NYC DoITT 2001 Data Systems Inventory

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Agency Infonnation Systems at DoITT February 2001

Table of Contents

Preface page v

E-GOvernment page 1
Cityweb page 1
Corridor page 1
GIS Basemap page 2
NYC.GOV pagel
NYCSERV page 3
Taxi and Limousine Commission page 4

Board of Elections (BOE) page 5

Automated Archival for Voter Information and Data (AVIO) page 5
Candidate Processing and Rotation (CPR) I Entry and Certification of
Official Election Results (ENCORE) page 5
Election Administration System (EASY) page 6
Paper Ballot Optical Scan and Tally Interface page 6
Vote NYC page 7

Campaign Finance Board (CFB) page 7

Campaign Finance Information System (CFIS) page 7

Criminal Justice Coordinator's Office page 8

Comprehensive Justice Information System (CnS) page 8
Criminal Justice Data Sharing (CmS) page 8

Department for the Aging (DFTA) page 9

Contract Management page 9
Contractor Expenditure System page 9
Program Officer Management System page 10
Voucher Processing page 10

Department of Bnildings (DOB) page 11

Building Information System (BIS) page 11

Department of City Planning (DCP) page 11

Geosnpport System page II
Land Use Management Information System (LUMlS) page 12
MISLAND page 12
Population and Honsing Census Data for Selected Service Districts page 13
Agency Infonnation Systems at DoiTT February 2001

Project Tracking System page 13

School Enrollment Projections File page 14
Socioeconomic Data From the 1990 Census page 14

Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS) page 15

Applications (APPS) page 15
Capital Funds page 15
Certification Evaluation, Reporting and Tracking System (CERTS) page 16
Citywide Equal Employment Opportunity Database System
(CEEDS) page 16
Commodity Line Item Purchasing System (CLIPS) page 17
Energy Monitoring System (EMS) page 17
Fleet Management System page 18
Integrated Property Information System (IPIS) page 18
Mortgage Accounting System (MAS) page 19
Personnel Investigation Control and Tracking System (PICTS) page 19
Personnel Reporting and Information System for Employees
(PRISE) page 20
Streetlight Monitoring System (SLMS) page 20
Tenant Accounting System (TAS) page 21

Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) page 21

Citywide Agency Management Information System (CAMIS) page 21

Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) page 22

Adjudication Information Management System (AIMS) page 22
Bureau of Air Resources Automated Management Information
System (BARAMIS) page 22
Customer Information System (CIS) page 23
Correspondence Complaint System page 23
DEP Automated Complaint System (DEPACS) page 24
Inventory Control page 24
Memo System - SWR Breaks, Engineering page 25
OTPS page 25
Personnel, O.T. - DEP, Water Supply page 26
Repair Analysis page 26
Sewer Work Order System page 27
Universal Metering System (UMS) page 27
Vehicles and Vehicle Downtime page 28
Water Main Mapping Project page 28
Water Register Frontage (FRT) page 29
Water Register Meters (MTR) page 29
Water Supply Database page 30

Department of Finance (DOF) page 30

Ad Hoc Reporting - Operations Research Group page 30
Annual Vault Charges page 31

Agency Information Systems at DoITT February 2001

Commercial Motor Vehicle Tax (CMVT) page 31

Computer Assisted Mass Appraisal System (CAMA) page 32
Court and Trust page 32
FAIRTAX page 33
Income and Expense page 34
Lease Registration page 34
Real Property Assessment Division (RPAD) page 35
Real Property Transfer (RPT) page 35
Rent Stabilization Administration (RSA) page 36
Tax Commission System page 36

Department Health (DOH) page 37

Dog Licensing (DLS) page 37
Lead Poisoning (LPC) page 37
Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) page 38
Tuberculosis (TBC) page 38
Vital Records (VRS) page 39

Department of Sanitation (DOS) page 39

Data Processing Manager (OPM) page 39
Derelict Vehicle Operation (OVO) page 40
Human Resource Management System (HRMS) page 40
Memo page 41
Non-DOS Waste Disposal System page 41
Sanitation Control and Analysis Network (SCAN) page 42

Department of Transportation (DOT) page 42

COMP/STEPS page 42
Integrated Parking Permit System (IPPS) page 43
Management-Oriented Street Attribute Information Control
System (MOSAlCS) page 43
Parking Information Management System (PIMS) page 44
PVB Link to New York State Department of Motor Vehicles
(NYSDMV) page 44
Sign Traffic Accident Terminal User System (STATUS) page 45
Streetlight Complaint Tracking System (STL) page 45
Transportation Agency Permit System (TAPS) page 46

District Attorney Offices (Manhattan, Bronx) page 47

Adult Justice Information System (AllS) page 47
Bronx DA Information System (BXDA) page 48

Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) page 49

Emergency Repair Program - Accounting/Liens page 49
Housing Database page 49
OPM-Fuel page 50

Agency Infonnation Systems at DoITT February 2001

Preservation and Enforcement Management Information

System (pREMISYS) . page 50
Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption (SCRIE) page 51
Tenant Accounting page 51

Human Resources Administration (BRA) page 52

Automated Case Reference (ACRS) page 52
Central Insurance Program System (CIPS) page 52
Check Reconciliation and Tracking (CRTS) page 53
DOLAR page 53
HRA Infoline page 54
PayrolllPersonnel System (PPS) page 54
Placement Support System (PSS) page 55

