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Bed & Breakfast (B&B) A small, privately ownedestablishment located insuburban and rural areasConverted private homes thatcater to travelers seeking ahomey, personal environmentA rate that combines a nightsaccommodation with abreakfast the following day 2 . Time-Share Condominium Apartments, villas or bungalows built near popular vacation spots(ski-resorts, beaches,Disney world) that aresold to individual ownerswho use them or rentthem out to transientguest

LODGING ESTABLISHMENTS 3. Cruise Ships A floating luxuryhotel/hotelOne of the fastestgrowing segment of thehospitality industry 4. Institutional Lodging Hospitals, retirementhouses, universities andcolleges 2 DIVISION OF THE HOTEL(REVENUE-GENERATING) 1. Rooms Division-area that provides hospitality andservices to guest in a friendly and efficient manner. 2.Food and Beverage (F&B)- the department thatperhaps most clearly demonstrate the old hotelkeepers famous saying Service is our mostimportant product. BASIC CATEGORIES OF LODGING 1.Deluxe Hote l2. Upscale-Hotels 3. Mid-Tier Hotels and Motels 4. Economy/Limited ServiceProperties Classification of Guestrooms A. According to the number of beds 1. Single Room 5. Triple Room 2. Twin room 6. Quadruple 3. Double Room 7. Family Room 4double-double 8. king room B. According to Price, Lay-out and facilities 1. Economy 2. Standard

3. de Luxe 4. Studio 5. Connecting Room 6. Suite TYPES OF SUITES 1. Junior Suite 2. Penthouse Suite 3. Executive Suite 4. Hospitality Suite TYPES OF BEDS 1. Single Bed 2. Double Bed 3. Queen Bed 4. King Bed 5. Roll-away bed TYPES OF HOUSEKEEPING Domestic Housekeeping Refers to housekeepingmaintenance in a house Institutional Housekeeping Applies to housekeepingmaintenance incommercial lodgingestablishment. 4 SECTION OF THE HK DEPARTMENT Room Section Heart of the HK Linen Section records room status of the room Public Area in charge of the hotelsgeneral cleanliness Laundry Section good balance of laundry services for the entire hotel FUNCTIONS OF THE HK OFFICEIn general, there are 2 essential functions of the HK department PRIMARY- Ensure cleanliness of guestrooms,hallways and public areasEnsures the integrity of the original design &condition of the guestrooms, facilities &equipment , furniture & fixtures SECONDARY- Provides uniforms, lost & founditems, linen, activities of seamstress SUB-FUNCTIONS- All HK associates reportshere properly uniformed on time, receive their station assignments, work orders & pass keys SUB-FUNCTIONS All HK telephone calls are receive here &message are sent out to the different sectionsHK office provides policy & storage for lost &found items & keep track of themAll linen & flower arrangement requirementsin any areas of the hotel are controlledthrough the HK office

INTERRACTION BET HK AND OTHER DEPT. MEMBERS OF THE EXECUTIVECOMMITTEE & THEIR DEPT. HEADS 1. F & B DirectorFood & BeverageDepartment 2. Sales DirectorSales, Marketing andPublic relations 3. Controller/Chief FinancierAccounting 4. Human Resources DirectorHumanRelations Dept. 5. Plant ManagerEngineering andMaintenance THE EXECUTIVE HOUSEKEEPERAS DEPARMENT MANAGER PRIMARY ROLE: Manages the HK dept. &ensures that set standards & procedures aremaintained & achieved at all timesSupervises the asst. Exec. HK, all supervisor of various sections & other rank & file positionsSits on the hotels Exec committee & work withthe other dept heads & Gen mgr. THE EXEC. HOUSEKEEPER AS DEPT.MANAGER Other responsibilities Plans/organize staffing & manpower plotting Decides & outlines all HK activities Assists in preparation of the annual budget Implements cost control procedures withinthe department Management concepts as they applyto the Exec. HK CONCERN FOR PRODUCTION Frederick W. Taylorconceptualized the Classical Scientific Management method approach.Analyzed the job systematically todetermine the amount of work that eachemployee could produce.Measured the performance in givenperiod of time CONCERN FOR PEOPLE Elton Mayoconceptualized the Human Relations Management approach Conducted an experiment in the workplace thus concluding that in order toincrease productivity, human relationsfactors must be considered

COORDINATION OF EFFORT IN THEWORKPLACE Henri FayolFrance, proposed that a manager must practice the ff functions of management: A . P l a n n i n g D . d C o o r d i n a t i n g B . b O r g a n i z i n g E . E C o n t r o l l i n g C. Directing THE ATTRIBUTES OF THE EXEC. HK A. Supervisionsconcerned with directing,facilitating & monitoring the works of others in order to have the job done. Supervisor - anyone whose responsibilityis to supervise. Exec HKs field of supervisions 1. Company assets2. Employees3. Guests THE ATTRIBUTES OF THE EXEC. HK B. Leadership The ability to lead people towillingly performs in ways to achieve theorganizations goals. 3 Leadership Styles * Authoritarian * Democratic * Laissez-faire C. motivation Managers should not alwaystry to motivates but create a positiveenvironment for employees to motivatethemselves THE ATTRIBUTES OF THE EXEC HK D. CommunicationIts function is to linkpeople together in organization in order toachieve a common purpose 4 types of verbal communication Reading * Speaking

