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Civil Engineering Department

Fluid Mechanics-I



Theory and Scope:
All liquids exhibit a free surface kno n as meniscus hen in contact ith vapour or gas! "iquid molecules exhibit cohesive forces binding them ith each other! #he molecules belo the surface are generall$ free to move ithin the liquid and the$ move at random! %hen the$ reach the surface the$ reach a dead end in the sense that no molecules are present in great numbers above the surface to attract or pull them out of the surface! &o the$ stop and return back into the liquid! A thin la$er of little atomic thickness at the surface formed b$ the cohesive bond bet een atoms slo s do n and sends back the molecules reaching the surface! #his cohesive bond exhibits a tensile strength for the surface la$er and this is kno n as surface tension! Force is found necessar$ to stretch the surface! &urface tension ma$ also be defined as the ork in 'm(m) or '(m required to create unit surface of the liquid! #he ork is actuall$ required for pulling up the molecules ith lo er energ$ from belo * to form the surface! Another definition for surface tension is the force required to keep unit length of the surface film in equilibrium +'(m,! #he formation of bubbles* droplets and free -ets are due to the surface tension of the liquid! &urface tension is calculated as*

./ %here* 0 / surface tension d / diameter of capillar$ tube h / rise of liquid in capillar$ tube 1 / contact angle bet een glass and liquid g / acceleration due to gravit$

&23C4E* Indapur

3age 1

Civil Engineering Department

Fluid Mechanics-I

Aim: #o determine the surface tension of ater and mercur$ b$ capillar$ rise method! Apparatus:
Capillar$ tube A tipped pointer clamped in a stand #ravelling microscope Clean ater Mercur$ 2eaker!

Find the least count of the travelling microscope for the hori5ontal and the vertical scale and record it! 6aise the microscope to a suitable height* keeping its axis hori5ontal and to ards the capillar$ tube! 2ring the microscope in front of first capillar$ tube! Make the hori5ontal cross ire -ust touch the central part of the concave meniscus! 'ote the reading of the position of the microscope on the vertical scale! "o er the stand so that pointer tip becomes visible! Move the microscope hori5ontall$ and bring it in front of the pointer! "o er the microscope and make the hori5ontal cross ire touch the tip of the pointer! 'ote the reading!

Obser ations:
Details Reading of meniscus, h1 (m) Reading of pointer tip, h2 (m) Height, h = h1-h2 (m) Surface Tension, in !m "#erage Surface Tension, !m

For Water

$or 1st tu%e $or 2nd tu%e $or 1st tu%e $or 2nd tu%e

For Mercury

&23C4E* Indapur

3age 2

Civil Engineering Department

Fluid Mechanics-I

&urface tension / . / A" For #ater: 6adius of the capillar$ tube7 8! First #ube / 99!m )! &econd #ube / 99!m :eight of ater in the capillar$ tube7 8! First #ube / 99!m )! &econd #ube / 99!m N/m

$" For %ercury: 6adius of the capillar$ tube7 ;! First #ube / 99!m <! &econd #ube / 99!m :eight of mercur$ in the capillar$ tube7 ;! First #ube / 99!m <! &econd #ube / 99!m

8! #he surface tension of ater /9999!!'(m! )! #he surface tension of mercur$ /9999!!'(m!

============================================================================= ============================================================================= =============================================================================
&23C4E* Indapur 3age 3

Civil Engineering Department

Fluid Mechanics-I

============================================================================= ======= EXPERIMENT NO: 02


Theory and Scope: 3ressure represents a contact force per unit area! It acts in ards and normal to the surface of an$ ph$sical boundar$ that a fluid contacts! A basic understanding of the origin of a pressure involves the consideration of the forces acting bet een the fluid molecules and the solid boundaries containing the fluid! For example* consider the measurement of pressure at the all of a vessel containing a perfect gas! As a molecule ith some amount of momentum collides ith the solid boundar$* it ill rebound off in a different direction! From 'e ton>s second la * e kno that the change in linear momentum of the molecule produces an equal but opposite force on the boundar$! It is net effect of these collisions that $ields the pressure sensed at the boundar$ surface! Factors that affect the magnitude or frequenc$ of the collisions* such as fluid temperature and fluid densit$* ill affect the pressure! Aim: #o stud$ different pressure measuring devices! Apparatus: 3ie5ometer tube simple ? tube Differential ? tube Inverted manometer 2ourdon pressure gauge! 'etai!s o) Apparatus: A" Pie*ometer Tube: 3ie5ometer is a simple transparent glass tube hich is connected b$ flexible rubber tubing and pressure tapping to the pipe! 3ie5ometric tubes are used for measurement of pressure at a point! A pie5omeric tube is tapped into the all of the container or conduit!

