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1. A is thrice as good as workman as B and therefore is able to finish a job in 60 days less than B.

Working together, they can do it in: 21 days A.20 days B. 22 .2! days ".#0 days Answer: $%tion B Explanation: &atio of times taken by A and B ' 1 : #. (he time difference is )# * 1+ 2 days while B take # days and A takes 1 day. ,f difference of time is 2 days, B takes # days. ,f difference of time is 60 days, B takes /o, A takes #0 days to do the work. A0s 1 day0s work ' B0s 1 day0s work ' )A 1 B+0s 1 day0s work ' 1 1 #0 1 .0 1 # - 60 ' .0 days. 2

#1. '.'2 0 0 0 ! 2! 2 1 ' 22 days. 2

A and B together can do the work in

2. (wenty women can do a work in si-teen days. /i-teen men can com%lete the same work in fifteen days. What is the ratio between the ca%acity of a man and a woman3 A.# : 2 B.2 : # .! : # "."ata inade45ate Answer: $%tion B

Explanation: )20 - 16+ women can com%lete the work in 1 day. 1 woman0s 1 day0s work ' 1 . #20

)16 - 1!+ men can com%lete the work in 1 day. 1 man0s 1 day0s work ' /o, re45ired ratio ' ' 1 220 1 1 220 1 : #20 : 1

# 2 ' 2 : # )cross m5lti%lied+ #. 6 can com%lete a work in 12 days working 7 ho5rs a day. 8 can com%lete the same work in 7 days working 10 ho5rs a day. ,f both 6 and 8 work together, working 7 ho5rs a day, in how many days can they com%lete the work3 ! 6 A. ! B. ! 11 11 ! 6 . 6 ". 6 11 11 Answer: $%tion A Explanation: 6 can com%lete the work in )12 - 7+ hrs. ' .6 hrs. 8 can com%lete the work in )7 - 10+ hrs. ' 70 hrs. 1 1 and 80s 1 ho5r0s work ' . .6 70 1 1 11 )6 1 8+0s 1 ho5r0s work ' 1 ' . .6 70 270 270 /o, both 6 and 8 will finish the work in hrs. 11 270 1 60 ! 95mber of days of 7 ho5rs each ' - ' days ' ! days. 11 7 11 11 60s1 ho5r0s work '

2. : and ; can do a %iece of work in 20 days and 12 days res%ecti<ely. : started the work alone and then after 2 days ; joined him till the com%letion of the work. =ow long did the work last3 A.6 days B.10 days .1! days ".20 days Answer: $%tion B Explanation: 1 1 -2 ' . 20 ! 1 2 &emaining work ' 1* ' . ! ! 1 1 7 2 ): 1 ;+0s 1 day0s work ' 1 ' ' . 20 12 60 1! 2 9ow, work is done by : and ; in 1 day. 1! Work done by : in 2 days ' 2 1! 2 /o, work will be done by : and ; in - ' 6 days. ! 2 !

!. 2 men and 6 women can com%lete a work in 7 days, while # men and > women can com%lete it in 10 days. ,n how many days will 10 women com%lete it3 2 A.#! B. 0 .2! ".!0 Answer: $%tion B

Explanation: ?et 1 man0s 1 day0s work ' x and 1 woman0s 1 day0s work ' y. (hen, 2x 1 6y ' 1 1 and #x 1 >y ' . 7 10

/ol<ing the two e45ations, we get: x ' 1 woman0s 1 day0s work ' 10 women0s 1 day0s work '


200 1 . 200


1 200

1 1 - 10 ' . 200 20

=ence, 10 women will com%lete the work in 20 days.

6. A alone can do a %iece of work in 6 days and B alone in 7 days. A and B 5ndertook to do it for &s. #200. With the hel% of , they com%leted the work in # days. =ow m5ch is to be %aid to 3 A.&s. #>! B.&s. 200 .&s. 600 ".&s. 700 Answer: $%tion B Explanation: 1 1 1 1 > 1 * 1 ' * ' . # 6 7 # 22 22 11 1 A0s wages : B0s wages : 0s wages ' : : ' 2 : # : 1. 6 7 22 1 0s share )for # days+ ' &s. # - - #200 ' &s. 200. 22 0s 1 day0s work '

>. 10 women can com%lete a work in > days and 10 children take 12 days to com%lete the work. =ow many days will ! women and 10 children take to com%lete the work3 A.# B.! .> ". annot be determined @. 9one of these Answer: $%tion C

Explanation: 1 woman0s 1 day0s work ' 1 child0s 1 day0s work ' 1 >0 1 120 ! 10 1 1 1 1 ' 1 ' >0 120 12 12 >

)! women 1 10 children+0s day0s work '

! women and 10 children will com%lete the work in > days.

