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The following is a sample qualified written request from you, the borrower, to a lender.

Use this format toaddress complaints under the Real Estate Settlement ProceduresAct RESPA!. Attention Customer Service: Subject: Your loan number Your Name Your Address Your City, State, Zip Code This is a "quali ied !ritten request" under Section " o the #eal $state Settlement %rocedures Act &#$S%A'( ) am !ritin* because: +escribe the issue or the question you have and,or !hat action you believe the lender should ta-e( Attach copies o any related !ritten materials( +escribe any conversations !ith customer service re*ardin* the issue and to !hom you spo-e( +escribe any previous steps you have ta-en or attempts to resolve the issue( .ist a day time telephone number in case a customer service representative !ishes to contact you( ) understand that under Section " o #$S%A you are required to ac-no!led*e my request !ithin /0 business days and must try to resolve the issue !ithin "0 business days( Sincerely, Your name

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