the platform? 9. Why weren't the Lilliputians so frightened from Gulliver anymore? 8-Supply the missing letters: 1- He beli-ved that he had found the so-rce of the Nile. 2- He shared a ca-in with the ca-t-in. 9-Copy the following sentence in your best handwriting. Birds of a feather flock together. Advanced questions Rewrite The following sentences 1- We went for a walk but first we finished our work. (until) 2- I prefer staying indoors. ( rather ) 3- After I had gone to school, I met my friends. (going) 4- I slept at 12 pm. I ate my dinner. (until) ..
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Word Important Muscle Breathe Fit Jogging Scrubbing Dig Cheered Stride Stretching Shoulder Sneeze Unwell Skipping Avenue Track suit Glittering Gap Rugby

Unit 5 What sports do you do? Meaning Having great value or influence; very necessary. A piece of flesh that connects one bone to another and is used for moving a particular part of your body. To take air into your lungs through your nose or mouth and let it out again. To be in a good health Or right or suitable. The activity or exercise of running at a slow steady speed To wash or clean something by rubbing it hard, especially with a brush. To make a hole in the ground Happy. Or bright or pleasant Wide or walk with long firm steps. Or cross with one step. To pull something to make it longer or wider. One of the two parts of your body between your neck and the top of your arms. To loudly blow air out of your nose in a sudden uncontrolled way. Not well. Or ill Jumping or move along lightly A broad esp. Tree-lined road or street. Or tree-lined path etc Loose warm suit worn for exercising etc Shine with a bright reflected light; sparkle Empty space, Or wide Team game played with an oval ball that may be kicked or carried

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Intertwining of rope, string, hair, etc., so as to fasten To make something such as a piece of knit - clothing using wool and sticks called knitting needles To make a sound when someone hits on a Knock door One of the parts where your fingers can Knuckle bend or where they join Contest of speed between runners, horses, Race vehicles, ships, etc Commentary Descriptive spoken esp. Broadcast account of an event or performance as it happens Present perfect continuous We use it when we talk about an action was happening until this moment or a very short time ago Present Perfect Progressive - Diagram We use the Present Perfect Progressive for actions in the past which have a connection to the present. We use the Present Perfect for actions beginning in the past and still continuing. The focus is on the action.


We use the Present Perfect Progressive for recently completed actions. The focus is on the action.

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(I We They You) + have been (plural) (He She It) + has been (singular) + ing I have been playing She has been writing Negative (I We They You) have been (He She It) has been + not + ing I havent been playing She hasnt been writing Sentence Negative Question I I Have you have been They havent They playing been playing We We we been You You they playing? He He he has been She hasnt been Has she been She playing playing playing? It It it Key words (since for How long - still hasnt finished yet- the whole day-all day..) I have been learning since 2001 I have been learning for seven years How long have you been learning? Study these sentences Your body needs rest. Exercise is important for your muscles. Rowing is good for your back and upper arms. Riding is good for your leg muscles. Jogging is slow running. Cycling is good for your leg muscles. Swimming is good for all your muscles. Haile is a runner star. Haile runs the best distance runner ever.
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Haile's last Olympic is in Athens Test 5 1- Choose the Correct word: 1) Ahlam ( jogs - jugs - joys ) three miles every morning. 2) A healthy ( dial - diet - dice ) is important for good health. 3) She came first in the drawing ( conclusion - competition compensation ). 4) He has been playing football ( since- for - in ) two years. 5) They have been cycling ( for - since - in ) ten o'clock . 6) Be ( pleasant - careful - sad ) when you cross the road . 7) This watch is broken , It's completely ( useful - useless - careful) . 8) Mother is ( knocking - knitting - knee ) a dress for her daughter 9) We use a ( hammer - hook - needle ) to knit. 10) He ( waited - had waited - has been waiting ) since seven o'clock up till now. 11) How (long - often - far ) is the nearest bus-stop? 12) I have (be - being - been ) learning English since 1994. 13) It has been ( rain - raining - rained ) all day. 14) Jogging helps me keep ( fat - feet - fit ). 15) A tailor uses a sewing ( tool - machine - equipment ). 16) A ( knuckle - knot - knob ) is one of the joints in your fingers. 17) They tied a ( rope - rose - root ) around the dog's neck. 18) I ( wait - have been waiting - am waiting ) for ages. 19) She has been (reads reading has read) for an hour. 20) They have been playing tennis (since for ago) three hours. 21) Sally usually (plays played playing) basketball on Fridays. 22) (Running rowing scrubbing) is to rub something hard in order to clean it using a brush. 23) I play this sport one day (for too per) week. 24) (How often How long How much) have you been playing football? Since I was nine. 25) (Cycling Skiing Rugby) is a team sport. 26) I've not been feeling well (for since when) last month. 27) We have more than 600 (bones muscles shoulders) in our body.
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28) Head (rolling skipping shaking) is a stretching exercise. 2- Rewrite The following sentences : 1 - He read a story yesterday. ( all day ) . 2 - He has been playing football since 2002. ( How ) . 3 - She has been waiting for three hours. It is four O'clock now. ( since ) . 4 Ahmed used to draw in the last ten years. He still draws now. (been) . 5 - 1 gave him some money. ( not ) . 6 - I have been playing tennis for two hours. (since) . 7- Ali went to Paris to learn French. (Why) . 8- She has been waiting for three hours. (since) . 9- They waited two hours at the station. (Where ) . 10- Ali plays football well. ( Who ) . 11- She has been jogging for more than an hour. ( How ) . 12- They have been married for seven years. ( ago ) . 13- No, I have never gone jogging. (Have) 14- He has been studying English since last week. (for) 15- She has been sitting in this class since 10 o'clock. (How)
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3- Complete the following sentences 1. To make air suddenly comes out through your nose and mouth... 2. To clean something by rubbing it hard. .. 3. A male cow ....... 4. . is important for your muscles. 5. .. is good for your back and upper arms. 6. is good for your leg muscles. 7. is slow running. 8. . is good for your leg muscles. 9. is good for all your muscles. 10. Haile is a star. 11. Haile runs the best distance ... 12. Haile's last Olympic is in .. 13. A part of the hand where finger bones join ........................ 14. Ali has won a gold .in the last race. 15. Swimming is good for ..your muscles. 16. Abu Trika is a great football . 17. Your body is an important . 18. Your body needs . 19. Exercise builds up 20. walking you need to wear. 4- Complete the missing parts in the following conversation Reporter: (1)? Guest : My real name is Fatma Shaker. Reporter: (2)? Guest : I was 12 years when I first started singing. Reporter: When did you make your first film? Guest : .(3).. in 1950. Reporter: .(4)? Guest : For more than 40 years but now I stopped singing and acting. 5-Read the following comprehension then answer the questions: Once I invited some of my friends to have a light meal and some drinks. They agreed to my idea as all of us were hungry. We went into
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the first cafeteria on the way. Each of us had some sandwiches and a cool drink. Then came the time of payment. To my astonishment, I found no money in my pockets. I had changed my trousers and forgot to take the money. My face turned red. I didn't know what to do. I asked my friends if they have money, but the money they had was not enough to pay the bill. The waiter became angry and wanted to take us to the police. To our good luck, my cousin came in to have coffee. I told him about our bad situation. He smiled and paid the waiter who thought we were thieves. A) Answer the following questions: 1- Why did the writer and his friends get into the cafeteria? 2- How did the cousin help them? 3- Find words in the passage that means: a- my uncle's son b- the man who bring food . B) Choose the correct answer: 1- The waiter wanted to take them to the police because . a) they ate sandwiches. b) they were thieves. c) they didn't pay for the sandwiches and the drinks. 2- At first the writer couldn't pay for the bill because . a) he forgot the money at home in other trousers. b) he forgot the money at the cafeteria. c) he forgot money with his cousin. 3- The writer's cousin came into the cafeteria .. a) to help his cousin. b) to catch the thieves. c) to have coffee. 6-Write a paragraph of six sentences on: What sports you do Guiding points: Favourite exercises sports .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ..............
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.............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............................................. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .................................................................................. ............. ..............

