Exposing Jezebels Web of Lies

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Jezebels Web of Lies

Exposing Jezebel's Web of Lies Crucifying Fear, Guilt & Sha e & Co ing !ut of "abylon

*Please note This was written for those with a good understanding of the spirit of Jezebel and how she operates. I have expounded here on the roots and hooks into individuals. Ahab allows Jezebel to operate, li!ah "onfronts and brings restoration, Jehu overthrows worldl# s#ste$s and brings %odl# &rder. Propheti" and Apostoli" working together as %od ordains for end ti$e $inistries.



Jezebels Web of Lies

The Spirit of Jezebel in essence is the feminine side of satan. Satan knows people wont directly come to him if he reveals who he truly is at first, so he uses seductive deception in a feminine form to capture his prey. God, our Father has a masculine identity therefore satan attempts to pervert the essence of masculinity so the world can no lon er identify with !im. True Godly order displayed in the family with dads that know how to be a true spiritual head will see sons and dau hters emulate Gods character throu h them, this is what satan attempts to subvert with the feminist movement, homose"ual movement, feminist men, porno raphy and any seduction he can use to pervert Gods ori inal creation and keep us separated from a lovin God, i.e...money, success, fame, dru s, alcohol..etc. Satan will always o for the #u ular, he doesnt mess around, it$s time for the %ody of &hrist to realize what he suckin the life out of....it is God$s men' To heal a family you heal the head, to heal a &hurch you heal the head, to heal a nation you heal the head. Satan knows to take out society you take out the God fearin family man. This is where healthy children are born. (ur culture that we live in has infiltrated the &hurch and turned Godly order in relationships upside down, men in eneral have lost their God iven masculine bite to stand firm in sound doctrine which moves and turns on emotional whims of a culture with no absolutes. )ith Jezebel it is all about feelin , not absolutes and truth. The &hurch therefore has slid into a relationship with Jesus &hrist that is without !is firm commands and laws which !e ave us to follow, and hence a moral decline in the %ody of &hrist*delusions and doctrines of devils leadin to apostasy or the + reat fallin away stated in Thessalonians,, and the world in eneral. %ecause there has been a deliberate attack on masculinity and heads of families via the spirit of Jezebel in eneral there are not many stron men of God left leadin the %ody of &hrist and declarin the absolutes of the Gospel of &hrist Jesus.


Jezebels Web of Lies

Pornography as a Potent Example

Pornography totally emasculates men that already at their core have either a spirit of unworthiness/rejection/abandonment. Porn is a counterfeit comfort that idolizes the feminine form(idolatry ! coupled with masturbation(self idolatry will totally confuse the addicts soul which "od made for communion! relationship and intimacy. #his will produce a full blown non$"od fearing compromising %pirit of &hab ruled over by a spirit of 'ezebel.

The ene$# weaves a web of lies throughout "hildhood, whi"h $ost often starts with re!e"tion*abandon$ent wounds "oupled with sexual*e$otional*ph#si"al abuse+fear enters,. The addi"tion and poison of porn has diseased an entire "ulture, "oin"iding interestingl# with a $ass of fa$il# breakdown in our $odern so"ieties.

-ainl# with $en, but $ore so now da#s wo$en as well, satan is using pornograph#+soft and hard, to sedu"e and "aptivate our "hildren as #oung as possible. This ensures that our #outh learn to hide a part of the$selves +sha$e and unworthiness, and fear to open up. Produ"ing thinking that, .no one will trul# understand $e* $# feelings/, and deepen the sense of their dreaded sha$e fro$ this addi"tion. Porn "oupled with $asturbation+self idolatr#, and a spirit of lust full# traps one in a "#"le whi"h in"ludes addi"tive hor$onal highs to $ake it even $ore destru"tive.



Jezebels Web of Lies

%hame is one of satans $ain agenda/s and will "ause one to ere"t e$otional barriers to hide ones true identit#. Its fruit is i$$ense guilt turning into anger and then rebellion. It is rooted in unworthiness1 the essen"e of sha$e. True forgiveness dire"ted towards those that "aused feelings of re!e"tion, abandon$ent and unworthiness, with deliveran"e, self "ontrol and an e$pathi" ear to their stor# is the onl# wa# to lasting freedo$.

A health# stable "hild "an $ore easil# sa# no to porn and feel o.k to talk to their parents about it. A health# "hild is able to set health# boundaries.

"uilt says I did wrong! but shame says I am wrong. "uilt says I am obligated(outward focused ! but shame says I am worthless and not able to ma(e am$mends(self focused . -ost #oung $en that struggle with the addi"tive ob!e"tifi"ation of wo$en in pornograph#+idolatr#, have sha$e e$bedded in at their "ore, for$ed fro$ a lie about the$selves that Jezebel has or"hestrated well in advan"e to snare the$ in her web. The $ore the# struggle fighting in this web the $ore entren"hed in it the# be"o$e, eventuall# paral#zed +nu$b to their "ons"ien"e, and eventuall# wrapped up b# her+"o$pletel# given over,. ventual spiritual death b# losing one/s salvation, or even possible eventual ph#si"all# death "an result. Porn leaves a trail of "arnage in $arriages, fa$ilies, and even 2hur"hes b# wa# of their leaders.
3ote4 5e will see later how fear leads to idolatr#. 6ear sa#s7-# needs wont be $et7. 8nfortunatel# Porn gives a "ounterfeit to those who struggle with walls up around their heart9s.

The onl# answer for porn*sex addi"ts is to re"ognize the# are a"tuall# stu"k in Jezebels web of deep rooted lies, the $ore the# fight the $ore the# get stu"k in it. Pra#ing harder will not help, onl# b# pra#ing s$arter one will es"ape her web. The wa# to fight and win is to get off of her web+expose the "ore lies satan e$bedded in "hildhood,. Then one will have a fighting "han"e against Jezebel9s sedu"tions on e:ual ground with %od/s anointing.


Jezebels Web of Lies

Pornograph# is a tool of spiritual wi"kedness for$ed in high pla"es, it is on the plane of the highest level in spiritual warfare, and the <od# of 2hrist needless to sa# has lost too $an# vi"ti$s to its lure for wa# to long. It is a$ongst satans $ost potent weapons against $ankind. Ted <und# +A$eri"as $ost notorious serial killer, in an interview before his exe"ution, stated, 9while being in !ail he had learned that all violent offenders where heavil# addi"ted to pornograph#/, and it was their pet se"ret sin. &n"e this spirit sedu"es and one gives over to pornograph#, it allows a doorwa# for a $#riad of de$oni" for"es to a""ess the vi"ti$.

%hame $ in its essence is a deep sense of unworthiness, rooted in rejection*abandon$ent, often a generational abandon$ent*rejection fa$il# "urse.

=ha$e will build a heart of stone with inner vows and !udg$ents against pri$ar# "arers,..>no one "ares about $e an#wa#7, >no one understands $# hearts needs..or even wants to take the ti$e to7+The lie resounds in their hearts1.see, I knew its true, I/$ not worth it/,.+These lies for$ed in "hildhood over ti$e, is reall# bitterness be"ause there was no true forgiveness,. It is dire"ted towards those that have abandoned*abused*negle"ted the "hild. 1 whether per"eived or real.

Ada$ and ve where the first to experien"e sha$e, the# hid when the# saw that the# were naked and sewed fig leaves together to hide the$selves. %od had a better plan, ?e $ade ani$al "oats that "overed the$+The first sa"rifi"e re"orded in the <ible,.



Jezebels Web of Lies

The initial first sho"k of seeing pornograph# when one is too i$$ature to e$otionall# rationalize or "o$prehend it/s nature as a snare, will trau$atize and sear into a #oung person/s $ind and e$otions with long lasting effe"ts. This is the first $a!or struggle in Jezebel/s web. 6ighting #our own feelings and $e$or# will not help, onl# the e$pathi" healing help and pra#er of a trusted one "an ease the deep rooted sense of bodil# "onfusion and sha$e.

I re$e$ber the first ti$e I was lured b# a bo# who$ I thought wanted to be $# friend, to a store roo$ in our ba"k alle# wa#. I was about 'A #ears old and was left there on $# own with hundreds of $agazines of naked posing ladies. At the ti$e this happened I was struggling with a great sense of loneliness +satan knows when to atta"k,. I started to feel weird and :ui"kl# got out of there and headed straight ho$e, as I ra"ed in the front door I was startled when seeing $# $other. I said a :ui"k .hi/ and fled into $# roo$.

5hat see$ed to happen here was that the sha$e of seeing a naked wo$an in sexual "o$posure "o$pelled $e to flee fro$ $# $u$B.wh#C

5ell, growing up $# $other has been $# i$age of what wo$anhood is, and now $# i$age of wo$anhood !ust got all distorted and "onfused. =ha$ed b# what I saw and $# strange new feelings about it !u$ped up and "aused $e to suddenl# feel asha$ed in her presen"e, I wanted to hide. A$azingl# this is a $a!or pattern that will follow $an# into adulthood and then on into $arriage. If we see so$ething that is i$proper and sha$eful unintentionall# it will hit us with a patterned sub"ons"ious sha$e and "ause us to e$otionall# hide that inti$ate part of out heart and soul fro$ our wives+the ones "losest to us,, be"ause it feels wrong+a stronghold,. This is a learned progra$$ed first en"ounter s"enario that follows $an# of us into adulthood and sub"ons"iousl# a"ts out.


Jezebels Web of Lies

The other proble$ I see that "ould be unsan"tified is that we allow ourselves to be turned on b# things in this world+so$eti$es unintentionall#, and then sleep with our wives in a lustful wa#. Inti$a"# is a sharing of ourselves one with the other, it is the $ost vulnerable and open we "an be...it is also where proble$s begin for those who have "losed off parts of the$selves to prote"t their heart9s at an earl# age. &ur wives should be the onl# ones that "an rea"h that deep part of us, not an# otherC Eon9t beat #ourself up here, I understand this "ould open up a "an of wor$s for so$e...answers are "o$ing.

&ur "ulture sa#s, >It/s alright, it/s not that bad of a thing7. &ur whole "ulture has a""epted its own fate without even understanding the i$pli"ations to future generations. -a#be it is a "ultural stronghold, to !ust turn a blind e#e and don/t want to know. -a#be it/s "alled delusion, as it sa#s in Fevelations, .I will give the$ over to delusion, be"ause the# are not lovers of the truth/. The point is the sex industr# is !ust one+probabl# the worst, of the ene$ies sedu"tive tools he e$plo#s to tr# and destro# %od/s $en and their fa$ilies. ventuall# the porn*sex addi"t/s "ontinual sha$e at the "ore of his person will "ause a shut down fro$ the realit# of his sin be"ause he feels so entrapped. ?e*she will begin to seek out greater fixes and "o$pro$ise his own $oralit#, even further e$bedding hi$self further into the web of Jezebel and her potent lies. The spirit of Jezebel uses the "ulture to support her wi"kedness and weaves lies into "hildren/s hearts about who the# trul# are. =he then baits those "hildren with her wi"kedness for$ed in high pla"es and lets the$ struggle in her web until the# are to weak to fight an# $ore. Jezebel full# knows this "auses a rift in their relationship with %od and those who love the$ through fear, sha$e and guilt, and "o$pounds the web of lies in their life until the# are destro#ed.