&23C4E* Indapur

3age 4

Civil Engineering Department

Fluid Mechanics-I

$" Simp!e U tube %anometer: A manometer transparent tube of 8@mmor more* bent in a ? shape is called ?-tube or simple manometer! ? tube manometer can measure both positive and negative pressures! #he manometric liquid used should fulfill the follo ing requirements78! It should not mix ith the flo ing fluid! )! It should not chemicall$ react ith the flo ing fluid or the pipe all material! ;! It should have higher densit$ than the flo ing fluid! <! It should not stick +adhere, to the tube! A! Its boiling point should be much higher than the atmospheric temperature! B! It should be clearl$ visible! 4ne of the limbs of ?-tube manometer is longer than the other and is kept open to the atmosphere! #his is called open limb! #he other limb is connected to the pressure tapping! #he mercur$ level +bottom of the concave meniscus of the mercur$, in each limb is read* difference is calculatedC called deflection!

C" 'i))erentia! manometer: A ? tube manometer having equal limbs* connected to t o pressure tappings +none open to atmosphere, is called differential manometer! #he t o pressure tappings ma$ be on t o different pipes or on one pipe* at t o places!

&23C4E* Indapur

3age 5

Civil Engineering Department

Fluid Mechanics-I

'" In erted U+tube manometer: A tube manometer having t o equal limbs connected to be inverted position! %henever the manometric liquid is lighter in densit$ than the liquid in the pipe* the differential manometer +?-tube, is required to be held inverted! ?se of lighter manometric liquid increases sensitivit$ of the manometer!

E" $ourdon Pressure &au,e: It consists of an elastic metal tube* having elliptical cross-section! #he tube is bent in circular shape one end of the tube is called tip hich is sealed and connected b$ a link to a geared sector! A pointer is fixed to the pinion and the movement of the tip is communicated to the pointer! #he pointer moves on scale and indicates pressure in k3a or D'(mE

&23C4E* Indapur

3age 6

Civil Engineering Department

Fluid Mechanics-I

Procedure: a" Pie*ometer -Re)er )i, ./0" 8, %hen the pressure is to be measured* the tap is put on! ), #he liquid in the pipe rises into the 3ie5ometer till the time hen the pressure inside the pipe is equal to the pressure exerted b$ Fh> m of the liquid plus the atmospheric pressure! ;, %hen the liquid stop rising* the pie5ometer head Fh> is measured b$ a scale or graduations on the tube* ith its 5ero at the centre of the pipe! <, ?nder the equilibrium condition* 3A / &"Gh in terms of gauge pressure! %here G - specific eight of liquid &" H specific gravit$ of liquid! b" U+tube manometer 8! 3ressure at A is positive +6efer fig! )!) a,! #he manometric equation can be ritten as 32 / 3C 3AI &"G $8 / &mGh 3A / &mGh H &"G$8 %here* &m H specific gravit$ of manometric liquid )! 3ressure at A is negative +6efer fig )!) b,! #he Manometric equation for this condition is* 32 / 3C --------------+3ascal>s la , 3A I &"G$8 I &mGh / @ ---------------- +gauge pressure, 3A / - J &"G$8 I &mGhK
&23C4E* Indapur 3age 7

