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In this document, youll nd my humble try at converting the most important aspects of the SHADOWRUN universe to the FATE CORE system.! Before you read on, dear reader, it is important for me to state, that this document is not a try to convert all the rules from the original system, but simply a way to express the feelings and add the avors of the original universe. ! Ive decided to call my conversion RUNNING IN SHADOWS, in lack of better ideas. Feel free to rename it in anyway you like.! And do you have ideas to changes, dont hesitate to write me at! CREATING A SHADOWRUNNER METAHUMANITY SKILLS MAGIC NEW STUNTS ESSENTIAL HACKS 1 1 2 4 4 5

The rules for implementing races in your Fate game is found on page 40 in SYSTEM TOOLKIT.!

Never gets sick, Resistant to toxins, Small tough and sturdy, Very stubborn, Workaholic!


You may use the Dwarf skill to nd weaknesses and aws in both electronic and mechanical constructions and to notice mechanical and electronic traps.!

Fantastic Health: You may use Dwarf instead of Body to determine your physical stress and consequences.! Iron Will: You get +2 to Willpower when you use it to create an advantage representing superior stubbornness or when you defend against Intimidation attacks.!


In my group of players, we follow all the normal rules for character creation (p. 29).! We decided to change the refresh to 6 though, to create a more cinematic feeling, but still keeping the gritty lter above it all.! A summary is:! 10 skills! ! 1 Great (+4)! ! 2 Good (+3)! ! 3 Fair (+2)! ! 4 Average (+1)! 6 refreshes 3 free stunts 2 stress boxes 5 aspects!
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Arrogant and razor sharp, Beautiful and majestic, Forever young, In harmony with nature, Very athletic and agile!


You may use Elf to see things in almost total darkness, to hear very well and to spot an ambush before it is sprung.!

Incredibly Beautiful: You can make mental attacks with Etiquette like Provoke. If your attack creates consequences they would be something like In Love (+2), In Submission (+4) and Totally Obsessed (+6) - all toward you of course. ! Lightning Reexes: You get +2 to Athletics when you defend.!

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A tough motherfucker, Big strong brute, Humans fear me, Humans think Im dumb, Living my short life to the fullest! Some skills were added and some were renamed in the name of avor.! The modied list of skills is:! Athletics! Body! Burglary! Contacts Decking! Deceive! Drive Empathy Engineeing! Etiquette! Fight Investigate Knowledge! Lifestyle! Magic! Notice Provoke Rigging! Shoot Stealth Willpower! Original! Physique! Original! Original New! Original! Original Original Crafts! Rapport! Original Original Lore! Resources! New! Original Original New! Original Original Will!



You can use Ork to resist pain, to see in almost total darkness and to rally other orks.!

Impervious to Pain: You may use Ork instead of Body to determine your physical stress and consequences, and you get one additional minor physical consequence.! Suppressed Anger: When you use Orc to create an advantage representing overpowering battlefury, you get an extra invocation on that aspect you you succeed or succeed with style.!

Im the stuff from your nightmares, Long and strong limbs, Tallest boy in class, Tough and suppressed upbringing, Very big very strong and very intimidating


You can use Troll to perform feats of brute strength, to frighten puny humans and to see in the thermographic spectrum.!

Insanely Strong: When you hit something, you hit it hard. Each successful attack with Fight causes 2 extra shifts, 3 if you succeed with style.! Build Like a Tank: You may use Troll instead of Body to determine your physical stress and consequences, and you get one additional minor physical consequence.!

A note: In my particular game, Lifestyle is limited to Mediocre (+0), since I want my runners down in the dirt when the game starts.!

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The Decking skill allows you to use the matrix for all its purposes, be it hacking, browsing, creating constructs and battling IC.! Overcome: You can use Decking to get past passive security systems without being spotted, tricking systems to accept yo u a s s u p e r u s e r, n d i n g h i dd e n information and hacking every single piece of online gear - which is most likely everything. Create an Advantage: You can use Decking to place aspects on your persona or in a system, representing running p ro g r a m s a n d s u p p re s s e d s y s t e m components. Attack: You can make mental attacks on curious or aggressive IC, sprites, other deckers and control rigs. Defend: Decking defends against attacks from the nasty IC, other deckers and sprites. Attack: Magic isnt really used to attacking. That is what spells are for. Defend: You dont usually defend with Magic. Defending against spells and attacks from spirits are done with Willpower.

