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fun, engaging, and
Understandlnq tbe way tbe world learns Lnqllsb
NEW Edition
kit included!
Use the sampIe unit inside
in yeur cIassreem!
Barbara H. Foley and Elizabeth R. Neblett
English in Action
English in Action, Second LdlLlon Overvlew
Students learn better and are more motivated when
they can put English into action!
1he second edlLlon o English in Action provldes learners
wlLh compeLencybased supporL or bulldlng language, lle,
and work skllls ln real world seLLlngs. Learners are
engaged as workers, amlly members, and clLlzens Lhrough
a communlcaLlve, pracLlcal, and acLlve approach.
NEW Word Builder activities provide additional
vocabulary practice and help students to achieve a deeper
understanding of the target words.
NEW Word Partnerships provide students
with frequent collocations to promote fluency.
Barbara H. Foley and Elizabeth R. Neblett
Whats new and updated in the second edition?
English in Action
UPDATEDWorking Together activities
build learner persistence and workplace skills through
cooperative tasks, enhancing the classroom community.
Everything students need to
the ESL classroom to the
world beyond.
English in Action ls llled wlLh un and exclLlng conLenL and acLlvlLles whlch
moLlvaLe sLudenLs Lo masLer Lhe skllls presenLed.
English in Action empowers sLudenLs and promoLes learner perslsLence
Lhrough dynamlc, communlcaLlve acLlvlLles, helplng Lo bulld conldence ln
and ouL o Lhe classroom.
English in Action encourages learners Lo communlcaLe and parLlclpaLe ln a
llvely learnlng process LhaL oers lnLeracLlve Lechnology opLlons,
provldlng varlous avenues Lo learnlng.
NEWSharing Our Stories exercises have been added
to the Writing Our Stories sections to encourage
students to read and talk about each other's writing.
English in Action ls a
wellbalanced, modern
LLL LexLbook.
Mark Lablnskl
lox valley 1echnlcal College, Wl
NEW English in Action sections practice the everyday skills students need
to interact and solve problems in the real world.
Student 8eeks: ully revlsed and updaLed LexLs lnclude Lhe vocabulary,
grammar, llsLenlng 8 speaklng, readlng, and wrlLlng acLlvlLles LhaL help sLudenLs galn
Lhe language skllls Lhey need boLh ln and ouL o Lhe classroom. Lach classroomLesLed
unlL wlll help sLudenLs lnLeracL as sLudenLs, clLlzens, amlly members, and workers.
Werkbeeks: relnorce and revlew Lhe vocabulary, grammar
and skllls lnLroduced ln Lhe sLudenL books Lhrough a varleLy o
acLlvlLy Lypes. Lach workbook conLalns an ^udlo CL wlLh Lhe
llsLenlng acLlvlLles rom Lhe workbook.
tnteractive CD-ROMs: eaLure un acLlvlLles LhaL
moLlvaLe learners and pracLlce Lhe language and skllls LaughL
ln Lhe sLudenL books.
Audie CDs: conLaln all llsLenlng acLlvlLles rom Lhe sLudenL books.
English in Action, Second LdlLlon Overvlew
Complete Lnqllsb ln Actlon, Second Edition package includes
Student Support
Lnqllsb ln Actlon prepares your students to be successful students,
Lifeskills Academic Skills
everything necessary for teachers to facilitate learning.
1eachers Guides incIude:
1eachlng suggesLlons or every acLlvlLy ln Lhe sLudenL books
More ^cLlon! secLlons LhaL provlde Leachers wlLh ldeas or llvely lnclass acLlvlLles
1eachlng 1lps LhaL oer addlLlonal ways Lo expand Lhe sLudenL book acLlvlLles
Assessment CD-ROMs with xamView