Civil Engineering Department

Fluid Mechanics-I

c" 'i))erentia! manometer -Re)er )i,/ ./1" 8! #he point C and D are on the hori5ontal line* in continuos liquidC Even though points E and F are on hori5ontal line* the liquid is not continuous and hence pressure at E is not to equal pressure at F )! From geometr$ of the fig* $8 I 5 / $) I h $) H $8 / 5 - h 3A H 32 / &" G5 H &" Gh J&m(&" H 8K ;! If points A and 2 are at the same level* 5 / o henceC 3A H 32 /H &" Gh J&m(&" H 8K 3C/ 3A I &"G$8 3D / 32 I &"G$)I &mGh + 3C / 3D, 3A H 32 / &" G +$) H $8, I &m Gh

d" In erted manometer -Fi,/ ./2" 8! Appl$ing 3ascal la * 3 A / 32 38 H &" G$8 / 3) H &"G $) H &mGh 38 H 3) / &"G + $8 H $), H &mGh )! 2$ geometr$* $8 / $) I h i!e! $8 H $) / h ;! &ubstituting 38 H 3) / &"G +$8 H $), H &mGh* in step +8, 38 H 3) / &"Gh +8 H&m(&", e" $ourdon3s pressure ,au,e 8! #he fluid under pressure enters the curved tube at the fixed end and tends to straighten out this tube! )! #he movement of the free end of the tube is transferred to the needle b$ means of levers* rack and pinion arrangements* and the needle moves to indicate the pressure on a properl$ calibrated scale! Oberser ations:

&23C4E* Indapur

3age 8

Civil Engineering Department

Fluid Mechanics-I

&r 'o 8 ) ;

Manometric 6eadings #$pe of Device 3ie5ometer &ingle ?-tube manometer Differential manometer Inverted ?-tube manometer 2ourdon pressure gauge $8 $) $ / $8 H $) Formula 3A / &"Gh 3A / &mGh H &"G$8 3A H 32 /H &" Gh J&m(&" H 8K 38 H 3) / &"Gh +8 H&m(&", --

3ressure( 3ressure difference


Resu!t: #he pressure b$ various pressure measuring devices is measured!


Theory and Scope: Liscosit$ is the propert$ of fluid! It is defined as M#he internal resistance offered b$ the fluid to the movement of one la$er of fluid over an ad-acent la$erN! It is due to the Cohesion bet een the molecules of the fluid! #he fluid hich obe$s the 'e ton la of Liscosit$ is called as 'e tonian fluid! #he d$namic viscosit$ of fluid is defined as the shear required to produce unit rate of angular deformation! #he red ood viscometer consists of vertical c$lindrical oil cup ith an orifice in the centre of its base! #he orifice can be closed b$ a ball! A hook pointing up ard serves as a guide mark for filling the oil! #he c$lindrical cup is surrounded b$ the ater bath! #he ater bath maintains the temperature of the oil to be tested at constant temperature! #he oil is heated b$ heating the ater bath b$ means of an immersed electric heater in the ater bath* the provision is made for stirring the ater* to maintain the uniform temperature in the ater bath and to place the thermometer ti record the temperature of oil and ater bath! #he c$linder is <O!B)Amm in diameter and PP!Q@mm deep! #he orifice is 8!O@mm in diameter and 8)mm in length* this
&23C4E* Indapur 3age 9

Civil Engineering Department

Fluid Mechanics-I

viscometer is used to determine the kinematic viscosit$ of the oil! From the kinematic viscosit$ the d$namic viscosit$ is determined! Dinematic Liscosit$ / R / At - 2 in &tokes t D$namic viscocit$ / S / R0 in 3oise %here* A / @!@@)B T 2 / 8!O) are constants of instruments! t / time in seconds

Aim: #o determine the kinematic viscosit$ and absolute viscosit$ of the given lubricating oil at different temperatures using 6ed ood Liscometer! Apparatus: 6ed ood Liscometer #hermometer @-8@@UC &top atch A@ ml standard narro necked flask Viven &ample of oil Procedure: Clean the c$lindrical oil cup and ensure the orifice tube is free from dirt! Close the orifice ith ball valve! 3lace the A@ ml flask belo the opening of the 4rifice! Fill the oil in the c$lindrical oil cup upto the mark in the cup! Fill the ater in the ater bath! Insert the thermometers in their respective places to measure the oil and ater bath temperatures! :eat the b$ heating the ater bath* &tirred the ater bath and maintain the uniform temperature!
&23C4E* Indapur 3age 10

Civil Engineering Department

Fluid Mechanics-I

At particular temperature lift the ball valve and collect the oil in the A@ ml flask and note the time taken in seconds for the collecting A@ ml of oil! A stop atch is used measure the time taken! #his time is called 6ed ood seconds! Increase the temperature and repeat the procedure FP> and note do n the 6ed ood seconds for different temperatures! Obser ations: &r ' o 8 ) ; < A B O P #emperature of oil @C #ime required to fill A@ ml flask in sec Dinematic viscocit$ in &trokes Densit$ in kg(m; Absolute or D$namic viscocit$ in 3oise