)ut! "od*has a plan! to turn &hab+s into anointed 'ehu+s



Jezebels Web of Lies

,hat other lures does 'ezebel seduce with- &nd why are people drawn to them 5h# are people lured into wit"h"raftC ..for "ontrol and power, be"ause the# felt the# never had an# in "hildhood to stop out of "ontrol hurt and pain. The 5ord sa#s rebellion is akin to wit"h"raft1 those drawn are bitter and rebellious and have unresolved hatred towards those that have negle"ted abandoned or abused the$. 5e now are starting to see the sho"king rise of 2haris$ati" wit"h"raft, 5ebsites for 2hristian 5it"hes and a "ulture given to $edia that is basi"all# initiated into the o""ult through ?arr# PotterH pagan ga$es15ar"raft, =k#landersH books1True <lood et".. 5h# are people lured into su""ess and fa$eC 8suall# for a""eptan"e and re"ognition, be"ause the# never got an# fro$ their own dads. &ur 2hur"hes in 5estern "ulture with the Prosperit# %ospel have gone to extre$es. ie. 9Iou <est Jife 3ow9, 9G =teps to..9,9'A =teps to..9. 5h# are people lured into drugs and al"oholC 8suall# to es"ape realit#, their trau$a/s and hurts see$ too overwhel$ing. The root "auses are the sa$e reall# as an# other addi"tion...trau$a, abandon$ent, re!e"tion, feeling like an out"ast. The lies go like this,>Iou are worthless7, >Iou don9t belong7, >There/s so$ething wrong with #ou7, >Iour un"lean7, >3o one loves #ou7, >Iou are evil7, >%od "an never forgive an#one like #ou7..et". 5h# are people lured into ho$osexualit#C &ur "ulture su""u$bs to $edia pressure and %overn$ent laws. The lies start when the# re!e"t their own father/s $as"ulinit#, and then "rave for it in another $an. And*or be"ause their $others $a# of wanted a girl and not a bo#, whi"h affe"ts the "hild as a bab#. The bo# is $ore fe$inine or girl $ore $as"uline+he*she doesn/t know wh#,. It gets harder for the bo#s be"ause fathers don/t approve of a see$ingl# fe$inine son. -ost bo#s like this are targeted b# satan also with sexual abuse+b# an older $ale, and pornograph# to seal their fate. %irls for so$e reason see$ to be $ore a""epted being a bit bo#ish+so$eti$es it is en"ouraged,, but it is not so so"iall# a""eptable for bo#s to be a bit girl#.


Jezebels Web of Lies

This is hard for bo#s, that are in trouble in this area. 5e "an see satan at work earl# here with $en, tr#ing to set the$ up for his plans to ruin %odl# fa$il# stru"ture.

5h# are people lured into having an abortionC &ur "ulture for wo$en sa#s "areer is priorit#H 9Iou have rights as a wo$an9, the# tell #ou this through fe$inist $ove$ents and 3ew Age agenda/s. There are reports of 'AAA9s of babies being aborted and surviving in A$eri"a ea"h #ear. If #ou "hoose abortion please know, #ou have a ' in ;; "han"e #our bab# will survive #our abortion. Please tell $e what rights these babies haveC Eo #ou know what the i$pa"t of the trau$a of a parent tr#ing to kill their own "hild has on a grown up adult that has survived it. -assive identit# "risis and worthlessness at the "ore of their heart9s, $assive guilt and fears. 5h# are people lured into Feligious 2ultsC 8suall# be"ause of a failure of fatherl# leadership in the ho$e. An Ahab t#pe $an will alwa#s look for dire"tion through another leader and will have no sense of identit# and dire"tion for hi$self. Ja"ks trust in true %odl# $ale authorit#, has trouble sub$itting to and honoring authenti" leadership and $ore easil# be"o$es sus"eptible to de"eption and delusion. 2ults rule with "ontrol, e$otional $anipulation and are guilt fo"used instead of e$powering their people with %odl# love and self sa"rifi"e. 5h# are people lured into sex addi"tion and Pornograph#C 8suall# be"ause their heart/s have be"o$e like stone and "annot relate or open up entirel# to pure inti$a"# as %od intended, their hearts are not able to sta# open and find the "ounterfeit an eas# te$porar# selfish fix. It is a "o$pli"ated web of lies that keeps the$ bound. Fe!e"tion*abandon$ent, a sense of worthlessness, sha$e, guilt and hidden anger "an keep the$ lo"ked into a "#"le of destru"tion. The lies whi"h are e$bedded in their "ore sa#, >=ee, #ou are worthless7, >Iou don9t belong7, >There/s so$ething wrong with #ou7, >Iour dirt# and un"lean7, >3o one loves #ou7, >Iou are too bad and evil7, >%od "an never forgive an#one like #ou7..et".


Jezebels Web of Lies

The bigger the struggle with the web of root lies the# are stu"k in, the $ore the# be"o$e e$bedded in it. 5hen the# unravel the lies satan has fed the$ through "ore hurts and trau$as the# have experien"ed, the# will have a fighting "han"e. People $a# "o$e to %od when the# are at the end of their rope and are set free b# ?is a$azing gra"e, but $ost will have to work through the lies to stop Jezebel pulling on the web that was weaved through out their "hildhood.

Jezebel has a vast network of bait, tools and weapons she uses to keep #ou in her web of lies. =he has a fe$inist $ove$ent that has turned into a new age goddess worshiping "ult, she has $ass $edia spreading her agenda of sexual pro$is"uit#, she has a war raging against $ans headship*leadership in the ho$e+$aking wo$en $as"uline and $en fe$inine, and she loves her ho$osexual agenda that the %overn$ent is pushing as 9 :ual rights for all people9. I don9t think the %overn$ent is totall# stupid and don/t understand what happens to a so"iet# if the fa$il# is totall# dis$e$bered and trodden down. It would see$ the# have their hands tied for so$e reason and are not able to stand for the "ore of so"iet#H the fa$il# unit. -a#be the laws being for"ed on our "ountries are being pushed b# the 8.3, b# the 8 and A$eri"a...probabl# b# a global soon to "o$e %overn$ent as stated in Fevelations in the <ible.

=he uses %overn$ent to "reate and enfor"e laws to prote"t ones free "hoi"e for abortions +the# also fund it,, free1spee"h restri"tions +espe"iall# towards 2hristians,, $arriage rights for ga#s+extending even into %ods house,..et".. All of it is ai$ed at destro#ing fa$il#, so"iet# and 2hristianit#. =ounds ludi"rous..h$$$, lets !ust destro# ourselves.

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Jezebels Web of Lies

5e have $ore broken ho$es now than in all of our past histor#, we have $ore sexual i$$oralit# than in all past histor#, we have $ore "hildren born out of wedlo"k than in all histor#, we have $ore unborn babies killed than in all of histor#, not to $ention sex traffi"king, entertain$ent fo"used, self "entered, self seeking, boastful and the $ost violent et".. part of hu$an histor# everBI think %od $ight $a# have had it up to ?is earsBAs in the da#s of 3oah, so shall it be in the last da#s.

&n"e the sedu"tive side of satan has got the world in his grip it is onl# a $atter of ti$e before he turns full# on his $ost hated people, 2hristians and Jews. Perse"ution+tribulation, $a# be at the door for the 5estern 2hur"h.

This is the "hara"teristi" of Jezebel,..or"hestrate her web+trau$a9s and lies, infiltrate #our identit#, sedu"e #ou later with fleshl# desires and de"eption to get stu"k in it, use the de$oni" to pull and push #ou around, use #ou, and then destro# #ou.

%pirit of &hab must be dealt with first . %pirit of Elijah /onfronts

Jezebel9s ai$ is to produ"e Ahab $en that will easil# "o$pro$ise and allow her entran"e. =he works as =piritual 5i"kedness in ?igh Pla"es to spe"iall# infiltrate the four walls of the 2hur"h, to bring %od/s !udg$ent on it. This will happen to apostate 2hur"hes be"ause %ods !udg$ent has been pronoun"ed upon the$ long ago, but, it will not happen to ?is true <ride. =he will be $aking herself read# when %od9s real $en raise up like a sleeping giant and tread on the adversar#.

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Jezebels Web of Lies

Ahab/s are $en that have no real sense of self identit#. The# la"k vision and follow the "rowd that pa#s the$ the $ost attention.

The# "o$pro$ise easil# as the ene$# has bound their will to over"o$e.

Innate fear of re!e"tion, overl# passive, proud, greed#, envious. Ahab t#pe $en have at their "ore $a!or lies fro$ "hildhood, ste$$ing fro$ abandon$ent and re!e"tion $ainl# fro$ their fathers. -an# Ahab t#pe $en have false $asks that need dis"ern$ent to see through, the =pirit of li!ah $elts it awa# with a %odl# 6athers heart of love.

The spirit of li!ah "onfronts Ahab9s heart "ondition to bring about repentan"e, restoration, re"on"iliation and healing through forgiveness to prepare the <od# to $ake straight the wa# of the Jord. To defeat that slipper# serpent on"e and for all in the bod# of 2hrist. Ming Jehu will rule, who is a pi"ture of our Jord sa#ing, 7Throw her down7.

. li!ah does "o$e and will get ever#thing restored and read#/ -att'G4'' ...<ehold, I send $# $essenger ahead of #ou, who will $ake read# Iour wa# before #ou. -att''4'A .?e shall turn the hearts of the fathers to the "hildren and the "hildren to their fathers, lest I "o$e and s$ite the earth with a "urse/. -ala"hi ;4D

Ahab/s "ore heart lies need to be exposed and then repla"ed with %od/s truth.

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Jezebels Web of Lies

?onor th# father and th# $other, as the J&FE th# %od hath "o$$anded theeH that thy days may be prolonged! and that it may go well with thee, in the land whi"h the J&FE th# %od giveth thee. Eeut@4'D

Is not the opposite also true,..if #ou dishonor #our father and $other will not all go wrong for #ouC This was one of the Ten 2o$$and$ents, 6ro$ %od9s finger. It surel# $ust have been prett# i$portant.
The germ of society is the family, and the family is sustained only as the authority and rule of the heads of the house are upheld and respected. The command, then, to honor parents may be justly regarded as asserting the foundation of all social ordinances and arrangements. Where parents are not honored, a flaw lies at the basis, and the stability of the entire social fabric is endangered. -Pulpit Commentary - Biblehub

-an# $en who are given to pornograph# and sexual addi"tions also see$ to have a deep seated hidden hatred* bitterness towards wo$en, usuall# a bitter root long ago forgotten, a hurt that has not #et seen forgiveness and healing. I personall# struggled with unresolved bitterness towards $# $other when $# #ounger brother was born. I felt abandoned b# her and went to find healing*"onsolation in $# dad, he also abandoned $e at this ti$e when I needed hi$ the $ost. This had drasti"all# i$pa"ted on $# heart. It was partl# a per"eived abandon$ent and was not a total realit#, but never the less the i$pa"t of it had $a!or long lasting "onse:uen"es. In hind sight it is as though the ene$# or"hestrated events to ensnare $e with her sli"k lies,..+>-# needs won9t be $et7,>I/$ not wanted7+6ear,, >I9$ worthless7,7I9$ no good7+=ha$e,,7It9s all $# fault7,7I should of done better*$ore7, >I shouldn9t of..7+%uilt,,. 5e never reall# think about these lies be"ause the# have been there for so long, it is the old $an. 5e are now no longer sub!e"t to those lies and fear of the$ being true, be"ause Jesus showed us the truth of %od9s love for us in an open show to all on the "ross. ?e died with our guilt, sha$e and fear and resurre"ted without the$, !ust as we did when we be"a$e born again. ?owever the ene$# is alwa#s seeking to resurre"t these lies with their feelings in our lives. This is where san"tifi"ation "o$es into it.
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Jezebels Web of Lies

