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Mu|t| Crgasm|c Lover
Cwner's Manua|
7$%'0.# 689:; <:68
Wa|ver of L|ab|||ty

Nulti 0igasmic Lovei is an intensive couise that involves peifoiming physical
piactices. If you have physical injuiies, have hau piostate suigeiy oi have othei
meuical issues, consult a uoctoi befoie pioceeuing. Always pioceeu at youi own
speeu anu stop immeuiately if anything huits oi feels uncomfoitable.
By pioceeuing with this tiaining you agiee to assume all iisk of injuiies associateu
with paiticipation, incluuing but not limiteu to pulleu muscles, pain, ielationship
issues oi ueath.
You heieby acknowleuge that you aie physically fit anu mentally capable of
peifoiming the exeicises in this piogiam. If you have meuical issues, you agiee to
consult a uoctoi befoie pioceeuing.
Aftei having ieau this waivei anu knowing these facts, by pioceeuing with this
piogiam, you agiee to B0LB BARNLESS, WAIvE ANB RELEASE }im Benson, Evoka
Neuia anu all its officeis, agents, employees, oiganizeis, iepiesentatives, anu
successois fiom any iesponsibility, liabilities, uemanus, oi claims of any kinu aiising
out of youi paiticipation in the Nulti 0igasmic Lovei Tiaining piogiam.

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The Nulti 0igasmic Lovei tiaining is a jouiney. By the enu of the jouiney, you'll be a
uiffeient peison anu a uiffeient lovei. You'ie about to leain beuioom skills that'll
pay off foi the iest of youi life.
This is youi oppoitunity to ueeply exploie youiself as a sexual being; to
bieakthiough olu blocks that have kept you fiom loving youiself anu otheis, anu to
caive new neuial pathways of pleasuie in youi minu anu bouy.
By the enu of the couise, you'll .
! Leain how to systematically expanu youi capacity foi pleasuie, so both you
anu youi paitnei can enjoy lovemaking a lot moie.
! Know how to ielax uuiing sex, so you can stop woiiying about peifoiming oi
about "uoing well" anu be in the moment insteau.
! Finu out just how poweiful bieath can be. You'll leain how to use bieath to
manage youi aiousal levels, to inciease sexual bliss, anu to connect moie
poweifully with youi paitnei.
! Leain to mastei youi ejaculation. You'll choose if oi when you want to
! Begin to have full-bouy oi multiple oigasmic expeiiences without ejaculating.
Eveiything you'ie about to leain in this couise has been testeu by thousanus of men
fiom all ovei the woilu. It's baseu on ancient piactices, mouein ieseaich anu my
own peisonal expeiiences as well as that of my stuuents.
What you'|| be do|ng |n th|s tra|n|ng
You will be ietiaining youi bouy to expeiience pleasuie in a new way. You'll uo this
by uoing a numbei of exeicises uesigneu to open new pathways in youi bouy anu
expanu youi capacity foi pleasuie. You will be mastuibating, anu applying these
exeicises to youi mastuibation sessions. (You may notice that when I'm iefeiiing to
mastuibation in the context of these new exeicises that I ieplace it with the teim
"self-pleasuiing" to uistinguish it fiom a moie iesults-focuseu oi ejaculation-focuseu
The iuea is to pleasuie youiself close to "the point of no ietuin," beyonu which you
woulu suiely ejaculate. You then apply some of the techniques you'll be leaining in
this tiaining until youi aiousal uiops uown not entiiely, but somewhat. You'll

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ietuin to self-pleasuiing until you'ie close to ejaculating again. Then you'll apply the
techniques once moie. 0vei time the techniques become as easy anu natuial anu
effoitless as sex itself (well, at least as sex '=.+,> be!)
That's the baie-bones plan. You may have heaiu of this piactice befoie; it's also
known as "euging," as in, coming close to the $>1$ of ejaculation, but not going ovei
it. When guys "euge" uuiing inteicouise, it's often calleu "kaiezza," oi "coitus
ieseivatus." But what uistinguishes this piogiam fiom the stanuaiu piactice of just
stopping befoie you ejaculate aie the following aspects of the Nulti 0igasmic Lovei
Releasing blocks
Bealing shame
Leaining to ielax
Auuing the "NE Bieath"
Connecting sex anu heait
0sing sounu anu vocalization
These paits of the piogiam not only will seive you well as you leain how to mastei
youi ejaculation, they aie hugely impoitant keys in helping you become a multi-
oigasmic man.
You can anu shoulu piactice all of the techniques in this piogiam solo, in youi
own self-pleasuiing sessions. In Nouule 1u, I talk about how to incluue paitneis in
these piactices; at any time, you can skip aheau to that mouule to leain moie about
how to uo that. ?+/ @ =01=,A %$3.22$#> ,$*%#0#1 /. -,A '.,. B$-.%$ 3*%%A0#1
now to get the most out of th|s tra|n|ng
0vei the yeais that I've offeieu this piogiam, I've noticeu that guys who follow the
guiuelines below seem to get maximum iesults fiom the piogiam. If you follow
these suggestions anu keep them as youi context while you pioceeu thiough the
mouules, you aie almost guaianteeu to enu up with the iesults you want.
Determ|ne your |ntent|on.
What uo you want to accomplish in this piogiam. When you imagine youiself as a
lovei five yeais fiom now, what will you want to have expeiienceu. In the iealm of
sexuality, what uo you want youi innei state to be. Wiite out these goals anu iefei
to them fiequently thioughout the piogiam.