Resu!t: #he kinematic and d$namic viscosit$ of given oil at different temperatures ere determined! &raphs: +8,#emperature Ls 6ed ood seconds +),#emperature Ls Dinematic Liscosit$ +;,#emperature Ls D$namic Liscosit$ Conc!usion: ============================================================================= ============================================================================= ============================================================================= ============================================================================= =======

&23C4E* Indapur

3age 11

Civil Engineering Department

Fluid Mechanics-I



Theory and Scope: Metacentre is the point at hich the vertical through the centre of buo$anc$ intersects the vertical centre line of the section of bod$ after a small angle of heal as sho n in the figure belo !

&23C4E* Indapur

3age 12

Civil Engineering Department

Fluid Mechanics-I

#he distance bet een the centre of gravit$ V of the bod$ and metacentre M +VM, is called as FMetacentric height>! Metacentric height is important in deciding the stabilit$ of floating bod$! Consider a ship floating in ater! "et m be the movable t! of a -ocke$ placed centrall$ on the ship or bod$! "et % be eight of ship as ell as -ocke$! Assume that the ship is initiall$ hori5ontal and in equilibrium! 'o move the -ocke$ to ards the right b$ a distance x* so that the bod$ or vessel tilts b$ equilibrium position! #he angle can be noted b$ hanging a pendulum from initial position of -ocke$! In the ne equilibrium position the C!V! T center of buo$anc$ 2 are in a straight line again!


mWx / W W+VV8, VV8/ VM tan

mWx / WW+VMWtan ,
)* = m&( ' & tan

'o if " is the length of pendulum T d the distance moved b$ it on the hori5ontal &cale

tan = +

m ( l )* = ' +

#he true metacentric height is the limiting value of VM as 0 Aim: #o determine metacentric height of given ship model! Apparatus: &hip model 3lumb bob %eights %ater tank Procedure: 8! %eigh the eight of ship model and note do n its value* sa$ %!
&23C4E* Indapur 3age 13

Civil Engineering Department

Fluid Mechanics-I

)! 3ut the ship model in the tank filled ith ater and displace the movable mass so as to tilt the model through a small angle 1! ;! 'ote do n the distances x8 and x) from the crossbar and find x! <! 'ote do n the angle of deflection on the graduated scale! A! 6epeat the procedure for various distances of -ocke$ eight on left and right to the center of ship model! Obeser ations: %eight on &hip* -ocke$ eight +m, Dg Metacentric :eight
)* =

&r! 'o !

x8* cm

x)* cm

x* cm

Angle of deflection 1

m ( l ' +

Average Metacentric :eight* cm

8 ) ; < A B O P Q 8@ Ca!cu!ations: Experimentall$ the VM +Metacentric height, is given b$* VM/

m& X W & tan

W / %eight of &hip model in kg / 999!kg m / "oad attached +-ocke$ eight,! / Angle through hich the ship is deflected! Resu!t: #he metacentric height for the given ship model is found to be 99999cm Conc!usion: As the angle of tilt +1, increases* Metacentric :eight +MV or VM, also 99999increases ( decreases!

&23C4E* Indapur

3age 14

Civil Engineering Department

Fluid Mechanics-I


Theory and Scope: #he flo of real fluids can take place in laminar* transition or turbulent states! #he laminar flo can be distinguished b$ a non-dimensional number called 6e$nolds number hich should be less than )@@@ for normal conditions! #hen flo becomes transitional after )@@@ and be$ond <@@@ it is turbulent! #he flo patterns can be visuali5ed b$ immersing bodies of various shapes and maintaining the flo in the laminar region! For ater to flo in streamlines i!e! laminar flo the space bet een transparent sheets is kept ver$ small! %ater and colored lines are introduced in alternate flo paths to differentiate them from each other! As the ater and color lines flo pass around the immersed bodies a flo pattern is developed! #hese flo patterns are different for different bodies and their orientation! Aim: &tud$ of flo around immersed bodies b$ :elesha apparatus! Apparatus: :elesha apparatus 4b-ects of different shapes
&23C4E* Indapur 3age 15

