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First of all we would like to thanks our Almighty. The completion of this assignment was like a dream comes true to us. It took a great deal of ordeal to see through in terms of preparing this work. We would like to thank to our course teacher Mr. Abu Sadet Mohammed Sayem for helping us in the class and also for giving us his most valuable support and suggestions. Moreover, this assignment could not be done without the generous and e pert advices of him. We would like to thank to our family and friends for giving us the gentle encouragements, perspective advices and for standing behind us to lead successfully.

Yours Sincerely, Fahima !ossain "udy *amina Akther Asbina ,hanom Mar.ana !ussen *hahel Ahmed #$%&$&$&&'() #$%&$&$&&+&) #$%&$&$&&-+) #$%&$&$&&'&) # )


We want to market /reen 0oconut Water. We have prepared this feasibility plan on that basis. We have assigned a name for the product as Jol. *ince the raw materials are very much available in our country, we have decided to give the product an indigenous image. Jol is a kind of soft drink that provides the consumers with processed green coconut water in bottles. For the marketing purpose of the product we have decided to launch three product lines. The Jol would be launched in the market at 25 ml. 5 ml. and ! "itre bottle. We have set a reasonable price for the product so that all kinds of people can afford to buy this soft drink. We have followed the Target 0osting pricing approach. We would gain a competitive advantage, as this is a first hit in the market. We have targeted a huge market segment for the product. 1angladesh is a large populated country. "ots of people are looking for such a product. /reen 0oconuts are not available all the time. For e ample2 a person walking on the street. *uddenly he feels thirsty. 3ow if he wishes to drink green coconut water he cannot find it easily. It is not always found in the right place at the right time. If we launch our product in the market, a person willing to drink green coconut water can have it from a nearby shop. At present this is not possible. 4ur target market includes health conscious #eo#le, sick #eo#le, s#orts#erson 5 many other consumers, which we have segmented from the 6emographical, /eographical, 7sycho graphical 5 1ehavioral point of view.

$ew %roduct
%roduct &escri#tion
%roduct %ortrayal 8Jol9 is a product that serve different segment of customer. The product is green coconut water, which is uni:ue in the current market. The green coconut water will be processed and sold in glass bottle of convenient si;es of %<& ml, <&& ml and $ liter. The green coconut water will be very much refreshing and provide great support to the sick and health conscious people. 4ur target market is very large with different segments. %roduct %ro'ile $ame o' the %roduct( Jol Type of 7roduct2 /reen 0oconut Water Ingredients2 7ure natural green coconut water, *ugar, mineral salts, vitamins 0. 0ontainer2 *tylish glass bottle 0ontainer si;e2 %<& ml, <&& ml, $ "itre 7roduct 7rice2 %<& ml for Tk. $% <&& ml for Tk. $ $ litre for Tk. = >stimated 6urability2 $% Months from date of manufactured Machinery used2 Advanced technology imported from ?*A, ?, and 3etherlands. 1rand *logan2 0oola 0oola Always )e'reshing

Market )esearch and Analysis

4ur company wants to develop and introduce a new 7roduct. *o, we have gathered information through in@depth interviews. We made a survey of the market to have a clear idea about our

market, our customer demand, needs and wants. This information helps us to know about the current market and prospects of our new product. Market &escri#tion 1angladesh is a country of about $<& million people. The total market si;e of the soft drink industry is about %& million and day by day it is increasing. We have a spread nationwide market of different convenient product. 7eople are nowadays very much concerned about the market and product conditions. *o we have a growing prospect of customers of ABolC. Among the population we worked out few segments of customers who will prefer our product most.

