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OFFICE NOTE KARNATAKA POWER CORPORATION LTD. Sub: Inspection Report of Sainik School , Bijapur to provide Technical "o! #P$%&$' Assistance for establishing Solar Photovoltic Syste s at Sainik School, (S) & STA & *+,,& Bijapur! -ate: ,. !+/!*+,, ,!+ The Principal, Sainik School, Bijapur has re0uested vide their letter "o!SSB1 & /23&0, -ated: *,!+*!*+,, to depute a Technical '4pert for surveying the area and giving suggestions to set up a Solar 5oltic Syste for %ighting and other re0uire ent at Sainik School, Bijapur! Accordingly, the undersigned -r! 6! "aganagouda, -irector, "ational Training $enter for Solar Technology, deputed on +/!+/!*+,, to identify the site conditions and for surveying the area and assess the potential re0uire ent to set up a Solar 5oltic Syste for %ighting and other re0uire ent at Sainik School, Bijapur -uring the visit a detailed discussion 7as held 7ith the principal 7ith regards to re0uire ent of Solar %ighting for the buildings and 6ostels! After inspection, a detailed report is furnished hereunder8 a). AREA REQUIRED TO INSTALL 1 KWP SPV ROOFTOP POWER PLANT IS 10 ft WIDTH X 15ft BREADTH- tota 150 S!. ft "#W$.



b9! SP5 Po7er Plant Re0uire ent is either :i9 or:ii9as under!
:i9! SP5 Po7er Plant capacity of about 2+ k)p for 6ostel, -inning hall and ;ain&Ad inistrative Building by utilising e4isting fittings&fi4tures! :ii9! SP5 Po7er Plant capacity of about 3. k)p is re0uired for 6ostel, -inning hall and ;ain&Ad inistrative Building by replacing e4isting fittings&fi4tures of tube light 7ith %'- fittings and replace ent of 'nergy 'fficient <an Regulator! c9! T=TA% $=ST A"- ;"R' S>BSI-? T= I"STA%% R==<T=P SP5 P=)'R P%A"T Sl! -etails Total $ost as ;"R' Beneficiary "o per ;"R' subsidy $ost Base rate Rs! Rs!+!2 in Rs& / lakhs&k) %akhs&k)p %akhs 7ith battery Rs , ,k)p SP5 /!++ +!2+ *!,+ Po7er Plant * 2+k)p SP5 *@+!++ A,!++ ,A2!++ Po7er Plant / 3. k)p SP5 ,/.!++ 3+!.+ 23!.+ Po7er Plant

d9! Additional Invest ent for %'- and ''R fittings , * %'- %ights 'nergy 'fficient <an Regulator Total Rs! ,3!AA %akhs Rs! ,!32%akhs Rs! ,B!/@ %akhs

e9! Total cost -etails i9! Total cost for 2+ k)p is Rs! ,A2!++ %akhs 7ith e4isting fi4tures! ii9! Total cost for 3. k)p is Rs! ,,+!A@ %akhs by replacing e4isting fittings & fi4tures 7ith %'- and 'nergy 'fficient <an Regulator! 3!+ .!+ The detailed Inspection Report and correspondence is placed opposite in perusal <or kind advice! file for kind

-irector, "T$ST

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