Law Department (LAW) page 56

Legal Research (CITYLAW) page 56
New York City Law Information System (NYCLIS) page 56

Mayor's Office of Contracts (MOC) page 57

Contractor/Consultant Evaluation (CCE) page 57
Vendor Information Exchange System (VENDEX) page 57

New York City Fire Department (FDNY) page 58

Fire Inquiry System (PILR & BCS) page 58
Multi-Agency Premises Safety System (MAPS) page 58

New York City Loft Board page 59

Loft Housing Monitoring page 59

Office of Labor Relations (OLR) page 59

Premium Accounting Central Enrollment System (PACES) page 59

Office of Management and Budget (OMB) page 60

Capital Project Information System (CAPIS) page 60
Quarterly Allocation System (QAS) page 60

Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC) page 61

Driver and Vehicle Complaints (CCTS) page 61
TLC Automated Management Information System (TAMIS) page 61

Glossary of Terms page 62

Agency Information Systems at DolTT February 2001


The Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications (DoITT) provides

state-of-the-art, cost-effective, and reliable data processing and data communications
services which are responsive to the business needs of New York City government.
DoITY's services and products support a technology infrastructure that enables City
agencies to increase productivity, improve service to the public, enhance revenue
collection, avoid costs, easily obtain information for better decision making, and fulfill
legislated mandates.

The Information Utility at DoITY's Technology Center at MetroTech consists of the

following technology platforms:

Enterprise Processors - State-of-the-art transactional, database, and batch OS/390

systems are provided on super servers with morethan 1000 MIPS of
processing power, 18 gigabytes of RAM, and almost 6 terabytes of attached
disk storage. Automated tape cartridge silos containing 75,000 tapes
perform, with robotic arms, mounts to 96 high-speed tape drives in less than
15 seconds.

Internet Web Server - The Internet Complex supports all mayoral agencies and
related web sites hosted on or linked through (accessed via the a high availability site with automated fail-over
capabilities including automated switch-over to an off-site mirror. Secure
transactions are facilitated by third-party certification authorities and point-to-
point tunneling technologies. Multi-media streaming in a variety of formats is
supported for delivery of high bandwidth audio and video content. The Internet
Complex delivers its content via redundant T-3 circuits to the greater Internet.

Client/Server Platform - DoITY's client/server computing platform delivers

services to other agencies that facilitate the deployment of innovative
technologies on the City's Intranet to enable secure electronic communications
within and across agencies like discussion forums, directory services and a
repository of web accessible internal applications. This platform also provides
infrastructure and application services for agencies to deploy Internet based
technologies that enable timely and efficient communications between citizens of
New York City and the municipal agencies.

e-Government Platform - DoITT has implemented an environment on OS/390

which is used to web-enable existing mainframe applications and can be used to
develop new e-government systems to bring city services and information to the
public via the Internet.

Agency Information Systems at DoITT February 2001

DoITT also provides a test and development environment for client agencies to use for
developing new applications, performing ongoing maintenance, and developing and
testing enhancements.

In addition to managing the Information Utility at MetroTech, DoITT manages and

supports CITYNET, New York City's data communication network. Through
CITYNET, DoITT supports most of the City's data communication traffic. Over 25 data
centers and more than 2,000 City locations supporting tens of thousands of users
throughout the five boroughs are attached to the network. DoITT provides these services
24 hours a day, 365 days a year, to over 65 City agencies.

Agency Infonnation Systems at DoITT February 2001


The E-Government Office is currently in the process of developing the City's Intranet, to be known as "NYC
SHARE". Using our existing infrastructure, the Intranet will allow employees from multiple City agencies to
communicate, share information and collaborate in a new and improved manner. The Intranet is being
developed using the 8/390 as the central web server (Cityweb), which will then connect to agency specific
Intranet sites. This model allows the agencies to maintain responsibility for content and application
management, while providing employees with access to the information they require.


"Corridor", a product marketed by Esker U.S. and installed at DoITT, is a web-to-host gateway that provides
Internet access to data from legacy systems. It works by screen scraping CICS screens generated from
mainframe applications and converting them to Internet format. Selected fields can be displayed and
repositioned on the Internet screen. Any standard browser can be used to access this data via NYC's web site,

The Department of Sanitation's recycling and garbage collection schedules are currently in production using
"Corridor". A user enters an address and the schedule is displayed.

Agency Infonnation Systems at DolTT February 2001





NYC.GOV, htnd/ New York City's official web site, strives to provide the public with quick, easy
and 24/7 access to City agency infonnation, programs and services, using an array of new media technology.
NYC.GOV's focus is on customer service. Thus, it provides a wealth of information and access to
government at the citizen's convenience through a user-friendly portal, hundreds of on-line and downloadable
forms, database infonnation, and links to hundreds of external web sites about NYC. E-mail messages can be
sent to the Mayor and City officials, improving communication and producing more efficient and timely
responses to the public. Following our strategic vision, "Publish, Interact, Transact, Transform," NYC.GOV
strives to improve NYC's service delivery to the community by bringing government to the people.


Agency Information Systems at DoITT February 2001



NYCSERV is a major, multi-agency effort to provide the citizens of New York City with convenient access to
numerous government services. Begun in Spring 1998, it is a five-year undertaking that will be implemented
in a phased-in approach. When fully implemented, it will consolidate various citywide licensing, collections,
payment and adjudication Iimctions currently scattered throughout City agencies.

