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ATDV 200 No Room at The Inn Poverty and Homelessness in America

July 9, 2012 to July 27, 2012 9AM to 4pm

An Interdisciplinary examination of the poverty and homelessness in America using problem based service learning. This course partners with Interfaith Partnership for the Homeless.

At the end of this course, you will be able to identify the various forms of poverty describe the conditions of poverty and homelessness in America understand the history of poverty and homelessness in America recognize the systemic roots of poverty use this knowledge to create an educational platform for poverty and homelessness


Required Background To successfully complete this course, you must
complete the required readings complete the required assignments to be the best of your ability reflect on your own background and life experiences be open and respectful to new and challenging ideas

Required Materials To successfully complete this course, you will need

The Working Poor: Invisible in America by David Shipler The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros Notebook Pen or pencils Additional print resources will be distributed as needed

Assignments Each day we will be begin with a free write assignment Each day we will examine a current event news story that touches upon issues of poverty and homelessness One PowerPoint presentation One letter to the editor regarding issues of poverty and homelessness One five-page paper (typed, double spaced) pertaining to some aspect of poverty and homelessness.

Week of July 9th to July 13th Monday July 9th
Morning Session Campus Tour Bookstore Visit Ice Breakers Syllabus review Introductory writing Note taking review Afternoon session What is poverty? PowerPoint project What do I think poverty is? What do I think causes poverty? Reading for Tuesday Working Poor Chapter 1 Record notes in dialectical notebook Start reading House on Mango Street Morning Session What is poverty? (Review) What is the history of poverty in America? Discussion of chapter one Examining House on Mango Street Afternoon Session Internet Project What is Interfaith Partnership for the Homeless? Examine the mission, practices of the group Reading for Wednesday Working Poor: Chapter two and three Record notes in dialectical notebook Continue reading House on Mango Street Morning Session Talking about service. Field Trip to Interfaith Partnership for Homeless Afternoon Session After return. End 2pm to 2:30pm Readings for Thursday Working Poor Chapter four and five Record notes Morning Session The Where of poverty? Rural v. Urban

Tuesday July 10th

Wednesday July 11th

Thursday July 12th

Friday July 13th

Afternoon Session Contrasting and Comparing Rural versus Urban poverty Presenting the contrasts and the similarities. Reading for Friday Working Poor Chapter Six and Seven Record Notes Morning Session ONLY! Who are the poor? Who are the homeless?

July 16th July 20th Goals Finish Content Exploration and focus on content creation! July 16th
Morning Session Why does poverty exist? What are the roots of poverty? Afternoon session What ways can we battle poverty? th Reading for Tuesday July 17 Working Poor Chapter eight and nine Record Notes Morning session How can we educate people about poverty and homelessness? How can we design a campaign? What materials or products would be useful in establishing this curriculum? What makes for an effective product? Afternoon session What form should the campaign take for young people? No Friday afternoon session Sessions Exploring the many aspects of poverty. What topics are there to choose from? How can you narrow the topics? Outlining information

July 17th

July 18th to July 20th

July 23rd to July 27th Goals: Complete Papers, Presentation and Curriculum
We will be more flexible this week with the class structure. Our goals will be to produce quality products to be use by Interfaith Partnership in local schools. More details will emerge in the first and second week of class. Field Trip to work at St. Johns/St. Anns Outreach Center to serve at Welcome th Table on July 24 .


General Rules: 1. I reserve the right to make necessary changes to the syllabus. I will give as much advance notice as possible. 2. Our room assignment may change. I will let you know as soon as I am aware. Grading Policies: 1. The grade that you earn is based on the following criteria a. Participation 40% b. Paper -50% c. Presentations and project materials 10% You will receive a letter grade (A through F)


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