"uilt based Personalities In the first six #ears of our lives the trunk of our "hara"ter is for$ed, this is shaped pri$aril# b# those who$ "ared for us over those #ears. <e it Parents, 6oster parents, Adoptive parents, extended fa$il# et".. If we have re"eived wounds b# our pri$ar# "arers it stands to reason the# would have the biggest affe"t on our "hara"ter and personalit#. It also stands to reason that if there are blo"kages and "onfli"t in relationships+with self, others and %od, these areas are where we should be asking %od to help us heal and find the freedo$ to love as ?e does. 6or a lot of people the :uestion is >5h#7, wh# did the# not love $eC, 5h# did the# leave $eC, wh# did the# abuse $eC. 5hen these :uestions are being asked in ones heart, we are basi"all# sa#ing, >Is it $eC7 or, >Is it the$C7, a "hild "annot reall# settle this. There is a "onfli"t of feelings be"ause there is love and dependan"e for and on the one*s that were supposed to "are for us. 2hildren $ostl# internalize parental "onfli"t and abuse, the# feel unfairness and in!usti"e readil#, but it is the thinking behind this that deter$ines whether one $ainl# bla$es others +externalizes, or bla$es the$selves+internalizes,. If we are a logi"all# based sort of person we "an per"eive 9others9 +pri$ar# "aregivers that have wounded us, as the proble$ $ore easil# as a "hild+the environ$ent is unsafe, others are the proble$,. If we are $ore e$otionall# based as a "hild we will internalize the hurts and trau$a9s $ore and self bla$e+the environ$ent is unsafe, I $ust be the proble$,. 6irst borns are "lassi" guilt "arrier t#pe personalities, the# feel a lot $ore weight and responsibilit# weighing on their shoulders. The# are "loser to parents initiall# before siblings "o$e along and usuall# have a lot $ore expe"ted of the$, a"ade$i"all#, responsibilities wise and in respe"ting others and self. The# are usuall# dis"iplined $ore harshl# and through this tend to be $ore harsher on the$selves. The# "an feel $a!or guilt and have to perfor$ and work for their existen"e be"ause the environ$ent is seen to be "riti"al and harsh on the$.

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Jezebels Web of Lies

Internalizes though per"eive the$selves to be the proble$, the# feel unworth# ,shrink ba"k fro$ life, despair of life and the# tend to want to hide the$selves +usuall# with a $ask,. =ha$e atta"ks self and %uilt atta"ks the environ$ent. =ha$es response is env# and pride and guilt9s response is anger and rebellion. The# both "an be destru"tive towards self and others. =ha$e has to perfor$ to feel a""epted and guilt has to perfor$ be a""epted. -ost people have both negative e$otions+one is do$inant, whi"h show how Jezebel and Ahab work together and have hooks into people. Jezebel,..bitterness, env#, !ealous#, pride+"o$pro$ise with self ie. 9%et what I want9, "ontrol, put down others, lift self up, work for self, %od works for the$, false prophets,... =ha$e won9t trust self or forgive self. Ahab,..unforgiveness, hidden anger, rebellion+"o$pro$ise with environ$ent ie. 9Eo what I want9, "riti"ize, please others to get re"ognition, live to work, work for love, work for %od, false Apostles,...%uilt won9t trust others or forgive others. Ahab t#pes will not engage a battle of wills with superiors+or e:uals, for fear of re!e"tion, feeling put upon, $ade to feel guilt# about their perfor$an"e..et". <ut the# will thrive in a leadership position without authoritative oversight that $a# :uestion*doubt their abilities, skills or agenda. As guilt drives Ahab and sha$e drives Jezebel, behind these two lie great fears+the fears of satans lies being true, whi"h are reall# the $otivator and driver behind these two spiritual ar"het#pes. 6ear doubtsH fear se"ond guessesH fear is not sure whether I a$ a""epted and loved, or good enough. It is fear that $otivates guilt and sha$e to perfor$ for love, be"ause it sa#s, 9I a$ not good enough9 or 9I have not done enough9 to be a""epted. The# both sa#, 9I don9t deserve it9. 5ith %od together ?e will spe"ifi"all# help #ou pin point the lie*lies the ene$# has used to keep #ou in bondage to the spirit of Jezebel and Ahab. These lies that have ensnared one as a "hild will need to be unraveled so he*she is able to stand and re"eive a double anointing to put Jezebel under his feet. 5ithout an Ahab there "an be no Jezebel at work.
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-en $a# pla# the part of Ahab while a Jezebel spirit "an also operates through his hurts. Jezebel is an e$otional spirit that atta"ks ones e$otions, espe"iall# propheti"all# gifted $en and wo$en. People $a# exhibit both spiritual traits and operate in a Jezebel and Ahab =pirit. The# will need deliveran"e as well as healing while dealing with the devils lies learned about the$selves in "hildhood.

"odly 0rder
Jezebel wants Ahab leaders in the 2hur"h+and fa$il#, so she "an swa# it an# wa# she pleasesH it/s not until she is exposed that the real $en of %od "an rise up and take their positions. 5e often wonder wh# there are so $an# $ore wo$en a"tive in the 2hur"h and in leadership positions, and this is $ainl# the reason. This has been an all out war on the $en of %od to restrain the$ fro$ be"o$ing Jehu/s and Joshua/s "lai$ing the Pro$ised Jand of %od for his true 2hur"h.

It is not until the# over"o$e sha$e and guilt, stand without fear and inti$idation that we will see the $ira"ulous on"e again surfa"e in the 2hur"h.

%odl# order in $arriage and fa$il# has been greatl# da$aged and in a lot of "ases turned upside down. Ahab $en that have fallen into sexual sin, $ental illness, business failure et".. $a# be"o$e so down that the# give up their leadership responsibilities in their fa$il# and for"e their wives to pi"k up the sla"k. In realit# wo$en hate this but $an# ti$es the# have no "hoi"e. The wife be"o$es bitter be"ause of the situation and a Jezebel spirit starts to operate in the ho$e turning it upside down, "ausing strife, despair and isolation in the $arriage. 5ith her hidden resent$ent the "hildren follow suit and a $an $a# never be able to pi"k hi$self up again to take his %od given position in the ho$e to lead. =o he sta#s there in his :ui"ksand, in a downward spiral that $a# destro# the fa$il# entirel#
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unless %od intervenes. If he has sons the# will be"o$e Ahab/s and $arr# Jezebel t#pe wives and the generations down the line $a# be"o$e worse. If he has daughters the# will be"o$e like $u$ and $arr# a $an with an Ahab spirit that will not lead in the ho$e +=pirituall#, finan"iall# or prote"tivel#, or all,.

If one has been abandoned in "hildhood the# will be abandoned in $arriage, whether it be ph#si"all# or e$otionall# or both. If one has had a "riti"al parent in "hildhood the# will have a "riti"al spouse in $arriage.

%od pairs us with a spouse that will $ake us deal with our baggage. This "an be a path of rapid san"tifi"ation if we re"ognize it and allow it. It is spiritual warfare....5hen we realize we are in a spiritual battle we be"o$e aware of the ene$ies devi"es and are no longer ignorant. 5e know we don/t fight against flesh and blood but against prin"ipalities, powers, rulers of darkness and spiritual wi"kedness in high pla"es. Jezebel is on the highest level 1 5i"kedness in high pla"es. =he weaves her web fro$ above and traps those unsuspe"ting below.

The truth is we are seated in heavenl# pla"es and Jezebel is under our feet, along with her "o$pro$ising weak willed husband Ahab.

=he seeks to "ause a situation, or"hestrate its out"o$e, sedu"es #ou to fall pre# to her lies, then wat"hes as she allows #ou to be"o$e so weak in struggling in her web until she "an destro# her vi"ti$ and those around hi$ or her. The issue here is that she "an !ust wat"h the vi"ti$ basi"all# destro# the$selves struggling with the lies the# believe about the$selves with the sha$e and guilt of their past and*or their own sins.
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The oppression and depression "louding over the$ fro$ self "onde$nation and sha$e does not allow for rational "lear truth fro$ the 5ord of %od to penetrate into the heart where those lies are hidden. =piritual warfare needs to be ena"ted upon, there is no "hoi"e for survival. Iou are not defeated !ust ensnared. The Jezebel spirit has been $anifesting for so long she has be"o$e ver# effe"tive, but if one learns her sedu"tive wa#s the# "an un1weave her lies !ust as effe"tivel#H and even $oreN..,have %od/s power and anointing of Jehu to put her totall# under ones feet to be tra$pled on. &ne of her greatest de"eptions is her presen"e of dread and fear when "onfronted. It is reall# a $irage that we as followers of 2hrist have authorit# over. This last level of atta"k is alwa#s her de"eiving poison of death. 6ear of being stu"k in her web is s"ar# enough, but when she a"tuall# approa"hes this "an $ake one feel that she is invin"ible. This is de"eptionH it is a lie, a $irage*illusion to "ause the spirit of fear to operate again. 5e have all authorit# over the works of the ene$#, we are fro$ above and over her,1seated with 2hrist Jesus and ruling in the ?eavenlies, not her.
Jezebel was the opposite of Elijah, the man of God, the prophet of God. The spirit of Elijah is described as he who shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers (Mal 4,5, !. This spea"s about health# stron$ famil# relationships and the $enerations $oin$ hand in hand as one famil# unit. The famil# trul# is fundamental within societ# because a famil# is a micro societ# and should be based on the biblical principles of God. That%s wh# we can percei&e all around us how the enem# di&ides, distorts and destro#s the &er# core of our li&es which is ed$ed in the famil# unit. 'ab#lon (Jezebels a$enda is to turn the hearts of people awa# from God, to turn the hearts of the children awa# from their parents, to turn the hearts of the husbands awa# from their wi&es, to turn e&er# respect for authorit# in $eneral into )independence) and to turn purit# and ph#sical inte$rit# into promiscuit# and debaucher#. *ipporah + Joseph

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#hyatira a )igger Picture

In Fevelations the letter to the 2hur"h at Th#atira, sa#s, that the# tolerate Jezebel/s sedu"tions, and %od gives her the sternest warning of the seven for being sedu"ed b# her.
1 And unto the angel of the church in Thyatira write; These things saith the Son of God, who hath his eyes like unto a flame of fire, and his feet are like fine brass;1!I know thy works, and charity, and service, and faith, and thy patience, and thy works; and the last to be more than the first. "# otwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman !e"ebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols. "1And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not. ""#ehold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, e$cept they repent of their deeds. "$And I will kill her children with death; and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts% and I will give unto every one of you according to your works. "%#ut unto you I say, and unto the rest in Thyatira, as many as have not this doctrine, and which have not known the depths of Satan, as they speak; I will put upon you none other burden. "&#ut that which ye have already hold fast till I come. "'And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations% "(And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers% even as I received of my &ather. " And I will give him the morning star. "!'e that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.

Th#atira was known as a great "it# of "o$$er"e and for her trade guilds. The $er"hants+business $en, were "oer"ed and so$eti$es for"ed to !oin these %uilds for better trade relations and better profits. The proble$ was though, that a business $an or trades$an had to "o$pro$ise the$selves with the guilds pagan pra"ti"es, worship and "ere$onies to foreign gods+idols, to get ahead. In this sa$e wa# %od/s 2hur"hes have "o$pro$ised to get ahead in this world, to gain a .better life now/, su""ess s#ste$s that see$ based in the 5ord of %od, but
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are reall# of this world+<ab#lon, and for selfish gain, to get bigger, better, to get re"ognized..et". 5hat "o$es right alongside the love of $one# and powerC..all sought/ of evils.