Drain Focus
The mage is able to use Magic instead of Willpower when resisting drain.!

Combat Spellslinger
The mage gains +2 when attacking with spells.!


The Rigging skill allows you control of drones, using control rigs and using all the cool built-in systems in vehicles. It pairs well with the Drive skill.! Overcome: Rigging is usually not used to overcome obstacles. Create an Advantage: You can use Rigging to place aspects on all equipment attached to a control rig, which is usually but not limited to - vehicles, drones, builtin weapons and such. Attack: Rigging is not used for attacking. For that you use Shoot or Fight. Defend: If a decker tries to take control of your system, you use Rigging to kick him out, maintaining control.

Master Hacker
The decker receives +2 to all attack rolls.!

Supreme Firewall
The decker receives +2 to defend against attacks.!

The Magic skill allows you rst and foremost to cast powerful spells, to get past magical barriers, to hide your magical nature and to call up elementals and spirits.! Overcome: You can use Magic to mentally overcome magical barriers, break magical seals, feel the ebb and ow of mana in your vicinity, to hide from nosy watcher spirits trying to determine your magical nature and detecting spellcasting. Create an Advantage: Magic can be used in a lot of exible ways, creating all manners of special effects to spells, summoning elementals and spirits.

Master Gunner
With this stunt, the rigger is able to use Rigging instead of other attack skills when using built-in weaponry on vehicles he controls.!

Grease Monkey
All vehicles under the riggers control receives an extra Physical Stress box.!

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Magic plays a big part in the original Shadowrun universe, and therefore deserves a run-through to secure that the look and feel remains intact.! Heres my humble go at it.! The type of drain is either mental stress or physical stress. Stress from drain is prevented by defending with Willpower.! If the force equal to or lower than his Magic skill, the drain is taken as mental stress.! If the force was higher than his Magic skill, the drain is taken as physical stress.!

To create some kind of mage, go through the easy steps below.!


Everybody knows that cyberware and magic just dont mix very well.! To represent this, the installation of cyberware puts a cap on the Magic skill, thereby preventing the mage to become very powerful.! For the matter of keeping things simple, every refresh point used to cyberware installations lowers the Magic skill cap by 1.! 1 refresh! 2 refreshes! 3 refreshes! 4 refreshes! Magic capped at Good (+3)! Magic capped at Fair (+2)! Magic capped at Average (+1)! Magic is unavailable!


To be able to wield magic, in one of its many forms, you must include the type of mage you are creating in your high concept aspect.! The words Shaman, Hermetic mage, Physical Adept or Mystic adept are just some of the possibilities here.!

You also need to pay a refresh for this stunt, which allows you to buy the Magic skill and also to be able to cast spells.! Additional magic related stunts can be bought normally.! These could be related to the type of spells you wish to excel in (hermetic mages), which totem you speak to (shamans) or which powers you channel though your body (physical adepts).!

Two new stunts (one gear and one major aug) are created to establish balance to the capabilities of the Decking and Rigging skills.!


Spells are used exactly like skills, but are not bought as them.! Instead the mage describes hit intent, chooses the force of the spell and uses that as his skill level.! He then rolls dice, adding the chosen force to the result.! The force can go as high - or as low - as the mage wishes.!

This stunt is a gear stunt that enables the character to use all the wonders of the Decking skill and the virtual world of the matrix.! It might give a better feel, if the stunt is renamed, reecting the cyberdeck that the characters uses.!

This stunt is a major aug stunt, that rst and foremost grants the user the right to remote control drones and vehicles through his rig. It also grants him +2 to all Drive rolls, when hes jacked into the particular vehicle.!


After a spell is cast, the mage faces drain. The shifts he faces are equal to the force of the spell.!

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Since wealth - and the lack of it - is very much a topic in Shadowrun, Ive decided to implement the wealth stress track on the character sheet.! In my particular game, the wealth stress track starts out with only 1 box.!



Everybody loves cyberware, and therefore this easy hack is nicely implemented in Running in Shadows.! Note that cyberware limits the use of magic - just like the original rules.

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