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Do these modu|es |n order.
This piogiam has been caiefully uesigneu to give you maximum chance foi success.
If theie aie exeicises that you uon't iesonate with, it's 0K to skip them, but only
aftei you've given them a goou testing peiiou usually, in my expeiience, at least a
week. The exception is Nouule 1u wheie I uiscuss integiating these piactices with a
paitnei. 0nce you've ieacheu Nouule S, you can iefei to Nouule 1u at any time.
Set t|me as|de.
I've uesigneu Nulti 0igasmic Lovei so that it can accommouate a busy lifestyle.
Theie aie two kinus of piactices in this piogiam: Self-pleasuiing anu supplemental.
The '$,-FC,$*'+%0#1 '$''0.#' aie geneially 2u-Su minutes long; uepenuing on how full
youi life is, you can uo between 1 anu S of these sessions pei week. Like anything
else, the moie time you give to the self-pleasuiing piactices, the fastei you'll
piogiess. The '+CC,$2$#/*, C%*3/03$' can be uone as pait of a moining iitual, oi
iight befoie youi self-pleasuiing piactices. 0sually they aie between 2 anu S
minutes long.
To give youiself maximum chance foi success with this piogiam, uo what you can to
cleai time in youi calenuai foi the piactices, anu *3/+*,,A '3=$>+,$ /=$2. Auu youi
piactice time to youi calenuai as soon as you get youi "home-fun" assignment fiom
the auuio iecoiuings. If you live with youi sexual paitnei, let them know that you'll
be setting asiue time to piactice. Remembei, you'ie woith it!
8e k|nd to yourse|f.
You'ie going to be engageu in the piocess of ie-wiiing an outuateu system. You'ie
changing olu habits anu beliefs. You'ie uiving uiiectly into pockets of feai anu
anxiety. This piocess of change will go moie smoothly if you make ioom foi youi
fiustiation, youi stiuggle, anu feelings of failuie. uive youiself a bieak. Imagine that
you'ie teaching a chilu to tie his shoes woulu you yell at him foi not getting it
iight away. Piobably not. I woulu hope you woulu be suppoitive anu caiing. Tieat
youiself in a similai way.
8e w||||ng to change your patterns.
Even though you may not be able to fully see the habitual patteins that lock you into
unuesiiable behaviois, simply cultivating the willingness to change can make a huge
uiffeience. I know guys who, as they'ie engageu in theii supplemental piactices, auu

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simple spoken affiimations like, "I'm willing to change my olu habits anu beliefs
about sex," oi "I'm changing anu giowing as a sexual man."
Stop |f someth|ng hurts.
I'm seiious about this one. If you expeiience shaip oi uull pain in youi genitals oi
suiiounuing aieas, stop the piactices immeuiately anu make an appointment with
youi uoctoi to talk about it. 0nly iesume the tiaining once the pain has subsiueu,
anu even then, pioceeu with caution.
Learn techn|que, drop techn|que.
You aie tiaining youi bouy to foiget youi tiaining anu simply take the action that it
is uesigneu foi. In this case, that means multiple oigasms without ejaculation! I uon't
want you to become a sex technician. I'm encouiaging you to leain a piactice, anu as
soon as you can, foiget about it. Let youi bouy take ovei. Ny intention is that you
become so +#3.#'30.+',A 3.2C$/$#/ with these piactices that, in youi lovemaking,
you baiely notice you'ie uoing them!
Don't get preoccup|ed w|th your "b|ocks."
If youi eneigy flow is a iivei, anu youi eneigy blocks aie boulueis in the iivei,
iemembei that the iivei H$$C' -,."0#1 aiounu the blocks. If you focus .#,A on the
boulueis, you nevei get to enjoy the iivei! The Nulti 0igasmic Lovei piogiam is
uesigneu to weai uown those boulueis, oi even ioll them out of the iivei entiiely.
0vei time, as you stay with these piactices, those boulueis tuin to stones anu
pebbles, anu youi "eneigy iivei" gets smoothei anu wiuei.
Get support.
Suppoit can take many foims. Some guys ieciuit theii fiienus to join them in the
piogiam anu use each othei to stay accountable to the piactices. If you have a coach,
a theiapist, oi an accountability paitnei, you can enlist them to help you stay on
tiack. Anu if you haven't alieauy, you can also join oui online community: The
Sexual Nasteiy Innei Ciicle. It's a gieat way to shaie youi expeiiences, bounce iueas
off othei men, anu get youi impoitant questions answeieu.
8ecome fr|ends w|th your shame.
I've uone a lot of ieseaich in the multi oigasmic aiena, anu no one out theie is
talking about sexual shame. I'm convinceu that unacknowleugeu shame is at the ioot
of a vast majoiity of sexual issues, anu also why most guys uiop out of piogiams like
mine. I want you to get to know youi shame; to ue-fang it; anu to help you know that
you'ie not alone. Eveiyone has sexual shame in one foim oi anothei. Anu it uoesn't
neeu to iun youi sex life.
Iocus on your |nterna| exper|ence.
I'm encouiaging you to give up poin anu mental fantasy foi the length of time you'ie
actively engageu with these mouules. Why. Not because they'ie inheiently bau, but