Eesires to have a bigger 2hur"hes, $ore finan"es, s#ste$s and $arketing te"hni:ues to keep $e$bers in the 2hur"h, worldl# entertain$ent in the 2hur"h, latest $odern $usi", latest $edia and the best sound e:uip$ent, see$s to have taken the pla"e of san"tifi"ation, growing, healing, deliveran"e and $aturing %od/s people.

'eremiah wrote . ..you have healed my people superficially..! saying peace and safety! but there is no peace and safety. There see$s to have been a great "o$pro$ise in the propheti" $ove$ent, prosperit# $ove$ent, the $ega "hur"h $ove$ent and $ergent 2hur"h $ove$ent. 5e seriousl# have need to dis"ern what has happened and unravel a $ass of webs that have en"roa"hed upon %od/s people. &ur #outh in our ti$e have no idea about great refor$ations and revivals,.. The Azusa street revival, where it was prophesied that a great revival will take pla"e 'AA #ears later, that is said to be "o$ing to sweep like a tsuna$i that will not be stopped until the Jords return. That 'AA #ears is upNN The healings and "reative $ira"les that have taken pla"e, ar$s grown out of thin air, fire on top of buildings that ever#one "ould see, whi"h was the ?ol# =pirit bringing it/s power upon penitent, dead to self, obedient $en and wo$en "r#ing in inter"essor# agon# for %ods people. These were $en and wo$en of extre$e faith, passion for 2hrist and "ourage that had over"o$e the world.
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'AA #rs ago though there was no $ass $edia+$usi",porn,$ovies,internet..et"., to pull and pull on our "hildren, #outh and so"iet# as a whole. <ut, If the 2hur"h in Azusa =t "ould of looked forward and see into our da# and age the# probabl# would of thrown up over the $ass of inde"en"#, pro$is"uit#, lusts of the flesh, greed, self infatuation, and delusions in our $odern "ulture. <ut, Fevival will still "o$e the sa$e wa# that it "a$e then, and that is through a heav# burden of pra#er and repentan"e for %od9s people. It was like this for 3ehe$iah being grieved for his people and the broken walls, I believe it was like this for li!ah when he saw the "orruption in his land under Ming Ahab as well. 5e have even $ore to be burdened for toda#, not be"ause the world is so $u"h $ore evil, but be"ause %od9s people are so broken and lost the# don9t even know it.

The letter to Th#atira states that those who over"o$e will be given a "rown everlasting and will rule with the Jord over the nations. Eaniel interpreted 3ebu"hadnezzar/s drea$ that foretold of the great ro"k+%ods Mingdo$, that will "o$e down and de$olish the statue at its base, that represented the last kingdo$ of this world. Jezebels de$ise was foretold b# our forefathers, that she will be thrown down and the dogs shall eat her and there will be none to bur# her. Ahab/s de$ise was also prophesied that his end was "o$ing, through li!ah.

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Jezebels Web of Lies 'ezebel+s )abylon $ Prophesied End

%od tells us, 72o$e out of her+<ab#lon, $# people.., 5e see ?e is a"tuall# talking to ?is own people here.

1evelations 23, 0O6or all the nations have drunk of the wine of the passion of her i$$oralit#, and the kings of the earth have "o$$itted a"ts of i$$oralit# with her, and the $er"hants of the earth have be"o$e ri"h b# the wealth of her sensualit#.O ;I heard another voi"e fro$ heaven, sa#ing, O2o$e out of her, my people, so that you will not participate in her sins and receive of her plaguesH@for her sins have piled up as high as heaven, and %od has re$e$bered her ini:uities.B This s"ripture shows us ?is people are $ingled in this <ab#lon.

5e are onl# !ust starting to see and understand what this <ab#lon a"tuall# is and how satan is sedu"ing the world through the 3ew Age $ove$ent, astern Feligions +Ioga, $editation..,, -usi", Television, the &""ult, =atanis$, =e"ret =o"ieties+6ree$asonr#, Mnights of -alta, =kull P <ones et".. $ost under the u$brella of the Qati"an/s Jesuit priesthood,,, wit"h"raft, -one#, =u""ess, Position and power, Pro$is"uit#, ?o$osexual agenda..the list goes on.. It is a$azing that !ust about ever# 6urniture Ee"or shop sells <uddha/s, and nearl# ever# 0rd house has one in it. Peoples ho$es are littered with posters, pi"tures, books, $ovies and orna$ents that are de$oni". Eo #ou think so$ething that is representing the spirit world in a tangible wa# "an influen"e a de$oni" entit# to en!o# #our ho$eC

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It is the sedu"tion of this world, the lust of the e#es, the lusts of the flesh+that is never filled, that the ene$# is able to push and pull on with %ods e$as"ulated 2hur"h. It is the work of Jezebel to get %od/s people to live with and "o$pro$ise with <ab#lon/s sedu"tive bait via Ahab $en. %od/s people perish through la"k of knowledge...

5here are %od/s Joshua/s, 2aleb/s, -oses/, lisha/s and Jehu/sC The anointing on Jehu and lisha is awaiting for those that are separate fro$ this worldH un"o$pro$ising, san"tified and strengthened in the ?ol# =pirit in su"h a wa# that the# will break forth and run with the baton in this last generation till we see the Jord appearing in the "louds. The# are all out for %od, and are so not afraid of $en or the devil , the# are so not afraid of the re!e"tion of $enH the# are not even afraid death.

The 2hur"h will see these $ight# Jehu and lisha leaders rise up, the# will follow their %odl# $as"uline spiritual strength and rise to throw Jezebel down.

The Jord will in the end then "o$e and deal with the 6alse Prophet and the Anti"hrist personall#, but onl# when we have finall# done our bit to over"o$e the one that de"eived us in the garden in the first pla"e. This is our !ob as %od/s $en of the hour, to over"o$e totall# the one that sedu"ed ve in the %arden. 5as it not Ada$ that should of put a stop to and prote"ted the wo$an fro$ the lies and de"eption of satan thenC 5as not Ada$ given the "o$$and to not eat of the fruitC It was left up to Ada$, but where was he, wh# didn/t he stand upC 5as he also "aptivated b# the beaut# of this fallen angel and his de"eiving tongueC
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Ada$ was "ursed b# %od be"ause he heeded the voi"e of the wo$an and not %od/s "o$$and$ent, to not eat of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. ve was given to hi$ to partake of life with hi$, together as "oheir. <ut, he negated the "o$$and$ent that was given hi$ and did not prote"t ve.

If we fast forward thousands of #ears, we have now been given the 5ord of %od+<ible,, we have been saved fro$ sin and death through 2hrist Jesus+Justifi"ation b# 6aith Fefor$ation,, we have been given the weapons of our warfare+the gifts of the ?ol# =pirit,. =lowl# %od has been e:uipping, healing, adding revelation and $aturing ?is <od#. 5h# has %od done thisC.., for spiritual battle for ?is <ride to over"o$eC 6ro$ strength to strength.

5hat $ore do we need to topple this de"eptive liar that is against %od/s whole "reation. %od wants us to over"o$e the sedu"tion*de"eptions fro$ our adversar# that initiall# "orrupted us, to stand over hi$ "o$pletel#..and rule and reign with Jesus 2hrist forever, seated with ?i$ in the ?eavens where ?e is, per$anentl#.

#he &nointing from the %pirit of Elijah belongs to those who shout with 'ehu! 4,ho is with me-5* 6o negotiation! 6o compromise..5#hrow her down775.

2aptain and soon to be Ming Jehu full# understood the idolatr# and the sin that was brought into their kingdo$, he !ust needed the opportunit#, he needed to be e$powered*anointed b# %od. ?e then gave the sa$e opportunit# to the unu"hs who threw her down. 5hen the unu"hs saw Jehu "o$ing the# got ex"ited, their "astigation had ended.

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#riune /arnal 6ature 8 %hame at the 1oot

5here does Jezebel get inC

&ur triune "arnal nature at it9s base "onsists of 6ear, %uilt and =ha$e,...fear being the propellant whi"h sha$e and guilt exude fro$. In the "ore of ea"h of these e$otions in their negative state the ene$# whispers lies to us about our identit# when we were #et little.
=ha$e "an be des"ribed as one of the $ost horrid feelings to overtake a person, $a#be even $ore1so for a $an. 5e don9t like to talk about it and "ertainl# don9t want to reveal it to an#one, even though we are all swi$$ing in it. 5hen Ada$ and ve first sinned it was sha$e the# felt and went to hide behind the trees when the Jord "a$e around. The# sewed fig leaves together to hide their nakedness. 5e all feel this sa$e instin"t to hide when we sin against %od and others, it is part of our old nature before we be"a$e born again and is the triune part of our fallen nature of 6ear*%uilt and =ha$e. 8nlo"king the roots of sha$e will $ost often unpin the so$eti$es debilitating e$otions of 6ear and %uilt, to bring wholeness and healing through the work of the "ross. =ha$e for so$e "an be an inherited trait, an unshakable low self estee$ and inse"urit#, whi"h will "ause one to hide fro$ his*her real selfH be"ause ones real self is not a""eptable.

Jet not the downtrodden turn ba"k to sha$e, let the poor and need# praise #our na$e. Psal$s G;4)' MJQ.

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OI a$ wrongO

Jezebels Web of Lies

=ha$e is different fro$ guilt be"ause guilt sa#s,OI did wrongO, where =ha$e sa#s

A void is established in the heart fro$ sha$e and seeks fulfill$entH this is where addi"tions are for$ed.
=ha$e $anifests in and through the Jiver, Pan"reas, Jungs, %ut, Intestines,

8rinar# and ndo"rine +%land s#ste$ that se"retes hor$ones whi"h affe"t nearl# ever# "ell, organ and fun"tion of the bod# A$eri"an -edi"al Asso"iation,. These parts for$ out of the ndoder$ whi"h is the inner develop$ental "ell la#er of the 0 la#ers of the e$br#oR "toder$, -esoder$ and ndoder$S. =ee ndoder$ develope$ent. =ha$e $anifests in and through <owel disorders, Eiabetes+"oupled with extre$e self re!e"tion and guilt,,?#pogl#"e$ia+"oupled with fear and guilt,, 2hroni" 6atigue =#ndrone+"oupled with fear and guilt,,?or$onal i$balan"es, Jiver disorders, Autoi$$une diseases+self re!e"tion*self hatred sets white "orpus"les in the bod# up to atta"k itself,in".2hrohn9s, 2olitus,Jupus,-ultiple ="lerosis, Fheu$atoid Arthritis...et". =ha$e $a# $anifest in Eepression. ?u$ilit# and vulnerabilit# are the Antidote to sha$e, as pride is the end result of unhealed sha$e. The fruit of sha$e is unfaithfulness, harshness and self indulgen"e+addi"tions, it9s opposite ?onor and its fruits of the =pirit are 6aithfulness, =elf "ontrol+$oderation, and %entleness.

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Pride whi"h elevates oneself and*or puts others down is the "arnal $ans solution to sha$e, it $oves on into perfor$an"e orientation, working for affe"tion, love and nurture. There is no real rest for one with a spirit of sha$e and unworthiness. =ha$e effe"ts the e$otional stabilit# of a person and his*her intuition. =ha$e breeds nv#, Jealous#, Fe!e"tion and Addi"tions.

