English Test: I. Choose The Correct Verb Tense To Fill in The Blank

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English Test

I. Choose the correct verb tense to fill in the blank: 1. When I first saw him, he _____________ to my brother. (To talk) 2. Jeannette stopped _____________ three years ago. (To smoke) 3. He _____________ to make me laugh. (To try) . !on"t do it until I _____________ you to do it. (To tell) #. When I first $ame to this $ountry, I _____________ anyone. (Not/ to know) %. What do you mean& ' What _____________& (You / to say) (. I ha)en"t known him long enough _____________ whether or not I like him. (To tell) *. I _____________ for eight hours last night. (To sleep ) +. ,ou _____________ him, ha)e you& (Not / to see) 1-. !o you know how_____________& (To sing) II. To be or to have? 1. .y brother _________________ a $old. 2. We _________________ from /anada. 3. I _________________ really hungry. . 0he girls _________________ thirsty. #. He _________________ two sisters. %. I _________________ a good 1ob. (. 0homas _________________ at work. *. 0his _________________ a good idea. +. We _________________ in a hurry.

1-. I _________________ hot. I"m going to take off my 1a$ket. III. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verbs. 1. If I had time, I ________ 2$ome3 to your birthday party. 2. If she didn4t ha)e to work tonight, she ________ 2go3 to the gym. 3. If she __________________ 2not 5 drink3 so mu$h last night, she would not ha)e had su$h an awful heada$he this morning. . If I __________________ 2be3 in Hawaii, I would be swimming right now. #. ,ou ________ 2stay3 with my brother when you go to .oro$$o. %. If my 06 didn4t work, I ________ 2throw3 it away. (. I will talk to you if I __________________ 2ha)e3 time. *. If I had taken 7erman in high s$hool, I __________________ 2apply3 for that 1ob in 8erlin last year. +. If she weren"t so pretty, boys __________________ 2not 5 fall in lo)e3 with her all the time. 1-. If I hadn"t $ome, I ____________________ 2regret3 it. 11. How would she ha)e known if I __________________ 2not5tell3 her& 12. If you help me mo)e, I ________ 2buy3 you a big pi99a. 13. When I sa)e some money, I ________ 2go3 to :urope. 1 . If I __________________ 2not5do3 my homework, my parents will be angry. 1#. If I tell you the truth you __________________ 2laugh3 at me.

IV. Make questions from the statements given 1;Helen and James are going out. __________________________________________& 2;We ha)e finished eating. __________________________________________& 3;.y grandparents died a long time ago. __________________________________________& ;I")e had enough drink for today. ___________________________________________& #;.rs. 8rown has )isited the 8ahamas twi$e. ___________________________________________& %; .r and .rs Ja$kson are working hard for the party. __________________________________________& (;<he will 1oin us in an hour. __________________________________________& *;We are going to go on a pi$ni$ this weekend. __________________________________________& +;I ha)e to finish this book. __________________________________________& 1-;0he party was terrifi$=

__________________________________________& V. Put the wor s in the right or er 1;$ity 5 has 5 both 5 li)ing 5 ad)antages 5 in 5 a 5disad)antages 5 and 5. 5 ____________________________________________ 2;is 5 1ob 5 >lan ?arker 5 what 5@s 5& 5 ____________________________________________ 3;Ja$k 5 already 5 millionaires 5 Hugo 5 be$ome 5 ha)e 5 and 5. 5 ____________________________________________ ;lost 5 was 5 park 5 found 5 in 5 the 5 baby 5 the 5. 5 ____________________________________________ #; the 5 rang 5 but 5 phone 5 answered 5 fi)e 5 no one 5 times 5. 5 ____________________________________________

%;by 5 Ja$k 5 seashore 5 were 5 the 5 Jill 5 walking 5 and 5. 5 ___________________________________________ (;on 5 $an"t 5 work 5 why 5 the 5 they 5 pro1e$t 5 together 5& 5 ____________________________________________ *; they 5 $omputer 5 working 5 do 5 the 5 like 5 on 5& 5 ____________________________________________ +; you 5 tried 5 ha)e 5 hand;gliding 5 e)er 5& 5