: allow
teachers to create and customize tests and quizzes quickly and
Presentatien 1eeIs en CD-ROM: lnclude sLudenL
book resources or Leachers Lo use ln class Lo presenL and
pracLlce language and skllls ln Lhe serles. 1hese can be used ln
Lhe classroom wlLh an lnLeracLlve whlLeboard or wlLh a
compuLer and daLa pro|ecLor.
l llke Lhe varleLy o ways LhaL l, as a
Leacher, can use Lhe acLlvlLles ln a
jennler NewmanCornell
College o SouLhern Nevada, Nv
citizens, and workers!
Workplace Skills
Teacher Support
1eachlng 1lps or uslng English in Action, Second LdlLlon ln Lhe classroom
The Picture
1. Listen & Repeat & Peint: 1he
sLudenLs llsLen Lo Lhe CL (or Lhe
Leacher), and repeaL Lhe words.
1hen, Lhe Leacher reads Lhe words
whlle sLudenLs polnL Lo Lhe
correspondlng plcLures ln Lhelr
2. Categerize: 1he sLudenLs (as a
class or ln groups) puL Lhe words
lnLo caLegorles (e.g. publlc
LransporLaLlon, expenslveI
lnexpenslve, asLIslow).
3. xtend the VecabuIary: 1he
Leacher ellclLs rom Lhe sLudenLs
more words noL ound ln Lhe book.
SLudenLs orm senLences wlLh Lhe
words ln Lhe Word ParLnershlps box.
4. Ask Questiens: 1he Leacher asks
quesLlons abouL Lhe vocabulary
words (e.g. Lo you preer or
? How do you geL Lo class?).
5. Paired SpeIIing: One sLudenL
reads a word aloud (wlLh book
open), Lhe parLner spells lL (wlLh
book closed).
6. 8inge: 1he Leacher Lells Lhe
sLudenLs Lo wrlLe down any lve
words rom Lhe plcLure dlcLlonary.
1he Leacher Lhen randomly reads
Lhe words aloud. 1he lrsL sLudenL
Lo have all o hlsIher words read
aloud wlns.
I. Werd 8uiIder: SLudenLs compleLe
Lhe Word Bullder acLlvlLles uslng
Lhe LlcLlonary page(s).
Practicing Grammar
1. Review the Charts: 1he sLudenLs
look aL Lhe charLs and dlscuss Lhe
new grammar. 1he Leacher asks
Lhe sLudenLs Lo orm new
2. Activity CempIetien: ^Ler
compleLlng wrlLLen acLlvlLles,
sLudenLs compare answers wlLh a
parLner and repeaL Lhe senLences
3. Werking 1egether: 1he Leacher
asks Lwo or more sLudenLs Lo
model new Worklng 1ogeLher
acLlvlLles so LhaL sLudenLs are
comorLable wlLh Lhe Lask. When
ormlng groups, lnclude sLudenLs
wlLh dlerenL language
backgrounds and ablllLles.
4. Dictatiens: lour or more sLudenLs
go Lo Lhe board. 1he Leacher (or
sLudenLs) dlcLaLe senLences rom
Lhe unlL or Lhe sLudenLs Lo wrlLe.
5. Write a Cenversatien: SLudenLs
use Lhe Lheme o Lhe unlL Lo wrlLe
and acL ouL new conversaLlons
abouL Lhe Loplc.
6. find xampIes: 1he Leacher
encourages Lhe sLudenLs Lo lnd
examples o Lhe grammar ln Lhelr
|obs or ln Lhe communlLy.
I. Werkbeek: lor addlLlonal
pracLlce, Lhe Leacher dlrecLs Lhe
sLudenLs Lo compleLe
accompanylng exerclses ln Lhe
the Authers!
The Big Picture
1. VecabuIary Activities:
a. 1he sLudenLs nd !0 vocabulary
words ln Lhe plcLure. 1he
Leacher wrlLes Lhem on Lhe
b. 1he sLudenLs slL ln groups and
label any !S ob|ecLs ln Lhe
c. 1he Leacher asks Lhe sLudenLs
Lo nd !0 acLlons Laklng place ln
Lhe plcLure.
2. Questiens: 1he Leacher asks
quesLlons abouL Lhe plcLure (e.g.
What is Elena doing? What is Harry
wearing? How many passengers are
getting on the bus?).
3. Listen te the Stery: 1he Leacher
plays Lhe CL or reads Lhe sLory
several Llmes.
4. LabeI the PeepIe: 1he sLudenLs
wrlLe Lhe names on Lhe correcL
5. ReteII the Stery: 1he sLudenLs
reLell any parL o Lhe sLory Lhey
6. xercises: 1he sLudenLs do Lhe
exerclses ln Lhe book. Beore
compleLlng an exerclse, dlrecL Lhe