=ha$e when it be"o$es part of #our "ore identit# instills its essen"e of worthlessness, whi"h has $an# destru"tive "ousins su"h as, self re!e"tion, loneliness, depression, extre$e e$barrass$ent, hu$iliation, hopelessness, helplessness, feeling flawed, disappoint$ent, regret, deep sorrow+no relief,, alienation, abandon$ent, un"lean, dirt#, soiled, anger with a :ui"k te$per, unexplained fear and terror, fear of failure, fear of re!e"tion and probabl# a whole lot $ore. If #ou have a few or $ore of these feelings "onsistentl#, I would look a lot further into the roots of sha$e and find healing. It see$s Jezebel and Ahab are sha$e based personalities, but Ahab $ore guilt based. 8nfortunatel# we all have it to so$e degree or another.

=ha$es deepest feeling is worthlessness. =ha$e is a grudge I hold against $#self. =ha$e9s effe"t is loss of personal respe"t. =ha$e is like having a "riti"al parent e$bedded in #our head.
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=ha$e sinks it9s teeth deep into us when we desire*look up to or seek approval fro$ so$eone that is "lose to us, that insults at us at the deepest level. This is wh# sexual abuse, ph#si"al abuse, verbal abuse and spiritual abuse+legalisti" religion,"ults, $esses us up so bad. It is abuse because it violates instead of validates. It is an infe"tion that happens when our hearts are wa# open expe"ting good fro$ those we look up to and are highl# vulnerable. Per$it $e to explain with a si$ple exa$ple. If a stranger were to insult #ou walking b# #ou, #ou "ould get over it rather easil#, #ou $a# sa#,O5ell who is that an#wa#, he*she doesn9t $ean an# thing to $eO, but if it is so$eone #ou ad$ire, desire, seek approval fro$ it is ver# different, wouldn9t #ou agreeC =exual Abuse ' in ; girls and ' in D bo#s are sexuall# abused before the age of 'K. -ost of these will "o$$it a "ri$inal offense and a large nu$ber land in !ail. People do not "o$$it "ri$es for no reason or !ust wake up one da# and de"ide to destro# the$selves or those around about the$. Erugs, Al"ohol, sexual pro$is"uit#, ho$osexualit#, lesbianis$, rape, $urder..et" are all wa#s to es"ape, nu$b or vent the extre$e pain and "onfusion asso"iated with the trau$a of being violated at the "ore of ones person. In $an# "ases of sexual abuse that I have seen, the vi"ti$ see$s to have a sense of being pi"ked out on purpose b# the offender, and it is usuall# so$ebod# the# know, respe"t, looked up to or wanted their a""eptan"e+but not in that wa#,. 8suall# the vi"ti$ alread# has a inner sense that there $a# be so$ething wrong with the$, have feelings of loneliness, re!e"tion or alienation+this $a# not alwa#s be the "ase as in the "ase of a rape vi"ti$ b# a stranger, but KA1LAT of sexual abuse is perpetrated b# a known abuser,. The perpetrator pi"ks up on this and exploits the vulnerabilit#.

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This vulnerabilit#, I believe is alread# a $inor "ore issue of sha$e alive in the vi"ti$ and is wh# the devil had the$ in his "ross hairs to destro# altogether.+<ut if this is #ou and #our reading this post he didn9t su""eed,. The good news is an#one who has been through an#thing like this, #ou are here for a reason. The reason is be"ause, that was not %ods plan for #ou at all, ?is plan was alwa#s to love, heal and restore #ou. A sha$e based person "annot "o$prehend this good news of love at the depths of the heart be"ause it was su"h drasti" e$otional tur$oil that their logi" is "onfounded b# the violation. The truth of %ods 5ord has not entered into the depths of that violation #et. Their belief of the$selves is this deep sense of sha$e that pro!e"ts worthlessness throughout their whole being. To $ove on in life as a "hild the vi"ti$ $ust bur# the sha$e of the violation usuall# be"ause it is too sha$eful, and if exposed the fear of what would happen is to "o$pli"ated and terrorizing, espe"iall# if the# were threatened. Plus the guilt of what was a wrong a"t, but $a#be felt so$ewhat good is enough to "onfuse an#bod#. =o$eti$es it is buried until %od is able gentl# unravel the "o$pli"ated trau$a and bring healing, so that ?e "an be Jord and love on the abused as ?e has alwa#s wanted to do. <ut first we $ust be willing and find a wa# to trust ?i$ to do this. The truth is sha$e "an be the $ost destru"tive but, the guilt and the fear felt and what one has to live with after the abuse, $akes it infinitel# worse. Abandon$ent Another wa# sha$e enters at the "ore of a person is if the# were abandoned as a "hild b# a parent or parents. This "auses the "hild feelings of worthlessness whi"h is at the heart of sha$e. 5hen parents fight, threaten to leave or verball# abuse their kids it is enough for the$ to internalize that it is their fault and worthlessness with its sha$e haunts the$ until it is resolved and healed. A lot of sha$e based "hildren bla$e the$selves for their parents break down in $arriage as the# internalize the "onfli"t fro$ their parents and their fears of abandon$ent. The# $a# feel, if onl# I did this, or I should of done this, or ought

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of, or "ould of..et".. The internalizing of parental "onfli"t sa#s to the$, OI a$ not worth itO, OI a$ wrongO, OI a$ no goodO+the fruits of sha$e,. 5rong =ex In $an# "ases where sha$e has be"o$e part of a person identit# there is a longing of a parent or both for a parti"ular sex, if their wish is for the opposite of what %od has given the$, the "hild in the wo$b will spirituall# dis"erns that he*she is wrong. This "an bring a deep "onfusion at the "ore of this "hild and sha$e of its own sexualit#. I have heard also so$e "hildren sa# that if the# were born the opposite sex life would of been easier and felt the# would of had $ore a""eptan"e b# their parents or siblings. =u$$ar# If we take =exual, Ph#si"al, Qerbal, $otional and Feligious abuse along with those that were abandoned+"ast awa# when needed to be needed, we see that we all have sha$e e$bedded at our "ore to one degree or another. As we will see a bit further sha$e effe"ts nearl# all of us drasti"all#, and has poisoned our relationships +in". with %od, =ha$e is able to send us down into a spiral of despair with the press of a few buttons. 5hen we deal with the lies satan told us about ourselves in our sha$e and allow %od to tell us the truth about who we reall# are in the depths of our heart9s there, we are on the !ourne# out of bondage.

%od doesn9t hide fro$ people with sin and sha$e, people hide fro$ %od with sin and sha$e.

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=igns and =#$pto$s =ha$e "auses us to feel unworth# of forgiveness =ha$e "auses us to punish ourselves and be self appointed $art#rs. =ha$e "auses us not to be able to forgive ourselves =ha$e "auses us to be self righteous with pride in our a"hieve$ents. =ha$e "auses us to be "riti"al and !udg$ental. =ha$e "auses self worth to "ru$ble and fill with addi"tions =ha$e "auses us to "o$pare ourselves, env# and !ealous# enters. =ha$e "auses us to fall into despair, depression and sui"ide. =ha$e "auses us to perfor$ for love, a""eptan"e, affe"tion..et". =ha$e "auses us to elevate self and put others down

2ore Jie9s fro$ =atan There are parti"ular lies the ene$# has purposefull# e$bedded in #our "ore identit# to destro# #ou, the truth of %ods 5ord will s$ash an# lie fired against #ou. The weapons of our warfare are not "arnal but $ight# to the pulling down of strongholds+heart lies,... If #ou ask %od what was the "ore lie satan used against #ou as a "hild or bab# in #our "hildhood spe"ifi"all#, %od will bring #ou ba"k to a $e$or#, $a#be not straight awa# but ?e will in a ver# short a$ount of ti$e. =ta# tuned into %od and ?is pea"e. I believe it is i$perative to ask %od what was the "ore lie or lies satan used to speak into #our heart and then to go ahead and repent for believing this lie and negative responses to it on"e it is revealed to #ou. Then further ask %od to speak ?is truth over that lie into #our heart+what ?e sa#s about #ou, how ?e feels about #ou,. 5hat #ou $ight sa# is, OJord I repent of believing this lie and responses to it that the ene$# used to tr# and destro# $e with in this parti"ular $e$or#, please speak to $e #our truth and what #ou sa# about $eO+when #ou are in that $e$or#,.

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Iou will find #our heavenl# 6ather a"tuall# speaking the real truth to #ou about who #ou reall# are. This si$ple pra#er with %od works and "hanges "ore beliefs in the "ore of our hearts.

6orgiving Iourself 3ow, so$ething that is dear to $# heart is being able to forgive oneself. =ha$e is a barrier to be able to love others as %od "o$$ands us to. Jove #our Jord %od with all #our heart, $ind and strength an love your neighbor as yourself. - is this not a "o$$and$entC 5e are not able to love others the wa# %od re:uires us too until we "an love ourselves the wa# that ?e loves us+did #ou get that,. %od loves us un"onditionall# and ?e loves others un"onditionall#, but do #ou love #ourself like ?e doesC This I believe is the defining :uestion and the :uestion that will break down barriers to love as Jesus 2hrist did when ?e walked the land and healed, $ade whole, forgave, loved and sa"rifi"ed. 5e all see$ to self punish, beat ourselves up, but I don9t believe %od wants us going around doing this an# $ore as ?is <ride. It is ti$e to take ?is word for real and treat ourselves as ?e would. Iou see we $irror %od to our neighbor and if that $irror is all s$udged and dirt# nobod# "an "learl# see %od9s love. 5e "an easil# show off a distorted %od be"ause of how $u"h baggage we i$pose on ourselves whi"h is not the truth.

5e Are a -irror I re$e$ber in <ible 2ollege $# senior $inister speaking a word over $e. =he said, OI believe %od wants $e to tell #ou this, 9Ean, if #ou were the onl# one in the whole world, %od still would of sent Jesus 2hrist !ust to die for #ou9O. I "ried a little but "ould not a""ept this truth, I have wrestled with this for about )A #rs. It is not written in the <ible like she put it, but it "an show us the "ondition of our hearts and our view of ourselves.

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Eo #ou believe Jesus would of "o$e and sa"rifi"ed ?i$self for onl# #ou, be"ause %od loves #ou so $u"h as an individualC

6or $e personall# this has been so hard to "o$prehend as $# e$otions want to get in the wa# of and "onfound the Truth of how $u"h ?e reall# loves $e. ?is love is un"onditional, ?is blood that was spilled on the "ross atones for all #our sin past, present and future+All #our $istakes, all #our guilt, all #our sha$e,. Iou "an full# rel# on that fa"t. =o, if ?e loves #ou that $u"h wh# shouldn9t #ou love #ourself in a health# wa# !ust like ?e doesC A""epting the 6athers love deep in our heart9s is para$ount to a""epting ourselves as ?e does and further to a""epting our neighbor the wa# ?e does through us. 5e onl# allow our 6athers real love to penetrate when l#ing negative e$otions about our self worth are dealt with. 5e are onl# the %old and =ilver vessels ?e wants to use when we are healed through ?is a$azing love and don9t hold our own trespasses against ourselves while tr#ing to work our wa# up the ladder of religious effort. If we are hard on ourselves we are hard on our neighbor, if we have inner bitterness towards ourselves we will $irror that onto our neighbor, if we feel dirt#, soiled, unworth#, worthless, not i$portant, isolated, we will refle"t it upon our neighbors as we are %ods $irrors to the world. Addi"tions =ha$e holds a grudge against oneself and does not allow one to re"eive Agape+%odl# Jove,, it does not allow one to a""ept and forgive the$selves for $istakes. This grudge against self is based in unworthiness of self re"eiving real love, whi"h in turn "reates a $assive void*e$ptiness in the heart. Fepetitive, addi"tive sins are born out of unworthiness+sha$e, and are a destru"tive "#"le of, =ha$eUU unworthinessUU internal void* e$ptinessUU addi"tionUU self loathingUU unworthinessUU internal void*e$ptinessUU addi"tionUU guiltUU "onde$nationUU sha$eUU...et". It is not broken until %ods love is taken for fa"t and ?is love expressed on the "ross for us is internalized as
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truth. 5hen we let all our sha$e, regret, guilt, $istakes, sins be forgiven b# %od, and $ost i$portantl# for sha$e based personalities1forgive ourselves and let it go. %od forgets #our sins as soon as #ou repent...Oas far as the east is fro$ the west I will re$e$ber #our sins no $oreO. ?e "asts the$ behind ?i$self and "annot see the$ an#$ore. <ut the proble$ is be"ause of our low self worth we keep re$inding ourselves how bad and stupid we are and perpetuate the "#"le of sha$e and addi"tion.