Access will be available through the NYC.GOV web site as well as via [YR, at kiosks, and at most City
agencies and payment centers. This e-govemrnent approach reduces the need for the public to corne to city
offices. Centralized business centers will be established in each borough to provide the related services. In
addition, the payment centers and kiosks "push" city offices out to the neighbothoods so services are closer to
the public.

Functions implemented as of February 2001 are:

NYC Property - provides the public with access to real property information maintained by the City's
Department of Finance (DOF) and water billing information maintained by the Department ofEnvironrnental
Protection (DEP).
ePennits - allows for City agencies and not-for-profit organizations to apply to the City's Department of
Transportation for parking permits.
Scofflow Assignments - provides calendaring management for city marshals and sheriffil.
Fairtax Inquiry - provides online access to property information in DOF's Fairtax application

PVO Inquiry - provides access to information regarding outstanding parking tickets and the ability to pay
parking tickets on the Internet by credit card.


Agency Information Systems at DoITT February 2001



Agency Information Systems at DoITT February 200 I

Board of Elections (BOEl.

AVID (Automated Archival for Voter Information and Data)



The Board of Elections (BOE-CPR-ENC)

Candidate Processing and Rotation (CPR)

Entry and Certification of Official Election Results (ENCORE)

CPR maintains a database of all candidates for public office in NYC and is used to create ballots for each
election. •

ENCORE provides automated certification of election results. Utilizing election night polling machine totals
provided by the Police Department and information on affidavit, absentee, military and Federal ballots.
Encore tabulates and verifies the results of each election.


Agency Information Systems at DolTT February 2001

Board of Elections

The Board of Elections

Election Administration System (EASY)


The Board of Elections

II'jAiffliiTiv:ffi~'+3;;;1 Paper Ballot Optical Scan and Tally Interface


Agency Information Systems at DoITT February 2001

Board of Elections

Although the Board's Yoter information phone bank has been in existence since 1983, new technology will
soon make it possible for interrece by the public with the registration system. This integrated yoice response
system, (NR) will permit voters to directly access information such as polling place location, handicap
accessibility, etc. The system current phase I allows the public to obtain important data regarding citizenship,
deadlines/methods of registering and voting, and other pertinent voter information by mail, or directly via fax.


Campaign Finance Board (CFBl

Campaign Finance Board

Campaign Finance Information System II (CFIS 2)


Agency Information Systems at DoITf February 2001

Criminal Justice Coordinator's Office

Criminal Justice Coordinator's Office

Comprehensive Justice Information System (CJIS)

In 1999, the CJlS application was put into production on the DoITf mainframe, replacing an antiquated
system which ran on a Wang machine. The new cns combined three separate databases - the Law
department's Corporation Counsel, Department of Probation and Department of Juvenile Justice. cns tracks
Juveniles from entry through exit into one SQL based application with query and ad-hoc capabilities. Juvenile
arrest data is transmitted daily to the cns application from the NYPD OLBS system.

riminal Justice Coordinator's Office


Agency Infonnation Systems at DolTT February 2001

Department for the Aging (OFTAl

The system monitors all agency grants and resources. Contractor line item budgets are translated
into service budgets. These service budgets are then funded, follOWing strict grantor agency
guidelines. These guidelines may include minimum service targets, borough r~strictions, service
restrictions or even program restrictions.
This system produces all required contractor schedules to grantor and city agencies.


Contractor Expenditure System

The System maintains data from DFfNs subcontractors on monthly voucher expenditures and
units of service. All units and expenditures are automatically fund-accounted by the system, based
on the specific contractor schedules submitted to grantor agencies.
To maximize the use of grantor dollars, spending priorities can be set by the user.


Agency Information Systems at DoITT February 2001

Department for the Aging

Department for the Aging

Program Officer Management System

The system enables the user to maintain detailed line item budget information on all of DFI'A's
service prOViders. In addition to budgeted dollars, the system maintains detailed service plans by
month and Community District.
Multi-year contracts are translated into single year budgets, which are used for contract registration
and reporting to the Mayor's Office of Contracts. The database furnishes information for all
required Agency Plans (e.g., State AIS Executive/Mayor's Management Plan, District Resource
Statements, etc.)



Contracting, grant management

Agency Information Systems at DoITT February 2001


Department of Buildings (DOBl

Department of Buildings

Building Infonnation System (BIS)

BIS integrates all of DOB's separate databases established for specific departmental functions. It provides
current infonnation on building construction, demolition and alteration, and inspection of plumbing, elevators,
boilers, and electrical systems. BIS is the entry point into ten BIS sub-systems. The BIS on-line inquiry sub-
system is available to the public at all DOB regional offices and from other sites via dial-up network.


Department of City Planning (DCPl

Geosupport is an integrated computer system of software and files that support many of the
geographic processing needs common to New York City agencies' applications. It is accessed
directly by other City computer applications on an IBM mainframe.
The data files in Geosupport are specially structured to be accessed directly only through the
Geosupport software. However, the data accessed are accessible in the form of printed address
directories, l::omputer-generated printed maps, and a microcomputer-usable format on floppy disks

Agency lnfonnation Systems at DoI1l February 2001

that are for sale to the public.

Department of City Planning

Department of City Planning

Land Use Managementlnfonnation System (LUMIS)



Agency Information Systems at Doll'T February 2001


Department of City Planning

Department of City Planning

Population and Housing Census Data for Selected Service Districts.

