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TAXANOMY KEEP POND CLEAN OR FROG GET SICK (KPCOFGS) 1. Kingdom,Phylum,Class,Order,Family,Genus,Species Importance : 1. Avoid overlapping naming 2.

. Easy identification 3. Distinction from primitive species 4. Study evolutionary processes Species : Individuals that are able to interbreed, morphologically similar. Can be defined in 4 ways, namely : Reproductive,Structural,Genetics and Ecology.

Prototista Chlorophyta (Spirogyra/Chlamydomonas/Ulva) : 1. Cellulose cell wall,photosynthetic 2. Have a pair of flagellas , eyspot for light detection , Has cup shaped chloroplast surrounding nucleus, Has pyrenoids(*food storage) ( Chlam.) 3. Shows alternation of generation ( Ulva) 4. Has spiral chloroplast in peripheral cytoplasm ( Spirogyra) Zoomastigina (Euglena) 1. Most are Heterotrophic, flexible pellicle cell membrane,a long flagellum for locomotion 2. Some might have chlorophyll 3. Has contractile vacuole 4. Form cysts and reproduce asexually 5. Store food in paramylum grains

Fungi Zygomycota (Mucor,Rhizopus) -most are multicellular, Yeast unicellular only -non motile , chitin cell wall -has mycelia ( network of hyphae ) -store food in glycogen form -Aseptate/ Coenocytic ( X have cross wall between cells ), therfore multinucleated -Heterotrophic -Has rhizoids ( hyphae to penetrate food ) - Lives in damp area - Specialised hyphae( Sporangiosphores) has Sporangia that contains Spores -Dont have chlorophyll ,most of them are grey or white -Sexual reproduction through fusion of nuclei

Plantae Brophyta ( Moss/ Marchantia ) -Lives in shady and damp area -X vascular, has rhizoids to absorb nutrients, no true stem and roots -Alternation of generation ( Gametophyta dominant) - Sporophyte small and depends on gametophyta for food -Zoidogamous fertilisation ( swimming gametes) - Has sex organs Archegonia produces oosphere Antheridia produces antherozoid -Sporophyte reproduce by spore, dispersed by win

Filicinophyta ( Dryopteris ) -Lives in shady and damp area -Alternation of gene ( Sporo. Dominant) - Gametophyte prothallus and small, independent of sporophyte for food -Has primitive vascular tissue, no xylem vessel and companion cell -Has true roots and stems (rhizome) -Large leaves are pinnated called Fronds -Under fronds has Sori which has sporangia on it,inside Sporangia contains cluster of Spores -Young leaves coiled and form Ramenta,cover rhizome -Zoidagamous fertilisation - Has sex organ Oosphere produced by Archegonia -Antherozoids produced by Antheridia

Coniferophyta ( Pinus) -Sporophyte generation dominant, no clear cut of generation alternation -Reproduce through cones , naked seeds -Has more advance vascular tissue than Filicino & Bryophyte , still have no xylem vessels and companion cells -Heterosporous Microspores that contains Pollen grains, stored in Microsporangia( Located underneath leaves that are at the upper parts of tree ) -Macrospores that contains Embryo sacs, stored in Macrosporangia ( Located on the upper surface of leaves that are at the bottom parts of tree ) - Syphonogamous ( Pollen tube fertilisation) -Pollination by wind

Angiospermatophyta ( Helianthus ) -Has flower to be involved in sexual reproduction -Has advance vascular tissue with xylem vessels and companion cells in phloem -Heterosporous -Male portion of flower is called Androecium has stamen, stamen has stalk and anther where Pollen Grains develops -Female portion is called Gynaecium, has carpel and pistil, Pistil has ovary, style and stigma. -Pollination done by winds or insects, syphonogamous fertilisation, Double fertilisation -Seed enclosed in fruit, seed can be covered by testa by 2 or 1 cotyledons ( mono and dicot) -Sporophyte generation is dominant but also no clear cut of generation alternation