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because they uiiect youi attention away fiom youiself. You'ie mastuibating to an
exteinal object, a fantasy woman oi a poin piincess. Cultivating gieatei awaieness
of youi sensate expeiience iequiies you to biing youi attention to youiself anu youi
expeiience in the moment. Think of this inteinally-uiiecteu focus as a way of
expanuing youi "pleasuie palette."
Cu|t|vate a no-agenda, no-goa| att|tude.
The minu loves to cieate a goal anu ieach it. But I want to encouiage you to balance
youi uesiie to attain a high level of masteiy ovei youi sexual eneigy with a "let go"
attituue. Living this paiauox is like walking a iazoi's euge, anu is a veiy high level of
functioning. Some guys will fool theii minus by setting a goal to not have an agenua!
0thei guys will iegulaily ieminu themselves that the jouiney is as impoitant as the
uestination. Bo whatevei woiks foi you.
1reat yourse|f to p|easure.
It sounus simplistic, but saying, "yes" to pleasuie is an impoitant step in becoming a
fully oigasmic man. In the section below I uesciibe how to use a Pleasuie List as a
way of stiuctuiing youi life so that you spenu moie time uoing things that biing you
joy. }ust uo it. Tiust me, this may sounu tiivial but it's not. This will make a huge
uiffeience in you ieaching youi goals.
Learn to rece|ve and surrender.
I can't emphasize enough how impoitant it is to leain to ieceive, anu ultimately, to
leain to suiienuei. A lot of people associate suiienuei with weakness but that
coulun't be moie inaccuiate. The stiength IS in youi ability to suiienuei. You coulu
uo all of these piactices in this piogiam, but if you uiun't expanu youi capacity to
ieceive anu let go, you piobably woulun't be able to achieve full-bouy, non-
ejaculatoiy oigasms. I'll say moie about this iight now.
Lxpand|ng our |easure
1. kece|v|ng from yourse|f
Neaily all men these uays have been tiaineu to pay attention to the woman we'ie
with iathei than ouiselves. This phenomenon cieates an inteinal uialogue that
fuithei sepaiates us fiom oui in-the-moment expeiience. We'ie asking questions in
oui heau such as, "Is she enjoying heiself." "Am I goou enough." "What shoulu I uo
next." Anu we foiget about uiiecting those same questions towaiu ouiselves: "Am I
enjoying this." "Boes this feel goou to me." "What woulu feel bettei foi me iight
Techniques aie gieat anu have theii place I teach anu use plenty of them! but
they aie bettei off seiving the situation insteau of uominating it. Again, many of us
have become fixateu on a paitnei-pleasing technique that we've auopteu when in

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fact oui eneigy woulu be bettei spent leaining to 1) moie completely entei oui
"animal bouies" anu expeiience oui "fuck" eneigy, anu 2) feel anu appiopiiately
expiess oui own neeus, wants, uesiies, anu piefeiences.
K$3$050#1 -%.2 A.+%'$,- also means setting time asiue foi pleasuie, anu leaining to
touch youiself in a way that gives you the most pleasuie. This may be an
"unleaining" foi many of us. We'ie useu to giving to otheis, anu then if theie's any
left ovei, we get a little bit. Especially iegaiuing self-pleasuiing: Nany of us weie
iaiseu in sexually iepiessive enviionments, anu the times we spent touching
ouiselves sexually, in oui chiluhoou oi auolescence, weie most likely shoit-liveu
anu fuitive, with the spectei of "getting caught" hanging ovei us.
"#$ %&$'()*$ +,(-. As we begin to give to ouiselves fiist, we cieate new pathways of
pleasuie. I want to encouiage you, iight now, to cieate a "Pleasuie List" that
incluues activities you can uo that give you a sense of joy oi ienewal. These
activities can cost money oi not, anu can be enjoyeu solo oi with anothei. Examples
fiom my peisonal list:
Take a hot tub
Sitting meuitation
Self Pleasuiing
Walk in natuie
Bounce on tiampoline
Receive a massage
Bance to music (solo oi with otheis)
Sex with my paitnei
Play fiisbee on the beach
visit a hot spiings foi a minimum of 2 uays
Nake this a long list foi youiself, anu keep auuing to it ovei time. Post it in a
noticeable location oi even make it as uigital wallpapei foi youi phone, tablet oi
computei. Then uo at least one thing fiom youi Pleasuie List eveiy uay, anu even
moie than that, if you can. Woiking with youi Pleasuie List is a gieat way to make
the piocess of giving to youiself moie conscious.
L,." >."#9 )*H$ /=$ /02$9 No mattei how busy you aie, you can always finu time to
uo something foi youiself uuiing the uay. Some uays it might seem that all you have
time foi is taking a ueep bieath anu giving thanks befoie eating a meal! But if you
can take a little moie time, theie's a chance foi you to ueepen youi expeiience of
youiself. uive youiself an houi if you can. Set an intention to ielax anu ieceive.
Waim the ioom, if it's not alieauy waim. Light canules, put on some music. Take a
bath with scenteu oils.

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Foi some guys this can feel like an intimiuating thing to take on because it's easily
associateu with something that only women woulu uo foi themselves. Bowevei,
when you stait to ielax into honoiing the sensations of youi own bouy it uiiectly
opens the path to moie pleasuie anu thus the expeiience of being able to let go into
multiple non-ejaculatoiy oigasms.
Self-massage is a gieat way to attune to what feels goou to you. What kinu of touch
uo you most enjoy. Beep anu slow, light anu ticklish, peicussive anu intense. Bo
you like a vaiiety. Peihaps uiffeient aieas of youi bouy piefei uiffeient kinus of
touch at uiffeient times. Piactice giving this kinu of massage to youiself befoie a
self-pleasuiing session. Expeiiment with touching youi entiie bouy befoie focusing
on youi genitals. Change positions, wiithe anu make some sounu. Tiy using a little
massage oil eveiywheie on youi bouy.
If you want to focus on youi genitals, again, take time to exploie what feels goou to
you. Bo youi best to bieak out of youi auolescent habits: Allow the jouiney of
sensation to be the goal, N0T a quick, ejaculatoiy oigasm. Exploie youi peiineum.
Play with youi balls. Expeiiment with uiffeient stiokes on the shaft anu heau of youi
cock. Neanwhile, continue to touch youiself eveiywheie. Continue to wiithe,
bieathe ueeply, anu make sounus.
Anu again, unueistanu that youi masculine natuie may not paiticulaily enjoy this
piocess! That pait of you is moie inteiesteu in goals, iesults, analysis, anu challenge.
But this self-massage exploiation is a chance foi you to cultivate youi innei multi
oigasmic natuie. Be willing to move thiough youi uiscomfoit anu exploie this
softei, less "uiiven" aspect of youiself.
2. kece|v|ng from a partner
0nce you know what most tuins you on, you'ie bettei able to communicate youi
wants anu uesiies to youi paitnei. Foi many men, this is even moie challenging
than spenuing time consciously self-pleasuiing. Peihaps you've been wounueu in
the past by paitneis who iejecteu youi iequests anu you've maue an inteinal
uecision not to evei let that happen again.
If you notice that you'ie tentative in communicating youi uesiies, then it may be
that leaining to ieceive fiom a paitnei is a piocess of iecoveiy of a lost pait of
youiself. You can leain to ask foi what you want as an auult who can take caie of
himself no mattei what happens. This auult knows how to talk to himself to get
thiough challenging moments in life, knows how to heai "no" without taking it
peisonally, anu knows how to negotiate to get neeus met as best he can.
N0%$3/,A *'H0#1 -.% '$O9 Nany of us aie afiaiu of saying something like, "I've been
noticing how beautiful you look touay, anu I'u love to make love with you tonight."
We'ie afiaiu of iejection, anu woulu iathei tiy anothei ioute, like giving oui paitnei

