The Ambassador Lecturer Program

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The Ambassador Lecturer Program

The Ambassador Lecturer Program (ALP) is designed for SPE Young Professionals to share their career development in the industry with students at secondary schools and universities. We encourage all SPE sections to participate in the program. Due to an annual turnover of students, it is recommended that sections organize annual ALP visits to the different schools and universities in their region.
There are two ways that an AL visit can be initiated: 1. By request from a school or university, regardless of whether there is an established SPE chapter 2. Arranged by a section Each section can have multiple YPs to carry out the visits. This way, a section can make many visits in the year without having a great impact on any one lecturers free time.

Ambassador Lecturers must

Be SPE members (age 35 or under) who participate in Young Professional activities through their SPE section Have experience making presentations either within their company or through other activities Local travel, if required, may be reimbursed by SPE up to a value of 100 USD per visit. Learn more about ALP expenses policy.

YP: Become an Ambassador Lecturer

1. Speak to Sections YP Chair or YP Liaison Officer, or your Section Chair if there is no YP committee in your section and

Ask if there are any pending visit requests from universities or schools, or Contact any universities or schools covered by your section and ask them if they would like an ALP visit. If selected as a lecturer:

1. Create a 30-45 minute presentation using slide templates prepared by the YP Coordinating Committee. 2. Give the presentation as arranged with the school or university. 3. Complete the ALP Lecturer feedback surveywithin one week of the lecture. This survey will only take five minutes to complete 4. Submit expense forms and visit information to SPE within one month of the lecture.

Section: Arrange a Visit

1. Identify YP Lecturers by emailing all YP members in your section to see who is interested in volunteering or to request that a YP member make an ALP visit.

2. Assign and introduce YP Lecturers to schools or universities. Identify potential schools or universities to visit by searching the Chapter listor Petroleum Engineering and Technology Schools list. 3. Train lecturers how to conduct visits. We encourage section and chapter officers to liaise directly with each other when organising a visit in order to establish a good working relationship. If you are a section officer who would like to be trained to administer the AL program in your area, contact

Once a lecture has been completed, we require that the lecturer or the section send the following information so that we can track the number of visits each section makes annually.

Lecturer details (name, email address, SPE membership number) Name of school/university visited City where school/university is located Date of visit Providing this information ensures you will receive a thank you gift at the end of each year, and your section may be eligible to receive a plaque for the most number of visits over a 12-month period.

The purpose of the program is to

get university students excited about being part of the energy industry provide a glimpse into career opportunities and cutting-edge technologies highlight the benefits of being an SPE member Feedback from students has been very positive as they gain valuable career guidance and insight into the industry.

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