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Esteemed Chief Guest/Headmistress, Honorable, respectable Teachers and my glimmering, gleaming, glowing, glittering and glistening stars Asaalam-u-Alaikum !

I am really elated and ecstatic to address u on this auspicious and propitious day of 23rd March !

23rd March is a red letter day, because of the resolution which had been passed on 23rd March 1940. This day has a significant importance in the history of Pakistan. The Muslims of sub-continent determined a new destination for them under the ardent and fervent leadership of Quaid-e-Azam on 23rd March 1940. The Muslims made the map of Pakistan on that prominent and eminent day of 23rd March 1940.

Dear fellows, We must keep it in mind that the establishment of Pakistan is not the result of a mere accident. It has been achieved after a long struggle, concerted and dedicated efforts. In spite of living together for a great deal of time, it was an onerous and arduous task for both Muslims and Hindus to mix with each other. They had political, governmental, constitutional, scriptural, social and religious differences with each others. The Muslims decided that it's impossible and unthinkable for both communities to live in one country. So the Muslims of Hindu-Pak took the sage decision of separate land for them through the resolution which was passed on 23rd March 1940 in Lahore. which was later named PAKISTAN RESOLUTION.

The resolution was that those areas in which Muslims majority had been living should be combined as a, self-ruling, self-governing and self-determining and sovereign state.

It is an open secret that the Hindus were very strongly against and antagonistic towards LAHORE RESOLUTION. They did not want the Muslims of sub-continent to get self-rule, self-government and self- determination at any cost. They left no stone unturned to create hurdles and obstacles for the Muslims to get their desired destination. At that time "HINDU TIMES" wrote that for the satisfaction of one sect, we cannot break the unity of Sub- Continent and this would be equal to the destruction, devastation and desolation of the SUB-CONTINENT. GANDHI gave it a name of SUICIDE.

PAKISTAN RESOLUTION has played a very vital and crucial role in Muslims' struggle for freedom. It was like a mile stone. The Muslims leaders fought for freedom, and after the great sacrifices of thousands of lives and by constant endeavour, they got a separate land Pakistan. After the achievement of independence, our whole nation celebrates this day 23rd March with great zeal, zest, eagerness and keenness.

The celebration of 23rd March is actually the continuity of Pakistan movement. This day reminds us the sacrifices of our ancestors and predecessor. At this illustrious, splendid and resplendent day we must keep in mind the purpose of achievement of Pakistan.

Today Let us take an oath and make a pledge that we shall spare no effort in making Pakistan a peaceful, prosperous, flourishing, thriving and developed country through application, dedication, sincerity, reliability, enthusiasm, fraternalism, and by recognizing our responsibilities and indefatigability.


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