sLudenL Lo read Lhe senLences or
quesLlons lrsL, Lhen, replay Lhe CL.
I. Write a Stery er DiaIeg: ^s a
class or ln groups, Lhe sLudenLs
wrlLe a sLory or dlalog abouL
1he Blg PlcLure.
1. Discuss: 1he class dlscusses Lhe
Loplc o Lhe readlng.
2. VecabuIary: Choose Lhree or our
new vocabulary words or Lhe
sLudenLs Lo learn. Llscuss Lhe
meanlngs. ^sk Lhe sLudenLs Lo
wrlLe Lhe new words ln Lhelr
3. SiIent Reading. 1he sLudenLs read
Lhe sLory sllenLly. 1hey underllne
and ask abouL any new words.
4. Listen te the Reading: 1he Leacher
reads Lhe sLory as Lhe sLudenLs
ollow along sllenLly.
5. ReteII the tnfermatien: 1he
Leacher reads Lhe sLory agaln. ^Ler
each paragraph, sLudenLs reLell Lhe
lnormaLlon ln Lhelr own words.
6. Cemprehensien Activities:
SLudenLs compleLe Lhe
comprehenslon acLlvlLy aLer Lhe
readlng and compare Lhelr answers
wlLh a parLner.
I. Sharing Opiniens: SLudenLs share
Lhelr oplnlons abouL Lhe readlng
and Lhelr personal experlences
relaLed Lo Lhe Loplc.
Writing Our Stories
1. Read the MedeI Stery: 1he
sLudenLs read Lhe sLory sllenLly, or
Lhe Leacher reads lL aloud.
2. Discuss the Organizatien: 1he
class Lalks abouL Lhe organlzaLlon
o Lhe sLory. 1he sLudenLs lnd
deLalls and examples ln Lhe sLory.
3. Writing: Lach sLudenL wrlLes
hlsIher own sLory, uslng Lhe
model sLory as an example.
SLudenLs use Lhe quesLlons or
compleLlon acLlvlLles Lo help Lhem
wrlLe Lhelr sLorles.
4. Sharing Our Steries: SLudenLs
exchange sLorles wlLh a parLner and
compleLe Lhe shared lnormaLlon ln
Lhelr LexLbooks.
5. diting: 1he Leacher collecLs Lhe
sLudenL sLorles and selecLs
lndlvldual senLences Lo use as an
edlLlng exerclse. SLudenLs lnd and
correcL Lhe mlsLakes.
6. Rewriting: Based on parLner
commenLs, edlLlng, and Leacher
lnpuL, each sLudenL rewrlLes hlsIher
I. PertfeIies: SLudenLs should keep
lndlvldual olders o all Lhelr
Barbara H. Foley and Elizabeth R. Neblett
English in Action
lull unlL rom English in Action, Second LdlLlon SLudenL Book (Level !, UnlL 9). Lownload Lhe resL o Lhe 1esLLrlve
klL, lncludlng 1eachers Gulde pages, Workbook pages, as well as audlo aL
lull unlL rom English in Action, Second LdlLlon SLudenL Book (Level !, UnlL 9). Lownload Lhe resL o Lhe 1esLLrlve
klL, lncludlng 1eachers Gulde pages, Workbook pages, as well as audlo aL
lull unlL rom English in Action, Second LdlLlon SLudenL Book (Level !, UnlL 9). Lownload Lhe resL o Lhe 1esLLrlve
klL, lncludlng 1eachers Gulde pages, Workbook pages, as well as audlo aL
lull unlL rom English in Action, Second LdlLlon SLudenL Book (Level !, UnlL 9). Lownload Lhe resL o Lhe 1esLLrlve
klL, lncludlng 1eachers Gulde pages, Workbook pages, as well as audlo aL
lull unlL rom English in Action, Second LdlLlon SLudenL Book (Level !, UnlL 9). Lownload Lhe resL o Lhe 1esLLrlve
klL, lncludlng 1eachers Gulde pages, Workbook pages, as well as audlo aL
lull unlL rom English in Action, Second LdlLlon SLudenL Book (Level !, UnlL 9). Lownload Lhe resL o Lhe 1esLLrlve
klL, lncludlng 1eachers Gulde pages, Workbook pages, as well as audlo aL
lull unlL rom English in Action, Second LdlLlon SLudenL Book (Level !, UnlL 9). Lownload Lhe resL o Lhe 1esLLrlve
klL, lncludlng 1eachers Gulde pages, Workbook pages, as well as audlo aL
Sample pages rom English in Action, Second LdlLlon 1eachers Gulde (Level !, UnlL 9). Lownload Lhe resL o Lhe klL,
lncludlng compleLe 1eachers Gulde pages, Workbook pages, and audlo aL