Market Segmentation and *argeting

Market Segments We have observed and analy;ed the market and based on the nature of the market we segmented the market in the following sectors2 +eogra#hic Segmentation( *ylhet Da.shahi ,hulna 5 1arishal 0hittagong 6haka

&emogra#hics( Individuals Family *portsman 1usiness buyer

%sycho gra#hics( !igher class !igher mid class Middle class

,eha-ioral( *ick people !ealth conscious *ophisticated who take the new product from the market

*arget market and #ro.ections( Analy;ing all the segments, we decided our target market according to our product category. The target customers of ABolC are sick people, health conscious people, sportsmen and tourists. The company decided to charge Tk. $% for %<& ml bottles, Tk. $- for <&& ml bottles and Tk. =- for $ "itre bottles, if we consider price versus taste received then we can see that taste received is more in value. Therefore charging the mentioned prices are .ustified. The following graph gives a clear idea of our target market. *arget Market( !ealth 0onscious *ick people Tourist /eneral people =%E (=E =E %%E

We separate our target market into four different segment based on their geographic, demographic, psychographic and behavioral characteristics. /ealth conscious( !ealth conscious people basically the sports person are one of our largest target markets. In this segment, we get a lot of potential customer. 4ne third of our total population is young. This is a significant number that we have to concern about them and provide product, which is fit for them. About < million people of this total number are health conscious. They spend about Tk. <&& in a month in average. Sick #eo#le( *ick people are one of our ma.or considerations. More than $ million children suffer from diarrhoea that needs li:uid food. 3ot only child but also the adult might suffer from those types of problems. *ourists( >very year a huge number of tourists visit 1angladesh. We want to provide them with ABolC. +eneral 0ustomers( 1esides the above segments, the general customers will ac:uire a significant portion of our target market. Market $eeds(

ABolC wants to satisfy its customers need. That9s why it is important to identify the market needs. 4ur first consideration is to provide the best product to its customers. That9s why we offer three different si;es of bottle with different prices for its different segment of customers. 25 ml( The lowest price for the rural mid social class and individuals. 5 ml( Its target the sick people and tourist

! litre( For a small family.

0om#etiti-e Analysis
The *oft drink industry is very much competitive. Many soft drink companies have ac:uired a significant portion of the market. 1ut the uni:ue features of ABolC will take it far beyond the reach of the competitor. 1ecause, no one has yet thought about selling green coconut water in such a speciali;ed way. To evaluate our prospect of ABolC in the current market, we have analy;ed the market situation in various ways. Following are some demonstration of the analysis2 S12* analysis( The product e istence in the future is depending on its strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats analysis2 Strengths( Available input materials "ow production cost Technological and marketing knowledge *trong distribution channel >asy manufacturing process Deasonable price 1eaknesses(

It is easy to copy the idea by others Taste differ from the natural green coconut water /reen coconut water cannot be preserved for longer period 2##ortunities( Monopoly market "arge market !igh demand Might have a chance to get subsidies by /ovt. to e port *hreats( !igh competition in future by copying the idea >ntrance of new product Alternatives are avoidable in some segment ?ncertainty of launching a new product.

0om#etitor Analysis( The ma.or soft drinks and .uice companies of current market are 7ran /roups *tarship ?ro 0ola D0 0ola 0oca cola 7epsi Acme 6anish Foreign 7roducts etc.

&istinct 0om#etency( These companies can try to entrance our market by launching new product lines to compete us. Fet, we have distinct competitive advantage. That is our product is still brand new. The other companies will take sometimes to enter into the market. Till then we can have a monopoly market condition. The other advantage that we have is lower price. We will sell products in reasonably lower price than other competitors do. Strategies against com#etitors( To compete with the ma.or competitors we can adopt the following measures2 7roviding the best service to create high customer satisfaction Deasonable and acceptable pricing 7romising and providing top :uality product "aunching highly effective mass promotional activities 0ontinuous innovation and modification of the products 0reating and maintaining long term customer relationship 0reating A1rand "oyaltyC among the target consumers

Market %lan
%ricing Strategies( We have decided to set a reasonable price for our product when we will develop it. We considered many factors in setting the pricing policy. We will describe a si @step procedure2 Setting the #ricing ob.ecti-es(