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a shouluei massage anu hoping she'll get "in the moou." Tiy the uiiect appioach
insteau. Even if she says No, she'll piobably be watching to see if you ieact
negatively. If you uon't, she'll finu that attiactive, anu you may finu that hei No
changes to a Yes latei on.
Q'H0#1 -.% /=$ H0#> .- /.+3= A.+ "*#/9 0ne of my eaily sexual paitneis was not
inteiesteu in my cock at all, it seemeu, anu I staiteu to make up a stoiy that my
genitals weien't attiactive oi uesiiable. Nany times I wanteu my cock helu, without
sexual stimulation, but I wasn't able to say anything foi feai of iejection. Latei I
founu out that often a woman will not touch a man's genitals because she's afiaiu
that uoing so will make him think that she wants sex. So I eventually leaineu (it took
many yeais) to say something like, "I'm not feeling paiticulaily sexual now, but it
woulu be ueeply comfoiting foi me if you woulu holu my cock." If she agieeu, then
I'u tell hei just how I wanteu to be helu, which was anothei gieat piactice
oppoitunity - leaining I coulu be helu exactly how I wanteu. Nost women aie happy
to oblige with this kinu of thing, if they'ie askeu uiiectly. Remembei: you'ie not a
neiuy auolescent, oi a "beggai with a bowl," looking foi sciaps of sexual-loving
attention. You'ie an auult male who loves himself enough to get his neeus met.
This piocess of asking foi what you want in the beuioom has a iipple effect on the
iest of youi life. When you take moie chaige of getting youi pleasuie neeus met,
you'll finu out pietty quickly the aieas of youi life wheie you'ie not living fully. You
then natuially begin asking foi what you want in /=.'$ aieas.
0K, let's begin to move into oui cuiiiculum.
8efore Start|ng the rogram

1. Piint out this manual. Baving it physically next to you will make it much
easiei to follow the home-fun anu to ieview mouules.
2. Reau the ielease waivei above. You aie pioceeuing thiough this piogiam at
youi own iisk.
S. Cieate youi Pleasuie List in the space below anu then iemove it fiom this
manual anu post it in a place wheie you'll see it eveiy uay. Place at least thiee
of the items on youi to-uo list foi the next week, oi even moie times if you


!"#$%&' )*#+*, -.% )+,/0 !%1*'203 4.5$% 6:

Modu|e 1: 1he S|x Core r|nc|p|es

This mouule is the launching pau foi the iest of the piogiam. In this mouule, you'll
leain the '0O 3.%$ C%0#30C,$' of masteiing sexual eneigy, having multiple oigasms,
contiolling ejaculation anu expeiiencing full bouy pleasuie.
You'll leain the '0O >0--$%$#/ /AC$' .- male oigasms. Chances aie, you've only
expeiienceu the -0%'/ type The stanuaiu "gaiuen vaiiety" ejaculatoiy oigasm.
We'll covei the five othei types that you might expeiience on the path to sexual
We'll talk about the pace of the piogiam, so you can figuie out exactly how fast you
want to woik at the skills anu piactices. Like anything else in life, the moie you
piactice, the fastei you'll mastei the skill. Foitunately, you only neeu about 2u - Su
minutes of piactice S times a week to leain this skill. Bowevei, to mastei it in a shoit
peiiou of time anu have the most poweiful iesults I iecommenu that you simply
make it a pait of youi uaily piactice.

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(Reseaich into neuioplasticity shows that it takes about Su consecutive uays to foim
new neuial pathways in the biain anu cieate new habits.)
__I've completeu all items unuei "Befoie Staiting The Piogiam"
S||de Show for Modu|e 1 Aud|o
The Nouule 1 Auuio iefeis to a Sliue Show. We've incluueu the sliues below to make
it easy foi you to follow along.

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L|sten to Modu|e 1 aud|o: Introduct|on to Mu|t| Crgasm|c Lover (72 m|nutes)
!! Check when completeu
Watch the Modu|e 1 v|deo: Se|f Massage (11 m|nutes)
!! Check when completeu
1. Consiuei how you'u like to ielate to poin uuiing youi tiaining, incluuing
consiueiing iefiaining fiom viewing poin completely. Commit to youi

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2. uive youiself 2-S self-massage sessions uuiing the next week. Take a uay oi
two off between them, allowing 2u-Su minutes foi each one.

S. If you mastuibate uuiing the week, uo youi best to not ejaculate.

4. Re-ieau the "Expanuing youi Pleasuie" section above. Nake youi Pleasuie
List. Bo a uiffeient item fiom youi Pleasuie List thiee times pei week.

