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(Through e-procurement portal only)

No.CE(GSW) /SPV /5 !/"elakava#i 1.0 $ate% &&.'( .)'&&

Karnataka *o+er ,orporation -imite# invites through G.K e-procurement plat form /i#s on E*, contract /asis0 under Sw !! "#$%%en&e Me'#od( from 1ualifie# /i##ers for the )$esign0 manufacture0 supply0 erection0 testing an# commissioning of gri# connecte# solar *2 plant e1uipments (crystalline technology) of 5 !p capacity at "elakava#i village of an#ya $istrict in Karnataka 3tate0 along +ith gri# connecting e1uipments for 44K2 line an# all associate# civil +orks5. The #etails of 67T an# "rief "i# notification can also /e seen on K*,- +e/site an# https%/ *re1ualification re1uirements can /e #o+n loa#e# from Gov.of Karnataka eprocurement +e/site https%/ un#er login from contractors.


The last #ate for receipt of application along +ith #ocumentary evi#ence in support of minimum 1ualification re1uirements for issue of /i# #ocuments is up to &8.'' hrs on ('.'(.)'&&. 9urther #etails can /e ha# from% ,hief Engineer (G3!) Karnataka *o+er ,orporation -imite#0 3u#arshan ,omple:0 77 9loor0 6o.))/)(0 3hesha#ri ;oa#0 "angalore-54'''<. Karnataka0 7n#ia. E mail% TE-E *>.6E% '?'-))(548&@ ."7-E % <@@<5 <?<&8 TE-E9AA % '?'-))(5)(54 / ))(?45&8 +e/site %



(Through e-procurement portal only) $ate% && .'(.)'&&

No.CE(GSW)/SPV/ +MW /,e%$-$.$d 1.0 Karnataka *o+er ,orporation -imite# invites /i#s on E*, contract /asis 0under Sw !! "#$%%en&e Me'#od( from the 1ualifie# /i##ers for $esign0 Engineering0 manufacture0 Buality surveillance0 Testing at manufacturerCs +orks0 *acking an# 3upply of Gri# connecte# solar *2 e1uipments (crystalline technology) of 5 !p capacity at "elakava#i village of an#ya $istrict in Karnataka 3tate inclu#ing comprehensive insurance0 3torage0 intrasite transportation0 erection0 testing an# commissioning of the solar plant along +ith gri# connecting e1uipments0 3,A$A system an# all associate# civil +orks etc. *.0 *re1ualification re1uirements may /e #o+nloa#e# from Government of Karnataka eprocurement +e/site https%/ un#er login for contractors. After login to contractors 0 please scroll #o+n to the right si#e /ottom to see list of ten#ers0 please click there to fin# the #etail of 67T an# #o+nloa# copy of the *B; ten#er. The ten#er can /e #o+nloa#e# in the portal as per prescri/e# #ate an# time pu/lishe# in the portal. .nly intereste# contractors +ho +ish to participate shoul# remit on line transaction fee for ten#er after registering in the portal. The transaction fee is nonrefun#a/le.

/.0E$rne!' Mone0 De1o! '2

EMD2 R!.3+.00/4 %$-#!.

Ten#ers must /e accompanie# /y E $ +hich shoul# /e pai# online through e-procurement portal at the time of su/mission of /i#s. "i##er shall remit ;s. &.''/- lakh (#irect #e/it0 cre#it car# D 6ational Electronic 9un# Transfer (6E9T) or .ver The ,ounter (.T,) only in e-portal .;emaining amount of ;s.8@.'/- (3eventy 9our lakh) either in the form of crosse# #eman# #raft in favor of KA;6ATAKA *.!E; ,.;*.;AT7.6 -7 7TE$0 paya/le at "angalore or "ank Guarantee from the 6ationalise# / 3che#ule "ank on ;s )''/)

stamp paper as per the K*,- *roforma. 3canne# copy of "G shall /e uploa#e# to the e-portal an# original "G shall /e su/mitte# to the chief Engineer (G3!) 0K*,-0 /efore the opening of technical /i#.The "ank Guarantee su/mitte# to+ar#s E $ shall /e vali# for a perio# of )&' #ays from the #ate of opening of the technical /i# (,over-7). 7n case0 the vali#ity of the "i# is re1uire# to /e e:ten#e#0 the vali#ity of the "G furnishe# to+ar#s E $ shall /e e:ten#e# up to (' #ays /eyon# such e:ten#e# /i# vali#ity perio#. The "ank guarantee shall /e furnishe# in the prescri/e# format. .nly on receipt of full E $ of ;s.85.''/- lakhs along +ith technical /i#0 *rice /i# +ill /e opene# an# consi#ere# for evaluation. *art an# incomplete /i#/ /i#s not accompanie# +ith E $ / /elate# /i#s +ill not /e accepte#. 5.0 $ocuments to meet the pre-1ualification criteria shall /e electronically su/mitte# (online through internet ) in e-procurement portal. Those +ho satisfy the pre1ualification criteria shall /e eligi/le for #o+nloa#ing the ten#er #ocuments from Government of Karnataka e-procurement +e/site http%/ un#er login for ,ontractor. +.0 *re-1ualifie# /i##ers shall su/mit Ten#ers (/oth ,over-& D )) electronically (online through internet) +ithin the #ate an# time pu/lishe# in e-procurement portal. ,over & an# cover ) +ill /e opene# at prescri/e# time an# #ate in the e-procurement portal0 in the presence of the Ten#erers +ho +ish to atten# at the office of the ,hief Engineer (G3!)0 K*,-0 3u#arshan ,omple:0 ))/)(. 3econ# 9loor0 3hesha#ri ;oa#0 "angalore-<.