Civil Engineering Department

Fluid Mechanics-I

Colour d$e Measuring c$linder* etc! Procedure: :elesha apparatus is filled ith ater till* air is driven out! #he outlet tap is partiall$ opened and a drop b$ drop flo through it is maintained! #he ater and color d$e is simultaneousl$ filled in respective compartments keeping ater level more than that of color d$e to avoid diffusion of color in to ater compartment! #he flo lines developed around the ob-ect and salient features like stagnation point* formation of ake* etc are observed! Fix a tracing paper over glass plate* bet een inlet and outlet reservoir and trace the pattern of streamlines and geometr$ of the ob-ect! #his flo is measured b$ collecting it in a measuring c$linder and noting the time b$ a stop atch! Flo rate is varied and flo pattern is studied as mentioned earlier! #he orientation of ob-ect is changed and again the flo pattern is studied! #he procedure is repeated for another model! Obser ations: "ength of flo passage* " / %idth of flo passage* % / Dinematic viscosit$ 6 of liquid at temperature

UC /

&r! 'o! 1 2 , . / 0 1 2 13

&hape of ob-ect

Lolume of ater collected +m;,

#ime F t F + sec,

Discharge m;(s

6e$nolds number

#$pe of flo

&23C4E* Indapur

3age 16

Civil Engineering Department

Fluid Mechanics-I

Ca!cu!ations: C(s area of flo passage* A / Discharge* X / Lolume ( time / Lelocit$* L / X ( A / m(s m;(s

6e$nolds number 6e / L%(6 / Conc!usion: #he various flo patterns around the bodies are observed! #he points of stagnation and ake formation are clearl$ noted! For laminar flo streak lines remain parallel to each other! :ence clear flo pattern can be observed! For turbulent flo streak lines mix ith each other hence clear flo patterns cannot be observed!


Theory and Scope: #he principal of conservation of energ$ gives 2ernoulli>s theorem* hich states that for an incompressible fluid flo ing through passage the total energ$ +total head , remains constant for all points! #he total head possessed b$ the fluid motion at a point is sum of datum head* 5* pressure head

and velocit$ head

v2 2g

For ideal fluid* mathematicall$ it can be ritten as, p1 v1 p v + + z1 = 2 + 2 + z 2 , 2g 2g p v2 + + z = 4onstant 2g 'here, 5 ! 6 7 = pie8ometric head
&23C4E* Indapur 3age 17
2 2

Civil Engineering Department

Fluid Mechanics-I

$or real fluids, loss of energ+ due to friction and minor losses has to %e considered in the direction of flo9 and account separatel+ :Thus mathematicall+ modified ;ernoulli<s theorem is p1 v1 p v + + z1 = 2 + 2 + z 2 + h L 2g 2g 'here, h===osses Aim: #o verif$ modified 2ernoulli>s theorem! Apparatus: 2ernoulli>s apparatus ith flo table of self-circulating s$stem! Measuring tank! &top atch!
2 2

Procedure: #he 2ernoulli>s apparatus is set up and connected to inlet pipe! Make sure that no air bubble is entrapped in the pie5ometers! #he flo of ater is then started and allo ed to stabili5e follo ing hich the pressure head readings in Fm> of ater column are noted at all the pressure tappings provided! +88 in this case, #he flo of ater is collected in measuring tank for kno n capacit$ and time required to collect the ater is measured! #he procedure is repeated for different values of the discharge! Obser ations:

&23C4E* Indapur

3age 18

Civil Engineering Department

Fluid Mechanics-I

Piezometer No.

Height mm.

Width mm

Area m2

Pressure head m of water column

m of water column

Velocity V m/sec

2 v1 2g elocity head

v2 +z 2g

!otal energy

1 2 , . / 0 1 2 13 11

2-:-/ 2,:10 21:11 23:.1 12:22 11 11:/12:20 12:21 23:2. 21:11

2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2.

a1 =3:333/12 a 2 =3:333.02 a, =3:333.-0 a - =3:333.1. a. =3:333-12 a / =3:333-. a 0 =3:333-// a1 =3:333-12 a2 =3:333-21 a 13 =3:333.3/ a11 =3:333.,

Ca!cu!ations: 8! 3ressure head / /======= Fm> of ater column )! Discharge / X / volume of collected ater ( #ime for collection of 8 lit of ater! / /========= m;(sec!