Department of City Planning

Project Tracking System


Agency Information Systems at DolTT February 2001


Department of City Planning

Department of City Planning

School Enrollment Projections File

The Selected School Enrollment Projections File contains annual five- and ten-year public school enrollment
projections for kindergarten through ninth grade by school district and by borough for high schools. These
total projections are related to existing and projected school capacity to identity potential shortfalls and the
need for additional school seats.
Projections are based on data file obtained from the New York City Board of Education and the New York
State Education Department.

Department of City Planning

Socioeconomic Data From the 1990 Census

The system prepares a series of Summary Tape File 3 tabulations for the City, borough and census tract
distributions for the highest demand items in the decennial census.
Tabulations are also prepared for Health Areas, Health Center Districts, Community Districts and other service

Agency Information Systems at DoITT February 2001

Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS)

Department of Citywide Administrative Services

Applications CAPPS)


Department of Citywide Administrative Services

Capital Funds

Agency Information Systems at DoITT February 2001



Department of Citywide Administrative Services

Department of Citywide Administrative Services

Certification Evaluation, Reporting, and Tracking System (CERTS)

CERTS automates the civil service .certification process. It supplies City agencies with the names of
applicants eligible for appointment from Civil Service lists and generates notification letters to certified

CERTS obtains information from the DCAS APPS and PRISE systems.


CEEDS maintains statistical data and generates EED reports for the Federal government that keep the City
in compliance with Federal Equal Employment Opportunity laws. It identifies problem areas and tracks
progress in implementing remedial actions.

Agency Information Systems at DoITT February 2001


Department of Citywide Administrative Services

Department of Citywide Administrative Services

Energy Monitoring System (EMS)

Agency Information Systems at DolTT February 2001

Auditing, reporting ofenergy usage.

Ap~licationcontact: Roil Pi 212-669-3074

Department of Citywide Administrative Services

Department of Citywide Administrative Services

Fleet Management System

DCAS has implemented a new Fleet Administration system using a product marketed by Control Software.
This application creates work orders, schedules preventative maintenance, tracks vehicle and parts inventories
as well as other vehicle-related functions. The new system will ultimately be used by 12 agencies operating
fleets as well as the Mayor's Office of Operations and DCAS' Office of Fleet Administration for their
oversight needs.


Department of CitywIde Administrative Services

Integrated Property Information System (IPIS)

DCAS' Division of Real Estate Services uses IPIS to acquire, manage and dispose of City-owned real
property. It tracks over 100,000 parcels of City-owned and privately leased property involved in various
governmental programs. It also tracks revenues generated through property sales (auctions) and commercial
leases ofCity-owned property.

Agency Information Systems at DolTT February 2001


Department of Citywide Administrative Services

Department of Citywide Administrative Services

Mortgage Accounting System (MAS)


ide Administrative Services

Plcrs monitors the process of investigating individuals employed by the City of New York. The system
records the assignment and completion of investigations, and provides the status of case work in progress.
In addition, the system identifies cases needing investigation, maintains case information, and tracks
documents needed for verification. PICTS obtains information from DCAS APPS, CERTS, and PRISE

Agency Information Systems at DolTT February 2001


Department of Citywide Administrative Services

Department of Citywide Administrative Services

Personnel Reporting and Infomtation System for Employees (PRISE)

The on-line portion of PRISE maintains histories of employment status changes for all City employees,
including appointments, promotions, demotions, transfers, title changes, reinstatements, Civil Service
status changes, and restorations.

The batch portion of PRISE the match job perfomts payroll auditing and reports on unauthorized
payroll actions. It also updates the on-line portion with current employment status infomtation for all


Department of Citywide Admillistrative Services

Streetlight Monitoring System (SLMS)

The Office ofEnergy Conservation uses SLMS to monitor electricity used by the City's 320,000 streetlights.
Usage is then compared to Con Edison's bills

Agency Infonnation Systems at DoITT February 2001


Department of Citywide Administrative Services

Department of Citywide Administrative Services

Tenant Accounting System (TAS)


Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA),

Department of Consumers Affairs

City Wide Agency Management Infonnation System (CAMIS)


Agency Infonnation Systems at DoITT Febroary 200 I


Department of Environmental Protection ~

nnation Management System(AIMS)

The Environmental Control Board of DEP is responsible for adjudicating and tracking several hundred
thousand violations written annually by over a dozen city agencies including Police, Sanitation, Department of
Buildings, Fire. etc. The AIMS system tracks and processes all phases of this adjudication process from time
ofentry into the system until final resolution of each violation.

The system is online from 7:00 AM until 7:00 PM, and at night batch processing includes notice and report
generation, case advancement processing, revenue processing. etc. Typical online tasks allow for violation
entry, hearing scheduling, hearing assignment, hearing results, appeals processing, various system inquiries,
(violation, respondent, address, etc.).


The functions of this system. to automate the registration, certification, inspection operations, and filing
procedures of the Bureau of Environmental Compliance have been incorporated into the Air Facilities
System (AFS). The violations processing fonnerly performed by BARAMIS are now incorporated within
the Adjudication Infonnation System (AIMS). However, the BARAMIS database has been retained and is

Agency Infonnation Systems at DoITT February 2001

used by DEP staff for research purposes.