____________________________________________ VI. There are mistakes in all the sentences. Tr! to fin the mistake in the sentences. 1. How long time are you staying& 2. I didn"t sleep )ery well this night. 3. I ha)en"t seen her sin$e three weeks. . When did you arri)e to Aondon& #. I arri)ed two days before. %. What time shall we meet us& (. I"m going there the neBt month. *. 8efore to lea)e we must get some sou)enirs. +. I ha)en"t seen her in the last days. 1-. I"m going to the shop but I"ll ba$k after half an hour. 11. How many $ountries ha)e your sister )isited& 12. I"d like to be work in a software $ompany. 13. It was snowing all day yesterday, isn"t it& 1 . ,ou admire 8rad ?itt, do you& 1#. He want to be an engineer. 1%. I was think of going to the $inema. 1(. 0hey were two big $ars.

1*. .el 7ibson was borned in >ustralia. VII. "ea the following #assage an answer the questions It was )ery foggy day in Aondon. .r <mith arri)ed from :dinburgh to go to a )ery important meeting, but no buses or taBis were running be$ause the dri)ers were not able to see more than a yard in front of them. It was nine o"$lo$k, and his meeting was not till ten, so he thought that he would walk to the offi$e where it was going to be. 8ut when he looked out into the street, he saw that nobody was e)en trying to walk anywhere. While he was standing there, saying unpleasant things about the fog, and thinking that he would ha)e to telephone to the offi$e and say that he was not able to $ome, a young man $ame up to him and said, C<ir, if you want to go somewhere, I $an guide you.D .r <mith was )ery surprised and said, CHow $an you find the way when there is thi$k fog e)erywhere&D C!o not worry, sir, and Canswered the young man. C0rust me.D <o .r. <mith told the young man where he wanted to go, took his arm, and they started. 0hey walked Euite fast, turning $orners and $rossing roads in )arious pla$es. >t last .r. <mith thought, C?erhaps this man is mad, or a thief.D ?erhaps I shall finish up dead in the ri)er.D 8ut a minute later, the young man stopped and said, CHere is the pla$e, sir.D .r. <mith was surprised to find that he really rea$hed the offi$e he was looking for. He ga)e the young man a pound and then said, CHow did you find the way in the fog&D CI"m blind, sir, Canswered the young man, Cbut I know Aondon well, and It is eBa$tly the same for me in the fogD. Put $%& wor into the blanks from the #assage.

1. 0he ___________________ of buses and taBis were not able to find their way. 2. 0he ___________________ stopped all the traffi$ in Aondon on that day. 3. .r. <mith didn"t ___________________ the young man be$ause he thought that he was mad or a thief. . 0he young man way. #. 0he ___________________ man was able to find his way. %. .r. <mith was )ery worried be$ause he would be late for the meeting. (. He said _______________ things about the weather. *. When they rea$hed the __________________ building , .r. ___________________ .r. <mith and showed him the

+. <mith was )ery __________________ be$ause they were there on time. 1-. 0he fog was )ery __________________ and nobody was e)en trying to walk anywhere. VIII. Fill in the blanks with the #assive or active voice of the verb in #arentheses. 'se an a##ro#riate tense. > few weeks ago, while I 213 _____________ 2shop3 at the supermarket near my house, I 223 _____________ 2rob3. I was at the $he$kout $ounter, paying my gro$eries. When I 233 _____________ 2gi)e3 my $hange by the $ashier, I 2 3 _____________ 2put3 it in my purse. >s I 2#3 _____________ out of the store , I 2%3 _____________ 2feel 3 a pull at my purse . <uddenly, I 2(3 _____________ 2see3 a man run past me. I ran ba$k into the store and told the manager what happened. 0he manager $alled the poli$e immediately. Howe)er I thought he will ne)er 2*3 _____________ 2$at$h3. When the poli$e arri)ed I told them C.y wallet