Listening * Writing 2 Roadblocks to communication*Status barrier *Psychological barrier ATTRIBUTES OF THE EXEC HK 2 TYPES OF LISTENING ActivePassive Power/Authority Power -ability to influence behavior toother Authority -when institutionalized inorganized influencing behavior becomesright ATTRIBUTES OF THE EXEC HK 4 WAYS TO EXERT AUTHORITY Coercive and reward powerrefers toadministers punishment or recompense. Suggestion - Ideas or proposition and possibleaction. Persuasion - Ignored or avoided and doesntwork. Emulation - best source if you want to excel behavior of supervisor. DELEGATION process of assigning work authority accountability accomplish it effectively MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITIESOF THE EXEC HK Time Management Problem Solving Total Quality Management Ethical Values Decision Making HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT TRAINING, MOTIVATING ANDEVALUATING STAFF The aim of training is to standardize theprocedures that have been proven towork well w/out taking the flexibility andmotivation to find better procedure.

TYPES OF TRAINING CROSS-TRAININGa buzzword for modern managers TEAM TRAINIGDuring training, trainersshould try out various combinations of staff members and job assignment CONTINUING EDUCATIONtrainingshould be continuous to keep staff apprised to new HK techniques

TRINING METHODS Show-tell-do techniquesworksbests for functions-related jobs. Audio-visual aidscan cause asimple flip chart to a sophisticatedcomputer graphics. Filmed videossome propertiesfilmed trainees on closed circuit TVso that their performance can bediscussed with the supervisor TRAINING METHOD Training filmsProduced byassociations or independentproducers of training films Fishbowl techniquesOpens linesof communication. Role playingEmployees andmanagers take on each others roles intheoretical situations TRAINING METHODS Benchmarkingmeasuring what otherscompanies do and training staff insimilar practices can improveperformance MOTIVATING STAFF

Incentive program that motivate workers1.Monetary rewardsA. Point systemB. Team incentivesC. Lump-sum bonusesD. On-the-spot bonuses Monetary Rewards E. Attendance bonusesF. Property-wide bonusesG. Receiving Incentive from Guests 2. Nonmonetary Incentivesadditional money may be a goodmotivator, but it is not the onlymotivator 3. Choice assignment4. Cross training Monetary Rewards 5. Free Stays6. Free Meal Tickets or voucher 7. Early Dismissal RISK AND ENVIRONMENTALMANAGEMENT SANITATION IN HOUSEKEEPINGThehealth and safety of guests and houseoccupants is a moral responsibility of any hospitality establishment. Sanitationrefers to the maintenance of healthy and hygienic conditions, freefrom disease-causing organisms Cleanfree from visible soil or dirt PREVENTION OF BACTERIALCONTAMINATION Keeping all parts of the house clean andfree of dirt. Stagnant water in cans, pails and drumsshould always be covered. Moist foods and food leftovers must bewrapped in plastic before they are throwninto garage cans.

RISK AND ENVIRONMENTALMANAGEMENT SANITATION IN HOUSEKEEPING Sanitation- refers to the maintenance of healthy and hygieniccondition, free from disease causing organisms. Clean- free from visible soil or dirt PREVENTION OF BACTERIALCONTAMINATION Keeping all parts of the house clean and freeof dirt. Stagnant water in cans, pails and drums (if one is used) should always be covered so thatit does not breeding place of mosquitoes.

Moist foods and food leftovers must bewrapped in the plastic before that thrown intogarbage cans

PREVENTION OF BACTERIALCONTAMINATION Re-usable personal items like glasses,cutleries and other eating utensils should benot just washed with soap and water butmust also be sanitized from time to timewith sanitizing detergents. Personal items (glasses, linen, cutleries, etc)used by sick people should be segregatedand also sanitized to protect other occupantsfrom contamination.

Housekeepers are advised to protectthemselves from contamination by using protective devices. All entrances and windows must be coveredwith protective screen to prevent entry of insects. Automatic locks are also advised to preventthe entry of insects. SAFETY AND SCURITY INHOUSEKEEPING It is responsibility of every hotel andlodging house to insure the safety andsecurity of guests and occupants. They will be made accountable for any accidents or injury emanating from safety and securityhazards that are left unattended anduncorrected. GENERAL SAFETY AND SECURITYMAESURES FOR GUESTS 1. If possible, all entrances to the hotelshould be secured and guarded round theclock by security personnel.2. Provide for roving guards who willmonitor movements within the hotel premises, particularly in guestrooms andsurroundings areas.3. Suspicious looking persons and objectsare to be reported to security office or dutymanager immediately for proper investigation.

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