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UNIT III #N$%&e'r Power St't(o)s*

1. $. %. &. ). . ,.

What is a Nuclear Reactor? Explain the basic components of Nuclear Reactor. (1 !ar"s# Name different nuclear fuels. Explain each of them in detail. Write the principle of operation of Nuclear Reactor. (1 !ar"s# (1 !ar"s#

Explain in detail the causes for e'aluation of Nuclear po(er plants. (1 !ar"s# !ention the ad'anta*es and disad'anta*es of Nuclear po(er plants. (1 !ar"s# Name the different t+pes of radiants. Explain each of them in detail? (1 !ar"s# -efine the terms i# .alf life period ii# Ener*+ mass e/ui'alence iii# 0indin* ener*+ ( !ar"s# () !ar"s# () !ar"s#

1. 2. 13. 11. 1$.

-efine .alf life period. -eri'e the expression for half life period. (1 !ar"s# -iscuss 'arious factors (hich affect the selection of site for a nuclear po(er plant. (1 !ar"s# -ra( the basic circuit of a li/uid coolant nuclear po(er station. !ention the parts *i'in* a brief explanation for each of them. (1 !ar"s# Explain the structure of a atom. What is the difference bet(een atomic no. and mass no.? (1 !ar"s# Write shot notes on : i# 4sotopes (ith examples. ii# 5tomic mass unit iii# Rate of Radio6acti'e deca+ ( !ar"s# () !ar"s# () !ar"s#


Name the different nuclear materials. Explain each of them (ith examples. (1 !ar"s#

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What are the main parts of a reactor? Explain the function of each component. (1 !ar"s# State and classif+ the different nuclear reactors accordin* to the basis of components. (1 !ar"s# Explain (ith neat dia*ram the function of 0WR. !ention the ad'anta*es and disad'anta*es. (1 !ar"s# -efine nuclear fission? Explain the phenomenon of chain reaction in nuclear po(er plant. (1 !ar"s# Wh+ is a reactor control needed for nuclear po(er plant? What is the effect of reproduction factor on a plant. (1 !ar"s# What is a 7WR? What are its ad'anta*es and disad'anta*es? (1 !ar"s#

-escribe (ith neat s"etch the construction and operation of a .ea'+ (ater cooled and !oderate Reactor? What are its ad'anta*es and disad'anta*es?(1 !ar"s# Explain (ith neat s"etch the fast breeder reactor. Write its ad'anta*es and disad'anta*es. (1 !ar"s# -iscuss 'arious factors associated (ith rapid *ro(th of nuclear po(er industr+. (1 !ar"s# -iscuss 'arious radiations that are emitted from a nuclear fission process? (1 !ar"s# Explain clearl+ the 'arious processes that can ta"e place8 (hen a neutron collides (ith a hea'+ atom. (1 !ar"s# What is a critical mass of a reactor? -iscuss the factors (hich affect the critical mass of a reactor. (1 !ar"s# -escribe the construction and uses of nuclear reactor core. (1 !ar"s#

What are the 'arious control rods used in a nuclear reactor? -escribe the function of each of them. (1 !ar"s# Explain clearl+ ho( the operation of nuclear reactor is controlled for *eneration of electrical po(er. (1 !ar"s# Compare the performance of different coolants used in nuclear reactor. (1 !ar"s#


-ifferentiate bet(een i# 9issile and fertile materials ii# 9ission and 9usion iii# Natural and enriched uranium

(1 !ar"s#


What is the function of a moderator? What are the desirable properties of a moderator. Compare the performance of 'arious materials used as moderator in a nuclear reactor. (1 !ar"s# -escribe (ith neat s"etches the construction and principle of operation of li/uid metal cooled reactor. (1 !ar"s# Compare thermal and fast breeder reactors. (1 !ar"s#

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%&. a# Explain (h+ the nuclear po(er plants are considered 'er+ useful for base load plants? (1 !ar"s# b# Wh+ is the site near a sea or ri'er or la"e and a(a+ from thic"l+ populated area is considered on ideal site for nuclear po(er plants? (1 !ar"s# %). Write short notes on i# !oderators ii# Control rods iii# Reflectors i'# Coolants Write short notes on i# Shieldin* and Safet+ productions ii# Radiation ha:ards ;;;

(1 !ar"s#

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(1 !ar"s#

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