2+3 _____________ 2steal3. >$tually, the thief got on the train and disappeared. Fnfortunately my wallet 21-3 _____________ 2find3 yet. I(. )rite questions for the answer: :BampleG Where did you spend your holiday& In 8odrum. 1. What _________________ during your holiday& ; I slept 2. How long ________ eBer$ise for e)ery day& ; >bout twenty minutes. 3. Why ______________ $all me last night& ; I 1ust wanted to say @hello". . What sub1e$ts ________________ neBt term& ; I think I"ll take geography, history, and physi$s. #. ___________you ____________to <$otland& ; Ho, I ha)en"t .8ut I"d like to )isit one day. %. How often ______ you _______ your grandma& ; I )isit her e)ery weekend. (. What ____ 0om ______ at the moment& ; He is watering the plants. *. Why _______ you _______ yesterday morning&

; 8e$ause I was reading a tragi$ book. (. *u##l! the correct tense 1. I"m afraid .r. Worth _______________ 2not5be3 a)ailable at the moment. He _____________ 2talk3 to a $ustomer on the other phone. 2. /arol ____________ 2run3 in a lot of ra$es so far, but she


2ne)er5win3 one.

3. We"re going to pi$k the tomatoes when they ____________ 2be3 red. . 0he 7edi9 ___________ 2flow3 into the >egean <ea. #. I know you ____________ 2not5listen3= ,ou ___________ 2think3 about your 1ob again;you _____________ 2be3 a $omplete workaholi$= %. ;Would you like something to eat& ;Ho, thanks. I ____________ 21ust, ha)e3 lun$h. (. ; _________________________ 2you, see3 any good films re$ently& ;,es, I _____________ 2wat$h3 .el 7ibson"s latest film last Iriday. *. ;What _____________ 2you5do3 when you ____________ 2hear3 the fire alarm& ; We _____________ 2run3 out of the offi$e. 0urgay ___________ 21ump3 out of the window and ___________ 2hurt3 his ba$k. He ___________2be3 in bed sin$e then. +. ; What"s that terrible smell& ; I ______________ 2think3 !a)e ______________ 2smoke3 a $igar in the $orridor. 1-. ; Jh dear, I ___________ 2lea)e3 my bag upstairs.

; It"s JK. I ____________ 2go3 and ____________ 2bring3 it. 11. Fnfortunately, .r. !awson __________________ 2not5re$o)er3 yet. How long ______________ 2he5be3 in hospital& 12. ; ____________________ 2you5e)er5eat3 gLllaM& ; ,es, it ___________ 2be3 deli$ious. 13. N Why _______________ 2>li5wear3 a suit and a tie today& He ______________ 2usually5wear3 1eans to s$hool. ; He ______________ 2talk3 to the !ean this afternoon. ; Oeally& _______________ 2he5speak3 about his s$holarship& 1 . I _____________ 2know3 /emre sin$e ________________ 2she5be3 siB. 8y the way, how old ____________ 2be3 she now& 1#. !on"t worry about the room. I ______________ 2tidy3 it up before mum ____________ 2get3 home ba$k. (I. 'se an ob+ect #ronoun, a sub+ect #ronoun or a #ossessive a +ective for the un erline wor s 0he fish is in .rs Harrison"s kit$hen. <ue"s friends )isit <ue e)ery weekend. !anny and I are at home after siB. ?lease $all !anny and me after siB. John"s parents aren4t at the party with John. 0he 7reens are great people. I really like the 7reens. !o you wat$h >smalP Konak on 06& N,es, I ne)er miss >smalP Konak. .aria"s earrings are on her mother"s ears.

