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Model Test Paper B.Sc.

Biotechnology (Part-III) Plant Tissue Culture

Time: 3 Hrs. Note: Q.1 is compulsory. Answer five questions in all. Q1. Answer the following accordingly (in short): a) What is culture medium? b) What is organogenesis? c) Define surface sterilization. d) Explain growth hormones. e) Define cybrids. f) Who is known as Father of Plant Biotechnology? g) Bergmans cell plating is used for formation of_______. h) What are embryoids? i) Define callus j) Define clonal propagation. Q2. What is single cell culture? Briefly describe its methods of production. Q3. Define haploids. Describe the process of haploid production. Q4. Explain somatic embryogenesis. Give its various applications. Q5. What is somaclonal variation? Describe its advantages and disadvantages. Q6. What is somatic hybridization? Give the various techniques to produce it. (10) (10) (10) (10) (10) (10*1=10) MM: 50

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