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7- The link reader Gulliver's Travel in Lilliput *Read the following quotation and then answer the questions: "Four people climbed ladders to the platform. One was taller..' 1. Who was this man? 2. Why couldn't he understand Gulliver? 3. Why were these people amazed? Complete the following sentences 1) Tiny people were good at .. 2) Lilliputians moved the big ships to the sea by. 3) carpenter built the platform. 4) Lilliputians lifted Gulliver on the platform by .. 5) horses pulled the platform. 6) Lilliputians took to get Gulliver onto the platform. 7) Lilliputians used .. to walk all Gulliver's body. 8) Lilliputians cut the ropes when 9) Lilliputians took Gulliver to . 10) .. people looked after Gulliver. 11) tailors made Gulliver's clothes. 12) Gulliver ate as much as 13) The king sent scholars to Gulliver to. Answer the following questions: 1. What were the Lilliputians good at? 2. What did they build to carry large things? 3. How did the Lilliputians move the ships to the sea? 4. What are the pulleys used for? 5. How did the Lilliputians build their ships? 6. How many carpenters built the platform? 7. How did the Lilliputians lift Gulliver onto the platform? 8. How long did it take to move Gulliver on the platform? 9. Where was Gulliver taken?
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10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.

How many horses pulled the platform? What did the Lilliputians use to walk all Gulliver's body? When did the Lilliputians cut ropes off Gulliver's body? What was the largest building in the city? How many people looked after (served) Gulliver? What did the Lilliputians use to measure Gulliver's height? How much food did Gulliver eat? How many tailors made Gulliver's clothes? What did the Lilliputians send every morning to Gulliver to eat? What did the scholars teach Gulliver? What did the king do to make Gulliver speak with them? How many scholars did teach Gulliver? Who were the tiny people?

8- Supply the missing letters: 1- To keep yourself fit, r-w-ng is good for your m-sc-es. 2-Walking, d - - ging and scr- -ing are good for your arms. 9-Copy the following sentence in your best handwriting. Charity begins at home. Advanced questions Rewrite the following sentences 1-He left the room after taking permission. (before) . 2- Having visited his uncle, he went shopping. (After) .

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Word Tool kit Gold medal Prize Award Brave Save Scram Assembly

Unit 6 In the news Meaning A box of tools or a set of carpenter's tools A medal that made of gold Something that can be won in a competition Something awarded, as a payment or medal. Able or ready to face danger Rescue or keep from danger, harm, or relieve Go away

A number of persons, usually for a particular purpose Things gathered together or collection Bunch To open the mouth wide, esp. When Yawned sleepy or bored Composition that is characterized by great Poem beauty of language or expression Restore to good condition after damage Repair To mend or restore to good condition; Fix repair Don't speak with people or Shy Important or dangerous Serious Light bulb Glass bulb providing light when an electric current is passed through it. To fix or restore to good condition; repair Mend To hit someone or something esp., with a fist Punch Interview Oral examination of an applicant or
conversation with a reporter, for a broadcast
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or publication or meeting face to face

Roam Hunt Shadow Chase Cliff top Rescue Chin

To walk, go, or travel without a fixed purpose or direction Kill (wild animals, esp. Foxes, or game) for sport or food Dark shape projected by a body intercepting rays of light Run after or force to run away The highest thing of a steep rock

Save or set free from danger or harm The lower part of the face, below the mouth. The feeling that what is wanted can be Hope had Male sheep Ram Caretaker A person employed to look after a house, school etc Desk or long seat of wood or stone Bench Mournfully Sad or expressing of sorrow for a dead person, esp. By wearing black clothes. Animal that is hunted or killed by another Prey animal for food Passive Active: Peter builds a house.

Passive: A house is built by Peter. Present Continuous passive To make passive follow these steps 1-Definite the verb 2- Begin with the object 3- Put the verb into passive
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4- Write the complement 5- Add ( by + subject)

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Formation am / is / are + being + pp Ali is reading a story A story is being read by Ali Ali isnt reading a story A story isnt being read by Ali Is a story being read by Ali? What is being read by Ali? Active / Passive Overview Tense Present Continuous Active Right now, Sarah is writing the letter. Passive Right now, the letter is being written by Sarah.

Past Continuous passive Formation was / were + being + pp A thief was chasing her when she fell She was being chased when she fell Active / Passive Overview Tense Past Continuous Active The salesman was helping the customer when the thief came into the store. Passive The customer was being helped by the salesman when the thief came into the store.

Note: News is always singular So we say news is, was or has; etc
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*Study these sentences 1- I've a warded / won a prize. 2- When your friend won a prize say "congratulation". 3- I play in my free/ spare time. 4- Its free to roam. 5- Terrific means fantastic. Test 6 1- Choose the Correct word: 1- They found a ( pressure - transport - treasure ) buried under a tree. 2- The ( statue - status - station ) of Sphinx is in Giza. 3- He sent her a beautiful ( bunch - packet - slice ) of flowers. 4- A carpenter has a ( tool kit - first aid kit - hose ). 5- Firemen ( rescued - required - reserved ) two people from the fire. 6- The doctor wears ( rubber - rubbish - robber ) gloves. 7- I am going to ( make - have - do ) a shower . 8- Ali is good ( in - on - at) fixing things. 9- Some cakes are (being ate - being eaten - been eaten) by them 10- He ( is born - born -was born ) in 1960 . 11- A book ( is being read - reading - is reading ) by the boy . 12- The murderer ( chased - is being chased - chases ) by the policeman . 13- The desert ( is exploring - is being explored - is being exploring ) by the scientists . 14- New towns ( are building - are being built - are being building ) by the government. 15- Have you ever ( break - broke - broken } a window . 16- What is the name of the man ( whose - which - who ) wrote the story . 17 - After the pubs close, gangs of youths ( roared - roamed - roasted ) the city streets . 18- A house is being ( build - built - building ) by them at present. 19- The man is changing the light ( club - snob - bulb ) now. 20- He suffers from a ( serious - series - serial ) illness. 21-A book (is writing is being writing- is being written)now.
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22- How (long - wide - for ) is the nearest bus - stop ?. 23- Pete dived (at -on - in ) and saved his sister. 24-(Some body - Everybody No body ) can live without oxygen . 25-Pete is being awarded a medal( at - for on )bravery. 26-News(are- have- was)different. 2- Rewrite The following sentences : 1- We were singing a song. (by) 2- I was writing a letter. (A letter) 3-They were hanging a picture on the wall. (being) 4-Are they playing tennis? ( being ) 5- She is making a cake. (by) 6- The customer was choosing new suits. ( were ) 7- They are preparing a meal. ( A meal ) 8- Ahmed speaks English well. ( not) 9- He opened the door with a key. (How ) 10-Football and tennis were being played yesterday evening. (Ahmed) . 11- Islam is fatter than Kareem. (Kareem ) 12- I got up at six o'clock in the morning. ( What time ) 13- This is my chair. It is 200 pounds. ( that ) 14- My mother was cooking dinner when I got home. (being)
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3- Complete the following sentences 1) Jewels or money buried under the ground is .. 2) Walk with no clear purpose or direction 3) A male sheep.................................... 4) I've a . a prize. 5) When your friend won a prize say "..". 6) I play in my . time. 7) Its free to . 8) Terrific means 9) The care taker is giving her a . Kit. 10) Menna is being awarded a prize for her 11) The Argentineans speak .. 4. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue between Jana and Huda who has lost her gold watch. Jana: Good morning, Huda, Why are you so sad? Huda : . (1) . . Jana: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that .. (2) .. ? Huda : My mother, on my success last year. Jana: Are you sure you were wearing it yesterday? Huda : .. (3) . . 5- Read the following comprehension then answer the questions: The most extensive deserts in the world are the Sahara and the Libyan deserts which stretch across the north of the African continent from the Atlantic Ocean to the Red Sea. In such places no rain is seen at all for periods of from one to three years. The Western desert of Egypt is also one of the driest places on Earth, where it rarely rains. In such places it is very difficult for people to live. If you look at the map of Egypt, you will find that the people live in only one-thirtieth part of its land. Its towns, cities, farmlands and factories are near the Nile. The rest is vast areas of the desert. With the help of modern technology, it has become possible to get water in the desert and change the yellow sand into green land. Egypt has started great national projects to do so. In the Southern part in Toshka, a new canal is being dug to take water from Lake Nasser, behind the High Dam,
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and allow it to flow into the desert. It is a great project which will make a new delta in the south, put great areas of the desert under the plough and make full use of the Niles extra water. As a result of cultivating these areas, more crops will be got and new industries will spring up. A) Answer the following questions: 1- Where does the Sahara desert lie? 2- Why do most people live near the river Nile? 3- How does the new canal in Toshka get its water? B) Choose the correct answer: 1- The underlined word it refers to a) Lake Nasser. b) the High Dam. c ) water. 3- The Toshka Project aims at .. a) increasing the sandy land. b) setting up a new delta. c) using underground water. 6) Write a paragraph of six sentences on: "How to attract more tourists to visit Egypt" Guiding points: - Building more hotels and tourist villages. - Means of transport and communication.
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7- The link reader Gulliver's Travel in Lilliput Read the following quotation and then answer the questions: "These tiny people got used to me. I held out my hand and they danced on it..." 1. Who was the speaker? 2. Who were the tiny people? 3. Why did the tiny people get used to him? Complete the following sentences 1. In three weeks Gulliver could 2. The people in Lilliput called Gulliverwhich means.. 3. is the capital of Lilliput. 4. the Lilliputians would set Gulliver free if 5. Gulliver agreed toto be set free. 6. Mildendo was shaped. 7. The king's palace was in .. 8. About . People lived in Mildendo. Answer the following questions: 1. What did the soldiers teach their horses? 2. How long did it take Gulliver to learn Lilliputians languages? 3. What was the name which Lilliputians gave to Gulliver?
4. What does the name which Lilliputians gave to Gulliver mean?

