Literature Review Basic Guideines Grade Rubric

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Prepare a paper summarizing the literature (literature review) regarding an identified and approved topic, identifying the audiences of interest, explaining reasons for controversy, summarizing the pros and cons of the issue, and suggesting implications for practice and policy. Students will choose a topic of their choice; topics need to be approved. Once the topic is approved, students should begin their research of the literature. This may be the most time consuming aspect of the assignment, so it is recommended that you begin once your topic is approved. The purpose of the literature review is to analyze critically a segment of a published body of knowledge through summary, classification, and comparison of prior research studies, reviews of literature, and theoretical articles. In order to be able to provide a strong analysis, you need to spend time reading and understanding the literature. You should start with your topic, read a great deal, select appropriate articles/research, and then write the literature review. You may be tempted to use a handful of articles/research that you have used in the past to fit into your topic, without giving enough attention to the breadth and scope of information available to you. I strongly recommend against this. You need to read, write, revise, rewrite, repeat! You are required to conduct a conscientious search of the secondary literature on your selected topic and write a review of the literature approximately 800 1000 words. In your review you must identify at least four sources that are both relevant and best quality; and to report and comment upon that literature in a literature review that is well researched, well informed, well structured, and concise. Choose a research topic that interests you and motivate you. After you have chosen a topic check with me to see that your topic is well defined and feasible for a small research project. Here are some things to consider in choosing your own research topic: 1. Is your topic feasible? Is the topic sufficiently well focused that you can design the research, gather and analyze the data and write a report in the time that you have available? 2. Is there a relevant and high quality academic literature on the topic that is accessible through the University Library resources? 3. Do you have access to subjects for the purpose of primary research? Remember, research is a process of discovery. If you feel uncertain and confused at this point and do not understand very clearly, what your research topic is, do not panic. This is completely normal. Even if you only have a vague idea of your topic this is enough to begin. Take the next step. Start researching the secondary sources the literature. As you proceed, you will discover more about the topic and a clearer direction will emerge from your reading and thinking.

NC 503_1/Stockwell/Spring 13 2

Literature Review
Definition of genre A literature review is a critical analysis of a segment of a published body of knowledge through summary, classification, and comparison of prior research studies, reviews of literature, and theoretical articles (University of Wisconsin Writing Center). Do not confuse a literature review with an annotated bibliography. Questions to ask How are sources similar in terms of methodologies, philosophies, claims, choice and interpretation of evidence, reliability, etc.? How do they differ? Do you observe gaps in the research or areas that require further study? Do particular issues or problems stand out? Do you want (or does your prompt ask you) to compare texts in general or hone in on a specific issue or question? Actions to take Determine your purpose. Professors assign literature reviews for various reasons. One assignment might ask students simply to demonstrate knowledge of available sources; another might ask students to integrate sources and say something new about them. A literature review may be an end in itself or it may be preparatory work motivating future research. Understanding the purpose and expectations of the prompt will help you place appropriate emphasis on analysis or summary. Keep track of sources by writing a brief summary for each. Consider making a table or chart to map how different sources relate to/contrast with one another. Consider the significance of each work to the field. The amount of space you dedicate to an individual source denotes its significance within the body of literature. Format The introduction should explain why you are writing the review (so what/who cares?) and make some central claims about the current state of the literature (e.g. trends, debates, gaps, etc.). Organize the body of the paper by common denominators among sources, such as methodologies, conclusions, philosophical approaches, or possibly chronology (assuming topical subsections). The conclusion should summarize significant contributions to the field, situate the reviewed literature in the larger context of the discipline, point out flaws or gaps in the research, and/or suggest future areas of study.

The literature review is due the week of June 28th. Please print and bring to class.

NC 503_1/Stockwell/Spring 13 3

Assessment Criteria for Literature Review Criteria Evidence of Research Effort Number of sources Relevance of sources Quality of sources Analysis Agreement between sources noted Disagreement between sources noted and discussed Discussion/comment on literature Identifies potential research questions Structure Introduction states topic, provides background and outlines the structure of the literature review Paragraphs deal with specific issues with citations to the literature Paragraphs progress from general to more specific issues Structure leads towards statement of research question Research Question Focused and clear Reasons provided for selection of research question Derived from/related to literature Suitable to guide primary research Will support discussion of findings Technical Issues Grammar and spelling Formatting of citations (APA) Formatting of reference list (APA) Credit Level Achievement At least 4 relevant and good quality academic sources

Demonstrates analysis across sources noting agreement. Disagreement in the literature discussed. Discussion/comment on the literature leads clearly to the identification of a research question.

Introduction identifies topic and outlines structure of review. Paragraphs contain citations to sources. The structure of the literature review reflects a sound analysis of sources leading to statement of research question.

A clear statement of the research question. Some reason for the identification or selection of the research question provided. The link to the literature sufficient to support a sound discussion of future findings from primary research.

Not assessed at this stage

NC 503_1/Stockwell/Spring 13 4

Grading Sources have been selected well within the topic area of the research question to give a range from a general overview to specific studies. The Literature Review has been organized from the general to the specific. The Literature Review has examined any limitations in one or more studies that are directly relevant to the research question. The Literature review shows why it is important to address the research question. Paragraphs have good topic sentences The topic sentences of the paragraphs reveal the argument of the Literature Review. Paragraphs are well written in terms of paraphrasing, coherence, and use of sources. Ideas are appropriately paraphrased and cited. Quotations are correctly introduced, formatted, and cited. The Reference List is correctly formatted and organized.


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