CV Aylin CALIK Project Manager

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Project Manager Manage ( rilingual

Ready to fully ully invest myself into the project management for Interbrand

2012 (3 Month) Marketing and Public Relations Re Manager + Conception ption of the Winter5?e'sletter Winter and support of the We&5Mar#eting Mar#eting + Improvement vement of the image of the travel destination "Germany" many" and increase of o the days of travel accumulated lated to/in Germany + ermanent anent control of the e economical performance of the German tourism tourism5mar#et + !nalysis sis of the "rench tou tourism5industry and the "rench touristic travel patte patterns + rovision sion of Mar#eting Mar#eting5$ecommendations to reach higher er interest in German Germany $esult% &and contest 'ithin German and "rench schools1 'ith ith the finally in 3erlin for the &est &ands + !nalysis sis of the (uantity (uantity/(uality of articles a&out Germany ny provided &y the su&sidiDed )ournalists + rocessing ssing of )ournalists* e en(uiries $esult% Conception @ "ollo'5up up of t'o research re trips + +irect/indirect indirect client information5services in $esult% 2reatment ment of ca/ 9;; touristic touri en(uiries German National nal ourism !oard (Paris, "rance) rand and Co!!unicat !!unication Manager + Commercial ercial approach of potential p clients and follo'5up + -etting g of the &udget and contract negotiations $esult% Closure of , ne' con contracts 'ith hoteliers + +evelopment of the &rand for fo a segment of the target mar#et% Germany + +ynamic mic mar#et res research and identification of ne' &usiness ness opportunities in .urope + .la&oration ration of the operational operatio mar#eting plan (e/g/ pricing) + Communication unication of the &rand &ra and development of &usiness ss relationships 'ith different &usiness partners (e/g/ 0otel chains1 2ourism 2 3oards) vie 2elephone1 e1 .mail and .4hi&iti .4hi&itions + $eporting rting of the &usiness communication into the internal informatics system + 2reatment of We&5 5 ro)ects @ assistance at We&5Mar#eting ing (e4/ Control of the page5homogeneity) #trip (Paris, (Pa "rance)

(, Month)


(63 Month)

Custo!er &ccount ount Manager Mana + $eception tion and information of the international clients + rocessing and resolution of clients* pro&lems and their en(uiries + Intermediary ediary &et'een the 2rade "air Center and the clients + Client t satisfaction monitoring monitor (e/g/ -atisfaction -urveys) $nternational rade "aire %enter ter Munich (Munich, Germany)

(6 year)

(ouble Master r o+ %cience ,IN"ERN&"ION&' M&RKE"IN04 With +istinction (!+1 e(uiv/ to 6A/9; in "rance) and !'arded ded the 8Class Medal7 Medal for the 83est Bverall erformance71 -pecialty in 8-trategic 8 3rand Management7 @ 8Customer 3ehaviour71 3ehavi Master +issertation ('ith +istinction1 +istinctio !+)% 8?euromar#eting% Implications lications on the &randing &ran practice7 Main ro)ect% Invention and positioning of a ne' &rand% 6/ / Mar#et $esearch (concurrence1 (c price1 clients) 9/ +efinition of the operational o strategy 3/+efinition of the operational mar#eting plan (Mi45 Mar#eting ing multicanal) Napier University (Edinburgh, Scotland) 5 $P&G &G !usiness !usines School (Nice, "rance) ac.elor o+ &rts rts in ,"O)RI%M , M&N&0EMEN"4 !verage e Grade% 3+ (e(uiv/ to 6:/9; in "rance)1 -peciality% 8Intercultural 3usine 3usiness Communication7 @ 8.mpirical ical $esearch7< 3achelor 2hesis ('ith +istinction1 !+)% % 8Co& satisfaction as a factor of success for international assignments71 assignmen Main ro)ect% the realisation and analysis of an empirical study% strategic refle4ions for the development d of the mar#eting activities specified for fo a group of visitors University o' &pplied pplied Science Scien (Munich, Germany)

200(: years)


=anguages 0er!an $renc. Englis. Interest (mother tongue) (&ilingual) (&ilingual1 2oefl 9;69% 6;>/69; 6;> points1 Master taught ught in .nglish) 1olle2ball (Captain and competitive player in diff/ clu&s since 66 years)1 %treet3&rt &rt1 Couc.%ur+ing

Pack O++ice (.4cel1 o'er oint1 oint Word)1 %P%%9 %trategic anal2ses 6 Market Researc. Pro7ect Manage!ent %trategic rand Manage!en anage!ent 5 Consu!er e.a:iour O8erational6International rnational Marketing Intercultural Co!!unicatio !unication "ea! 8la2er

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