Samuel Davenport Summer

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(required by the Employment Rights Act 1996 s 1)

ISIS Education & Travel employs Place o" #or$ Position Salary % #ee$ &oliday pay Culford School

Samuel !avenport

Activity Le der (1!"#$) " Residenti l %#&9'1# b sic less ccommod tion deduction of %&&'() 1#'$(* of gross b sic p y (p id in fin l s l ry) $+ ,uly #$1& #9 ,uly #$1& -his is your employment st rt d te

Employment start date Employment end date

!ate o" continuous employment '

-his st tement sets out p rticul rs of your employment .ith /sis Educ tion 0 -r vel Ltd'1 .hich re required to be given to you under the Employment Rights Act 1996' /t supersedes ll e rlier greements nd discussions bet.een yourself nd /S/S' 2o employment .ith previous employer counts s p rt of period of continuous employment' 3our employment is not governed by ny collective greement' 1"1$ belo. must (e read in con)unction #it* the ppropri te 4ob specific tion nd Comp ny Employee 5 ndboo6'

+, -O. OFFER -his offer is sub4ect to the receipt of s tisf ctory references1 proof of eligibility to .or6 in the 781 nd evidence of ny9 qu lific tions required to do the 4ob' /S/S reserves the right to conduct CR: disclosure chec6 on ll employees' /, -O. TITLE & !0TIES 3ou re employed in the post st ted bove in .hich c p city you .ill be required to perform such duties s set out in your 4ob description nd st ff h ndboo6' 5o.ever1 due to the evolving n ture nd ch nging dem nds of the org nis tion;s business1 you m y t ny time or from time to time be required to undert 6e ddition l or other duties s necess ry to meet the needs of the business nd you re e<pected to be fle<ible to ccommod te such ch nges' 1, PLACE OF 2OR3 3our usu l pl ce of .or6 is t the /S/S summer centre st ted bove' /n the course of your duties you m y be required to tr vel to .or6 t other loc tions' /n cert in circumst nces1 usu lly brought bout by ch nges in student numbers1 st ff m y need to be re"loc ted to ltern tive centres .ithin the 78' -he =rg nis tion .ill e<ercise this right9 to reloc te re son bly' 4, REM0NERATION 3our remuner tion is s st ted bove less st tutory deductions (>A3E income t < nd 2 tion l /nsur nce Contributions)' 3ou .ill be p id by b n6 tr nsfer or s other.ise greed on #6 ,uly nd &$ August #$1&' -here fter you .ill be p id on the l st ?rid y of e ch month' -he org nis tion reserves the right to deduct from your s l ry t ny time during your employment or on its termin tion ny sums .hich you m y o.e to the org nis tion or for .hich you re li ble to the org nis tion' -his includes ny overp yments1 lo ns1 or dv nces m de to you by the org nis tion or the cost to the org nis tion of ny d m ge or loss c used by you'

/56 7reen#ic* &i8* Road9 7reen#ic*9 London9 SE+: ;N.

-el@ $#$! #9& 11!!9 ? <@ $#$! #9& 1199

E"m il@ 9 recruitmentAisisgroup'co 9' 99 u6 9

Beb@ ...'isisgroup'co'u6

5, &O0RS OF 2OR3 7p to )) hours per .ee6 to be .or6ed over 1$ C 1) ctivity sessions during 6"d y .ee6' 3our .or6ing hours .ill typic lly t 6e pl ce bet.een $!'&$ nd #&'$$' 5o.ever1 it m y be necess ry to v ry these times to meet oper tion l9 dem nds nd some unsoci ble hours should be e<pected' -here .ill be t le st 1 d y off per .ee6' -ime off c nnot9 usu lly be t 6en t .ee6ends' <, &OLI!AYS AN! TIME OFF All st ff re entitled to t le st 1 d y off per .ee6' 7nder the Bor6ing -ime Regul tions ll employees of the st tutory #! d ys (including public holid ys)' re entitled to p id holid y pro r t to full ye r;s entitlement

5o.ever1 given the short term n ture of this ppointment holid y nd time off c nnot be t 6en .ithout the pprov l of the Centre D n ger nd then only in e<ception l circumst nces' > yment for holid y not t 6en .ill be m de in n employee;s fin l s l ry' 5olid y p y is 1#'$(* of b sic p y' =, SIC3NESS A.SENCE /f you re bsent from .or6 on ccount of sic6ness or in4ury1 you or someone on your beh lf should inform us of the9 re son for your bsence s soon s possible but no l ter th n !'&$ m on the d y on .hich bsence first occurs' /n the event of sic6ness1 st tutory sic6 p y rules pply' ;, TERMINATION OF CONTRACT 3our employment is due to end on the d te sho.n bove nd no further notice .ill be given' 5o.ever1 for n employee .ho h s been employed continuously for one month or more nd .here the employment ends e rlier th n9 the d te sho.n bove1 the notice period is one .ee6 on either side' -here is no notice period for employees .ho re or h ve been employed for less th n one month' /n c ses of gross misconduct dismiss l m y be .ithout notice'

6, !ISCIPLINARY & 7RIE>ANCE Eet ils of the Eisciplin ry 0 Friev nce procedures re included in the St ff 5 ndboo6' -hese m y be mended from time to time' -hese procedures re not contr ctu lly binding upon the org nis tion' +:, MISCELLANEO0S -he org nis tion reserves the right to m 6e re son ble ch nges to ny of your terms nd conditions of employment'9 3ou .ill be notified of minor ch nges of det il by . y of gener l notice nd ny such ch nges t 6e effect from the d te of the notice'

/56 7reen#ic* &i8* Road9 7reen#ic*9 London9 SE+: ;N.

-el@ $#$! #9& 11!!9 ? <@ $#$! #9& 1199

E"m il@ 9 recruitmentAisisgroup'co 9' 99 u6 9

Beb@ ...'isisgroup'co'u6

>le se sign belo. to confirm th t you h ve re d1 understood nd ccept the bove terms nd conditions of your employment1 nd return one copy to the 5R Eep rtment' ?or nd on beh lf of /S/S Educ tion 0 -r vel Ltd'

!ated' Robin ?ry 5R D n ger

&$ D y #$1&

Enclosures@ ,ob Specific tion St ff 5 ndboo6 Suit bility Eecl r tion Employee Record ?orm

/1 9 9S muel9E venport 99 9 91 c6no.ledge th t / h ve received st tement of the p rticul rs of my employment s required by the Employment rights Act 1996 Section 1 nd confirm my greement th t these1 in con4unction .ith the relev nt p rts of the h ndboo6 .hich / h ve lso re d nd understood'

Si8ned 'Samuel'!avenport''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''



/56 7reen#ic* &i8* Road9 7reen#ic*9 London9 SE+: ;N.

-el@ $#$! #9& 11!!9 ? <@ $#$! #9& 1199

E"m il@ 9 recruitmentAisisgroup'co 9' 99 u6 9

Beb@ ...'isisgroup'co'u6

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