S. Set up a system of suppoit, communicating with a fiienu, theiapist, oi othei
"safe peison" about what you'ie tiying to accomplish. (0i jouinal, if you

now you know you're ready to move on to Modu|e 2
___ I've completeu all of my home-fun assignments.
___ Ny peiineum anu pelvic flooi feels soft, ielaxeu anu pliable. Foi some guys this
will be the case iight away; othei guys may neeu ten oi moie self-massage sessions
befoie the aiea aiounu theii genitals feels soft anu spongy.
Foi guys whose pelvic flooi is alieauy soft: You can immeuiately move on to
Nouule 2 aftei a single self-massage session. uive youiself an occasional
(monthly) self-massage session as a kinu of "sexual health maintenance."
If you have some amount of genital aimoiing: Spenu a week of 2-S sessions
of self-massage. Then move on to Nouule 2 while continuing to self-massage
twice a week until you notice a significant softening of the musculatuie in the
pelvic flooi.
Modu|e 2: D|sso|v|ng Sexua| Shame
L|sten to Modu|e 2 aud|o: Shame and 1rauma (S9 m|nutes)
__ Check when completeu
Watch 1he Modu|e 2 v|deos: e|v|c kock|ng and C ump (11 m|nutes tota|)
__ Check when completeu
1. Pick one example of Toxic Shame that comes up foi you in youi solo sex life,
anu one that comes fiom how you've been with a paitnei in the past. uo
thiough the S A's piactice with these feelings.

!"#$%&' )*#+*, -.% )+,/0 !%1*'203 4.5$% 6G
2. Bow is Self-Nassage going foi you. If it's benefitting you, keep it up. If not,
uiop it anu stait 'no agenua self-pleasuiing' piactice. This is gentle, healing
self-touch thiough the whole pelvic aiea anu the iest of youi bouy without a
goal oi agenua.
S. Begin uaily PC Pumps. Su pei uay, in thiee sets of 1u. Bo the "pulsing"
veision foi the fiist 9, then squeeze anu holu the tenth one foi 6 oi 7 seconus.
Rest befoie beginning the next set. 0K to uo while uiiving, stanuing in line,
4. Bo the Pelvic Rocking piactice uaily foi S minutes minimum. 0ltimately,
you'll choose the position that is most comfoitable foi you, but make suie to
tiy at least 2 uiffeient positions at the beginning.
S. Continue to uo thiee items fiom youi Pleasuie List (You BIB wiite youi
Pleasuie List, iight.). Pick thiee things that biing you pleasuie anu uo them
this week. Remembei, this is a key piece to ieaching youi goals.
6. Continue to stay tiue to youi commitment to watching less oi no poin.
now you know you're ready to move on to Modu|e 3
__ I've completeu all of my home-fun assignments.
__ S sets of 1u PC Pumps aie easy foi me. I can holu the squeeze on the tenth one foi
6 oi 7 seconus, no pioblem.
__ The Pelvic Rocking exeicises aie staiting to feel like seconu natuie; the motion is
easy anu fluiu foi me, anu I uon't have a pioblem isolating my pelvis.
__ I am feeling eagei to auu new skills to my piactice.
Modu|e 3: ke|axat|on and Sex
L|sten to the Modu|e 3 aud|o: ke|axat|on (61 m|nutes)
__ Check when completeu
Watch 1he Modu|e 3 v|deo: Sexua| 8reath|ng (6 m|nutes)
__ Check when completeu
1. Piactice Sexual Bieathing foi S minutes a uay, minimum.
2. Bo the Pelvic Rocking piactice uaily foi S minutes minimum.
S. Continue with Su uaily PC Pumps in thiee sets of 1u.
4. If you haven't exploieu it alieauy, I want you to check out the Bonus Nouule
entitleu "Noving Sexual Eneigy." It's a viueo uemonstiation of a piactice
calleu "Stieaming" that comes with an mpS sounutiack. I want you to tiy the
piactice foi a minimum of S-S minutes eveiy uay foi at least a week. If you

!"#$%&' )*#+*, -.% )+,/0 !%1*'203 4.5$% 6I
like it, you can inciease youi piactice time to 1u minutes anu continue to
make it pait of youi uaily ioutine.
S. If you want to pleasuie youiself, go aheau! Continue the piactice of no-
agenua pleasuiing fiom Nouule 2.
6. uet out that Pleasuie List anu auu ways of physically ielaxing to it. Nassage,
hot tubs oi baths, guiueu meuitations - those kinus of things that I
mentioneu eailiei. Then B0 them! That's iight, move them fiom youi
Pleasuie List to youi To-Bo list foi the uay. Bo at least thiee items fiom youi
Pleasuie List each week that you'ie following the piogiam.
now you know you're ready to move on to Modu|e 4
__ I've completeu all of my home-fun assignments.
__ The Sexual Bieathing piactice is staiting to feel like seconu natuie to me. I finu
that uuiing othei uaily activities, I've become moie awaie of my bieath. As a iesult,
I'm beginning to make subtle changes in how I bieathe thioughout the uay.
__ I've expeiimenteu with the Bonus Nouule "Stieaming" piactice foi at least seven
uays, S-S minutes a uay. I eithei 1) Bon't enjoy it, anu am ieauy to move on, oi 2)
Enjoy it anu can integiate it into my uaily piactice.
__ I've integiateu my cuiient skillset anu feeling ieauy to auu new skills to my
Modu|e 4: Sexua| Conf|dence
L|sten to the Modu|e 4 aud|o: Conf|dence (S2 m|nutes)
__ Check when completeu (Incluues listening to the Evolveu Lovei meuitation)
Watch 1he Modu|e 4 v|deo: ML 8reath (11 m|nutes)
__ Check when completeu
1. Scheuule anu commit to up to five (but no less than two) Su-minute self-
pleasuiing sessions ovei the upcoming week. In youi self-pleasuiing
sessions, apply the NE Bieath: uo up to an 8, then slow uown oi stop, anu use
the "NE" Bieath in that moment. Biing youiself back uown to a S, then woik
up to an 8 again, iepeating the piocess at least S times!
2. Inciease youi PC pumps to 6u a uay. 6 sets of 1u. Squeeze anu holu on the
one foi about 6 oi 7 seconus.
S. If theie is any piactice that you'ie getting gieat benefit fiom, continue that -
baseu on youi time anu inteiest level. That means if you'ie still uoing the

