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Trainer: Oana Stanculescu Ilie EUCOM Romania

English Proverbs
1. A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. 2. A good enemy is a better person than a false friend. 3. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 4. A bad workman (always) blames his tools. . A banker is someone who lends you an umbrella when the sun is shining! and who asks for it back when it starts to rain. ". A bargain is something you don#t need at a price you can#t resist. $. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. %. A burnt child dreads the fire. &. A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle. 1'. A cat may look at a king. 11. A closed mouth catches no flies. 12. A good beginning makes (for) a good ending. 13. A good surgeon has an eagle#s eye! a lion#s heart! and a lady#s hand. 14. A half truth is a whole lie. 1 . A jack of all trades is master of none. 1". A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. 1$. Always care about your flowers and your friends. (therwise they#ll fade! and soon your house will be empty. 1%. A paragraph should be like a lady#s skirt) long enough to co*er the essentials but short enough to keep it interesting. 1&. A penny sa*ed is a penny earned. 2'. A picture is worth a thousand words. 21. Ability can take you to the top! but it takes character to keep you there. 22. A thief thinks e*eryone steals. 23. Act today only tomorrow is too late 24. Action is the proper fruit of knowledge. 2 . Actions speak louder than words. 2". All cats lo*e fish but hate to get their paws wet. 2$. All good things must come to an end. 2%. All roads lead to +ome. 2&. All#s fair in lo*e and war. 3'. All for one and one for all. 31. All#s well that ends well. 32. All that glisters is not gold. 33. All that glisters is not gold. 34. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. 3 . An old dog will learn no tricks. 3". A woman is like a cup of tea, you#ll ne*er know how strong she is until she boils. 3$. -e careful before e*ery step. 3%. -ad news tra*els fast. 3&. -arking dogs seldom bite. 4'. -efore a man! walk a mile in his shoes.

If Clauses
If clauses are usually used to talk about uncertain e*ents and situations. /hey often refer to a condition 0 something which must happen first! so that something else can happen. If you love me, 1 will lo*e you. If you stu y !ell, you will pass the e2am.

"ero Con itional

3ere we use a sim#le #resent in both clauses. If you give respect! you get respect. If you heat ice! it melts$ If 1 am late! my father ta%es me to school. If he comes to town! we have dinner together. The "ero Con itional is used to talk about situations that are always true if something happens. /hey are also used to talk about general truths. 1n most cases! it is possible to replace a &ero con itional by a time clause using !hen$ 'hen you heat ice! it melts. 'hen 1 am late! my father takes me to school. 'hen he comes to town! we ha*e dinner together. 'hen you gi*e respect! you get respect.

The Ty#e ( Con itional

/he Ty#e ( con itional refers to the present or future time. 3ere the situation is real and possible. 1t is used to talk about a possible condition and its probable result. 3ere we use a simple present in the if)clause and a sim#le future in the result clause. If you !ant! 1 !ill tal% to him. If 1 see her! 1 !ill give her your lo*e. If you finish on time! we !ill go to the mo*ies.

The Ty#e * Con itional

/he ty#e * con itional refers to present and future situations. 1t is used to talk about unreal 0 impossible! improbable or imaginary 0 situations. 1t refers to an unlikely or hypothetical condition and its probable result. 3ere we use a sim#le #ast in the if)clause and !oul + infinitive (bare form of the *erb) in the result clause. If you as%e , they !oul hel# you. If it raine , you !oul get wet. If you love her! she !oul love you.

The Ty#e , Con itional

/he Ty#e , Con itional is used to talk about past situations that did not happen. 3ere we use a #ast #erfect in the if0clause and !oul have + #ast #artici#le in the result clause. If 1 ha !on that award! my life !oul have change $ If she ha studied science! she !oul have foun a better job. If you ha invite them they !oul have come. (4ou did not in*ite them and therefore they did not come.) If you ha !or%e harder you !oul have #asse the e2am. (4ou did not work hard and therefore you did not pass.)

-O vs M./E
-o 5e use the *erb 0 o0 when someone performs an action! acti*ity or task. do a crossword do the ironing do the laundry do the washing do the washing up 0-o0 is often used when referring to work of any kind. do your !or% do home!or% do house!or% do your 1ob 0-o0 for 2eneral I eas 6se the *erb 0 o0 when speaking about things in general. 1n other words! to describe an action without saying e2actly what the action is. /his form is often used with the words #something! nothing! anything! e*erything! etc.# 1#m not doing anything today. 3e does e*erything for his mother. 7he#s doing nothing. Im#ortant E3#ressions !ith 0-o0 /here are a number of standard e2pressions that take the *erb #do#. /he best solution is to try to learn them. do badly do good do your best do business do harm do your hair do the dishes do time 0 (to go to prison) do your nails do a fa*our do well do your worst These activities o not usually #ro uce a #hysical ob1ect$ Ma%e 5e use the *erb 0ma%e0 for constructing! building or creating make a dress make food make a cup of tea 8 coffee 0Ma%e0 is often used when referring to preparing food of any kind. make a meal 0 breakfast 8 lunch 8 dinner Im#ortant E3#ressions !ith 0Ma%e0 /here are a number of standard e2pressions that take the *erb 0ma%e0. /he best solution is to try to learn them. make amends make friends make a profit make arrangements make a fuss make a promise make belie*e 0 (to pretend) make a journey make a remark make a choice make lo*e make a sound make a comment make a mess make a speech make a decision make a mistake make a suggestion make a difference make money make time make an effort make a mo*e make a *isit make an en9uiry make a noise make your bed 0 (to make an e2cuse make a phone call prepare the bed for make a fool of yourself make a plan sleeping in) make a fortune make a point These activities usually create something that you can touch$

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