Aook at those $hildren in the garden= I don"t understand 0im and you. 0hese notes are for .r <mith. (II. "ea the following te-t an fill in the ga#s with the correct verbs !ie , di)or$e , wat$h , study , marry , $ontinue , return , lo)e , say , work , $are , $omplete , $all , appear A FAIRY TALE PRINCESS It was like a fairy N tale when the beautiful young girl married the prin$e and be$ame the ?rin$ess of Wales. Fnlike the fairy tale, the happiness soon ended, but !iana was still 0he ?eople"s ?rin$ess. !iana Iran$es <pen$er was born on 1st July, 1+%1, in Horfolk :ngland. Her father was :arl <pen$er. <he had two older sisters and a younger brother. Her parents ___________ when she was a young girl. >s a $hild, !iana ____________ at a boarding s$hool in Kent. <he _________ her edu$ation in <wit9erland. When she ___________ to :ngland she _________as a nanny in Aondon. !iana ___________ prin$e /harles in July, 1+*1, at <t. ?aul"s /athedral in Aondon. ?eople all around the world ____________ her wedding on tele)ision. /harles and !iana had two sons, William and Harry. !iana was )ery popular. 0he 8ritish ___________her for her kindness and beauty. 0hey ___________ her C0he ?eople"s ?rin$essD be$ause she __________so mu$h about si$k and poor people all o)er the world. <he on$e ____________, CI see myself as a prin$ess for the world, not the ?rin$ess of Wales.D Oeporters were always around her. <he was their fa)ourite person.


8ut !iana"s life wasn"t as happy as it______________. <he and /harles had problems with their marriage. 0hey finally ___________ in >ugust, 1++%. !iana ______________ to tra)el round the world and help those in need. 8ut her life was short N she _____________ in a $ar a$$ident# on 31st, >ugust, 1++(, in ?aris. <he was only thirty;siB years old. Oead the arti$le again and mat$h the headings to the paragraphs. 0hen answer the Euestions below. :)eryone Ao)ed Her ________________ !iana"s :arly ,ears _________________ 0he !i)or$e _______________________ 0he 0ragi$ :nd ____________________, 0he Wedding ______________________ 1. When and where was !iana born& 2. Where did she study& 3. When and where did she marry ?rin$e /harles& . How many $hildren did they ha)e& #. Why was she popular& %. When did they di)or$e& (. When and where did she die& (III. Com#lete using a, an, any, some, no 1. >G Ha)e you got _________ $hildren&


; 8G ,es, I")e got __________ son. 2. >G I need ___________ new shoes. ; 8G <orry, I $an"t buy. I ha)en"t got ____________ money. 3. <ue works in __________ offi$e in the town $enter. . <orry, I $an"t play with you, be$ause I")e got __________ homework to do. #. >my, do you ha)e ___________ homework& %. 0here"s __________ orange on the table. (. 0here are _________ books on the shelf. It is empty. (IV. Combine the two sentences to make one, using an a +ective clause. 1. ?rofessor /lark was a $elebrated a$ademi$. His brillian$e inspired e)eryone. ____________________________________________ 2. .r. .urphy and .r. 7reen presented the pri9es at the s$hool spee$h festi)al. 0hey had both been working at the s$hool for ten years. ____________________________________________ 3. Ao Wai .an is a tea$her. Her $onsiderate and helpful approa$h makes her )ery popular with the students. ____________________________________________ . 0here are the students. 0he lo$al newspaper inter)iewed them re$ently. ____________________________________________ #. I am mo)ing to a post in a different uni)ersity. I hope I $an $arry out more resear$h there.


____________________________________________ %. 0his is the study. ?rofessor /hen $arried out most of his resear$h here. ____________________________________________ (. Kwok Ka Hung works for a large $ompany. It repairs $omputers. ____________________________________________ *. Where are the students& 0hey were in the $lassroom. ____________________________________________ +. Who was that girl& ,ou were talking to her at the meeting of the youth $ommittee. ____________________________________________ 1-. 0he tea$her I wanted to get ad)i$e from. He was busy marking papers. ____________________________________________



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