6.0 "rief scope of ten#er is as follo+s. .ther #etails can /e seen in the ten#er #ocuments. 3l. 6o. 6ame of +ork E $ Ten#er processing fees (6onrefun#a/le)


$esign0 Engineering0 manufacture0 Buality surveillance0 Testing at manufacturerCs +orks0 *acking an# 3upply of Gri# connecte# solar *2 e1uipments of 5 !p capacity at "elakava#i village of an#ya $istrict in Karnataka 3tate inclu#ing comprehensive insurance0 3torage0 intrasite transportation0 erection0 testing an# commissioning of the a/ove plant along +ith gri# connecting e1uipments0 for 44K2 line0 3,A$A system an# all associate# civil +orks etc.

;s.85.'' lakhs

As per e-procurement portal

7o%%ow n& $re '#e "$%end$r o8 9 d e.en'!2 No & ) ( @ 5 4 , d e.en'! -ast #ate for receipt of application along +ith Esupporting #ocuments to meet pre-1ualifying re1uirement through e-procurement portal. $ate from +hich /i# #ocuments +oul# /e accessi/le for eligi/le /i##ers. $ate an# time of pre-/i# meeting 0if re1uire#0 for technical clarifications. -ast #ate D time for receipt of complete# /i#s $ate D Time of opening of ,over-7 $ate D time of opening of ,over-77 D$'e! ('.'(.)'&& at &8.'' hrs .?.'@.&& from &&.'' hrs &5.'@.)'&& at &5.'' hrs )(.'@.&& at&8.'' hrs )4.'@.&& at &5.'' hrs )<.'@.&&. hrs. at &5.''

3.0 PRE :;ALI7<ING RE:;IREMENTS% 7nten#ing /i##er shall satisfy the follo+ing minimum 1ualifying re1uirements an# pro#uce #ocumentary evi#ence as in#icate# /elo+0 the fulfillment of +hich is a prere1uisite for the issue of /i# #ocuments. a) "i##er 3hall /e a regular manufacturer of solar *2 crystalline mo#ules in 7n#ia. >e shoul# pro#uce manufacturerCs ,ertificate / -icense to this effect. "i##er shall have successfully #esigne# 0 manufacture# an# supplie# an# commissione# minimum one 6o. of &''K! gri# connecte# 3olar *2 plant in 7n#ia.



"i##er shoul# have erecte# successfully the a/ove plant either /y himself or through an erection agency. "i##er may /ring the same agency or have tie up +ith another erection agency +ho shoul# also have erecte# successfully at least one num/er of &'' K! gri# connecte# 3olar *2 *o+er *lant #uring the last three financial years. The *lant shoul# /e in operation as on #ate. The plant so supplie# an# erecte# shall have satisfactorily performe# continuously for a minimum perio# of & year as on (&.'(.&& #uring prece#ing ( years. As proof of the a/ove the /i##er shall furnish the relevant ,ommissioning an# performance certificate signe# /y the competent authority of the 3olar *lant. "i##er shoul# have minimum average annual turn over of ;s.5'.'' crores #uring the prece#ing t+o financial years ie.0 )''?-'< D )''<-&'. As proof of the a/ove0 au#ite# /alance sheets countersigne# /y ,hartere# accountant shall /e enclose#.

#) e)



=.0 7nten#ing /i##er shall furnish a copy of 3tan#ar# Buality Assurance *lan. >.0 a) ,orporation reserves the right to a+ar# +hole or part of the +ork shoul# the situation so +arrant. /) The ten#er +ill /e finaliFe# on the /asis of 3+iss ,hallenge as in#icate# in the note /elo+. etho#