Animalia Porifera (Sycon/Sponge) -Sessile, most are marine -Diploblastic , no symmetry , Has cell differentiation -Has Porocytes in body wall, Choanocyte in inner wall, undifferentiated Amoebocytes at mesoglea -Large opening called Osculum -Hemaphrodites (contains both sexes) , Protrandous (male gametes develops first) -Amoebocytes in mesoglea secretes calcerous substance form skeletal support -Amoebocytes differentiate into female and male gametes in sexual reproduction -Asexually reproduction by budding or strobilisation (body part regeneration ) -Fertilised gametes form zygotes which is swimming larvae -Beating of flagella of Choanocyte brings water in through Porocytes into body wall and out through Osculum

Cnidaria/Coelenterata ( Obelia/Hydra ) -Has tissue differentiation, Diploblastic, Radial symmetrical -Has polyps, nerve cell,muscle cell and Nematocytes -Polymorphism , can be sessile ( Obelia ) or mobile ( Medusa ) -Tentacles contains Nematocytes -Gas single body cavity called enteron, mouth acts to ingest food and egest wastes -Asexual reproduction through budding or strobilisation -Hermaphrodites and involves fertilised zygote form swimming larvae

Platyhelminthes (Taenia) -Has tissue diff, Triploblastic , Bilateral symmetrical, Acoelomate -Has cerobro ganglia and network of nerve cells -Has flame cells which invols in excretory process -Parasitic , Segmented body parts into proglottids -Hemaphrodite, self fertilisation produce cysts and store in proglottids, the proglottids then dettached through excretion of faeces -Has sclolex heads with hoods, its the part where young proglottids grow

Mollusca Gastropoda ( Helix /Snail ) -Triploblastic,Has tissue diff, Bilateral Symm, Coelomate -Dorsal visceral hump, muscular foot, calcerous mantle cell - Open circulatory system with haemocyanin -Has Radula to dogest foot, Nephridia as excretory organs -Form free swimming Trochophore larva

Athropoda Insecta/ Crustacea ( Mosquito / Prawns ) -Has cell and tissue differentiation,Triphoblastic , Bilaterally symmetrical, chitinous Exoskeleton , Segmented body, coelemate -Jointed appendages and legs to body segments - Open circulatory system with haemolymph -Insecta has 3 body divisions, namely head, thorax and abdomen. -Some of them has wings and compound eyes -Crustacea has 2 body divisions , Cephalothorax and abdomen. -Crustacea has stalked eyes

Chordata Mammalia ( Homo sapiens / Rattus ) -Bilaterally sym, metamerically segmented, Triphoblastic , Coelomates -At some stages of their life cycles, they have: 1. Post anal tail 2. Pharyngeal slits 3. Dorsal Nerve Cord 4. Myotomes -Closed circulatory system, Most are vertebrate , Sexually reproduce

Biodiversity- Ecosystem Diversity, Species Diversity, Genetic Diversity. Threats to Biodiversity : A. Habitat destruction ( Deforestation , Development, Dam Construction ) B. Overexploitation ( Fish booming, Overlogging, Overhunting ) C, Pollution ( Industrial wastes, Human wastes, Agriculture wastes ) D. Introduction of new species ( Disrupt ecological balance, Compete for food ) E. Climatic change ( Global warming green house gases , CFC, Vehicles and Industrial Emissions )

Steps to Conserve and Preserve : 1. Enforcement of Law ( Environment Quality Act or Akta Kualiti Alam Sekitar ) 2. Ex situ ( Sperm bank, RnD institutes ) and In situ ( Taman Negara , Marine Park ) Conservations 3. Preferential logging and fishing on certain circumferences ( When parameter or size reach a certrain level ) 4. Campaign 5. Recycling 3R concepts 6. Montreal/Cartegena Protocol 7. 1/3 Forest as Conserved and Preserved Area

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