Last Flower Mar

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V l

The Last Flower

James Thurber

i x 12 rq E i +S.
You all know about the 12th World War.

iv VMi x Ei +h |MiS x Z.
Which destroyed the whole human civilisation
and all culture.

M, {lS xEx { M.
Cities and villages disappeared
from the face of the earth.

x, x, Zb { x Z.
Plantations and forests were wiped out.

M-MS, i, =Vb Z.
All parks and gardens were burned.

EiS EEi x] Z.
All artistic artifacts were destroyed.

j, { +h S VMh Vx{ I +Pb Z.

Men, women and children became
worse than animals.

{] +z | x { Ejr
+ii x > x Ex bx M.
Because of lack of food and love
even the lowly dogs left their masters.

i i h U] x {x nJ Pi i .
In the beginning people were terrified
even at the sight of rabbits.

iEi Mh, Sj, {iE n Phi +.

V Eh lb r E i ES,
i E] Pi + + Vi.
Books, pictures and songs were banned.
People who were doing nothing were thought
to be wasting their time

+ +xE iE, +xE M =].

Decades and centuries passed by.

rix S x{i, Eh VE Eh
{h x M.
Those generals who escaped death in the last war
even forgot who won and who lost.

{lS |S E`i x Z.
BEEq x |, +Eh ]x Z.
Boys and girls were no more attracted to each other.
Love disappeared from the face of earth.

+h BE n BE = BE n.
E]ix S + i BE]S i.
ix i {n { i .
One day a girl saw the last surviving flower.
She had seen a flower for the first time.

ix Ex V>x Mi E, ix BE { +,
iS EV Pi x i i +JS
ES x V<.
She told the others that the last flower
was also about to die.

{h iSEb Eh I n x.
Ci BE j i E hi i V.
But no one paid any attention to her.
Only one youth paid heed to her.

i nP x x i S J{ EV Pi.
The boy and the girl tended the last flower.
Soon the flower blossomed.

lb ni Ux =, M, b M.
i S Mv MEb { M.
i {J, v + +xE E]E
i i v M.
A bee and a bird were attracted to the
scent of the flower.


BES nx ! nx S S !
Pi Pi MEb S n M.
Look! Two flowers! Four flowers! Lots of flowers!

E nxi {i {J M, MS,
VM, x +xnx b M.
Forests and gardens reappeared.


+i i +{h SM E{b Px
Ux n + ] M.
The girl became interested in
decking and dressing herself.

BEES V >x i
|S +x . ix Ux ].
Touch made the boy and the girl experience
great pleasure.


+h + ix |x {x Vx Pi.
Love was reborn in the world.

i nPS M]M]i +xn + Z

+h J, E.
Their children were healthy and strong.
They learnt to laugh and run.


{x M | Ej {i P +.
Dogs returned.

Mi ihS Ii + E,
] ] `x +{h P v Ei.
Some youth discovered that
they could keep a brick on brick and build a house.


iS i Z n P {x x
+{ P v i E.
Soon everyone started building houses.

Pi Pi +xE PS M, MS ` ,
S xM x.
These houses turned into villages and cities.


MiS {x: {x: BE > M.

Music was born again.

Musicians and Magicians


{ +h S
Tailors and Cobblers

Artists and Poets


xE {<


Blacksmiths and Carpenters


}]x] +h E{]x
Lieutenants and Captains


x{i +h x{i
Generals and Major Generals


+h S vE xi
+{ SS | nJ M.
And Religious Leaders again became prominent.

Evn h` EVh `` i,
xMi V> M.
For the sake of livelihood a few left in one direction
and a few others in the opposite direction.


V E {] Vx i i,
ix +{h =S bM i + ] M.
Very soon those who went to the plains
started feeling they should have gone to the hills.

V E bM =S i i,
ix +{h {] Vx i + ] M.
Those who went to the hills felt
they should have gone to the plains.


nS x vE xix ES xi u, iE,
+ + <] S {
In the name of god, religious leaders
stoked the fires of discontent


{i VM {x BEn rS +Mi { {x M.
Once again the world plunged into war.




] x Z, E E S x.
This time the destruction was almost total.


Ci BE {
One man

+h BE j
One woman


+h BES S!
And only one flower remained.


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