Department of Environmental Protection

Department of Environmental Protection

Customer Information System (CIS)

CIS provides the following functions for the Bureau of Customer and Conservation Services:
Manages the billing, collection and accounting of all water/sewer accounts in NYC
Handles the scheduling of inspections and the recording of meter reads in the field utilizing handheld
Generates, controls and tracks work orders for water meter installations and repairs by contractors and
BCCS inspectors
Issues more than a dozen types of permits
Provides customer service representatives with consolidated and accurate water consumption and billing
data for all properties in NYC
Tracks current and historical account activity
Provides infunnation directly to the public through interfaces with other systems (IVR, Internet)


Department of Environmental Protection

Correspondence Complaint System

Agency Information Systems at DolTT February 2001

Department of Environmental Protection

Department of Environmental Protection

DEP Automated Complaint System (DEPACS)


Department of Environmental Protection

Agency Information Systems at DolTT February 200 [


Department of Environmental Protection

Department of Environmental Protection

'Memo' System - SWR Breaks, Engineering


Department of Environmental Protection

OTPS - Water Supply


Agency Information Systems at DolTT February 200 I

Department of Environmental Protection

t of Environmental Protection


Agency Infonnation Systems at DolTT February 2001

Monitors, reports, tracks


Department of Environmental Protection

Department of Environmental Protection

Sewer Work Order System


Department of Environmental Protection

Universal Metering System (VMS)

Agency Information Systems at DoITT February 2001

718-595-731 I

Department of Environmental Protection

Department of Environmental Protection

Vehicles and Vehicle Downtime

- Maintains Vehicles Inventory.

- Provides Vehicle Rosters, organizational assignments.
- Information on vehicle downtime, calculates downtime rates and shortage rates for field operations and other
- Provides age analysis data for District rescurce statement & Boro President's Report.


Department of En\'ironmelltal Protection

Water Main Mapping Project

Reports, tracks, process

Agency Infonnation Systems at DoITT February 2001


Department of Environmental Protection

Department of Enviroa mental Protection

Water Register Frontage (FRT)


Agency Infonnation Systems at DoITT February 2001


Department of Environmental Protection

Department of Environmental Protection


Department of Finance (DOFl

Department of Finance
Ad Hoc Reporting - Operations Research Group (ORG)

ORG provides on-line and bateh reporting on subjects relating to real property characteristics, market and
assessed values, and taxes, to DOFs Executive Office, and the Property Division, and other agencies.

Agency Information Systems at DoITT February 200 I

RAMIS is used as a flex.ible reporting tool to meet high priority user needs. Reports are produced in print
fonnat and as mainframe and PC files.

Department of Finance


CMVT bills the NYC CMVT surcharge for commercial vehicles, including taxis and limos that do business
with the City,

An annual tape from the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles (NYS DMV), containing NYC and
surrounding area addresses, is processed by DOF and used for annual billing.

A monthly tape from NYS DMV is processed for new registrants, replacements, surrenders and non-renewals.

Agency Information Systems at DoITT February 2001


Department of Finance

Department of Finance
Computer Assisted Mass Appraisal System (CAMA)


Department of Finance
Court and Trust (including Bail)

The Bail sub-system deals with cash received by City court systems as secwity or partial security for bail
bonds. Specific rules govern when this money is abandoned to the City or New York State. The Court and
Trust abandonment and the Bail abandonment sub-systems handle this processing.

Agency Infonnation Systems at DolTT February 200 I


Department of Finance

Department of Finanee


FAIRTAX is a seamless, consolidated, on-line system for both the taxpayers and New York City
government. It provides for standardized processing across all tax functions. FAIRTAX uses a
centralized and integrated database to ben elit both the revenue collector - DO F - and NYC taxpayers.

When fully implemented, total annual revenues collected from over 2.5 million
taxpaying entities will exceed II billion dollars a year.

FAIRTAX was presented with the "1993 Award for Technology Applications" for systems modernization
efforts by the Federation of Tax Administrators at their 1993 annual meeting.

System functions:

o Customer service support to taxpayers:

-Automating refund processing.
-Responding to taxpayer correspondence and inquiries.
-Consolidating current information on both individual and business taxpayers in a centralized database.
-Establishing cases for exception activities.
-Standardizing address infonnation to minimize the amount of returned mail and expedites the mailing
o Automated support for revenue collection:
-Tracking taxpayer case assignments.
-Adjusting taxpayer accounts.
-Processing refunds and penaltie s for bad checks.
-Customizing on-line reporting, including computer cross matches.
-Consolidating tax and charge processing information.
-Distributing mailings that include standardized notices and statements of account.
-Tracking accounts re<:eivables via a consolidated repository of all tax and related charge monies due the
-Managing properties, including an inventory of all property parcels, and registration of deeds,
mortgages and other instruments of real property.

Revenue generation; violation processing; tracking tax revenues, properties and staff workload.

Agency Infonnation Systems at DoITT February 2001


Department of Finance

Department of Finance
Income and Expense System (I&E)



Agency Information Systems at DoITT February 200 I

Department of Finance

Department of Finanee
Real Property Assessment Division (RPAD)

RPAD's major function is to maintain a database of information about the approximately 950,000 NYC
properties. This includes:

• Real Property Assessments

• Exemptions
• Condominiums
• Descriptive data


Real estate, tracking

Agency Information Systems at DolTT February 2001

IApplication~ontact: . Don ¥arteDsOU'· . 718-403-3991

Department of Finance

Department of Finance

Rent Stabilization Administration (RSA)


RSA is a billing system for the Rent Stabilization fees, which New York State (NYS) requires the City to
collect. NYS deducts this amount before issuing revenue sharing monies to NYC.