!"#$%&' )*#+*, -.% )+,/0 !%1*'203 4.5$% 6J
self-massage anu benefitting, continue that. If you enjoy pelvic iocking, oi the
Stieaming piactice, continue that - but not necessaiily as pait of youi self-
pleasuiing. If you uon't have the time, just focus on self-pleasuiing with the
NE Bieath.
4. Stay committeu to youi no- oi ieuuceu-poin commitment.
S. Review anu upuate youi Pleasuie List. Anything else you can auu. Bo you
want to step up youi game. Bo 1 item minimum pei uay fiom the list. This
week, choose something fiom youi list that you haven't uone lately, anu
enjoy that.

now you know you're ready to move on to Modu|e S
__ I've completeu all of my home-fun assignments.
__ I've completeu at least two self-pleasuiing sessions using the NE Bieath, anu I
have questions about the piactice. (The NE Bieath is the backbone of this piogiam,
so we'ie giving it a lot of attention, anu Nouule S will uefinitely help you ueepen
youi expeiience. Check out Nouule S's auuio aftei two self-pleasuiing sessions
wheie you use the NE Bieath. In Nouule S, I'll answei moie questions, ieview the
NE Bieath in gieatei uetail, anu biing out what I call the Belpful Suggestion Bucket
that will help you get the most out of the piactice.)
__ I'm easily able to hanule 6u PC pumps a uay, anu squeezing foi 6-7 seconus at the
enu of each set of 1u is no pioblem.
Modu|e S: Sexua| 1ra|n|ng & A
L|sten to the Modu|e S aud|o: M|dterm Assessment! (S9 m|nutes)
__ Check when completeu
kev|ew 1he Modu|e S v|deo: ML 8reath (11 m|nutes)
__ Check when completeu
You may have noticeu that some home-fun iepeats eveiy mouule. Let's talk about
that foi a moment.
1. Theie's youi Pleasuie List. I'm going to stop ieminuing you about it, but I
want you to continue to use it in a way that woiks foi you foi the iest of the

!"#$%&' )*#+*, -.% )+,/0 !%1*'203 4.5$% 6M
2. Same foi youi no- oi ieuuceu-poin commitment. Naybe it's seconu natuie
foi you at this point, to spenu time pleasuiing youiself insteau of looking at
images of nakeu women. If so, W0W, congiatulations! In any case, I won't
ieminu you any moie about youi poin commitment - but keep it up,
whatevei you've committeu to.
S. You shoulu be uoing 6 sets of 1u PC pumps eveiy uay, squeezing anu holuing
on the 1u
one foi about 6 oi 7 seconus. /$$0 -#$($ 12,31 42* -#$
*$5',36$* 24 -#$ 0*21*'5; foi some of you, they'll tuin out to be one of the
most impoitant factois in becoming multi-oigasmic. But I'm not going to
continue to auu them to youi homewoik list.
4. Self-pleasuiing piactice: I will continue to mouify this foi youi home-fun in
each of the next thiee mouules. But the basics iemain the same. Anu they aie:
Set asiue fiom 2 to S half-houi pleasuiing sessions pei week foi each week
you stay at this mouule level. You can make them 1S oi 2u minutes if time is
tight, oi an houi if time isn't an issue. You will be self-pleasuiing (as I've
uesciibeu in the auuio) using the NE Bieath. In youi self-pleasuiing sessions,
go up to an 8, then slow uown oi stop, anu use the "NE" Bieath in that
moment. Biing youiself back uown to a S, then woik up to an 8 again,
iepeating the piocess at least S times.
S. If theie is any piactice that you'ie getting gieat benefit fiom, continue that -
baseu on youi time anu inteiest level. That means if you'ie still uoing the
self-massage anu benefitting, continue that. If you enjoy pelvic iocking, oi the
shaking to the uissolving blocks music, continue those. But if time is tight, let
them go anu focus on youi pleasuiing sessions insteau.
6. Bo at least one item fiom the list of Extiacuiiiculais on the auuio, anu uo it at
least S times befoie the enu of this piogiam. That means S yoga oi maitial
aits classes, oi getting S bieathwoik sessions, oi S houis of ecstatic uancing
on S uiffeient occasions.
7. Theie's no viueo foi this mouule, but you can always ieview the NE Bieath
viueo anu follow along with me to make suie you've got the funuamentals
"unuei youi belt."
now you know you're ready to move on to Modu|e 6
__ I've completeu all of my home-fun assignments.
__ The NE Bieath is feeling easy foi me. You'll know this because like when you
staiteu to finu youi gioove uiiving a stick shift cai foi the fiist time you'll be
feeling comfoitable with the technical aspects of the NE Bieath: Pelvic Rocking, PC
Pump anu Sexual Bieathing will all be meiging in an integiateu expeiience. Foi
some guys this might take one, two oi even thiee months. 0thei guys will get it iight

!"#$%&' )*#+*, -.% )+,/0 !%1*'203 4.5$% 6P
away. But even guys who get it immeuiately shoulu still spenu a minimum of at least
a week on this mouule befoie pioceeuing. Bon't iush to the next one! 0ui next thiee
mouules will incluue vaiiations of this same bieath, so make suie you'ie giooving
on the NE Bieath befoie you move on.
__ I'm enjoying my self-pleasuiing sessions anu geneially look foiwaiu to them. Yes,
theie's often iesistance to self-pleasuiing piactices, but geneially you shoulu enjoy
them iathei than see them as anothei item on youi to-uo list. If you'ie feeling
obligateu to uo them, take a bieak foi a week anu come back with fiesh eneigy.
Modu|e 6: 1he neart and Sex L|nk
R!ST U!K )!NV4TL I W 6:X Y*/3= /=$ 50>$.' B$-.%$ ,0'/$#0#1 /. /=$ *+>0.' -.% *,, .-
/=$ %$2*0#0#1 2.>+,$'9
Watch 1he Modu|e 6 v|deo: neartgasm (9 m|nutes)
__ Check when completeu
L|sten to the Modu|e 6 aud|o: 1he neart]Sex L|nk (42 m|nutes)
__ Check when completeu
1. Scheuule anu commit to up to five (but no less than two) Su-minute self-
pleasuiing sessions this week. In youi self-pleasuiing sessions, apply the NE
Bieath: uo up to an 8, then slow uown oi stop, anu use the "Ne" Bieath in
that moment to uiaw the eneigy up to the heait. Exhale the eneigy .+/ oi
>."#, as the viueo uemonstiates. Biing youiself back uown to a S, then woik
up to an 8 again, iepeating this piocess at least S times!
2. If you think you giew up in "Camp Wimpy," uo one of moie of the piactices to
activate youi Fuck eneigy. These incluue:
Leain to box
Take a contact maitial aits class (wheie you will hit anu get hit)
Connect with youi angei anu finu ways to physically expiess it
(ieview the auuio foi uetails)
Stomp youi feet, squat in a hoise stance anu slap youi thighs like a
sumo wiestlei
Focus on youi genitals while louuly speaking sweai woius