7. A, B and can com%lete a %iece of work in 22, 6 and 12 days res%ecti<ely. Working together, they will com%lete the same work in: 1 > A. 2 day B. 2 day 2 2 # .# days ".2 days > Answer: $%tion C Explanation: Formula: ,f A can do a %iece of work in n days, then A0s 1 day0s work ' )A 1 B 1 +0s 1 day0s work ' Formula: ,f A0s 1 day0s work ' 1 1 > 1 1 ' . 22 6 12 22 1 , then A can finish the work in n days. n 22 > days # '# days. > 1 1 . n

/o, all the three together will com%lete the job in

.. A and B together can do a %iece of work in #0 days. A ha<ing worked for 16 days, B finishes the remaining work alone in 22 days. ,n how many days shall B finish the whole work alone3

A.#0 days .60 days

B.20 days ".>0 days

Answer: $%tion C Explanation: ?et A0s 1 day0s work ' x and B0s 1 day0s work ' y. (hen, x 1 y ' 1 and 16x 1 22y ' 1. #0 1 1 and y ' 60 60

/ol<ing these two e45ations, we get: x ' B0s 1 day0s work ' 1 60 .

=ence, B alone shall finish the whole work in 60 days.

10. A, B and can do a %iece of work in 20, #0 and 60 days res%ecti<ely. ,n how many days can A do the work if he is assisted by B and on e<ery third day3 A.12 days B.1! days .16 days ".17 days Answer: $%tion B Explanation: A0s 2 day0s work ' 1 20 -2 ' 1 10 1 . 1 1 1 ' 6 ' 1 .

)A 1 B 1 +0s 1 day0s work ' Work done in # days ' 9ow, 1 !

20 #0 60 1 1 1 1 ' . 10 10 !

60 10

work is done in # days.

Whole work will be done in )# - !+ ' 1! days.

11. A takes twice as m5ch time as B or thrice as m5ch time as to finish a %iece of work. Working together, they can finish the work in 2 days. B can do the work alone in: A.2 days B.6 days .7 days ".12 days Answer: $%tion B Explanation: /5%%ose A, B and (hen, 1 2 # 1 1 x x x 6 1 ' x 2 take x, ' 1 2 x x and 2 # days res%ecti<ely to finish the work.

x ' 12. /o, B takes )12A2+ ' 6 days to finish the work.

12. A can do a certain work in the same time in which B and together can do it. ,f A and B together co5ld do it in 10 days and alone in !0 days, then B alone co5ld do it in: A.1! days B.20 days .2! days ".#0 days Answer: $%tion C


)A 1 B+0s 1 day0s work ' 0s 1 day0s work ' )A 1 B 1 +0s 1 day0s work '

1 10 1 !0 1 1 6 # 1 ' ' . .... )i+ 10 !0 !0 2!

A0s 1 day0s work ' )B 1 +0s 1 day0s work .... )ii+ Brom )i+ and )ii+, we get: 2 - )A0s 1 day0s work+ ' A0s 1 day0s work ' B0s 1 day0s work # . !0 1 # 2 1 * ' ' . 10 !0 !0 2! # 2!

/o, B alone co5ld do the work in 2! days.

1#. /akshi can do a %iece of work in 20 days. (anya is 2!C more efficient than /akshi. (he n5mber of days taken by (anya to do the same %iece of work is: 1 A.1! B. 6 .17 ".2! Answer: $%tion B Explanation: &atio of times taken by /akshi and (anya ' 12! : 100 ' ! : 2. /5%%ose (anya takes x days to do the work. ! : 2 :: 20 : x x ' 16 days. =ence, (anya takes 16 days to com%lete the work. x' 2 - 20 !