5. What is the capital of Lilliput? 6. On what conditions did which Lilliputians gave to Gulliver set Gulliver free? 7. What shape was Mildendo? 8. Where was the king's palace? 9. How many people live in Mildendo? 8-Supply the missing letters: 1- Ei- ht Firem-n rescued two pe-ple from the f-re. 2- A carpent-r h-s a to-l k-t. 9-Copy the following sentence in your best handwriting. A hungry man is an angry man.
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Unit 7 Where shall we go? Word Meaning Suppose Means think or To believe Acrobat A clown or someone who plays tricks at circus or One who changes one's viewpoint on short notice in response Any content of the mind or the thought of Idea something A collection of things wrapped up or tied pack together for carrying or to put clothes into bags. Cost Tease Special Seal Packed lunch Litter Expect Word

The amount of money To laugh at or to make fun of playfully, unkindly Belongs to someone or something Fish-eating marine mammal with flippers. Lunch of sandwiches etc. Prepared and .packed to be eaten away from home

Things lying about in disorder or rubbish To look for with reason or to think what will happen To close or compact in structure that water, Tight air, etc. Cannot pass through Perform To do something such as tasks Cage Structure of bars or wires, esp. For putting animals or birds in

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Suggest Lets + inf., Why dont we + inf., We could + inf., What(How ) about + ing (noun) Shall we + inf.,

Suggestion Agree Thats a good idea Great/ Really Yes OK

Refuse Id rather+ inf., I want to + inf., I dont like + ing No It doesn't seem nice

So : comes in positive Neither comes in negative So am I (means) I am too So have I = I have too ( so am I) A: I'm working B: So am I A: I was late for work today B: So was Ali A: we went to the cinema last night B: Did you? So did we A: I would like to go to Australia B: So would I ( neither am I) Neither am I (Neither can I A: Ahmed can't cook B: neither can Ali A: I will not be here tomorrow B: neither will I A: I never go to the cinema B: neither do I
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Imperative Verb ( inf.,) Feed the animals Negative ( dont + inf.,) Dont feed the animals affirmative negative sentences sentences Come here. Don't come now. Clean the Don't clean the bathroom. living room. Don't play on the Help your father. computer.

We can use the imperative to give a direct order. 1. Take that chewing gum out of your mouth. 2. Stand up straight. 3. Give me the details. We can use the imperative to give instructions. 1. Open your book. 2. Take two tablets every evening. 3. Take a left and then a right. We can use the imperative to make an invitation. 1. Come in and sit down. Make yourself at home. 2. Please start without me. I'll be there shortly. 3. Have a piece of this cake. It's delicious. We can use the imperative on signs and notices. 1. Push. 2. Do not use. 3. Insert one dollar.
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We can use the imperative to give friendly informal advice. 1. Speak to him. Tell him how you feel. 2. Have a quiet word with her about it. 3. Don't go. Stay at home and rest up. Get some sleep and recover. Future Formation Will + inf., ( am/ is / are +going to + inf.,) Sentence Negative He will go ( may be) He will not go He is going to go He is not going to go

Question Will he go? Is he going to go?

We use the will-future for predictions, assumptions, promises and when we do something. We use the going to-future with planned actions.

Key words ( soon tonight next tomorrow 2010 future expect .) TOO & EITHER Too USE "Too" is used in positive sentences to add an agreeing thought. Examples: Jane speaks French. Sam speaks French too. I love chocolate. I love pizza too. Frank can come with us. Nancy can come with us too.

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PLACEMENT "Too" usually comes at the end of a clause. Examples:

I am Canadian too. I can speak French too. I am studying economics too. If he wants to go too, he should meet us at 8:00.

Either USE "Either" is used in negative sentences to add an agreeing thought. Examples: Jane doesn't speak French. Sam doesn't speak French either. I don't love chocolate. I don't love pizza either. Frank cannot come with us. Nancy cannot come with us either. PLACEMENT "Either" usually comes at the end of a clause. Examples:

I cannot speak French either. I am not studying economics either. I don't want to eat either. I didn't like the movie either.

