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The League of Legends

(Brought to you in Chief-o-vision)

The Basics
o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Uses Yahoo Fantasy (Current League ID#: 16158. League URL: ) 12 owner league; $30 price of entry (entirely paid out as winnings) Auction style draft 14 player teams (1 QB, 2 WR, 1 WR/TE, 1 TE, 2 RB, 1 QB/RB/WR/TE, 1 Def, 5 man bench) Auction style Free Agency in place of waivers utilizing a custom website ( Head to Head matchups with Rivalry Weeks Keeper league with unique Keeper rules (four players MAX per team *assignable) Trades involving both players and Free Agent Money (FAM), no cant cut list Gamblin and prop bets Unique utility slot position rules 14 game regular season Top 4 teams make the playoffs 2 week playoff Weekly payouts, weekly 'highlighted matchup', as well as playoff payouts

The Draft
o Each owner MUST (no exceptions) be physically (in the room of the draft, this method is preferred) or virtually (live via Skype, Google Hangouts, etc) available for the designated draft time. Auction style drafts do not accommodate auto picks; the drafts are too organic. The draft order is random and follows the same order each round. Each owner is awarded $200 in Draft Money (DM). o Due to keeper payments, not every owner will have $200 in DM at the start of the Draft. The Draft is Held in an Auction Format

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- Auction Draft Format Each owner can nominate one player per round, until his or her team is full (15 players) When owners nominate a player they should give the following information: Player Name, Position and team; as well as the owners chosen opening bid amount Every other owner can then call out higher bids until the bidding for that player is closed Owners participating via the internet need to call out their own name along with their bid. Efforts are made to account for internet lag, but disputes still occur Disputes will be settled by the Commissioner The leagues commissioner will handle auctioneer duties, unless a third party can be obtained. Another member of the league should be designated to document the results The Draft results will be recorded onto a Google spreadsheet and/or Draft Board. Every 3-4 rounds the Draft will be put on hold for a brief period to allow for a break and for players to peruse the board

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Owners are only allowed to spend as much DM as they start the draft with. Any DM remaining to an owner after their team is complete does NOT carry over into the season; left over DM is lost upon completion of the draft. The recorded Draft results will be saved to the Primary Google Doc location and protected for the purpose of the Keeper system. The Draft results will then be input into either the Yahoo or ESPN league by the commissioner or a volunteer.

Free Agency o Every owner Opens Free Agent Season w/ $100 in Free Agent Money (FAM) barring money lost/gained o o
in trades/wagers. Free Agency begins at 00:01 the day following the draft. Free Agent bidding is conducted on our Free Agent website - Yes, we are aware that the Free Agent website is called the waiver site. Due to budgetary constraints we were forced to source our web design to what can only be described as a prehistoric man-boy. Free Agents are nominated through this website, eligibility of the free agent is the responsibility of the league member who wishes to nominate. No refunds for mistakes. Players are available for a 24hr period, this time may increases (in 2 hr increments) as bids increase, to decrease work-day sniping. Bid ending is blocked out (via a time increase) from the hours of 24:0007:00 (central). As such they actually start at 17 hours remaining. Time remaining on bids cannot exceed the initial 17 hours remaining. If a bid is increased with 16 hrs remaining, it would move to 17 remaining, not 18. After a bid ends, a team has 48 hours to add a player. The end of bids are time stamped for this reason. If a bid completes at 9:35 on Wednesday the 10th, the player MUST BE ADDED by 9:34 of Friday 12th. Any player not added by this point, or added and subsequently dropped, returns to the free agent pool. A player becomes a free agent the minute he is dropped from a team, or within the draft time table given above. There is no maximum number of free agent moves per team.

