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Dealogic DCM Criteria

DCM Criteria & Definitions All table s from Jan 1st 2003 to De c 31st 2003. A sia Pacifc include s Asia, India Subcontine nt and Australasia. A sia Pacific (ex Japan) include s Asia (but e x clude s Japan), Indian Subcontine nt and Australasia. A sia (ex Japan) include s Asia (but e x clude s Japan) A sia include s North Asia, South East Asia and the Indian Sub C ontine nt North Asia: C hina, Hong Kong, Japan, Kore a, Macau, Mongolia, Taiwan. South East Asia: Brune i Darussalam , C am bodia, Indone sia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanm ar, Philippine s, Singapore , Thailand, Tim or-Le ste , Vie tnam . Indian Sub Continent: Banglade sh, Bhutan, India, Maldive s, Mauritius, Ne pal, Pak istan, Sri Lank a. A ustralasia include s Australia, Ne w Ze aland and the South Pacific Islands. International Bonds: are de bt se curitie s that m ay tak e e ithe r Global or Eurobond form or be a dom e stically structure d bond whe re 25% of the issue m ust be prove n to be place d outside the country of issue in the prim ary m ark e ts. Gove rnm e nt de bt is include d if it is unde rwritte n by an inte rnational syndicate . Yank e e and Sam urai bonds are not re garde d as inte rnational unle ss at le ast 25% of the bond is sold outside of the North Am e rica and Japane se m ark e ts re spe ctive ly. Cross Border (Foreign) Bonds: are de bt se curitie s that are sold into a dom e stic m ark e t but are issue d by a non-dom e stic issue r (e g: Sam urai issue s). Domestic Bonds: are de bt se curitie s de nom inate d in the national curre ncy of the issue rs, unde rwritte n by dom e stic bank s and sold into the dom e stic m ark e t. This will inlcude Sam urai issue s in the Japan table s. Kangaroo issue s in the Australian Table s. O ur global rank e ligiblity crite ria doe s not apply the re fore de als with shorte r te nors will be inlcude d. High Yield Bonds: are de bt se curitie s issue d by industrials, corporate s, sove re igns, bank s and financials which have noninve stm e nt grade issue r ratings at the tim e of launch from Standard & Poor's, Moody's or Fitch, or which are unrate d by the se age ncie s and fe lt to be cle arly of non-inve stm e nt grade quality. Investment Grade Bonds: are de bt se curitie s issue d by industrials, corporate s, bank s and financials which have inve stm e nt grade issue r ratings at the tim e of launch from Standard & Poor's, Moody's or Fitch. League Tables A ll Bonds: lists the top 10 Book runne rs (by volum e ) of all bonds (inte rnational, cross borde r and dom e stic ) in any de nom ination satisfying the De alogic global rank e ligibility crtie ria outline d be low. International Bonds : lists the top 10 Book runne rs (by volum e ) of all bonds satisfying the inte rnational crite ria. International Bonds (G3) : lists the top 10 Book runne rs (by volum e ) of all bonds satisfying the inte rnational crite ria and de nom inate d in YEN, EUR O or US$. High Yield: lists the top 10 Book runne rs (by volum e ) of all bonds satisfying the high yie ld crite ria, whe re the de al nationality (se e be low) is from Asia (e x cluding Japan). Investment Grade: lists the top 10 Book runne rs (by volum e ) of all bonds satisfying the inve stm e nt grade crite ria, whe re the de al nationality (se e be low) is from Asia (e x cluding Japan). Domestic Bonds: lists the Top 10 Book runne rs of all bonds satisfying the dom e stic bonds crite ria, including straight bonds, and asse t and m ortgage back e d se curitie s. The se table s aim to capture anything that is sold dom e stically into that m ark e t, and the re fore m ay include forie gn affiliate d issue rs. Howe ve r bonds raise d in the following curre ncie s A$, Ye n, HK$, S$, by fore ign issue rs and not spe cifically sold into Australia, Japan, Hong Kong and Singapore will be cove re d by the C urre ncy table s se ction. Currency Bonds: lists the Top 10 Book runne rs of all bonds raise d in that spe cific curre ncy by global issue rs. O ur global crite ria doe s not apply the re fore shorte r te nors are e ligible .



Dealogic DCM Criteria

crite ria doe s not apply the re fore shorte r te nors are e ligible .