What if we have done something so bad and is totally irreparable?

Personal Testi$on# Please note I intend to use this personal stor# to #our avail and %ods glor#. -# brother, "ousin, friend and I were involved in a fatal "ar a""ident in &"t 'LL' where I per$itted $# older "ousin+after "onvin"ing $e, to drive $# new "ar. I was not able to see how drunk he was and subse:uentl# he slid out on the side of the road in the dirt+at about LAk$s an hr, he over "orre"ted his steering and we ended up head long into a large tree. ?e died instantl# and $# #ounger brother was teetering in and out of deaths door for a week or so in an intensive "are unit+?e onl# survived through $u"h pra#er, but has never been the sa$e sin"e,. -# friend and I were seated in the ba"k, he was fine and I re"eived "uts and broken bones. <e"ause I was still re"overing in hospital I was not able to attend $# "ousins funeral and unfortunatel# for $e there was no grieving or "losure. 3o1one talked about it $u"h later and I felt the pressure of responsibilit# for the a""ident fro$ $# whole fa$il# for what had happened. =uffering with the trau$a, the sha$e, regret and guilt drove $e to to prove or $ake up for $# sha$eful $istake and the "onse:uen"es of it. I held this dreadful $istake against $#self for )0 #rs as I also felt the weight of fa$il# and friends of $# de"eased "ousin and da$age done to $# #ounger brother weighing on $# shoulders. To $ake things $ore "onfusing $# "ousin who died had sexuall# used $e when I was about ') #ears old. This "o$pli"ated $# alread# low self estee$ and unresolved feelings even $ore.

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I had felt no re$orse for $# "ousin d#ing as I had hidden sha$e, guilt and fears fro$ the sexual abuse and a "onfusing desire to be a""epted b# hi$ as he was older than $e and looked up to hi$. I felt relieved in so$e wa#s he was gone and this ate $e up inside. The trau$a fro$ the "ar a""ident see$ed to freeze all of the powerful negative e$otions and I pushed the$ down far, in"luding the sexual abuse.

The "o$pli"ated e$otions in both trau$a9s of feeling used and $anipulated in the sexual abuse and the "ar a""ident $ade $e feel like an idiot and worthless for not standing up for what was right and $aking the right de"ision for $#self and all involved. This in turn relates to "lassi" vi"ti$ization $entalit#, I learned not to trust $#self and believed I had no "ontrol of how others treated $e, a sense of powerlessness. This "an drive #ou to prove #ourself and also drive #ou to isolate #ourself. It is sha$e at the "ore and a dreadful feeling of worthlessness.

In )AAG+'D#rs later,after business failure and $# fa$il# "lose to breakdown %od was finall# able to intervene and I "ould open up to so$eone I learned to trust with $# life. It has taken G #ears+this is a relativel# short ti$e and a $ira"le, of intense "ounseling, deliveran"e, healing, $u"h resear"h, stud# and pra#er to "o$e ba"k into a stable "ondition were I "an love $#self as %od loves $e and "are not what an#bod# else thinks of $e for ?e is the one in "harge of $# eternit#. &f "ourse there has been $an# la#ers of healing that have taken pla"e but sha$e was b# far the $ost destru"tive hidden feeling I9ve en"ountered and subse:uentl# given $e the biggest sense of healing b# far. Praise JesusN The point here is when others don9t understand what is at the "ore of #our being the# will pi"k up what is oozing out of #ou and treat #ou a""ordingl#. ven though #ou $a# "hose to ex"el to feel appre"iated, do drugs, al"ohol or porn to nu$b pain and "onfusion, or isolate #ourself to prote"t #ourself, sha$e will feel ines"apable until #ou trust Jesus and la# it at ?is feet, forgive #ourself and finall# let it go.

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The :uestion then is, 9Eo #ou !ust forgive #ourself and let #ourself off the hookC9.

The answer is eventuall# #ou have to otherwise #ou destro# #ourself, and ever# one #ou "herish around about #ou suffers for it. If I thought to ask %od to forgive $e sooner I $ight of, but I "ouldn9t think it be"ause I was to bus# "arr#ing the burden of $# failures rooted in guilt and regret fro$ sha$e. I also felt fro$ ever#one who lost $# "ousin and grieved for $# brother that the# needed a s"apegoat to pla"e their own guilt, grief and responsibilities on to...so reall# what "hoi"e does a one have in a s"enario like this but to vi"ti$ize and beat hi$self until he "o$es to realization the ene$# has gone on a holida# and left hi$ to do his !ob on hi$self. I9$ not sa#ing the ene$# was not using evil spirits to destro# $e, but the point is the fruit of sha$e was well at work before he "a$e along with sexual abuse and a fatal "ar a""ident. Iou see I was born with inherited sha$e, the ene$# used the spirit of sha$e alread# in $e to $ake $atters 'A ti$es worse later in life. This does not ex"use $e for $# own sins, but the blood of 2hrist does. This does not let $e do whatever I want be"ause I9ll be forgiven an#ti$e, but gives $e the opportunit# fro$ the heart to rel#, trust and go straight to a 6ather who loves $e so $u"h, that understands that I a$ also flesh, $akes $istakes and loves $e an#wa# when I fail. =ha$e is the opposite, it hides the $ost vulnerable part of #ou that "ould have the greatest "o$$union with %od and ?is =on. =ha$e based personalities will find that the# are "arr#ing burdens pla"ed on the$ b# others be"ause of their feelings of low self worth, the# tend to beat on the$selves even though %od has alread# sent Jesus 2hrist to be beat on. ?e "arried all our failures, regrets, guilt and sha$e on that "ross and rose again so we don9t have to beat ourselves up an#$ore, period. 5e "an be the whole "hildren %od intends us to be without allowing ourselves to do satans work on ourselves and destro# what %od wants to $ake good. 5hat ?e sent ?is =on for...to set #ou free fro$ #ourself+"arnal nature, whi"h is death, give #ou authorit# over the ene$# and walk in love and vi"tor#.
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Eealing with the roots of sha$e b# wa# of repentan"e, "onfession of sins, forgiving others and self, letting it all go to Jesus, grieving loss and trau$a, is needed greatl# to bring the heart and soul pea"e.
For the scripture says,"Everyone that believes on Him shall not be put to shame"Rom 10:11

Eealing with the lie*s the ene$# has spoken into a "hild9s heart at an earl# age is even $ore i$portant to deal with when we see it9s destru"tive fruits on displa# in adult life+for $ost it is well "a$ouflaged,. Jezebel is an expert at hiding, bla$ing, while $anipulating others e$otions. =he alwa#s seeks position....5hen she is "onfronted 9wat"h out9. This spirit $ust be dealt with before we will see this last da#s harvest,...in individual9s, $arriages, fa$ilies and 2hur"h fa$ilies. -en are to be as Jehu in preparation+san"tifi"ation and transfor$ation into the likeness of 2hrist Jesus, waiting for the anointing and opportunit# to throw her down. <ut unless we understand the battle in the spiritual first, we don/t know where and how she is operating in the natural. If #ou don9t see it #ou "an9t fight it.
"& And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpiller, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you. "' And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the ()*+ your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you% and my people shall never be ashamed. "( And ye shall know that I am in the midst of Israel, and that I am the ()*+ your God, and none else% and my people shall never be ashamed. " And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions% "! And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit $# And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke. $1 The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the ()*+ come. !oel ,%,-./0 1!2

9ealing with shame is the prere:uisite to the coming great harvest! and dealing with &hab and 'ezebel opens the heavens for it.
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Inner ;ows

Jezebels Web of Lies

Inner vows are internal pro$ises we $ake to ourselves in intense ti$es of hurt or trau$a. The# $a# sound like, >I never want to have kids when I grow up7, >I9ll never trust an#one again with $# heart7, >3o one will ever love $e7, >I9ll show the$ one da#7. These t#pes of inner vows+and there are $an# kinds, are ver# powerful, the# "o$e out of bitterness, !udg$ents, anger, re!e"tion..et". 5e had a lad# at our ?o$e group a few #ears ago and her and her husband "ould not have kids. I told her a stor# about a lad# that $ade an inner1vow when she was a "hild, she said in her heart out of anger that she never wanted to have an# babies that were bo#s. 5hen she fell pregnant later when she was an adult she $is"arried a "hild, then fell pregnant again and delivered a health# girl. =he $is"arried again, but later had another health# girl. =he got so$e "ounseling about it, and the $inister asked if she ever $ade a vow not to "arr# an# bo#s. %od revealed a $e$or# to her where she did. =he repented, the# broke the vow and she was then able to have a health# bab# bo#. Instantl# when the lad# heard the stor# I was relating to her she be"a$e ver# :uiet and then said in sho"k that she had done the sa$e but, vowed never to have "hildren at all. The reason being was that she alwa#s was $ade to take "are of her #ounger siblings and the# drove her $ad. 5e heard later in the #ear that she had delivered a health# bab#. 5owN Inner vows are powerful.

