Illiteracy A Social Curse

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A society is laden with many imperfections. Each and every problem a society faces is either directly or indirectly connected.

And among all the social problems illiteracy is the base of all problems as it in turn supports thriving of many social problems. The more the illiteracy, the more will be unemployment, which in turn, would encourage other social problems to take place. Illiteracy is like a sickness which is going to devour the whole society. If we look at figures of 20 census, literacy rate in Assam is at mere !". #$ of which male literacy rate is !#.# $ and female literacy rate is %!.2!$. As far as reasons for illiteracy in our society go, the si&e of the population in its current state and as well as the alarming rate of illegal immigration makes raising the level of the literacy as a whole e'tremely difficult. The social system in our society promotes education for the male gender while the female population, especially in the deep interiors of the state, is kept away from schools The figures show the poor standing of our society before the world. If we are to become a developed society, the state government along with the help of (entral )overnment should first remove the problem of illiteracy by introducing effective programs with proper implementation and budget. *ot only the government, but every literate citi&en should contribute in battling with the demon of illiteracy. The need of the hour is to make people know the value of education. An educated person is better e+uipped to participate in the modern economy and society. ,e can overcome the vulnerability and marginali&ation in modern society and makes the citi&en more aware of his rights and duties. The problem of illiteracy in our society will not be solved only by providing education for the children. (ampaign among the illiterate adults is also a crying necessity. A certain percentage of seats should be set aside for indigent children and their education should be funded by government. -es there are many schemes like .arva .ikhsha Abhiyaan, /r 0id 1ay 0eal .cheme has been launched to promote eduvation but simply providing .chools with food will not do. The dismal state of the school building, poor teaching aids, demotivated teachers should also be taken care of. The ma2or problem with social problems is that it is a vicious cycle3the more the population, the more the unemployment, and the more the unemployment, the more illiteracy, and the more the illiteracy, the more the population will keep growing4 5e need to break this cycle somewhere. And like they say, nothing is impossible4 If each one of us contributes in our own way, we can make a difference. 5ith a slogan, created a few years back 6 Each /ne Teach /ne 6 if we follow that slogan, we could easily help the cause. 5e don7t need to go out on the streets to find someone to teach, 2ust look in our own house, our own neighborhood, the child of the poor family beside our house, or that little boy who comes to collect the garbage or one who work at the chat shop. They should be studying instead of working. 8ut yes since for them earning is important for survival, we can make a difference by giving them lessons. 5e 2ust need to wake up from our complacent lives and try to make a difference4 9emember :iteracy is not a lu'ury; it is a right and a responsibility of every person, that is mine and -/<9.444

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