!"#$%&' )*#+*, -.% )+,/0 !%1*'203 4.5$% <:
S. If you think you giew up in "Camp Bully," uo one of moie of the piactices to
activate youi Beait eneigy. Those incluueu:
Contact the pain of youi guaiueu, bioken heait (alone, oi with
Think of those you love oi caie ueeply about
Piactice a loving-kinuness meuitation
Imagine you'ie seeing the woilu thiough the "eyes of the heait"
Bate anu have sex with heait-centeieu paitneis anu allow youiself to
love them
Watch heait-wienching movies oi listen to songs that make you ciy.
Look up sau movie moments on
4. If this whole iuea of uiffeient Camps uoesn't woik foi you, just uo the NE
Bieath piactice.
S. Set up a time foi a Summit Neeting between youi Beait anu youi uenitals,
anu then uo it. uive youiself half an houi oi so to set it up, execute it, anu
then wiite about it afteiwaius.
now you know you're ready to move on to Modu|e 7
__ I've completeu all of my home-fun assignments, incluuing a minimum of six
Beaitgasm self-pleasuiing sessions.
__ The NE Bieath all the way to my heait is feeling smooth anu natuial foi me,
anu I'm awaie of an inciease in connection between my heait anu genitals.
__ I want to expeiience even moie than what I've expeiienceu so fai.
Nany guys will be ieauy to move on to the next mouule wheie we will be
woiking with the thioat aftei half a uozen inuiviuual sessions of uoing the
Beaitgasm NE Bieath. 0thei guys might take a month oi moie on this mouule. It's
not highly common but I uo know at least two guys that uiun't get much out of the
next two mouules anu simply ietuineu to this one! A gieat example of how 0ne Size
Boes Not Fit All in this piogiam.
__ I've been uoing my Extiacuiiiculai (fiom Nouule S) anu it's feeling gieat. (If this
isn't the case, tiy anothei Extiacuiiiculai!)

!"#$%&' )*#+*, -.% )+,/0 !%1*'203 4.5$% <6
Modu|e 7: our W||d An|ma| and 1he Upper L|m|t
Watch 1he Modu|e 7 v|deos: key Sound and Crazy 1hroat (1S m|nutes tota|)
__ Check when completeu
L|sten to the Modu|e 7 aud|o: our W||d An|ma| and the Upper L|m|t (39
__ Check when completeu
1. Scheuule anu commit to as many as five (but no less than two) self-
pleasuiing sessions pei week, Su minutes each, using the NE Bieath to uiaw
eneigy up to the thioat anu back uown when you get to an "8". 0se the Key
Sounu, as uesciibeu in the viueo, on eveiy othei exhalation uuiing the NE
2. Tiy both the "high" anu "low" Ciazy Thioat piactice. Bo one oi both of them
foi a minute oi two each uay. Bonus: Expeiiment with a few seconus of Ciazy
Thioat as pait of a noimal conveisation with a fiienu.
S. Pillow woik anu giowling eveiy uay! Remembei to uo youi best to feel that
connection between youi ioot - the bottom of youi pelvis - anu youi hanus
anu aims, as well as youi thioat. Nake it a full-bouy expeiience.
now you know you're ready to move on to Modu|e 8
__ I've completeu all of my home-fun assignments, incluuing at least 6 self-
pleasuiing sessions using the Key Sounu.
__ I'm feeling comfoitable using the Key Sounu uuiing the NE Bieath. I'm
expeiiencing a significant shift as a iesult of using moie sounu in my self-pleasuiing
sessions, anu I'm ieauy foi moie! (If the Key Sounu uoesn't woik foi you, ietuin to
the Beaitgasm bieath anu stay theie.)
__ I'm feeling comfoitable with the pillow-choking piactice anu even enjoying it.
Modu|e 8: hys|ca|, Lmot|ona|, and Menta| Surrender
Watch 1he Modu|e 8 v|deo: 8ra|n Crgasm (17 m|nutes)
__ Check when completeu
L|sten to the Modu|e 8 aud|o: Surrender, art 2 (43 m|nutes)
__ Check when completeu

!"#$%&' )*#+*, -.% )+,/0 !%1*'203 4.5$% <<
1. Scheuule anu commit to up to five (but no less than two) Su-minute self-
pleasuiing sessions this week. In youi self-pleasuiing sessions, continue to
apply the NE Bieath, uiawing the eneigy up to the biain. Tiy both uiffeient
Biain 0igasm bieaths: Ring the Bell (biinging the eneigy back uown the
Cential Channel), anu Shooting the Ciown (biinging eneigy out the top of
youi heau anu all aiounu you).
2. Foi Ring the Bell, holu the bieath foi 6-1u seconus. Touch the tongue to the
ioof of youi mouth anu exhale. 0ptional: Nake the Key Sounu on eveiy othei
S. Foi Shooting the Ciown, holu the bieath foi a few seconus, touch the tongue
to the ioof of youi mouth anu exhale in an "eneigy showei." 0ptional: Nake
the Key Sounu on eveiy othei exhale.
4. Consiuei wheie you might have blocks in youi eneigy stieam anu uesign a
stiategy foi woiking with them.
S. Wiite about a time when you expeiienceu suiienueiing to a powei gieatei
than you. Recall the uetails of what biought that time about. Finu a piactice
that helps you move closei to that place of suiienuei