%oul #ies %oul ties come through sexual involvement with any person other than your husband or wife. #hese soul ties! tie you literally soul to soul with the one you were sexually involved with. #his causes problems for people who were joined to another before marrying their spouse! as the soul remembers the other and longs for union again. ,rite down if possible all who you were tied to sexually in the past! repent and as( "od to forgive you of the sexual immorality and
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pronounce each soul tie to be cut and severed in the spirit realm. #hen pray! that which was yours to return to you and that which was theirs to return to them and pray healing for your fragmented soul(you can as( the <ord to send angels to gather up those fragmented parts and bring them bac( to you . &lso as( for healing over the loss or grief of that relationship if you feel it necessary. 1ip up the paper the names were written on and pronounce it over and finished in the name of 'esus /hrist. &lso brea( and cut any demonic soul ties to do with witchcraft in the name of 'esus /hrist. =ou should also brea( any demonic soul ties because those that you have been soul tied to may of been involved in witchcraft or other things that you don>t (now about(be led by the ?oly %pirit . &men. So many people have testified to such a freedom after doing this simple thing and have a wonderful feeling of wholeness again. @6oteA I am BBC sure that some sort of soul tie is created between people while focusing on them and fantasying while masturbating. %o! just to be sure repent of fantasying over others while masturbating and as( for forgiveness! if this might be the case. 'esus basically said! >Even if a man lusts after a woman he is committing the act in his heart! and is in sexual immorality>. 6o doubt! if masturbation is an addictive issue for someone there is more than li(ely the demonic at play as well! to push and pull in that area. Drom this I can assume in >the act> it is no problem for the enemy to inject images of certain people to fantasize and focus on as well! creating a spiritual soul tie.
In witchcraft the incantation to summon a personal 'familiar' is done while masturbating and envisioning a demon that will become their 'familiar spirit', through spiritual sexual union (a demonic soul tie) !his is purel" debased and disgusting, but proves that masturbation while fantas"ing is not a safe practice # '$leep %aral"sis and &ight 'emons'#b" 'an (iebrands

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)ro(en ?earted ver# one that has been born into this world has at one ti$e or $an# ti$es been offended or insulted at the depths of their heart9s. -an# of us have endured death of a loved one, divor"e, separation, opened our heart9s full# and then been du$ped b# a bo#friend or girlfriend..et". =o$e people have endured so $u"h that their heart9s are !ust shattered in pie"es and don9t understand wh# the# have no life or hope an#$ore. The 5ord of %od sa#s, that 9?e is near to the broken hearted9Psal$0;4'K.
The heart is the seat of love; the heart was created for love and intimacy, therefore a broken heart is no longer rooted in love, it has been broken/shattered, sometimes violently.

Psal$';G40,7?e heals the broken hearted and binds up their wounds7. Isaiah@040,7?e has born our griefs and "arried our sorrows7. Juke;4'K,7..?e has sent $e to heal the broken hearted...7. Inner healing is better des"ribed as healing the broken hearted+binding up the broken hearted,. It is the work of 2hrist Jesus ?i$selfH ?is love and truth through ?is healing tou"h "an rea"h the depths of the heart like no other. =o$e have said there is a spirit of7<roken ?eartedness7, it would see$ so, and "an be "ast out along with the fier# darts+lies, that are still sti"king out of the heart. <ut, I have found there is $u"h grief in the depths of the broken hearted that needs the tender love of our savior gentl# e$bra"ing it to give ba"k it9s life. If #ou envision all the ti$es #our heart has taken a dire"t hit, it would probabl# of had $ultiple blows. &ur heart9s "an be sensitive, espe"iall# as "hildren. Jesus "a$e to $ake AJJ things good, ?e never wanted #our heart to suffer. =o !ust pla"e #our hand on #our heart and tell Jesus, >I give #ou AJJ of $# heart Jord, for #ou to take and heal, I trust #ou "o$pletel# to restore $# heart with all it9s hurts and all its shattered pie"es. Iou "a$e to love $e and show $e real love, so now I re"ount all the pain, all the blows, all the sha$e, all the guilt, all the abuse, all the re!e"tion, all the abandon$ent and all the lies. I hand the$ over to #ou Jord and thank #ou for the greatest transferen"e of #our wholeness and love in return to $e. I ask #ou to bind up, heal and restore $# broken heart with #our power, and set $# heart at pea"e to be open again to love as #ou do7. A$en praise #ou Jesus.
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&ttac(ing the 6est of 'ezebel

Jezebel was a Phoeni"ian prin"ess a false prophetess and sedu"tress, with an unhapp# $arriage to Ming Ahab of Israel. =he was a devoted <aal worshiper and affli"ted this upon the kingdo$. Jezebel upheld her sulk# husband via $ali"e through trea"her# and un1%odl# wa#s +$urder, de"eit and war,. After the death of her husband she was thrown to a violent death at the hand of her servants under the instru"tion of Jehu.

=o$e of the "hara"teristi"s displa#ed b# people with the Jezebel spirit in"lude4 =edu"tion -anipulation =ilent treat$ent =exual favours Pouting 6alse tears 6ear Inti$idation 2ontrol Power lusting J#ing and twisting the truth Atta"king "hur"hes and $inistries Propheti" "ontrol Eividing to "on"ur <a"kstabbing Justing for authorit# Eo$ineering Atta"ks on authorit# %old digging 2hange of opinion around different parties 3o a""ountabilit# 3o self1dis"ipline

Jezebel presents a "hees# or sinister s$ile. This "an be followed b# disturbing, un"ontrollable, h#steri"al laughter. Jezebel is known to bite, spit, ki"k, pun"h,
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strangle, s"rea$, head1but and use an# other $eans ne"essar# to "ause pain to both the person and the workers. =he is extre$el# violent, loud and "ursive.



' Mings 'K4; Fevelation )4)A

' Mings 'K4'L ' John ;4' ?eb '04'G


Adulter# Just 6orni"ation 8nfaithfulness Febellion Eislo#alt# <lasphe$# 2ursing ?eres# I$piet# Profanit# =a"rilege Jewdness Irreveren"e 2ontrol Possessiveness Eo$inan"e 5it"h"raft -atriar"hal =pirits Feligious 2ontrol 2ontrol fro$ the Pastor -ind 2ontrol -anipulation Inti$idation 6ear -ali"e 2oarse Jesting 8n1"leanness I$$odest# Pornograph# I$purit# Adulterous Justfulness Eebau"her# =elf1Indulgen"e In"ontinen"e =exual Passion Abandon &bs"enit# Jibertine =ensualist ?edonist pi"urean Pla#bo# =winger 6ree Jover =edu"er 5hore$onger Pi$p %igolo Pervert 6lasher
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Pro$is"uit# I$$oralit# ?arlotr# 5horedo$ xtra$arital Affair Infidelit# J#ing Ee"eption 2arnalit# <a"ksliding Eestru"tion 5ounds Eishonour Feproa"h =ha$e -arriage <reaking =pirit Abortion -is"arriage Pre$ature Ter$ination

Eeath ?atred of 2hildren A""usation Eiabolos A""user of <rethren =lander =uspi"ion ="hizophrenia <etra#al Jealous# nv# Paranoia 6ault1finding <itterness 6inger1 Pointing ?atred Judging Fage =elf 5ill =elf1Eelusion =elf1=edu"tion

Jezebels Web of Lies

%ossip 2riti"is$ <a"kbiting -o"ker# <elittling Failing Profanit# Abuse =wearing Pride Eefian"e Fesistan"e Anti1 =ub$ission <ed ?opper 2asanova -aterialisti" Favenousness Appetite Eesire <urning Passions 6e$ininit# 6rigidit# ?o$osexualit# Jesbianis$ Just of the #es Just for Power Just for position Just for -one# Qiolen"e 3on 2onfor$it# =P =Van"es 3e"ro$an"# Jevitation 2lairvo#an"e -editation -asturbation In"est Fape Prostitution =odo$# In"ubus =u""ubus Qo#euris$ 5andering #es 6antas# -as:uerade Eisguise 2a$ouflage Preten"e I$poster
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Insubordination Eisobedien"e Fuin Eevastation 5rath Eelilah

Anthelia Pleasure pi"urean Erunkenness 3akedness %o$er

8ntea"hable Perse"ution 2onfrontation =tubbornness A"upun"ture %eo$an"# 6en1 =hui ?oros"opes =piritualis$ -ediu$ The wa# of the walk astern Feligions 2har$s ?exagra$s

?oo1Eoo Eivination ?andwriting Anal#sis 2r#stal balls Tarot "ards Pal$ Feading 6alse Qisions =uperstitions A$ulets

Pentagra$s Ankhs Italian ?orn 8ni"orn 6alse1 A""usation Ahab Anger Ani$osit# 2holer 6ur# %all ?atred Fage Fesent$ent Te$per Indignation 5rath Qiolen"e -urder

Jezebels Web of Lies

Talis$ans ?ex =igns Qexes ?exes Jaziness n"hant$ents 2ala$it# Povert# Eo$ination 2ontrol b# -other 2ontrol b# 6ather 6latter# 6alse Praise =edu"tion J#ing Ee"eption Personalit# 2hange %reed Avari"e 2ovetousness =elfishness =tinginess %lutton# Eetestation Eislike Ill 5ill Joating ?ostilit# Aversion Eislike ?atred of Truth 2orre"tion ?atred of %od Ee"eption -ardi %ras =elf1%ratifi"ation =elf1Abuse =elf1Eefile$ent &$an <lind Fage Te$per 6it Anger Qehe$en"e Qanit# Jooseness 5ild 5anton Papain Aphrodite Fetaliator# hate Idolatr# I"ons Pi"tures Feli"s <aal 8ngodliness Profanit# ?urt Astral Pro!e"tion -antras <iorh#th$ Astrolog# Ioga Marate Judo -agi" Qoo1Eoo Potions =pells &""ult %a$es

2ruelt# 8n1forgiveness Fetaliation =pite Fevenge &utrage ?ostilit# n$it# 6oolishness ?ostilit# 2ontention =trife Anxiet# 2ruelt#

?atred of ="riptures ?atred of -en ?atred of 5o$en ?atred of ?usband

Fetaliation %all

Ps#"hi" readings
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Feligious =pirit Perversion Qenus 6alse1Jove <etra#al Ee"eption Eishonest# Trea"her# Treason 5or$wood Eisgust -ali"e Irritation Anno#an"e Indignation 2ounteratta"k

Jezebels Web of Lies

5ife <la"k People 5hite People Jews Authorit# Prea"hers Eeliveran"e The 2hur"h -urderous ?ate &rg# Fe!e"tion &ui!i <oards =or"er# Erugs 6ortune Telling 5ater 5it"hing Fein"arnation -ental ="ien"e =elf1hate =elf1de"eption Auto$ati" ?andwriting Tea Jeaf Feadings 2offee Feadings 2ontrol

Feprisal ?#pnosis

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Jezebels Web of Lies

&ttac(ing the 6est of &hab

Ahab was the son and su""essor of Ming &$ri. Ahab supported <aal worship, introdu"ed b# his harlot wife, Jezebel. Fituals of the <aal involved detestable pra"ti"es, in"luding prostitution, ho$osexual a"ts, and the hu$an sa"rifi"e of "hildren. Jezebel his wife held Ahab through unrighteous a"ts, as he was a sulk# and $ood# Ming. Through li!ah the prophet and war vi"tories, %od repeatedl# displa#ed his power, gra"iousl# giving Ahab $an# opportunities to "hange his wa#s, he did not. Though Ahab did eventuall# repent, it was too little too late to $ake an# lasting "hange in his kingdo$. In the third war, Ahab was killed.

=o$e of the "hara"teristi"s displa#ed b# people with the Ahab spirit in"lude4

=ulkiness Fe!e"tion of responsibilities >5ait a1while attitude7 5ithdrawal &verl# passive Proud %reed#

8suall# $arried to a Jezebel 6ear of re!e"tion Tantru$s Arrogan"e Irresponsible

Ahab is ver# sulk# and proud, usuall# $anifesting in this wa#. ?e pulls a "lassi" fa"e with a stern expression and :uivering*pout# botto$ lip. 5hen #ou are "asting out Ahab lots of tears "an be expe"ted. ?e is :ui"k to sh# awa# fro$ the fight, hiding behind other de$ons, e$otions, tiredness and "an "ause the person to appear asleep.

