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Israel honors those members whose outstanding leadership, dedication and support have enhanced our shul. This year, we again are bestowing four awards on our chosen members, reflecting their contributions at different nd th life stages. Join us in the shul ballroom on March 2 2 !", as we honor these individuals and our shul in its !2" ama#ing year$ Iddo and Batya W !n"#$% G& 't' o( Hono!% Iddo and %atya have been valuable members of our shul since being married at Tifereth ten years ago. &epresenting a steady sense of continuity between the shul's younger membership and those more senior, the (ernic)s' large family encapsulates this diversity in microcosm and their warm style endears them to all. Iddo is a steadfast participant in the %eis Medrash and offers a dynamic *af +omi shiur that is a magnet for younger participants. %atya's fresh ideas help invigorate many a shul event and her participation truly livens up the atmosphere. Ra))" Jonathan and Chaya *!"+'$y% S !,"# A-a!d% ,ongtime members of the shul, Jonathan and Chaya continue their strong relationship to Tifereth Israel even though they have moved outside of -habbos.morning wal)ing distance to the shul. This bond is typical of so many who have started their so/ourn in 0assaic near the shul, moved to accommodations in the larger 0assaic.Clifton area, but still maintain the strong )esher to the shul and its values. Jonathan is an active 1abbai, maggid shiur and regular in the shul's %eis Medrash as well as serving as an editor and organi#er on Ittim ,aTorah, the shul's new wee)ly /ournal of Torah thought and halacha. Chaya is a presence at the shul events and is a reliable contributor to the shul meal drives. A!" and D ,o!ah Sho! % Yo&n. L ad !'h"/% -ince moving to 0assaic and /oining the shul, 2ri and *evorah have made their mar) and represent the vanguard of future leadership in our shul. 2ri, already in his sophomore year on the shul board, is a constant study in motion$ organi#ing a bloc)buster seforim sale event3 wor)ing on the shul's )itchen committee day in and day out ensuring the shul's constant catering needs are met and constantly ta)ing the initiative to ma)e our shul more accommodating for everyone. *evorah's caring nature is e4emplified by her for organi#ation of meals for anyone in need. Yon" Sh !% A,oda' Ha$od 'h% 2 senior at +eshiva 5niversity's Marsha -tern Talmudical 2cademy and soon to embar) on his year of study in Israel, +oni has been a fi4ture by his father's side since he was a young boy. 2n uncredited fifth gabbai, +oni can always be found caring for the needs of the shul, including preparing the sifrei torah for +om Tov, switching the paroches, leading youth groups and staffing tables during shul events. Tifereth has provided +oni with numerous opportunities to contribute in a meaningful way and +oni has always risen to the occasion. (ith this award the shul is able to offer a to)en of gratitude for all he has done. ABOUT CONGREGATION TIFERETH ISRAEL OF 0ASSAIC1 NEW JERSEY ,ed by the dynamic &abbi 2aron Cohen, musmach of +eshiva 5niversity and lecturer at -tern College for (omen, Congregation Tifereth Israel of 0assaic is an 65 member synagogue, 7C-+ affiliate and recipient of the 65's 2 8 7ational 9ehillat :a9odesh;-hul th of the +ear 2ward. <ounded in !=> and now in its !2" year, Tifereth Israel is one of the oldest continuously operating orthodo4 congregations in 2merica and continues to provide important services to the growing 0assaic;Clifton community$ 2 first shul for many young couples who move to 0assaic and reside in nearby apartments and condominiums. 2 welcoming environment for young families with small children. Meaningful, /oyful events for participants of all ages. -hiurim, lectures and programming for all bac)grounds, abilities and interests. *igital library and online shiurim available to all. -trong involvement in the greater 0assaic;Clifton community. CONTACT INFOR2ATION 6ffice$ ?>@AB @@A.2CC2 or (ebsite$ http$;;; 6nline dinner invitation and ad blan)$ http$;;;dinner 0ayments;donations$ http$;;;donate.html 6nline lectures$ http$;;; 0ress release contact$


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