Property profiles include the number of units for which the fees will be calculated. This is determined by
landlord registrations for apartments under rent stabilization rules. A file is received from NYS annually
containing necessary information.


Department of Finance

Tax Commission System


Agency Infonnation Systems at DolTT February 2001

Department of Health (DOHl


Department of Health
Lead Poisoning (LPC)


Agency Information Systems at DoITT February 2001

Department of Health

Department of Health

Sex.ually Transmitted Diseases (STD)


Department of Health

Tuberculosis (TBC)

TBC performs monitoring and containment functions, which are part of DOH's tuberculosis process. TBC
contains records oftuberculnsis patients, with approximately 2,000 new cases entered each year.
DOH and attending physicians use TBC's on-line inquiry function to access a patient's medical, test and
treatment histories.


Agency Information Systems at DolTT February 200 I

Department of Health

Department of Healtk

Vital Records (VRS)


Department of Sanitation (DOS),

Department of Sanitation

Data Processing Manager (DPM)

This system tracks all MIS-related problem reports and hardware and software inventory throughout DPOS.
Vendors who maintain hardware are identified.

Batch processing produces software and hardware inventory listings, maintenance reports, and change
management reports.


Agency Infonnation Systems at DoITT February 2001

Department of Sanitation

Derelict Vehicle Operation (DVO)

DVO tracks the reporting and towing of derelict vehicles. It records the date and time a vehicle was towed
into the yard. It also prints a receipt for the Derelict Vehicle Office.

The yard receives payment from the City if the vehicle was towed in a timely fashion. The yard keeps the


Human Resource Management System (HRMS)


Agency Information Systems at DoITT February 2001

Department of Sanitation

Department of Sanitation

(including snow


Department of Sanitation
Non-DOS Waste Disposal System


Agency Information Systems at DolTT February 2001

Department of Sanitation

Sanitation Control and Analysis Network (SCAN)

SCAN provides tracking, analysis and management reporting from the districts to their associated boroughs,
and across the boroughs. The citywide reports are consolidated to the appropriate headquarters office.

The Manpower Analysis Reporting sub-system (MARS) tracks available manpower within a borough. £t
enables a superintendent to reassign personnel throughout boroughs and within districts.

The equipment sub-system tracks all equipment in district garages.


Department of Transportation .(DOT}

Department of Transportation



Agency Information Systems at DolTT February 200 1

Department of Transportation

Department of Transportation

Integrated Parking Permit System (IPPS)


Department of Transportation

Management-Oriented Street Attribute Information Control System


MOSAICS fulfills DOT's need to efficiently control and monitor a variety of street-related activities.
MOSAICS was designed to provide segments of an overall street information system to interface with
existing and future systems.

Each function of MOSAICS is implemented as a sub-system. Functions include: issuing permits for
street openings, street obstructions, sidewalk closings; monitoring activities of permittees; inspecting a
street's integrity after closing; issuing violation and defect notices and their follow-up; recording citizen
street complaints; interfacing with the Bureau of Highways' operations, street maintenance, repair, and
reconstruction work; tracking street condition surveys, sidewalk violations, street maintenance and repair,
and street resurfacing and construction; reporting on street accidents.


Agency Infonnation Systems at DoITT February 2001

Department of Transportation

Department of Transportation



Agency Infonnation Systems at DolTT February 200 I

Department of Transportation

t of Transportation
Sign Traffic Accident Tennina1 User System (STATUS)

8TATUS tracks requests for new traffic signs, issues work orders and monitors their progress, and
maintains up-to-date records on missing signs and signs needing repair for which work orders have not
been assigned.

In addition to maintaining details on the status of repairs, the system maintains infonnation on each
individual sign: its visibility and condition and the direction it faces.


Department of Transportation
Streetlight Complaint Tracking System (S T L )

Agency Information Systems at DolTT February 2001

Department of Transportation

Department of Transportation
Transportation Agency Permit System (TAPS)


Agency Infonnation Systems at DoITT February 2001

District Attorney Offices

District Attorney Office, Manhattan

Adult Justice Information System {AJIS}

In production since 1985, AJIS is a case tracking and management system

containing information on all cases prosecuted by the Office of the
District Attorney, New York County (DANY). It covers both criminal and
supreme court cases form arrest to disposition and sentencing and also
provides for real time retrieval of case schedules, court outcomes and
arrest histories. Its batch module generates both operational reports for
active cases, as well as statistical data used to analyze the effects of
enforcement and procedural strategies.

Interfaced since its inception with the New York City Police Department's
On-line Booking System, AJIS is now accessed by 15 other agencies on an
inquiry-only basis.

AJIS continues to serve as the fulcrum for case data distribution

throughout DANY, providing the core data for criminal complaints
generated by the Arrest to AJIS (ATA) system. And, thanks to a SQL
application introduced in June 1999, called DANY Case Information (DCI),
AJIS data can now be surfed by all Assistant District Attorneys (ADAs)
and investigative staff from their browser-equipped NT desktops. Soon,
AJIS operational reports (e.g., new arrest alerts) will be delivered by
DCI to ADAs via an e-mail interface.

AJIS was converted from COBOL to NATURAL in the early 1990s and was made
year 2000 compliant (expansion of date fields) in September 1999.