*Study these sentences 1- I can see acrobats at circus. 2- I have a book, too. 3- I have not got a book, either. 4- Don't feed the animals. 5- Don't tease the animals.
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Test 7 1-Choose the correct word : 1. My father works in an oil (compass companion - company) . 2. Let's go to the beach. We can (windsurf see acrobats go on the rides). 3. Let's go to the ( beach - zoo - circus ). I love watching acrobats. 4. She (sends expects - spends )too much money on clothes . 5. How about (have to have - having) a cold drink first? 6. They were (treating teasing - trying )Belal about his new hair cut. 7. Don't put your hands into the animals' (houses parks cages) 8. Shall we (meet meeting - met)outside the theatre? 9. The children have made a (post office post - poster)for a trip to the zoo . 10. Would you like to (come came - comes)to the party? 11. Let's (to go go - going)shopping this afternoon . 12. The (fight flight - bright) to London took 4 hours 13. The moon is very (fight flight - bright) tonight. 14. At the zoo don't (use eat - feed) the animals. 15. Why don't we (walk walks - walking) to the cinema? 16. We (leave left - will leave ) for Cairo tomorrow. 17. How about (having to have - have)a cold drink first? 18. The students werent able to finish the test quickly. I wasnt either.....................Neither was I. Neither did I either.....................Neither was I able. 19. I am not ready for the next exercise! Neither will I!....................Neither do I! I do either!....................Neither am I! 20. I am not a smart student. I wont either.....................I dont either. I am not either. .................... I cant either.
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21. She shouldnt study more! Neither will I! ....................Neither shall I! Neither should I! ....................I couldnt either! 22. Lucard doesnt comes from Italy. I am not either..................... Neither dont I. Neither do I. ....................Neither am I. 23. I dont drive a Honda. I am not either..................... Neither am I. Neither do I. ....................Neither is mine. 24. I wont go tonight. Neither will I. ....................I cant either. I am either. ....................I would not. 25. Jacques doesnt go to school to study English. I am either. ....................Neither am I. Neither can I..................... I dont either. 26. Erika wont watch the news on TV tonight. I didnt either. ....................Neither did I. Neither will I..................... Neither would I. 27. They wont buy a new car. I might either. ....................Neither will I. I must either. ....................And I might not. 28. Stan isnt at work right now. Neither will I..................... Neither am I. Neither should I. ....................Neither do I. 29. Kathy doesnt like cats! I dont either! ....................Neither am I! I am not either!.................... And I am either! 30. I dont go to work every day. Neither do I..................... Do I either. Neither am I..................... I am not either. 31. Phillip cant type well. I will either. ....................Neither could I. I could either..................... I cant either.
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32. I dont need to go to work. I dont work either..................... Neither need I. I wasnt either..................... I dont either. 33. He doesnt need to study. I dont need either..................... Neither do I. I should either..................... Neither need I. 34. She doesnt wish to stop smoking. I wasnt either..................... Neither am I. Neither wish I..................... Neither do I. 35. Margaret couldnt go. I wouldnt either..................... I shouldnt either. I could either..................... Neither could I. 36. Maria shouldnt do her homework now. I am not either..................... I shouldnt either. Shouldnt I either..................... Neither do I. 37. I am not writing a letter to a friend. I cant either..................... Neither do I. I dont either..................... I am not either 2- Rewrite The following sentences 1. He will fly to Rome next Friday. ( going ) . 2. We (see) a movie tonight. ( correct ) . 3. I usually come to school by train. (How ) . 4. We won't buy a new car next week. ( going ) . 5. She is going to give lectures during the summer . ( not) . 6. The nurse will open the window. ( not ) . 7. She found some shells yesterday. ( not ) ... 8. They spend their holiday in Aswan. ( Where )
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. 9. He always comes late. ( not ) . 10. We go to the library twice a week. ( How ) . 11. Yes, I heard the crash last night. ( Did ) . 12. I have never come late. ( How ) . 3) Finish the following dialogue : Hala is talking to Neriman about her trip to London Hala : I flew to London last month Neriman: Really! ...............(1 )......................? Hala : I went there to see my uncle . Neriman:.......................:....(2).......................? Hala :The flight took about four hours . Neriman: That's very fast. Did you enjoy your trip? Hala : ...........................(3)............................. 4- Read the following passage and then answer the questions below: One day, a crow sat in a tree. The sun shone. The little birds sang. The crow saw a piece of cheese on the grass. He liked cheese very much. He flew down and picked up the cheese. He flew back up to his branch with the cheese in his beak. Then a fox with green eyes came along. The fox sat under the tree. He could smell cheese "Where was it?" He looked up. He could see the cheese in the crow's beak. He wanted to eat the cheese. He needed a trick. The fox asked the crow to sing. The crow wanted to sing and opened his beak. It dropped the cheese. What a foolish crow. A Answer the following questions: 1- What did the fox want to eat? . 2- Where did the crow see the cheese?
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. B Choose the correct answer: 3- The (crow fox little birds) took the cheese first. 4- The crow opened his beak to (eat - sing - drink)

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5-Complete the following sentences 1) A very large animal that used to live millions of years ago.. 2) To put your things into bags or boxes. .. 3) To laugh at someone or say unkind things to them. .. 4) A place where things from the past are kept for people to go and see........... 5) A machine that you use to do sums ................... 6) A large picture or notice that you put up on a wall .. 7) We can see .. at circus. 8) I have a book, . 9) I have not got a book, ... 10) Don't ..or .. the animals. 6-Write a paragraph of five (5) sentences on ''My favourite hobby '' You can answer these questions: What's your favourite hobby? How long have you been doing it? Do you enjoy learning it in your spare time? Where do you practice it?
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7- The link reader Gulliver's Travel in Lilliput Read the following quotation and then answer the questions: "It took me half an hour to reach Blefuscu. The enemy was very frightened." 1- What did the people of Blefuscu do when they saw Gulliver? 2- Why did the king of Lilliput agree to let Gulliver to visit Blefuscu? Complete the following sentences 1. Lilliput and Blefuscu lost 2. Lilliput and Blefuscu had been in war for .. 3. Lilliput heard that Blefuscu had built to attack them. 4. . agreed to help Lilliput against their enemy. 5. The sea between two countries was only .. 6. The water was deep between . and 7. Gulliver used to attack Blefuscu. 8. Blefuscu were frightened of . Answer the following questions: 1. What is Blefuscu? 2. What countries did they have the war? 3. How long had the war lasted for between Lilliput and Blefuscu? 4. What things had Lilliput lost in the war? 5. What did Blefuscu have to attack Lilliput? 6. How many warships did Blefuscu have? 7. Was the war between Lilliput and Blefuscu Deeper at high or low tide? 8. How did the scientists help Gulliver attack Blefuscu? 9. What plane did Gulliver do to attack Blefuscu? 10. How long did it take from Gulliver to reach to Blefuscu? 11. Why the Lilliputians and the king were pleased with Gulliver? 8-Supply the missing letters: 1- My fat-er wo-ks in an o-l comp-ny 9-Copy the following sentence in your best handwriting.
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A life for a life .

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Word Environment Pollution Waste Survey

Unit 8 Where shall we go? Meaning All things surroundings us the introduction of harmful substances or products into the environment use to no purpose or rubbish


To collect some information about something or view or consider as a whole. Report bring back or give an account of Graph a diagram representing a system of connections or interrelations among two or more things by a number of distinctive dots, lines, bars, etc. Chart sheet of information in the form of a table, graph, or diagram Questionnaire set of questions on a form, submitted to a number of people in order to collect some information Refillable thing that be filled again, esp. another drink Sticky not moving easily Tiles a thin piece of baked clay, sometimes painted or glazed, used for various purposes, as to form one of the units of a roof or floor Wrap To cover something or to wind or fold (a covering) around something Thrown away meant to be thrown away after (one) use Battery A container of an electrically
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powered Solar Tram Re-usable Container Type Glue shrubs Rot Dumps Chemical Cut down on Drip Energy Journey Wildlife Badger Litter

charged cell or cells as a source of current produced by or coming from the sun Something like a train or electrically-powered passenger road vehicle running on rails Some things we used it again or for the second time box, jar, etc., for holding things sort, class, or kind