4ur company has decided where it wants to position its market offering. We have chosen our ob.ective to ma imi;e market share. We believe that a higher sales volume will lead to lower unit costs and higher long@run profit. We have set the lower price because we assume that the market is price sensitive. 4ur overall ob.ective is to capture the ma imum market share by setting lower price. &etermining &emand( >ach price will lead to different level of demand and therefore have a different impact on company9s marketing ob.ectives. 3stimating costs( We have estimated the cost and want to charge a price that covers the cost of production, distribution and selling the product, including a fair return for its effort and risk. *y#es o' cost and le-el o' #roduction( There are two types of cost2 a) fi ed and b) variable. In our new product development pro.ect fi ed cost is %,&&,&&,&&& taka. Fi ed cost includes@ machinery, monthly bills, and salaries of employees and so on, regardless of output. There are some variable costs like@cost of bottle, packaging and so on. These costs tend to be constant per unit production. We have estimated that per unit variable cost is Tk. '.= for %<& ml, Tk. $%.' for <&& ml and Tk. %(.( for $ litre. Analy4ing com#etitor5s costs, #rices and o''er( We have analy;ed our competitors9 price and found that 7ran charges tk.$& for %<& ml bottle, *tarship charges tk. $% for %<& ml 7ac. Selecting a #ricing method( We have chosen the target costing method to set price for our productG pricing that starts with an ideal selling price based on customer considerations, then target cost will ensure that the price is met.

%romotional Strategies(
To ac:uire a strong position in the market, we need to give special emphasis on effective promotional activities. In order to get the ma imum market share we will have to use all four tools of marketing promotion. *pecially, advertising through mass media will support us a lot.


We initially will give more emphasis on paper ads and TH commercials. 1ecause, advertising through these media is the most effective way to reach the customers and position our product in their mind. We are anticipating that this will have a massive impact on the teenagers and other enthusiasts. Few neon signs and bill boards of ABolC also can be set up in some core points of the city. We hope to reach I<E of our customers through effective advertising. %ersonal Selling( Though personal selling skill is not that much effective for convenient products like ABolC, we will inspire and train the sales persons of the retail stores to convince people to buy our product when they will come to buy any drinks item. The sales persons will inform the consumers about the cool refreshing taste of ABolC and about the nutritious aspects. We hope that will play a significant role to increase our sales. %romotional *ools( We have also planned to apply some promotional tools. Initially for sometimes we will distribute our product at <&E discount .ust make our new product familiar with the customers. This will be the market@testing period for our product. "ater, we may apply the strategy of giving gifts, lucky coupons, tour tickets depending on the market and competitive situations. %ublic )elations( We have future plans to hold seminars, commit social development, supporting social activities, to arrange cultural functions and mobile game shows for publicity purpose. &istribution 0hannel( In the initial stage, we will distribute the products with our sole distribution channel. When our market will spread out, we will distribute our products through dealers. We will set our own outlets in few core market positions. When we will go for mass marketing, we will supply our product nationwide through dealers. 4ur dealers will take the products to every district of the country. ABolC will be available in all retail stores of the country.

Manu'acturing and 2#erations

"ocations( We will set our manufacturing and other working areas in convenient locations. We will prefer the locations to set up our manufacturing firms, warehouses and inventories in different core business points of the country where it will be easier to both collect the raw materials and transport the final goods to the market. /uman )esource(

The board of directors will be responsible for the recruiting activities. Decruiting will be done through written tests followed by interviews. *echnological As#ects( To create and innovate new :uality products we need to use advanced technology. We need high tech machineries imported from the foreign countries. 3ot to mention, skilled people to operate them. We have already studied all the technical aspects and prepared a list of instruments and their costs. The machinery will be collected when re:uired.

1angladesh is a large populated country. "ots of people are looking for such a product. /reen 0oconuts are not available all the time. . If we launch our product in the market, a person willing to drink green coconut water can have it from a nearby shop. 4ur target market includes health conscious people, sick people, sportsperson 5 many other consumers, which we have segmented from the 6emographical, /eographical, 7sycho graphical 5 1ehavioral point of view. We have set a reasonable price for the product so that all kinds of people can afford to buy this soft drink.

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