How To Measure The Time in Multi

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How to measure the time in multi-core machines with pthreads?

After spending about an hour trying to figure out what was the problem that my threaded version of a program took more time than the single-core one, I think I rediscovered the wheel. Simply put, I can not use the clock () function to determine the "real" time I spent working in parallel. What do I mean !"ample# A program creates some threads and each one of them will make argv$%& calls to the rand '( function ')ust to do something so that time goes by (. *hen in the end I compute the time recorded by clock '( differences and differences with time'(. +bviously the ratio below is almost two because my machine is dual core. ,ut ... Question: -ow can I measure the e"act time elapsed and not the appro"imation in seconds with time'( .ode#
To plain text

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$ g++ try_to_time.cpp -pthread -o try $ ./try 50000000 Just started counting! All threads joined! Duration ! ."#"" secs.

Duration $! % started ! % )inished! $0&"'###( seconds a)ter $0&"'##55 seconds a)ter / / (*0. / / (*0.

Duration '! & secs. $

And the program

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$ cat try_to_time.cpp +include ,iostream+include ,iomanip+include ,cstdli.+include ,ctime+include ,pthread.h-

using namespace std/

+de)ine 012_3456AD7 +de)ine D89837 #

:oid % thread_)unction ;:oid %</

int main ;int argc= char % arg: >?< @

17 18 19 20

time_t start = start$= start'/ time_t end = end$= end'/ int iterations= i= rc/

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

:oid % status/ dou.le duration/

i) ;argc !A $< @ cout ,, B1sage error. 8 am eCpecting one positi:e integer.B ,, endl/ eCit ; </ D iterations A atoi ; arg: > ? </

// create opaEue o.jects. pthread_t % threads A neF pthread_t >012_3456AD7?/ // 2aGe threads Joina.le )or sure. pthread_attr_t attr/ pthread_attr_init ;Hattr</

35 36 37 38 39 40

pthread_attr_setdetachstate ;Hattr= I3456AD_J56A36_JK80ALM6</


A clocG ;</

start$ A time ;01MM</ time ;Hstart'</

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56

cout ,, BJust started counting!B ,, std!!endl/

)or ;i A 0/ i , 012_3456AD7/ i++< @ rc A pthread_create;H;threads>i?<= Hattr= thread_)unction= ;:oid %< Hiterations</ i) ;rc< @ cerr ,, B655K5/ return code )rom pthread_create;< is B ,, rc ,, std!!endl/ eCit ;$</ D D

)or ;i A 0/ i , 012_3456AD7/ i++< pthread_join ; threads >i?= Hstatus </ cout ,, BAll threads joined!B ,, std!!endl/

57 58 59 60

A clocG ;</

end$ A time ;01MM</ time ;Hend'</

61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74

duration A static_cast,dou.le- ;end

- start </

i) ;duration , static_cast,dou.le- ;JMKJN7_I65_76J<< @ cout ,, BOeF iterations. 3ry again Fith a .igger ,, endl/ eCit ;'</ D

cout ,, BDuration

! B ,, )iCed ,, setprecision ;D89837<

,, static_cast,dou.le- ;duration / JMKJN7_I65_76J< ,, B secs.B ,, endl/ cout ,, BDuration $! B ,, endl/ cout ,, B% started ! B ,, start$ ,, B seconds a)ter cout ,, B% )inished! B ,, end$ ,, B seconds a)ter / / (*0.B ,, endl/ / / (*0.B ,, endl/

cout ,, BDuration '! B ,, static_cast,int- ;di))time ; end'= start' < < ,, B secs.B ,, endl/

return 0/
75 76 77 78 79 80

:oid % thread_)unction ;:oid % input< @ int loops A %;;int %< input</

int i/

81 82 83

)or ;i A 0/ i , loops/ i++< rand ;< H+'*/ 5A0D_2AP/ // Just a dummy operation.

pthread_eCit ;01MM</ D

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