;! Lelocit$ at First 3ie5ometer location 7

v1 =

Q / a1


&23C4E* Indapur

3age 19

Civil Engineering Department

Fluid Mechanics-I

v12 = 2g
<! As channel is hori5ontal

/ ======

z1 = z 2 = z, = :::::::::: = :z1/ / constant and therefore

v2 + z /========== 2g

the value is not substituted in the equation! A! #otal Energ$ head7 "ra#h$ " graph is to %e plotted %+ plotting the num%er of pie8ometers on >-a(is and pressure head, and total head on ? a(is to sho9 the total energ+ line and h+draulic gradient line: Conc!usion: 8! In real flo * there is loss of energ$ in the direction of flo hence the total energ$ gradient is falling! )! #he h$draulic gradient is observed to rise or fall! ;! For a real fluid to account for losses* adding the losses modifies the 2ernoulli>s theorem!

$ernou!!i3s Apparatus
&23C4E* Indapur 3age 20

Civil Engineering Department

Fluid Mechanics-I



Theory: #he flo of liquid through a pipe is resisted b$ viscous shear stresses ithin the liquid and the turbulence that occurs along the internal alls of the pipe* created b$ the roughness of the pipe material! #his resistance is usuall$ kno n as pipe friction and is measured is meters head of the fluid* thus the term head loss is also used to express the resistance to flo ! Man$ factors affect the head loss in pipes* the viscosit$ of the fluid being handled* the si5e of the pipes* the roughness of the internal surface of the pipes* the changes in elevations ithin the s$stem and the length of travel of the fluid! #he resistance through various valves and fittings ill also contribute to the overall head loss! In a ell designed s$stem the resistance through valves and fittings ill be of minor significance to the overall head loss and thus are called Ma-or losses in fluid flo ! The Darcy-Weisbach equation %eisbach first proposed the equation Darc$-%eisbach equation7 hf = :ence* h 2gD f= f # 2 %here* f / Darc$>s Friction factor l / length bet een pressure tapping L/ velocit$ in pipe D / Diameter of pipe hf / :ead loss Aim: #o determine friction factor for the given pipes! Apparatus: A set of pipes fitted tapping manometer stop atch measuring tank ith control valves for var$ing the flo and provided ith pressure e no f # 2 2gD kno as the Darc$-%eisbach formula or

&23C4E* Indapur 3age 21

Civil Engineering Department

Fluid Mechanics-I

Fill the storage tank(sump ith the ater! & itch on the pump and keep the control valve full$ open and close the b$pass valve to have maximum flo rate through the meter! #o find friction factor of pipe 8 open control valve of the same and close other to valves 4pen the vent cocks provided for the particular pipe 8 of the manometer! 'ote do n the difference of level of mercur$ in the manometer limbs! Deep the drain valve of the measuring tank open till its time to start collecting the ater! Close the drain valve of the measuring tank and collect kno n quantit$ of ater 'ote do n the time required for the same! Change the flo rate of ater through the meter the above procedure! ith the help of control valve and repeat

&imilarl$ for pipe ) and ; ! 6epeat the same procedure indicated in step <-Q #ake about )-; readings for different flo rates! Obser ations: A" For Pipe No/0: Diameter of pipe /@!@8A m "ength of pipe / )!A m Area of measuring tank / @!A x @!;A m) (o!ume o) 7ater co!!ected ( m1 Time 8t3 re9uired )or co!!ection o) 7ater in sec Actua! 'ischar,e :act m1;s (e!ocity o) )!o7 in pipe m;s 5ead di))erence in manometer -5ead Loss" h) in m Frictio n )actor ) A era, e (a!ue o) )

Sr/ No 8 ) ; < A B

A" For Pipe No/.: Diameter of pipe /@!@)A m "ength of pipe / )!A m
&23C4E* Indapur 3age 22

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Fluid Mechanics-I

Area of measuring tank / @!A x @!;A m) Time 8t3 re9uired )or co!!ection o) 7ater in sec

Sr/ No 8 ) ; < A B

(o!ume o) 7ater co!!ected ( m1

Actua! 'ischar,e :act m1;s

(e!ocity o) )!o7 in pipe m;s

5ead di))erence in manometer -5ead Loss" h) in m

Frictio n )actor )