To stick something or to join or fasten with glue any woody plant smaller than a tree and with branches near the ground Can't be eaten or Rubbish or places or heap for collecting rubbish substance used in chemistry To reduce or decrease To fall in drops
Means power or capacity for activity, force or capacity of doing work

act of going from one place to another, esp. at a long distance Undomesticated animals living in the wild, including those hunted for food, sport, or profit. A burrowing mammal with a black " and white striped head

things lying about in disorder or

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rubbish Pile A small hill or group of something together or a mass of things heaped together Ashes The grayish-white to black powdery left when something is burned. Explosive Relating to or having the nature of an explosion Modal verbs ( will would can could may might shall should must have to has to had to do does did ought to .) 1- Modal verbs + inf., 2- Modal verbs + not + inf., ( in negative) 3- Modal verbs + subject + inf., ( in question) Modal Example Uses Can They can control their own budgets. We cant fix it. Can I smoke here? Can you help me? Could Could I borrow your dictionary? Could you say it again more slowly? We could try to fix it ourselves. Ability / Possibility Inability / Impossibility Asking for permission Request Asking for permission. Request Future possibility


He gave up his old job so he could Ability in the past work for us. May I have another cup of coffee? Asking for permission China may become a major

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economic power. Might

Future possibility We'd better phone tomorrow, they Present might be eating their dinner now. possibility They might give us a 10% discount. Future possibility
Necessity / Obligation Prohibition Saying whats right or correct Offer Suggestion Asking what to do Saying whats right or correct Recommending action Uncertain prediction Instant decisions Offer Promise Certain prediction Asking for permission Request

Must We must say good-bye now. Have to Has to They mustnt disrupt the work more than necessary. Ought to We ought to employ a professional writer. Shall Shall I help you with your luggage? Shall we say 2.30 then? Shall I do that or will you? Should We should sort out this problem at once. I think we should check everything again. Profits should increase next year. Will I cant see any taxis so Ill walk. I'll do that for you if you like. Ill get back to you first thing on Monday. Would Profits will increase next year. Would you mind if I brought a colleague with me? Would you pass the salt please?

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Would you mind waiting a moment? Request "Would three o`clock suit you?" "Thatd be fine." Would you like to play golf this Friday? "Would you prefer tea or coffee?" "Id like tea please." Making arrangements Invitation Preferences

must has to / have to has to / have to Its necessary/important for .. to Examples: - I must buy some bread. me to buy some bread. - Islam has to go now. Islam to go now. - My brother and I have to go now. us to go now. - Ali mustn't go now. for Ali to go now. Past had to It was necessary/ important for to Examples: - He had to go to hospital yesterday. necessary for him to go to hospital. *Study these sentences 1- How green is your school.

+ inf.

Its necessary for Its necessary for Its necessary for It isn't necessary

+ inf. It was

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2- He wants to do a survey. 3- You must draw graphs and charts. 4- It's important to save energy in the school. 5- You should watch out for dripping taps. 6- It's important to have a green school. 7- We can recycle bottles. 8- We can refill pens. 9- We can reuse bottles.

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Test 8 1-Choose the correct answer: 1. I've put on a lot of weight, I'm going to cut (up - down -out)on fats and spicy food. 2. I want to draw a (graph - questionnaire - report).

3. Factories cause a lot of(energy - money -pollution). 4. A good child (mustn't - ought not to- should)tidy his room . 5. The sun , wind and oil all give us (energy - waste -pollution). 6. We must do our best to(waste - spend - save )energy. 7. There was a terrible (explosion - expedition - explorer). 2- Rewrite The following sentences 1-He must play. ( It's) . 2- He had to go somewhere. ( important) 3- He never brushes his teeth. (not). . 4- She is playing tennis. (played). 5- He was watching TV. ( being) 6- A chicken is a bird. (are) 7-She didn't have to play yesterday. (necessary) .. 8- It is important to go now. (must) .. 9- It was not important for them to run. (They) ..
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3) Finish the following dialogue Soha and Maher are talking about sports. Maher : What's your favourite sport, Soha? Soha : 1... Maher : 2..? Soha : I play it once a week. Maher: 3....? Soha : In the club near our house, 4 .? Maher : My favourite sport is handball. It's a very exciting sport. 4-Complete the following sentences 1) The dirt in the air or water ........................... 2) A set of questions that you ask people to find out information about something ....... 3) How is your school. 4) He wants to . a survey. 5) You must graphs and charts. 6) It's important to energy in the school. 7) You should watch out for taps. 8) It's important to have a .. school. 9) We can bottles. 10) We can . pens. 11) We can bottles. 5-Read the following passage and then answer the questions below: South Africa is a country in the south tip of Africa. There are plains, mountains and deserts in it. Yet, its land is fertile and many crops are grown there. The main crops are cotton, fruits and grains. 70% of the people who live there are Africans. There are also Asians, mostly Indians, and Europeans living there. Well-developed industries include fishing, metals, machinery, chemicals, food processing and clothing. English and Afrikaans are the official languages there. The main exports are metals, especially gold, fruits, sugar and textiles.
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More than 30 million people live in South Africa. Its area is about 1,220,000 km. a Answer the following questions: 1- Where does South Africa lie? 2- What are the main crops grown there? 3- How many official languages are there in South Africa? b Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: 4 There are .............. well-developed industries mentioned in the passage. a - four b- seven c - six d - ten 5 Most people living in South Africa are .......................................... . a - Indians b - Africans c - European d Asians 6 About . Live in South Africa a - 3000 b - 30000 c - 300 d - 30000000 6-Write a paragraph of five (6) sentences on (My birthday party ) Where invite friends eat receive presents cake sing play
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7-The link reader Gulliver's Travel in Lilliput Complete the following sentences 1. .. sent an invitation to Gulliver. 2. The king of Lilliput didn't refuse the invitation because. 3. Gulliver saw ..at the north-east coast of Blefuscu. 4. Gulliver brought the boat to the shore by. 5. Gulliver made ..by the help of 500 men. 6. People gave Gulliver... for his journey. 7. The king of Blefuscu gave Gulliver . 8. Gulliver used to sail hoping to reach some islands Answer the following questions: 1. What was Gulliver invited to do? 2. Why did the king of Lilliput agree to let Gulliver visit Blefuscu? 3. What did Gulliver see at the north-east coast of Blefuscu? 4. How did Gulliver bring the boat to the shore? 5. How were the people of Blefuscu kind to Gulliver? 6. What did the king give to Gulliver? 8-Supply the missing letters: 1- Fact-ries ca-se a l-t of pol-ution. 9-Copy the following sentence in your best handwriting. Actions speak louder than words.

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Unit 9 Inventors and inventions Word Meaning To create something new Invent a person who invents, esp as a Inventor profession Things which are being invented Inventions Mathematician A person skilled or learned in mathematics. or an expert or specialist in mathematics The male of chickens or domestic cock. Rooster way of doing something Method Steam engine engine which uses steam to generate power Destroy or break into pieces Smash force that attracts a body to the centre Gravity of the earth etc Suffering pain. Or causing trouble or Painful difficulty Sudden rush. Or heavy forward or Surged upward motion Such as wings as in planes Rotor knowledge or skill resulting from this Experience the people of the Netherlands or Holland Dutch One's own; individual; private. Or Personal done or made in person a body so suspended from a fixed point as to Pendulum
move to and fro by the action of gravity

Sideways Rise Astronaut Button

To or from a side. Or with one side facing forward come or go up Someone who works on space or crew member of a spacecraft. Small disc etc. sewn to a garment as a fastener or worn as an ornament pressed to operate electronic

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Bases Torrent Blow Smoke Hover Cliff Rough Circuit Crew Emergency Aircraft Deck mill

.equipment The main parts of something Rushing stream of liquid. Or great downpour of rain to move with some force such as the wind or air Visible vapour from a burning substance. or act of smoking cigarette or cigar remain in one place in the air by round steep rock-face, esp. on a coast or a hill not smooth, or violent, not, quiet or there are more waves line or course enclosing an area; the distance round. Or a path of an electric current people working together; team or people manning a ship, aircraft, train, etc. Sudden state of danger etc., or a condition requiring immediate .treatment machine capable of flight, esp. an aero plane or helicopter a platform in a ship serving as a floor


building fitted with a mechanical device for grinding corn Relative clauses Who - which that Noun + Who ( people) + verb Which / that ( things)

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who: when we talk about people which: when we talk about things We also use that for who/which.