12. A can finish a work in 22 days, B in . days and in 12 days. B and start the work b5t are forced to lea<e after # days. (he remaining work was done by A in: A.! days B.6 days .10 days ". 10 1 2 days

Answer: $%tion C Explanation: )B 1 +0s 1 day0s work ' Work done by B and &emaining work ' 9ow, /o, ! 12 1 22 1 1 1 ' . #6 > > -# ' . #6 12 >

. 12

in # days ' 1* > ! ' . 12 12

work is done by A in 1 day. 22 ! 12 ' 10 days.

work is done by A in

1!. ,f 6 men and 7 boys can do a %iece of work in 10 days while 26 men and 27 boys can do the same in 2 days, the time taken by 1! men and 20 boys in doing the same ty%e of work will be: A.2 days B.! days .6 days ".> days Answer: $%tion A Explanation: ?et 1 man0s 1 day0s work ' x and 1 boy0s 1 day0s work ' y.

(hen, 6x 1 7y '

1 1 and 26x 1 27y ' . 10 2

1 1 and y ' . 100 200 1! 20 1 )1! men 1 20 boy+0s 1 day0s work ' 1 ' . 100 200 2 /ol<ing these two e45ations, we get : x ' 1! men and 20 boys can do the work in 2 days.



1. Work from Days: ,f A can do a %iece of work in n days, then A0s 1 day0s work ' 2. Days from Work: ,f A0s 1 day0s work ' 3. Ratio: ,f A is thrice as good a workman as B, then: &atio of work done by A and B ' # : 1. &atio of times taken by A and B to finish a work ' 1 : #. 1 , n then A can finish the work in n days. 1 n .

Simple Interest
1. A s5m of money at sim%le interest amo5nts to &s. 71! in # years and to &s. 7!2 in 2 years. (he s5m is: A.&s. 6!0 B.&s. 6.0 .&s. 6.7 ".&s. >00

Answer: $%tion C Explanation: /.,. for 1 year ' &s. )7!2 * 71!+ ' &s. #.. /.,. for # years ' &s.)#. - #+ ' &s. 11>. 6rinci%al ' &s. )71! * 11>+ ' &s. 6.7. 2. Dr. (homas in<ested an amo5nt of &s. 1#,.00 di<ided in two different schemes A and B at the sim%le interest rate of 12C %.a. and 11C %.a. res%ecti<ely. ,f the total amo5nt of sim%le interest earned in 2 years be &s. #!07, what was the amo5nt in<ested in /cheme B3 A.&s. 6200 B.&s. 6!00 .&s. >200 ".&s. >!00

Answer: $%tion A Explanation: ?et the s5m in<ested in /cheme A be &s. x and that in /cheme B be &s. )1#.00 * x+. (hen, x - 12 - 2 100 1 )1#.00 * x+ - 11 - 2 100 ' #!07

27x * 22x ' #!0700 * )1#.00 - 22+ 6x ' 2!000

x ' >!00. /o, s5m in<ested in /cheme B ' &s. )1#.00 * >!00+ ' &s. 6200

#. A s5m fetched a total sim%le interest of &s. 2016.2! at the rate of . %.c.%.a. in ! years. What is the s5m3 A.&s. 2262.!0 B.&s. 70#2.!0 .&s. 7.00 ".&s. 7.2! Answer: $%tion D Explanation: ' &s. 100 - 2016.2! .-! 20162! 2!


' &s.

' &s. 7.2!.

2. =ow m5ch time will it take for an amo5nt of &s. 2!0 to yield &s. 71 as interest at 2.!C %er ann5m of sim%le interest3 A.#.! years B.2 years .2.! years ".! years

Answer: $%tion B Explanation: (ime ' 100 - 71 2!0 - 2.! ' 2 years.


!. &eena took a loan of &s. 1200 with sim%le interest for as many years as the rate of interest. ,f she %aid &s. 2#2 as interest at the end of the loan %eriod, what was the rate of interest3 A.#.6 B.6 .17 ". annot be determined Answer: $%tion B Explanation: ?et rate ' &C and time ' & years. (hen, 1200 - & - & 100 ' 2#2

12&2 ' 2#2 &2 ' #6 & ' 6. 6. A s5m of &s. 12,!00 amo5nts to &s. 1!,!00 in 2 years at the rate of sim%le interest. What is the rate of interest3 A.#C B.2C .!C ".6C Answer: $%tion D Explanation: /.,. ' &s. )1!!00 * 12!00+ ' &s. #000. &ate ' 100 - #000 12!00 - 2 ' 6C

>. A %erson takes a loan of &s. 200 at !C sim%le interest. =e ret5rns &s. 100 at the end of 1 year. ,n order to clear his d5es at the end of 2 years, he wo5ld %ay: A.&s. 10! B. &s. 110 . &s. 11! Answer: $%tion C ".&s. 11!.!0

