100 Interview Questions To Ask Teacher Applicants

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100 Interview Questions to Ask Teacher Applicants

Extract from the publication "Best Practices for School Human Resources Administrators," created by ACSA's Human Resources Council and a ailabe for sale no! from shopACSA" By James E. Ferguson 1. 2. !. ". &. ). *. -. /. What is your educational preparation? (Cite preparation in content area.) What are your professional e periences? What is the role of the teacher in the classroom? #o$ $ould you descri%e your last principal? What $as your fa'orite course in college( and $hy? What principles do you use to moti'ate students? +escri%e effecti'e teaching techni,ues that result in intended learning. What are your career goals fi'e years from no$? .en years? 0tate a %eha'ioral o%1ecti'e you taught in your last class.

12. What is the most e erting thing happening in the area of education today? 11. What is the most e citing thing happening today in your area of study? 12. What ha'e you found to %e the roughest aspect of discipline? 1!. +escri%e the physical appearance of your classroom. 1". +escri%e an ideal curriculum in your area of study. 1&. #o$ do you implement career education concepts in your classes? 1). #o$ do you indi'iduali3e learning in your classes? 1*. +efine current curriculum trends in your area. 1-. #o$ much time do you de'ote to the lecture approach? 1/. +escri%e independent study pro1ects your students ha'e completed. 22. 4f you could choose to teach any concept in your area( $hich $ould you select? Why? 21. What rules ha'e you esta%lished for your classroom? 22. #o$ ha'e you implemented in,uiry? 2!. 5f $hat use are %eha'ioral learning o%1ecti'es in the teaching6learning process? 2". #o$ do you structure your class to achie'e ma imum %enefit from teacher6student contact? 2&. +escri%e the format you use to de'elop a lesson. 2). What should schools do for students? 2*. 4s the teaching of content important? Why6$hy not? 2-. #o$ ha'e you emphasi3ed the de'elopment of %asic s7ills? 2/. #o$ do you handle the different a%ility le'els of students in classes? !2. #o$ do you account for the affecti'e domain in your teaching?

!1. #o$ $ould your students descri%e you? !2. 4n $hat professional organi3ations do you hold mem%ership? !!. #o$ $ould your colleagues descri%e you? !". Why did you choose the teaching profession? !&. #o$ ha'e you recently impro'ed your professional s7ills? !). What are your plans for future impro'ement of professional s7ills? !*. What is the toughest aspect of teaching today? !-. What is the role of home$or7? !/. What ha'e %een your most positi'e teaching e periences? "2. What ha'e %een your most negati'e teaching e periences? "1. #o$ ha'e you contri%uted to$ard the de'elopment of the total school program in your current position? "2. What acti'ities $ill you sponsor if you are hired for this position? "!. Could a student of lo$ academic a%ility recei'e a high grade in your classes? "". What is your system for e'aluating student $or7? "&. What $ould %e the ideal philosophy of a school for you? "). What is your philosophy of education? "*. Why is your field important for a student to study? "-. #o$ $ould you handle a student $ho is a consistent %eha'ioral pro%lem in your class? "/. #o$ $ould your last principal descri%e you? &2. What fi'e $ords $ould you use to descri%e yourself? &1. What is your position on teacher ad'isement programs? Beha'ior modification? .rac7ing? 0pecial education? 8alues clarification? 9ulti:test approach? &2. 4f you found nonstandard usage in student $riting or class discussion( ho$ $ould you respond to it? &!. 4n $hat areas do you feel you need impro'ement? &". #o$ $ould you handle a student sleeping in your class? &&. What $ould you do if a student has %een a%sent from your class for se'eral days? &). What pro'isions ha'e you made for the gifted? &*. What $ould a 'isitor in your class see? &-. #o$ ha'e you communicated student progress to parents? &/. What are your recreational acti'ities( ho%%ies( interests? )2. #o$ ha'e you stressed the de'elopment of cogniti'e s7ills $ithin your classes? )1. +efine a superior teacher. )2. What is your opinion of holding students after school for detention? )!. +o you li7e laughter in your classroom?

)". What units $ould you include in teaching ;name of course<? )&. #o$ do you assist in pre'enting the destruction of school property in your classroom? )). What is the role of the student $ithin your classroom? )*. +escri%e an assignment that you recently ga'e to your students. )-. Cite the criteria you $ould use to e'aluate a te t%oo7 for possi%le adoption. )/. What field trips ha'e you arranged for your classes during this past year? *2. #a'e you super'ised student teachers( interns( or practicum students? Why6Why not? *1. 0hould se education %e included in the curriculum? Why6Why not? *2. =re you $ell organi3ed? *!. +escri%e a lesson plan that you ha'e de'eloped. What $ere the o%1ecti'es( the format of the lesson( and ho$ did you e'aluate $hether or not the o%1ecti'es $ere achie'ed? *". = student tells you he6she has %een e perimenting $ith mari1uana. What $ould you do? *&. 0hould schools practice corporal punishment? Why6Why not? *). >i'e an e ample of directions you ha'e gi'en for class or home$or7. **. What are your practices in dealing $ith contro'ersial su%1ects? *-. #o$ ha'e your classes made use of the li%rary during the last nine $ee7s? */. What should your students ha'e gained from ha'ing ta7en your course? -2. What are your strong points? -1. What curricular materials ha'e you de'eloped? -2. #o$ $ould you change the pu%lic schools if you could ma7e any changes ?5@ $ished? -!. What is your position on competency:%ased instruction? -". What do you li7e most a%out %eing a teacher? -&. Which aspects of teaching do you li7e least? -). +o you li7e to ha'e people li7e you? -*. What time management principles do you follo$? --. #o$ do you cope $ith stress? -/. What moti'ates you? /2. Why do you $ant to lea'e your present position? /1. #o$ ha'e you in'ol'ed parents in the leaning process? /2. +escri%e your last $or7day. /!. 4f you could( $hat $ould you change a%out your present position? /". Aame the titles of the last three %oo7s that you ha'e read. /&. #o$ many days of $or7 ha'e you missed in the last three years? /). What t$o or three %oo7s( concepts or e periences ha'e influenced you the most in your professional de'elopment? /*. Can a school %e too student:oriented? E plain.

/-. Why should you %e hired? //. What ,uestions ha'e 4 not as7ed that you $ish 4 $ould ha'e raised? 122. 4f you are selected for this position( $hat can $e do to help you %e successful?

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