A era, e (a!ue o) )

A" For Pipe No/1: Diameter of pipe /@!@<@ m "ength of pipe / )!A m Area of measuring tank / @!A x @!;A m) (o!ume o) 7ater co!!ected ( m1 Time 8t3 re9uired )or co!!ection o) 7ater in sec (e!ocity o) )!o7 in pipe m;s 5ead di))erence in manometer -5ead Loss" h) in m A era, e (a!ue o) )

Sr/ No 8 ) ; < A B

Actua! 'ischar,e :act m1;s

Frictio n )actor )

Ca!cu!ations: 8! Discharge +X, / A x h t )! Lelocit$ +v, / X A ;! :ead loss +hf, /

<! Friction factor

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3age 23

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Fluid Mechanics-I

Resu!t: #he friction factor for given pipes is found asA, For 3ipe-8/ ============== 2, For 3ipe-) / ============== C, For 3ipe-; / ==============

&23C4E* Indapur

3age 24

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Fluid Mechanics-I


Theory and Scope: Lenturimeter is a device* used to measure the discharge of an$ liquid flo ing through a pipe line! #he pressure difference bet een the inlet and the throat of the Lenturimeter is recorded using a mercur$ differential manometer* and the time is recorded for a measured discharge! Lenturimeters are used to measure the flo rate of fluid in a pipe! It consists of a short length of pipe tapering to a narro throat in the middle and then diverging graduall$ due to the reduced area and hence there is a pressure drop! 2$ measuring the pressure drop ith a manometer* the flo rate can be calculated b$ appl$ing 2ernoullis equation! #he meters are fitted in the piping s$stem ith sufficientl$ long pipe lengths +greater than 8@ mm diameter, upstream of the meters! Each pipe has the respective Lenturimeter ith quick action cocks for pressure tappings! #hese pressure tappings are connected to a common middle chamber* hich in turn is connected to a differential manometer! Each pipe line is provided ith a flo control ater is collected in an M!&! collecting tank of cross sectional are @!< m x @!< m provided ith gauge scale fitting and drain valve! Aim: #o determine the Coefficient Cd of Lenturimeter! Apparatus: Lentrurimeter* Manometer Measuring tank &top atch Procedure: #he diameters of the inlet and throat are recorded and the internal plan dimensions of the collecting tank are measured! Deeping the outlet valve closed* the inlet valve is opened full$! #he outlet vale is opened slightl$ and the manometric heads in both the limbs +h8 and h), are noted! #he outlet valve of the collecting tank is closed tightl$ and the time t required for : rise of ater in the collecting tank is observed using a stop atch! #he above procedure is repeated b$ graduall$ increasing the flo and observing the required readings!

&23C4E* Indapur

3age 25

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Fluid Mechanics-I

#he observations are tabulated and the co-efficient of the Lenturimeter is computed! Obser ations: 8! Diameter of pipe / )B mm )! Diameter of throat / 8B mm ;! Area of pipe a8 / A!)) x 8@-< m) <! Area of throat a) / )!@8 x 8@-< m) A! Area of tank / @!A x @!;A / @!8OA m)
%anometer Readin,s Sr No (o!ume o) 7ater co!!ected ( m1 Time 8t3 re9uired )or co!!ection o) 7ater in sec Actua! 'ischar,e :act m1;s 5ei,ht o) 7ater -5" in m o) 7ater Therotica! 'ischar,e :the m1;s Coe))icient o) 'ischar,e Cd A era,e Coe))icient o) 'ischar,e< Cd




8 ) ; < A B O P Ca!cu!ations: 8, Manometric :ead :/

), #heoretical Discharge7 Xthe / ;, Actual Discharge7 Xact / <, Coefficient of discharge of venturimeter7

&23C4E* Indapur

3age 26

Civil Engineering Department

Fluid Mechanics-I

Cd /

&raphs: Dra a graph of Actual Discharge Ls #heoretical Discharge and Find the &lop of the resultant straight line! Resu!t: 8! #he average co-efficient of discharge as calculated and found out to be =======! )! #he &lope of the &traight line in the curve is found to be ==========!

&23C4E* Indapur

3age 27

Civil Engineering Department

Fluid Mechanics-I

&23C4E* Indapur

3age 28

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