Hend who helped the man is a nurse. This is the dog which / that chased the boy

use relative pronoun



The woman is in hospital. She was injured in the accident. (who) Subject (people) The woman who was injured in the accident is in hospital. This is the cat. It is nice. (which) This is the cat which / that is nice.

Which/ Subject (things) That

subject +Relative clauses + verb He is a man. He plays well. Ali is a player. He is famous. He is a man who plays well. Ali who is famous is a player. *Study these sentences 1- James Watt was a scientist. 2- James Watt invented a steam engine. 3- James Watt invented copying letters by a special ink. 4- Barthelemy was a French tailor. 5- Barthelemy invented a sewing machine. 6- Joseph and Jacques invented the First Hot Air Balloon.
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7- Isaac Newton was mathematician. 8- Isaac Newton discovered gravity. 9- Huygens invented a pendulum clock. 10- Steve Jobs invented the personal computer. 11- Arab scientist "Ibn El Haythem" invented the camera. 12- A helicopter has rotors instead of wings. 13- A helicopter can fly in different directions. 14- A helicopter can keep still in the air. Test 9 1-Choose the correct answer: 1) Graham bell was the man ( who - which - whose )invented the telephone. 2) That is the lorry ( who - which - whose )nearly hit us 3) James Watt invented the(first hot air balloon - sewing machine steam engine) 4) Helicopters have( wings - engines - steam machine ) 5) A ( rooter - duck - truck )is male chicken 6) A helicopter can keep( still - steel - steal )in the air 7) The Montogol brothers invented the(steam machine - pendulum clock - sewing machine) 8) Newton was a(French - Scottish - Dutch )mathematician, 9) A(mathematician - sculptor - scientist )is a person who makes statues . 10) A microwave is something ( who - that - whose )cooks food very quickly. 11) A vet is person ( who - which - whose )looks after sick animals 12) Joe (attacked attached attracted) a photo to his email. 13) A car crashed (into in at) a tree and exploded. 14) Tutankhamun was buried in his (temple tomb palace) in the valley of kings. 15) I always feel (seasick homesick comfortable) when the waves are high. 16) He is a famous (inventor writer discoverer). He writes many articles.
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2- Rewrite The following sentences: 1- He told me a story, it was about people who suffered from famine . (that) . 2- Japan is a country , It is thickly populated . (where) 3-1 brought it to somebody else . (not) .
4- The car has been repaired , it was damaged in the accident (which )

. 5- She has a car. (not ) 6- We laughed as he was making funny faces. (when) 7- While I was carrying the box, I hurt my back. (when) 3) Finish the following dialogue Hany: Good afternoon, Samy. Samy: Good afternoon, Samy. Hany.. Samy: I went to the circus. Hany: Did you enjoy yourself? Samy: . Hany: When did you come back? Samy:.. 4-Complete the following sentences 1) A flying machine that has rotors instead of wings ...............
2) Someone whose job is to make suits and coats for people is ..........

3) The force that pulls things towards the earth is ..................... 4) James Watt was a and invented ...........................and ....................... 5) Barthelemy was a French and invented .............. 6) Joseph and Jacques invented the . 7) was mathematician and discovered .................
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8) Huygens invented a . .. 9) Steve Jobs invented the .. .. 10) Arab scientist "Ibn El Haythem" invented the .. 11) A helicopter has instead of wings.
12) A helicopter can fly in different and keep .........in the air

13) Ali was crossing the street he heard a noise. 14) She put a on the cut and pressed gently. 15) The clown made many funny 5-Read the following passage and then answer the questions below: Reading is one of the most useful hobbies. Millions of people practise reading all over the world. First of all it gives us valuable information in all fields. When we read, we meet other people and see other places. It is a wonderful hobby and we can practise it in our free time. In fact reading daily newspapers helps us to know the new events. We should choose good books which feed our minds. A lot of public libraries are built in different places. Finally, we can say that reading opens the treasure of knowledge and the best friend, one can have, is the book. A Answer the following questions: 1- What does reading give us? .. 2-Where are the libraries built? .. B Choose the correct answer: 4- We can read during .. ( work free time playing ) 5-The best friend, one can have, is the .. (book dog - TV) 6- Write a letter to your key pal Tom who lives in America telling him your name and how old you are, what grade you are in and about your subjects. Your name is Hany and you live at 33 Orabi street, Cairo )
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7- The link reader Gulliver's Travel in Lilliput Complete the following sentences 1. Gulliver was rescued by 2. Gulliver was so lucky because . 3. The captain didn't believe Gulliver until. 4. .. sailors were on board the ship. 5. Gulliver took . to get back home. 6. Gulliver sold the cows by . 7. Gulliver left .to his wife and he set sail on a ship. 8. Jonathan swift was born in . 9. A pulley is for 10. Gulliver has got children. 11. The largest building in Lilliput is the .. Answer the following questions: 1. How was Gulliver rescued? 2. How many sailors were on that ship? 3. How did the captain of the ship believe Gulliver? 4. How did Gulliver know that the ship was an English ship? 5. How long did it take Gulliver to get back home? 6. How much did Gulliver get for all his cows? 7. How many children does Gulliver have?
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8. What was the name of the ship that Gulliver sails on? 8-Supply the missing letters: 1- I alw-ys feel sea-ick when the w-ves are hi-h. 9-Copy the following sentence in your best handwriting. Union is strength.

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Reader Gulliver's travels in Lilliput Word Meaning Word Gulliver's travels in Lilliput Survivor Capture Adventure Pirate Shipwrecked Distant Dangerous Prisoner Prison My early life Steer Navigation Voyage Mediterranean sea Got married Captain Parents Abroad Meaning

Mathematics Teach taught Sail Country

Languages Free time Interested in Shipwreck Weak Rock Rowing boat Further I arrived in Lilliput Bow Arrow Inch

Shipwreck Break up Storm Sailor

Tiny Prick Platform

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Grab Amazed Tie Ladder Chin

Hammer Nail Understand Huge Pain My move to the capital city - Wheel Forest Rope Good at Quadrant

Pole Pulley Chain Scholar Serve

Making friends with the people of Lilliput Palace Promise Allowed Against Enemy War with Blefuscu ) (

Held out Permission Urgent Mean Condition

Telescope Warship Hook Anchor Deep Attack Oars Twist Invite

Lilliputians Lilliput Last for Soldier Pleased with Tide

An invitation to Blefuscu Compass Purpose Bull

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Invitation Coast Feed

Hay Shore

Closer Plenty Some notes:-

Rescue Mast Home for a while

Characters: Jonathan Swift Gulliver Mary Mr. Bates John Betty Pirate Lilliputians Scholars 1- Jonathan Swift : He is the writer of this story. He is a famous English writer. He was born in Ireland. He lived from 1669 until 1745. He loved reading books about travel. 2- Gulliver: He was the hero of this story. He interested in mathematics and navigation. He had a son and a daughter. 3- Mary: She was Gulliver's wife. 4- Mr. Bates: He was a doctor. He taught Gulliver how to be a doctor. 5- John: He was Gulliver's son. 6- Betty:
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She was Gulliver's daughter. 7- Pirates: People who attacked the ship and captured Gulliver and sent him to a prison.