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- Using the Free Agent Website Create a user login. Your Name/Team can be changed by accessing your account. Team names are flexible until the start of the first regular season game. Then all current names are locked in and permanent. Failure to comply with this rule results in a loss for that weeks game Select Make a Claim from the Waiver main page to start a new player auction Ensure the name entered is spelled correctly; start with an appropriate opening bid When increasing the bid on a player currently being auctioned, make sure you enter the amount you want to raise the bid by, not your next total amount The Money Chart in the top right displays each teams current Free Agent spending pool. Do not bid over your allotted total The Completed Claims section allows you to view bid history and also gives indication of when a player has rolled past his pick-up date The Message Board can be used in whatever manner you want, but it tends to be reserved for smack talk Titles is where new insulting titles are created

Gamblin Hall Rules

Each player offers up a bet in any style they wish. These can range from point spreads, winner takes all, or prop bets. is utilized for this purpose. Follow the Gamblin Hall link. A wager is placed in the gambling hall section of the website. This wager must be explicitly detailed in order to avoid

confusion over victory conditions. A wager can be placed as a challenge against a specific league member ex: h challenges Retard Strong $10 bucks for whoevers QB scores the most fantasy points. Or they can be broad challenges were you set the number of league members who can accept (between 1-11). ex: h challenge 1-5 fools for the following wager: Whose kicker will kick the farthest FG this week>? Real money wagers are handled within the Hall, simply select the REAL MONEY link to access this page.
These Wagers will look similar to the FAM wager page except the results will not be added or removed from the FAM accounts of the owners involved. The movement of actual money is coordinated between the participants. Failure to pay is determined by the Commissioner. The only action taken will be a removal of access to Real Money Wagers from that point onward.

The outcome of a given weeks wagers is settled out by either the Commish or the web site administrator. These will

be distributed by weeks end (Friday). Wagers can only last for a single week. Odd prop bets (ex: Eli manning will throw up on the field) must have proof of act submitted to Commish.

o Each team may keep up to 4 players (at the time of the deadline week 7) each season. No owner is forced to assign any keeper, no minimums. If you have any carry over keepers (2 year contract players) they cut into your total of four. After the week 7 deadline teams can acquire additional keepers up to the roster (and DM) max. Keepers are tracked via a shared Google Doc (the same doc used for Utility players and Draft results). Assign the player on the Keeper (current year) tab. Fill out columns BE (as necessary) by your name. All keepers must be declared by the end of the first Wednesday following the sixth week of the regular season. Players either newly chosen or newly re-signed as keepers MUST stay with the signing team (no dropping) for the first four games after the deadline (excluding trades). They must also end the season with the team that either signed the player originally, or drafted their rights. If re-signed via free agency, they are kept at the highest cost level. If either of these conditions are not met the owning team is charged that players cost in the subsequent season(s) without actually gaining the player. If a player assigned as a keeper, is dropped, and then signed by a new team via Free Agency his keeper status is made null and void. The new team has no keeper rights to the player (unless signed before the week 7 deadline and re-kept). Keeper rights are transferred via trades, including years kept. Years kept resets upon resigning with a new team in free agency. Due to yahoo hijinks, sometimes a player who has been won in Free Agency cannot be added to a team in time for the keeper deadline. The player can still be made a keeper if the bid ends in time, and they are on your team for that weeks games. Trades Once a player is traded the keeper rights travel with the PLAYER not the team. If a kept player is traded the new team MUST fulfill the contract, be it one or two seasons. If a player is traded, and then dropped, the trade recipient will be charged the next season, not the old team. Keepers may be traded over the first four weeks, but not dropped.

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Keeper contract Structure: Keepers receive a DM increase to their contract based upon the years of previous service. The first year (Season after keeper declaring season) the player costs an additional $10 DM. The second year the player costs an additional $15 DM (over previous years total). The third (mandatory) year the player costs an additional 5$ DM (over previous years total). The payment structure works as shown below for a player won in the draft (2010) for $1. 2011 DM cost of $11 2012 DM cost of $26 2013 DM cost of $31. The first year a player is kept (to be used in the second season) the player signs a 1 year contract. The second year a player is kept (to be used in the third season) the player signs a 2 year contract, locking them in for both cost advances and the next TWO seasons. A player cannot be kept for a fourth year (unless dropped, signed in free agency and assigned as a keeper by his new *different team). Meaning any player can only be signed to a given fantasy team for a maximum of four years through the keeper system.

Utility Slot Rules o The Utility slot can be filled with any position (except Defense). However each position can only be
used a maximum of 6 times. The six allowable starts per position include the playoffs (plan accordingly). o The allowable positions are: TE/WR/RB/QB o These allowable starts are tracked by the Commissioner (or other parties as needs dictate) on the Google Doc under the Utility Slot tab. o If a team attempts to go over the allowable maximum, the league commissioner will remove the starting player from the offending teams weekly roster.