lor more lnormaLlon, vlslL us

aL NGL.Cengage.cem, conLacL
your local represenLaLlve,
or call 8II-633-33I5.
The perfect complement to Lnqllsb ln Actlon, Second Edition: Tbe Helnle Plcture lctlonary.
LeveI 1
SLudenL Book 978l424049905
Workbook wlLh ^udlo CL 978llll005658
lnLeracLlve CLkOM 978l426634l54
SLudenL BookIlnLeracLlve CLkOM Pkg. 978llll626747
SLudenL BookIWorkbookIlnLeracLlve CLkOM Pkg. 978llll626754
1eachers Gulde 978l424084975
^udlo CL 978l4240850l9
^ssessmenL CLkOM wlLh LxamView

PresenLaLlon 1ool 978llll0056l0
SLudenL BookIWorkbook Pkg. 978llll227l73
LeveI 2
SLudenL Book 978l4240499l2
Workbook wlLh ^udlo CL 978llll00564l
lnLeracLlve CLkOM 978l426634l6l
SLudenL BookIlnLeracLlve CLkOM Pkg. 978llll62676l
SLudenL BookIWorkbookIlnLeracLlve CLkOM Pkg. 978llll626778
1eachers Gulde 978l424084982
^udlo CL 978l424085026
^ssessmenL CLkOM wlLh LxamView

PresenLaLlon 1ool 978llll057794
SLudenL BookIWorkbook Pkg. 978llll227388
LeveI 3
SLudenL Book 978l424049929
Workbook wlLh ^udlo CL 978llll005634
lnLeracLlve CLkOM 978l426634l78
SLudenL BookIlnLeracLlve CLkOM Pkg. 978llll626792
SLudenL BookIWorkbookIlnLeracLlve CLkOM Pkg. 978llll626808
1eachers Gulde 978l424084999
^udlo CL 978l424085033
^ssessmenL CLkOM wlLh LxamView

PresenLaLlon 1ool 978llll005603
SLudenL BookIWorkbook Pkg. 978llll227432
LeveI 4
SLudenL Book 978l424049936
Workbook wlLh ^udlo CL 978llll005627
lnLeracLlve CLkOM 978l426634l85
SLudenL BookIlnLeracLlve CLkOM Pkg. 978llll6268l5
SLudenL BookIWorkbookIlnLeracLlve CLkOM Pkg. 978llll626785
1eachers Gulde 978l424085002
^udlo CL 978l424085040
^ssessmenL CLkOM wlLh LxamView

PresenLaLlon 1ool 978llll005597
SLudenL BookIWorkbook Pkg. 978llll227463
Visit NGL.Cengage.cem{hpd fer mere infermatien.
1he HeinIe Picture Dictienary
^ plcLure ls worLh 4,000 words!
4,000 words LaughL ln conLexL
leaLures a Lesson Planner wlLh ^cLlvlLy Bank and Classroom PresenLaLlon 1ool CLkOM
Blllngual edlLlons also avallable
Lnqllsb ln Actlon, Second Edition has everything you need
AIse features:
1he HeinIe Picture Dictienary tnteractive CD-ROM (HPDt)!
1he HPDI has many engaglng and un acLlvlLles lncludlng.
PronunclaLlon pracLlce
volce recordlng capablllLles
vocabulary llash Cards
^nd more!
For valuable information on pricing, previous editions, changes to current editions and alternate formats,
please visit (search by ISBN, author, title or keyword).

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