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8- Lilliputians: People who lives in Lilliput and took Gulliver to their country. They were tiny people. They were good at science. 9- Scholars: People who taught Gulliver the language of Lilliput. Some Numbers 500 men built the platform to move Gulliver. The Lilliputian was 6 inches. Lilliputians fixed 80 poles to lift Gulliver. 900 pulled the ropes to carry Gulliver. Gulliver took 3 hours to be onto the platform. 1500 horses pulled the platform. People traveled a half a mile to Lilliput. 600 people looked after Gulliver. Gulliver ate as much as 1,728 Lilliputians. Gulliver ate every morning 40 sheep and 6 cows. 300 tailors made Gulliver's clothes. 500,000 people lived in Mildendo. The war between Lilliput and Blefuscu lasted for 36 moons. Lilliput lost 40 ships and 30,000 sailors and soldiers. Blefuscu had 50 warships. The water between Lilliput and Blefuscu is 800 yards. Gulliver made 50 ropes and hooks. Gulliver took half an hour to reach Blefuscu. 20,000 men helped Gulliver to pull his boat. The men took 10 days to build oars. The king gave Gulliver 6 cows, 2 bulls and some sheep. The king gave Gulliver 50 bags of gold coins.(200 coins in each bag). Gulliver bought cows for 600 each. 1 inch = 2.5 centimeters.

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Countries Holland : Gulliver stayed there for two-and-a-half years. London : Gulliver's home. Lillput : the country which Gulliver had taken. Blefuscu : Lilliput's enemy. Mildendo : the capital of Lilliput. South America, Asia and India : the countries which Gulliver had traveled. Questions Complete all theses sentences: Gulliver's travels in Lilliput

1-Some survivors wrote about .. 2- .. captured Gulliver. 3- Pirates captured Gulliver and sent him to . 4- Traveling by sea was dangerous because. 5-Traveling at the age of Jonathan swift was by .. 6-Gulliver was captured by . My early life 7-Gulliver had brothers. 8-Mr Bates taught Gulliver 9-Gulliver was interested in .. 10-Gulliver stayed in Holland for . 11-Gulliver worked as a .. on a ship. 12-Gullivar sailed the Mediterranean Sea for .. 13-After Mr Bates's death,.. 14-Gulliver went to the sea again because.. 15-Gulliver decided to leave his wife and children because
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16-the ship was called .. 17-In Gulliver's free time, he . 18-Gulliver was on the ship for so he traveled to South America, Asia and India.

Shipwreck 19-Gulliver wasn't able to control the ship when 20-. Sailors died in the storm. 21-Although Gulliver and sailors climbed into a rowing boat,. 22-the ship broke because. I arrived in Lilliput

23-When Gulliver awoke he couldn't move because. 24-When Gulliver awoke he found himself. 25-The Lilliputians were about. 26-The tiny people were f93 rightened when 27-Gulliver felt great pain because.
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28-Lilliputians built near Gulliver's head. 29-Although the king oh Lilliput spoke to Gulliver, 30-Lilliputians only understand that Gulliver.. 31-The Lilliputians were amazed because.. 32-Although Gulliver freed his arm, 33-When Gulliver ate food, he.. 34-Lilliputians weren't frightened anymore because My move to the capital city

35-Tiny people were good at .. 36-Lilliputians moved the big ships to the sea by. 37- carpenter built the platform. 38-Lilliputians lifted Gulliver on the platform by .. 39- horses pulled the platform. 40- Lilliputians took to get Gulliver onto the platform. 41- Lilliputians used .. to walk all Gulliver's body. 42- Lilliputians cut the ropes when 43- Lilliputians took Gulliver to . 44-.. people looked after Gulliver. 45- tailors made Gulliver's clothes. 46-Gulliver ate as much as 47-The king sent scholars to Gulliver to.

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Making friends with the people of Lilliput

48-In three weeks Gulliver could 49-The people in Lilliput called Gulliverwhich means.. 50- is the capital of Lilliput. 51-the Lilliputians would set Gulliver free if 52-Gulliver agreed toto be set free. 53-Mildendo was shaped. 54-The king's palace was in .. 55-About . People lived in Mildendo. War with Blefuscu

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56-Lilliput and Blefuscu lost 57- Lilliput and Blefuscu had been in war for .. 58-Lilliput heard that Blefuscu had built to attack them. 59-. agreed to help Lilliput against their enemy. 60-The sea between two countries was only .. 61-The water was deep between . and 62-Gulliver used to attack Blefuscu. 63-Blefuscu were frightened of . An invitation to Blefuscu 64-.. sent an invitation to Gulliver. 65-The king of Lillput didn't refuse the invitation because. 66-Gulliver saw ..at the north-east coast of Blefuscu. 67-Gulliver brought the boat to the shore by. 68-Gulliver made ..by the help of 500 men. 69-peaple gave Gulliver... for his journey. 70-The king of Blefuscu gave Gulliver . 71-Gulliver used to sail hoping to reach some islands. Rescue 72-Gulliver was rescued by 73-Gulliver was so lucky because . 74-The captain didn't believe Gulliver until. 75-.. sailors were on board the ship. Home for a while 76-Gulliver took . to get back home. 77-Gulliver sold the cows by . 78-Gulliver left .to his wife and he set sail on a ship. 79-Jonathan swift was born in . 80-A pulley is for 81-Gulliver has got children. 82-The largest building in Lilliput is the ..
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Key Answer 1 2 3 4 Their dangerous journey. Pirates distant island as a prisoner. many ships were lost in storms or attacked by pirates. sea pirates four how to be a doctor. mathematics and navigation two-and-a-half years 42 43 44 45 they found him that he wasn't harmful. an old temple in their country. 600 300

5 6 7 8 9 10

46 47 48 49 50 51

1,728. teach him their own language understand Lilliputians' language. Quinbus Flestrin- Man Mountain. Mildendo he shouldn't leave the country without the king's permission he shouldn't go into the capital city without the king's permission he shouldn't walk in the fields only walk on roads. he shouldn't pick people or animals. carry people with urgent messages. help lift heavy things. help the people of Lilliput fight against Blefuscu. as an exact square.





three years.


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13 14 15 16 17

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

his business was bad. Mr Bates died and business was bad. it's difficult to earn enough money. Antelope learned the languages of the countries which he visited. six years. a storm blew and the wind was too strong. Twelve they couldn't row it. it hit in a big rocket. he was so tired and he was tied to the ground. tied six inches. Gulliver shouted. hundreds of tiny people were shooting arrows at him a platform.

54 55 56 57 58

the middle of the city. 500,000. thousands of soldiers and a lot of ships. 36 moons. new warships.

59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68

Gulliver 6 feet deep at high tide. Lilliput Blefuscu. hooks and ropes. Gulliver the king of Blefuscu. it cost them too much to feed Gulliver. a real boat turned upside down. helping of 20,000 men. some oars, two sails and one strong rope for the boat. 6 cows, 2 bulls and some sheep and some hay and corn. 50 bags of gold coins and a painting of himself. a compass. an English ship that was returning to England. he found one of the sailors that he was an old friend. he saw the tiny animals, the



29 30 31 32 33

he didn't understand his language. was hungry. the huge size of Gulliver. he didn't try to harm the tiny people. fell asleep again.