Trades o There is no maximum number of trades allowable (as well as no max per week). o FAM may be included in trades to help balance the scales. Since Yahoo does not support this option any
trade involving FAM must be verified with the Commissioner. Verification of FAM involvement in a trade is completed by each party emailing the commissioner the amount they are set to send/receive in the trade. For transparency any FAM included in an accepted trade must be made public via an email from the Commissioner on the primary email chain. o Three way trades are allowed; however they work in a more complicated manner The trade is worked out by the three owner involved in the trade through whatever means they wish to use (email, phone calls, WHATEVER) Once a trade is agreed upon EACH OWNER involved in the trade will independently email the Commissioner with the trade details. Once the Commissioner receives all three trades and finds them to be identical the trade will be posted to the email chain. If the trade is allowed, following standard protocol, the Commissioner will update all three rosters after 1 day. o The League has 1 day to vote on the denial/reversal of a trade. This can only happen in extreme circumstances. Such as: When a team x is obviously quitting and loading up a friend before he leaves. Someone is so monumentally stupid that it would shift the balance too ridiculously (this has to be a REALLY stupid trade, such as trading Kyle Orton for Cam Newton straight up).

Scoring Structure: OFFENSE

Passing TOUCHDOWN 20 yards INTERCEPTION Rushing/Receiving TOUCHDOWN 10 yards Lost Fumble BONUS'S 350 yards Passing 500+ yards Passing 175 yards Rush/Rec 350 yards Rush/Rec Misc 2 point conversion Return TD (no return yards) 2 6 5 5 5 5 6 1 -2 0 pts allowed 1-6 pts allowed 7-13 pts allowed 14-20 pts allowed 21-27 pts allowed 28-34 pts allowed 35+ pts allowed 4 1 -2 Touchdown Safety SACK Interception Blocked kick Fumble Recovery Scoring 10 8 6 3 1 -3

Game Breakers 6 2 1 2 2 1

Payout Structure:
Buy-in (required of every player) $30.00 Weekly Payout (paid to highest scoring team, includes playoffs) $5.00 Featured Game of the Week (weeks 5 to 14) $5.00 Playoff Payout Structure 1st $125.00 0 2nd $60.00 3rd $30.00 4th $15.00 Last Place Punishment Provides a liquor donation to next seasons draft. (<=$20)

Weekly Payout for High Score o The highest scoring team, of each week (including playoffs for the 8 teams involved) receives a $5
payout, paid at the end of the season.

Featured Game of the Week o From week 5 to week 14 two matchups (4 teams) will be nominated by the Commissioner each week.
Owners will log into the Free Agent Site and select Featured Matchup to vote for the featured game for that week. Every owner except the Commissioner will receive a vote. However, the Commissioner will choose a winner in the event of a tie.

o Every team owner will have their team nominated for a featured game at least twice each season. There
is no maximum number of nominations.

o The owner of the winning team from the chosen matchup will receive $5 (real money) to be paid out at
the end of the season

Injury Compensation o When a key player goes down for a team it (coupled with one or two additional injuries) can submarine a
season, this rule helps to mitigate the effect of a season long injury to important players. o The awarded money is FAM not DM.

o This rule only effects the money spent on a player during the draft (they keep their draft value even if traded to a new team). o Players gained via Free Agency do not receive this compensation for injuries. o This rule only comes into effect when a player is OFFICIALLY placed on IR(injured reserve) by his actual
team (not fantasy team). o A player MUST have played in at least one play or snap of professional football (pre or regular season) in a game AFTER he was drafted. o If all of the above is true for a player then the controlling team is awarded FAM using the following formula: (Money spent on player in Draft) * (percentage of games they are missing ie players x is going to miss 10 games would = .625) / 2 and rounded down. If you lost a player you paid $50DM for the last 10 games of the season the equation would look like this: (50*6.25)/2 = $15FAM Games left in a season includes the playoffs.

Additional Notes o A teams name becomes PERMANENT at the start of the first regular season game. Failure to comply with
this ruling results in a loss for that weeks matchup. o Weekly scoring through Yahoo or ESPN will use fractional scoring. o The Owner who ends the season with the worst record will proved a liquor contribution equal to or exceeding $20 for the next seasons draft.

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