Agency Information Systems at DoITT February 2001

District Attorney Offices

Attorney Office, Bronx

Information System (BXDA)

BXDA is a user friendly information system that was created to replace

the use of AJIS by the Bronx District Attorney's Office. This system
allows the Bronx DA to gather information on an individual defendant or
from a list of defendants based on the selection chosen by the user. Help
screens (windows I have been installed throughout the system to assist the
user whenever there is uncertainty as to which menu selection to choose
from. The screens are less cluttered than the AJIS screens and BXDA is
more flexible when it comes to designing or redesigning input/inquiry
screens. Security maintenance has also been made easier with the creation
of MIS Audit Reports menu screen listing user, terminal # and day/time of

The Bronx DA has installed access to the BXDA application in all of the
various court parts located both in the Criminal Court and Supreme Court
buildings. This gives the Bronx DA more current and complete court
information, such as disposition, sentencing, defendant and witness data
on a more timely basis and provides the ability to create and update

Some of the special features are:

• Inquiry by case number Arrest ft, NYSID #, Docket ft,
Indictment #
• Phonetic name search - Defendant, Witness, Police Officer, ADA
• Caseload Menu designed specifically for ADA's to search
pending cases
• Witness Notification module

718 590-2038

Agency Information Systems at DoITT February 2001

Housing Preservation and Development (HPDl

Department of Honsing Preservation and Development)

Emergency Repair Program - Accounting/Liens

The system application serves tenants who have been unable to obtain necessary maintenance from their
landlords. HPD bills the landlord for services provided and places tax liens on buildings owned by landlords
who have not paid their ERP bills. System interfaces with many different agencies such as the Human
Resources Administration and Department of Finance. Monthly payment checks are produced from tapes
received from The Department of Finance, and payment tapes are sent to HRA so they can prevent redirection
of checks. System supports HPD, HRA, DOF and OHP


Department of Housing Preservation and Development

Housing Database - HDVIlHDBL

On-line system that displays information on multiple dwellings. Information displayed are detailed items
summarized for a given building and are:
Building block, lot and registration number
Number of dwelling units, stories and building class
District, census tract and violation status
Number of complaints, violation and severity of violations


Agency Infonnation Systems at DoITT February 200I

Housing Preservation and Development

Department of Housing Preservation and Development


Department of Housing Preservation and Development

Preservation and Enforcement Management Infonnation System

HPD's Office of Rent and housing Maintenance has developed PREMISYS as an integrated system to support
its building registration, inspection, complaint, enforcement and building maintenance functions, and to
provide access to critical building activity information.
The registration and building maintenance sub-systems - has been implemented, creating an automated
property database, automating the property registration process and conducting geo research.
System provides a single source of information on a building; enhances infonnation flow within RHM's units
and between RHM and other HPD offices; and improves inspector productivity. Users will include other City
agencies; New York State, the private sector and the general public.

Building registration, inspection, complaint processing, code enforcement and maintenance.

Agency Information Systems at DoITT Febrllil1)' 2001


Housing Preservation and Development

t of Housing Preservation and Development

Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption (SCRlE)

The Department for the Aging uses the SCRIE system to provide rent exemptions for low-income senior
citizens living in rent regulated apartments. Owners of buildings are granted real estate tax credits equivalent
to the exemption.

The system certifies senior citizens and produces the tax abatement certificates to owners and tenants, and
revocation letters are distributed to senior citizens that are not eligible.


Department of Housing Preservation and Development

Tenant Accounting (TAS)


Agency Information Systems at DoITT February 2001

Human Resources Administration (HRA}

Human Resources Administration

Automated Case Reference System (ACRS)



Human Resouces Administration

Central Insurance Program System (CIPS)



Agency Information Systems at DolTT February 2001

Human Resources Administration

Human Resources Administration

Check Reconciliation and Tracking System (CRTS)


DOLAR is the case management application designed to generate liens, record liens, maintain on-going
history of case actions and provide reports on liens, It is also an instrumental tool in responding to phone
inquiries on a real-time basis.

This system utilizes various automated techoiques to identify potential personal injury lawsuit c1ailI1Jl. Client
demographic data is matched against data electronically obtained from several City and State agencies
involved in personal injury lawsuits to identify cases in which a lien should be filed. A preliminary lien is then
automatically generated and mailed directly to the client, client's attorney, defendant's attorney and/or
insurance company. An electronic lien notice is also sent to the County CleIk's office for the filing of the lien
to their public records.


Agency Information Systems at DolTT February 2001

Human Resources Administration

Human Resoun:es Administration


Human Resources Administration

PayrolVPersonnel System (PPS)

The PayrolllPersonnel System (PPS) contains historical payroll and personnel data on all DDSIHRA
employees. This system captures data received from the FISA payroll system and incorporates it with other
useful historical personnel information, such as: salary/title, employee training and evaluation, and Equal
Employee Opportunity (EED) compliance data.


Agency Information Systems at DoITT February 2001

Human Resources Administration

Human Resources Administration

Placement Support System (PSS)



Agency Information Systems at DolTT February 200 I

Law Department (LAW).

Law Department
Legal Research (CITYLAW)

CITYLAW is an online full-text storage and retrieval system based on rNQillRE software from Infodata. It is
used by Law Department attomeys and legal staff at many city agencies to search and view city documents,
including Mayoral Executive Order and Directives, opinions of the Corporation Counsel, Board of Ethics
opinions, and over 8,000 legal briefs. CITYLAW also provides litigation support and documents management
for large cases.