70 71 72 73 74

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he didn't do anything 75 when he freed his arms. 35 science 76 five months and a half 36 carrying them on 77 600 each. platforms on wheels. 37 500 78 plenty of money. 38 ropes and pulleys. 79 Ireland 39 1500 80 lifting things. 40 almost a whole day. 81 2. 41 ladders 82 temple Answer about all these questions: Gulliver's travels in Lilliput 1- Who was Jonathan Swift? -He was the writer and he was born in Ireland in 1667. 2- Who were pirates? - Some people who attack ships and steal from them. 3- How did people travel at the age of Jonathan Swift? - By ships. 4- Why did the people travel by ships only? - Because there were no cars or trains or planes. 5- Why were journeys by sea dangerous? - Because many ships were lost in storms and pirates were attacked the ships. 6-What did some survivors do? - They wrote about their adventures. 7- Who was Gulliver captured by? - Pirates. 8-Where was Gulliver taken as a prisoner? - To an island. My early life 9-How many brothers did Gulliver have? - Four brothers.
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gold coins and the king's painting. 50

10- How many sons did Gulliver's parents have? - Five sons. 11-How did Mr Bates help Gulliver? - He taught him how to be a doctor. And also helped him to work on a ship as a doctor. 12-What was Mr Bates job? - He was a doctor. 13-What did Gulliver want to learn? - He wanted to learn how to steer a ship. 14-How long did Gulliver stay in Holland? - Two years and a half. 15- What was Gulliver interested in? - Mathematics and navigation. 16-Show that Gulliver was interested in navigation? - He wanted to learn how to steer a ship and learned things on voyages . 17-What did Gulliver do in his free time? - He learned the languages of the countries he visited. 18-What job was Gulliver given on the ship? - A doctor. 19-How long did Gulliver sail the Mediterranean Sea? - three years. 20-What happened after Mr Bates's death? - His business was not good. 21-Why did Gulliver go back to the sea? - Because after the death of Me Bates business got bad. 22-Why did Gulliver decide to leave his wife and return to the sea again? - Because it was difficult to earn enough money. 23-What was the ship called? - Antelope. Shipwreck 24-What happened to the Antelope?
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- The wind and storm blew and the sailors couldn't control the ship and it hit a rock and broke up. 25-Who survived to the beach? - Gulliver only.

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26- What happened to Gulliver when the Antelope broke up? - He swam and swam and he was very tired then he reached to the beach and fell asleep. I arrived in Lilliput 27-Why couldn't Gulliver move when he awoke? - Because his legs, arms and hair were tied to the ground. 28-What happened to Gulliver when he awoke? - He found himself tied from his legs, arms and hair. 29-How high is the Lilliputian? - A bout 6 inches. 30-What was the Lilliputian carrying? - He was carrying a bow and arrows. 31-Why were the Lilliputians so amazed? - Because the huge size of Gulliver and the amount of food he ate. 32- Why were the Lilliputians so frightened from Gulliver at first? - Because Gulliver shouted at them. 33-What did the Lilliputians do near Gulliver's head? - A platform. 34-What did the Lilliputians use to climb the platform? - Ladders. 35- Why weren't the Lilliputians so frightened from Gulliver anymore? - Because when Gulliver freed his arm, he didn't hurt them. My move to the capital city 36- What were the Lilliputians good at? - They were good at science. 37-What did they build to carry large things? - Platforms. 38-How did the Lilliputians move the ships to the sea? - By platforms which built on wheels.
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39-What are the pulleys used for? - They are used for carrying heavy things. 40-How did the Lilliputians build their ships? - By cutting huge trees and making the ships. 41-How many carpenters built the platform? - 500 42-How did the Lilliputians lift Gulliver onto the platform? - They fixed 80 poles into the ground and put ropes around his body. They fixed the ropes on pulleys to the poles and pulled the ropes. 43-How long did it take to move Gulliver on the platform? - 3 hours. 44-Where was Gulliver taken? - To the capital of Lilliput in an old temple. 45-How many horses pulled the platform? - 1500 horses. 46-What did the Lilliputians use to walk all Gulliver's body? - Ladders. 47-When did the Lilliputians cut ropes off Gulliver's body? - When they found that he wasn't danger. 48-What was the largest building in the city? - The temple. 49-How many people looked after (served) Gulliver? - 600. 50-What did the Lilliputians use to measure Gulliver's height? - A quadrant. 51-How much food did Gulliver eat? - As much as 1728 Lilliputians. 52-How many tailors made Gulliver's clothes? - 300. 53-What did the Lilliputians send every morning to Gulliver to eat? - 40 sheep, 6 cows, bread and water. 54-What did the scholars teach Gulliver? - They taught him their own languages.
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55-What did the king do to make Gulliver speak with them? - He sent him scholars to teach him their language. 56-How many scholars did teach Gulliver? - Six. 57-Who were the tiny people? - They were the Lilliputians. Making friends with the people of Lilliput 58-What did the soldiers teach their horses? - They taught them to jump over Gulliver's fingers. 59-How long did it take Gulliver to learn Lilliputians languages? -three weeks. 60-What was the name which Lilliputians gave to Gulliver? - Quinbus Flestrin. 61-What does the name which Lilliputians gave to Gulliver mean? - It means Man Mountain. 62-What is the capital of Lilliput? - Mildendo. 63-On what conditions did which Lilliputians gave to Gulliver set Gulliver free? - a) He shouldn't leave the country without the king's permission. b) He shouldn't go into Mildendo without the king's permission. c) He shouldn't walk in the fields- only on roads. d) He shouldn't pick up people or animals. 64-What did Gulliver agree to be free? -a) To carry people with urgent messages. b) To help to lift heavy things. c) To help the people of Lilliput to fight against Blefuscu. 65-What shape was Mildendo? -It was an exact square. 66-Where was the king's palace? - In the middle of the city. 67-How many people live in Mildendo? - 500,000 people.
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War with Blefuscu 68-What is Blefuscu? - It is an island to the north-east of Lilliput. 69-What countries did they have the war? - Lilliput and Blefuscu. 70-How long had the war lasted for between Lilliput and Blefuscu? - 36 moons. 71-What things had Lilliput lost in the war? - They lost 40 ships and 30,000 sailors and soldiers. 72-What did Blefuscu have to attack Lilliput? - They had warships. 73-How many warships did Blefuscu have? - 50 warships. 74-Was the war between Lilliput and Blefuscu Deeper at high or low tide? - It was deeper at high tide. 75-How did the scientists help Gulliver attack Blefuscu? - They told him that water between Lilliput and Blefuscu is 800 yards wide and in the middle it is 6 feet deep. 76-What plane did Gulliver do to attack Blefuscu? -He made 50 ropes and hooks. He took his coat, shoes and shoes and swam to Blefuscu. 77-How long did it take from Gulliver to reach to Blefuscu? - It took half an hour. 78-Why the Lilliputians and the king were pleased with Gulliver? - Because he could attack Blefuscu. An invitation to Blefuscu 79-What was Gulliver invited to do? - To visit Blefuscu. 80-Why did the king of Lilliput agree to let Gulliver visit Blefuscu? - Because they need a lot of money to feed Gulliver.
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81-What did Gulliver see at the north-east coast of Blefuscu? - A real boat turned upside down. 82-How did Gulliver bring the boat to the shore? - With the help of 20,000 men from Blefuscu. 83-How were the people of Blefuscu kind to Gulliver? - They gave him food, 6 cows. 2 bulls and some sheep. He was given a hay and corn to feed the animals. They all came to say him goodbye. 84-What did the king give to Gulliver? - 50 bags of gold coins (200 coins in each bag) and a painting of him. Rescue 85-How was Gulliver rescued? - By an English ship that was returning to England from Japan. 86-How many sailors were on that ship? - 50. 87-How did the captain of the ship believe Gulliver? - When he showed him tiny animals, coins and king's painting. 88-How did Gulliver know that the ship was an English ship? - From the flag that was on the ship's mast. Home for a while 89-How long did it take Gulliver to get back home? - Five months and a half. 90-How much did Gulliver get for all his cows? - 4800 pounds. 91-How many children does Gulliver have? - Two. 92-What was the name of the ship that Gulliver sails on? - Adventure.

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