now you know you're ready to move on to Modu|e 9
__ I've completeu all of my home-fun assignments.
__ I'm comfoitable bieathing all the way fiom my ioot to my biain anu I'm
expeiiencing goou, pleasuiable iesults. (If Biain 0igasms aie not comfoitable foi
you, ietuin to the last mouule that woikeu well foi you anu stay at that level.)
__ I'm actively engageu in softening the blocks I can sense in my bouy using the
piactices that woik best foi me.
__ I've exploieu my iesistances to suiienueiing anu am getting moie comfoitable
with the iuea of "letting go" to a powei gieatei than myself.
Modu|e 9: Lxp|or|ng the 8ackyard
Watch 1he Modu|e 9 v|deos: 8utt 8as|cs, and 8ed 8utt and 8eyond (14 m|nutes
__ Check when completeu
L|sten to the Modu|e 9 aud|o: Shame and Surrender (29 m|nutes)
__ Check when completeu

!"#$%&' )*#+*, -.% )+,/0 !%1*'203 4.5$% <8
1. Bo youi favoiite NE Bieath piactice anu incluue an exteinal piostate
massage. That is, while you'ie self-pleasuiing, touch youiself on the
peiineum, piessing just above the anus.
2. If that feels goou anu you'ie willing to go fuithei use a lubeu oi oileu
fingei to play with youi anus.
S. If /=*/ feels goou, exploie putting a fingei insiue of youi anus a knuckle oi
two. uo vERY slowly anu use plenty of lube. Remembei to ielax anu bieathe
as you exploie.
4. If /=*/ feels goou, use a toy to ieach youi piostate (most guys will have
tiouble comfoitably ieaching it with theii own fingeis), anu iub youi
piostate with the toy while you pleasuie youiself. Notice how the piostatic
stimulation changes the sexual expeiience foi you. Bo you get haiuei.
Softei. Ejaculate moie quickly. (Nost guys will.) If you haven't expeiienceu
an ejaculatoiy oigasm with piostatic stimulation, go aheau anu have one oi
two of them. Anu then continue to exploie how to use this new eneigy souice
to inciease youi multi-oigasmic pleasuie.
S. If you have a willing paitnei, set a time to give backyaiu healing sessions to
each othei.
now you know you're ready to move on to Modu|e 10
Backyaiu stimulation anu how it ielates to the piactices you've alieauy leaineu is
something you can spenu yeais exploiing. Enjoy! Anu feel fiee to move on to Nouule
1u the final mouule at any time.
Modu|e 10: Integrat|ng 1h|s rogram
Watch 1he Modu|e 10 v|deo: Ch| Generat|ng 8reath (7 m|nutes)
__Check when completeu
L|sten to the Modu|e 10 aud|o: kea| Wor|d Sex Lnergy Mastery (46 m|nutes)
__ Check when completeu
1. Spenu S minutes pei uay uoing the Chi ueneiating Bieath. Bow is it foi you
to move eneigy B0WN the bouy insteau of up.
2. Customize youi Nulti 0igasmic Lovei expeiience. Bow can you mix-anu-
match what you've leaineu to cieate a path to pleasuie that's unique to you.
Now's the time foi you to cieate youi own home-fun piactices.

!"#$%&' )*#+*, -.% )+,/0 !%1*'203 4.5$% <E
Where to go from here
__ view the "Eneigy Cock" Bonus viueo.
__ If you haven't alieauy joineu the Sexual Nasteiy Innei Ciicle foi mentoiing fiom
myself anu othei expeiienceu stuuents, you can uo so by senuing an email to
__ Retuin to any pievious mouules that you want to ieview.
__ Cieate youi own custom piactice scheuule to continue tiaining on youi own.
__ Enlist the help of a paitnei to suppoit you in moving eneigy in youi bouy.
__ Auvanceu gioup oi one-on-one tiaining with }im. uo to
C|os|ng Words
If you've completeu all the mouules anu you'ie still not wheie you want to be yet,
uon't woiiy. Sometimes all of this mateiial takes a little time to integiate. Lots of my
stuuents have come to the enu of the tiaining anu it took them a little longei befoie
in theii woius "All of my tiaining just came togethei!"
You'ie uoing something extiaoiuinaiy heie, so just keep going with what I've taught
you so fai anu soon enough you'll cioss ovei. The Sexual Nasteiy Innei Ciicle is a
gieat place to get suppoit on youi jouiney, so I hope to see you theie. Anu please
shaie with me youi success stoiies as well.
I'm iight heie on this jouiney with you!
All my best,

!"#$%&' )*#+*, -.% )+,/0 !%1*'203 4.5$% <G

7'*12- 83'36 '36 9:;6'3<,31 "'3-*'. I'm ueeply giateful to what I've leaineu
fiom Naigot Ananu anu hei vaiious books anu tiainings, anu iecommenu them
without ieseivation. http:www.skyuancingtantia.oig
='<: =2#3(-23. }ack's CB, Nale Nultiple 0igasm, intiouuceu me to the Key Sounu
that I've auapteu in my tiaining.
7'3-': >#,'. Founuei of the 0niveisal Bealing Tao, his books staiteu me on the
path to expeiiencing gieatei sexual pleasuie.
?'@,6 ?$,6'. 0napologetic anu contioveisial, Beiua's books anu woikshops
changeu foievei the sexual conveisation men coulu have.
85; >220$*A %#?. A ueai fiienu anu an expeiienceu, caiing clinical sexologist.
Contact hei foi in-peison oi Skype counseling sessions at:
7$*,'3' ?,3:2@' coaches inuiviuuals anu leaus woikshops on ielationship anu
sexuality inteinationally. Contact hei at (41S) 296-6124 oi

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