Transaction Eligibility Fix e d and Floating R ate issue s, Me dium Te rm Note s (MTN), Short-te rm de bt, Se curitise d de als (asse t-back e d and m ortgage back e d se curitie s), non-conve rtible pre fe rre d stock , collate ralize d de bt obligations are e ligible for inclusion. Transactions from Sove re igns and Age ncie s will be include d unle ss othe rwise spe cifie d, Supranational issuance (e .g.: Asia De ve lopm e nt Bank ) will be e x clude d. Se lf-le d and Se lf-funde d de als will be include d unle ss othe rwise spe cifie d. Pre -IPO conve rtible s, whe re the com pany is not due to float within thre e ye ars are include d. R e -ope nings are rank e ligible and are subje ct to the sam e rank ing crite ria as the original offe ring. C lose d and ope n-e nd inve stm e nt funds are e ligible . C orporate bonds and MTNs m ust have a m inim um m aturity of 18 m onths to be e ligible for inclusion. O the r de bt se curitie s m ust have m inim um m aturity of 12 m onths.

Exclusions: For all re gional table s (Asia Pacific, AP e x Japan, Asia e x Japan) and all inte rnational table s (re gional and country spe cific)- corporate bonds m aturing le ss than 18 m onths afte r se ttle m e nt date are e x clude d. For othe r country spe cific table s, bonds with a one ye ar of m ore m aturity are include d. Maturity is de fine d as the le gal m aturity of the offe ring. De als with global proce e ds of le ss than US$1m n. Global proce e ds of a de al is calculate d by sum m ing the proce e ds of all rank e ligible tranche s. Tranche proce e ds are calculate d by m ultiplying the face value of the se curity by the offe r price . If the offe r price is not disclose d 100% is assum e d with the e x ce ption of ze ro coupon bonds which be com e rank ine ligible . Non-unde rwritte n de als are e x clude d. Be st e fforts de als as the y re late to MTNs are include d. Bond e x change offe rs whe re e x isting de bt is re place d by ne w de bt are not rank e ligible unle ss ne w m one y is raise d. If the ne w de bt offe re d e x ce e ds the de bt it re place s the n the diffe re nce of the proce e ds is rank e ligible . C e rtificate s of De posit, loan-style FR Ns, and m one y m ark e t transactions are e x clude d unle ss othe rwise spe cifie d. Auctions and non-unde rwritte n gove rnm e nt de bt are e x clude d. Ranking Methodology Nation classifications are base d on de al nationality. De al nationality re fle cts the nationality of the de al m andate , re gardle ss of issue r incorporation or, in som e circum stance s issue r he ad quarte rs. Se cure d de als are cate gorize d in te rm s of the nationality of the collate ral. Se curitie s issue d by e m e rging m ark e ts subsidiarie s of North Am e rican or W e ste rn Europe an pare nt com panie s which are vie we d in the m ark e t as e m e rging m ark e ts and price d as e m e rging m ark e ts are cate gorize d in te rm s of the nationality of the subsidiary rathe r than as North Am e rican or W e ste rn Europe an. Unse cure d and non-e m e rging m ark e ts de bt se curitie s are cate gorize d in te rm s of the busine ss nationality of the group he ad. Busine ss nationality is de fine d as the ce nte r of busine ss of a com pany, tak ing busine ss ope rations, re ve nue , he adquarte rs and incorporation into conside ration All am ounts are base d on global proce e ds (face value * offe r price ) in US$. In the e ve nt that one or m ore tranche s of a m ulti-tranche de al do not m e e t rank e ligibility qualifications those tranche s are e x clude d from the global proce e ds am ount. Proce e ds are apportione d am ong book runne rs on a tranche by tranche basis. De al count consolidate s all tranche s of a de al. Submission Guidelines Subm issions to De alogic can be se nt to the be low contact de tails with the following ite m s in re spe ct to e ach tranche . Issue r Nam e Pricing and Se ttle m e nt Date C urre ncy and Face value Te nor C oupon De tails O ffe r price Issue Type Unde rwrite rs C re dit ratings Spre ad to Be nchm ark Fe e de tails Use of proce e ds



Dealogic DCM Criteria

Table s will be update d e ach we e k on Friday. De als m ust be re ce ive d by 10am on Friday for inclusion. Dealogic (Hong Kong) FAO : De bt C apital Mark e ts Te l: 852 2528 9111 Fax : 852 2529 4377 Em ail: hk info@de Dealogic (Tokyo) FAO : De bt C apital Mark e ts Te l: 813 5157 1527 Fax : 813 5157 1528 Em ail: jpinfo@de

Contact Dealogic: London: (+44) 20 7379 5650 New York: (+1 212) 577 4400 Tokyo: (+813) 5157 1527 Hong Kong: (+852) 2528 9111


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