Explanation: ' &s. ' &s. 11!. 100 1 200 - ! - 1 100 1 100 - ! - 1 100

Amo5nt to be %aid

7. An a5tomobile financier claims to be lending money at sim%le interest, b5t he incl5des the interest e<ery si- months for calc5lating the %rinci%al. ,f he is charging an interest of 10C, the effecti<e rate of interest becomes: 10.2! A.10C B. C .10.!C ".9one of these Answer: $%tion B Explanation: ?et the s5m be &s. 100. (hen, /.,. for first 6 months ' &s. /.,. for last 6 months ' &s. 100 - 10 - 1 ' &s. ! 100 - 2 10! - 10 - 1 ' &s. !.2! 100 - 2

/o, amo5nt at the end of 1 year ' &s. )100 1 ! 1 !.2!+ ' &s. 110.2! @ffecti<e rate ' )110.2! * 100+ ' 10.2!C .. A lent &s. !000 to B for 2 years and &s. #000 to for 2 years on sim%le interest at the same rate of interest and recei<ed &s. 2200 in all from both of them as interest. (he rate of interest %er ann5m is: A.!C B.>C 1 C .> ".10C 7 Explanation:

?et the rate be &C %.a. (hen, !000 - & - 2 100 1 #000 - & - 2 100 ' 2200.

100& 1 120& ' 2200 &' &ate ' 10C. 10. A s5m of &s. >2! is lent in the beginning of a year at a certain rate of interest. After 7 months, a s5m of &s. #62.!0 more is lent b5t at the rate twice the former. At the end of the year, &s. ##.!0 is earned as interest from both the loans. What was the original rate of interest3 A.#.6C B.2.!C .!C ".6C Explanation: ?et the original rate be &C. (hen, new rate ' )2&+C. 9ote: =ere, original rate is for 1 year)s+E the new rate is for only 2 months i.e. year)s+. >2! - & - 1 #62.!0 - 2& - 1 1 ' ##.!0 100 100 - # )21>! 1 >2!+ & ' ##.!0 - 100 - # )21>! 1 >2!+ & ' 100!0 )2.00+& ' 100!0 &' 100!0 2.00 ' #.26 2200 220 ' 10.

$riginal rate ' #.26C 11. A man took loan from a bank at the rate of 12C %.a. sim%le interest. After # years he

had to %ay &s. !200 interest only for the %eriod. (he %rinci%al amo5nt borrowed by him was: A.&s. 2000 B.&s. 10,000 .&s. 1!,000 ".&s. 20,000 Answer: $%tion C Explanation: 6rinci%al ' &s. 100 - !200 12 - # ' &s. 1!000.

12. A s5m of money amo5nts to &s. .700 after ! years and &s. 1200! after 7 years at the same rate of sim%le interest. (he rate of interest %er ann5m is: A.!C B.7C .12C ".1!C Explanation: /.,. for # years ' &s. )1200! * .700+ ' &s. 220!. /.,. for ! years ' &s. 220! -! # ' &s. #6>!

6rinci%al ' &s. ).700 * #6>!+ ' &s. 612!. =ence, rate ' 1#. What will be the ratio of sim%le interest earned by certain amo5nt at the same rate of interest for 6 years and that for . years3 A.1 : # B.1 : 2 .2 : # "."ata inade45ate Explanation: ?et the %rinci%al be 6 and rate of interest be &C. 100 - #6>! 612! - ! ' 12C

6-&-6 100 &e45ired ratio ' 6-&-. 100 '

66& 6 ' ' 2 : #. .6& .

12. A certain amo5nt earns sim%le interest of &s. 1>!0 after > years. =ad the interest been 2C more, how m5ch more interest wo5ld it ha<e earned3 A.&s. #! B.&s. 22! .&s. #!0 ". annot be determined We need to know the /.,., %rinci%al and time to find the rate. /ince the %rinci%al is not gi<en, so data is inade45ate.