Law Department
New York City Law Information System (NYCLIS)

NYCLIS is a case tracking system. It provides information on over 125,000 active cases and claims; tracks
litigation matters, milestones and scheduled events; and records attorney's billable time per case.

NYCLIS centralizes storage of case information, while providing access to all the boroughs. It tracks and
controls calendar events and decision support information. It is used as an historical database for planning,
forecasting, and loss prevention analysis.


Agency Information Systems at DoITT February 200 I

Mayor's Office of Contracts (MOC}

Mayor's Office of Contracts

Contractor/Consultant Evaluation (CCE)

The Mayor's Office of Contracts requires the City's nine major construction agencies to complete evaluation
forms on contractors working on City construction projects. CCE enables the Mayor's Office to; quickly
access performance information on the thousands of contractors and consultants employed by the City;
update information on contractors, using evaluation forms submitted by the City's .construction agencies;
generate reports.


Mayor's Office of Contraets

Vendor Information Exchange System (VENDEX)

VENDEX was designed to centralize information on contractors that do business with the City of New York.
The system records background information on contractors and their performance on City contracts, data
related to contracts, purchase orders, ids, tax-filing status, and las warrants liens. In addition, the system
maintains information about contractors with whom the City of New York or other jurisdictions have
experienced problems.
Local laws mandate much of the information maintained on VENDEX. Pursuant to these laws, VENDEX is
accessible to the public through the Mayor's Office of Contracts' Public Access Center.
VENDEX accesses data from CCE, (another MOC system), DOF systems, and FMS (a FISA system).


Agency Information Systems at DoiTI February 2001

New York City Fire Department (NYFD)

N. Y. Fire Department
Fire Inquiry System (PILR & BeS)


NY Fire Department
Multi-Agency Premisys Safely System (MAPS)

The Multi-Agency Premisys Safety System supports the Social Club Task Force in its nightly inspections of
establishments to locate and correct unsafe conditions. To this end the MAPS automated inspections
scheduling system now analyzes all relevant data collected about a Social Club to determine its scheduling
priority. Police precincts have been mapped into inspection zones and a precise number of premises are
scheduled within each zone for inspection each week. Dozens of reports and online inquiries are available to
provide management control. As well as the Police Department, the system also supports the Fire Department
and the Department of Buildings.

718-999-1 722

Agency Information Systems at DolTI February 200 I

New York City Loft Board

2) 2-788-2479

Office of Labor Relations (OLR).

Offioe of Labor Relations

Premium Accounting Central Enrollment System

PACES is the primary tracking system for retired and active employee
health benefits. PACES tracks benefits for over 205,000 retirees and all
employees on the PMS payroll system (288,OOO employees). The interfaces
to this system include Pension Payroll, PMS, NYCERS and the 11 different
health plans that the City currently utilizes. This system also
calculates Medicare reimbursement for over 100,000 retirees who are
eligible for this benefit. A sub-system was added to calculate and track
the monthly welfare fund payments made by the City to the union welfare
funds for the provision of supplemental benefits for all Mayoral
employees and retirees.
Plans are currently under way for PACES to incorporate all City employee
health benefit tracking. This includes all covered organizations as well
as other City payroll systems.


Agency Information Systems at DoITI February 2001

Office of Mana ement and Bud et


Office of Management and Budget


In accordance with Section 106(b) of the City Charter, the Mayor shall establish Quarterly Spending
Allotments and aggregate position and salary limits for each unit of appropriation within an agency. The
Quarterly Allocation System (QAS) is used to plan and monitor monthly spending by agency. Expenditure
plans are maintained by Personal Service (e.g. salaries, overtime, etc.) and Other Than Personal Services (e.g.
equipment, rent, etc.). Agencies are required to remain within their spending plan by unit of appropriation and
funding source. The QAS supports various fiscal monitoring exercises which include cashflow, variance
reporting and surplus/needs exercises.

Expenditure forecasts for the City's cashflow are prepared each month. Variance reports on dollars and
employee headcount are issued monthly to the agencies with a comparison between their actuals and plan.
Any overspending /underspending that has occurred must be explained by the agency. This system provides
early warnings on overspending and enables an agency to take corrective action. The surplus/needs analysis
projects variances for the remainder of the current fiscal year for each agency, and surpluses and needs are
balanced out across agencies to ensure that on an aggregate basis the City is within budget.

Agency rnfonnation Systems at DorTT February 2001

Taxi and Limousine Commission (.I,bg

Taxi and Limousine Commission

Driver and Vehicle Complaints (CCTS)

Taxi and LimOllsine Commission

TLC Automated Management Information System (TAMIS)

TAMIS is a single system with one menu that provides full functionality for:

• Licensing functions

• Adjudication functions

• Civilian Complaint functions


Agency Infonnation Systems at DaITT February 2001

Glossary of Terms

ADABAS (Adaptable Data Base System) - Software AG, Inc's proprietary

database management system.

Batch - user-submitted jobs to perform specific tasks.

CICS (Customer Information Control System) - IBM's proprietary transactional

interface system.

DB2 - IBM's proprietary database management system.

NATURAL - Software AG, Inc's 4 th generation programming language.

On-line - real time access to data.

OS/390 IBM's operating system platform used to run CICS, DB2, ADABAS, and
VSAM file structures.

RAMIS (Rapid Access Management Information System) 4 th generation report-

writer software.

SAS (Statistical Analysis System) - 4 th generation report-writer software.

VM (Virtual Machine) - IBM's operating system to run email and timesharing.


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