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Jezebels Web of Lies


Abandon$ent Fe!e"tion 6orsaken Eeserted "ast Awa# 3egle"t &rphan ?urt Eeep ?urt 5idow 8nloved Joneliness Isolation Abuse &ffense -istreat$ent Tor$ent 2riti"is$ 2ursing xploitation Perversion ?urtH =exual Abuse -ental Abuse Eestru"tion 5ounds Eishonour Feproa"h =ha$e -arriage breaking =pirit Jezebel Ani$osit# 2holer 6ur# %all Fage Fesent$ent Te$per -istrust <lasphe$# 2ursing ?eres# I$piet# Profanit# =a"rilege Jewdness Irreveren"e Possessiveness

Eo$inan"e 5it"h"raft Jezebel Eebau"her# Ji"entiousness 5horedo$ =elf1%ratifi"ation =elf1Indulgen"e &ver Indulgen"e 8nrestraint In"ontinen"e Fevelr# Erunkenness s"ape

Indignation 5rath Qiolen"e -urder 2ruelt# <itterness Fetaliation =pite Fevenge

Feligious Abuse Eoor$at 8n1forgiveness <itterness ?atred Anger Fesent$ent 6ear

&utrage ?ostilit# n$it#

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-e$or# Fe"all Adulter# Just 6orni"ation 8nfaithfulness Pro$is"uit# I$$oralit# ?arlotr# 5horedo$ xtra$arital Affair Infidelit# J#ing Ee"eption 2arnalit# <a"ksliding I$purit# &bs"enit# Pornograph# =exual Passion I$$odest# Passion Fage <lind Fage Te$per 6it 6ur# Qehe$en"e Perversion =exual Perversion Fepressed anger =uppressed anger &rion I$$ediate glorifi"ation Al"oholi" =#ndro$e 5arring <ehe$oth 2on:uring

Jezebels Web of Lies

6oolishness 2ontention =trife Apath# 8n"on"ern Indifferen"e Jetharg# Passivit# 2oldness Eeta"h$ent Insensitivit# Jistlessness =toi"is$ Apprehension Eread Anxiet# 3ervousness 5orr# Alar$ =uspi"ion 6ears Irrational 6ear ?orror 6right Pani" Eread Apprehension ="hizophrenia =ha$e Eisgra"e =lothfulness =luggard =tiff13e"ked Phobia -u$$ies bo# I$patient =narling Priss# 5ithdrawal Passivit# =leepiness Al"ohol Erugs =ilen"e Eepression 2o$bativeness ?eadstrong &bstinate =tubborn 5ilful =elf 5ill 2hildlike Anti1 =ub$issive Febellion Independent 8n#ielding 2ontrar# =lothfulness Idleness Erowsiness =tubbornness Eisobedien"e 3akedness Perversion 8n"leanness Tantru$s =ulking Irresponsible 2r#ing 5hinging Arrested Eevelop$ent Pans# 6lippant
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&ver A"hieve$ent <aal worshipping unu"hs Eisrespe"t of others %rief -ourning &ppression ?eav# &ppression Priggishness Proud 6eeling sorr# for self ?aughtiness Jeviathan -anipulation A""ursed -iser# 8nfortunate -isfortune 3egativis$ ffe$inate ignoran"e theatri"s Era$a Wueen 8n"lean ?uff# ?ostilit# &ffense Piet# Appalled ""entri" &ut dated Jagging ?olier than thou ating disorders Eullness ?igh and $ight#

Jezebels Web of Lies

Eand# -eti"ulous Qanit# =erve -e 6astidiousness 2ontrolling =lave driver &2E -a"ho <lood Thirst# 5ants own wa# &ne step behind &ut of tou"h ?iding fro$ self s"apis$ =elf delusion Fun awa# &bsessive thoughts Pervert =talking &bsessions %rudges =elf Pit# %reed ?atred of %od 2oveting Eisobedien"e Febellion 8ntea"hable 2an/t take "orre"tion <lasV 6oppish %ru$p# 3an"# bo# Po$pous 3it Pi"king

'ezebel and &hab 6est <ists courtesy of %et 1ight 9eliverance Einistry.

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Jezebels Web of Lies

%piritual ,ic(edness in ?igh Places If we understand that there are stru"tures and ranks in the ene$ies "a$p we know how to deal better with our adversar#. &n"e we have dealt with the inner healing side we "an "ast out lower ranking spirits and de$ons. The higher ranking ruling de$ons+3ephili$, and other spirits are then easier to "ast out when their houses and stru"tures are dis$antled properl# and will ensure lasting freedo$. The one being pra#ed for is better able to live and sta# free, be"ause he*she has gone through a pro"ess of healing and there is a better understanding how the ene$# gained a""ess in the first pla"e. &n"e the nest is "ast out b# reading out loud the lists on previous pages, then the ruling spirit of Ahab "an be "ast out then Jezebel+do one at a ti$e,. =o$eti$es Jezebel throws up her P#thon+divination, or tries to hide, !ust bind, loose %od9s angels, send the dogs of Jezreel after her, send the fire of the ?ol# %host, Fead s"riptures fro$ 'st and )nd Mings about her doo$. Just be "reative with %od and stand with 2hrists blood and authorit#. Eeal with Ahab first, or how the ?ol# =pirit leads #ou but I suggest "ast the$ both out on the sa$e da#, or Ahab will "all Jezebel ba"k. Jezebel left alone without Ahab will be agitated to sa# the least and will look for wa#s to get hi$ ba"k as well. Fe$e$ber these spirits have a personalit# and are ver# "unning+not to be pla#ed with or underesti$ated, #ou will learn to re"ognize their personalit# t#pes and through a spirit of dis"ern$ent will be able to spot the$ easil# $anifesting through people. The following are $ore ruling de$ons*spirits 1 In no parti"ular order for future referen"e. I don9t re"o$$end ta"kling all these until #ou have Jezebel and Ahab out of #ou s#ste$...Jezebel and Ahab are the $ain issue for the 2hur"h in this age. Iou will also need to "ast out eventuall# Jeviathon+Pride,, <elial+unworthiness,, <aal*-olo"h+Idolatr#HAbortion,sexual i$$oralit#,lovers of self,.
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Jezebels Web of Lies

Jezebel+<aal is lord, t#pe1 Athaliah+Jezebels daughter a $urderer,, Eiana, Astaroth+Astarte, Istarte,, Ishtar, Eelilah+=edu"ed for -a$$on,, =e$ira$is+6irst $other goddess,, Jilith+Qa$pire wit"h de$on, "ontrols =u""ubus and In"ubus,, ?e"ate+Wueen of wit"hes,, Aphrodite+sedu"tress,, Isis+Jezebels %od fro$ g#pt,, P#thon+divination,, &s$odeus, Mali+death,, Ividia+Wueen of nv#,, Jeviathon+Pride,..et". Ahab t#pe1 <elial+wi"kedness,unworthiness,, <eelzebub+Jord of the 6lies,=atan,, As$odeus+lust, $arriage breaking spirit,, ?orus+=atan,, 3i$rod, <aal+Jord,false god,, <aali$, <erith, Abbadon+Eestro#er,Eestru"tion,, Azazel, <ehe$oth +=tubbornness,, Anti"hrist, =a$ael+Poison of =atan,, =eth+=et, g#ptian t#pe <aal, Ta$$uz +Anti"hrist,, Xeus+=atan,...et". <aal*-ole"h1 =e"ond in "harge under =atan+rules over kings*nations,. Fe$e$ber the origins are in <aal worship, whi"h Jezebel brought into Israel. <aal and -ole"h*-olo"h are the sa$e. -ole"h $eans,9to as"end the throne9, <aal $eans plainl#,9Jord9. This spirit is what brings Abortion+"hild sa"rifi"e,, =exual i$$oralit#+%a#s,Jesbian,<isexual,Transgender,, it is totall# self seeking and self gratif#ing. Asherah or Ashteroth is the fe$ale "ounterpart of <aal*-ole"h whi"h is fertilit# goddess worship, it is also self seeking. The worship of self gratifi"ation* self idolatr#. To have open air ho$osexual and heterosexual orgies and to spill inno"ent blood to gain favor fro$ de$ons is the $ost debased a nation "an be"o$e and is "alling severe !udg$ent upon the$selves. A$eri"a and 5estern 3ations are ruled b# <aal. +=ear"h for 9<ohe$ian %rove9,. Aphrodite, Isis and Tanet are the sa$e but fro$ different "ultures. %od !udges the nations severel# that give in to these de$ons. <aal*-ole"h s#$bols are the &wl, =aturn, <ull, 2ube+Maba*2aba, and a ?exagra$. A$os '4'0, Jere$iah'L4@.
*3ote4 <e"ause Ahab and Jezebel work together, these ruler entities will be working together as well, and re:uire dis"ern$ent along with the gifts of spirit. It is i$perative to pra#er walk before deliveran"e around #our pla"e of $inistr#. <ind all weapons being for$ed against the ti$e of $inistr#, plead the blood and be pra#ed up in tongue speaking to a"tivate #ou spiritual giftings, and be in tune with the ?ol# =pirit.
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Jezebels Web of Lies

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Jezebels Web of Lies

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Jezebels Web of Lies

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Jezebels Web of Lies

/onclusion I hope I have been able to give #ou a point of view and understanding that "an e:uip #ou in warfare with a broader view of her infiltration into the bod# of 2hrist, whilst also zoo$ing in on the areas to attend to before !ust "asting her out on an individual level. ?er roots go deep and need to be gentl# re$oved and then "ast out for lasting freedo$. Fe$e$ber the spirit of Ahab allows Jezebel to exist, Ahab wanted Jezebel for his benefit+?e thought the allian"e was good,. =he is spiritual wi"kedness in high pla"es that exists in ever#da# people through lies and hooks into peoples hurts and trau$a9s fro$ long ago. If $ost people knew how to trul# forgive, $ost of the inner healing and deliveran"e work would not be ne"essar#. 5hen the $en of %od that are hiding, are no longer asha$ed of their internal struggles and "o$e to the forefront of the battle to fight I believe the 2hur"h of %od will see so$ething that we have never seen before. The wo$en of %od will feel safe, se"ure, loved like the# have never before either, be"ause %od9s order is re1established and the Jezebel "ulture is dissolved in the <od# of 2hrist. 2ould this be what the s"riptures are sa#ing about a pure and spotless <ride...san"tif#ing the$selves and taking authorit# over the ene$#C

Jezebel9s rea"h and "ontrol is not onl# over the sex*porn industr#, but also over, 9Planned Parenthood9+Abortion,, Eivor"e, =ex traffi"king, ?o$osexual $ove$ent, 6e$inist Agenda, 3ew Age %oddess worship, Feligious "ults, Prosperit# %ospel, 5estern 3ations +"onsu$eris$, "ovetousness,, -edia1set against fa$il#+-aking fathers look like bu$bling fools,, -usi" Industr#+Pro$oting sexual i$$oralit# and o""ult pra"ti"e,. I9$ sure #ou "an think of plent# $ore...but, there are also so $an# bran"hes ste$$ing out of ea"h of these areas affe"ting the "ulture and the#

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Jezebels Web of Lies

are all linked in so$e wa#..."ould it be the love of $one#, power, fa$e, su""ess, fortune...<uilding a tower of <abel+<ab#lon, for our selvesC ..>2o$e out of her7 Jesus sa#s. Are people reall# la"king that badl# that the# are not able to be "ontent with who the# are and what the# haveC,..there is so $u"h striving and perfor$ing when we have 9a rest9, ?is na$e is Jesus 2hrist. ?e is our =abbath, ?e is our rest. 5e no longer need these things the old "arnal $an desires+we should hate the$,, unless we are listening to those lies pulling on negative e$otions that have never been resolved and healed.

,ithout an &hab 'ezebel cannot exist.. Elijah+s and 'ehu+s it+s time to 1ise up77 It is the final hour*


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