1!. A %erson borrows &s. !000 for 2 years at 2C %.a. sim%le interest. =e immediately lends it to another %erson at 6 %.a for 2 years. Bind his gain in the transaction %er year. A.&s. 112.!0 . &s. 1!0 Explanation: Fain in 2 years ' &s. !000 2! 2 * 2 100 !000 - 2 - 2 100 B. &s. 12! ".&s. 16>.!0

' &s. )62! * 200+ ' &s. 22!. 22! Fain in 1 year ' &s. 2

' &s. 112.!0

Some Important Formulas

1. Principal: (he money borrowed or lent o5t for a certain %eriod is called the principal or the sum. 2. Interest:

@-tra money %aid for 5sing other0s money is called interest. #. /im%le ,nterest )/.,.+: ,f the interest on a s5m borrowed for certain %eriod is reckoned 5niformly, then it is called simple interest. ?et 6rinci%al ' 6, &ate ' &C %er ann5m )%.a.+ and (ime ' ( years. (hen )i+. /im%le ,ntereest ' )ii+. 6 ' 100 - /.,. &-( E&' 6-&-( 100 100 - /.,. 6-( and ( ' 100 - /.,. 6-& .

Some Important Formulas Time and Distance

1. Speed !ime and Distance: "istance /%eed ' , (ime ' (ime 2. km"#r to m"sec con$ersion: ! mAsec. 17 3. m"sec to km"#r con$ersion: x kmAhr ' xx mAsec ' x17 ! kmAhr. "istance , "istance ' )/%eed - (ime+. /%eed

2. ,f the ratio of the s%eeds of A and B is a : %, then the ratio of the 1 1 : or % : a. a % !. /5%%ose a man co<ers a certain distance at x kmAhr and an e45al distance at y kmAhr. (hen, the times taken by then to co<er the same distance is the a<erage s%eed d5ring the whole jo5rney is 2xy kmAhr. x1y

Some Important Formulas CLOCK

1. &inute Spaces: (he face or dial of watch is a circle whose circ5mference is di<ided into 60 e45al %arts, called min5te s%aces. 'our 'and and &inute 'and: A clock has two handsE the smaller one is called the #our #and or s#ort #and while the larger one is called minute #and or lon( #and. 2. i. ii. iii. i<. <. <i. <ii. <iii. ,n 60 min5tes, the min5te hand gains !! min5tes on the ho5r on the ho5r hand. ,n e<ery ho5r, both the hands coincide once. (he hands are in the same straight line when they are coincident or o%%osite to each other. When the two hands are at right angles, they are 1! min5te s%aces a%art. When the hands are in o%%osite directions, they are #0 min5te s%aces a%art. Angle traced by ho5r hand in 12 hrs ' #60G Angle traced by min5te hand in 60 min. ' #60G. ,f a watch or a clock indicates 7.1!, when the correct time is 7, it is said to be 1! min5tes too fast.

$n the other hand, if it indicates >.2!, when the correct time is 7, it is said to be 1! min5tes too slo).

Some Important Formulas Calendar

1. *dd Days: We are s5%%osed to find the day of the week on a gi<en date. Bor this, we 5se the conce%t of 0odd days0. ,n a gi<en %eriod, the n5mber of days more than the com%lete weeks are called odd days. 2. +eap ,ear: )i+. @<ery year di<isible by 2 is a lea% year, if it is not a cent5ry. )ii+. @<ery 2th cent5ry is a lea% year and no other cent5ry is a lea% year. 9ote: - leap year #as 3.. days. /xamples: i. ii. iii. @ach of the years 1.27, 2002, 16>6 etc. is a lea% year. @ach of the years 200, 700, 1200, 1600, 2000 etc. is a lea% year. 9one of the years 2001, 2002, 200#, 200!, 1700, 2100 is a lea% year.

3. *rdinary ,ear: (he year which is not a lea% year is called an ordinary years. An ordinary year has #6! days. 0. 1ountin( of *dd Days: 1. 1 ordinary year ' #6! days ' )!2 weeks 1 1 day.+ 1 ordinary year has 1 odd day. 2. 1 lea% year ' #66 days ' )!2 weeks 1 2 days+

1 lea% year has 2 odd days. #. 100 years ' >6 ordinary years 1 22 lea% years ' )>6 - 1 1 22 - 2+ odd days ' 122 odd days. ' )1> weeks 1 days+ ! odd days.

95mber of odd days in 100 years ' !. 95mber of odd days in 200 years ' )! - 2+ 95mber of odd days in #00 years ' )! - #+ # odd days. 1 odd day. 0 odd day.

95mber of odd days in 200 years ' )! - 2 1 1+

/imilarly, each one of 700 years, 1200 years, 1600 years, 2000 years etc. has 0 odd days. 2. Day of t#e Week Related to *dd Days: 9o. of days: 0 "ay: 1 2 # 2 ! 6

/5n. Don. (5es. Wed. (h5rs. Bri. /at

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