No'e2 The ,orporation has receive# a suo moto offer regar#ing the #esign0 engineering0 manufacture0 supply0 erection0 testing an# commissioning of 5 ! solar po+er plant at "elaka+a#i village in an#ya #istrict. The offer has /een e:amine# an# foun# to /e technically feasi/le an# commercially attractive. >o+ever0 +ith a vie+ to ensuring transparency an# also provi#e opportunity for other similarly place# ten#erers0 the ,orporation has #eci#e# to thro+ open the proGect at "elaka+a#i village of an#ya #istrict to prospective /i##ers un#er 3+iss challenge metho#. Hn#er this metho#ology the prospective /i##ers are re1uire# to 1uote their /est offers for the propose# proGect keeping in min# the techno commercial feasi/ility. 7f the offers of the /i##ers receive# in the ten#ering process are foun# to /e higher than the suo motto offer receive#0 then the party +hich has ma#e the suo moto offer +oul# /e eligi/le for a+ar# 'f the proGect. .n the other han#0 if the offer receive# in ten#er is lo+er than the suo motto offer0 then that party +oul# /e given an opportunity to match the lo+est offer. 7n the event it matches the lo+est offer0 the proGect may /e a+ar#e# to that partyI if not- the lo+est /i##er +oul# /e consi#ere# for a+ar# of +ork. The /i##er may kin#ly therefore note the con#itions un#er +hich this ten#er is /eing issue#. 10.0 11.0 7nten#ing /i##er shall 1uote in 7n#ian ;upees only. "i# #ocuments +ill not /e issue# to such of the /i##ers +hose E $ has /een forfeite# or contracts have /een terminate# or foreclose# on account of their #efault in K*,- or else+here #uring the past ( (Three) years. The /i##er shall give

#eclaration that E $ has not /een forfeite# an# none of his contracts have /een terminate# / foreclose# on account of their #efault in K*,- or else+here #uring the past ( (Three) years. 1*.0 "i##er shall uploa# scanne# copies of the follo+ing #ocuments for 1ualification. Pre4?u$% 8 "$' on do"u@en'!% a) /) $ocuments to meet all the 1ualification criteria specifie# in 67T. The #eclaration /y the /i##er that none of his contracts have /een terminate#/foreclose# on account of his #efault in K*,- or else+here #uring last ten years. pre-/i#


Eligi/le /i##ers +ho have /een pre-1ualifie# shall uploa# scanne# copies of the follo+ing #ocuments.

COVER4I (Te"#n "$% , d) a) E $ 0$etails of the ,ommercial terms an# con#itions specifie# in /i# #ocuments pertaining to commercial terms an# con#itions. /) All the technical #etails an# #ra+ings0 etc. of the technical offer along +ith all the technical particulars. COVER4II *rice sche#ule only. 15.0 "i#s su/mitte# +ithin the sche#ule# #ate an# time shall only /e eligi/le for further processing of the /i#s. Any /i# su/mitte# after the #ate an# time specifie# shall /e reGecte# even if it is accepte# /y the e-portal. $ate an# time stamp of the e-portal system shall /e final in #eci#ing the time of su/mission of /i#. $ecision of the ,orporation in this regar# shall /e final an# accepta/le to all the /i##ers. The original #ocuments shoul# /e pro#uce# for verification at any stage of ten#er process as an# +hen sought for0 failing +hich0 the /i#s are lia/le for #is1ualification.



The total 9...;. $estination *rice inclusive of all ta:es shall /e Buote# in procurement portal.



*;7,E "7$/3,>E$H-E $ocument shall /e Hploa#e# in e-procurement portal only in the space provi#e# for uploa#ing J976A6,7A- "7$ $.,H E6T35. *rice /i# of /i##ers +ho are foun# su/stantially responsive +ill /e opene#. The ten#er shall /e vali# for &?' #ays from the #ate of opening of ,over-& of the /i#. ,orporation reserves the right to verify the information / #ocuments furnishe#0 in respect of supplies ma#e/ +orks carrie# out /y the /i##er0 shall the circumstances so +arrant in the overall interest of corporation. 7f the corporation on #etaile# verification / investigation fin#s that the /i##er is not satisfying the 1ualifying re1uirements0 the /i# +ill not /e accepte#. ,orporation reserves the right to accept any or reGect any or all /i#s +ithout assigning any reasons thereof. This proGect is un#er Ka+aharlal 6ehru 6ational 3olar ission 3cheme. All the terms an# con#itions an# lia/ilities of po+er purchase agreement +ith 6T*, 226 +ill /e incorporate# in /i# #ocuments. ,ompletion perio#% The perio# of completion of +ork is 8 months from the #ate of -.A for entire scope of +ork . Any other information re1uire# may /e o/taine# from the office of the un#ersigne# #uring office hours. "i##ers +ho have not o/taine# the user 7$ an# pass+or# for participating in eprocurement in Karnataka *o+er ,orporation -imite# may no+ o/tain the same from the +e/site % ,orrigen#um/mo#ification/corrections0 if any0 +ill /e pu/lishe# in the +e/site only. 9or any clarification on e-procurement or re1uest for e-procurement training /i##er can contact >*->E-*$E3K at '?' ))@?5<)8/))@?5?48. 7ur'#er de'$ %! "$n 9e #$d 8ro@2 ,hief Engineer (G3!) Karnataka *o+er ,orporation -t#.0 3u#harshan ,omple:0 )n# floor ))/)(0 3hesha#ri ;oa#0 "angalore-54'''<. Karnataka0 7n#ia. Tele phone% '?'-))(548&@ ."7-E % <@@<5 <?<&8

1=.0 1>.0








TE-E9AA % '?'-))(5)(54 / ))(?45&8 !e/ site % ,>7E9 E6G76EE; (G3!) K*,- "A6GA-.;E.

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